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Home Explore Acid Mine Drainage

Acid Mine Drainage

Published by denecarter, 2019-02-18 16:57:48

Description: Acid Mine Drainage


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Acid Mine Drainage Acid Mine Drainage

What are the origins of your specific pollutant ? Where does it come from? How long has this specific pollutant been a problem? In this text fragment, \"Course of Hydrogeology applied to mining\", we explain all the details of this phenomenon that frequently occurs in mining. Acid Drainage ,Open pit mines ,Underground mines ,Rock bins,Tailings tanks ,Leaching in pile In situ leaching Synthesis. Acid drainages from old coal mines and metal mining are one of the main sources of pollution of surface and groundwater in the world. Because this problem can persist for decades and even hundreds of years after the end of the productive cycle, there is a need to prevent their formation and apply the most appropriate treatment when it has been formed. These drainages are toxic in varying degrees to man, fauna and vegetation, contain dissolved metals and soluble and insoluble organic constituents, which generally come from mining work, mineral concentration processes, waste dams and mine dumps.

In what parts of the world is it a problem? What are the harmful effects of your specific pollutant? Does it cause damage to plants? Open pit mining and the effect of a failure, The greenwashing and environmental hypocrisy of the miners, are some names of the mines where drainage is a problem and is affecting them. Impacts of mining metallic minerals in the natural environment * Atmosphere * Soils and land * Surface water and underground.

Does it harm the animals? Does the natural ecosystem disturb? Does the aesthetic value of an area decrease? Does it cause diseases in humans? The Mining damages health in several ways: • Dust, chemical spills, harmful fumes, heavy metals and radiation can harm workers and cause them chronic health problems and also Allergic reactions and other problems immediately. The mining development disturbs the soil and the rocks during the course of the construction and the entire ecosystem through which it ran. Migration of acid drainages in geochemical mining deposits are accelerated in mining areas because the air also comes in contact with the decrease in water quality, making it inaccurate for the consumption of other materials to calculate the acidity from a conversion value of total sulfur. Acid mine drainage is one of the most serious threats. This damage can exist for hundreds of years, or even thousands of years if it can cause irreparable damage to plants and animals.

Does the specific pollutant affect all people equally or only certain populations due to medical history or proximity? The acid drainage of mines is one of the most serious threats of mining and consequently also affects all people equally.

What solutions are there to your specific pollutant? How can it be cleaned up? There are a variety of approaches to prevent and clean acid mine drainage. Most of these focus on trying to neutralize the acid, avoid exposure of the mine materials to oxygen and flowing water or prevent the bacteria from catalyzing the necessary reactions. The acid drainage from the mine is a global problem, that causes ecological destruction in watersheds and the contamination of human water sources by sulfuric acid and heavy metals, including arsenic, copper and lead. Among the environmental solutions, there are three basic ways to limit the acid drainage of the mine: avoid the formation of sulfuric acid, neutralize the acid after it forms, or accumulate runoff to contain the acid. The results achieved allow us to conclude that the flotation is an adequate technique to clean the treatment of acid mine drainage. The application allows to obtain solutions with metal ion concentrations below the maximum admissible values a​ ccording to the standards.

How can it be prevented? are there alternatives that would create less pollution? How can we fix the problem? Acid Mine Drainage Treatment Systems. Its Purpose of the mining is the main focus is directed to the control of acidic waste and preventive and corrective corresponding to avoid or reduce the impact of mining acid drainage.At the Inter-American level, there are powerful reasons for countries to collaborate with mine contamination. Certain contaminants, such as acid drainage or contamination agents and the means to avoid it through alternatives. Among the environmental solutions, there are three basic ways to limit the acid drainage of the mine: avoid the formation of sulfuric acid, neutralize the acid after it forms, or accumulate runoff to contain the acid.

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