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Home Explore Personal Development Mid Term

Personal Development Mid Term

Published by samanthajulienne18, 2022-09-25 11:46:09

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TShAroMugh The Samantha Julienne C. Santos STEM2203 Colossians Personal Development

ToddlerhoodSAM When i was in this stage, im starting to get to know how to sit, crawl, and stand alone. In the Socio- Super Emotional aspect i'm familiarizing when someone is calling my name and asking different types of questions like parts of the body. In Cognitive Aspect i started learning how to process and organize informs and understand the surroundings better. in the spiritual aspect i'm not totally aware but I'm starting to be aware of the respect and responsibilities of spirituality.

P.S. to lil sam (my younger self) I hope you're proud of what I'm today and to what I'm going to be. -sam