Tech2Teach Monthly Winter 2019-2020 Office of Instructional Technology
VISION 2020:District Wide Staff Development A Better Vision Together We’ve been looking for techies like YOU! Tech2Teach 2020 is the summer technology professional learning event where K-12 educators and administrators come together to share the latest technology tools, resources, and strategies for engaging the next generation of digital learners. CLICK HERE TO SUBMIT YOUR PROPOSAL The call for presenters closes on March 31, 2020. Submitters will be notified by end of March of the presentation status.
Table of Contents Discovery Education…………………………………………………….1 Multi Media Fair…………………………………………………………...3 Shout Outs………………………………………………..5,6,8,14,18,19 Mr. Perkins-Ray HS-Canvas…………………………………..9 Instructional Technology New Website……………...12 Parent Liaisons…………………………………………………………..13 Sharon Wells Training…………………………………………….15
A STEM Leader Forum co-hosted by Discovery Education and Corpus Christi ISD was held at Veterans-Memorial HS on Thursday, December 12. Educators from CCISD and eight Region 2 Independent School Districts attended this event. District leaders had the opportunity to explore why they should be implementing STEM for their students, become immersed in STEM learning and think about how they need to position STEM in their district. Keynote Speaker was Dr. Cindy Moss, VP of Global STEM Initiatives for Discovery Education, a nationally respected thought leader in STEM education and reforms. 1
Sandy Deleon-Salinas, Wendy Devoe, Cindy Moss, Dr. Maria L.Guerra, Diana Villarreal, Luci Sosa, Cary Perales and Kimberley James, Ralph Silva, Melissa Gonzalez all attended and participated in STEM activities.2
SHOUT OUTS!!! Shout out to Director of Leadership, Dr. Ralph Silva for promoting Canvas as a resource for the Principal Leadership Institute (PLI) and the Assistant Principal Leadership Institute (APLI) members. Dr. Silva is utilizing the assignment and announcement features to organize the projects submitted in the program. Dr. Silva is showing how the Canvas Announcement comes to him on his cell phone when the Notifications are set up correctly in the Canvas Account. (Announcements Created By You is marked Notify Me Right Away) 5
SHOUT OUTS!!! Shout out to Schanen Estates ES Principal, David Crabtree, for optimizing the use of his Canvas Faculty course “Shamrock Central.” Modeling the use of Canvas tools and engaging teachers in a Canvas course is an excellent way to encourage use of these tools with students. 6
Time is a teacher’s most valuable resource. Canvas Teacher App (available for Android or iOS) allows teachers to facilitate their courses on the go, both inside and outside the classroom. This app provides quick access to: ● grading, ● communicating, ● updating— three of the most frequent course facilitation tasks for teachers through Announcements, Assignments, Discussions, and Quizzes. Save time and use Canvas more efficiently from your mobile device with Canvas Teacher. 7
I had the privilege of meeting Mr. Perkins from Ray HS and discovered his passion for facilitating meaningful learning experiences with his students. His perspective on how students learn best and how we can prepare students for an unpredictable future is a worth sharing. Please click on the image below to hear more from him. 10
Office of Instructional Technology has a NEW Website: 12
Parent Liaisons On Dec 18th, the campus Parent Liaisons were busy at work preparing their Campus Parent and Family Engagement Canvas Course. This course will be available to parents, students, and staff through the enrollment link available in the Campus Newsletter and/or the Campus Website. Once you have joined the course, your dashboard will have this tile. This course will act as an Informational Resource Hub for Parents and Students. ***For more information, please ask your Campus Parent Liaison . 13
Sharon Wells Math Training By: Rene V. Pantoja CCISD Elementary math teachers participated in day long training sessions Dec. 3, 4, 5, and 6 at the new C.C.I.S.D. Instructional Resource Center (prior Cunningham Middle School). Elementary math teachers will have additional dates for Sharon Wells training in the coming New Year. Sharon Wells Mathematics. . . . provides a sequential guide each six weeks which includes a scope and sequence, detailed teacher instructions with a materials list, provides lessons, and the development of student skills that focus on readiness standards and comprehensive student assessments. CCISD is committed to meet changing Texas Curriculum State Standards and provide engaging learning opportunities in elementary mathematics. 15
Link to SMART Notebook Math Manipulatives!/share/fe2b26bb-bb 89-4ecd-9fc8-d64c8babe22b 16
SHOUT OUTS!!! Shout out to Wendy Devoe (District Secondary Science Specialist), Edward Mata (Haas teacher), John Pearson (Veterans teacher) and all the Secondary Science Chairpersons for building up Canvas usage among the science teachers. Both Mr. Pearson and Mr. Mata shared how they use Canvas in their class and gave examples of Module designs and quiz opportunities in Canvas. Way to Go Science Peeps!!! 18
SHOUT OUTS!!! Shout out to Mary Grett students who celebrated the season with their annual holiday presentation on Dec. 13th. Students, parents and staff had a wonderful time singing songs and even had a visit from “The Grinch”. The Grinch was reported to be “SMILING, throughout the entire presentation”. Many thanks to the great staff at Mary Grett Transition Center. 19
ECDC+Apple TV+iPad The Teachers at ECDC had training with their new Apple TVs and their iPads. The Teachers were shown how they can wirelessly connect their iPad screens to their SMART TVs. Teachers are then free to be amongst the students and still show the whole class what they are working on. The students in the class can also project their iPad screens to the board as well to show their work. If you would like to have a demo shown to you in your classroom, please contact your Instructional Technology person. Check for your IT Team Member 20
Office of Instructional Technology Team Who to Contact for Support
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