EdelweissWealth Products ` `
Edelweiss Alpha Fund (Alternative Investment Fund - Category III)OBJECTIVE: Aims to deliver moderate absolute returns with low volatility over a recommended tenure of 1 year.FUND DETAILS MONTH ON MONTH PERFORMANCE#Strategy Absolute return fund Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec YTD that seeks to deliver 2013 -Inception positive returns with 2014 3.6% - -- - 1.1% 3.8% 1.5% 1.6% 4.1% 1.5% 0.4% 14.6%Date low correlation to 2015 2.8%AUM equity markets. 2016 0.4% 2.4% -0.2% 0.3% 8.6% 4.5% -0.17% 0.4% 2.9% 2.2% 3.4% 1.9% 34.5%Min 2017 0.6%Investment 1.4% 1.0% 1.2% 1.2% 1.7% 2.0% 0.6% 0.8% 1.0% 0.7% 0.8% 16.3%BenchmarkLeverage 0.7% 0.8% 1.4% 1.6% 1.0% 1.7% 1.0% 0.9% 1.4% 0.1% 0.3% 11.8% 1.6% 1.3% 1.4% - - - - - - - - 4.9% 1st June 2013 # Returns stated above are absolute returns unless specified and are cumulative monthly `353 Crores compounded. `1 crore SECTOR HOLDINGS (%) PERFORMANCE % ( FUND VS BENCHMARK) # Crisil Liquid Long Sectors Short Sectors 1M 3M 6M 1Yr Inception 0.58 Metals & Mining Infrastructure (Annualized) Financial Services Capital Goods Healthcare Energy Fund 1.4% 4.3% 5.2% 13.5% 21.9% Auto & Comp Pharmaceuticals Crisil Liquid 0.5% 1.6% 3.3% 7.0% 8.3%RISK STATISTICS FUND TERMS CURRENT VALUE OF `100 INVESTMENTStandard Deviation Fund NIFTY Fund Tenure Open Ended 250Sharpe Ratio 4.7% 15.2% Liquidity MonthlyBeta 3.15 0.41 Hurdle Rate 2.41% per quarter 200 0.06 1 Inception Date 1st June 2013 Option I Management Fee: 1% 150 Option I - with catch up Performance Fee: 10% 100 207.44 154.46 of profits CRISIL Liquid Option II Management Fee: NIL 50 Option II - with catch up Performance Fee: 15% of profits 0 Edelweiss Alpha Option IV Management Fee: 0.75% Option IV - without Fund catch up Performance Fee: 20% of profits***Returns stated are provisional unaudited returns as of 30th April, 2017.Returns are gross of management fees & expenses and gross of performance fees and taxes.
Edelweiss Smart Asset Allocation PMS (formerly known as Forefront Smart Asset Allocation PMS) OBJECTIVE: Better risk-adjusted returns with allocations to asset classes based on investor’s risk appetite over a tenure of 3 yearsFUND DETAILS PERFORMANCE ACROSS RISK PROFILES#Strategy Process driven multi Conservative Moderate Aggressive NIFTY Gold CRISIL Bond 13.3% 6.8% 4.1% 8.9% asset allocation strategy. CAGR 9.8% 11.3% 1.6% 1.4% 1.0% 0.2% 6.6% 7.8% 0.6% -0.3%Inception 1 Month 0.5% 1.2% 5.1% 7.7% -3.9% 2.6% 16.3% 18.5% -4.1% 10.1%Date 16th January, 2011 3 Months 2.7% 5.1% 12.9% 11.6% 1.4% 10.6% 8.3% 16.3% 18.3% 3.5%AUM `521 Crores 6 Months 4.6% 6.1% 1.6% -0.1% -0.1% -0.5%Min 1 Year 10.1% 15.8%Investment `25 Lakhs 3 Year (ann.) 9.2% 11.5%Benchmark 50% Nifty & 50% CRISIL Std Dev. 3.4% 6.2% Liquid Sharpe Ratio 2.9% 1.8%Risk Variants • Conservative • Moderate # Returns stated above are absolute returns unless specified. • Aggressive MODERATE PORTFOLIO HOLDINGS (%) CURRENT VALUE OF `100 INVESTMENT## IDFC Cash Fund - Regular (G) 22% 200 Asset Allocation Benchmark Edelweiss Arbitrage - Regular (G) 22% IDFC SSIF Medium Term - Regular… 3% 19% 175 IDFC Dynamic Bond Fund Plan B -… GOLDBEES 3% 12% 150 BSL Int Equity Plan A - Regular (G) 2% 12% Most Focused Multicap 35 -… 2% 10% 15% 20% 25% 125 158.84 HDFC MidCap Opps - Regular (G) 2% 100 197.22 ICICI Focused Bluechip Equity -…Large Cap Equity BSL Frontline Equity - Regular (G) 5% 75Mid Cap EquityInternational Equity 0% 50GoldLong-Term Debt 25Short-Term DebtLiquid / Arbitrage 0 Asset Allocation Benchmark***Returns stated are provisional unaudited returns as of 30th April,2017. Returns are net of management fees,performance fees & taxes.## The values stated are for Moderate risk profile.
Hexagon Performance as of May 31, 2017Since Inception Till Date (Annualised) Benchmark (BSE Smallcap) Till Date Sector DiversificationEstimates of BSE Smallcap Index are not included for comparison purposes as the volatility of these estimates is high23.7%ITD*1Y21.5% 1M Speciality CLiaq5IASsun%htuifde&otseorlm- aTtuiobConens9Ts&%uemcPheirnpsoterI1lnsuo0fcrg%ta###uy-VVVreAAALLLUUUEEE!!! Please read the Disclosure Document carefully before investing. Edelweiss Multi Strategy Funds Management Private Limited (formerly known as Forefront Capital Management Private Limited/the23.7%34.5%6M 3M0.4% Chemicals Consumer Discretionar#yVALUE! Company) {Corporate Identity No.:U67120MH2009PTC194273} has its Registered Office at Edelweiss House, Off CST Road, Kalina, Mumbai-400098. Edelweiss Multi Strategy Funds Management PrivateReturns21.5%35.3%-1.9% Limited is registered with Securities and Exchange Board of India as a portfolio Manager vide Registration Number INP000004631.Hexagon Portfolio20.0%11.3% 5%BSE Smallcap Cement Aug-15 22.3% 10.1% Retail Ge#mVsA&LUE! Sep-15 5% Oct-15Disclosures: Hexagon Portfolio Returns are calculated based on the model portfolio and inception date of 1-Sept-15. Returns of NBFC Jewellery Nov-15individual clients may differ depending on time of entry in the strategy. Past performance may or may not be sustained in 9% 4% Dec-15future and should not be used as a basis for comparison with other investments. Performance is reported net of management Jan-16fees and portfolio expenses and gross of performance fees and income tax. Since Inception Returns are annualised. Feb-16 Mar-16Model Portfolio Top 5 HoldingsReturns* Weight (%) Packaging Pharma- Apr-16 9.8% 12% ceuticals May-16APL APOLLO TUBES LTD188.2% 6.7% Chemicals Jun-16 6.1% 11% 12% Jul-16 6.3% Aug-16MOLD-TEK PACKAGING LTD93.8% 4.9% Finance Textiles #VALUE! Sep-16 CaRpaittainl g Agencie1s5% #VALUE! Oct-16SHREE PUSHKAR CHEMICALS & FERTILISERS LTD76.6% Nov-16 Goods Dec-16MAHINDRA HOLIDAYS & RESORTS INDIA LTD49.9% 3% Jan-17 Feb-17VIVIMED LABS LTD34.3% Marketcap Bias Mar-17 Apr-17*Returns mentioned are the returns of the stock since their buying till date Cash & May-17 Liquids 5% Hexagon Portfolio NAV Vs BSE Smallcap Large Cap 5%160 Hexagon Portfolio BSE Smallcap Mid Cap150 7%140130120110100 Small Cap 83%90 Small Cap (MCap<INR 5000 Cr)80 Midcap (MCap INR 5000-15000Cr) Large Cap (MCap>15000 Cr) Liquidity Bias Portfolio Characteristics Cash & Less Liquid Liquids 3% Moderately Valuations are Lower 40% Growth is higher 38% Liquid 5% 23%40.0 27% 22%35.0 30.5 30%30.0 23.1 20% 19.825.0 Highly Liquid20.0 10% 69%15.010.0 0% Less Liquid (ATV<INR 1 Cr) Moderately Liquid (ATV INR1-3 Cr) EPS Growth (FY17-19E) Highly Liquid (ATV>INR 3Cr) P/E FY 17E Hexagon Portfolio Sensex BSE Midcap Index Hexagon Portfolio Sensex BSE Midcap Index Theme Diversification Quality of Business is Better 4.0 Risk is Lower 3.7 Emerging Consistent30% Industry Excellence Leaders 8% 27%20% 18% 15% 3.0 Turnaround Climbing up10% 9% 2.2 Companies the value curve 2.0 31% 34% 1.0 0.90% ROE-FY19E Hexagon Portfolio Sensex BSE Midcap Index 0.0 Net Debt/EBITDA-FY19E Hexagon Portfolio Sensex BSE Midcap Index
Edelweiss Real Estate Opportunities Fund (EROF) REAL ESTATE MARKET OVERVIEWAttractive Investment Opportunites RERA: No Diversion of Project Funds• Post demonetsation market stabilised. • RERA stpulates 70% of sales proceeds to be use towards project cost.• Fund getting favorable investment opportunites, • To ensure capital availability for completon of the project. beter commercial terms and security package.Demand for Institutional Capital Budget 2017: Favorable Affordable Housing• Demand for flexible capital to increase - • Infrastructure status for affordable housing is likely to reduce cost of positive for structured credit, PE funds. funding and benefits to home buyers.• Banks regulated to provide construction loans. WHY EDELWEISS REAL ESTATE OPPORTUNITIES FUND?• To capitalize on current opportunites in RE sector.• Multi Strategy Approach provides better flexibility to structure deal.• Strong alignment of sponsor & investor with 16% hurdle (post all expenses and fees & pre tax).• Sponsor Commitment of INR75cr highest in fund category.• Fund is 32% drawn and invested in 2 deals.• 100% deployment expected in next 4-6 Qtr.• Opportunistic investment option in commercial property (Max. 20% of fund). Edelweiss Track RecordNo. of Deals Value of Deals (INR cr.) IRR (Expected*/ Realized IRR)119 Investments 8986.9 22.2%*50 Exits 3186.9 25.49%
DISCLAIMERThis document contains a summary description of an investment fund known as Edelweiss Real Estate OpportunitiesFund the Fund.Edelweiss Real Estate Opportunities Fund Trust has been set up as a Trust and registered with Securities andExchange Board of India as a Category II Alternative Investment Fund. The information in this document is highlyconfidential and is being provided for your confidential use with the express understanding that, without Edelweissprior written permission, you will not release or re-publish this document, discuss the information contained herein,make any reproduction of, or use any material contained herein for any purpose other than a preliminary evaluationof this information.The information contained in this summary has been prepared from original sources and information Edelweissbelieves to be reliable, but Edelweiss makes no representations or warranties as to its accuracy or completeness.This summary has been prepared solely as a preliminary document to be issued to a selected number of prospectiveinvestors to determine investor interest regarding the Fund. An offer or solicitation with respect to the Fund will andcan only be made through a final private placement memorandum and contribution agreement or other offeringmaterials published by the Fund, and will be subject to the terms and conditions contained in those documents. Theinformation contained herein is quantified in its entirety by reference to such offering materials. The offering materi-als and forms of the agreements relating to the Fund should be reviewed carefully prior to an investment in the Fund.This summary is for information purposes only and does not constitute an offer to sell or an offer to buy any securi-ties and may not be used or relied on in connection with any offer or sale of securities. The information in thisdocument does not purport to be complete.Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance. Internal rates of return or IRRs presented on agross basis do not reflect any management fees, carried interest, taxes or allocable expenses borne by investors,which in the aggregate may be substantial. Nothing contained herein is, or should be relied on as any indication asto the future performance of the Fund. None of the information in this document should be construed as investmentadvice.This summary is qualified in its entirety by the final offering material package for the Fund which will be availableupon request and will contain, among other things, a description of the risks of an investment in the Fund. In makingan investment decision, investors must rely solely on their own examination of the Fund and the terms of its offeringmaterials, including the merits and risks involved, and not on any information or representation made or alleged tohave been made in this document or otherwise.There can be no assurance that the Fund will achieve its investment objectives. Accordingly, prior to investing, youshould read and consider all of the risk factors contained in the offering materials published by the Fund.Edelweiss does not make or assume any obligation to update the information contained herein. Nothing containedherein may be relied upon as a promise or representation as to past or future performance.
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