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NHC_Sep_2019 single pages

Published by dave.leon, 2019-08-30 08:56:50

Description: NHC_Sep_2019 single pages


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NANUET HEBREW CENTER AFFILIATED WITH THE UNITED SYNAGOGUE OF CONSERVATIVE JUDAISM 411 S. LITTLE TOR ROAD, NEW CITY, NY 10956 (845) 708-9181 Visit us at: E-mail address: [email protected] September 2019 Elul 5779 — Tishrei 5780 Volume 49, Number 1 May You Be Inscribed for a Good Year !!! ‫לשנה טובה תכתבו‬ The Sounding of the Shofar on Rosh Hashanah, illustration circa 1733–1739 by Bernard Picart from \"The Ceremonies and Religious Customs of the Various Nations of the Known World\" The commandment to sound the shofar (ram’s horn) is found in Leviticus (23:24): “In the seventh month, on the first day of the month, you shall observe complete rest, a sacred occasion commemorated with loud blasts”, and in Numbers(29:1): “You shall observe it as a day when the horn is sounded”. Aside from cessation of work and the bringing of specific sacrifices, this is the only biblical commandment connected with Rosh Hashanah. Some scholars have suggested that the making of loud noises on the New Year (a common practice even in the modem world) was originally connected with an attempt to frighten demons away so that the forces of good would triumph and the New Year would be a happy one. (Continued on page 10)

Nanuet Hebrew Center Please let the NHC office know of all important life events & occasions, including births, weddings, etc., illness and deaths. Published monthly by the Nanuet Hebrew Center [email protected] CLERGY Office: 845-708-9181 Paul Kurland Rabbi SERVICES 845-623-0407 [email protected] Cantor Barry Kanarek SHABBAT [email protected] Gail Kaiser EXECUTIVE BOARD Co-President Friday evening Shabbat services at 6:00 p.m. The 1st Friday of each month is Family Shabbat Jeffrey Schragenheim Co-President Saturday morning services at 9:30 a.m. David Katz Vice President Please call the office the Wednesday before Andrew Toplitsky Vice President Shabbat if you would like an aliyah on Saturday Nathan Schlanger Treasurer MINYAN Jeffrey Tepper Financial Sec'y Sunday thru Thursday evening at 7:30 p.m. NOTE: Shivah Minyan begins at 7:45 p.m. Charyl Zweigbaum Corresponding Sec’y Sunday morning—Sept. to May at 9:00 a.m. Jay Jaffe ARMS Recording Sec’y There is no Sunday morning Minyan at NHC Michael Morenberg Ritual Comm. Co-Chair during the summer months. Please try to attend minyan as often as possible to Josh Turnof Ritual Comm. Co-Chair enable mourners and those who are observing John Fogelman Ritual Co-Chair Emeritus yahrzeits to say Kaddish. Mitchell Spiegel Men’s Club Co-President Eric Zweigbaum Men’s Club Co-President Donna Smith Sisterhood President Other Departments/Contacts . Judi Sees [email protected] Tamar Luscher Educational Director [email protected] Cynthia Schneider, Peggy Tepper Catering Candle lighting times (NYC area only) [email protected] Dates Starts Ends Estelle Eisenkraft Tree of Life/Stones September 6-7 7:03 8:01 Frieda Levitas Chair, Comm. of Education Esther Spiegel HAZAK September 13-14 6:51 7:48 Flora Silver Chesed Committee Co-Chair September 20-21 6:39 7:36 Marion Fuld Chesed Committee Co-Chair September 27-28 6:27 7:24 Gift Shop [email protected] September 29-30 6:24 7:21 Judy Friedlander [email protected] Sept. 30 — Oct. 1 7:21 7:19 NOTE FROM THE EDITOR—All articles, photos, OFFICE Hours: ads or oother info contributed for publication in the Bulletin must be received by the 15th of the month, CLOSED —ALL DAY THURSDAY to be published the following month, subject to space —Monday – Friday 12:00—1:00 pm availability and editor's approval. Contributed material may be edited as necessary. Please email OPEN Monday—Wednesday: 10:00 am—5:00 pm your attached word documents, PDF files, or JPG Friday 10:00 am—3:00 pm photos as attachments to an email with the Subject line: BULLETIN.” Bookkeeper: — Mon & Wed, 10:00 am—3:00 pm Page 2 NHC Bulletin Elul 5779 — Tishrei 5780 September 2019

In This Issue: Sisterhood Slate for this Year . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Hazak . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 From the President . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Mail . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 From the Principal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Holiday Flowers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18 Cantor Barry’s Tales . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Life Cycle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Zachary Spiegel’s Memorial Garden Project . . 8 Tzedakah . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 JCC Wall of Giving Photo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 REMINDER TEA and PEANUT BUTTER Multiple synagogues help with the Rhoda Bloom Kosher Food Pantry and provide different types of food. NHC's responsibility is to supply TEA (boxes of tea bags) and PEANUT BUTTER to the Food Pantry families. Please drop off Kosher peanut butter and tea at the box outside of the NHC office. We are always looking for additional volunteers to support the Rhoda Bloom Kosher Food Pantry and distribute food at the JCC-Jewish Family Services. While NHC's turn to provide extra volunteers is every February, you are welcome to participate other months as well. For more information, please contact Susan Saffar at 352-1711 or [email protected]. Thanks for your help in supporting these 200 families! Tzedakah Kari Warren For those of you who are not sure of how Tzedakah works — It is really very simple.... The minimum donation is $5.00 (and the dollar amount is NOT included on the card). Pick a fund — General, Rabbi's Discretionary Fund, Cantor's Discretionary Fund, Building Fund, Shabbos Club, Hebrew School, Prayer Books or Bonnie Lynne Scholarship. You can call, mail or e-mail your donation to the office. This is a great way to help your shul and acknowledge life cycle events in someone's life. Nanuet Hebrew Center will send a card to the person letting them know that you made a donation in their honor or sending them condolences. We also will list your donation in the Bulletin. You may also make a donation to someone that is not a member of the shul. They will also receive a note as well, as long as you supply us with their address. If you have any additional questions, please call or e-mail me @ [email protected] September 2019 Elul 5779 — Tishrei 5780 NHC Bulletin Page 3

From the President As the holidays approach, I want to share with you a message from Timothy Cardinal Dolan as published in the New York Post. He writes about how we all need G-d and of how the Jewish High Holy Days inspires him. Enjoy… Mea culpa! I know I’m violating the teaching of the sacred scriptures we Catholics and Jews both revere, but I have to confess I’m envious of the Jewish High Holy days. Yes, we have Christmas and Easter, and cherish them. But they come in winter and spring. My Jewish friends celebrate their pivotal solemnities — Rosh Hashanah, the New Year, and Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement — in the beautiful and uplifting season of autumn. What a grand backdrop for a time of renewed faith. In the fall, nature is in transition. As the winds get chillier, the trees more barren and the light of day less radiant, we can’t help think of our own fleeting nature. We, like creation, are constantly on a journey: birth, growth, love, life, strength — then slowing down, aging, sensing frailty and admitting mortality. For a skeptic or one without faith, such an admission of an inevitable personal winter can cause some discouragement, trepidation and anxiety. For a believer, it prompts trust, gratitude and a constant search for the one thing that will never fail, fade or pass: The Lord. My Jewish friends have the help of this season of change to make their holy days so meaningful. A dear rabbi friend explained to me that every Jewish feast comes down to an interior whisper, in concert with the psalmist, that “only in G-d is my soul at rest.” G-d is always there, ever good, constantly faithful. The Holy Days, he added, allow us to admit “we’re not always good or faithful to the Lord.” Rosh Hashanah occasions gratitude and a fresh start; Yom Kippur, sorrow, atonement, renewal. The rabbi concluded that this week he and his congregation would be articulating once more the most ancient longing of humanity: We need G-d. It reminds me of the historic Mass Pope Saint John Paul offered before 2 million Poles on the final day of his triumphant visit home in June 1979. Those Poles, whose hope had been revived after decades of Nazi and Communist lies and oppression, interrupted his sermon with 11 minutes of a three-word chant: “We want G-d!” Page 4 NHC Bulletin Elul 5779 — Tishrei 5780 September 2019

They had been through a long autumn and winter and knew by then that G-d and G-d alone can quench the thirst of the heart. So, we ask, as summer fades and the warmth goes south, what can we really rely on? Is there anyone who does not change, any place where it’s always spring, anything where decline and death does not prevail? My Jewish friends are going to inspire me this week by turning the darkening of October days into the eternal light of faith, the dying of nature into an act of hope in the eternal G-d of life, the chill of autumn breezes into the warmth of family, friends, tradition, home and prayer. Do you mind if we Catholics unite with you spiritually? Lord knows we, like you, look around our world and are tempted to autumn sentiments of fear and discouragement. Thanks for this reminder that “only in G-d are our souls at rest.” Let’s find Him, worship Him, love and serve Him together. Blessed Holy Days. It is my hope that this year we decide that we all need G-d, and that should be a year of inspiration. We should be inspired to not only improve ourselves, but also, the world around us. L'Shanah Tovah TikatevuV'taihatem  Jeff Schragenheim, President De Cicco’s Has a New Community Rebate Program At all DeCicco’s Supermarkets BEFORE you check out Mention Nanuet Hebrew Center or Rebate #622 And a percentage of your receipt will be rebated to NHC (Cannot be done after you check-out) Information Rockland-NY Connects is the first point of contact for Rockland residents to connect to health and human services, County government and municipalities. Contact 845-364-2020, Monday-Friday, 8AM-5PM and speak to a Call Specialist about your specific needs or visit Calls are taken confidentially. Language translation services are also available. Please share this valuable resource with family and friends!! September 2019 Elul 5779 — Tishrei 5780 NHC Bulletin Page 5

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Cantor Barry’s Tales It seems that time once again is moving all too quickly. Summer is coming to a close and September, the holidays and the new school year are around the corner. As I write this, we have just completed Tisha Ba'av (\"the saddest day of the year\"). For me, it’s a difficult (fasting!) but meaningful day. The pain of our great losses is graphically detailed in eicha (the book of lamentations) and to me it’s a spiritual punch in the gut; the sinathinam (baseless hatred) that fueled our destruction seems as present today as ever. But to get to the high of the High Holidays, I need the low of Tisha B'av. This year we met as a community at Camp Ramah in Nyack to pray together. I was uplifted by the Ramah staff, our youth. And it was comforting to be in the presence of friends from our community. After services, I noticed that I could see the Hudson River and remembered how blessed I am to live in Rockland. So bring on September. I’m ready. Cantor Barry Kanarek September 2019 Elul 5779 — Tishrei 5780 NHC Bulletin Page 7

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Zachary Spiegel’s Address to the Congregation at the August 10 Shabbat Service Shabbat Shalom. My name is Zachary Spiegel. I have been a member of Nanuet Hebrew Center since I was an infant. I am currently a Sophmore at Nanuet High School and I am a Boy Scout. I am working on becoming an Eagle Scout. In order to achieve the rank of Eagle Scout, I must complete a project that gives me the opportunity to “plan, develop, and give leadership to others.” The project should benefit your community. I want my project to benefit Nanuet Hebrew Center. My project is a Holocaust Memorial Garden at Nanuet Hebrew Center. As Jews it is our duty to remember. It is much easier to remember the horrors of the Holocaust after hearing survivors tell their stories first hand. But as the number of Holocaust survivors dwindles year after year, remembrance becomes less possible. My great grandfather, Grischa Frishman, lost his entire family in the Holocaust. When he was a teen, he was a Boy Scout. He and his friends formed a Jewish troop. They trained, earned badges and medals. Their goal was to go to Palestine. Unfortunately, at the same time the Nazis were a growing threat. His mother sensed something was happening in Europe and wanted him to leave the country before it was too late. He was dating my great grandmother Sonia when her family migrated from Poland to Cuba to escape the coming dark times. Sonia and Grischa wanted to get married, but Grischa could not get out of Poland because he was on the list to be drafted into the army. Even if he got out, Cuba would not allow a single unattached man to enter the country. The families made a plan and Grischa was married to Sonia by proxy so he could get into Cuba. Then he switched identities with his best friend, Motel (Muh-til) Milamed so he could get out of Poland, My Aunt Karen met Motel when she was a teenager visiting Israel. Grischa took a train to France and then a boat to Cuba. His entire family later vanished. It is said there are three types of death: • Once when the soul leaves the body • Second when the body is buried in the ground • The third death is when the last person who remembers dies. My goal is to build a very special, physical space for the congregation to go to “remember.” I’m planning on creating a large Jewish star planter out of lumber in a 10x10 foot area in the back of the building on the grassy hill. Surrounding the star will be a wooden frame and in each corner of the star we will plant yellow daffodils. Yellow Daffodils are the official flower of the Holocaust. The areas without flowers will have decorative stones called river rounds. What is cool about this garden is that we will be building it on the hill in the back of the building so we could all see it from the rear windows the lobby and the minyin room. I would be happy to answer any questions during kiddush after services. I am looking for help funding this project. If you would like to help I have a go fund me page or you could write a check to Nanuet Hebrew Center and write Zack’s Eagle Scout project in the memo. Any excess funds will belong to Nanuet Hebrew Center and I hope it will be used to help fund any needed maintenance and hopefully to purchase a memorial stone in the center of the star. Thank you and I look forward to working with everyone. Shabbat Shalom. September 2019 Elul 5779 — Tishrei 5780 NHC Bulletin Page 9

(Continued from cover) There is no evidence that this approach informed the act of blowing the shofar in the religion of ancient Israel. Nonetheless, it is interesting to note that the Talmud ascribes to the shofar the power “to confuse the accuser,” suggesting that the sound of the sho- far would destroy the power of Satan to speak against Israel on these holy days. Latter day mystics, following this talmudic tradition, added a collection of verses from Psalms to be read before the blowing of the shofar. One of them, Min hameitzar (out of the depths), is composed of an acrostic that reads kerasatan (destroy Satan). Another ancient use of the horn on the New Year was to proclaim the coronation of the victori- ous gods. We can see how this practice has been reinterpreted in Jewish tradition, which sees Rosh Hashanah as the day when God, having completed the work of creation, is crowned king. In the words of the psalmist, “With trumpets and the blast of the horn, raise a shout before the Lord, the king” (Psalms 98:6). Over the course of time, other meanings were ascribed to the symbol of the shofar. The most important is the connection made between the horn of the New Year and the horn of the ram in the story of the binding of Isaac. According to the Midrash, God instructed Abraham that whenever his children were in danger of punishment because of sin, they were to blow the sho- far–the horn of the ram caught in the thicket. That act would “remind God,” as it were, of the merits earned by the binding of Isaac, and the people would therefore be forgiven. The biblical idea of “remembrance” is thus enhanced with another meaning: God recalls the merit of Isaac and so redeems us from punishment for sin. The blowing of the shofar, then, serves to signify not only the coronation of God, but a means of arousing God to mercy. excerpted from The Origins of the Shofar by Rabbi Dr. Reuven Hammer in Entering the High Holy Days, published by the Jewish Publication Society. the-origins-of-the-shofar/ Page 10 NHC Bulletin Elul 5779 — Tishrei 5780 September 2019

Picture taken at the JCC Wall of Giving where Estelle & Allan Eisenkraft were honored. September 2019 Elul 5779 — Tishrei 5780 NHC Bulletin Page 11

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Hazak Here we are on our trip to West Point on August 1. The bus tour of West Point was very interesting. If you haven’t been there, we would highly recommend it. The bus tour lasted about an hour and a half. There was also an exhibit to walk through at the visitor’s center. Do you know what Cooperstown and Hazak have in common? Come to our next meeting on September 5 and find out. Membership is only $18.00 a year. (That’s only $1.50 per month.) We hope you all had a wonderful summer. And now here are a few words of wisdom to help get you through the year: That’s the whole point in life, to get older. So the idea of not celebrating it doesn’t  make sense.  By the time a man realizes that his father was right, he has a son who thinks he’s  wrong.  My therapist told me the way to achieve true inner peace is to finish what I start:  So  far I have finished two bags of M&Ms and a chocolate cake.   I feel better already.  And now some advice for the dating scene: Ed: Your girlfriend told me you never buy her flowers. Fred: I didn’t even know she sold them. Have a very happy and healthy new year. La Shana Tova. Arthur Fishman – Hazak Editor Special thanks to all those who did not make suggestions on what should be printed in this month’s article. , NEXT HAZAK TRIP – TUESDAY SEPTEMBER 24 – Trip to Ellis Island Contact the office for more information September 2019 Elul 5779 — Tishrei 5780 NHC Bulletin Page 15

In Our Mailbox Dear Cynthia and Peggy, I just wanted to thank you so, so much for providing the most delicious Kiddush I could imagine for July 6, celebrating my 80th and Arthur Tuttle’s 80th. Our families and friends were amazed at the huge display of food and desserts. Even our cake was decorated in a very special way. Again, all my thanks for your splendid efforts on my behalf. Sincerely, Joyce Mattaway Dear Rabbi Kurland, On behalf of the New City Minyan, we would like to thank you for your most generous gift of the Hertz Chumashim. As a new minyan we are undergoing all of the usual growing pains, including a shortage of supplies. By gifting us the Chumashim, we can now literally all be on the same page during the Torah reading. Wishing you hatzlacha in all that you do. Gratefully, Yehudah and Debra Inga To my NHC family, Thank you for all the kind words, cards and donations in memory of my mother, Harriet Sayer. I know I can always count on you for support in time of need. Adam Sayer To Whom It May Concern, Please accept this as a token of appreciation for the aliyahs offered to my family during a recent Shabbat service — 6/29. We are grateful for the honor and chance to participate in your congregation’s service. Toda Raba, Barry Dear Rabbi Kurland: Thank you for contacting me to express your support for Israel. I agree that the United States should strongly support Israel and continue to oppose one-sided United Nations Security Council Resolutions, such as UN Resolution 2334, which unfairly condemns the building of settlements by Israel I support a peace process through direct negotiations and look forward to the day when the Israeli and Palestinian governments can work together to achieve a two-state solution. I am committed to doing all that I can to encourage a productive and meaningful dialogue between the two parties. Additionally, I will continue to be a staunch supporter of Israel’s safety and will continue to advocate for budgets that fully fund security assistance to Israel, our greatest ally in the Middle East. Again, thank you for contacting me. Please keep in touch with your thoughts and opinions. Sincerely, Charles E. Schumer United States Senator Page 16 NHC Bulletin Elul 5779 — Tishrei 5780 September 2019

Dear Paul Kurland, Thank you for your gift to the Anti-Defamation League, made on May 20, 2019. Together, you and ADL are standing against leaders who try to divide us, haters who incite violence, and movements on both the right and the left that use anti-Semitism, racism and other forms of bigotry to promote their political agendas. We are committed to the mission of making America safer and more secure for everyone. No family or individual should feel like they are at risk because of how they look, how they sound, or how they worship. Your gift will allow ADL to fight back against hate and its consequences. No organization. Jewish or otherwise, is doing more than ADL to uncover and curb the sources of hate, educate people away from misperceptions and prejudice, enact effective remedies, and create new programs to open hearts and minds. In 2019, with your help, ADL will continue to lead the fight against the viral spread of online anti-Semitism and hate, winning support for new approaches by never giving up. We will use ADL’s powerful voice to demand that world leaders — here and abroad — stand up to bigotry and hate. And ADL will respond with strong words and effective actions to any and all incitements to anti-Semitism and hate no matter who it comes from. Thank you again for being an ADL supporter. By standing with ADL today, you are helping us fight hate for good. Sincerely, Jonathan Greenblatt CEO and National Director Dear Rabbi Kurland, Thank you for supporting An Evening with Deborah Lipstadt and thank you for your continued support of the Holocaust Museum & Center for Tolerance and Education, Your donation is so very generous and much appreciated. Now, more than ever, we recognize the need to educate ourselves and our neighbors about the startling rise in antisemitism. From the Squirrel Hill tragedy to rampant hate speech to incidents here in our own backyard, there is much to be concerned about. For this reason, we stand firm in our mission of education and are proud, with your help, to bring Professor Lipstadt to speak about her timely new book, AntIsemitism Here and Now. Each of us has the responsibility to become an ambassador to combat prejudice and hate in all its many forms. In order to do so, we must be well-educated and equipped with the right tools to fight this battle; Professor Lipstadt is the person to help educate and equip us. Your support of this event helps the Museum continue growing its educational department, which is receiving more requests for programming and support than ever before. Local schools and community organizations recognize the need for specialized education on antisernitism, intolerance, diversity, and Holocaust and Genocide studies. They want their students, faculty, and community leaders to understand the importance of these topics in our society today. We are proud to be that resource and to serve so many communities across the region. Without your support at events like these, we would not be able to continue and grow our much needed work in educating all who wish to learn about these critical topics. Andrea Winograd Executive Director September 2019 Elul 5779 — Tishrei 5780 NHC Bulletin Page 17

2020 – 2019 5780 FLOWERS FOR ROSH HASHANAH WERE GENEROUSLY DONATED BY: Mr. & Mrs. Ira Asinofsky in memory of Charlotte & Irving Plotch and Frieda & Sol Asinofsky Mr. & Mrs. Paul Borsuk in honor of our children and grandchildren Mr. & Mrs. Richard Casper in memory of Sylvia Golub Dr. & Mrs. Alan Farber in memory of Sylvia & Hyman Feldman and Sylvia & Bernard Farber Dr. & Mrs. David Fisher in memory of Louis & Carol Rosenberg, Sidney & Ruth Fisher, David Trotiner & Joel Newman Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Fishman in honor of our children & grandchildren Mrs. Sandra Fogelman in memory of Sylvia & Jack Millman and Ruth & Benjamin Fogelman Mrs. Sandra Fogelman in memory of Dr. Harold Fogelman Dr. & Mrs. John Fogelman in memory of Hannah & Sigmund Tavel and Ruth & Benjamin Fogelman Dr. & Mrs. John Fogelman in memory of Daniel Fogelman Mrs. Frances Gilston & Family in memory of Harvey Gilston Mrs. Elinor Kantrowitz in memory of Norman Kantrowitz Mr. Jonathan Levine in memory of Bess & Milton Levine Mr. Sidney Moskowitz in memory of Rhoda Moskowitz, Yetta & Louis Moskowitz, Dora & Harry Teicher, Shabtai Teicher and Sophie & Sol Wolf Mrs. Rhoda Patsner in memory of Susan Patsner Black Mrs. Susan Ross, Jacob & Rebecca in memory of Michael Ross Dr. & Mrs. Peter Rymer in memory of Ceil & Heshie Benjamin, Arlene & Sam Rymer and Walter Serrano Mrs. Flora Silver in memory of Jeanette & Irving Silver & Abe & Gertrude Bigelisen Mrs. Flora Silver in memory of Ronald Silver Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Taylor in memory of Beatrice Taylor Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Tepper in honor of our children & grandchildren Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Tuttle in memory of Ann & David Klinger, Adele & Nathan Tuttle & Richard Klinger Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Weingast in honor of our children Adam & Rachel Kurland & our grandchildren Alex, Danny & Cooper Mrs. Margie Wineburgh in honor of my children & grandchildren Dr. & Mrs. Simon Young in memory of Eliezer Young and Renee & Mac Fox Page 18 NHC Bulletin Elul 5779 — Tishrei 5780 September 2019

2020 – 2019 5780 FLOWERS FOR SUKKOT WERE GENEROUSLY DONATED BY: Ms. Lisa Green in memory of Lucille Segal and Bess & Harvey Green Mr. & Mrs. Avi Karsenty in honor of our children Ashley, Nathan & Heather Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Pollack & family in memory of Morris Pollack and Ronni Geist Mr. & Mrs. Barry Russin in honor of our grandchildren Mrs. Myrna Schenkel in memory of Alan Schenkel, Ruth & Oscar Schenkel and Dora & Hyman Friedman Mr. & Mrs. Mitchell Spiegel in honor of our children Jonathan, Benjamin & Zachary Mrs. Margie Wineburgh in memory of Nettie & Hyman Gardner and Michael Gardner Mr. & Mrs. Eric Zweigbaum in memory of Dolores Zweigbaum FLOWERS FOR SIMCHAT TORAH WERE GENEROUSLY DONATED BY: Mr. & Mrs. Charles Braunfeld in memory of Hal & Mollie Friedman Mr. & Mrs. Allan Eisenkraft in honor of our children & grandchildren Mr. & Mrs. Ed Leighton in memory of Fay & Norman Friedman Mr. & Mrs. Kaiser in memory of Estelle & Sam Laufer and Lauren & Joseph Kaiser Mr. & Mrs. Avi Karsenty in honor of our children Ashley, Nathan & Heather Mittleman & Karg Families in memory of Kenie & Max Mittleman Mr. & Mrs. Michael Morenberg in honor of our children Jacob, Adam & Simon Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Schragenheim in honor of children Leah & Marc Blau; Garry & Hila; Joseph & Jen; Sarah AND grandchildren Isabella and Derek Blau Mrs. Tillie Schwartz in memory of Morris Schwartz, William & Ida Meltzer and David & Sarah Schwartz Mrs. Gail Wanger in honor of her children Sarah and Joshua Wanger Dr. & Mrs. Richard Wolff in memory of Dr. Michael & Evelyn Lefkowitz and Hilda & George Wolff September 2019 Elul 5779 — Tishrei 5780 NHC Bulletin Page 19

2020 – 2019 5780 FLOWERS FOR YOM KIPPUR WERE GENEROUSLY DONATED BY: Dr. & Mrs. Ken Blumberg in memory of Hilda & Howard Blumberg, Adele & Morris Rothfeld, Rothfeld and Stephen Rothfeld Mr. & Mrs. Charles Braunfeld & family in memory of Lenore & Leon Braunfeld Mr. & Mrs. Ken Benjamin in memory of Irving Yatchie and Ceil & Heshie Benjamin Mrs. Sandra Fogelman in memory of Sylvia & Jack Millman and Ruth & Benjamin Fogelman Mrs. Sandra Fogelman in memory of Dr. Harold Fogelman Dr. & Mrs. John Fogelman in memory of Hannah & Sigmund Tavel and Ruth & Benjamin Fogelman Dr. & Mrs. John Fogelman in memory of Daniel Fogelman Ms. Robin Forst, Mr. Thomas Bondy, Morgan & Sam in memory of Carol & Gene Forst Flora & Robert Stark and Sadie & Louis Forst Mrs. Frances Gilston in honor of my children and grandchildren Mr. Michael Harap & Ms. Gayle Kreinik in memory of our Loved Ones Mr. & Mrs. Myron Hecker in honor of our grandchildren Dylan, Lindsay, Jack & Marlee Mrs. Roslyn Hurwitz & fam. in memory of Ernest Hurwitz, Jeanette & Benjamin Hurwitz and Syd & Sam Applebaum Mr. & Mrs. Leo Karpfen in memory of our sister-in-law Lilly Schwartzbach Mr. & Mrs. Ira Kornstein in memory of May Fink and Harriett & Joseph Kornstein Ms. Ruth Levy in memory of Bella & Fred Gottschalk, Davidd Levy, Jacob Levy, Alice Acerno, Miriam & Adi Nathan, Betty Kahn and Mark Levy Dr. & Mrs. Philip Newfield in memory of Edna & Arthur Newfield, David & Anne Guttman and Abe Kent Mr. Eliott Newman in memory of Naomi Newman Mr. & Mrs. Adam Sayer in memory of Sheila & Dr. Leon Schertzer and David & Harriet Sayer Mr. & Mrs. Nathan Schlanger & Family in memory of Frieda & Larry Hollander, Lillian & Joseph Bobrow, Hal Bobrow, Moshe & Regina Schlanger, Richard Hollander and Dr. Michael Firestone Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Schnur in memory of Lily & Nathan Schnur and Tessie & Fred Markowitz Dr. & Mrs. Simon Young in memory of Eliezer Young and Renee & Max Fox Page 20 NHC Bulletin Elul 5779 — Tishrei 5780 September 2019

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Please tell our Carlson Craft, Checkerboard New Trends, Pioneer and others advertisers you Acrylic Sign-Book or Board, Favors saw their ad in Kipot, Wedding Gown Heirloomed the Bulletin. Their generous support helps pay for about 80% of the cost of the Bulletin. Page 22 NHC Bulletin Elul 5779 — Tishrei 5780 September 2019

September 2019 Elul 5779 — Tishrei 5780 NHC Bulletin Page 23

September Yahrzeits /‫יארצייט‬/‫יזכור‬ 1 Arnold Reisler 10 Claire Schneider 20 Murray Mandelbaum William Resin Leona Shliferstein Solomon Pincus Clara Salomon 11 Max Alexander 21 Dorothy Israel 2 Martin Burns Suzanne Auerbach 22 Lenny Baumoehl Abe Pearlman Marvin Finkelstein Samuel Rymer Rita Goldberg Dora Lifshitz Gertrude Scheiner Joseph Rosenfeld 3 Morris Benjamin Guta Zucker 23 Sidney Balaban Joseph Bonn Sandi Rudin Rita Reisler 12 Samuel Fried Steven Jay Weinberg Sol Rogozyk Morris B. Solomon Max Yokell Harriet Studnitzer Leonard Weiner 24 Rebecca Cohen Bertha Schwartz 4 Ada Cohen 13 Gerald Sciallia Carl Weinger Victoria Ezra Chaim Stolerman 25 George Casper Albert Lehr 26 Catherine Canton Phyllis Woltshock 14 Simon Berger Leon Pinzow Tom Ellenbogen Ettie Sherman 5 Raymond Farber Justin Gorelich Meta Strauss Irving M. Osias Lester Klein Joseph Weisfeld Donald Nadel 27 Abraham Berger 6 Sarah Bertin Morton Joel Pozensky Sheila Fox Mimi Hershman Harold Segall Nettie Gardner Alice Mendelson Anna Toledo Richard Hollander Abraham Rudnitsky Esther Toledo Carl P. Schreier 15 Alice Rothman 28 Henrietta Feinberg Eugene Ten Brink Rose Rose 7 Frieda Goodheart Rabbi Eliyahu Rosenholtz Gertrude Karp 16 Frank Cohen Dora Schwabish Marion Klarfeld Lois Cohen 29 Louis Neuberger May Fink Joseph Page 8 Helen Knippel Sarah Gottlieb Moses Schaller Rose C. Metz Mark Levy 30 Eugene Darvin Gertrude Zowader Henry Nelson 17 Lenore E. Braunfeld Nathan Tuttle 9 William Altneu Rose Fishman Phyllis Gross Atara Geffen Myrtle Ludlow Cynthia Kirshner Bonnie Resnick Kurt Wanger Solomon Taraboulos Sidney Vegosen 18 Sam Berkman Tillie Wechsler 10 Benjamin M. Buchman Milton Hausner 19 Louis Kaufman Seymour Kaplan Sarah Catarevas Sheidlower Morris Kaufherr Family Metzger 20 Helene Alexander Alan Schenkel Samuel Aufgang Nettie Leffler Cemetery plots are still available. Call the NHC office at (845) 708-9181 Page 24 NHC Bulletin Elul 5779 — Tishrei 5780 September 2019

October Yahrzeits /‫יארצייט‬/‫יזכור‬ 1 Fabel Meadoff 12 Rosa Bauman 21 Shirley Gellman 2 Joseph Kaiser Mary Diamond Louis Goldberg Albert Feldman Arlene Paley Marilyn Zas Batya Glazer Hilda Wolff 3 Maxine Lazarus Welmore Herchenfeld 4 Beverly Dollard Paul Katz 22 Phyllis Buchman Schwartz Marian Lengio Shevel Shmidov Max Goldberg Charlotte McLeroy Bessie Hofferman Samuel Mintz 23 Edmund I. Karp Max Lustbader Isadore Perlman Yetta Stark 13 Adolph Bauman Rebecca Rotjan 5 Rose Blatt Gussie Berlin Max Slotnick Ludwig Meyerhoff Ada Daton Rose Widlis 6 Harriet Kornstein Florence H. Dines Garry Teicher Sadie Geringer 24 Morris Adesnik 7 Joseph Catarevas Lillian Kurland Morris Rothfeld Angel Luper Cynthia Rubin Irving Weiner Ethel Martin Jack Singer Louis Pollack 25 David Feldman Alyse Rubinstein 14 Leona Eisenkraft Irving Hirsch Miriam Yoslow Hyman I. Gardner David Kalish Wilfred Yoslow Natalie Israel Esther Lurie 8 Sam Mallek Shirley Lerner Leon Marshall Dora Malloff 26 Ida Katzenberg Jack Reicher Jonathan Siegman Lucy Kurtzman 9 JenoBreiner Hy Rosenkrantz Judy Holzer 15 Shirley Endlich Elie Yatchie Salomon Kahn Sara Germansky Ilse Kahn Emmy Lang 27 Ronni F. Geist Klara Kahn Hy Gondelman Samuel Markowicz 16 Herbert Herman Rachel Morganstein Abraham Markowicz Dr. Erna Hilfstein Barry Rosen Rita Pearlman Claire Rockower 17 Joyce Berland 29 Marshall Klein Rachel Lea Rotjan Molly Breslow Bess Levine Chaim Issac Rotjan Leo Kallmann Sidney Rudnick 30 Jacob Nathan Bauman Jeno Scwarcz 18 Jordan Cahn Rhoda Moskowitz 10 Syd Applebaum Paul Gerard Gertrude Opperman Harry Benkler Ben Lurie Ethel Person Frieda Fuld Charles Newhouse Alfred Rosenfeld Yetta Glassman Irving Packer Harry Sulkin Michael Schuler Anna Rosenfeld Louis Waldman 11 William Fuchs Charles Rotjan Israel S. Harkavy Joseph Seboek 31 John Bragman Martha Lefkowitz Max Shulman Jennie Chalupsky Adeline Sperling Tillie Weiner Allen I. Dines Andrew H. Wolfe Sarah Sichel Aaron Silver 19 Rose Adams Ralph Falk Bessalel Hasson Ralph Katz September 2019 Elul 5779 — Tishrei 5780 NHC Bulletin Page 25

August Anniversaries Mazal Tovs / ‫( מזל טוב‬correction) 15 Helane & Victor Berger September Anniversaries Mazal Tovs / ‫מזל טוב‬ 1 Adam and Alisa Cahn 9 Simone and Jodie Ben-Haim 3 Marrick and Anne Bernstein Brian and Beth Raines Michael and Martina Morenberg 13 John and Rita Fogelman Ira and Ellen Rifken Avi and Marcy Karsenty 4 William and Nancy Farrell David and Elayna Kirschtel 5 Bruce and Rose Pollack David and Ellen Leon Garry and Hila Schragenheim Gloria and Michael Miasnik 7 Howard and Susan Martin William and Wendy Salesky 20 Martin and Jane Rudnick 8 Myron and Arlene Hecker 28 Kenneth and Nadine Blumberg October Anniversaries Mazal Tovs / ‫מזל טוב‬ 2 Jay and Regina Levine 14 Dov and Joan Bash 5 Charles and Bertha Braunfeld 15 Peter and Hope Streitman 6 Brian and Jennifer Studwell 20 Aidan and Anna Gallegos 8 Mike and Stephanie Weiner 24 Leonard and Iris Spiegel Andrew and Bernetta Gordon Alfred and Ruth Berg 10 Scott and Jill Schneider 27 Steven and Jamie Dranow 11 Michael and Lynn Landsman 29 Mitchell and Marla Davis 30 Art and Jennifer Lowenfish Bruce and Caren Maggin 13 Mark and Ilene Weiss Paul and Sharon Priesel Engagement Mazal Tovs / ‫מזל טוב‬ Amy & Larry Fox on the engagement of their daughter Shannon to Max Hirsch Ann & Nathan Gross on the engagement of their son Brandon to Shari Wagner Sharon Rappaport on the engagement of her son Josh to Marisa Kelly Estelle & Allan Eisenkraft of the engagement of their grandson Josh Rappaport to Marisa Kelly Rose & Bruce Pollack on the engagement of Rose’s son Sam Fischer to Rachael Spinner Wedding Mazal Tovs / ‫מזל טוב‬ Sheri Ann Levitas on the marriage of her daughter, Molly Kauders to Jeff Korn Gloria & Gerald Levitas on the marriage of their granddaughter Molly Kauders to Jeff Korn Phyllis & Ken Benjamin on the marriage of their grandson Jarred Benjamin to Gabriela Schottenstein Condolences/ ‫תנחומים‬ NHC Custodian Alan Soto on the death of his mother, Virginia Soto Alfaro Adam Sayer on the death of his mother, Harriet Sayer Lloyd Kranes on the death of his mother, May Kranes Birth Mazal Tovs / ‫מזל טוב‬ Peggy & Jeffrey Tepper on the birth of their granddaughter Emilia Paige Tepper Abby Siegel & Alan Honig on the birth of their grandson, Ethan Frank Organ Page 26 NHC Bulletin Elul 5779 — Tishrei 5780 September 2019

Speedy Recoveries/ ‫רפואה שלמה‬ ✡✡✡✡✡ Bertha Braunfeld recovering from a broken ankle Esther Spiegel recovering from neck surgery Marilyn Brenner recovery from foot surgery Karen Schragenheim recovering from shoulder surgery Bar/Bat Mitzvah Mazal Tovs / ‫מזל טוב‬ Roz Hurwitz on the Bat Mitzvah of her granddaughter, Sydney Hurwitz ✡✡✡✡✡ Reminder to all organizations, groups, and individuals who use our building: Please turn off the lights when you leave the building. House Committee Do you need community service hours? Would you like to help the environment and the NHC? We are looking for a few volunteers to come to the Shul once a week to pick up the recyclable items (paper and plastic) and bring them to proper recycling bins. The town does not pick up these items from the NHC. If you are interested and would like to volunteer, please call Kari@845-708-9181 September 2019 Elul 5779 — Tishrei 5780 NHC Bulletin Page 27

Now you can pay your membership dues using VISA, MasterCard American Express or Discover card [email protected] Teaching Is Available Upon Request Don’t forget — You can help support the Synagogue at no cost to you — PURCHASE SCRIP — It’s easy: Contact NHC Office @ 708-9181 E-mail - [email protected] Mail - 411 South Little Tor Road New City We have gift cards for Shop Rite • Stop & Shop • DeCicco You can make purchases by cash, check or charge. Pay by cash or check and receive credit towards your dues once you meet the minimum requirement. Rather receive miles or points? Charge Harold’s • Fairway • Wegmans Page 28 NHC Bulletin Elul 5779 — Tishrei 5780 September 2019

Tzedakah / ‫צדקה‬ Tzedakah received and recorded by the 10th of the month or the first business day after, will be acknowledged on these pages. If the office is closed because of holidays falling on these days, only donations received before the holiday will appear. Please also note that acknowledgment or lack thereof on these pages does not constitute an official receipt of your donation by the shul. In the event that acknowledgment of your donation does not appear, please let the synagogue office know and we will print it in the next issue of the Bulletin. Planning Ahead Now is the time to start the planning that enhances the work of the congregation by raising the necessary funds so dues need not be raised. Our ongoing fundraisers include the Rabbi's Walk and the Tree of Life. To reserve a brick on the Rabbi’s Walk or reserve a stone or a leaf on the Tree of Life, call Estelle Eisenkraft in care of the office at 845-708-9181. Donations to General Fund Gail & Michael Berkis Condolences to Adam Sayer on the death of his mother, Harriet Sayer Anne & Marrick Bernstein Condolences to Adam Sayer on the death of his mother, Harriet Sayer Marilyn Brenner & Murry Wolf Mazal Tov to Ilse & John Lang on the birth of their great-grandson, Ariel Lang Ronnie Drachman Mazal Tov to Phyllis & Kenneth Benjamin on the marriage of their grandson, Jared to Gabriela Schottenstein In memory of sister-in-law, Renee Drachman In memory of aunt, Paula Blum Stuart Fenster In memory of father, Joseph Fenster Eileen Fischer Get Well wishes to Joyce Mattaway Arthur Fishman In memory of father, Max Fishman Diane Fishman In memory of mother, Rose Schweid Diane & Arthur Fishman Condolences to Adam Sayer on the death of his mother, Harriet Sayer Mazal Tov to Elinor & Alan Farber in honor of their 50th anniversary Mazal Tov to Kenneth & Phyllis Benjamin in honor of their anniversary Mazal Tov to Walter Rubenstein in honor of his birthday Mazal Tov to Arthur Tuttle in honor of his birthday John & Rita Fogelman Condolences to Adam Sayer on the death of his mother, Harriet Sayer Mazal Tov to Linda & Barry Russin on the birth of their granddaughter, Sarah Joelle Russin Mazal Tov to Estelle & Allan Eisenkraft on the engagement of their grandson, Josh Rappaport to Marisa Kelly September 2019 Elul 5779 — Tishrei 5780 NHC Bulletin Page 29

John & Rita Fogelman Mazal Tov to Sharon Rappaport on the engagement of her son, Josh Rappaport to Marisa Kelly Mazal Tov to Roz Hurwitz on the Bat Mitzvah of her granddaughter, Sydney Hurwitz Mazal Tov to Ilse & John Lang on the birth of their great-grandson, Ariel Lang Marion & Milton Fuld Condolences to Adam Sayer on the death of his mother, Harriet Sayer Mazal Tov to Peggy & Jeffrey Tepper on the birth of their granddaughter, Emilia Paige Tepper Hana Gottschalk Condolences to Adam Sayer on the death of his mother, Harriet Sayer Ann Gross In memory of grandfather, Bernard Hillman Nathan Gross In memory of father, Irving Gross Arlene & Myron Hecker Condolences to Adam Sayer on the death of his mother, Harriet Sayer Mazal Tov to Marion & Milton Fuld in honor of their anniversary Roslyn Hurwitz Condolences to Adam Sayer on the death of his mother, Harriet Sayer Mazal Tov to Estelle & Allan Eisenkraft on the engagement of their grandson, Josh Rappaport to Marisa Kelly Mazal Tov to Sharon Rappaport on the engagement of her son, Josh Rappaport to Marisa Kelly In memory of husband, Ernest Hurwitz Gail & Michael Kaiser Condolences to Adam Sayer on the death of his mother, Harriet Sayer Mazal Tov to Peggy & Jeffrey Tepper on the birth of their granddaughter, Emilia Paige Tepper Ellie Kantrowitz Condolences to Adam Sayer on the death of his mother, Harriet Sayer Kari & Jeffrey Kleinberg Condolences to Adam Sayer on the death of his mother, Harriet Sayer Helene & Ira Kornstein Condolences to Adam Sayer on the death of his mother, Harriet Sayer Get Well wishes to Bertha Braunfeld Renee & Martin Leffler Condolences to Adam Sayer on the death of his mother, Harriet Sayer Adrienne, Scott, Brandon, Arianna, & Ilyssa Milich Condolences to Adam Sayer on the death of his mother, Harriet Sayer Sid Moskowitz Condolences to Adam Sayer on the death of his mother, Harriet Sayer Nancy & Philip Newfield In memory of mother, Edna Newfield Rhoda Patsner Condolences to Adam Sayer on the death of his mother, Harriet Sayer In memory of father, Lewis Metz David Pomerantz In memory of mother, Elsie Pomerantz Page 30 NHC Bulletin Elul 5779 — Tishrei 5780 September 2019

Sheila & Allen Reiter Condolences to Adam Sayer on the death of his mother, Harriet Sayer Eileen & Alfred Rossi In memory of mother, Sophie Altneu Adrienne & Walter Rubenstein Condolences to Adam Sayer on the death of his mother, Harriet Sayer David Rubinstein Condolences to Adam Sayer on the death of his mother, Harriet Sayer Get Well wishes to Bertha Braunfeld Get Well wishes to Esther Spiegel Mazal Tov to Ronnie Drachman in honor of her birthday In memory of wife, Eileen Rubenstein Linda & Barry Russin In memory of mother, Ruth Kagan Susan Saffar & Paul Van Alstyne Condolences to Adam Sayer on the death of his mother, Harriet Sayer Get Well wishes to Bertha Braunfeld Myrna Schenkel In memory of mother, Dora Friedman In memory of father, Hyman Friedman In memory of mother-in-law, Ruth Schenkel Cynthia & Philip Schneider Condolences to Adam Sayer on the death of his mother, Harriet Sayer Get Well wishes to Bertha Braunfeld Mazal Tov to Estelle & Allan Eisenkraft on the engagement of their grandson, Josh Rappaport to Marisa Kelly Barbara Schoenberg Condolences to Adam Sayer on the death of his mother, Harriet Sayer Mazal Tov to Elinor & Alan Farber in honor of their 50th anniversary Flora Silver Condolences to Adam Sayer on the death of his mother, Harriet Sayer Mazal Tov to Estelle & Allan Eisenkraft on the engagement of their grandson, Josh Rappaport to Marisa Kelly Joy & Charlie Slater Condolences to Adam Sayer on the death of his mother, Harriet Sayer Allison & Todd Steingart Condolences to Adam Sayer on the death of his mother, Harriet Sayer Michael Taraboulos In memory of mother, Rose Taraboulos Peggy & Jeff Tepper Condolences to Adam Sayer on the death of his mother, Harriet Sayer Get Well wishes to Bertha Braunfeld Mazal Tov to Estelle & Allan Rappaport on the engagement of their grandson, Josh Rappaport to Marisa Kelly Mazal Tov to Sharon Rappaport on the engagement of her son, Josh Rappaport to Marisa Kelly September 2019 Elul 5779 — Tishrei 5780 NHC Bulletin Page 31

Marilyn Wechsler Condolences to Adam Sayer on the death of his mother, Harriet Sayer Get Well wishes to Joyce Mattaway Get Well wishes to Esther Spiegel Mazal Tov to Peggy & Jeffrey Tepper on the birth of their granddaughter, Emilia Paige Tepper Mazal Tov to Estelle & Allan Eisenkraft on the engagement of their grandson, Josh Rappaport to Marisa Kelly Mazal Tov to Sharon Rappaport on the engagement of her son, Josh Rappaport to Marisa Kelly Jackie White In memory of mother, Rhoda Shaieritz Marjorie Wineburgh In memory of grandfather, Isidor Geringer New Building Fund Phyllis & Kenneth Benjamin Condolences to Adam Sayer on the death of his mother, Harriet Sayer Mazal Tov to Roz Hurwitz on the Bat Mitzvah of her granddaughter, Sydney Hurwitz Heidi & Alan Coffield In memory of father, Joseph Coffield Ronnie Drachman Condolences to Adam Sayer on the death of his mother, Harriet Sayer Get Well wishes to Bertha Braunfeld Mazal Tov to Ilse & John Lang on the birth of their great-grandson, Ariel Lang Mazal Tov to Linda & Barry Russin on the birth of their granddaughter, Sarah Joelle Russin In memory of uncle, Fred Blum In memory of uncle, Hyman Drachman Elinor & Alan Farber Condolences to Adam Sayer on the death of his mother, Harriet Sayer Get Well wishes to Bertha Braunfeld Mazal Tov to Estelle & Allan Eisenkraft on the engagement of their grandson, Josh Rappaport to Marisa Kelly Mazal Tov to Sharon Rappaport on the engagement of her son, Josh Rappaport to Marisa Kelly Mazal Tov to Phyllis & Kenneth Benjamin on the marriage of their grandson, Jared to Gabriela Schottenstein Ilse & John Lang Condolences to Adam Sayer on the death of his mother, Harriet Sayer Get Well wishes to Bertha Braunfeld Mazal Tov to Estelle & Allan Eisenkraft on the engagement of their grandson, Josh Rappaport to Marisa Kelly Mazal Tov to Sharon Rappaport on the engagement of her son, Josh Rappaport to Marisa Kelly Mazal Tov to Peggy & Jeffrey Tepper on the birth of their granddaughter, Emilia Page Tepper Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund Estelle & Allan Eisenkraft Condolences to Adam Sayer on the death of his mother, Harriet Sayer Mazal Tov to Elinor & Alan Farber in honor of their 50th anniversary Mazal Tov to Peggy & Jeffrey Tepper on the birth of their granddaughter, Emilia Paige Tepper Page 32 NHC Bulletin Elul 5779 — Tishrei 5780 September 2019

Roslyn B. Hirsch In memory of father-in-law, David Hirsch Alison Katzenberg In memory of mother, Gloria Kessler Shelia Pozensky In memory of father, Joseph Cohen Jill Rosenfeld In memory of husband, Charles DeLaFuente In memory of son, Marc DeLaFuente Sybil & Joseph Weingast In memory of mother, Rosaline Weingast Susana Yarjovski In memory of brother, Alberto Hasson Shabbos Club Howard Adamsky In memory of aunt, Helene Greenstein Marilyn Casper In memory of mother, Sylvia Golub Ronnie Drachman In memory of great-grandmother, Sarah Kolba Myron Hecker In memory of father, Jack Hecker Elinor Kantrowitz In memory of mother-in-law, Bertha Kantrowitz Joyce Mattaway In memory of son-in-law, Steven Pezenik Tillie Schwartz In memory of husband, Morrie Schwartz In memory of mother, Ida Meltzer In memory of father-in-law, David Schwartz Flora Silver Mazal Tov to Peggy & Jeffrey Tepper on the birth of their granddaughter, Emilia Paige Tepper Phyllis Tuttle In memory of mother, Anne Klinger Margie Wineburgh In memory of father-in-law, Samuel Wineburgh Jessica, Josh, Zoe, & Luna Turnof Bible In memory of beloved grandparents, Mollie & Harold Friedman High Holiday Prayer Book – Mahzor Lev Shalem Rhoda Patsner In memory of son-in-law, Victor Hellwege Minyan Prayer Book Ronnie Drachman In memory of parents, Sonia & William Drachman Marion & Henry Reichner In memory of Harriet Sayer Allison Steingart In memory of parents, Estelle & Sheldon Spindel September 2019 Elul 5779 — Tishrei 5780 NHC Bulletin Page 33

Page 34 NHC Bulletin Elul 5779 — Tishrei 5780 September 2019

Date [event] . Name [recipient] . Leagrams can be used in place of commercial greeting cards for congratulatory messages for birthdays, anniversaries, engagements, marriages and bnei mitzvot as well as get well wishes and expressions of sympathy. They are also one of Sisterhood’s most successful fund raisers, allowing Sisterhood to donate a significant amount of money back to the Shul to help defray various synagogue expenses. The cost of each Leagram is $3. Reminder: All Leagrams must be requested in writing. [sender] September 2019 Elul 5779 — Tishrei 5780 NHC Bulletin Page 35

Nanuet Hebrew Center Non-Profit Org. 411 S. Little Tor Road U.S. POSTAGE New City, New York 10956 Paid RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED Monsey, NY Permit No. 5409 DATED MATERIAL Do not delay 845-356-8600 15 State Street, Spring Valley, NY 10977

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