Plasterpiece Theatre presents Passion, Poison &Petrification by George Bernard Shaw A virtual live theatre… experiment
Passion, Poison and Petrification Starring (in order of appearance): Cuckoo clock Terra Sullivan Lady Magnesia Fitztollemache Claire Senko Phyllis the maid Alex Barnard Lord George Fitztollemache Adam Liefl Adolphus Bastable Landlord J.P. Antonacci Police officer Jillian Adams Doctor Nara Farrell Thomas Judd Sound designer Hailey Parker To our lovely audience This production was born out of the need to connect and collaborate and has been a source of happiness for all of us. Thank you to everyone who watches this – whether live or later. We sincerely hope it brings you some joy and laughter in this surreal time. Stay safe and sane, and take care of each other out there! We hope to entertain you again soon!
Meet the cast and crew Jillian Adams A little quarantine won’t stop Jillian from participating in the arts! After the recent cancellation of the Lighthouse Festival Theatre’s community show, Jillian jumped at the opportunity to perform again with her old pals. When not botching accents, Jillian can be found devoting most of her time to her second love—teaching! J.P. Antonacci J.P.'s questionable English accent has been heard on stages in Port Dover and Simcoe. He was once told he had a voice for radio (or was it a face?) so we'll see if that's true. He hopes the audience laughs half as much as the cast and crew did during rehearsals. Alex Barnard Alex likes to do artsy stuff and thankfully has wonderful friends who humour her. She has yet to try baking quarantine bread, but hopes to change that soon. When not singing or acting, she can be found in her garden or cuddling with her cats. Nara Farrell Nara has been a police officer in a script since May 3rd. She is very active in the arts community. Watch her live! on Facebook during quarantine on Tuesday mornings at 10 a.m. for “Name that tune!”
Thomas Judd Thomas normally reserves his medical talents for his family's herd of dairy cows in Simcoe. This weekend, he expands his herd to include the wonderful folks that try for English accents in \"Passion, Poison and Petrifaction.\" Thanks to each member of the Shrubberies, who started this plaster of Paris, and my other great friends that round out the cast. Drink milk love life Adam Liefl After spending much of the last two months with cheap wine and the same pair of sweatpants, Adam is thrilled to be once again goofing around with this world-class troupe of \"amateur\" performers. And after over a decade working professionally in radio, it's a great pleasure to be providing audible entertainment once again at roughly the same level of unprofessionalism. Hailey Parker Hailey is normally seen (or not seen) wearing all black and doing sound at Lighthouse Festival Theatre. These days she can be found hanging out in her yard with her animals, hanging out on her island with some animals, and fighting alongside Avalanche. She has taken a break from these activities to help her theatre nerd friends in this fun new online experiment!
Claire Senko Claire is a lucky ducky. Her friends have kept her heart happy through this wonky time, with constant reminders that creativity is percolating everywhere. This show is the oddly wrapped tchotchke you end up with at the office gift exchange. But it makes you smile. It’s ridiculous and heartwarming and tickles you precisely because it was chosen knowing you’d never have gotten it for yourself. Thanks, Alex, and you’re welcome, audience ❤ Terra Sullivan Terra is an extraordinary human being. She is an amazing artist and huge fan of anime. She says she is as \"annoying as a cuckoo clock,\" but we know better than that. Terra makes her debut (!) as our gentle and annoying cuckoo clock. (Said with love.) That’s all, folks!
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