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Home Explore 171006 Parkside School Masterplan Expression of Interest Design Engine

171006 Parkside School Masterplan Expression of Interest Design Engine

Published by it, 2017-10-06 11:37:16

Description: 171006, Parkside School Masterplan, Expression of Interest, Design Engine


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LA MARE DE CARTERET SCHOOLS The Pond - Strategy The Pond Strategy sets out the following key ecological enhancements following the completion of the school development as set out in baseline pond survey report produced by Thomson Ecology in 2015; 1) Tree and Shrub Removal around the perimeter of the pond margin to Establish buffer zone reduce shading; Reinstate marginal 2) The retention of Phragmites reedbed in the east of the pond and habitats and extend removal in other areas to increase open water; marginal zones 3) The active maintenance of the douit canal channel south of the pond; 4) The installation of ecological drawdown zones in suitable locations around the pond to maximise ecological diversity; 5) Creation of marginal zones by planting and use of coir mats to create ecological diversity; and 6) Maintenance of areas of low ground cover shrub to provide a terrestrial buffer habitat. The ecological enhancements which have been recommended by Access along pond edge for Thomson Ecology and that are outlined on the Pond Strategy diagram education and maintenance have been designed to ensure that following the completion of the project the pond is ecologically rich in terms fauna and floral diversity Clear overshadowing and becomes a key education tool for the school which adheres with the scrub growth planning policy and legislation in Guernsey and the UK. Reduce / Remove reeds The pond strategy adheres to the following planning policy and legislation in Guernsey: o The Landscape, Ecology and Wildlife Policy RGEN3 of the Rural Area Plan (RAP); o Policy SLP27 of the Strategic Land Use Plan (2011); and o Policy SLP27 of the Strategic Land Use Plan (2011). For a detailed discussion of the baseline conditions of the pond in 2015 and our recommendations for the ecological enhancement of the pond post development please refer to the Thomson Ecology 2015 report. This is included in the latest EIA document. Extract Thomson Ecology Pond Strategy 26.01.16 186-R-015_00 DESIGN AND ACCESS REPORT - SECTION 3 - LANDSCAPE DESIGN - 3.3 DETAIL AREA PROPOSALS Construction process for works adjacent to the pond. Any potential for contractors temporary filling is to be under the guidance of the engineer and the Pond ecology specialist. The Pond ecologist advice, if filling for a contractors platform is required, as follows: Adequate water pollution prevention controls are required to be in place. The pond should retain water with the fill as a temporary dam which would be removed after construction. All appropriate consents and licences to be obtained. Page 37Extract from Environmental Impact assessment relating to the existing pond DESIGN ENGINE ARCHITECTS | 49


Experience and examples of Master Planning within Schools within the last 3 years DESIGN ENGINE ARCHITECTS | 51

EXPERIENCE OF WORKING WITH INDEPENDENT SCHOOLS Twyford School MasterplanPROJECT DETAILS PROJECT SUMMARYClient Twyford School Twyford School are a renowned co-educating not-for-profit preparatory school forProject Masterplan boys and girls aged 3-13, situated on a limited site on the outskirts of Winchester.Location Winchester, Hampshire The site is in a conservation area and several of the historic buildings are listed.Construction value 12millionFloor area TBC Design Engine were commissioned following a rigorous competition process toContract form TBC create a long-term vision and project-specific strategy for their site. Immediate needsAppointed 2016 include a better 80-bed boarding facility and improved pre-preparatory school.Completed CurrentClient contact Charles Gillow Of particular focus is the need to resolve a very difficult traffic management issue,Services provided by DEA which currently brings significant functional and health and safety issues to the site.Architecture, Masterplanning ,Landscape design As with all projects we have worked very hard with the school’s Senior Management Team to establish a robust masterplan into which feed a series of localised development strategies, intended to overcome the difficult traffic issues and facilitate the phased delivery of specific projects, whilst maintaining uninterrupted operation of the school. The delivery of the various building projects requires a phased approach carefully arranged around the school calendar. The masterplan is currently in Pre-Application with the Local Authority pending a full planning application being submitted in early 2018. DESIGN ENGINE ARCHITECTS | 52

Overview of the completed masterplan DESIGN ENGINE ARCHITECTS | 53

View from the south west - all phases completed Plan diagram showing connections to the Queen Anne original house DESIGN ENGINE ARCHITECTS | 54

8 B O 12 U 14 R N 6 E L A N E (14) 9 19 12 R O AD H I L L / WINCHESTER SE RLES BO UR N E LANENew entrance to school through walledgarden. S T REET HI GH ROAD HA Z E L EY Site plan of competed masterplan DESIGN ENGINE ARCHITECTS | 55

EXPERIENCE OF WORKING WITH INDEPENDENT SCHOOLS Downe House School MasterplanPROJECT DETAILS PROJECT SUMMARYClient Downe House School Downe House School is an independent girls school for ages 11-18. The site Upon completion of the Master Plan Design Engine were then appointed toProject Masterplan includes boarding provision. undertake the design and delivery of the new Learning Centre. This project isLocation Newbury, Berkshire currently on site and is due for completion in July 2018.Construction value £TBC The masterplan component of our commission was essential in establishing how theFloor area TBC wider campus should be developed in order that a new Learning Centre could beContract form TBC accommodated in the preferred central location identified. Additional futureAppointed 2015 development opportunities were also explored.Completed 2016Client contact Alasdair Heath In addition to ensuring that the building functioned well with the topography of theServices provided by DEA site and with the adjacent buildings, there was a need to review the wider vehicularMaster Planning movement strategy. Key was the reorientation of the main access road into the site having identified that if it remained, it would blight the potential envisaged building to become a focal point for the school. By redirecting the vehicular traffic flow closer to the main entrance into the site the building could enjoy a new vehicle-free forecourt and enable servicing of several buildings to be made less visible and impactful. A close study of the pedestrian movements around the site helped to inform the most appropriate location for entrances to the building. DESIGN ENGINE ARCHITECTS | 56

v Site strategy diagram DESIGN ENGINE ARCHITECTS | 57Social space and cafeThe masterplan site layout

EXPERIENCE OF WORKING WITH INDEPENDENT SCHOOLS Prince’s Mead School MasterplanPROJECT DETAILS PROJECT SUMMARYClient Prince’s Mead School Prince’s Mead School is a co-ducational independent school teaching 4-11 year olds the traffic, displacement of existing car parking locations and the reasons behind theProject Masterplan and is located within the South Downs National Park. The main school building location of new buildings.Location Winchester, Hampshire called Worthy Park House is a Grade II listed former residence designed by SirConstruction value £TBC Robert Smirke (1780-1867). The masterplan also demonstrated that the site could realistically take no furtherFloor area TBC development beyond what was presented and this proved to reassure all externalContract form TBC Design Engine were appointed following a short competition to design a new stakeholders, including neighbours that the intention of the school was to fix itsAppointed 2015 kitchen/ dining facility, and three teaching rooms and a new performance space. future growth at numbers that were sustainable for the future financial security of theCompleted 2017 school, with a self-imposed cap on any significant future development of the site.Client contact Richard White Through the process of design we recognised that there were very few locations onServices provided by DEA this sensitive site which would be suitable. Views onto the site were particularly The project has been recommended for approval by Winchester City Council andMaster Planning / Architecture and sensitive and the design and proximity of a new building next to Worthy House has received the full backing of Historic England and the South Downs NationalInteriors needed particular care. In addition there were many external issues relating to traffic Parks Authority. and parking. When combined, it became apparent that all of these issues were sufficiently interconnected to merit the creation of a detailed masterplan focussing on car and minibus car parking options and flow, soft landscaping strategy, buildings locations and phasing. The resulting document proved invaluable when we became involved in extensive consultation with Historic England and Winchester City council’s Conservation and Planning Officers, since it offered answers to their many concerns about impact of DESIGN ENGINE ARCHITECTS | 58

The masterplan site layout DESIGN ENGINE ARCHITECTS | 59

EXPERIENCE OF WORKING WITH INDEPENDENT SCHOOLS Charterhouse School MasterplanPROJECT DETAILS PROJECT SUMMARYClient Charterhouse School Charterhouse is distinguished as a ‘campus’ School; but one currently blighted by vehicles and parking. Our brief was to create a pedestrian friendly campus, whereProject Masterplan way-finding is clear, parking areas are concealed, and site management is discreet.Location Godalming, Surrey A new landscape zone is described around the original nineteenth century buildings, within which cars are excluded (with the exception of emergencyConstruction value N/A vehicles).Floor area N/A This move returns the School to the safe collegiate atmosphere intended with the move from London in 1872, and gives back dignity to the splendid buildings andContract form Design & Build landscape where the Founder’s Tree can once again take centre stage.Completed N/A The masterplan document produced for the school described a long-term vision for the campus. Some projects have now been completed (Dining Hall and FletcheritesClient contact Emma Humphreys boarding house); some are in design (Queens Sports Centre); some are on site (Science and mathematics); some are longer-term propositions. All came aboutServices provided by DEA through an ongoing dialogue leading towards a balanced strategy on futureArchitecture, Interior Design, Lead curriculum, planning and funding.Designer, Contract Administration,Specification Writer DESIGN ENGINE ARCHITECTS | 20

Masterplan site plan DESIGN ENGINE ARCHITECTS | 21

EXPERIENCE OF WORKING WITH INDEPENDENT SCHOOLS Winchester College Southern Campus MasterplanPROJECT DETAILS PROJECT SUMMARYClient Winchester College Winchester College’s current indoor sports centre located on its Southern Campus dates from the 1960’s and is no longer capable of supporting the range or quality ofProject Southern Campus spaces required to deliver the College’s sporting programme.Masterplan & Capital Projects The College launched an invited competition to masterplan the whole of theLocation Winchester, Hampshire Southern Campus which Design Engine won in 2015. The task was to not only to create a phased development strategy for a new sports facility to ensure that existingConstruction value £35 million sports facilities could continue during replacement works, but also to address aTBC number of other capital project requirements within a single holistic masterplan solution.Floor area 10,500 sqm This included a new sanatorium, design and technology centre, support servicesContract form Traditional building, works department and masters houses. The site is in a Conservation Area and is a particularly sensitive part of Winchester, given the proximity of the ItchenAppointed 2015 Valley, so a key consideration has been the physical impact of the large-volume buildings such as the sports hall, whilst ensuring that architecturally the buildings areCompleted August 2019 sensitive to their remaining neighbours.Client contact Simeon Cox The planning application for this major project is to be submitted in December 2016.Services provided by DEAArchitecture, Masterplannig,Interior Design, CA DESIGN ENGINE ARCHITECTS | 22

View from Kingsgate park Staff residences on Kingsgate RoadThe new sanatorium DESIGN ENGINE ARCHITECTS | 23

Illustration of the Southern Campus showing connections to the historic school and city DESIGN ENGINE ARCHITECTS | 24

Site models prepared for school and public consultations DESIGN ENGINE ARCHITECTS | 25

171006 Parkside School Masterplan Expression of Interest Design Engine

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