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Academic Advisor Handbook 2017Table of ContentsAuthorization to release student informationCredit without attending formal classes guidelinesMath and Science2017-2018 Module Math Course Description2017-2018 Combined Math 0960 and 1310 Online Modular OptionAdvising Notes for Science CoursesGlossary

Authorization to release student informationHelpful tips: • Remind students that they can use their unofficial transcript and class schedule, available in My Services, to provide information to a third party without a release. • MCC will not disclose any personally identifiable information about students (except directory information listed below, at the discretion of the College) without the written consent of the student. Each student, however, has the right to restrict the release of any or all of this information by submitting an opt out of directory information form or sending in a written request to the Records Office. MCC's directory information may include, at the discretion of the College: o Student's Name o MCC email address o Credit Hour status (full or part time for the term) o Start and end dates of attendance (Start date of first quarter of when classes were taken and end date of the last quarter when classes were completed only) o Degrees, honors and awards received o Major Field of Study o Photographs, Audios and Videos of students participating in official school activities and events**In consideration of acceptance of enrollment, students authorize Metropolitan Community Collegeto use their image, likeness, name and comments in, but not limited to, photographs, videos and audiorecordings created or used for the purposes of publicity/marketing and advertising for the College. • Do not let the student check options if they do not apply (i.e., only international students would check the option “Information related to MCC F-1 international students.”) • The student fills out the release of information form at an MCC location and presents a photo ID. The student needs to fill out the form LEGIBLY and sign and date it. • MCC staff makes a copy for the student and for location's own records. • The form is scanned and sent to the Records alias, • The original (hard copy) is forwarded to Records for student file.Entries will be made upon receipt of scanned version, as the hard copy may be delayed due to mail. Itmay take up to a week for the form to be entered; however, if a form needs to be enteredimmediately, please note this on the email so that it may get priority attention. • When authorized person calls, check on CRI screen to verify that the College can release information to that person and what information can be released. Always check on CRI if someone other than the student calls requesting non-directory information on that particular student.

• Faculty may be contacted for course progress reports. Full-time faculty have viewing access to the CRI screen. Adjunct faculty should contact the academic dean’s associate, Student Services or the Records Office to look up information. • Below is a screen shot of the CRI screen. Click on the magnifying glass on the right-hand side to view the comments. Comment section will appear with pertinent information.InstructionsNote: Academic, financial aid and student account information is available on My Services and maybe printed as needed by the student.

To activate the release: 1. The student will o Print and complete the form o Submit form with photo ID to any Student Services o Sign form in presence of MCC staff o May also sign the form at another time but must have that signature notarized before submitting the form 2. MCC staff will o Review form o Sign and date form o Make a copy for the student o Retain a copy for the MCC location o Scan form and email it to the Records email alias o Forward the original form to the Records Office©2000 – 2014 Ellucian. All rights reservedMCC Website

Credit without attending formal classes guidelinesStudent may earn credit without attending formal classes by substituting course work from anotherinstitution wherein the course work does not directly transfer, by qualifying through equivalent workexperience or by testing.Credit Without Attending WebpageAcademic credit petition· This form is to be completed by students and turned in to the academic dean of the appropriateacademic program.College-Level Examination Program (CLEP)Credit for work experience· The student contacts Student Services to learn the requirements and procedures for requestingcredit for work experience (must be currently enrolled).· The student is referred to the appropriate academic dean to discuss the guidelines for developing aportfolio.· The student obtains a copy of the course outline(s) from the academic dean’s associate for courseswhere work experience credit is desired.· The student submits the completed portfolio to the appropriate academic dean’s office for reviewand decision regarding award of credit.· The student will be informed of the results of the review conducted by academic dean.· The appropriate signed paperwork will be forwarded to the Records Office for posting to thestudent's permanent record (official transcript). The portfolio will be kept in the academic dean’soffice unless the student requests that it be returned. For additional information about credit forwork experience, visit following tests are administered by appointment only. Contact a Testing Center to schedule anappointment.· Advanced Placement Program (for high school students)· Defense Activity for Non-Traditional Educational Support· Institutional course proficiency (credit by subject assessment)Testing Center locations and phone numbers

· Elkhorn Valley Campus, 531-622-1278· Fort Omaha Campus, 531-622-2204· South Omaha Campus, 531-622--46132017-2018 Module Math Course DescriptionSubject: Course Advising Note - Modular Math course DescriptionAdvising Note:Here is a description of our modular math program that may be useful for students:The Modular Math program at Metropolitan Community College is especially designed for studentsplacing into the following classes (Math 0910, 0930, 0931, and 1310). The program is designed tosave the student Time and Money!! A student in this program is able to complete up to four mathcourses in one quarter IF they are highly motivated and willing to put in the time and effort! Thecost is less because the student pays only one quarter’s tuition and there is NO book. One must onlypurchase access to an online tutorial program.Students DO attend class regularly throughout the quarter AND have a classroom instructor. Theclassroom is a state of the art technology classroom, newly designed for this program with laptopcomputers provided for classroom use! Additional homework can be done in our modern well-staffed Math Centers and other Metro facilities.This program is called Modular Math because the courses are organized in modules, small bits ofinformation to be mastered one at a time. A Pre-Test will be administered at the beginning of eachunit, and if students are already proficient of that material, they will move on to the next unit. If theyneed to study the material further, the homework assigned will be personalized, such that onlyobjectives not passed on the Pre-test will be covered in the homework. Students will progressthrough the modules, demonstrating mastery of the material. As each module is mastered thestudent will proceed to the next module. If one course is completed in the quarter, they can moveon to the next course, with no additional cost.Let’s say someone moves on and completes one and a half courses. Then the next quarter theywould pay tuition and start where they left off! No more going back to the beginning! The secondquarter they might finish the second course and then do the third course, thus saving one quarter’stuition and book costs. The additional course is transcripted with no additional tuition. It’s a WINWIN situation! And students receive highly individualized instruction in a small class with aninstructor conferencing with them regularly and taking them from where they are to where theywant to go!Note: A student must complete Math 0910 or Math 1310 in 3 quarters with at most one quarterbreak. Math 0930 and Math 0931 students need to complete the course in two quarters with at mostone quarter break. If not, then the student must start the course over at the beginning.

Sound interesting? Students can see an advisor or counselor today to sign up for a modular class onthe campus of their choice or they can register online at Community College - Landing Metropolitan Community College'spurpose is to provide high-quality programs and services to people of all ages and educationalbackgrounds.Note: If a student placed into Math 0960 they will need to register for Math 0930 in the modularclasses since they will be progressing through Math 0931 in that quarter, also. For additional info,email Marcia Vergo ( or call her at 531-622-1354. She will be glad to answerquestions or give additional information.Metropolitan Community College Math DepartmentApproved by:Michael A. FleschDean of Mathematics and Natural Sciences2017-2018 Combined Math 0960 and 1310 Online Modular OptionSubject: Combined Math 0960/1310 online modular optionAdvising Note:Math 1310 Beginning/Intermediate Algebra :This is an online modular course that covers both Beginning/Intermediate Algebra objectives. Thisco-requisite course targets students who are highly motivated and want to complete IntermediateAlgebra and the pre-req in one quarter. The course is modular in format, mastery based, andrequires students to reach mastery before moving forward. Students must place into Math 0930,0960, 1220, 1240, or 1242 based on the placement criteria and be willing to work diligently. Onlyself-motivated students should be advised to register for this course. It is titled Math 1310Beginning/Intermediate Algebra. The required materials will include purchasing a MyLabsPlusonline code.It should be listed with the online Math 1310 classes. We have only 2 sections for Fall with a cap of20 students . They will be: Math 1310 -WM1 and Math 1310 - WM2.Requirements for Registration in MATH 1310 Beginning/Intermediate Algebra:Student must place into Math 0930, 0931, 0960, 1220, 1242, or 1260OR within two years:

· The student has earned an R in in Math 0930, MATH 0931, or MATH 0960 at MCC; or theequivalent at another 2-year college.· Note: A student who places directly into Math 1310 should register for the traditional sections ofMATH 1310 instead registering for MATH 1310 WM1 or WM2 - Beginning/Intermediate Algebra.They should not need the review material contained in this course.OR:· The student has been accepted to a 4-year regionally accredited institution with admissionsstandards. Open enrollment and two-year institutions do not count.· The student has completed at least 45 credit hours (30 Semester hours) of 1000-Level college workwith a GPA of 3.0. (Not in ESL).· Feel free to contact me with any questions.Marcia VergoMath InstructorElkhorn Valley Campus Phone: 531-622-1354 Email: mvergo@mccneb.eduApproved by:Michael A. FleschDean of Mathematics and Natural Sciences Phone: 531-622-1307 Email: mflesch@mccneb.edu2017-2018 Combined Modular Developmental Math 0910 and Business Math 1220Combined Modular Developmental Math/Business Math (MATH 0910/1220 M7N) is:· A course that covers both the MATH 0910 and MATH 1220 objectives. The student enrolls inMath 0910 or Math 1220 based on their placement score.· Mastery Based. This is a course for students completing an associate's degree and it explores thedevelopment and application of the mathematics skills needed to solve problems related to businessoccupations.· A competency based modular course. Students will complete assignments, quizzes, and tests usingMyLabsPlus. Attendance is required. All material must be mastered before the student can progressfrom one module to the next.· The prerequisite for MATH 1220 is still MATH 0910. This class is a good choice for students whoare required to take both MATH 0910 and MATH 1220. Students have the opportunity to save both

time and money by completing both courses in the same quarter without any additional cost to thestudent.· Continuous. If a student doesn’t complete the coursework in one quarter, they can continue wherethey left off during the next quarter. They would be assigned an 'R' grade based on attendance andsignificant progress.· No text is required. All information needed is contained in the MyLabsPlus web-based programfor which students pay a one-time fee.· If the pilot goes well, Modular Developmental Math/Business Math will become a permanentoffering. Please feel free to contact Joseph Lee if you have any questions.Advising Notes for Science CoursesRevised for FA/17 • All of the on-campus science classes containing a lab have been split into a lecture and a lab component. For ALL these on-campus classes, students must register for both a lecture and a lab section. • For students registering for either the hybrid or online version of BIOS 1010, CHEM 1010 or SCIE 1400, registration is for the lecture and lab inclusive. Therefore, they should not register for any lab section separately. • For on-campus classes, all of the lecture sections have a corresponding lab section. • Students are not restricted as to what combination of lecture and lab they register. We do recommend that students enroll in the lab corresponding to the lecture section. • Students are not allowed to register for just a lecture section or just a lab section. They must complete both portions of the course at the same time. • If a student drops either the lecture or the lab component of a course during the quarter, they will be dropped from the other portion of the course as well. • With the exception of BIOS 1010 all students enrolling in science classes are expected to test at college level for reading, writing and math skills. No students should be enrolled in any of these science classes if they are taking developmental courses.Course Course InformationGeneral Biology A challenge test has been created for BIOS 1010 General Biology (Formerly called Introduction to Biology). It has 30 questions.

(This is a name change Students must score 18 correct out of 30 or 60% to pass the challengeonly from Introduction Biology) There are NO repeats of this test.BIOS 1010/BIOS Encourage students to take the challenge test who express an interest in1010L bypassing General Biology. The challenge test does not give credit for General Biology. Since some programs outside of MCC may require General Biology, make sure that this course is not necessary for a student’s course of study before they take the challenge test. There are no pre-requisites for this course. This course is also offered in three formats: totally on campus, hybrid format and totally online course. For the different formats: Totally on campus: Students must register for both BIOS 1010 and BIOS 1010L Hybrid format: Students registering for this class do not register for a separate lab section. They would be considered a cohort group. The course has been re-configured so that the students will take the lecture portion of the course primarily online with the lab/discussion taking place on campus one day a week. Online format: This class is completely online, both lab and lecture. Therefore, students registering for this class do not register for a separate lab section.Biology I, II and III This Biology courses is taught as a three course sequence. All threeBIOS 1111/BIOS courses must be successfully completed to transfer as a two-semester1111L BIOS general biology course.1121/BIOS 1121L

BIOS 1130/BIOS This content of the course sequence has been revised beginning with the1130L FA/10 academic year. In advising students please note that: The previous BIOS 1110 content is now taught in the BIOS 1121 course. If a student has already successfully completed BIOS 1110, they need to take BIOS 1111 and BIOS 1130 to complete the sequence. The BIOS 1120 content is now taught in the BIOS 1111 course. If a student has already successfully completed BIOS 1110 and 1120, they need to take the BIOS 1130 only to complete the sequence. The BIOS 1130 content remains the same as previous so there is no course number change. If a student has already successfully completed the BIOS 1120 and 1130 courses, they need to complete the BIOS 1111 to complete the sequence. Students registering for this sequence must register for both the lecture and the lab portions of the course. The pre-requisites for BIOS 1111 are: College level reading, writing and math proficiency. A student cannot be enrolled in in this course sequence while taking any developmental course. Prerequisite for BIOS 1121 is BIOS 1111 Prerequisite for BIOS 1130 is BIOS 1121. This biology sequence of courses begins with BIOS 1111 in both the fall and winter quarters.

Environmental This is currently taught primarily online and does NOT include a labBiology component. It will occasionally be offered as a hybrid course which willBIOS 1250 meet on campus once a week. This course does count toward the Natural Sciences requirement for academic transfer but is not sufficient. The prerequisite is college level reading, writing and math proficiency. Students enrolled in developmental courses are not allowed to enroll in this course.Survey of Human This course is specifically designed to meet the needs of specific certificate-Anatomy and seeking students in MCC programs. As of Fall 2014 this would bePhysiology Respiratory Therapy and Medical Assistant. Transfer as anatomy/physiologyBIOS 1310/BIOS credit for this course is not assured.1310L When registering students for this course, make sure they understand that this course may not serve their A&P requirement but may transfer as a general science credit. Students should check with their transfer institution. The prerequisite is college level reading, writing and math proficiency. Students enrolled in developmental courses are not allowed to enroll in this course. Students registering for this course must register for both the lecture and the lab portions of the course.Genetics This is offered in both the on campus and online course format and does notBIOS 2050 have a lab component. The online format is offered every quarter and the on-campus format is offered at least twice a year. Prerequisites are: College level reading, writing and math. Students enrolled in developmental courses are not allowed to enroll in this course.

BIOS 1010 or equivalent.

Microbiology Prerequisites:BIOS 2150/BIOS BIOS 1010.2150L Students who successfully passed a college-level biology course with lab at another institution may be able to substitute that class for the BIOS 1010 prerequisite. BIOS 1310 will also serve as the prerequisite. If you are not sure, contact a full-time biology instructor for clarification. College level reading, writing and math. Students enrolled in developmental courses are not allowed to enroll in this course.Anatomy and Some colleges offer Anatomy as a separate course from Physiology. If aPhysiology I student has completed both Anatomy and Physiology as separate courses atBIOS 2310/2310L another institution then they have met the requirements for BIOS 2310/2320 as long as both of the courses are lab based courses and equivalent to four semester credit hours each. Courses with less than 4 semester credits each would not substitute. If a student has completed only Anatomy but not Physiology, they will need both BIOS 2310 and BIOS 2320. PREREQUISITE (2) College-level reading, writing, and math proficiency; and BIOS 1010 or equivalent - must be completed prior to taking this course. COREQUISITE (1) BIOS 2310L - must be taken at the same time as this course.Anatomy and PRE-COREQUISITEPhysiology II (1) CHEM 1010; or CHEM 1210 and CHEM 1211; or CHEM 1212 - mustBIOS 2320/BIOS be taken either prior to or at the same time as this course.2320L Students who are transferring Anatomy and Physiology I from another college but did not complete a Chemistry course will have to meet the chemistry prerequisite before enrolling in BIOS 2320. The Chemistry challenge test may be offered to these students. PREREQUISITE

(2) College-level reading, writing, and math proficiency; and BIOS 2310 - must be completed prior to taking this course. COREQUISITE (1) BIOS 2320L - must be taken at the same time as this course.College Chemistry This course is taught in three formats.CHEM 1010/CHEM • The majority of the course sections will be offered totally on campus1010L and will meet twice a week for both lecture and lab. • Blended (hybrid) course: In this section, the lecture material is presented in an online format and the students meet once a week for  testing, discussion, and laboratory.  Students taking this course must understand that a significant portion of the learning is their responsibility since it is impossible to deliver twenty two lectures within the eleven lecture framework of the online course. • Online course: This format is totally online -both the lecture and lab portions. For students choosing to take the online section, ◊ There is an additional lab kit required at a cost of about $200. The lab kit can be purchased from the MCC Bookstore or directly from Carolina Biologicals (at reduced cost). ◊ This format involves proctored testing so students are required to come on campus for the mid-term and final exams. They must score a minimum of a grade of C on both proctored tests to pass the class. ◊ If that is not possible for a student to come on campus for these proctored tests, it is their responsibility to arrange for a suitable proctored testing location that is approved prior to the beginning of the course. Students registering for either the hybrid section or the online section are not required to register for a separate lab. These two formats are lecture/lab inclusive. Because the math involved in College Chemistry is very intensive, the following pre-requisites WILL NOT be waived. Substitution of another math class must be approved by one of the full-time chemistry faculty.

For CHEM 1010: Pre-requisite is MATH 0931 or MATH 0960 -- student is academically prepared to take the MATH 1310 course College level reading, writing and math proficiency – meaning a student cannot be enrolled in any developmental course while taking any science course.General Chemistry I Students have two options to complete General Chemistry I (the equivalent to the first semester of a General Chemistry major’s course). For eitherCHEM 1210/CHEM sequence of courses, it is recommended that the student has some1210L+ CHEM background in chemistry. For the accelerated course (CHEM 1212, students1211/CHEM 1211L must have some chemistry background.Or Option I: CHEM 1210/CHEM 1210L (General Chemistry I, Part I) + CHEMCHEM 1212/CHEM 1211/CHEM 1211L (General Chemistry I, Part II):1212L This combination of courses is designed for students who need a one year general chemistry course but feel they are lacking in the basic skills needed to be successful in a faster (accelerated) paced course. The pace of this combination of courses is the same as a regular semester course. CHEM 1210 begins mid-quarter in the Fall quarter with the CHEM 1211/1211L starting at the beginning of the winter quarter. There is a delayed start date for CHEM 1210 to prevent a break between CHEM 1210 and 1211. Both courses must be successfully completed to transfer the equivalent of General Chemistry I Option II: CHEM 1212/CHEM 1212L General Chemistry I -Accelerated This accelerated course is designed for students who have a recent background in chemistry either from completing a recent college prep high school course or completed CHEM 1010 (College Chemistry) at MCC or an equivalent course from some other college or university. Neither Consumer

Chemistry nor Chemistry in the Community provide a sufficient backgroundfor student success in General chemistry as both of these are non-mathbased classes. If you have a question about a prior chemistry class serving asa pre-requisite, contact a full-time chemistry faculty. Advisors shouldemphasize to students the rigors of the accelerated course.Because of the delayed start for CHEM 1210/CHEM 1210L in the fallquarter, a student who begins the accelerated course in that quarter and findsthat they are not prepared for the rigors of the course can arrange to dropback into the standard paced course. The standard pace course has all thesame requirements in terms of rigor as the accelerated course, it is justoffered at a standard semester paced course.All students wanting to enroll in General Chemistry in either format mustsuccessfully complete the Toledo Assessment exam. ◊ The test is given free of charge and is available in the Testing Center on each campus location. ◊ This is a two part exam. Part I evaluates math readiness and must be completed with a score of 11 or better. Part II is an indication of their chemistry background. It is required but is informational for the instructor and does not determine enrollment for the course. ◊ NO STUDENT, regardless of their academic background, is exempt from taking this placement exam. ◊ For students wanting some practice information about this placement exam, there is a math review packet available in the Math Centers on all the campus locations. The Math Center staff is also available to answer questions concerning the solving of these problems for those students who need a short review.Because of the rigors of the math involved in General Chemistry, thefollowing pre-requisites WILL NOT be waived. Substitution of anothermath class must be approved by one of the full-time chemistry faculty.For CHEM 1210/CHEM 1210L:Pre-requisite is MATH 0931 or MATH 0960With a co-requisite of MATH 1310 which may be taken either before CHEM 1210 or at the same time.

For CHEM 1211/CHEM 1211L: Pre-requisite is MATH 1310 With a co-requisite of MATH 1420 which may be taken before beginning the CHEM 1210/1211 course sequence or at the same time but must be completed prior to taking CHEM 1220. For CHEM 1212/CHEM 1212L: Pre-requisite is MATH 1310 With a co-requisite of MATH 1420 which may be taken prior to CHEM 1212 or at the same time. For all three courses -- College level reading, writing and math proficiency – meaning a student cannot be enrolled in any developmental course while taking this science course. CHEM 1211 or CHEM 1212 must be completed before a student can enroll in CHEM 1220 – General Chemistry II.Gen. Chemistry II This is the second half of the year long course and is equivalent to the second semester of a General Chemistry major’s course. This course isCHEM 1220/CHEM taught only at the accelerated pace to be completed within one quarter.1220L Because of the rigors of the math involved, it is essential that the students have the math pre-requisite classes completed before taking this class. For CHEM 1220/CHEM 1220L: Pre-requisite is CHEM 1211/CHEM 1211L or CHEM 1212/CHEM 1212L – receiving a grade of C or better and completed within the past four years. and Pre-requisite is MATH 1420

College level reading, writing and math proficiency. CHEM 1211/CHEM 1211L or CHEM 1212/CHEM 1212L must be in progress or completed before a student can enroll in CHEM 1220/CHEM 1220L – General Chemistry II.Fundamentals of This is a very intensive course requiring a strong foundation in the generalOrganic Chemistry principles of chemistry. It is strongly advised that students who want to enroll in this course have had a recent chemistry course like CHEM 1010/CHEM 2310/CHEM CHEM 1010L or CHEM 1211/CHEM 1211L or CHEM 1212/CHEM2310L 1212L. If it has been more than two or three years since the student’s last chemistry course, it is recommended that the student takes the challenge test to see if they have the necessary background information to be successful in the course. If not, it is suggested that they take the CHEM 1010 as preparation. For CHEM 2310/CHEM 2310L: Pre-requisite is CHEM 1010/CHEM 1010L or CHEM 1211/CHEM 1211L or CHEM 1212/CHEM 1212L receiving a grade of C or better and within the past four years. College level reading, writing and math proficiency – meaning a student cannot be enrolled in any developmental course while taking this science course.

Org. Chemistry I The organic chemistry sequence is taught as a three part sequence. All three parts (A/B/C) must be completed to transfer that course as the equivalent to aCHEM 232A/B/C full semester. Each portion is taught in a 5.5 week period to be completed inand CHEM 1½ quarters.232A/B/C-LAnd The Organic Chemistry I sequence (CHEM 232A/B/C and CHEM 232A/B/C-L) begins only in the fall and is completed by mid-January (5.5Organic Chemistry weeks into the winter quarter).IICHEM 233A/B/Cand CHEM233A/B/C-L The Organic Chemistry II sequence (CHEM 233A/B/C and CHEM 233A/B/C-L) begins in the same time slot immediately after the end of CHEM 232C/CHEM 232C-L and continues through the winter quarter and completing at the end of the spring quarter. It is taught in alternating years as a day class and night class. The day class is in the odd numbered years and the night class is in the even numbered years. (The Fall 2017 sequence will be taught during the day). The pre-requisite for this course is CHEM 1220/CHEM 1220L or equivalent. College level reading, writing and math proficiency – meaning a student cannot be enrolled in any developmental course while taking this science course.

Principles of The Principles of Physics I sequence is taught as a three section sequencePhysics I (PHYS 110A/B/C and PHYS 110A/B/C-L) spread out over 1½ quarters. All three sections must be completed to transfer the course as the equivalent to thePHYS 110A/B/C first semester of an algebra-based physics course.and PHYS110A/B/C-LAnd The Principles of Physics I sequence is taught in two formats.Principles of • The first is the standard, totally on campus format that has three meetingsPhysics II a week. For day classes, these meetings are morning/afternoon onPHYS 111A/B/C Monday and morning only on Wednesday. For the night section, theand PHYS students meet three nights a week, two for lecture and one for lab. For111A/B/C-L this format, the students must register for both the lecture and lab portion of the course. • This course is also taught as a totally online course. Students choosing to take the course online only register for the online section which is lecture/lab inclusive. This format still runs over 1½ quarters so begins in the fall quarter for PHYS 110A –Web and PHYS 110B-Web and PHYS 110C-Web in the winter quarter to be completed by mid-January. Based on enrollment, a second offering MAY begin at the middle of the winter quarter with PHYS 110A-Web with PHYS 110B-Web and PHYS 110C- Web offered in the spring quarter to complete the sequence. The Principles of Physics II (PHYS 111A/B/C and PHYS 111A/B/C-L) is also taught as a three-section sequence spread out over 1½ quarters. All three sections must be completed to transfer as the second semester of an algebra- based physics course. If an insufficient number of students are enrolled in the PHYS 111A/B/C and PHYS 111A/B/C-L sequence, it may be cancelled. This course is only offered as an on-campus course. The Principles of Physics courses will be offered on campus in one of the following sequence through the calendar year. Generally PHYS 110A/B will begin days in the fall quarter and complete in the winter quarter. PHYS 110A or both A/B will begin in the winter quarter. The exact schedule will be determined based on enrollment for the course.

Fall Winter Spring Summer quarter quarter quarter quarterOption 1 PHYS PHYS PHYS 110A/B 110C and 111B/C and PHYS and PHYS 110C-L PHYS 110A/B-L Followed 111B/C- days by L FA PHYS days 111A and SP PHYS 111A-L days WIOption 2 PHYS PHYS PHYS PHYS 111A/B/C 111A/B 111C and 110B/C and PHYS 111A/B/C- and PHYS 111A/B-L PHYS And L nights 111C-L PHYS days or nights Nights 110B/C- depending upon FA ending staffing availability and (based on mid-WI L student enrollment. summer) nights This is an accelerated enrollment PHYS format where all three 110A and SP portions of the course are covered within a 10- PHYS week schedule. 110A-L Nights Beginning mid-WIOption 3 PHYS PHYS PHYS 110A/B 110C and 111B/C PHYS and

and PHYS 110C-L PHYS 110A/B-L followed 111B/C- by PHYS nights 111A and L FA PHYS nights 111A-L SP nights WIOption 4 PHYS PHYS PHYS 111B/C and 110A/B 110C PHYS 111B/C-L and and PHYS days or nights PHYS 110C-L depending upon 110A/B- followed staffing availability by PHYS L 111A SS days and WI PHYS PHYS 111A-L 110A/B/C And PHYS days 110A/B/C- SP LOption 5 – this is an accelerated pace offering to complete the entire PHYS 110 sequence within one summer session. There is no immediately following PHYS 111 sequenceBecause of the math involved in successfully completing the physics course, themath pre-requisites WILL NOT be waived. Substitution of a different mathcourse must have prior approval from the full-time physics faculty. Since thePHYS 110 sequence is the required pre-requisite course for the PHYS 111sequence, the math pre-requisite is already met for the second half of thecourse. For students transferring in the academic credit for the first “semester”of the algebra-based physics course, it is necessary to check that the math pre-requisite has been met.For PHYS 110A/B/C:

The pre-requisite is MATH 1310 College level reading, writing and math proficiency – meaning a student cannot be enrolled in any developmental course while taking any of these science courses.General Physics I The General Physics I sequence is taught as a three section sequence (PHYS 210A/B/C and PHYS 210A/B/C-L) spread out over 1½ quarters with parts APHYS 210A/B/C and B taught in the same quarter followed by part C at the beginning of theAnd next quarter. All three sections must be completed to transfer the course as theGeneral Physics II equivalent to the first semester of a calculus-based physics course.PHYS 211A/B/C The General Physics II (PHYS 211A/B/C and PHYS 211A/B/C-L) is also taught as a three-section sequence spread out over 1½ quarters. Part A begins immediately after completion of PHYS 210C and parts B and C are offered in the next quarter. All three sections must be completed to transfer as the second semester of a calculus-based physics course. For both General Physics I and II, students must register for both the lecture and lab portions of the course. They must also register separately for each part (A, B and C). The General Physics courses will be offered in the following sequence through the calendar year. By checking the fall schedule, it can be determined whether the fall offering is a day or night class. Options 1 and 2 are paired in a calendar year and Options 3 and 4 are paired in a calendar year. Option 1 will be offered as a hybrid class (part on campus and part online) starting in the Fall of 2016. The rest of the options will be offered in a traditional on campus format. Fall quarter Winter Spring Summer quarter quarter quarter PHYS Option 1 PHYS PHYS 211B/C Taught as 210A/B 210C and a hybrid and PHYS

course and PHYS 210C-L PHYSformat 210A/B-L followed 211B/C- by PHYS days 211A and L FA PHYS days 211A-L SP days WIOption 2 PHYS PHYS PHYS 211B/C 210A/B 210C and and PHYS 211B/C-L and PHYS PHYS 210C-L days or nights 210A/B- followed depending upon by PHYS staffing availability L 211A and nights PHYS SS 211A-L WI nightsOption 3 PHYS PHYS PHYS 210A/B 210C and 211B/C and PHYS 210A/B-L PHYS and nights 210C-L PHYS followed 211B/C- FA by PHYS (based on 211A and L enrollment) PHYS nights 211A-L nights SP WIOption 4 PHYS PHYS PHYS 211B/C 210A/B 210C and and PHYS 211B/C-L and PHYS PHYS 210C-L days or nights 210A/B- followed depending upon by PHYS staffing availability L 211A and days PHYS SS WI 211A-L days

SP Because of the math involved in successfully completing the physics course, the math pre-requisites CANNOT be waived. Substitution of a different math course must have prior approval from the full-time physics faculty. Since the PHYS 210 sequence is the required pre-requisite course for the PHYS 211 sequence, the math pre-requisite is already met for the second half of the course. For students transferring in the first “semester” of the calculus-based physics course, it is necessary to check that the math pre-requisite has been met. For PHYS 210A/B/C: The pre-requisite is MATH 2410 College level reading, writing and math proficiency – meaning a student cannot be enrolled in any developmental course while taking any science course.Introduction to the This course is a general science course. It is not required for any MCC programPhysical Science but will satisfy the general science requirement of many other institutions.SCIE 1010 Students registering for the on campus course must also register for SCIE 1010 L, the laboratory component of the course. Those registering for the online version will have the lab included and need not sign up for a separate lab. The Pre-requisite for the course is College level reading, writing and math proficiency and MATH 0931 or 0960.Astronomy Both the astronomy lecture and lab courses are taught in both the online andSCIE 1300 on campus formats. Because of the popularity of the web-based courses, this is(lecture) currently the primary form of course delivery. When both formats (on-line andSCIE 1310 (lab) on-campus) are offered, students from either lecture format section can register for either lab format section.

Students are allowed to register for just the lecture portion of the course when enrolling on campus or online. There are some mathematical calculations involved in the course so the math pre-requisite must be enforced. For both SCIE 1300 and SCIE 1310: The math prerequisite is MATH 0921 or 0960 College level reading, writing and math proficiency – meaning a student cannot be enrolled in any developmental course while taking any science course.Introduction to The Introduction to Meteorology will be offered in the online format twice aMeteorology year. In this format, the lecture and lab components are combined. It will also be offered twice a year on campus. In this format, students must register forSCIE 1400 (lecture) both the lecture and lab components.and SCIE 1400L(lab) There are some mathematical calculations involved in the course so the math pre-requisite must be enforced. For both SCIE 1400 and SCIE 1400L: The math prerequisite is MATH 0931 or MATH 0960 College level reading, writing and math proficiency – meaning a student cannot be enrolled in any developmental course while taking any science course.Pre-requisite Issues

• Please enforce the pre-requisites and make notes in XCAN. These notes are very helpful for the science faculty. • When questions about equivalent pre-requisites arise ONLY full-time faculty can make the decisions so should be the ones consulted. Please contact the course coordinator or the discipline coordinator for assistance with this matter. Adjunct faculty cannot make any decisions about pre-requisites so should not be consulted. • Students who have completed pre-requisites with a D at MCC or some other school are eligible to move on to the next course level. There is a reluctance to do so because of transferability issues and the preparedness for the subsequent coursework but it will be allowed. It is advisable that students complete the pre-requisite coursework with a grade of C or better. • It is the policy of the science faculty NOT to waive any pre-requisites. However, if advisors have questions about a specific course, the science faculty will be happy to help. The advisors should contact the faculty directly rather than send the student. • The college policy states that students cannot repeat a course where they receive a grade of C or better on their previous attempt, without instructor permission.  With waitlists for some courses it would be best to allow students who have not taken the course first opportunity. Permission for a student to repeat a course if they have a previous grade of C or better must come from a full-time faculty member in that discipline along with the Dean.Glossary