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Home Explore E-Sulam Group 5 Brochure

E-Sulam Group 5 Brochure

Published by Client 2- Julia, 2021-12-02 06:14:59

Description: Alternative Dispute Resolution: Mediation in Medical Disputes


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MEMBERS' ASPIRATION FOR THIS E-SULAM PROJECT: MUHAMMAD AMIN BIN AHMAD KAMAL (261429) \"I strived on having an enjoyable moment while gaining something new to ourselves upon completing this project\" - Amin NUR NILAM SARI BINTI AZMIR ARMISYA NUR SHAFIQA BINTI (265076) SAMSUDIN (261148) \"E-sulam is a great initiative \"It takes a lot of determination that enhances students' skills and hard work to start e-sulam set and subsequently thrive to project. Wishing us nothing but success as we begin this forum success. As a student, it is on ADR Mediation in Medical indeed challenging to undergo Disputes.\" this project under the title of - Misya Mediation in Medical Disputes in virtual settings, regardless it P 5 E-SU U L is all worth it.\" - Nilam O A M R G 20 21 MEDIATION IN MEDICAL DISPUTES

P 5 E-SU ANIS KAMILLEA BINTI U L YUSSAIMEE (265137) O A \"While working on this project M with my teammates, I obtained R new experience and expertise. G As a result, I hoped that this effort would assist others in 20 21 expanding their knowledge and MEDIATION IN MEDICAL DISPUTES raising awareness about the availability of mediation, particularly in medical disputes. Last but not least, I sincerely hope that this project goes off without a hitch on the big day!\" - Anis NUR AMIRAH BINTI IBERAHIM NURUL ADDINIE BINTI ABDUL (265363) RAZAK (244216) \"I wish that this program will \"Legal issues are rarely able to create awareness to the discussed in the community, especially when it comes to public on how mediation in other options for resolving a medical dispute being legal conflict. Hopefully, the conducted.\" - Mira public will be thoroughly informed about the situation specifically in handling medical issues as a result of this effort.\" - Adin

P 5 E-SU U L O A M R G 20 21 MEDIATION RELATED MEDIATION IN MEDICAL DISPUTES DR NIZAM EXPERIENCE BIN ISHAK WORKING EXPERIENCE Representative for the Ministry of Speaker Health Malaysia in 3 Court 1. Medical emergency case management mediation cases for medical 2. Medico legal complaint case negligence suit management 3. Management of ex gratia cases \"Dr. Nizam bin Ishak is of medical negligence an experienced medical 4. Management of medical dispute mediator. negligence suit cases of the He currently Ministry of Health Malaysia holds the 4. Coordinating the agreement of position as the Ministry of Health Malaysia the Head of regarding the negotiation of the Medical settlement of the Medical Jurisprudence negligence suit case of the Ministry Sector Medico of Health Malaysia Legal Branch of the Medical QUALIFICATION Practice Division of He comes from a strong the Ministry educational background, having of Health graduated from Universiti Sains Malaysia.\" Malaysia with a Bachelor of Medicine (Hons) degree (MD USM).

what is Alternative BENEFITS OF WANT TO FIND OUT MORE? Dispute Resolution? MEDIATION IN MEDICAL DISPUTE Come join our It is a resolution of disputes conference and grab without trial such as 01 the opportunity to arbitration, mediation or Mediation is faster and less engage with our negotiation. expensive. distinguished what is medical 02 speaker, Dr Nizam dispute? firsthand, if you Mediation is confidential and want to learn more. A dispute in which a patient's can result in finality. . life, body, or property is For further inquires damaged by an act of 03 and updates can be diagnosis, examination, accessed via our: treatment, prescription, and Mediation can be used as a preparation, etc. conducted by medium of relationship health and medical service preservation. personnel. groupB @group5_esulamproject

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