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Home Explore Grade 5_English Writing Skills

Grade 5_English Writing Skills

Published by euroairoli, 2019-11-06 08:16:09

Description: Grade 5_English Writing Skills


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ESSAY TOPICS a. Imagine you are drifting on a life raft, the only survivor of a ship wreck. Storm clouds are gathering overhead, but at least the island is getting closer. Only there is something very odd about it... Write about what happens next and how you were saved. b. Write a short story beginning with the prompt given below:- I woke up with a start, something was in my room. The wardrobe door opened and it came out of my wardrobe… c. Develop these hints into a story. Give an appropriate title. Remember to use connecting words. Mullah Abdullah requested Mullah Nasiruddin - deliver nine donkeys – to farmer – next village – counted one by one – nine donkeys – sets off – hungry – stops for meal – climbs on donkey – counts donkeys – horrified – only eight – panic – gets down – counts again – nine – climbs on – counts – eight – climbs down nine – thinks – lost donkey – God’s punishment for riding – decides – will only walk. d. Write an original story that begins with the words: There was a strange wailing sound coming from the next room……. e. It’s the day after Diwali and you noticed you forgot to unwrap just one gift….. f. Narrate the one new thing you are planning to do this holiday break that you didn’t do last year. g. This Diwali break you spent the most time with …… h. Describe your family’s holiday traditions. i. I want to make this Diwali different..

FORMAL LETTER WRITING a. Write a formal letter to the Chairman of the Municipal Board regarding the insanitary conditions of the locality you live in. Address the letter as given below: The Chairman, Municipal Board, Shastri Nagar, Meerut-250001. b. Write a letter to the Manager of your badminton coaching centre asking permission to miss a week’s coaching. c. You are Sugandha/Rohan, living at 102, Patliputra colony, Patna. Write a letter to the Chief Engineer, Bihar State Electricity Board complaining about the frequent breakdown of electricity in your colony. INFORMAL LETTER WRITING a. This year you celebrated your birthday in an orphanage near your home. Write a letter to your grandfather telling him about your experience and how it changed you as a person. b. You have travelled by plane for the first time. Write a letter to your friend telling him/her about your experience. c. Write a letter to your elder brother who has gone abroad for further studies, updating him on most of the important news/events since his departure. d. Write a letter to your uncle and aunt, thanking them for their warmth and hospitality that they gave you during your stay with them.

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