YOUR PROJECT CHATHAMC STREET QUEEN STREETThe scaling of this drawing cannot be assured BROOK Phased Parking Strategy L BROOK ELDON H ARD S Revision Date Drn Ckd Car THE - - -- Parks ELDON CLaErGEND STR EET E Path STR EET OR PaPthO A Go Outdoors ST ParksB Home Furniture C Multi Storey Car Park HL HL S L IC K E T T S B CPO 1 BS L IC K E T T S 1 C H ARD S 2 C AR PEAUX TOWN A2 C AR PEAUX TO L L A WAY C WAY C H IG HK PW HK IG H ST O PLANNING O ST Car PksO UPBURY Project O UPBURY Survey Map with the permission of the Controller of HMSO. Crown Copyright Reserved. Licence No 100019279. Cross Street, Chatham BR ROAD BR L H IG H STREET L H IG H STREET Drawing Title TH E 6m TR E E T 6m IO N P Site Components Plan A2 HILLSIDE TH E IO N P WHITTAKER ST ST INSTITUWHITTTEAKER ST Date ST Scale Drawn by Check by A2 28.06.19 1:1250 WL ST Project No Drawing No Revision 30186 A-P10-002 - N N U U Car DRAFT PksPlanning ● Master Planning & Urban Design ● Architecture ● N Landscape Planning & Design ● Environmental Planning ● Graphic Communication ● Public Engagement ● Development Economics IN 10 30 50m 10 0 20 0 20 40 J:\\30000 - 30999\\30100 - 30199\\30186 - Cross Street, Chatham\\A4 - Drawings & Registers\\Architecture\\Feasibility - Planning\\AutoCAD\\30186 - Cros Certificate FS 29637 J:\\30000 - 30999\\30100 - 30199\\30186 - Cross Street, Chatham\\A4 - Drawings & Registers\\Architecture\\RFeeaspibriloityd-uPclaenndingf\\rAoutmoCAtDh\\3e01O86r-dCnroassnSctreeetSCuhartvhaemy.dwMga- pA-Pw10i-t0h02t-hSeite pCoemrpmoniesnstsioPlnan of the Controller of GHOlfaMfsicgeSoswOatL.eBeiCrdmsrionLogwnhdanomnBCMriaosntpoclhyCersatmiegrbhrNidetgweRcaCesatsrledeifRfreEvabdebindsgfl.eSeoLtuiEtcdheianmbnupcrtgoenh No 100019279. Chatham Lightstone + Barton Willmore
YOUR PROJECT Developed Parking Options Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 1 Phase 2 (connected to Phase 1 or stand alone) Phase 1 125 cars per level (2 levels) Phase 1 103 cars per level (2 levels) Phase 2 98 cars per level (2 levels) Phase 2 113 cars per level (2 levels) Total (approx) 446 (2 levels) Total (approx) 432 (2 levels) 544 (2 levels Phase 1, 3 levels Phase 2) 545 (2 levels Phase1, 3 levels Phase 2) Chatham Lightstone + Barton Willmore
YOUR PROJECT Overview: Residential, Commercial, Parking, Gardens Chatham Lightstone + Barton Willmore
CHATHAMCYOURPROJECT Phased Commercial Edge QUEEN STREET STREET BROOK BROOK The scaling of this drawing cannot be assured THE Revision Date Drn Ckd - - -- ELDON ELDON Car CLaErGEND Parks OR Path ST A Go Outdoors ParksB Home Furniture STR EET L C Multi Storey Car Park STR EET E BPO S L IC K E T T S H L PaPthO BS L IC K E T T S H L C H ARD S C H ARD S A C A R P E A U X C L TOWN WAY A CAR WAY PEAUX C TO L K H IG H PW H K IG H ST O PLANNING O ST O UPBURY Project O UPBURY Cross Street, Chatham R ROAD R B H IG H STREET B H IG H STREET L L 6m Drawing Title 6m TR E E T Site Components Plan E A2 HILLSIDE E P P H H N N ST Date ST Scale Drawn by Check by T 28.06.19 1:1250 WL ST A2 IO Project No Drawing No Revision 30186 A-P10-002 - WHITTAKER ST INSTITUWHITTTEAKER ST T IO N N U Car U Car DRAFT Pks PksPlanning ● Master Planning & Urban Design ● Architecture ● N Landscape Planning & Design ● Environmental Planning ● Graphic Communication ● Public Engagement ● Development Economics Commercial Edge Fragmented Buffer10 30 50m IN 10 0 20 Survey Map with the permission of the Controller of HMSO. Crown Copyright Reserved. Licence No 100019279. 0 20 40 J:\\30000 - 30999\\30100 - 30199\\30186 - Cross Street, Chatham\\A4 - Drawings & Registers\\Architecture\\Feasibility - Planning\\AutoCAD\\30186 - Cross Certificate FS 29637 J:\\30000 - 30999\\30100 - 30199\\30186 - Cross Street, Chatham\\A4 - Drawings & Registers\\Architecture\\RFeeaspibriloityd-uPclaenndingf\\rAoutmoCAtDh\\3e01O86r-dCnroassnSctreeetSCuhartvhaemy.dwMga- pA-Pw10i-t0h02t-hSeite pCoemrpmoniesnstsioPlnan of the Controller of GHOlfaMfsicgeSoswOatL.eBeiCrdmsrionLogwnhdanomnBCMriaosntpoclhyCersatmiegrbhrNidetgweRcaCesatsrledeifRfreEvabdebindsgfl.eSeoLtuiEtcdheianmbnupcrtgoenh No 100019279. Chatham Lightstone + Barton Willmore
STREETYOUR PROJECT CHATHAM BROOK The scaling of this drawing cannot be assured Ingredients of the Scheme ELDON Revision Date Drn Ckd Car - - -- Parks Path LEGEND STR EET A Go Outdoors B Home Furniture C Multi Storey Car Park BPO S L IC K E T T S H L Path C H ARD S A WAY C AR PEAUX TOWN CL K H IG H ST O PLANNING O UPBURY Project R ROAD Cross Street, Chatham B H IG H STREET Drawing Title L 6m Site Components Plan E HILLSIDE P ST H Date Scale Drawn by Check by N 28.06.19 1:1250 WL ST WHITTAKER ST T A2 Project No Drawing No Revision IO 30186 A-P10-002 - N U Car INSTITUTE Pks N DRAFT Layered Uses 10 30 50m Planning ● Master Planning & Urban Design ● Architecture ● 0 20 40 Landscape Planning & Design ● Environmental Planning ● Graphic Survey Map with the permission of the Controller of HMSO. Crown Copyright Reserved. Licence No 100019279. J:\\30000 - 30999\\30100 - 30199\\30186 - Cross Street, Chatham\\A4 - Drawings & Registers\\Architecture\\Feasibility - Planning\\AutoCAD\\30186 - Cross Street Chatham.dwg - A-P10-002 - Site Components Plan Communication ● Public Engagement ● Development Economics Certificate FS 29637 Offices at Birmingham Bristol Cambridge Cardiff Ebbsfleet Edinburgh Glasgow Leeds London Manchester Newcastle Reading Southampton Chatham Lightstone + Barton Willmore
YOUR PROJECT Visual Green Links Chatham Lightstone + Barton Willmore
YOUR PROJECT Physical Green Links Chatham Lightstone + Barton Willmore
YOUR PROJECT Removing the Barrier Chatham Lightstone + Barton Willmore
YOUR PROJECT Opening Up the Green Chatham Lightstone + Barton Willmore
YOUR PROJECT Activating Frontages, Buffer to Road Chatham Lightstone + Barton Willmore
YOUR PROJECT High Street Links Chatham Lightstone + Barton Willmore
YOUR PROJECT New Green Setting Chatham Lightstone + Barton Willmore
YOUR PROJECT Public Realm and Private Gardens Chatham Lightstone + Barton Willmore
YOUR PROJECT New Landmark, New Community Chatham Lightstone + Barton Willmore
YOUR PROJECT Phase 1 Integrity Chatham Lightstone + Barton Willmore
YOUR PROJECT Project Data Phase 1 Phase 2 Total C A Commercial GIA 585m2 2,200m2 2780m2 (6,300sqft) (23,700 sqft) (30,000 sqft) Residential GIA 5,700m2 11,300m2 17,000m2 (61,350 sqft) (121,650 sqft) (183,000 sqft) Parking Nos 206-250 196-295 402-545 * Residential Unit Nos 125 250 375 NOTE : All data is approximate at competition stage with minimal site information * Dependent on scheme requirement in terms of town centre parking Chatham Lightstone + Barton Willmore