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Home Explore Acts Bulletin (1)

Acts Bulletin (1)

Published by twiceandonce60, 2022-04-26 15:07:30

Description: Acts Bulletin (1)


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Issue no.01 April 27, 2022 Issue no.01 April 27, 2022 Familiarizing with Fossil Fuels Fossil fuel: A necessity Renewable Energy for GROUP 1 or a threat? a Change PURPOSE OF FOSSIL why we still rely on fossil fuels is because it is GROUP 2 FUELS: cheaper than anything we know that can be a ELLICE LACSAMANA reasonable alternative. Fossil fuels are predicted to Fossil Fuels have served us to this day, but are the advantages The main purpose increase by the price in the coming years because of Can renewable energy help solve climate change? Climate of fossil fuels is to insufficiency. According to Bjorn Lomborj there is a enough to risk the disadvantages it may cause? First of all, it is change continues to intensify, especially these days. Climate change is make energy. It was possibility that there will be a switch to renewable cheap. That means it is easy to produce. So, both the producers and being felt in the Philippines, particularly in some areas of Visayas. A used to produce energy sources in the future and it will happen heavy downpour occurred some days ago, killing several people and heat in homes; eventually. The IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on  consumers gain. It is also abundant, though it is not a never-ending causing landslides on roadways that resulted in accidents. Scientists electricity and Climate Change) is unsure if a future based on fossil are protesting, urging everyone to act now before it's too late. If we powerful engines for fuels can be completely ruled out. A chemical supply, we still have no worry that it’ll run out anytime soon. They don't take immediate action, we may lose our home sooner than we power stations. reaction that occurs when fossil fuels are burned is are continually formed by natural processes and are not renewable think. What can we do to help solve this global issue? heat will be released during the process, which energy resources. Because of this, we should save and use them escalates it even more. Mechanical energy is wisely for us to preserve their availability. Fossil fuels such as Coal, There are a few things we can do to help, one of which is to use changed to electrical energy in a turbine or a renewable energy. What is renewable energy? Renewable energy generator to produce electricity. There were a lot of  Oil, and Gas are some of the most important natural resources that comes from natural sources such as the wind, sun, plants, and the supplies of fossil fuels that were simple to acquire heat of the Earth. Most people nowadays consume fossil fuels, which and transport. But as time goes by, the supply is we use every day. Fossil fuels are used to produce energy; in the are harmful to our planet. Coal, oil, and natural gas are examples of being exhausted. The sources and sinks of every home they are burned to produce heat, in large power stations they fossil fuels. When used, coal raises the global average temperature; oil usage of fossil fuels are being limited. Air and water are used to produce electricity and they are also used to power emits large amounts of carbon that can harm our ocean's ecosystem; that absorb fossil fuel waste products are the sinks, engines. The energy that has been produced by fossil fuels can and natural gas, despite being advertised as \"clean energy,\" is still a while the sources are the deep earth layers. power up or propel cars and transportation that we use in our daily fossil fuel that accounts for a fifth of global carbon emissions. Even if lives. The bonds between the Hydrogen and Carbon atoms store they are more convenient to use, we can use renewable energy as a FUN FACT: F ossil Fuels which are usually found in the earth's factors that have big effects on fossil fuels after energy, by burning the compounds in the presence of Oxygen the safer and more environmentally friendly option. millions of years underground. Plants became coal bonds are broken and the stored energy is converted to heat energy, Fossil fuels are not crust were made from decomposing plants and while plankton decomposes into natural gas and oil. forming Carbon Dioxide (CO2) in the process, but burning them Why use renewable energy? Renewable energy can help reduce made from 3 factors that have big effects on the formation of creates climate change and releases pollutants that lead to early carbon emissions and ease this global crisis. Hydropower Energy is a decomposed  animals which inhabited the Earth from 300-400 fossil fuels are the following. The microorganism death, heart attacks, respiratory disorders, stroke, asthma, and renewable source of energy. Hydropower plants do not release waste dinosaur bones present in decomposition, and the heat underground absenteeism at school and work. heat and gases, which are substantial contributors to air pollution, because they only million years ago. It contains carbon and hydrogen transforms them into fuels. The kinds of fossils we global warming, and acid rain. Hydropower plants are built to last existed 230 million which are burned to form energy. Such examples of acquire today are coal that was made from All the impacts of fossil fuels affect the air and water, which since they are powered by water. They help reduce greenhouse gas years ago wherein fossil fuels are coal, oil, and natural gasses. Coal is a decomposed plants; oil and natural gasses are from directly impacts our health. When we inhale, the toxic matter from emissions caused by fossil fuel combustion. Hydropower plants can the fossil fuels that material usually found in sedimentary rock deposits marine animals. One of the common ways of fossil fuels punctures our lower airways and may even enter our control the flow of water. This enables the plant to produce more we mine today are where rock and dead plant and animal matter are obtaining fossil fuels is by mining and drilling oil bloodstream. This contributes to asthma, pneumonia, chronic energy when it is needed and reduce energy output when it isn't. from 300-400 piled up in layers. More than 50% of it must be from and gas wells on land and offshore, they are now obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), heart disease, and stroke Biomass Energy is another source of renewable energy. Biomass can million years ago. fossilized plants. On the other hand, oil is originally used to extract these commodities. They are sought among many Americans. For example, in 2011, air pollution from be derived from wood, agricultural crops, and other organic wastes. It found as a solid material between the layers of after because they contained energy, and when coal plants contributed to up to 10,300 deaths and 65,000 asthma is referred to as \"green\" energy because it is carbon-free. Biomass \"Every sedimentary rock, one example of this is shale. It was burned, fossil fuels provide power machinery, and attacks, among other issues. Moreover, there are various production energy can help to reduce methane emissions from oxygen- second we heated to produce the thick oil that can be used to transportation, as well as the electricity essential to methods that have demonstrated the direct effects of fossil fuels on independent decaying organic wastes. Biomass has become a use fossil make gasoline. In addition to that, natural gases are modern-day life. They also contain essential human health. For example, hydraulic fracturing—or fracking—is desirable climate solution because it is renewable to some extent and fuels is usually found in pockets above oil deposits. It can also ingredients used within the chemical industry. Fossil the process of extracting oil or natural gas from formations by can be grown repeatedly. Biomass can reduce the overreliance on 10 seconds be found in sedimentary rock layers that do not fuels hold responsible for environmental affair that blasting water mixed with chemicals. This creates a toxic zone of air fossil fuels, and reduce garbage in landfills. Slowing deforestation and less from contain oil and it was primarily made of methane. In are currently prominent on the political agenda. Air pollution that can cause headaches, asthma symptoms, birth defects, improving the environment can be accomplished by planting fast- our lives\" general, fossil fuels are compound mixtures made of and water pollution, greenhouse gas accumulation, and heart problems. All at the same time, it is most likely to cause growing trees. fossilized plant and animal remnants from millions of damage to land surface and ground level ozone, and pollution, acid rains and global warming. And all of these lead to the years ago. The creation of fossil fuels can be coal, oil, acidification are just some of the negative impacts declining economy. Pollution stunts economic growth and Another source of renewable energy is Hydrogen Energy. or natural gas. These fossils are determined by the that fossil fuels do. Coal combustion produces the exacerbates poverty and inequality in both urban and rural areas. Hydrogen, the universe's lightest and most abundant gas, is type of fossil, the amount of heat, and the amount of most pollution. It may cause underground fires and Global warming will primarily influence economic growth through progressively used as a fuel source. It's made by electrolyzing water pressure. Fossil fuels are formed from decomposing coal dust can possibly explode.By this, coal mining is damage to property and infrastructure, lost productivity, mass with solar or wind power. When hydrogen is burnt, it only emits water plants and animals. Plankton and plant chemicals are a really risky occupation and before, a lot of natural migration and security threats. and maybe produced without generating CO2. We can produce fossil- one example, they transformed into fossil fuels after disasters happened because of this. The reason on fuel-free resources with the use of hydrogen. Hydrogen can be used to millions of years underground. Plants became coal For energy sources that are supposed to be in their decline, create fertilizer, power heavy industry, and heat homes, generate while plankton decomposes into natural gas and oil. 3 01 fossil fuels remain absolutely essential to our nation’s economy and energy, and replace fossil fuels as a zero-carbon feedstock in security. Without them, the building materials for homes are very chemical and fuel production when the grid can't handle it. It offers a limited. But being the primary contributor to global warming and wider range of benefits in terms of energy security, industrial strategy, climate change, we can also consider them as threat. and air quality. \"For change to be There are more sources of renewable energy that can help in fighting climate change such as Wind Energy, Geothermal Energy, attainable, go Ocean Energy, Solar Energy, Tidal Energy, Wave Energy, and Nuclear Energy. Renewable energy can be used to generate energy that emits renewable.\" no greenhouse gases and minimizes some types of air pollution, as well as diversifying energy supply and reducing reliance on foreign fuels. We can all contribute to the fight against climate change. Even in the simplest ways, we can help. Now is the time to act before it's too late. Switch to renewable energy; it's the safest alternative! Let us express our dedication through our actions rather than empty words. We can't afford to lose this fight; we only have one home. Act as one force, with a single voice for all! 02

Issue no.01 April 27, 2022 Issue no.01 April 27, 2022 NEWS ARTICLE NEWS ARTICLE A Fascinating US President signs orders for usage Behind-the-Scenes Look  o f alternative energies by 2050 GROUP 4 at the Effects of Supply and By 2032, the administration wants to see the emissions from Demand of Fossil Fuels Worldwide On December 15, 2021, US President Joe Biden signed a all building operations to be reduced to half and by the year 2035, all new car and truck purchases made by the federal GROUP 3 series of consecutive orders that will make the federal government government will have zero emissions. go more green in the following years. These orders command the Demand for Energy A Dangerous Shift US to buy electric vehicles by 2035, change the power of the According to the World Energy Council, our energy needs 300,000 buildings into renewable energy of wind, solar, and would not be reduced for at least another 14 years, and it is a According to a new report from the International An ongoing energy crisis, nuclear, to use sustainable materials for construction by 2050, to good thing that sustainable energies are starting to come to Energy Agency, renewables are expanding quickly but which began in late 2021 and is transform its 600,000 cars and trucks, and to use the the frame. Two years ago, these energies produced merely 4% not fast enough to meet a strong rebound in global predicted to last until 2022, is government’s yearly purchases of $600 B to achieve his goal of a of our total energy consumption but by 2060, they are electricity demand this year, resulting in a sharp expected to persist. It has already federal government that will cease from adding carbon dioxide expected to produce 39%. As of 2021, the US is 40% powered increase in the use of coal power, which risks pushing had significant economic, into the atmosphere by the year 2050. by alternative energy sources and uses 1.5% of the country’s carbon dioxide emissions from the electricity sector to environmental, and security energy. record levels next year. According to the current edition ramifications. There is a From his early days as president, Mr. Biden intended to use the of the IEA's semi-annual Power Market Report, after discussion of the tensions that federal government as a model or pattern that will help encourage Alternative or sustainable energy sources can be wind, solar, declining by around 1% in 2020 owing to the effects of occur for government policy, the the markets to use green energy instead. These orders set a or geothermal. Wind energy describes the process of wind the Covid-19 epidemic, worldwide electricity demand is investors, and consumers. timetable for the transition from present to going green. being used as an electricity source or generator. Solar energy expected to climb by close to 5% in 2021 and 4% in COVID-19 and supply chain is the radiant light and heat that comes from the sun while 2022. The Asia Pacific area, particularly China and disruptions, greater natural gas By the year 2030, the president wants the government to purchase geothermal energy is heat that comes from the earth’s crust India, is predicted to account for most of the rise in market interconnection, and electricity that come from sources that do not emit carbon dioxide used for heating houses and generating energy. electricity demand. In 2021 and 2022, fossil-fuelbased indications of energy price which is the most abundant mancaused greenhouse gas that energy generation is expected to cover 45 percent of volatility are all factors in the warms the planet. extra demand, with nuclear power accounting for the energy shift away from fossil remainder. As a result, carbon emissions from the fuels. The global economy's Why green light is better than red light? What exactly are these alternative sources? Some examples of these green energy sources are solar energy, geothermal electrical sector, which decreased in 2019 and 2020, are shaky recovery from the energy, hydroelectric energy, wind energy, bioenergy, nuclear energy, hydrogen energy, tidal energy, and wave energy. Solar expected to rise by 3.5 percent in 2021 and 2.5 percent COVID19 epidemic may be FRANCESCA FLORES energy refers to the use of photovoltaic cells, commonly known as solar cells, to create energy. Geothermal energy refers to in 2022, reaching an all-time high. “Renewable power is jeopardized by rising energy the energy produced by tapping into underground reservoirs. Hydroelectric energy or hydroelectricity refers to energy growing impressively in many parts of the world, but it prices and scarcity. Energy produced by moving water while wind energy is a versatile energy source that can be produced from small-scale windmills still isn’t where it needs to be to put us on a path to consumption and prices dropped to large-scale wind farms. Bioenergy is produced from biomass or biofuels which are organic materials while nuclear reaching net-zero emissions by mid-century,” said dramatically because of the energy is generated in the form of heat by the fission process of atoms. Hydrogen energy is utilized as a clean-burning fuel, Keisuke Sadamori, the IEA Director of Energy Markets pandemic, but rising demand is tidal energy comes from the kinetic energy of the water movement, and lastly, wave energy is from the waves as they move and Security. “As economies rebound, we’ve seen a placing pressure on oil, gas, and across the ocean. We can see that they all come from healthy sources and do not emit greenhouse gases. They are healthy surge in electricity generation from fossil fuels. To shift even coal markets. Prices are and safe. In color symbolism, they are green. to a sustainable trajectory, we need to massively step-up soaring as supply grows, even investment in clean energy technologies – especially though demand has yet to recoup Thirdly, with the use of alternative energy sources, more job offers can be provided. Factories will need workers, and the renewables and energy efficiency.” Due to the Covid-19 from the pandemic's decline. people can have the opportunity to earn money for their families and for themselves. The boost in employment thanks to crisis, world oil demand decreased by 8.7% in 2020, the utilization of green sources will also cause economic development and can overall improve a country. With all these following several years of expansion driven by non- Verse of the Day great alternative energy sources and their great benefits, what’s stopping us from switching? Why do we still use the red OECD countries. ones? They replied, Oil demand in the OECD fell by 12% because of The Competition \"Believe in the Lord It all comes down to cost and infrastructure. Of course, it takes time to completely switch, but the larger issue would be the frequent lockdowns, widespread teleworking, and Jesus, and you will money. It will be costly to build factories and infrastructures that will produce and maintain the production of these energy international travel restrictions in all regions. Although be saved - you and sources. But considering the benefits that they give, don’t you think it will be for the best to start switching now? Yes, it will a 5% drop in oil output in 2020, the United States take a lot of time and money, but all those efforts given to the production of green energy will result to a much healthy remained the world's leading producer, followed by the your household.\" future. Russian Federation, Saudi Arabia, Canada, the People's Republic of China, and Iraq. Only the People's Republic Initially, global supply issues were confined to critical cushion for gas demand and ACTS 16:31 The energy and electricity that we use daily come mainly from fossil fuels, coal, and natural gas. Although The government should work on this issue because global warming and climate change are still happening. We can’t keep of China, out of the six top oil producers, had yearon- oil, but today's fastchanging natural gas markets pricing is eroding. \"No Competition No effective, these sources heavily contribute to the global warming and climate change that is currently on using electricity and energy that causes harm to our environment. We are supposed to protect our home, not help year growth (+2%). As a result of a 12 percent decline in are undergoing a transformation. A developing and Progress\" Natural gas has been a victim of happening on our planet. These are practically ‘red’ sources and ‘red lights’. This is why we should switch from destroy it. We only have one Earth, there is no number two or three, at least not yet, but nonetheless we should start oil production, the Islamic Republic of Iran has lost more flexible liquefied natural gas (LNG) market its o wn succe ss in that it has dis placed red to green. Alternative sources, the ‘green light’ heroes, have come to save the future. But why should we use switching and helping our planet. Green light will always be better than red light. It goes the same for energy sources. It’s several places in the rankings. has permitted global competition for gas supply, coal-fire d power generation, which has them? Why are they ‘heroes’? about time to start choosing our planet. The actions we make today will have a great impact in our future, so always make which was not possible before gas was given by been a key source of gas demand, for the right decisions. Maybe you can start by using green sources and making green decisions. Remember, pipeline or LNG under long-term contracts. Europe economic or environmental reasons. Gas First, coal accounts for 80% of power plant carbon emissions and it produces more pollution than any other and Asia are vying for the same LNG supply, driving demand is becom ing less elastic, and energy source. Natural gas is also a fossil fuel, and although its global warming emissions are relatively lower \"choose right, choose up prices in both markets and extending the current prices are becoming more volatile, as coal than coal and oil, the process of drilling and extracting can cause methane leakage, the main component of Earth today.\" glut to the United States. However, as coal-fired can no longer be used to create electricity these gases that is stronger than carbon dioxide in trapping heat for over 35 times. With the continuous use of power generation falls in the United States, a when natural gas demand is high. these energy sources, global warming and climate change can speed up. All these energy sources might provide for our daily needs, but they can take away our future if we continue to use them. This is why we can consider \"Finding the plan b is not the solution, the solution is to find alternative energy sources as heroes. They can save us and our future from deteriorating by replacing these ways to fix PLANet earth\" harm-causing energy sources. 03 04

Issue no.01 April 27, 2022 Issue no.01 AApprrilil2277, ,22002222 NEWS ARTICLE NEWS ARTICLE Water can Flow Households are facing a steep increase in like Electricity their energy prices GROUP 6 F GROUP 5 E nergy prices fluctuated in response to changes in energy SOMEDAY un fact! Did you know that the Philippines uses green energy? The Philippines has been known for a lot of things, including its demand, generation sources, fuel costs,and the availability of By Kristel Aquino power plants which leaves consumers struggling to keep up with  culture and tourist spots. Some tourist attractions include Cebu, rising expenses. Boracay, and Banaue. Other than that, the Philippines is blessed True state of our environment, with abundant renewable energy resources. Cebu is not only known Never know what this really meant, for its tourist attractions but is also known for using renewable energy resources. This article tackles the different green energies living our life brightly as sun, Not knowing we’re killing her as we make fun.  in the Philippines, their uses, the importance that they serve, and their impact to the country; by using green energy to conserve Fossil fuels used in many ways, biodiversity and to lessen the threat to humanity! Unending greenhouse gases, even worsen these days, Something bad will happen as turn around, What is renewable energy? Why is it important? Renewable Besides the hydropower plant in Cebu, there's also a Hydropower energy has a lot of benefits. It is fueled by water, Electricity is generated from primary energy sources. These If solution is nowhere to be found. energy is acquired from natural resources such as sunlight, wind, hydropower plant in Norzagaray, Bulacan, the Angat Dam. making it a clean source of energy. Another is that impoundment primary sources go through power plants that collect the energy biomass, and thermal energy. Some sources of renewable energy Angat Dam is one of the country’s largest dams; it is a hydropower creates reservoirs that offer recreational from them and convert it into electricity. Some of the primary are solar energy, biomass energy, wind energy, geothermal energy, concrete water reservoir embankment hydroelectric dam that opportunities such as fishing, swimming, and boating. Most sources from which energy can be generated are fossil fuels, Using of alternative supplies, and hydropower energy. supplies Metro Manila and nearby provinces with water. It was hydropower installations are required to provide some public nuclear power plants, hydropower plants (excluding pumped To lessen the damage Earth was taking, a part of the Angat-IpoLa Mesa water system. The reservoir access to the reservoir to allow the public to take advantage of storage), geothermal systems, solar panels, biofuels, wind, coal, And see again the beauty of it by our eyes, The Philippines uses renewable energy known as hydropower supplies about 90 percent of the raw water requirements for these opportunities. natural gas, oil, and renewable energy sources. There are two Be as one in saving her and restoring. plants. What are hydropower plants? Hydropower plants are Metro Manila through the facilities of the Metropolitan types of power plants, thermal and kinetic. These two both renewable energy sources that generate electricity by altering the Waterworks and Sewerage System. This dam supplies portable Hydropower also provides benefits that extend beyond generate electricity by turning a turbine which subsequently natural flow of a river, or other body of water with a dam or water and energy to Metro Manila and nearby areas, which is electricity generation by providing flood control, irrigation rotates the coils or magnets of a generator. The rotation of these Unity as we make difference, diversion structure. Beyond generating electricity, hydropower very helpful to the people in that area. Hydropower energy can support, and clean drinking water. Lastly, Hydropower energy is coils or magnets is what generates electricity. let’s bring back the beauty of our mother, provides flood control, irrigation support, and safe drinking water. help the people in the Philippines by being an alternative affordable. Hydropower provides low-cost electricity and And fight so there will be no consequence, energy source, bringing power to the many small remote durability over time compared to other sources of energy. After the generation of electricity, distribution happens. And live our life joyfully forever. Cebu is known for abundant natural resources like water, land, communities. and vegetation. As these natural resources can be a source of Here, the electricity is being delivered to the consumers. The renewable energy, Cebu has three hydropower plants owned and Everything will be alright someday, perated by the Cebu Electric Cooperative I (Cebeco). These hydro majority of households pay for their electricity on a per kilowatt- We’ll see again the sunshine bright every day, plants are Mantayupan Mini Hydro Power Plant (Barangay Mantayupan Barili town), Matutinao Mini Hydro Power Plant hour (kWh) basis. Some of the factors influencing ourelectric Only if we’ll be as one, (Barangay Matutinao, Badian town), and Cebu Electric Cooperative In restoring our loving one. (Barangay Basak, Badian town). Our Energy is Getting a Bright Future! bills are the supply, demand, and weather forecast. The most TRIVIA: In a light bulb, only around 10% of energy fundamental cause of the changes in electricity bills is the goes to generate light. The rest of the energy goes to weather. Summer and, in certain cases winter, are when generate heat. electricity rates are at their highest. On average, heating and This summer the sun is shining bright! Since it’s the summer Norte Province with 33,000 MWh of renewable energy. It season, solar energy will be at its peak because of the frequent creates more job opportunities in the region and nearby cooling expenditures make up 55 to 60% of your electricity bill. Supply and demand is also a great contributor to the presence of the sun. This is the perfect use of Solar Energy. Solar areas. This project can save approximately 31.2 million liters energy is an inexhaustible renewable energy source derived from of water and 16,566 tons of greenhouse gas emissions per variation of electric rates. The cost of delivering power is the sun's electromagnetic radiation. It generates electricity and year. heat in an entirely sustainable and cost-free manner. Places in influenced by the demand for electricity. Therefore, when the Philippines that use solar energy include Mexico, Pampanga, The Calatagan Solar Power Plant, the largest solar facility Currimao, Ilocos Norte, and Calatagan, Batangas. In this article, located in Calatagan, Batangas, Luzon, captures the sun's heat demand is high, suppliers must produce more electrical energy solar energy is discussed in various locations throughout the rather than producing crops or corn that can produce enough Philippines, including its importance, applications, its uses, as energy for the entire province of western Batangas. The and when demand is low, they must produce less. Electricity well as its impact and contributions to our country. Calatagan Solar Farm is directly impacting the country's energy demands while also alleviating environmental factors. usage is often highest in the afternoon and early evening (peak Solar energy is important because it is clean and renewable. The Calatagan Solar Farm is estimated to offset more than 1 Solar energy does not emit toxic substances into the atmosphere, million tons of CO2 that can produce more than 5 million hours), hence electricity bills are typically higher during these which can be extremely harmful to both the environment and trees. humans. Solar energy has various uses, particularly in our daily times. Rates usually increase (are usually highest in the summer) lives. It can be used to cook food, heat water, generate electricity, Slowly but surely, in the next generations, the use of fossil and so on. fuels will be replaced. All of the abovementioned renewable or when total demand is high because more expensive generation green energies provide a safe substitute for fossil fuels because sources are added to meet the increased demand. The RASLAG Solar Power Plant in Mexico, Pampanga is one of they generate electricity without harming the To avoid oversupply and undersupply, which will only lead to the solar energy systems in the Philippines. RASLAG is the environment.They may require energy from the sun, the earth's renewable energy arm of the generation company Angeles Power, Inc. (API). The RASLAG 1 and RASLAG 2, are the first projects of core, wind, human waste, or pressure, but they generate clean greater issues such as blackouts, brownouts, and energy waste, RASLAG in Mexico, Pampanga. The corporation intends to deploy energy technology that will benefit the industry and maximize the and new source of energy. Having them could also open new country's clean energy potential. jobs and improve our economy. As the famous slogan goes, “It's the electricity supply must meet its demand. more fun in the Philippines!” The Currimao Solar Project in Ilocos Norte (Power Plant and Farm), the twentythird renewable energy project that has been \"Sustainable energy is Electricity has become such an integral part of our everyday commissioned by Equis, can supply and meet the need for electricity of up to 9,328 homes in the Ilocos the path to a cleaner life that it is difficult to envision our existence without it. Even and bright society.\" minor adjustments in electricity price rates can bring a huge 05 impact on people’s lives, especially in these trying times. “It’s harder for consumers to decide that they’re not going to use so much electricity. For people who rely on electricity, this is a sobering development to have this kind of a large increase”, said Martin Kohli, the chief regional economist for the Bureau of Labor Statistics. This just proves that inflation of utility expenses makes people’s lives more difficult than they already are. 06

Issue no.01 April 27, 2022 Issue no.01 April 27, 2022 NEWS ARTICLE entertainment WORKAHOLIC? IT’S EVERWHERE AROUND GAMES POEMS US, ENERGY! GROUP 7 literary Limerence Why saving Energy is Important? ACTS OF THE APOSTLES by Jessica Daniel For the air you breathe, the water you an acrostic by Samantha Semsem drink, and the neighborhood in which A – lmost all living thing has it Everybody's world revolves around her, C – rude component which built Her smile so bright that brings light to cities, you reside, saving energy decreases air T – elling what it should look like S – etting intricacy and oddity in life Mesmerized eyes in infinite number, and water pollution and conserves Like she's the best amongst celebrities; O – ften the end of all investigation natural resources, resulting in a F – ar more reliable than any potion Then her true colors ignited in blazes, healthier living environment. Experts T – ell tale sign of beauty and madness Skies were now gray with breaths of midnight smoke, H – ow we expect someone’s likeness Our planet's guardian she loudly razes, think that by 2050, we will have E – bony and ivory, everything in fairness. Can you see or shall to you I evoke? reduced our total energy consumption A – denine, cytosine, guanine and thymine P – airs of phosphate and sugar intertwine Then have you caught glimpse of this other sun? by up to 60%, and all it will take is O – rder or sequence is not undermine S – alient requirement in a simple cline Her beauty as ineffable as hers, energy conservation. Currently, the T – ightly bound into chromosomes so tight But the ogres she created now gone, L – ife-form maintained and created alight As genuinely she delivers to doors; principal energy source is fossil fuels E – xquisite ability to create replicas S – upport to our being, life’s building blocks. such as oil, coal, and natural gas. Only if we can see the difference, A Student Life May we shall stop this scary limerence. However, fossil fuels are non- By Angel Manarang renewable resources that form deep and expenses, increase your property SIR ERIC (an acrostic) Tips/Ways on Howbeneath the Earth's surface over value, improve your quality of life, protect One at a time, slowly take a step Reaching your dreams shouldn't be slept, By: Aricia Unay millions of years. We're utilizing them the environment, help you easily cut costs, Seek your passion at a gentle rate S – supporting us in our mission without strife to Save Energyso quickly that they'll soon run out. make you earn incremental returns on Like a car that accelerates. I – inquisitive type of person, who is continuously looking for solutions and knowledge. Thus, whether your goals for energy energy efficiency investments, and insulate We use energy to power the Live life like honey R – rare to come across someone as rare as Astatine! conservation are economic, yourself from rising electricity prices electronics we use on a daily basis. Live a life that's happy and sunny. Like a tree that grows tall and strong E – exchanges willingly his thoughts and environmental, or personal, the among many others. When it comes to Without energy, most of our daily From photosynthesis who makes it live long. knowledge with us every time R – realizing and appreciating the fact that every benefits of energy efficiency will have energy saving, you can start small and needs, wants, and necessities will be student requires a teacher like you Get rid of the air that's bad for you I – introduces us to fresh ideas that will something to offer everyone. If you're easy, like just running full loads in your unattainable. Taking away energy Like the heart who does that too; undoubtedly benefit us in the future, if not right Circulate the nutrients that's good for thee now! still not convinced, then these washing machine. Or perhaps you're requires you to consider your entire Like a friend who'll care and loves you dearly. C – calm but never lifeless when it comes to teaching! advantages might persuade you. Saving prepared to go all-in and construct a solar day and plan how you will function Never keep in the anger 08 energy will: significantly reduce your energy system. Whatever you pick, your without the ability to plug things in. Speak out like a banger Volcanoes that let out what's inside utility bills, earn a great return on your efforts to conserve energy will benefit both When you don't have any energy, you Let them be peaceful for a long time. investment because it may lower prices you and the environment. lose all sense of normalcy. We are so You can't control how others receive your energy, dependent on energy that it would be ANSWER KEY: Always remember, you can't please everybody. different and difficult if it suddenly Life as a student never stops you to move forward Stay focused, never decelerate, always go onward. stopped being supplied to us. Water and Heating are two essential aspects of our lives that are jeopardized without energy. What happens if we do not Save Energy? Saving energy is beneficial to our ANSWER KEY: environment and many people. Some ways to conserve energy are by turning off lights and unplugging appliances when not in use, according to Switching to manually doing tasks instead of using a machine is also a way to save energy. According to the same source, an example of this is hang-drying clothes rather than using a dryer. Another way is by using LED lights since they are energy efficient. LED lights also can help to save almost 50 percent of energy, as stated by an article of the Philippine News Agency website. An investment in solar energy aids with energy conservation as well, since solar technologies do not create greenhouse gases and air pollution according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration. Saving energy aids in preserving our environment and protecting ourselves from the effects of fossil fuels and other harmful factors. DID YOU KNOW? Wind energy is a Solar energy can Geothermal energy \"Green is the color of our clean, renewable cause the is a renewable home and planet. Go energy source, electricity bill to source of energy Green, Join the cause\" and is one of the go lower and it is that is almost most cost- also completely effective sources environmentally pollution-free, and for electricity. friendly. is consistently reliable. 07

Issue no.01 April 27, 2022 April 27, 2022 Issue no.01 CLASS PETA LEADER | POEMS LEADER | QUOTES LEADER | LAYOUT LEADER | GAMES LEADER | COMICS/ADS Aarin Torres Kristel Aquino John Pineda Aiken Francine Lobo Yvonne Noella Shantel Jasmin Velasco Alimurung Dimatulac Sapinoso Garcia Ayen Gonzales Jessica Princess Vino Julian Janelia Tye Inciso Aelish Charles Esteban Quiambao Alfonso Krizzie Lopez Ariane Velarde Armendez Nuqui Kristel Cortez Aricia Unay Edward FEATURE & Isaah Capati Princess Dominique Balanon Juarez Tabinas EDITORIAL WRITING Samantha Francesca Ellice Keiziah Vergara Aldrin Mikhail Semsem Flores Lacsmana Cortez Rapada Kate Cunanan Sofia Petell Annika Bondoc Anna Lingat Reanne Gian Guevarra Tolentino Razzle Charliene Ramirez Castillo back page

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