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Published by Elearning Consult, 2017-07-28 12:35:57

Description: elearning-introduction

Keywords: elearning


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forums and social networks, we see a plethora of toolsthat any internet user would use in any case.There are also some technologies that work in acomplementary manner to other software and enablenew features, for example software that adds awhiteboard on your video conferencing tool to allow youor your peers to make changes on other people’s workfor review, or screen-sharing which allows someone tomake a presentation while still making comments andgiving input using the microphone.E-learning makes good use of database and CMS(Content Management System) technologies. These twowork hand in hand to store your course content, testresults and student records. The data is stored in thedatabase and the CMS provides a user interface for youto add, update and delete data. A good LMS will oftenprovide reporting tools to generate and store progressreports.Technologies to improve the quality of content aremanifold. Software such as Flash and PowerPoint willhelp you make your presentations slick and interesting,with high quality, graphically rich content. There areword processing packages and HTML editors available 50

these days that make formatting your text or web pagesa breeze, removing a lot of the complexity. There arealso lots of online services available that you can use tocreate interactive elements for your courses such asquizzes and games. 51


Elements of Online CoursesWhen creating an online course, a number of criteriamust be met to ensure that students receive the benefitsthey signed up for. Below is a list of important ones:Consistent instructor presence: the value offeedbackThe role of the instructor is very important in the e-learning process because it’s in his hands to encourage,inspire and ensure students don’t feel like they haveembarked on the learning trip alone, and also because itwill ensure that students will be tracked and givenproper feedback which is very important throughout thelearning process. To facilitate such a relationship,Learning Management Systems offer options like 53

instant messaging between peers, email and other toolsthat ensure learner and professor are but a click awayfrom each other.A streamlined and well-designed LMSWhen talking about the success of a LMS, we primarilymean that we want an e-learning site that will be easy tonavigate, is well-organized and contains high qualitymaterial. Everyday tasks include the distribution of newmaterial and sending, receiving and gradingassignments. A well designed LMS will ensure that thosetasks are hassle-free and that its users can easily tap intothe myriad of features that are an important part of thee-learning process.Content that is up to parAside from the ease and design of your LMS, the nextmost important thing to keep a student satisfied is thematerial. The role of the curriculum is to set the tone foran organization to design a successful course and offerboth teachers and learners a set of guidelines. So while asystem must be well designed and efficient, the qualityof the content must be on par with the impression youwant the LMS to make in its entirety. 54

Tested delivery methodsLet’s start with an example: you are running a course onastrophysics and you have found a very interesting videothat you feel enhances the points made within thealready existing content. Is adding said video to thematerial the right move?As with any other website, application or product,compatibility is always a delicate matter. We need toalways be sure that the material we post for learners touse is compatible with all the possible web browsers orplatforms being used. To avoid discouraging learners,keeping it simple is preferable to overextendingourselves and possibly hitting an incompatibilityroadblock.All of these key elements have the ability to foster asupportive, effective e-learning environment. When allof these essential components are in place, onlinelearning establishments have the ability to not onlyprovide students with the skill sets and knowledge basethat they are looking for, but a virtual educationplatform that helps to contribute to the future success of(and serves as a model of excellence for) the e-learningindustry. 55

Online tests and quizzesDespite the fact that e-learning lacks the element ofphysical presence, tests and quizzes are still an essentialpart of the educational process. Through online testsand quizzes an instructor is able to track the progress ofstudents and assess the effectiveness of the curriculum,while at the same time students have the ability to tracktheir own progress and improve on their skillsaccordingly.Why are tests and quizzes a vital part of e-learning?Tests and Quizzes play an important role in e-learningand provide an array of benefits for both the learner andthe instructor. 56

Let's first look at how they improve the experience of theinstructor.Less work to be doneRemember school, when tests lasted an hour at a settime of day and the instructor usually had to stay up lateto grade them and then write detailed feedback for eachand every individual student?We've already gone through how e-learning alleviatesthe need for testing to be done at a specific hour, but italso makes testing a hassle-free task as corrections areautomated with a LMS. In the cases of \"Essay Question\"tests, e-learning systems are usually equipped withkeyword tracking tools that grade depending on whathas been mentioned in the essays. This isn't a fool-proofsystem but it helps save some time in comparison withlong grading sessions.Unique TestsTesting and quizzing can be made unique in a LMS byrandomizing question and answer order. This isespecially useful when a learner has to re-do a testwhich he/she previously had poor performance on sothat the test is not completed by memory, but rather by 57

actually thinking through the correct solution onceagain. This feature is also useful to produce more varietyby using a large pool of questions from which testingcan be done, rather than recycling the same questionsover and over.Instant grading and feedbackGrading and giving feedback is probably the most timeconsuming task for the instructor. It's where theinstructor has the ability to comment on the strengthsand weaknesses of a learner and enable learning toactually take place! Feedback needs to be good. A LMSwill usually allow the instructor to create dynamicfeedback depending on the answer a learner will give toa specific question. For instance, in a multiple-choicetest if the learner chooses answer B over the correctanswer C, the appropriate feedback will be given back tothe learner, indicating fault in the thought process, orhints as to why another answer would be moreappropriate. This complements point 1 above (i.e.: \"Lesswork to be done\") by the instructor because it allows thelearner to get instant feedback on a correct/ incorrectanswer, and it saves time for the instructor who can takeadvantage of automated feedback. 58

In-depth analysis readily availableTests have to be gathered and graded, and feedback hasto be written for the individual learner to take back andimprove on particular areas. Learning ManagementSystems give the instructor even more analysis though.Through a reporting system, a LMS gives the instructoran overview of test scores, progress and growth withgraphical representation to make the analysis eveneasier to grasp especially when the class-size is verylarge. That way, an instructor has the ability to analyzewhich students scored highest/ lowest, and whichquestions were hardest/ easiest for the majority ofstudents. Reporting is a handy tool that allows theinstructor to see trends and act upon them to improvethe curriculum.It is also environmentally friendly!Going from hard-copy tests/ quizzes to offering thesame capabilities online reduces consumption of goodssuch as paper - especially important when the onlineclassroom is large and growing! 59

Now, let’s see how tests and quizzes improve theexperience of the student:Self-assessment toolTesting and quizzing online will usually provide the userwith results instantly. This is good for students becauseit allows them to know what they did wrongimmediately, what they need to focus on, and how toimprove should they have to retake the test.Keeps learners engagedTests and quizzes have always been a motivator to studyharder when students know that their progress will bejudged upon an exam, a performance review etc. It setsa deadline for when material needs to be learned by anddiligent students know they must adhere to that.Further considerationsThe use of different forms of testing, such as multiplechoice tests, fill-in-the-blanks, true or false, or essayquestions can also be used to assess the progress ofstudents with different learning styles. Catering to theneeds of different learning styles is an important aspectof e-learning which gives it the edge over traditional 60

learning models. It is a good idea to use different typesof material, and varying types of tests and quizzes toengage everyone in an online class.An important note on online quizzing and testing is theability a learner has to research the web for answers andcreating tests should be done with that in mind. Ifsomething is too hard and/or a little off topic in terms ofthe material taught, it is likely to be researched online. Ifthe tests are too easy, they will be dismissed and passedover without much being learned. Thus tests should bestructured in a way that encourages learners to thinkback to the material taught within the course ratherthan looking for answers elsewhere. How to make e-learning effectiveAnyone may be able to create a simple online course,however creating an effective e-learning course is 61

altogether different. An effective course takes a gooddeal of time, hard work, and a commitment to highquality content.Here are some tips that can help you create a highlyeffective e-learning course regardless of the material orcurriculum:Know your subject material well!There is no golden rule on how much time you need toput into creating the ideal content, but one thing iscertain - you need to take your time to research materialbefore making it available to your learners. The reasonsare simple, you want to be prepared to back up anyclaims made within your course material, not alllearners digest information the same way, and somemay need more explanation through examples orfurther proof.Online courses provided should appeal to alllearning stylesThe design of the online course should take everylearning style into consideration. For example, whileone student may benefit from visual multimediapresentations of coursework and lessons, another 62

student may be able to better absorb the informationwhen it is presented in text form. An effective e-learningcourse always takes these various learning styles intoaccount when the lessons are being created.Facilitate ContactStudents and teachers should be able to establish anopen line of communication. Also, teachers shouldspecify which means of communication they prefer andduring which hours. This will ensure that expectationsare met and that the student receives the help orsupport that they need. Also, students should havecontact information for the systems IT support staff,and have access to a member of staff on a regular basis ifneeded. Examples of how students can communicatewith their instructors are: discussion forums, socialmedia, chats, email, video conferencing and other VoIPtechnologies.Platform should be easy to navigate and fullyfunctionalWhen designing the site and e-learning platform, ease ofnavigation and functionality should be top priority. Awell organized and intuitive web-based learningplatform enables students to focus on the coursework 63

rather than having to sort out technical issues that mayarise from poorly designed sites and systems.Course documents should be available to everystudent enrolledCourse documents like the syllabus must be available forstudents to view, particularly at the beginning of theterm. This will ensure that the student knows whichlessons will be covered throughout the course, and canuse the syllabus as a guide throughout the entire course.It provides teachers with an effective road map as well,and helps structure their lesson plans.Set and communicate clear goalsA point we can't stress enough: one of the reasons teamsare unable to achieve goals is not having clear enoughguidelines on how to reach them. Part of the curriculumof any course should be what will be done, when it willbe done, and what is needed for the successfulcompletion of tasks. It is therefore important that allinstructors set and communicate clear goals to theirlearners in a manner in which they are sure they willunderstand and will be able to put into action. 64

Tools to create an online courseIf you are considering creating an online course toupload and sell online, the process may not be aschallenging as you might think. As a matter of fact,thanks to advancements in modern technology,designing a simple and straightforward e-learningcourse can be relatively stress-free (as long as youalready have a clear concept of what content you'd liketo include and a solid core curriculum). Here are a fewonline tools that can help you to create an e-learningcourse.The LMSMost people in the online course industry will tend toside with a LMS - especially when new to the scene - 65

because it offers a large array of embedded tools thatprovide the administrator with the ability to create,curate and enhance content in ways that are more cost-effective than using individual tools would be. Also, thebenefits of using a LMS include the all-in-one elementwhich enables the user to create the platform (website)and the content all in the same space without needingspecial network administration or website managementskills. Another attractive feature is the ability of thesystem to automatically calculate exam results andgenerate reports which help both instructor and learner.Website creation platformThere are a variety of free or low-cost website creationplatforms online today. Even if you aren't going to beoffering strictly online courses (and are planning onproviding CD-based courses), creating a high impactwebsite that is easy to navigate and aestheticallyappealing can help you to promote your product. Forthose who are offering online courses, having a well-organized and intuitive website can mean the differencebetween effective e-learning and a disappointing onlinelearning experience for both teachers and students.There are also a myriad of companies that offer e- 66

learning website design services if you simply don't havethe time or know-how to create your own.Course design toolsMany companies now provide affordable course designtools. These sites enable you to upload the content ofyour courses and then design effective presentations.There are even free platforms that you can use today.For example, Google now has an e-learning designplatform that is free of charge. Even those who are notwell versed in coding or course design can now sharetheir knowledge with the world.Multimedia production toolsThe key to having a truly interactive and engaging e-learning course is using the various multimediaresources that are available today. In our technologicalage, we now have access to instant streaming video,crystal clear recording capabilities and instant chatsupport services. Also, you can rely upon a myriad ofhighly interactive multimedia production tools, such asdesign software and high definition cameras to recordinformative courses for your audience. There are evenediting tools that give you the power to turn raw footageinto a masterpiece in just a matter of minutes. 67


Blended learningBlended learning is a combination of offline (face-to-face, traditional learning) and online learning in a waythat the one compliments the other. It providesindividuals with the opportunity to enjoy the best ofboth worlds. For example, a student might attendclasses in a real-world classroom setting, and thensupplement the lesson plan by completing onlinemultimedia coursework. As such, the student wouldonly have to physically attend class once a week andwould be free to go at their own pace (and withoutworrying about scheduling issues).Blended learning is often also referred to as “hybrid”learning, and can take on a variety of forms in onlineeducation environments. While some organizations may 69

only use blended learning techniques on rare occasions,others might utilize it as a primary teaching methodwithin their curriculum. There are two key principlescommonly associated with blended learning (which arethe “secrets” to its success): students who can shareinformation and work with other students directly in acollaborative setting have a more enriched learningexperience, and collaboration between students can beimproved upon if group activities rely on informationgathered from online resources or lessons. It's also beensuggested that students who complete onlinecoursework followed by interactive, face-to-face classactivities have richer educational experiences.Tools and platforms that complement blended learninginclude LMSs and mobile devices such as tablets andsmartphones. 70

Social and collaborative learningCollaborative learning is an e-learning approach wherestudents are able to socially interact with other students,as well as instructors. In essence, learners work togetherin order to expand their knowledge of a particularsubject or skill. In e-learning environments, this istypically done through live chats, message boards, orinstant messaging.Collaborative learning is based upon the principle thatstudents can enrich their learning experiences byinteracting with others and benefiting from oneanother's strengths. In collaborative learning situations,students are responsible for one another's actions andtasks which encourages teamwork as well. 71

What are the advantages of collaborativelearning online?This method of learning can be conducted either offlineor on the web, and can be done asynchronously orsynchronously. It allows students to learn from theideas, skill sets, and experience of others enrolled in thecourse. By engaging in a shared task (whether it be aproject or lesson) pupils gain the opportunity to learn avariety of skills, such as group analysis and collaborativeteamwork building skills.In addition, even students who are unable to attend alive event online can participate in collaborativelearning, thanks to online forums, message boards, andother various posting sites that don't rely on real-timeinteraction. 72

GamificationGamification is the use of game-based mechanics,aesthetics and game thinking to engage people, motivateaction, promote learning and solve problems. Basicallyit’s the use of gaming technology to solve problemsoutside of the games sector. Games are created to drawpeople in, to keep them playing, to keep theminterested, entertained and involved. And it’s muchmore than just adding rewards, points, and badges toprocesses to motivate people – it’s the instructionalmethod, and not just the delivery system, that providesthe elements for learning in a game situation i.e. wemust ask what pieces in games makes them engagingsuch as interactivity, content, story. 73

Impact of gamificationA study done by Traci Sitzmann, an assistant professorof management at the University of Colorado DenverBusiness School, found that “employees trained onvideo games learned more factual information,attained a higher skill level and retained informationlonger than workers who learned in less interactiveenvironments.” She found that games provided a highlevel of instruction, but she also noted that it wasn’t justdependent on the game per se, but the interactivity orthe elements that make the game engaging. In otherwords, the engagement of the learner in the game leadsto learning.Gamification is taking elements of gaming and addingthem to traditional instruction. Instructional designershave been using some elements for years, like stories,case studies, or interactive activities, but gamification ismore about taking into consideration interactivity andengagement first, and objectives second.Enterprise gamificationCompanies are now also “gamifying” various businessprocesses to motivate employees, fundraise for causes,and market products. 74

Tech-industry research firm Gartner estimates that by2014, “some 70% of large companies will use thetechniques for at least one business process. Marketresearcher M2 Research estimates revenue fromgamification software, consulting and marketing willreach $938 million by 2014 from less than $100 millionin 2013.”Companies need to make sure that the games are notjust doling out meaningless awards or badges. Overusewill cause gamification to be trivialized and non-impactful. Micro-learningA term that is being mentioned quite often as of late,especially in corporate e-learning environments, is“micro-learning”. This teaching approach can provide a 75

wide range of benefits to learners as well as trainers.This is primarily due to the fact that it can provideeducational benefits without overwhelming the learner.It is quickly becoming one of the most popular emerginge-learning trends.What is micro-learning?Micro-learning involves learning in smaller steps, andgoes hand-in-hand with traditional e-learning. Activitiesthat are micro-learning based usually feature short termlessons, projects, or coursework that is designed toprovide the student with ‘bits’ of information. Forexample, rather than trying to teach a student about abroad subject all at once, aspects of the topic will bebroken down into smaller lesson plans or projects.Typically, micro-learning exercises are best utilized atthe point where a student will actually need theinformation, or when they are going to be mostreceptive to receiving that information. For instance,watching a video online about how to replace a car's airfilter or reading a blog post that talks about gardeningindoors are perfect examples of real-life micro-learningexercises. 76

As a matter of fact, we encounter micro-learning on adaily basis. Even reading a bulletin that has been postedat work about on-the-job safety or going through tweetsin your timeline to catch up on the latest news can beconsidered micro-learning activities.What advantages can micro-learning provide?Micro-learning gives students and employees the abilityto gather information in “bite-sized” forms, which canhelp them to absorb it much more effectively. It is anideal solution for those who may not have the time todevote to a lengthy course, given that you can learn atyour own pace and avoid the risk of becomingoverwhelmed by too much data at once.Micro-learning can also be done on-the-go, whichmeans that you can receive smaller lessons that help youadvance toward your educational goal, even when youare waiting for a bus or sitting in traffic.Micro-learning can be carried out in a variety of ways.Emails, online posts, short multimedia videos, and evenshort chat sessions can give e-learning students thesmall building blocks that are necessary for them toachieve their educational goals and broaden theiroverall knowledge base. 77

Video learningFaster internet connections and the increasing use ofmobile phones and tablets with video capabilities meansthat using video in the e-learning process has becomecommonplace.We're more used to learning via video now than everbefore. If you want to watch a video on how to wire aplug, plant a rose bush or bake a cake, you only need tovisit YouTube and there will be hundreds of videosavailable, showing you step-by-step processes you needto follow to complete a task.Video brings a whole new dimension to teachingmethods. If your course content involves a level ofpractical skill, this can be demonstrated. Whether it's 78

building a PC or conducting a chemistry experiment,these aspects of the course will most definitely benefitfrom being seen rather than simply explained in textand static images.Video also helps to add a feeling of personalization to acourse. A video of the tutor giving a lecture helps thestudents to feel a connection, to put a face to a name. Rapid e-learningWhile rapid e-learning can pertain to a number ofthings, it is generally used to describe the pace at whichan e-learning course is developed. Here are the basics ofrapid e-learning, as well as an explanation as to how itcan be applied to the learning process as well: 79

Rapid e-learning in the course developmentprocessRapid e-learning is, essentially, a faster process ofdesigning and developing online-based learningcourses. Rather than spending months or even yearsdeveloping a course, rapid e-learning allows creators tobuild lessons and content in a matter of days or weeks.Typically, this is done through PowerPoint or narratedvideos which are designed to dispense informationquickly and conveniently to students. Software is thenutilized to test the students, as well as to provide themwith activities that they can perform on their own inbetween pre-recorded presentations or videos.After the entire package has been developed, it isdelivered to the student via an online LMS, site, or evenby email. Overly complicated software or designplatforms are generally not used during the rapid e-learning development process, and courses can be easilyupdated by the provider without a great deal of cost ortime.How rapid e-learning can benefit learnersUntil quite recently rapid e-learning was only used torefer to the actual design of online courses. However, 80

today it can also be used to describe a method oflearning. For example, if a course can be completed in ashorter amount of time than is typical for that particularsubject, then it may be considered a “rapid e-learningcourse”. The term micro-learning is sometimes usedinterchangeably with rapid e-learning.Students can greatly benefit from rapid e-learning, giventhat their learning is broken down into smaller units.This can enable them to absorb information quickly andwhile they are on-the-go or even at work, so that theycan still get the data that they need to solve a problem orfurther their education.Due to the fact that students must learn in a shortperiod of time with rapid e-learning techniques, the keyto any successful rapid online education course is toengage the user. This will raise the likelihood ofknowledge absorption and ensure that one gets the mostout of the experience. 81

Personalization and e- learningPersonalized Learning is the tailoring of pedagogy,curriculum and learning environments to meet theneeds and learning styles of individual learners.Personalization is broader than just individualization ordifferentiation in that it affords the learner a degree ofchoice about what is learned, when it is learned and howit is learned.Elements of personalized e-learningIn essence, personalized e-learning enables students tocustomize a variety of the elements involved in theonline education process. This means that they areasked to set their own goals, go at their own pace, andcommunicate with instructors and students to 82

personalize the learning process. Ideally, the student isplaced in charge of managing his/her own learning andis able to customize the experience by having a directsay in the processes and content that is being provided.Key elements that are customized in personalized e-learning are: the pace of learning, the instructionalapproach, and lessons and activities that draw upon thestudent's experience and interests. In truly personalizede-learning environments students are given the chanceto learn what they want when they want, and even themethod of learning! This typically leads to improvedlearning results.Mechanics of personalized learningA great deal of the personalization that is carried out ine-learning settings is based upon feedback. Feedbackcan either be explicit (in the form of a writtensuggestion) or implicit (in the form of actions on thesystem). The feedback can be either manually orautomatically processed to help with the personalizationof the platform – and ideally this should be an integralpart of the learning platform. The transformation offeedback to a personalized system modification is 83

mostly handled through an Artificial Intelligence (AI)subsystem. Continuous learningOn a personal level, continuous learning is about theconstant expansion of skills and skill-sets throughlearning and increasing knowledge. As life changes theneed to adapt both professionally and personally is asreal as the changes themselves.On a professional level, continuous learning is aboutfurther expanding our skill-set in response to a changingenvironment and new developments. This is veryimportant because we are called to respond to changesdaily; for example, the introduction of computers in theworkplace created a need for people to train oncomputers to complete tasks more efficiently. 84

On a personal level, the introduction of computers madeus rethink how we communicate with people andallowed us to keep in touch with people across the globewith just the click of a button.Continuous learning for Individuals and GroupsOn an individual level, continuous learning is defined bythe practices the individual carries out daily in order tocontinue increasing knowledge. For example:  Asking for help when something is not understood  Observing more experienced employees at work  Trying new ways of doing things and exploring alternative methods  Practicing what has been learnt already  Finding ways to improve such as taking up training programs or online seminars outside of workIn the organization, continuous learning has to do withshaping a team to adapt to changes in the businessenvironment. This is very important because the ever-changing economic climate demands that any team beup to date with the latest knowledge and also be flexible 85

and easily adaptable to any changes that may berequired.Business Sustainability and ContinuousLearningEmbracing a culture of \"investing in people\" has playeda major role in companies training their employeesrather than hiring new people which can be much morecostly on different levels. Most companies nowadayswant to invest in retaining their talent – and developingthat pool of talent – so they keep employees well trainedand up-to-date so that they can respond to thecompany’s ever-changing needs. This also develops asense of trust and keeps employees engaged andinterested since new skills are constantly added to their‘arsenal’. Apart from saving money, continuous learningis a means for a company to show its employees they areworth investing in.Social Learning and Continuous LearningSocial learning and continuous learning are inextricablylinked. Individual Facebook/Twitter/LinkedIn newsfeeds and work-related groups play a major role in whatwe learn and how we communicate and shareknowledge. Inevitably, spending all day between social 86

media and work-related material exposes us to learningnew things. For example: a Wall Street trader or anyoneworking in finance has to keep up to date with newtrends, movements in the market and changes in theenvironment that may affect his portfolio. A way to keep\"learning\" without using a separate learning platform isto be exposed to the social web with its constant streamof news and trends. Our trader for example may like totake part in Finance and Markets groups on LinkedIn inorder to stay up to date with the latest information andbe informed by his peers on what to pay attention to.This may contribute to Constant Learning. 87


Customer service trainingCustomer service training is in fact the blueprint for acompany’s entire support process. A solid trainingprogram ensures that a team operates to consistentlydeliver good service to customers, with or without agame plan. Whilst a variety of elements go into creatinga successful business, customer service is center-stageand every interaction the company has with a customercan affect its bottom line. In today's competitivemarketplace, companies are perpetually searching forbusiness practices that will set them apart and oftencustomer service is what separates companies thatthrive from those that fail. Offering customer servicetraining to employees has been shown to drive sales andgive businesses a strong competitive advantage. This is 89

why it is imperative that businesses invest in qualityprograms.Broadly defined, customer service training refers toteaching employees the knowledge, skills, andcompetencies required to increase customersatisfaction. E-learning provides employees with thoseskills and competencies without taking too large of abite out of the company's HR budget. As far as learnersare concerned, a main advantage of e-learning incustomer service training is that participants can bescheduled for training in a staggered fashion, and canalso work at their own pace.Training programs yield several benefits for theorganization, employees and customers: a) Increased employee motivation & engagement: providing training allows employees to better understand the impact their role has in the organization. Investing in employees also demonstrates that the company cares about their continual development and progress - they feel more valued and this improves motivation and engagement. Employee efficiency 90

is thereby increased and they are better equippedto deal effectively with customers.b) Improved customer service skills: throughcustomer service training, employees improvetheir knowledge, skills, and competencies and/oracquire new ones. Specific customer servicetraining programs focus on improvingcommunication (such as questioning tounderstand the customer’s need or problem,listening, confirming understanding, respondingwith value, using positive language), problem-solving and organizational skills. Trainingemployees on the same set of competencies givesthem a standard process to deal with customers -which in the end gives customers a moreconsistent and professional experience. Througheffective training, customer servicerepresentatives increase their ability to resolveissues and decrease the number of return calls.Often, trained employees are able to address theconcern at the first point of contact, which greatlyincreases customer satisfaction (see benefit (c)below). The increased motivation and engagement 91

coupled with the new skills creates improved customer service in the company.c) Increased customer satisfaction: the improved manner in which employees interact with customers leads to consumers feeling appreciated and respected. This is critical to any company’s continued success. According to Wikipedia, employees who are properly trained and who demonstrate professional customer service skills can and do improve customer satisfaction and customer loyalty. This, in turn, helps the business retain customers and improve profits as it costs less to retain a customer than to acquire a new one.d) Increased profit: increased customer satisfaction means pleased customers who are more open to additional sales messages and more likely to refer others as potential customers. Basically, what quality customer service training achieves is higher customer retention, the acquisition of new customers, reduced employee turnover and increased sales. Training has a great impact on employee motivation and morale, leading to increased productivity. It’s a simple 92

equation: improved customer service + increased customer satisfaction + increased customer loyalty = an increase in profit. Sales trainingEffective sales training develops the individual’s skillsand builds on existing abilities to ultimately improvebusiness performance through increased productivityand profitability. Good sales training courses can lead toan increase in activity levels, sales volumes and ordersize. There are also additional benefits to training suchas improved sales force retention (since recruitment iscostly), improved employee motivation andengagement, and a greater receptiveness to change.Online sales training also presents a very low riskinvestment - you only require a 0.5% improvement in 93

performance in order to profit from sales training andanything above that is additional profit.Online sales training offers a wide range of benefits tosalespeople looking to sharpen their capabilities andbuild new skill sets. Good online sales training willthoroughly prepare employees for sales success byenabling employees to gain expertise and practicalknowledge about successful selling, give confidence tothe learner, and provide them with the skills necessaryto succeed.Beyond the obvious advantages (for example, employeesbeing able to complete training courses and modules attheir own pace, on the go, and within management-settime frames) the best online sales training uses powerfulinteractive tools which engage learners and allow bothtrainers and trainees to track progress. The mosteffective online training programs have comprehensivetracking and reporting tools, allowing management tosee how their employees are progressing at a glance.Some benefits of online sales training: a) Ease of use: any salesperson, no matter what their level of experience, can learn from an online sales training programs 94

b) Interactivity: questions can be asked and answered in real time. With online sales training programs anyone can be trained at any location, in most any language.c) Instant access: training programs are available to learners all day, every day, throughout the year. Employees can log in and start learning whenever they have the time and from wherever they are located!d) Customization of training process: online sales training programs allow for material to be created and added to customize training for the individual, particular company branches, localities and/or specific requirements etc.e) Flexibility: online sales training programs should be accessible from a variety of devices wherever and whenever employees want to learn on the go. They should be able to log in and learn any time.f) Accountability: the most effective online training programs have comprehensive tracking and reporting tools, allowing management to see how their employees are progressing at a glance. 95

General statistics can also be viewed and broken down.Sales training is one of the most cost effective ways toimprove business performance, and conducting thattraining online makes it even more of a cost saver. Ifimplemented properly, good sales training will be repaidmany times over. Customer trainingYou can reduce support costs, acquire new customersand build loyalty in existing customers by offering themtraining online!Since your customers are already in the cloud, it onlymakes sense to provide them with customer trainingwhere they are already located and interacting. Sharingand engaging with content online has become the norm 96

and customers expect companies to provide them withmodern support and training in the cloud, they can thendo in their own time, at their own pace, and on the go!Supporting and servicing customers can be expensiveand providing online training can cut these costs and atthe same time increase customer satisfaction, loyaltyand retention. What’s more, online customer training isa great way to gain product / service feedback!Customer training might also be used as a selling pointto acquire potential consumers. A buyer may feel moresecure about a purchase knowing they will receive freeonline training. Of course if this content is also freelyavailable online it can be leveraged by sales ormarketing departments - customers can for exampletake a look at the training before they buy the product orservice to get a better overview of the features andfunctionality.Oftentimes online courses are more user-friendly andmuch less cumbersome than reading a manual or guideso online customer training courses certainly have theadvantage. 97

Safety trainingThe main benefit of online training when it comes tosafety and compliance is that employees can be reachedeverywhere, all over the world, at any time. One cannottake shortcuts when it comes to safety training andfederal mandates, and face-to-face training just won’tcut it when you have employees scattered all over thecountry, or world for that matter. Safety and compliancetraining needs to be quickly updated and disseminatedto employees quickly and easily - with the minimum offuss. Online training is the only way a large number oremployees in different locations can be reached at oncewithout costing a fortune.Types of safety training offered by e-learningorganizations 98

The subjects covered in safety training programs onlinevaries greatly, depending upon the company andindustry. For example, a moving company might wantto inform their employees about proper liftingprocedures to avoid back injuries, while a medicalfacility may opt for a blood borne pathogen safetytraining course.Generally, online courses offer multimediapresentations of specific safety risk situations orhazards, and can accurately illustrate the properresponse.What are the benefits of safety training online?The most significant benefit of virtual safety training isthe decreased risk of on-the-job injury and accidents.Not only can this lower the risk of costs associated withinjury, illness, death, damage to equipment, higherinsurance premiums, staff turnover, and also delayeddeliveries of products and service - but it can ensure thatworker productivity levels remain high. A safety trainingprogram protects your company and shows you haveadequately trained employees in workplace safety. Aninsurance company, for example, can examine the safetytraining program you have made employees complete, 99

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