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Home Explore DAY 3 - IndiaSteelShow2017

DAY 3 - IndiaSteelShow2017

Published by sneha.pillai, 2017-04-21 08:27:55

Description: DAY 3 - IndiaSteelShow2017


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BuILDINg RESPONSIVE, INCLuSIVE & COLLECtIVE SOLutIONSScan QR-Code &View ePaper DAY 3news BRICs TRADE FAIR@show 12–14 October, 2016, Pragati Maidan, New Delhi 19 – 21 April, 2017 Mumbai Exhibition CentreFor Private Circulation Only DAY 1 Mumbai, India The Yellow Show Your BRICS – Event Market Mantra 4 Imprint 6 Preview 1,2 & 5 Agenda 5 Delegate's Corner 7 BRICS Road Business! Exhibitor's Voice 6 Floor Plan 8 President, FICCI, Set a measurement Leader-Speak 3 Harshavardhan Neotia 3 framework 4 Nirmala Sitharaman, Minister of State (Independent Charge) Commerce & Industry, Govt of India Deepening and strengthening trade and economic From LtoR: Vice Chairman, SUN Group, Shiv Khemka; Chairman, Sun International Ltd, Vikramjit Singh Sahney; Chairman & CEO, Apollo Tyres, Onkar Singh Kanwar; Prime Minister, India, Narendra Modi; Union Finance Minister, Arun Jaitley; Chairman, Max Financial Services & Senior Advisor Advent, cooperation is the key objective Private Equity, Naina Lal Kidwai; Executive Director, United Phosphoros Ltd, Jai Shroff during the BRICS Summit in Ufa Russia for members of the BRICS BRICS Trade Экспо-шоу BRICS Trade Fair 2016 – BRICS 2016 - Fair 2016 – grouping. The strategy for BRICS Towards Углубление 深化雙邊關係 Deeper Ties связей Economic Partnership adopted last year at Ufa, Russia, sets the tone and direction for the steps that we need to take for deepening Intra-BRICS trade, economic and investment ties. The first BRICS Trade Fair being organized at New Delhi Organised by Ministry Выставку, бизнес-форум from October 12 to 14, 2016 of Commerce & Industry, и деловой совет marks a significant milestone inAn working towards the fulfillment Ministry of External Affairs представители стран BRICS в of these objectives. The Fair empowaenrmdetnhteinFsteedeel sreacttioornduorfing the 2016 году проводят в Pragati IndMiaaSitdeaenl 2, Н01ь7юS-hДoеwли, с 12 по 14 enwrililchincognsteribssuitoen onimwmoemnseelny Indian Chamber of октября. Событие Commerce and Industry направлено активизировать to the promotion of intra- (FICCI), the BRICS Trade Стратегию BRICS с целью BRICS economic cooperation. It provides an excellent opportunity for companies both from the public and the private Fair, Business Forum & достижения экономического sector to showcase their goods, Business Council held партнерского maihlaa Sa>I ka at Pragati Maidan, взаимодействия.WomserevicnesPaondwteechrnologies. New Delhi from October Организаторы: I am confident that members 12–14, 2016 aspires to of the business fraternity from energize the BRICS the BRICS countries and all Strategy for economic partnership.Growing Influence ofthe participants will find this[spat maoM maihlaaAaoMplatform relevant and useful, and wish all participants success in fostering mutually beneficialWomen in Steel baZ,ta p`Baavapartnerships. Министерство торговли и промышленности Индии, Министерство иностранных дел Индии, Федерация торгово-промышленных палат Индии (FICCI). More on page 2Constituting half the population, women are the joint decision makers at home.They can be the perfect brand ambassadors for steel. With this belief FICCI doSa kI AabaadI maoM maihlaaAaoM kI saM#yaa AaQaI hO AaOr Gar maoM inaNa-ya p`iËyaa maoM ]organised a discussion with women from the sector. Below are the glimpses. naka sahBaaga haota hO. vaoM [spat ko ilayao sahI ba`aMD eMbaosaDsa- hao saktI hO¸ [saIf women constitute half the Considering the changed scenario, Baraosao ko saaqa if@kInao [sa xao~ kI maihlaaAaoM ko saaqa ek cacaa-sa~ ka Aayaaojana population in India and play the I hope that manufacturing becomes one ikyaa. [sa cacaa- kI Jalak naIcao dI hO. role of influencer, then why is their of the career choices for women in thepresence in the manufacturing sector times to come,” she added. Agar maihlaa doSa kI AabaadI ka AaQaa ihssaa hO doKto hue¸ maOM yah AaSaa krtI huM ik Aanaovaalaoso scarce? Raising this point, Vinita Throwing light on the global scenario, AaOr p`Baavak kI BaUimaka krtI hO¸ tao ]%pad xao~ idnaaoM maoM maihlaaAaoM ko ilayao yah kiryar ka ivaklpBimbhet, Immediate Past President, Yashika Singh, Economist Rio Tinto India maoM vaoM dula-Ba @yaaoM hO¸ yah savaala ]zato hue if@kI haogaa¸” ]nhaoMnao kha.FICCI Ladies Organisation opened the added, “Lack of participation of women maihlaa saMGaTna kI t%kala pUva- AQyaxaa ivainata vaOiSvak isqatI pr p`kaSa Dalato hue irAao TInataopanel discussion on ‘Growing Influence in the manufacturing sector is observed ibamaBaoT nao ‘[spat xao~ maoM maihlaaAaoM ka baZ,ta [MiDyaa ko Aqa-Saas~I¸ yaaiSaka isaMh nao kha¸of Women in Steel’. globally.” However, on the brighter side, p`Baava’ [sa ivaYaya pr cacaa- kI SauÉAat kI. “ivaSvaBar ]%pad xao~ maoM maihlaaAaoM ka sahBaaga kmaRita Singh, Chairperson & Managing she noted that as the manufacturing maoskao sTIla kI AQyaxa AaOr p`baMQa inadoSak¸ irTa idKta hO. [sa ko baavajaud ek ]jjvala pxa poSaDirector, MESCO Steel, felt that often job is going through localisation, which, in isaMh nao jatayaa ik Aama taOrpr ]%pad xao~ ko krto hue ]nhaonao [sa baat ka ]llaoK ikyaa ikin the manufacturing, and specifically turn, calls for flexible labour practices, AaOr ivaSaoYatÁ [spat ivaBaaga kI naaOkrI kao saust ]%pad xao~ maoM sqaanaIyakrNa hao rha hO AaOr [sakoin the steel segment, is looked at as there is an increase in the feminisation AaOr gaMda kama samaJaa jaata hO. “laiokna Aba¸ karNa sauivaQaajanak Eama p`qaaeM laanao kI jaÉrta dull and dirty job. “However, now of the manufacturing industry. svacaalana sao [sa isqatI maoM badlaava Aayaa hO. Abawith automation, the scenario has yah eosaa BaI SaarIirk kama nahI ijasasao maihlaaeÐ Contd on page 2changed. Also, no more it is a physical BRIDGING THE GENDER GAP AamataOr pr dUr BaagatI hOM . [sa badlaava kaojob from which women usually run away. Soma Mandal, Director (Commercial),

2 Friday, April 21, 2017 | Day 3Continued from page 1Steel Authority of India explained why GENDER NEUTRALITY hOÂ ]%pad xao~ mao naarIkrNa kI baZ,aOtI huš hO. ilaMga–­ tTsqatais it necessary to bridge the gender Agreeing to the sentiment, Shamitagap: “Manufacturing contributes to 16 Shah, Group Head (Corporate Finance & laOMigak AMtr kao GaTanaa [sa Baavanaa ko saaqa sahmat haoto hueÊ TaTa sTIlapercent of GDP and is projected to reach Risk Management), Tata Steel Ltd added, ilaimaToD ko samaUh p`mauK ³kapao-roT fa[naoMsa A^nDat 25 per cent in the coming years. To “The math is simple. If your customers saaomaa maMDlaÊ inadoSak ³vaaiNajya´Ê BaartIya [spat irsk ma^naojamaoMT´ Saimata Saah nao khaÊ “yah gaiNatreach this number, there is a need of are women and their representation p`aiQakrNaÊ nao samaJaayaa ik laOMigak AMtr kao Barnaa sarla hO. Agar Aapko ga`ahk maihlaaeM hOM AaOrskilled and talented workforce.” lacks in the company, then the company @yaaoM ja,$rI hO: “ivainamaa-Na ka sakla doSaI ]%pad kmpnaI maoM yaid ]nako p`itinaiQa%va ka ABaava hOÊ“In this case, if we neglect women as is losing out on the insight of the possible ³jaIDIpI´ maoM 16 p`itSat yaaogadana hO AaOr Aanaovaalao tao kmpnaI saMBaaivat ]pBaao@ta ga`ahk vyavahar kIpotential candidates, we are missing out consumer behaviour.” vaYaao- maoM 25 p`itSat tk baZ,nao ka Anaumaana hO. [sa saUxmadRiYT sao Avagat nahIM hao saktI.on 50 percent of possible candidates. Today’s working generation is more saM#yaa tk phuMcanao ko ilae kuSala AaOr p`itBaaSaalaI Aaja kI kaya-p`NaalaI AiQak ija,mmaodar hO AaOrThis naturally means that with the responsible and the couples share the kma-caairyaaoM kI ja,$rt hO.” Aaja kI dmpit GarolaU ]<ardaiya%va kao samaanataincreased number of women working domestic responsibilities equally. With “[sa maamalao maoM Agar hma saMBaaivat ]mmaIdvaaraoM ko sao baaÐT laotI hO. [sa badlatI maanaisakta ko saaqaÊin the manufacturing sector, there will this changed mindset, she believes, new $p maoM maihlaaAaoM kI ]poxaa krto hOMÊ tao hma 50 maihlaa kao lagata hO ik na[- inatIyaaoM kI AavaSyaktabe a rise in GDP.” policies are required. “As a result, Tata p`itSat saMBava ]maIdvaaraoM kao Kao rho hOM. [sa hO. “pirNaamasva$pÊ TaTa sTIla nao ApnaI maihlaaMandalfurtheraddedthatforthegrowth Steel has introduced flexible working ka saIQaa matlaba hO ik ivainamaa-Na xao~ maoM kama kma-caairyaaoM ko ilae sauivaQaajanak kaya-samaya tqaaof a company or the manufacturing hours, work from home facilities, which krnaovaalaI maihlaaAaoM kI saM#yaa maoM vaRiw yaanao Gar sao kama krnao kI sauivaQaa kI Sau$vaat kIÊsector as a whole, it is necessary to have not only helped the company jaIDIpI maoM vaRiw.” ijasasao na kovala kmpnaI maoM maihlaa kma-caairyaaoM kIcreate a gender-neutral environment. increase the number of women staff, maMDla nao Aagao kha ik ek kmpnaI yaa ivainamaa-Na saM#yaa maoM vaRiw hu[- hOÊ bailk saBaI kma-caairyaaoM kIThe recruitment should take place but also have increased the productivity xao~ ko saMpUNa- ivakasa ko ilae ek ilaMga­inaYpxa ]%padkta BaI baZ, ga[- hOÊ” ]nhaoMnao Apnao va@tvyapurely on the talent basis. of the entire staff,” she concluded. maahaola banaanaa ja$rI hO. BartI kovala p`itBaa ko ka samaapna krto hue kha. AaQaar pr kI jaanaI caaihe.Knowledge Sharing In order to convey the steel industry's response towards the regulatory developments, CEOs of major companies gathered at the inaugural function ofCEOs Speak at India Steel 2017. The dignitaries appreciated the steps taken by the governmentIndia Steel 2017 towards the growth of the industry. Naveen Jindal, Chairman, Jindal Steel and Power Ltd, suggested that it would be beneficial if some relief could be given to theThe session aimed at the experts industry on the taxation side. Rita Singh, Chairperson & Managing Director, MESCOsharing their concerns and Steel, seconded it and said that the high cost of freights is another challenging areaperspectives that will help grow for the steel industry.the industry further. P Madhusudan, Chairman & Managing Director, Rashtriya Ispat Nigam Ltd; Prashant Ruia, Director, Essar; T V Narendran, Managing Director, Tata Steel Ltd; Suketu V Shah, Chairman, Alloy Steel Producers Association of India, also expressed their respective thoughts and concerns.Advertorial-Soil and Enviro Industries Pvt LtdThe Company was established in the year 2001. The Company hasbeen certified ISO – 9001 – 2008Apart from Design & Engg activities, it has manufacturing set up at With a vision to become a Partner of the customer’s need and based on Kolkata & Rourkela. We manufacture all items of Air Pollution Control this strength, the Company has been able to make its presence felt in theEquipment like, Electrostatic Precipitator, Bag Filter, Wet Scrubber, Indian Industrial World to a great extent.Industrial Fans. Our major Customers are SAIL, BALCO, ADITYA BIRLA, Our major strength is Retrofitting/Revamping of ESP and Bag Filters acrossCENTURY PULP & PAPER. We have exported to Asian Countries like, the industries.Thailand, Malaysia, Bangladesh, and Middle East – Saudi Arabia, Uganda We have received NATIONAL AWARD from Ministry of MSME, GOIetc. The major application is in. Steel, Power, Cement, Paper, Chemical, etc. and many.

3 Friday, April 21, 2017 | Day 3Session: Make Steel -Make in India for ReducingImport DependencyA thrust to the steel sector requires a significantreduction in imports. Visionaries of the industrydiscuss ways to attain the goal.Imports is one of the major concerns that the Indian manufacturing industry is facing today. To address this challenge in the steel segment,a panel discussion was held on Day 2 of India Steel 2017. The sessionrevolved around how better quality steel can be produced in India so thatdependency on imports can be reduced.The discussion was moderated by Jayant Acharya, Director, (Commercial &Marketing), JSW Steel Ltd & Co-Chair, FICCI Steel Committee.Vikram Amin, Executive Director, (Strategy & Business Development), EssarSteel Ltd; Sushim Banerjee, Director General, Institute of Steel Development& Growth; Dr A S Firoz, Chief Economist, JPC-ERU; Deependra Kashiva,Executive Director, Sponge Iron Manufacturers Association; Vijay Sharma,Vice President (Sales & Distribution), Jindal Stainless Ltd and Dr SandipGhosh Chowdhury, Chief Scientist, National, Metallurgical Laboratory wereamong the panellists.The participants were of the view that the increasing demand of steelin the traditional and emerging sectors is the need of the hour and howsteel industry should be technologically competent. They also discussedspecialised steels like CRGO and amorphous electrical steel and also futuresteel products.Ensuring Raw MaterialSecurity for IndianSteel IndustryIndia today aims for steel production of 300MT perannum by 2030, hence an availability of rawmaterials becomes all the more critical.This session was moderated by Shivramkrishnan Hariharan, Chief Commercial Officer, Essar Steel Ltd & Co-Chair, FICCI Steel Committee.NKNanda,Director(Technical),NationalMineral,DevelopmentCorporation,spoke on how raw materials’ prices have a direct effect on the profitabilityand, hence, on the growth of the steel industry. Adopting new technologiesfor mining can help with the consistent quality of raw materials, he opined.To produce quality products, steel companies need good quality of coal andiron ore emphasised Prithul Kumar, Director, Ministry of Mines, Governmentof India. The government is working towards ensuring the quality andkeeping the fluctuating prices of the raw materials in check.Sanjay Mehta, President, Metal Recycling Association of India spoke on howrecycling of steel is important and cannot be neglected.Other eminent speakers present were Manish Kharbanda, ExecutiveDirector, Jindal Steel & Power Ltd; R N Jha, Director (Technical), MineralExploration Corporation Ltd and R K Sachadev, President, Coal PreparationSociety of India.

4 Friday, April 21, 2017 | Day 3 At a glance of India Steel 2017 ShowA 14 15 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 31A 32 32A 33 33A72 78 80 82 86 90 91 94A 94B 98 99 102 109 34 79 95A 95B 100A 100B 135A 81 88A 88B 92A 92B 96A 96B 101A 101B 36 85 89A 89B 93B 97A 97B 37 93A 39150 148 146 142 138A 138B 134A 134B 130 126 128 118 114 115 40 143 139A 139B 135C 135B 133 116 41 149 140 136 136B 128 A 41A151 151A 32A 33 137B 127 129A 32 33A 147

5 Friday, April 21, 2017 | Day 3

6 Friday, April 21, 2017 | Day 3Session: EnhancingCapabilities of Indian Steel:Technology, Innovationand R&DFor any sector to grow, it must keep pace with thechanging market trends and innovate. That’s whatthe steel sector too is actively involved in.It is of paramount importance to remain competitive when serving a global market. Hence, capability enhancement becomes imperative for India.To discuss this, FICCI invited Dr S N Srinivas, Programme Analyst, UnitedNations Development Programme; A M Parial, Vice Chairman, ChhattisgarhInfotech & Biotech Promotion Society; Dr Vijay Joshi, Consultant, DRSLAGConsulting Firm, Australia; Subrata Mitra, Joint Managing Director,M N Dastur; Mark Ferguson, Managing Director, PSI Metals UK Ltd; andSharan Monga, Research & Intelligence Analyst, Solvay.The panel spoke on the big role IT plays in the industry by making it moreenergy efficient and increasing productivity. Ferguson added that Industry4.0 is equally important for capability enhancement.Mitra held the view that adopting newer technologies will help the Indiansteel industry to be competitive.The session was moderated by Sushim Banerjee, Director General, Institutefor Steel Development & Growth.

7 Friday, April 21, 2017 | Day 3Valedictory SessionThe valedictory session held during the India Steel2017 show provided an apt platform to theparticipating states (Jharkhand and Odisha) andRailways to share their role and contributiontowards promoting the Indian steel sector.The valedictory session was held at the end of conference sessions of India Steel 2017. During this session, A K Behra, ExecutiveDirector (Traffic Transportation), Railway Board, said that Railways are aninseparable part of the steel industry and it has been supporting the sector.In order to strengthen its support further, Railways have recently takenmajor policy initiatives such as the removal of dual pricing of iron ore, shortlead concession on traffic within 100 km, etc. Adding the state’s perspective,Vineel Krishna, Managing Director, Odisha Mining Corporation, noted thatthe state has the required connectivity and the ease of doing business withportal set up by the state government for clearances. Arpan Gupta, DeputyDirector & Head, Mines & Metals, FICCI, gave the vote of thanks with thehope that the audience had something to take away from the conferenceprogramme.PushWrapper All plastic pack Stall no 61Get a wrappingmachine for freeLamiflex GroupThe packaging solution providerfor the steel industry.Lamiflex Packtech India Pvt. Ltd.Level 13, Platinum Techno Park, Plot No. 17&18Sector 30A, VashiNavi Mumbai - 400 705Phone: +91 22 6181 8433Fax: +91 22 6121 4952Mobile: +91 9619 875 [email protected]

8 Friday, April 21, 2017 | Day 3Forged RollersForgingaheadForged rollers are used specialty coating. condition) to determine surface/ satisfactorily met, a coat of anti-in almost all units and The forged steel rollers are mission internal defects. The test coupons rust chemical is applied all over theapplications in the critical and the materials have to (using the same lot/heat as the roller. The roller can be assembledmetallurgy industry. be suited for the application under materials) are destructively tested with bearings, bearing housings, etc.Read on to know its consideration. The soundness of the to determine critical physical The entire roller is suitably wrappedbasics to ensure their forged roller is critical for effective properties. The tests prescribed with a runner. The rollers are packedquality control. functioning of the equipment. The by the appropriate standards are in individual sea-worthy wooden roller should withstand the dynamic carried out. After completion of boxes (or as mutually agreed). ThisAccolade Engineering Pvt Ltd load and resist wear and abrasion. testing, the roller barrel may be heat quality control method ensures that caters to various industries This will reduce downtime and treated or coated with a specialty only right product is delivered to the with reliable solutions enhance steel metal product quality. coating. After finishing, various customer.resulting in cost reduction. Their QUALITY TESTS parameters such as TIR, hardness,forged rollers are used in almost Accolade Engineering, rollers are geometry, etc. are measured and Accolade Engineering Pvt Ltdall units and applications in the ND tested (in proof machined recorded. www.accolade.inmetallurgy industry. The material After all quality parameters are Hall 5 / Booth 76Aof the rollers is generally selectedbased on dynamic loading andwear. Forged carbon and alloy steelrollers are very popular on accountof their excellent strength. Based onapplication, forged rollers are usedin normalized condition or with thebarrel heat treated or coated with

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