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Home Explore Composition Guidelines 20220225

Composition Guidelines 20220225

Published by Danielle Koren, 2022-02-25 00:43:30

Description: Composition Guidelines 20220225


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Composition Guidelines February 25, 2022 By Danielle Koren

Composition • Applies to visual arts, dance, literature and virtually any other kind of art. • Makes sure the main subject draws the viewers’ attention. • Is not necessarily what is most pleasing to the eye (war photography: uncomfortable, nervous, unexpected and shocking.

Rule of Thirds

Angle of View

Negative Space


Human Element

Lines and Shapes

Get Close, Declutter and Symplify

The Right Context

Composition Guidelines 1. Rule of Thirds 2. Angle of View 3. Negative Space 4. Contrast 5. Lines and Shapes 6. Declutter and Symplify 7. Right

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