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Home Explore shaya


Published by Bristu Studio, 2022-02-06 23:29:49

Description: shaya


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Shaya Shams Portfolio


Shaya Shams Portfolio I’ve always identified myself to be a curious mind with endless unanswered questions. As the result, I’ve perpetually been drawn to philosophy - which is embedded in all of my artworks. Having worked at a well-known library in Tehran, and interacted with people from different walks of life, not only did I became captivated by the human psychology and its reflection in art history, but I also got motivated to follow great authors’ footsteps and be influential through my own expressions. After studying the cinematic works of film scholars, Kristin Thompson and David Bordwell, I enhanced my filmmaking experiences which had started in High School. I also participated in specialized photography courses that focused on social concepts, in which I greatly learned about the Iranian cul- ture and its social psychology. As a visual story teller I use other mediums such as drawing, printmaking and digital design and have had the privilege of having my works from various methods shown and appraised in promi- nent exhibitions and galleries around Tehran. Unfortunately in the current economic and political climate of our society, arts receive far less consideration compared to the other fields. However OCAD U provides a nourishing environment where artists can thrive by hav- ing amazing resources as well as room for discussion and exchanging of opinions. I intend to grow as an artist by advancing my research and broad- ening my focus to the Western culture and art. I have no doubt my variety of skills and experiences along with an eagerness to learn and a tremendous sense of grit will help me succeed. I trust that becoming a design student at OCAD University, can significantly facilitate my dream of becoming a well rounded artist. Email: [email protected] Phone number: +989120191710 Location: Tehran, Iran Instagram: Shaawia


Shaya Shams Portfolio This is a collection about my family. In it, I tried to show my mother’s tenderness, my father’s strength, my sister’s grief, and my grandfa- ther’s loss./2021

Shaya Shams Portfolio

Shaya Shams Portfolio

Shaya Shams Portfolio

Shaya Shams Portfolio My family lived in Golpayegan. These photos are about the loneli- ness of that city and its people.

Shaya Shams Portfolio

Shaya Shams Portfolio

Shaya Shams Portfolio I took this photos when I traveled to the south of Iran. I can only talk to the beach, he is the one who makes me talk, he is the only one who knows me, he must understand .../2020

Shaya Shams Portfolio


Shaya Shams Portfolio Religious rites of sacrificing Iranians is a ritual in which the blood of an object is shed to establish a proper relationship between a human being and the sacred system. In this custom, sheep and sometimes chickens, cows or other animals are usually slaughtered. This work of mine is a kind of protest against this. In it we see lines that seem to have beheaded a sheep and give a feeling of darkness and blackness./2021

Shaya Shams Portfolio Portrait design has always been a challenge for me. I always try to reflect people’s feelings well in their eyes. These are three print designs that show three people from Golpayegan. 2022

Shaya Shams Portfolio


Shaya Shams Portfolio I decided to design the space of the book in such a way as to show the feeling of dry- ness and coldness inside the book.

Shaya Shams Portfolio

Shaya Shams Portfolio

Shaya Shams Portfolio Poster design has always been interesting to me, to summarize a long story and event in one image. Using the knowledge of poster design, I was able to learn the correct composition.

Shaya Shams Portfolio

Shaya Shams Portfolio ‫‏‬My memories are summed up with my friends in Iran on the balcony where I thought day and night about life and death. A5, Pencil on cardboard/2022

Shaya Shams Portfolio

Shaya Shams Portfolio

Shaya Shams Portfolio

Shaya Shams Portfolio

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