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Home Explore KRUGER ספר מותג סופי

KRUGER ספר מותג סופי

Published by משה יום טוב, 2022-11-20 13:55:29

Description: KRUGER ספר מותג סופי


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KRUGER National Park 1

ABOUT THE PROJECT The largest nature reserve in South Africa,Kruger National Park is basically synonymous with the word safari. Kruger where you can find 500 species of birds, 100 reptiles, nearly 150 mammals, several archaeological sites and an amazing variety of trees and flowers is the park that is considered the flagship of the country. Kruger National Park is a hotel for animals and nature and takes care of their conservation. Adventure seekers can tour the park in an SUV, tour the park on foot or fly over it in a hot air balloon. 2

TABLE OF CONTENTS 4-5 6-13 Vision and values 14-19 Logo 20-25 Design language 26-35 printing Products Digital products 3

Vision and values Kruger National Park was for the protection of wildlife, due to the concern of declining wildlife numbers as result of rinderpest and unregulated hunting. MISSION “To conserve,protect and manage biodiversity, wilderness qualities and cultural resources, provide a diverse and responsible visitor experience, contributing towards social, ecological and economic resilience and well-being whilst strengthening constituency within a unique regional landscape”. 4

When humanity and nature meet 5



Black and white logo 8

Colorful logo LOGO 9

Proportions of the logo 250 px 121.76 px 73.5 px 14.2 px 18.9 px 10

Sizes of the logo LOGO 150 px 50 px 50 px 146.1 px 100 px 35.7 px 11

How not to use the logo X Do not change the colors of X Do not use stroke. the logo. X Do not use bevel and X Do not use gradient. 12 amboos.

LOGO X Do not remove items from X Do not reposition items in the logo. the logo. X Do not use drop shadow. X Do not change the 13 perspective of the logo.

Design language 14


colors ffffff bda287 c47244 000000 C0 R 255 C 27 R 189 C 19 R 196 C0 R 0 M0 G 255 162 114 0 Y0 B 255 M 34 G 135 M 62 G 68 M0 G 0 K0 Y 48 B Y 82 B Y0 B K0 K5 K 100 16

Fonts Heading font DESIGN LANGUAGE American Captain Segoe UI Bold ABCDEFGHIJK ABCDEFGHIJKL LMNOPQRSTU MNOPQRSTUV VWXYZ WXYZ 0123456789 0123456789 Paragraphs Segoe UI Regular Segoe UI Semibold ABCDEFGHIJKLMNO ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP PQRSTUVWXYZ QRSTUVWXYZ 0123456789 0123456789 17


19*All 3D images were created by Moshe Yom Tov

printing Products 20


posters 22

Office PRINTING PRODUCTS paperwork 23

brochure 24


Digital products 26


web and mobile 28


UI KIT Header Menu For Web 3300

Secondary Menu For Web Information Pages For Web DIGITAL PRODUCTS 31

Header Menu For Mobile Secondary Menu For Mobile Information Pages For Mobile 32


social media 34 *Animated posts


Thank you for watching The work was done in a student framework Designed by Moshe YOM TOV 36


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