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Published by Bristu Studio, 2019-05-19 04:34:07

Description: 2017-18-metro-annual-report_en


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INFORMATION FINANCIAL CALENDAR 2018/19 Publisher Certifications 17/01/2019 METRO AG This report is printed on FSC®-certified paper. By buying FSC® Metro-Straße 1 products, we promote responsible forestry that is monitored Trading statement 40235 Düsseldorf, Germany according to stringent social, ecological and economic criteria of Christmas quarter PO Box 230361 the Forest Stewardship Council®. This publication uses Maxioffset, 2018 40089 Düsseldorf, Germany that bears the EU Ecolabel. 12/02/2019 METRO on the internet Disclaimer This annual report contains forward-looking statements Quarterly statement that are based on certain assumptions and expectations at Q1 2018/19 Investor Relations the time of its publication. These statements are therefore T +49 211 6886–1280 subject to risks and uncertainties, which means that actual 15/02/2019 F +49 211 6886–490–3759 results may differ substantially from the future-oriented [email protected] statements made here. Many of these risks and uncertain- Annual General Meeting ties relate to factors that are beyond M­ ETRO’s ability to 2019 Corporate Communications control or estimate precisely. This includes future market T +49 211 6886–4252 conditions and economic developments, the behaviour of 09/05/2019 F +49 211 6886–2001 other market participants, the achievement of expected [email protected] synergy effects as well as legal and political decisions. Half-year METRO does not undertake any obligation to publicly financial report Project lead, concept correct or update these forward-looking statements to H1/Q2 2018/19 and editorial reflect events or circumstances that have occurred after Katharina Meisel the publication date of this material. The trade names and 01/08/2019 trademarks used in the annual report, which may be pro- Project management tected by third parties, are subject without restriction to Quarterly statement Carola Klose the regulations associated with the applicable trademark 9M/Q3 2018/19 Annette von Leoprechting laws and ownership rights of their respective registered Katrin Mingels owners. The copyright for any published objects created Viktoria Rous by METRO AG remains the property of METRO AG. Any duplication or use of such graphics, video sequences and Graphic design texts in other electronic or printed publications is prohib- Strichpunkt GmbH, ited without the explicit permission of METRO AG. Stuttgart/Berlin, Germany Published on 13 December 2018 Editorial support and realisation Ketchum Pleon GmbH, Düsseldorf, Germany Printing Walter Digital GmbH, Korntal-Münchingen, Germany Photography Hartmut Nägele: pp. 9, 12–13, 23 Photo credits METRO AG Combined management report, consolidated financial statements and notes are produced inhouse with FIRE.sys

You can download the Annual Report 2017/18 as well as the Condensed Report 2017/18 online at W W W. M E T R OAG . D E / W E -A R E - O N -T H E - M OV E / D OW N LOA D

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