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Home Explore Advanced Science Catalog 2019-20

Advanced Science Catalog 2019-20

Published by denecarter, 2019-01-14 11:22:46

Description: Advanced Science course offerings at Granbury High School for 2019-20.


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GHS Catalog of Advanced Science 2019-2020All hyperlinks are live. Feel free to click formore information.

Honors Biology - Students shouldtake this is they want a morechallenging biology class.There will be STAAR EOC at theend of the year.It is recommended that youpassed your 8th grade scienceSTAAR test.We cover everything frombiomolecules to ecology.

AP Biology - Students should take thiscourse if the have a sincere interest inbiological science.All AP courses are designed to be theequivalent of a first year collegecourse, they are NOT a high schoolhonors course. These are true collegelevel courses, with college levelexpectations and workloads.AP Biology is equivalent to 2semesters of freshmen-level biologyand a biology laboratory class thatwouldbe completed by a biology major.

It is highly recommended that youpassed Honors Biology and Chemistrybefore taking this class.College credit is available for studentswho take and pass the College BoardAP Exam for Biology. This course covers an extensive amount of genetic and molecularscience. Evolution, cells, and ecology is also included.

DC Biology - Biology 1408 and 1409 aredual credit courses offered throughWeatherford College. These classes aredesigned for Non-Science majors andsatisfy the college science requirementsfor students who do not plan to major ina science. These courses do not satisfythe Biology requirements for Sciencemajors at most Colleges andUniversities.Since this is not an Advanced PlacementCourse offered through College Board,college credit is received immediatelyupon passing the course with norequirement for additional testing.

BIOL 1408 – Biology for Non-ScienceMajors I 4 semester hoursThis course provides a survey ofbiological principles with an emphasis onhumans, including chemistry of life,cells, structure, function, andreproduction.BIOL 1409 – Biology for Non-ScienceMajors II 4 semester hours Thiscourse will provide a survey ofbiological principles with an emphasis onhumans, including evolution, ecology,plant and animal diversity, andphysiology.

Honors ChemistryHonors Chemistry is a course designedto meet the needs of the college boundstudent, especially those who plan tocontinue into AP Chemistry.Through problem and inquiry basedlearning, students will investigate howchemistry is an integral part of our dailylives. Students will practice criticalthinking, problem solving, makinginformed decisions, and communicatingtheir findings through collaborativeteamwork and lab investigations usinga wide variety of laboratory techniques.

Honors Chemistry Topics will include: ● Properties and structure of matter ● Atomic structure & Quantum Mechanics ● Periodic table of elements ● Chemical nomenclature and bonding ● Chemical reactions & quantitative chemistry ● Properties of solutions, acids and bases ● Energy transformations during physical and chemical changes ● Behavior of gases ● Nuclear fusion and fission.Prerequisites for Honors Chemistry:Completion of one year of high schoolscience and Algebra I.Note: There is a rigorous quantitativecomponent to Honors Chemistry; it is highlyadvised to have completed HonorsGeometry and be concurrently enrolled inHonors Algebra II for success in this course.

Advanced Placement ChemistryStudents who take AP Chemistry should have ageneral interest in science and wish to take part in arigorous and academically challenging course.Students who plan to major in medicine, engineeringor go into a science field in college should take APChemistry in high school.College credit is available for students who take andpass the College Board AP Exam for Chemistry.The AP Chemistry course is designed to be theequivalent of a first year college general chemistry.The course enables students to undertake, as afreshman, second year work in the chemistrysequence at their institution or to register in coursesin other fields where general chemistry is aprerequisite. Prerequisites for AP Chemistry: Honors Chemistry and completion or concurrent enrollment in Honors Algebra II.

Advanced Placement ChemistryAP Chemistry is typically taken by Juniors andSeniors at GHS. It is highly advised to take thecourse Junior year immediately following HonorsChemistry.Topics are structured around six big ideas articulated inthe AP Chemistry Curriculum Framework provided by theCollege Board:1. Structure of Matter2. Bonding and Intermolecular Forces3. Chemical Reactions4. Kinetics5. Thermodynamics6. Chemical EquilibriumA special emphasis will be placed on science practices,quantitative analysis and laboratory techniques, whichcapture important aspects of the work in which scientistsengage that combine topics with inquiry and reasoning skills.

AP Environmental Sciencea.k.a. APESStudents who take APESshould have an interest in theenvironment and/or a generalinterest in science.College credit is available forstudents who take and passthe College Board AP Exam forEnvironmental Science.Students should have passedtheir STAAR tests for 8thGrade Science, Biology, andEnglish 1 before taking APES.

AP Environmental Sciencea.k.a. APESAPES is typically taken by Juniorsand Seniors at GHS.APES covers several topics:*Earth Systems & Resources*The Living World*Population*Land & Water Use*Energy Resources & Consumption*Pollution*Global ChangeAs with any class, you will get out ofit what you put into it.Use the clickable links to take a lookat the PBLs for the class!

Granbury High School APES Project-based Learning

Students research the population trends of two countries and predict the types of medical facilities those countries will need in the next 20 years.GHS, Inc.A Population PBL

Teams of students analyze the animals living near a realCanadian lake to determine the best placement of a logging site. Big Trout Lake Forestry Project A Land Use PBL

Students describe the advantages and disadvantages of various energy resources, such as wind, hydroelectric, solar, geothermal, biomass, coal, oil, natural gas, and nuclear energy.Power is Knowledge An Energy PBL

Clean up on Aisle 7… A Pollution PBL Students explain the origins, harmful effects, and solutions to specific pollutants.

Last of Their Kind An Endangered Species PBLStudents explain the natural habitat, value to theworld, reason endangered, whether people care,potential danger to humans, and efforts to save theirchosen endangered species.

Stu t p a t o g , t a s t i , bi ict e t, an f s o di t e c en sis e s.Bew he I s o ! An as S ec P

AP Physics 1Taking AP Physics 1:Algebra-Based can lead to afuture in at least 60 careerareas.This class is loaded withhands on labs and activitiesthat emphasizeinquiry-based learning anddevelops science practicesand problem solving skills.

AP Physics 1Prerequisites for AP Physics: Studentsshould have completed geometry andbe taking Algebra II or an equivalentcourse. AP Physics 1 includes basic useof trigonometric functions, butstudents can learn those in theconcurrent math course or in the APPhysics 1 course itself.College credit is available for studentswho take and pass the College BoardAP Exam for AP Physics 1.

AP Physics 2Do you want to study engineering,Physics or Astronomy when you get tocollege? Well this is the course for you!Prerequisites for AP Physics 2: Studentsshould have completed AP Physics 1.Concurrent enrollment in AP Calculus ishelpful, but not required.We will take what you learned in APPhysics 1 and turn it up to 11. We’ll study:● Fluid Dynamics● Thermodynamics● Electricity & Magnetism● Optics & Diffraction of Waves● Modern and Quantum Physics

AP Physics 2We will take what you learned inAP Physics 1 and turn it up to 11.We’ll study:● Fluid Dynamics● Thermodynamics● Electricity & Magnetism● Optics & Diffraction of Waves● Modern and Quantum PhysicsCollege credit is available forstudents who take and pass theCollege Board AP Exam for APPhysics 2.

GHS Catalog of Advanced Science 2019-2020For more information, please contactthe following teachers (you may click onthe teacher’s name for the hyperlink):Honors Biology - Kayli MorrisAP Biology - Kayli MorrisDC Biology - Sha RobinsonHonors Chemistry - Cindy JacksonAP Chemistry - Cindy JacksonAP Environmental Science - Dene’ CarterAP Physics 1 - Erica WoodyardAP Physics 2 - Wade GreenThank you and we hope to seeyou in class!

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