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Home Explore Gray and Blue Simple Modern Project Outline

Gray and Blue Simple Modern Project Outline

Published by Levi Bergsma, 2018-08-16 14:31:51

Description: Gray and Blue Simple Modern Project Outline


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ARCH31618 JANUARY 201820 STINGRAY The proposed idea is to replaceCOURT the old existing library with a bedroom on the main floor. As This Single family home, built in the well as a en-suite adjacent to theearly 2000's is home to a lovely bedroom. The second proposedfamily of 7. Ohi Izirein is a idea is to covert the old Kitchen,coordinator for the city of Caleden, Dining, & Family room into openand Abigail Izirein a mother of 4 concept. The proposed acts as asons.  functional and aesthetic Some of the concerns the owner improvement to the home.address was that the main floor was to crowded and their family is Over the term of the semester. Igrowing, in the aspect of there was able to meet the clientschildren getting older and new needs.  born's moving in. Space is becominga challenge. Meanwhile thebasement was not being usedenough in the home and the ownersubjected turning half the floor areainto rent able tenant space. 

ARCH 31618 JANUARY 2018EXSITING PLAN PULL STRATEGIESDemolition & Construction contests, promos, PUSH online marketing, STRATEGIES telemarketing, word of mouth, referral Free samples or trials, discounts, resellers, programs. company showrooms, open house events

ARCH31618 JANUARY 2018EXISTING & PROPOSED PLANMain Floor Plan PUSH PULL STRATEGIES STRATEGIESFree samples or trials, discounts, resellers, ontests, promos, online marketing,company showrooms, telemarketing, word open house events of mouth, referral programs.

ARCH31618 JANUARY 2018EXISTING & PROPOSED PLANBasement Floor Plan PUSH PULL STRATEGIES STRATEGIESFree samples or trials, discounts, resellers, ontests, promos, online marketing,company showrooms, telemarketing, word open house events of mouth, referral programs.

ARCH31618 JANUARY 2018ELEVATIONS PUSH PULL STRATEGIES STRATEGIESFree samples or trials, discounts, resellers,company showrooms, open house events

ARCH31618 JANUARY 2018RENDERS PULL STRATEGIESMain Floor Plan ontests, promos, PUSH online marketing, STRATEGIES telemarketing, word of mouth, referral Free samples or trials, discounts, resellers, programs. company showrooms, open house events

PROJECT OUTLINE JANUARY 2018 EXISTING 940.75 x 100 = $94,075 OPEN CONCEPT 72.00 x 75 = $5400 EN-SUITE 119.88 x 75= $8,991 GUEST BEDROOM  1242.12 x 75  = $93,159 BASEMENT NEW `166.63 x 300 = $49,989 SUNROOM $ 251,614

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