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Home Explore Spring Digital Magazine 20-21 PDF

Spring Digital Magazine 20-21 PDF

Published by sccaylor, 2021-03-22 21:23:20

Description: Spring Digital Magazine 20-21 PDF


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Tech2Teach Monthly Spring 2021 CCISD Office of Instructional Technology

Table of Contents Tech2Teach - Call for Presenters CCISD Science Fair Barnes ES ShoutOut Hamlin MS ShoutOut Canvas Updates SMART Learning Suite Online Metro E ShoutOut Nearpod Updates Shaw ES ShoutOut Apple Education - Everyone Can Create Tips and Tricks Oak Park Tiger Techies CCISD Digital Hub Sanders ES ShoutOut WireCast Announcement Broadcasting

Calling ALL Tech-Savvy Teachers! If you would like to be a presenter at Tech2Teach please click on: Tech2Teach Presenter Proposal Form to submit your proposal. Spread the love of instructional technology, and help us move our district forward! The deadline to apply is March 31st. Stay Connected! - ������Office of Instructional Technology

District Science Fair Gone Virtual ! For the first time, CCISD District Science Fair was held in a virtual format. We had 160 projects submitted for judging, and 124 advance to Coastal Bend Regional Science Fair. Students created their science fair boards on Google slides and recorded virtual presentations for judging. The Science Fair lead at each campus submitted their advancing projects through a Google form. Judging occurred over Zoom, using Google Forms to collect the scores. Despite moving to a virtual format in every aspect of science fair, project submission and judging went off without a hitch!

Because judges met virtually, we were able to give them a larger window of time which allowed them flexibility when meeting with their fellow judges. Since we had many successes with the virtual format, we plan to make science fair a hybrid experience in the future. The idea is for student projects to be completed on a traditional tri-fold board with judging occurring in person, while using a Google Form to score each project.

Science Fair Elementary Student Products 2nd Grade - Children’s 3rd Grade - Effect of Reactions to COVID-19 Caffeine on the Heart Rate 1st Grade - May the Force Be With YOU! 4th Grade - Project 5th Grade - Which Hovercraft Sunscreen gives the best Coverage? Children ages 4-9 were surveyed: “It turns out that most kids are not scared of the Coronavirus but instead, they are SAD.”

Science Fair Secondary Student Products MAX HEALTH with Smartphones and Smartwatches Does Music Affect Your Mood? A Non-Invasive Method of Testing Glucose For Diabetes Bubble Trouble The Effects of Heart Shock on Plasmid Uptake MAX Health Conclusion: “...With these features patients no longer have to constantly worry about when the next cardiac event will happen or whether they can afford to buy glucose strips on a regular basis.”

Submitted by Mary Lou Stout, Librarian, Barnes ES

Submitted by Jacqueline Driggers, SHOUT OUT!! Inst Coach, Hamlin MS Hamlin Teachers made over 500 Positive Phone Calls to Parents!!! nuFPPmarhrbironeencrlliepocaCfolauPPllnosrstusitditvehneece “Did we make our LiabdrdasriaannoCNtahalenl rtcoyPtoMhseia“tMilwvdaeokainnlPla!g!hdaoopnoesitive phone call can goal??” YES!!!! change the dynamics between you and that student. Many have never received any and when they do, it helps create a positive school culture, and it builds that relationship with the student and parent.” -Mrs. Blake, RLA Teacher Check out the News story on KRIS TV!!

SMART Learning Suite Online + Enhance your lessons and increase student engagement with SLSO!

We’ve Got That! Assessment Connect to with Data Student Devices Poll Formative Real-Time Assessment Feedback Whiteboard Use Game-based Space your own Learning Content Convert See Student Collaboration ANYTHING Contributions Tools (interactive)

Let’s Get Started Drive 1. Getting Started SLS with Google video 2. 3.

Students will navigate to and login with their Google credentials STUDENT SIGN IN TEACHER SIGN IN Teachers will authenticate their SLSO account using their Google credentials

SLSO Interface Explore Interactive Lesson Resources Add interactive resources to your SLSO library and share them with student devices to supercharge collaboration SMART Learning Suite Online Training Learn the ins-and-outs in five easy steps.

AAcdtidvities SLSO Interactive Quick Train Videos Toolkit

Apple Education Everyone Can Create is designed to unleash creative potential by teaching skills and techniques in music drawing, photography, and video with an iPad. It's designed for everyone. Because creativity is at the heart of what moves our world forward. FREE Guides for Drawing, Music, Video, and Photos UNLEASH STUDENT CREATIVITY

Apple Education DISTRICT-WIDE

Difference Between Assigning Curriculum Setting Up a Class Synced and Manually to a Class Manually Created Classes Introduction to What Can My Getting Started with EasyTech for EasyTech Curriculum Students Expect? Students Finding Curriculum Finding Curriculum Understanding Your Gradebook in the Library by Standard Understanding FAQs for Using Online Training Teacher Reports at Center Video Home Resource Certificate of Completion Course

Teacher Example: Virtual Student Aquariums Starting Point: Ms. Stacy Flores- Kinder Student Example: Virtual Student Aquariums are a great way to have incentives not only in your classroom, but in the virtual setting as well. Each student will have their own aquarium to build on. I have my own example of an aquarium as an exemplar to show what their end product could be. The students are given an item to choose from 5 slides. These items have a variety of fish, coral reefs, treasure chests, and other objects to choose from. Each object they choose is interactive and brightly colored. I have found this incentive system to be very successful in my virtual setting. I use it as incentives for zoom attendance, behavior, and engagement in the lesson.

SIght Word Slide: Amung Us Sight Word Game Ms. Stacy Flores- Kinder SIght Word Video: A Crewmate This Amung Us Game is a great identifying the sight way to keep the students engaged word needed. and excited about learning sight words. The first slide explains the game and directs the students to pick the correct sight word which is the crewmate. The two sight words that are not correct are the imposters. The second slide has 3 videos that the students can watch as a review. They are fun and interactive songs that make it fun to learn sight words. The slides that follow have a video with the teacher saying which sight word the student needs to pick. The student then has three options (3 sight words for the week) to choose from. They can slide the correct sight word in the correct spot. The new sight words every week can just be added to additional slides for the six weeks.

Mrs. Garcia-Mireles is Student is using Amplify using her Smartboard Reading. to review spelling. Student is using MyOn. Student is practicing math facts with Imagine Math. Submitted by Debra Aleman, Teacher, Oak Park SES.

Calling ALL Tech-Savvy Teachers! If you would like to be a presenter at Tech2Teach please click on: Tech2Teach Presenter Proposal Form to submit your proposal. Spread the love of instructional technology, and help us move our district forward! The deadline to apply is March 31st. Stay Connected! - ������Office of Instructional Technology

Mrs. S. Armendariz-Garza RI teacher at Sanders Elementary Assessing students using Amplify. Submitted by Michelle Allen, Teacher, Sanders ES

Using Wirecast for School News and Live Broadcasts By: Rene V. Pantoja This year middle school librarians were provided a video recording and streaming system through a grant coordinated with the Office of Instructional Technology for school announcements and video productions. Rosaalva Davila, librarian at Grant Middle School and Kimberly Sanchez, librarian at Atkins Middle School held a Wirecast remote learning training session via Zoom on January 19, 2021.

The video system includes Wirecast software, computer, video camera, lights, iPad for use as a teleprompter and a green screen background. To listen to the extended audio interview – click on this link below: TechConnect 2.0 Podcast For questions, contact: Rene Pantoja, at the Office of Instructional Technology. Wirecast interface screen Studio setup by R.V. Pantoja


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