AUTO-LEADER 3000P_ECOWhat is it ? Why is it here ? Technical description ? About Protem ? • Auto-Leader 3000P_ECO is the newest, smartest and most cost effective solution for the control, supervision and management of Ready Mix Concrete production • It is the result of years of experience in the operational requirements of Ready Mix Concrete Plants. • This experience comes from long hours of interviewing different plant operators on how to efficiently automate all their processes and how to make the system as easy as possible to operate. • PROTEM has also collaborated with managers and owners of different sized RMC companies to determine how to increase the reliability of their control systems by minimising mistakes or human interventions that can affect the final product.
AUTO-LEADER 3000P_ECO 1993What is it ? Why is it here ? Technical description ? About Protem? 1996 1998 • For 25 years PROTEM has been manufacturing automation 2002 systems for RMC Plants, providing a wide range of different 20102 models and solutions. Until recently it could only offer complete automation solutions that PROTEM had to install on its own. • In order to reduce the costs and enable third-parties to buy and install a compact and very reliable automation system to new or existing plants, we have designed Auto-Leader 3000P_ECO. • We have accumulated our entire know-how into one powerful and compact package that contains all the required components (with full installation guidance) needed for a technician to easily connect into new or existing RMC systems.
AUTO-LEADER 3000P_ECOWhat is it ? Why is it here ? Technical description ? About Protem ? Auto-Leader 3000P_ECO consists of: 1. CENTRAL PROCESSING UNIT Manufactured solely with industrial electronics ensuring uninterrupted operation even in extreme conditions such as high ambient temperatures, humidity, dust etc. Includes: ✓ Four (4) weighing-batching controllers with high precision, high sample rate and calibration values (log file) memory. Includes an internal calibration switch that can be secured by a wire security seal that is passed through two drilled head screws. ✓ Two (2) fiber optic bidirectional serial ports for printer and computer connection (for increased protection against electrical surges and lightning strikes). ✓ Four (4) RS485 ports for communication with the PLC, power meter, moisture sensors and remote service support.
AUTO-LEADER 3000P_ECOWhat is it ? Why is it here ? Technical description ? About Protem ? Auto-Leader 3000P_ECO consists of: 2. Betolink® Scada The SCADA software included in Auto-Leader 3000P_ECO can be installed on a standard Windows PC and is used only for production supervision and manual operation. The PC does not participate in the control sequence. This ensures the operation cannot be interrupted by any failure of the peripherals increasing the system’s overall reliability. 3. PLC A PLC is connected via RS485 to the central CPU and acts as an I/O terminal. The PLC has built in input and output cards which are connected to the external input/output modules through pre-made ribbon cables with connectors.
AUTO-LEADER 3000P_ECOWhat is it ? Why is it here ? Technical description ? About Protem ? Auto-Leader 3000P_ECO consists of: 4. INPUT/OUTPUT MODULES Designed to snap onto a standard DIN rail for installation in a wall mount enclosure, the input /output modules protect and isolate electrically the PLC making cabling easier. Wiring connections are made using screw terminals positioned along the top and bottom, easily accessible from the front for quick and simple installation and servicing. 5. POWER METER & POWER ANALYZER A DIN rail-mounted power meter provides all the measurement capabilities required to monitor the mixer and communicates via RS-485 with the CPU. 6. PRINTER A dot matrix A3 printer communicates through fiber optic cable with the CPU to print batch reports and statistics.
AUTO-LEADER 3000P_ECOWhat is it ? Why is it here ? Technical description ? About Protem ? Auto-Leader 3000P_ECO consists of: Betolink® Scada installation software UfosremrsatManual in printable pdf format Installation Manual in printable pdf format Electrical Drawings in printable pdf format CE certificate Video and photos from Protem’s installations All of the standard parts that make up the Auto-Leader 3000P_Eco kit are packed and shipped in one box to ensure the minimum shipping cost.
AUTO-LEADER 3000P_ECOWhat is it ? Why is it here ? Technical description ? About Protem ?Auto-Leader 3000P_ECO hardware features:• Auto-leader can be installed in all types of concrete batching plants, wet or dry mix, new or already operational.• The system handles 4 different scales and materials as follows: ➢ Aggregate scale fed by up to 6 different aggregates with two dosing outputs (coarse-fine) for every aggregate.➢ Cement scale fed by up to 4 different cement silos/types with two dosing outputs (coarse-fine) for every cement type.➢ Water scale fed by clean water with two dosing outputs (coarse-fine) and one separate output for recycled water.➢ Additives scale fed by 6 different additives plus rinsing output.• Each scale controller has the following main characteristics:➢ A/D converter resolution 21 bit➢ Sensitivity 0.2 μV/d➢ Accuracy 0,2 ‰ ± 1d
AUTO-LEADER 3000P_ECOWhat is it ? Why is it here ? Technical description ? About Protem ?Auto-Leader 3000P_ECO hardware features:➢ Sample rate 1-500 samples/sec selectable➢ Temperature drift 2 ppm/0C (-10 to +50 0C)➢ Transducer Excitation: 5 V AC➢ Number of Load Cells Up to six 350 ohm load cells• The system can handle up to four (4) high speed inputs (1 Khz) for interconnection with all kinds of pulse flowmeters, such as water or additive flow meters• The system’s PLC is used as an input/output device, offering flexibility to the installer and unlimited expandability. With 32 inputs and 32 outputs as standard, it covers the majority of different batching plants; belt conveyor or skip loading of aggregates; pneumatic or hydraulic mixer discharge gate; single or two speed screw conveyors, etc. If extra commands are required, additional I/O cards can be easily added.
AUTO-LEADER 3000P_ECOWhat is it ? Why is it here ? Technical description ? About Protem ? Auto-Leader 3000P_ECO hardware features: • Mixer consumption and concrete consistency is continuously monitored through the readings of the power meter device, while the system offers automatic overload protection procedures. • External sensors can be easily integrated to the system (plug & play) : ➢ Hydronix Aggregates’ moisture sensors (up to 3) ➢ Concrete temperature measuring probe inside the mixer ➢ Ambient temperature sensor ➢ Conveyor Belt revolution speed sensors (up to 2) ➢ Cement Silos paddle level indicators (2 per silo) • All safety measures to prevent accidents are fully supported by the automation: ➢ External start siren is activated before the mixer starts, production starts, or the aggregates conveyor belt is started manually.
AUTO-LEADER 3000P_ECOWhat is it ? Why is it here ? Technical description ? About Protem ? Auto-Leader 3000P_ECO hardware features: ➢ Separate production end siren, signals the drivers at the end of each truck loading. ➢ The production stops automatically and enters standby mode if any of the following safety input signals is activated: • Conveyor belt rope safety switch • Mixer hatches interlock safety switch • Phase and asymmetry monitoring relay fault • Emergency stop button ➢ The equipment is tested to the EN 61326-1:2013 and EN 61010 -1: 2010 standards and directives, by authorized body, and was found to be COMPLIANT. Thus, it is CE marked and comes with the manufacturer’s EC Declaration of Conformity.
AUTO-LEADER 3000P_ECOWhat is it ? Why is it here ? Technical description ? About Protem ? Auto-Leader 3000P_ECO software features: • The Betolink® Scada software supplied with the system can be installed on any standard PC with a 22” full HD wide screen monitor recommended for best viewing results. • The scada software can be upgraded to connect with Betolink® Pro, the optional Production Management, Dispatching & Ticketing Software. • Through the software the installer, or operator, is able to setup all the required production factors depending on the plant’s hardware and materials used in production. The calibration of the scales, the charging and discharging sequence, the automatic loading of orders and all manual operations are setup through the Scada software on the PC. • To start an automatic production run the operator has just to select the recipe, the truck number and the desired quantity (m3) from the relevant drop down menus.
AUTO-LEADER 3000P_ECOWhat is it ? Why is it here ? Technical description ? About Protem ? Auto-Leader 3000P_ECO software features: • The plant diagram on the Scada screen, including the color grouping of the functions and alarms, the size of the scale and the multifunctional digital displays, have all been designed by PROTEM taking into account comments from experienced RMC plant operators.
AUTO-LEADER 3000P_ECOWhat is it ? Why is it here ? Technical description ? About Protem ? Auto-Leader 3000P_ECO software features: • Auto-Leader 3000P_ECO is, in our opinion, the most user friendly and intuitive automation system available on the market, even for unexperienced operators. We believe it provides the operator with the best production monitoring and control system environment possible. • Fully configurable recipes can be entered along with all the additional information required to conform to the EN206-1 European Standard, such as a detailed description, operator comments and link codes for integration with Betolink® Enterprise or other, third-parties accounting software. • An unlimited number of trucks can be registered with all additional information such as max. capacity, tare weight, driver’s name etc. • All parameters required for the correct production process are introduced and taken into consideration during the automatic batching, such as mixer capacity, mixing time (according to the recipe), truck ID and mixer door discharge times etc.
AUTO-LEADER 3000P_ECOWhat is it ? Why is it here ? Technical description ? About Protem ? Auto-Leader 3000P_ECO software features: • The system takes into account and automatically compensates for the aggregate moisture (which is either inputed manually from Lab results or read automatically through humidity sensors installed inside the bins). The recipes do not have to be changed or modified because of moisture changes, the system does this automatically. • All materials in each batching cycle are accurately dosed using coarse-fine fill methods and include compensation for free falling material. The system also uses a micro dosing technique during the last cycle in order to achieve the theoretical recipe ingredient amount per truck. Both these techniques guarantee optimum quality and maximum material saving. • If for some reason an ingredient is overdosed (mechanical failure) and a scale becomes overloaded, the production is stopped and the system prompts the operator to choose from specific procedures in order to finish the load (manual, semi-automatic or fully automatic).
AUTO-LEADER 3000P_ECOWhat is it ? Why is it here ? Technical description ? About Protem ? Auto-Leader 3000P_ECO software features: • A selectable dosing accuracy (a range of 1-9) controls the feeding speed (the higher the feeding speed, the lower the achieved accuracy). Not all recipes require high accuracy and using the lowest acceptable accuracy results in higher productivity. • Parallel preparation and buffering of the next load results in a drastic increase in the plant’s productivity. The operator may schedule the next production, and even start this production, before the end of the previous one. As such, if the next production is scheduled, during the last cycle of the current production, when the scale becomes empty, the automation starts loading the scale with the new recipe while the mixer is still mixing the last cycle of the previous production. • The operator can make manual interventions during the automated production without disrupting the automatic cycle. All critical actions are recorded in a log file. This is a unique system feature, as most of the systems in the market do not permit such actions.
AUTO-LEADER 3000P_ECOWhat is it ? Why is it here ? Technical description ? About Protem ? Auto-Leader 3000P_ECO software features: • Automatic overload mixer protection, through accurate and fast power consumption monitoring. The automation predicts an overload by tracking the motor consumption curve and accordingly feeds extra water or partially discharges the mixer. This totally avoids the nightmare scenario where the mixer stops full of concrete! • The concrete mix consistency (slump), is represented and approximated on a separate display that shows a real time calculated value called Amperes per m3 (A/m3). This value is stored and printed on the batch report. The system calculates average consistency values per recipe and indicates to the operator the optimum target value for the current batch.
AUTO-LEADER 3000P_ECOWhat is it ? Why is it here ? Technical description ? About Protem ? Auto-Leader 3000P_ECO software features: • The tracing of a real time Kw and A/m3 curve helps the operator to understand if the batch inside the mixer is homogenized and if the selected mixing time is correct. • Small water corrections can be easily done during production without disrupting the automatic cycle. A separate display shows how much more or less water, from the pre-defined recipe, will enter the mixer. • Water can also be added during the mixing through a water scale bypass pipe, and can be measured by a pulse meter on a separate display. All values are recorded and printed on the batch report. • Automatic cement stock control per silo, combining material consumption data and weighbridge material entry data, is available when connected to Betolink® Weighing Station .
AUTO-LEADER 3000P_ECOWhat is it ? Why is it here ? Technical description ? About Protem ? Auto-Leader 3000P_ECO software features: • Basic statistical data is kept in the CPU memory. The operator can print reports on the system’s dot matrix printer without the need of the PC (very useful in the case of a hard disk failure). • The system has a write only Unique batch ID and quantity totaliser memory per month and per year to avoid quality altercations and any illegal actions. • Advanced statistics from the Scada database are saved on the PC. Historical data for every load, recipe, vehicle etc. can be viewed on the screen or printed as a report on a laser printer. • Please note: The system has many more advanced features which for practical reasons cannot be presented in this presentation.
AUTO-LEADER 3000P_ECOWhat is it ? Why is it here ? Technical description ? About Protem ? • Protem was founded in 1989 • Scope: R&D of complete & integrated solutions • Markets: Ready Mixed Concrete, Pre Cast, Asphalt Mix, Dry Mortar, Quarries. • Headquarters in Industrial Park (VIO.PA.) Ano Liosia, Athens, Greece • More than 300 Customers in Greece, Cyprus, Bulgaria, Egypt, Serbia, Albania, Romania, F.Y.R.O.M., Africa. • Markets expansion goal: World wide OEMs, Electrical engineers, Scales suppliers who want to partner with PROTEM in a win-win base • Philosophy: Developing innovative solutions and products to satisfy our customers needs. • Certified ISO 9001 and ISO 14001
AUTO-LEADER 3000P_ECOWhat is it ? Why is it here ? Technical description ? About Protem ? PROTEM GROUP has three main divisions: Automation, Software and Mechanical. In cooperation, over the last 25 years, we have designed, manufactured, installed and supported integrated solutions for the construction materials industry. From Ready Mixed Concrete and Asphalt to Mining companies, PROTEM's innovative technological solutions enable our customers to produce, control and automate their processes, increasing their productivity, quality, efficiency and profitability. We don’t imitate We just innovate
AUTO-LEADER 3000P_ECOWhat is it ? Why is it here ? Technical description ? About Protem ? Other Ready Mix Concrete Industry Solutions by Protem • Stationary & Mobile Batching Plants • Complete Automation Control Systems • ERP Software Solutions • Moisture Control • All type of Weigh bridges standard or not, ATEX, Axis weighing, unattended, loading and dispatching automation systems. • Bolt on Silo weighing solutions • Plant Equipment & Spare Parts • Laboratory Software • GPS Fleet Management System • Fuels Management System • Fresh Concrete Recycling Systems • Read more at PROTEM GROUP S.A. 3, 35th Str., Industrial Park, 133 41, Ano Liossia, Athens, Greece T: +30 210 5716500 F: +30 210 5710008 [email protected]
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