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Final Project

Published by ashelondb0906, 2021-06-18 18:48:38

Description: Final Project- Ashelond and Kayla


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IDEOLOGY MAGAZINE By Ashelond B and Kayla H

COLLECTIVISM ME vs WE Collectivism refers to when one considers the needs of groups over the needs of individuals to further the common good. It emphasizes the idea that individuals do not live their lives in isolation, but rather depend on one another in many ways. Comes from the term collective: a group of people who work together

COMMUNISM Joseph Stalin was Communism is a political and the leader economic ideology that values of the cooperation and equality. Strives for a soviet classless society and tries to make union, from everyone equal. Communists are 1927-1957. motivated to work hard because they make sure that everyone is provided for and doesn’t suffer. People in communist societies do not have a say in the government and all resources are commonly and publicly owned. The communist party is the only political party that is permitted and it is characterized by discipline and authority.

MARXISM Marxism is a socialist ideology that evolved from interpretations of Karl Marx’s ideas. It’s a political and economic theory where a society has no classes. Every person within the society works for a common good, and class struggle is theoretically gone. Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels were involved with Marxism. On April 19, 2021, Miguel Díaz-Canel became elected of the First Secretary of the Communist Party which included ideas of marxism.

SOCIALISM: An ideology that encourages and embraces a high degree of government intervention within society. Utopian Socialism Utopian socialists believe in equality in life and evolving as a society rather than revolting. It includes visions and outlines for futuristic ideal societies with positive outlooks as their main motivator. Socialism evolved because of the increase of modern liberalist views about mainly worker rights and basic human rights.

Robert Owen was an industrialist who believed in giving works better work conditions and better lives. He thought that when workers have better conditions they work harder, and therefore make a bigger abundance of high quality products To promote the advancements towards a utopian society, Owen gave the workers better living conditions in New Lanark where they had comfortable rooms and access to nutritious food as a way to motivate the workers and keep them happy.

DEMOCRATIC SOCIALISM Change through democracy Democratic socialism began in the late 1800’s by socialists who were not as radical as Marx and Owen and didn’t believe modern liberalism provided the type of government that was needed to address the needs of society. Demoncratic socialism is very present in today's Michael Harrington was the societies because of the emphasis of founder of the Democratic collectivism and the use of democracy. We have Socialists of America which individual rights and freedoms today because of is a socialist and it. labor-oriented nonprofit organization in the United States. He founded it in 1982.

LIBERALISM A political ideology that stresses progressive change and advocates for the rights and freedoms of individuals in society. (Focuses on equality and liberty). Liberalism mainly started being to begin in the 1700’s, during the French and American revolutions where people fought for liberalism beliefs such as rights and freedoms.

MODERN LIBERALISM Being interested in creating equality of opportunity for all individuals. It was developed over time to address the concerns with the inequality created by Laissez-faire capitalists. The government intervenes to ensure that most people are cared for. The United States and Canada are two big nations that have adapted the values of modern liberalism throughout time. John Locke was a philosopher from the United Kingdom known as the “Father of Liberalism”.

MIXED ECONOMY It’s where free-market principles are combined with some degree of government intervention. It was invented because of the widespread of poverty, unemployment, and desperation created in many areas of the world. It combines free-market economy and command economy. The basic needs for people meet from mixed economy.

INDIVIDUALISM Individualism focuses on the role of the individual in society and has core values Private property that include independence, individual Rule of law achievement, competition, and freedom. Individual rights and freedoms Competition Economic freedom Self-interest/reliance Individualism first started being heard about during the Renaissance Period (1300-1600) while values and beliefs began to change in Europe. However, by the Age of Enlightenment (1600-1700), philosophers began writing about the importance of individualism and how every person is important and reasonable.

CONSERVATISM An ideological position which upholds tradition, law, and order, and authority. There’s less government and a loss of rights for certain individuals. They believe that the state should have a minimum role in economic matters, but it most likely encourages public responsibility. Conservatives believe in no change unless it has to happen.

CAPITALISM It’s an economic system based on Adam Smith believed if people were free-markets, fair competition, free to compete, it would be in their wise consumers, and self-interest to improve. He believed in profit-motivated producers, in a limited amount of government which a minimum of government because he was against things the is involved in favour. government assigned. He believed that governments were necessary to Adam Smith proposed the “invisible hand,”. protect the safety of the individual. The individual or company’s pursuit of self-interest is guided by an “invisible hand” to unintentionally improve the prosperity and well-being of society as a whole.

CLASSICAL LIBERALISM It’s an ideology that is based on the belief that the rights and freedoms of the individual should be the foundation for society. They mainly had freedom in the economic system. Business owners were the one that had freedom. Jean-Baptiste Say was a liberal French economist who was a businessman. He argued in favour of competition, free trade, and lifting restraints on business.

FASCISM A fascist ideology emphasizes emotions, discipline, nationalism, militarism, and racism. There is a removal of rights for certain groups of people as there is a dictator and ruling elite that makes all of the nations decisions. One of the most well-known fascist nations of the past was Nazi Germany when Adolf Hitler was dictator. He used indoctrination, propaganda, censorship, and secret police to maintain power and control over the nation. His extreme reactionary views caused lots of destruction to the minority group within Germany at the time (Jewish) and started World War 2.

Fascism Today: Although there is not much fascism tolerated in the world anymore, today we still see elements of facsm in Lebanon. The current party in power, the Kataeb Party, was modeled after the Spanish Falange and Italian Fascists parties.

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