Schools Foundation to keyprogramme stage three Creative learning at the RoyalCornwall Museum
Schools programme2
Creative learning at the Royal Cornwall MuseumContents:04 Welcome to the Royal Cornwall Museum’s Learning Service06 Resources at a Glance07 Foundation Stage08 Key Stage One10 Key Stage Two12 Cornwall Council Schools Art Collection14 Background to the Collection16 Workshops16 Loans16 Schools Online18 Useful Information 3
Schools programme Welcome to the RoyaLEngaging, interactive and enjoyablefor pupils and staff. (Ancient Greece)Teacher from Falmouth Primary Academy, April 2015 Excellent workshop. (Great Grandma’s Attic) Teacher from Tregolls Academy, March 2015 A superb visit as usual. (Mrs Trevithick’s Tale) Teachers from Trythall, February 2015 4
Creative learning at the Royal Cornwall Museum The Royal Cornwall Museum has a long standing reputation for excellent learning across the curriculum. Our award winning workshops and artefact loans boxes support many topic areas providing inspiring and engaging opportunities to learn about the past.Cornwall Museum’s Learning Service “Our aim is not only to provide a great learning experience but to instill in children a love and understanding of the past and it’s people, a culture of museum visiting and a passion for learning ”throughout their lives. Learning and Inclusion Officer 5
Schools programmeResources at a GlanceTopic Key Stage Workshop Loans box 4Cooking 4Washing 4Cleaning 4Tea time 4Time for Bed FS1Marvin’s Marvellous Treasures FS 4 4What’s in the Box?! FS 4 4The Cornish Giant FS/KS1 KS1 4Great Grandma’s Attic KS1 4 4Mrs Trevithick’s Tale KS1 4 4Old Toys KS1 4 4Home Sweet Home KS1 4 4 Victorian Household KS1 Minibeasts KS1 Seaside KS1 4 4 4 4From the Stone Age to the KS2 4 Iron Age in Cornwall KS2 4 Ancient Egypt KS2 4 Ancient Greece KS2 4 Ancient Rome KS2 4 Iron Age KS2 4Digging up the Past KS2 4 Tudors in Cornwall KS2 4 Mrs Trevithick’s Tale KS2 4 Victorian Cornwall KS2 4 Evacuees (WWII) Schools Art Collection KS1/2/3 4Self Led VisitsExplore the amazing collections in the museum by using a self led pack.6
Creative learning at the Royal Cornwall MuseumFoundation StageMarvin’s Marvellous Treasures The Cornish GiantJoin Marvin the Mouse on an amazing Are you ready for a Giant experience?adventure through the museum. Become a Meet our real Cornish Giant in this stimulatingspecial mouse detective and explore the mystery workshop. Use his portrait and original artefactsobjects Marvin has found. Find out what the to find out about his life. Discover more abouttwisty – turny thing does and meet the Cornish legendary Cornish giants and make a giant groupGiant. Get ready for a mouse-tastic time! collage to take away.What’s in the Box?!With a different theme each time these hands-on, imaginative sessions are designed to inspire our youngest visitors. Learn about theMuseum’s treasures through handling objects,art and craft activities, stories, songs and rhymes. 7
Schools programmeKey Stage OneGreat Grandma’s Attic Home Sweet HomeThis workshop links with the curriculum area Step back in time and find out more about‘changes within living memory’. Explore objects homes long ago by handling original artefacts.that Great Grandma used in the home and toys Help Mrs Pengelly with her daily tasks includingover the past 70 years. washing and cleaning. Links with Inspire Curriculum Year 2 Unit 2.Mrs Trevithick’s Tale MinibeastsThis workshop links with the curriculum area ‘the lives of significant individuals in the past’ Discover the fascinating world of minibeastsand ‘significant historical events, people and through observing and sorting a variety of insectplaces in their own locality’. Meet Mrs Trevithick specimens. Explore the effects of magnificationand find out about her inventor husband. through the work of artist Nuni Ryder. Links withWithin a dramatic presentation pupils handle Inspire Curriculum Year 1 Unit 8.and discuss artefacts, photographs and models. SeasideOld Toys Travel back in time to find out what holidaysEnjoy the wonder of a Victorian magic lantern used to be like. What did you put in yourshow and handle original old toys. Play with suitcase? What did you do at the beach? Roundgames from the past and make a replica toy off your visit to the seaside with a Punch andto take away. Judy show. Links with Inspire Curriculum Year 2 Unit 9.Cornish Giant, Fact or Fiction?Meet the real Cornish Giant, Anthony Paynein this stimulating workshop. Use his portraitand original artefacts to find out about his life.Discover more about legendary Cornish giantsand make a giant group collage to take away.8
Creative learning at the Royal Cornwall Museum 9
Schools programmeKey Stage twoFrom the Stone Age the Ancient Egyptians. What will you take to the Iron Age into the afterlife? Dig for clues in the sand. Take part in the dramatic Judgement of the This workshop links with the curriculum area Dead ceremony! Links with Inspire Curriculum‘from the Stone Age to the Iron Age’. Take a trip Year 6 Unit 4.through 400,000 years as people developedfrom the early Stone Age, explore tools, food and Ancient Greecehomes. See how technology developed into theBronze Age as metals were first discovered and Investigate Ancient Greek pottery in this then finally how life was for people living in the hands-on workshop. Find the clues to help youIron Age. Handle original and replica objects and discover more about their beliefs, myths andtake part in everyday Iron Age household tasks. legends. Make your own clay Greek pot to takeLinks with Inspire Curriculum Year 3 Unit 1. away. Links with Inspire Curriculum Year 5 Unit 2.Ancient Egypt Ancient RomeEnjoy a visit to our Unwrapping the Past Gallery Discover how the Romans influenced life inand discover why the gods were so important to Britain. Make and decorate a Roman lamp from clay using our collection of Roman pottery lamps as inspiration. Links with Inspire Curriculum Year 3 Unit 8. Iron Age Go back in time to the pre Roman Cornwall. Will you be a farmer, warrior, weaver, metalworker or hunter? Dressed in costume you will experience life and work in the Iron Age. Make flour and produce an Iron Age pot.10
Creative learning at the Royal Cornwall MuseumDigging up the Past places in their own locality’. Meet Mrs Trevithick and find out about her inventor husband.Come and experience the excitement of digging Within a dramatic presentation pupils handleup the past. Find artefacts, fossils and rocks, and discuss artefacts, photographs and models.many found by members of the public and This workshops supports the Key Stage 2 Localdonated to the museum. Finds include clay History topic.pipe, pottery fragments and even tessellatedpavement. What will you dig up? Victorians in CornwallThe Tudors in Cornwall Handle original artefacts from fishing, farming, tin and china clay mining to discover more aboutBring the Tudors to life in this engaging Cornwall’s main industries. Investigate a censusworkshop. Examine original artefacts and to find out about four local what life was like for the rich and poor. Using costume, recreate the scenes in Evacuees (WWII)two original paintings. Experience life as an evacuee by taking part Mrs Trevithick’s Tale in a lesson away from home. Handle a range of original artefacts to find out what life was This workshop links with the curriculum area like in the 1940’s.‘the lives of significant individuals in the past’and ‘significant historical events, people and 11
Schools programme Cornwall Council This page: Detail of ‘Red Square,’ by Brian Illsley, 1967, Oil on canvas12
Cornwall Council Schools Art Collection The Cornwall Council Schools Art Collection is a unique resource for school children of all ages. The collection comprises paintings and sculpture now under the care of the Royal Cornwall Museum.Schools Art Collection This important and exciting collection of paintings and sculpture was put together for the sole purpose of being used with school children to engage them with influential pieces of artwork from a range of artists. 13
Schools programmeBackground to the collectionOn 6th May, 1962 Cornwall In September of that same year the thenCounty Council received an Council’s Secretary for Education, Jim Harries,anonymous donation of £100, wrote to a small number of artists includingmade up of twenty £5 notes, Barbara Hepworth and the widow of Jacobwith a short note saying simply Epstein asking for suggestions as to how best use‘To help with Primary School the donation of money. Following consultationFunds’. Attempts to trace the it was agreed to firstly purchase a small bronzesource of the donation failed but sculpture of a sheepdog ‘Frisky’ by the recentlythe seeds had been sown for what deceased Jacob Epstein. Secondly it was decidedwas to become an important and on the suggestion of Barbara Hepworth tosignificant collection of paintings, build a collection to use in schools based onsculpture and pottery in Cornwall. works donated, or bought for a minimal fee. With further funding from the Council and the additional advice of Michael Finn, then the Principal of Falmouth School of Art, the collection started to grow. Over the next few years many prestigious names joined the list including Terry Frost, Leonard Fuller, Alethea Garstin, Patrick Heron, Bernard Leach, Lionel Miskin, Alfred Wallis and Bryan Winter. Later these were joined by many others including Jeffrey Harris, Wilhelmina Barns-Graham and Bryan Illsley. Whilst under the care of the Falmouth School of Art in the 1970’s some of the artwork and sculpture were loaned to schools both individually and as part of meaningful small groupings. For a year in the 1980’s the collection14
Cornwall Council Schools Art Collectionwas transferred to the Penwith Galleries in “This collection provides us withSt. Ives who both displayed the works and a very exciting opportunitycarried on the school loan scheme. to bring children face to face with real pieces of significantBetween January and April 1994 an exhibition artwork in their locality. We called ‘From Great Beginnings’, toured the Royal are very happy to be able toCornwall Museum, Truro; the Penwith Gallery offer this additional service in St. Ives and Launceston College. A later to schools alongside our moresmaller exhibition was also held at Mount ”traditional topics.Edgcumbe House. Liz Shepherd, Learning and Inclusion OfficerThe collection then went into storage for a number of years until in 2011 the fine artcollection was transferred to the Royal CornwallMuseum and the ceramics collection to theLeach Pottery.The Museum has spent recent years conservingthe collection and developing inspiring learning resources to increase access and use of the collection by Cornish schools, as well as enjoyment of the collection by the general public. ‘F ishing Boat’ by Alan Lowndes, 1966, Oil on board 15
Schools programmeWorkshopsKey Stage One Key Stage ThreePupils explore the collection to develop the This workshop helps develop the skills tocurriculum areas of colour, pattern, texture, evaluate and analyse creative works usingline, shape, form and space. The Learning Team the appropriate language. Pupils are given thefacilitate creative responses and stimulating, opportunity to use already acquired knowledgeengaging activities. to further develop their expertise about painting style and cultural movement.Key Stage TwoPupils develop awareness of different art, craftand design. They explore different artistictechniques and discover great artists.Loans Schools OnlineA selection of paintings are available for loan on These works chosen from the collection are a termly basis. Loans are subject to availability a representation of descriptive landscapesand a satisfactory site visit to discuss security showing varied styles and techniques that depictand curatorial guidelines. All paintings are the beauty of the natural Cornish landscape.covered by the museum’s insurance whilst at your site. Costs of loan is £50 per term. Working in collaboration with schools and the Cornwall Museums Group we developed For further information please contact an online exhibition focusing on five pieces of [email protected] belonging to the collection. There are suggested activities for Key Stages 1 – 3 for use both in the classroom or for individual study. For further information: [email protected]
Cornwall Council Schools Art CollectionDetail of ‘Untitled’ by Michael Finn, 1965, Oil on board 17
Schools programmeHow to Book Preparatory VisitsBookings can be made by phone or email: A free planning visit to the museum is included01872 272205 ext 238, email: as part of your workshop preparation and [email protected] encourage teachers to take advantage of this. If you need to speak to a member of the teamWorkshops Times please contact us beforehand to book a time.Workshops are typically held 10am to 12 Museum Shopnoon or 1pm to 3pm. Alternative times canbe arranged if required. You may choose to School groups are welcome in our shop and spend the entire day at the museum and we we stock pocket money gifts for those wishing can provide self-led activity packs on request. to purchase a memento.Alternatively you may choose to visit one of theother interesting sites in the area. Our Learning SEN and Access ProvisionOfficer is happy to discuss and advise. All our workshops can be adapted for childrenWorkshop cost excl VAT £50 with special educational needs and we are 1 – 5 children £75 happy to discuss your requirements with you6 – 15 children £100 when booking.16 – 35 children Disabled AccessA surcharge may be made for workshops using clay Most of the museum is accessible with ramps and a lift for wheelchair users. Please let us Loans (not Schools Art Collection) £10 a week know if a member of your group has any access requirements.Loans Schools Art Collection £50 a term Cancellation PolicyLunch Room We reserve the right to charge a cancellation feeA room with benches is provided for you if you cancel less than 14 days before your eat your packed lunches. Loans BoxesParking Loans boxes are hired on a weekly basis fromThere is no parking at the museum, but coaches Saturday to Saturday and can be picked up can stop outside to safely drop off children. and dropped off at the Museum.Car parks are a short distance away for groupscoming in cars.18
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