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Home Explore The Pallet

The Pallet

Published by katrina, 2016-06-24 12:39:56

Description: June 2016


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The PalletJune 2016 Newsletter[Pal-it] :noun1. a small, low, portable platform on which goods are placed forstorage or moving, as in a warehouse or vehicle.Example: The Original ScrapBox starts with a pallet and a teamof people to accomplish their goals.

The PalletJune 2016 Newsletter In this edition… As we continue with our pre- News! orders, we are looking toWe review our fulfillment of expand our line of WorkBox Brycen’s last day!The WorkBox 2.0 pre- 2.0s! The marketingorders! Read our latest department will be sending Morag’s last day!customer traffic reports from out a survey to our currentgoogle analytics, and catch email list to see how we can Windsor’s last day!up with our latest bloggers! improve and make upgrades to our products! Ben Goodson joins our accounting department!The Original ScrapBox has officially gone global. Our May was our company’s 3 Sam Pedro joins ourfriends in Germany have year anniversary since being accounting department!been excited as they have under the management ofbeen able to ship to areas of Wayne and Yvonne Hubert! Jonna Barrus joins ourthe world we were unable to customer servicereach previously. department!The accounting department Updates with Ted & Adamhas made changes to our Have you heard? Some of ourworkflow regarding employees are moving Launch of ScrapBox Globaloperations and fulfillments. If onward, and we have new Communityyou have any questions on employees that you won’tthe way we handle and fulfill want to miss reading about! 21,000 followers onorders you can ask Meredith! Enjoy the bittersweet Instagram! moments of our office…

The WorkBox 2.0 
 Pre-Order Updates approx. 100 fulfilled outstanding approx.KonrodtetyrsAarlde:er 75% Total pre-orders Fulfilled as of 5/27: 1,120 out of 1,450 Pre-orders placed in May/June: 220 Claims from XPO received: $2,419.12

Marketing Department Featured Bloggers! Meet: Marissa Fischer Etsy shop owner and seamstress, Marissa Fischer enjoys spending time with her family, sewing baby clothes, and writing articles for her blog that reaches 375k page views a month! We have teamed up with her to promote our black SewingBox. May, the marketing department was able to visit Marissa Fischer to take pictures and videos of The SewingBox in black! 
 Facebook will have videos posted soon!

Marketing Department 
 Featured Bloggers! Meet: Ted & Adam Scutti Ted & Adam are owners of the boutique bakery Sugar Sugar Cake Studio! Their cakes have been featured on TLC’s “Four Weddings”, Modern Wedding Cakes in Australia, Cake Masters in the UK and teach fun and informative sugar craft classes throughout the country. They will be working with our black raised panel WorkBox! June, the marketing department will be posting videos and photos from our friends Ted & Adam who have our black Raised Panel WorkBox

 Marketing Department Current Following 13,105 Followers! 320,380 Page Likes! 21,100 Followers! 39,607 Subscribers!

The Original ScrapBox 
 Team Members! Meet: Ben Goodson accounting department “I am in charge of the accounts receivable here at The Original ScrapBox. I'm having a great time working here. I am currently an undergraduate student at UVU studying accounting. I should graduate next year, but no guarantees there. I enjoy playing kickball in the summer and basketball in the winter. I enjoy long walks on the beach, so I should probably move to California. I also tutor various math classes at UVU and have a great time doing that. I have been known to work for cookies.”Meet: Sam Pedroaccounting department“I grew up in Spanish Fork, Utah. I am 1/2 NativeAmerican (Apache). My favorite thing to do is to gohiking. I love basketball and football. I am a bigUtah Jazz fan. I try to play basketball 3-4 times aweek! I also play in a band and have recorded analbum.Right now I am a student at BYU. I am working onmy Master of Accounting degree with a taxemphasis. I will graduate in April of 2018.“

 The Original ScrapBox Team Members! Meet: Jonna Barrus Customer Service “My name is Jonna Barrus. I was born and raised in Sandy, Utah. I got both of my degrees at Utah State University and taught at the Utah School of the Deaf for 5 years. I met my husband on a blind date and we married in 1997. We have 5 children: Shaye 18, Kassidy 16, Jensen 14, Quin 10, and McKinley 7. 4 girls and one boy. I love to craft especially paper craft and have my handmade cards in 10 stores in 4 states. Happy to be here!”

The Original ScrapBox Laugh with the Staff!Vocab by BrycenFloat: /flōt/ 1. Verb, Adj., Noun. A word primarily used as an action word for circumstances where you want the action to seem nonchalant. Synonyms: Give, lend, be cool with something, Sentences: -I could float you a couple hundred dollars. -The movie is $10. I could float that.Dabble: /ˈdəb(ə)l/ 1. Verb, Adj., Noun. A word used in almost any circumstance(it's a universal word) but predominately used as a filler action word. Synonyms: Do, try, experience, eat, go, etc. Sentences: -Hayden, do you want to dabble in these peaches? -Rachel brought doughnuts. I might dabble in that. -Hey man, are you home? If you are, I might dabble on

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