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Home Explore 10th BS Pharmacy Virtual White Coat

10th BS Pharmacy Virtual White Coat

Published by Czarina Kinkito, 2022-04-09 10:45:43

Description: 10th BS Pharmacy Virtual White Coat


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10th BS Pharmacy Virtual White Coat Candlelighting and Dedication Ceremony \"Resilience Among Pharmacists: Responding to Global Challenges\" May 13, 2022 THIS SERVES AS AN INVITATION

VISION A dynamic, competitive and globally responsive State University. MISSION The University shall provide excellent instruction, relevant and responsive research and extension services, and quality-assured production of competent and highly motivated human capital. CORE VALUES: NORSUNIAN Spirituality Accountability Professionalism Patriotism Harmony Integrity Respect Excellence QUALITY POLICY NORSU commits itself to the provision of quality instruction, research, extension services and production as well as compliance to applicable regulatory requirements and continual improvement of its management system.

PROGRAM PROCESSIONAL Rev. Fr. Clyde B. Flores PAMBANSANG AWIT INVOCATION University Chaplain WELCOME ADDRESS Rose Marie T. Pinili, Ed.D. Ph.D. INTRODUCTION OF Vice-President for Academic Affairs GUEST SPEAKER Christine Y. de la Peña, Ph.D. CNPHAS Dean MESSAGE Prof. Aleth Therese L. Dacanay, Ph.D. AWARDING OF PLAQUE OF APPRECIATION Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy- UST Chairman, Technical Panel for Pharmacy Education- CHED Hon. Joel P. Limson,Ph.D. University President Assisted by: Christine Y. de la Peña, Ph.D. College Dean Analiza V. Bais, RPh, MPH BS Pharmacy, Program Head Assistant Dean, CNPAHS BS PHARMACY CLOAKING OF WHITE COAT AND CANDLELIGHTING PRESENTATION OF BS Gemma G. Amutan, RPh PHARMACY CLASS 2022 OATH OF A PHARMACY Hospital Pharmacy Internship Coordinator STUDENT CLOSING REMARKS Adrea Marie A. Enriquez BS Pharmacy ’22 President Analiza V. Bais, RPh, MPH Assistant Dean, CNPAHS Lady Madonna B. Colina, RPh, MSC, MPH Lady of Ceremony

W H I T E CCOAANTDCI EDRAETME SO N Y 2 0 2 2 Alvaro, Edcel Mae R. Ambalit, Jaztyne A. Amora, Shiela Mae U. Andaya, Criza Angelica J. Anfone, Ryle Mitchum G. Arces, Junemari A. Asonio, Therese Mae G. Baldado, Cheza May B. Bungcasan, Clydel I. Carballo, Shannen July S. Cenas, Jogie Siquia, M. Chua, Bethel N. Colina, Jake Miguel L. Culanculan, Antonette Mae V. Dael, Duane B. Damian, Klein Adrian, L. Del Carmen, Janine Eliza S. Delguera, Ginalen I. Diamano, Michelin T. Diamante, Ma. Cristine G. Enriquez, Adrea Marie A. Escabarte, Melissa Therese Estribillo, Clarisse E. Ferraren, Shuet Yee Angeline Gargar, Jane O.

W H I T E CCOAANTDCI EDRAETME SO N Y 2 0 2 2 Gaudia, Catherine Zeta T. Guasa, Jannelle Vera B. Husain, Jeziel Jean Ibrahim, Ranariddh Al-jazri J. Kadile, Kimberly A. Kinicot, Margaux P. Labe, Neil Francis G. Logarta, Lesly M. Luberanes, Jolivie L. Macahig, Lady Roisyll Montecalvo, Demetrio O Ocao, Sheba Rose S. Palapar, Queenie B. Pameron, Jocel Ann M. Panos, Jillian Bianca B Perez, Kate Jastine, M. Pillodar, Christine Faith C. Quijano, Irish Joy, D. Quitay, Marville Hope C. Real, Lelanny Marie M. Rebusa, Lalaine A. Rendal, Casey Jale S. Sabijon, Chrysteen Joy, D. Salve,Marian Donesa T. Saycon, Alyssa Chantal, L.

WHITE COAT CEREMONY 2022 CANDIDATES Selorio, Zaira Mae M. Serencio, Angela Khearl C. Taguinod, Rusel Glenn M. Tantico, Ladyfair G. Tayrus, Rhia Mae Tejas, Queenly Rose C. Tizon, Shay Myriell M. Tuco, Jheseihie A. Turno, Kathe Leya O. Vidal, Dennis Jr. B. Vigilancia, Laurynne May C. Zamora, Eisen Eve P. Zerna, Geanne Marie G.

PHARMACY PLEDGE As a pharmacy student, I solemnly commit myself to be of service to all mankind through Pharmacy. I will alwaysshow respect forothers and use my judgement for the common good. I will applymy knowledge, experience and skills to the best of my ability. I will striveto acquire all the competencies expected from a professional pharmacist to ensurebetter health outcomes for my futurepatients/clients. I will maintain the highest principles of moral, ethical and legal conduct. I will embraceand advocate changesin the Pharmacyprofession that redound to the improvement of patient care. I take thesevows voluntarily as I preparefor my careerin Pharmacy with the full realization of the responsibility with which I am entrusted by my family and my university. So help me God.

PHILIPPINE NATIONAL PHARMACY HYMN Through all the ages gone by, To the years that are yet to be, Pharmacy thou stand ever glorious, The mission of integrity The hands that shape thy past, The mind that made thee last, Shall always be our guardian And brightens hope of all men. With voices from our grateful hearts, We hail PHARMACY

“ N O R S U : O u r PNr iOdReS, Uo uHrYHMoNp e , o u r F u t u r e ” Lyrics: HON. HENRY A. SOJOR, Ph.D. T. VALENTINO S. SITOY, JR., Ph.D . Music: CECILIUS GENARO I. CONCEPCION III I. In this sunny southern clime Hails a school, right for all time; Negros-born, our honored guide, NEGOR STATE glory is our pride! II. For the many and the few; STATE U leads to heights anew; For the last and for the least, STATE U gives HOPE for the best! Refrain: Azure blue and lily white, NORSU standard, plain in sight; Lift the lamp of wisdom bright, NORSU guidance for the right. And its pylons open wide, To great service on each side; For the FUTURE of this land, NEGOR STATE answers the demand! Repeat Refrain III. Our Pride, our Hope, our Future - NEGROS ORIENTAL STATE UNIVERSITY!!

FACULTY AND STAFF Christine Y. de la Peña, RN, RM, MPH, Ph.D. Novalisa A. Leon, RN, RM, MPH, Ph.D. Analiza V. Bais, RPh., MPH Marie Sue F. Cual, RN, MAN, Ph.D. Girlie M. Odonel, RN, MAN. Ph.D. Lady Madonna B. Colina, RPh, MSc, MPH Eldridge Roy B. Mandalupa, RN, MN Caryl O. Villalon, MT, RN, MAN Dove Christian C. Sumagang, RN, MAN Riza Mae T. Abellanosa, RN, MSN Martin B. Utzurrum, BMC, RN, MAN John Vincent E. Lacuesta, RN, MPH Contessa A. Kinkito, RPh, MSc, RN Dinah A. Salac, RM, RN Rufa P. Hontanosas, RM, RN Gemma G. Amutan, RPh Willan B. Noblefranca, RPh Stephanie Meghan N. Cristuta, RPh Ariel Nico A Villariaza, RPh. Mary Angelique Banogon, RPh Acle O. Luzuriaga, MD, RN Marlene Rosejie G. Sontillano, RN, RM, MN Chezel B. Aguilar, RN.,MN April Rose T. Estela, RN Lourdes Mae T. Duran, RN Joane Rose Lomosad, RM

FACULTY AND STAFF Ourem Loren Z. Casinto, RN Christian Anthony B. Perojon, RN Emma S. Mate, RN, MPH Donre B. Mira, RN, Ed.D. Camad C. Ali, RN., Atty Ivy Rose Torres, RPh Axel Ray E. Barron, RPh Pacita D. Facundo, RN, MAN Darlene Gay Tandingan, RPh Amy C. Cueco, RN., MAN John Sein E. Credo, BSOSM (Administrative Staff) Shellame T. Agustin, BSHM(College Secretary) Liza Mae A. Villarin, (Nursing Arts Lab. Technician) Medalyn P. Oalican, (Nursing Arts Lab. Technician)

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