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Home Explore Tech2Teach Monthly Fall 2019 Digital Magazine

Tech2Teach Monthly Fall 2019 Digital Magazine

Published by sccaylor, 2019-11-15 14:23:21

Description: Tech2Teach Monthly Fall 2019 Digital Magazine


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Tech2Teach Monthly Front Cover Multimedia Fair 2020 Bond 2018 Mobile Devices Update YouTube Live! Canvas Power Users Tips and Tricks Tech Saavy Saturday

SHOUT OUTS!!! Shout out to Kathy Mendiola!! Thanks for making The Office of Instructional Technology so awesome! Good luck in your new adventures!

Table of Contents 1 Office of Instructional Technology Professional Development Catalog 3 2020 Multimedia Fair 5 Bond Update - Mobile Device Roll-Out 7 YouTube Live! 11 Google Tips and Tricks 12 SMART Tips and Tricks 13 Canvas Corner 15 19 Tech Saavy Saturday 21 Aplle iPad Roll-out 23 Canvas Rockstar - John Pearson VMHS 24 Changing Language in Canvas 25 Men 4 STEM Conference - Moody HS 29 Google Slides Nearpod Addon


SHOUT OUTS!!! Shout out to the Windsor Park First Grade Team! They are the first to recieve the iPad roll-out and are working all the bugs out for all the other K-1 iPads. 2

Welcome to the Jungle! Wild for Technology! CCISD Multimedia Fair Project Deadline: January 31st, 2020 Event: April 22nd, 2020 Multimedia Fair Project Categories Click here for Larger Print Project Categories Description Video ������ Game Original video Video game design includes planning, designing, and the ������ Design ������ game creation of video games. Designers work to create video games (Download for computers and video game consoles. Rubric Here) Digital Art ������ Original artwork Digital art refers to the creation of art through the use of a (Download or photography computer. This may include digital photography, animation, and Rubric Here) that has been other forms of media. This category encompasses different forms of artistic production that include digital and enhanced or computer-generated designs. manipulated using technology Motion Media Original video, Motion media is the incorporation of computer graphics, digital (Download animation, voki, photography, music, animation, video, and movies to create Rubric Here) pictures, videos, and movies that inform and entertain viewers. etc. - must not Designers of Motion Media use the principles and tools of exceed 3 minutes filmmakers, designers, and animators. in length 3

Multimedia Fair Project Categories Click here for Larger Print Project Categories Description Digital music is sound that can be used to record, store, Digital Music ������ Original music, generate, manipulate, and reproduce sound using audio signals remix, dub, etc. - that have been encoded in digital form. In this category, Design ������ must not exceed 3 submissions must be original and must be stored in a way that (Download Rubric Here) minutes in length, judges can play and hear the music. Submissions can have please put in a lyrics with the music. However, lyrics must be accompanied by .mp4 file music. Web ������ Design Original website Web design encompasses many different skills and disciplines in ������ with title, the production and maintenance of websites. The different areas (Download of web design include web graphic design; interface design; content, menu, authoring, including standardized code and proprietary software; Rubric Here) tabs, etc. and user experience design. Submissions must give the resource used to create their web design, and must be an original website created by parties on the submission form. No edits permitted after submission deadline Jan 19, 2018. Original dynamic Digital presentation is any dynamic presentation created with presentation digital software such as Sway, Prezi, Powerpoint, Slides, Smore, Digital created with Canvas, etc. Other technology applications may be used Presentation ������ sway, prezi, alongside the presentation such as Jing or Camtasia. Digital (Download slides, etc. - presentations should present content that is age appropriate and Rubric Here) 1 title slide, reflects a topic or concept in a fluid manner. 1 citation slide and 5-8 content slides Interactive Original poster Interactive Digital Posters express ideas that are intended to Digital Poster ������ one page persuade, inform, or entertain a local or global audience about a (Download topic. This is accomplished by incorporating text, images, Rubric Here) graphics, audio, video, and web links on one digital page. Digital posters offer a brief learning experience on a particular topic. As the audience interacts with the content on a completed digital poster, learning becomes a kind of self-discovery process through the exploration of the poster elements. 4

What will campuses be getting? 5

2018 Bond Supports Mobile Technology ● ● ● ● 6

YouTube LIVE! By: Rene V. Pantoja Windsor Park ES CCISD schools are taking advantage of YouTube and its YouTube “LIVE” option for broadcasting morning announcements and school events. Schools like Windsor Park, Haas, Hicks, Moore, Metro E and Adkins Middle School are successfully using YouTube for communicating information to students, staff and parents. . 7 Windsor Park ES broadcasts “Live” Red Ribbon Week Opening Ceremony

Hicks ES Teachers and staff are emailed a link from the morning announcement coordinator and students can view the morning broadcast or campus event on their classroom Smartboard. Windsor Park ES recently broadcast “live” the opening ceremony for Red Ribbon Week. If you want more information on YouTube LIVE, contact: Rene V. Pantoja, Digital Media Producer for Instructional Technology. 8

SHOUT OUTS!!! Shout out to Gloria Hicks ES, Mrs. Alicia Garza, Principal, and Andrea Martinez, Librarian for using the Smartboard and Youtube Live for the school morning announcements. 9

SHOUT OUTS!!! Shout out to Ms. Laura Perales, Oak Park Principal, for using the Teacher Canvas App during her classroom observations, to view lesson plans which have been submitted in her Faculty course by her teachers. Shout out to Carroll HS Admin, Dr. Jamie Copeland, Dr. Lynda DeLeon, Mr. Jonathan Garison, Mr. David Swanson, and Ms. Debbie Fennama (not pictured) for taking time to train on Canvas Lesson Plan feedback for teachers and for moving their campus forward. 10

Google Tips and Tricks Using Google Slides as a publishing tool for magazines, new letters, etc. Open Google Slides Click on FILE and choose PAGE SETUP Set page size to 8.5X11 inches Insert text, pictures, shapes, and backgrounds to design your project! 11

SMART Tips and Tricks New this year is the ability to add a SMART file link to CANVAS for student use at home. The students can utilize the gaming skill practice without the need of the SMART Notebook software. Here are the steps to get this going: 1. Using SMART Notebook create your SMART lesson. 2. Upload your SMART lesson into your Google Drive. 3. Open the SMART lesson with Smart Learning Suite Online (Be sure to indicate Student-pace and utilize the individual handout option). 4. After adjusting the sharing rights, you can place the link in Canvas to share with your students. (Using Crtl-K will open the file in a new window). Click here for an example Create in Put in Google Open with SLSO, Add link to SMART Drive Make Student Canvas Page, Pace, Fix use Ctrl-K to Sharing Rights open in New Window 12

Canvas Corner Blended Learning is supported through the use of Canvas. The 2019-2020 Canvas Teacher Checklist provides embedded tutorials to help teachers implement Blended Learning resources for students. There are three levels of implementation for Blended Learning in Canvas. Are you an Apprentice, Ninja, or Master? Click the image below or this link to access the checklist. 13

Canvas Corner Did you know that Canvas takes the place of several tools teachers once had to manage? Canvas takes the place of tools such as: ● Echalk - where students and parents accessed assignments and learning resources. ● Teacher website -where students and parents accessed information regarding teachers and courses ● Eduphoria lesson planner -where instructional guides were accessed and lesson plans posted. Now teachers manage one tool -- Canvas! \\ Did you know that besides curriculum Canvas is also a great tool for communication with students and parents? The Canvas Teacher App allows for direct communication to individuals or groups, as well as, the 14 sharing of photos and images.

NEW! Online Tech Lessons for Elementary School Students All Elementary school students, Kinder - Grade 5 have access to a Online Virtual Classroom that offers technology application lessons, both in class or at home! ● Students login to to access digital textbooks and Online resources. ● Select APPLICATIONS. ● Click on the logo. ●15 Click on the Citizenship Class

Here’s a sneak peek at some of the Kindergarten content! Yes, Kinder students can benefit too. All content is Grade Level Appropriate, aligned to Technology Application TEKS! This is a portion of content for 4th Grade Students. Teachers needing instructions for obtaining student usernames and passwords can access instructions HERE. 16

SHOUT OUTS!!! Shout out to Baker MS teacher, Vicky Harvin for infusing Art and Tech Apps to impact student learning! 17

SHOUT OUTS!!! Shout Out to all of our Tech Savvy Presenters! On Saturday October 5 and November 2 we had eight presenters in a variety of tech savvy topics presenting to CCISD teachers. Thank you IT Team, Denis Wisner, Maria Cavazos, Brandey Addison, Seth Caylor, Roxanna Guerrero, and Melissa Gonzalez. Special Shout Out to our two guest presenters from our CCISD campuses Holly Sindt and SoniaVega thank you for your dedication and sharing your expertise! Holly Sindt from Club Estates Sonia Vega, CA from Martin Middle School 18

LAST Tech Savvy Saturday We’re HERE for YOU!!! Veterans Memorial HS December 7, 2019 19 9 AM - 12 PM

ATTENTION: Administrators, Teachers, and Librarians Dec. 7 2019 Tech Savvy Saturday registration links below. Select only ONE! Sessions are from 9 am - 12 pm SESSION PRESENTER REGISTER Google Suites: Seth Caylor Get Googled! default.aspx?cid=17734 Virginia Becker SMART lab: Alyse Baros Intermediate default.aspx?cid=17726 Canvas: Canvas Megan Butler with Google Stacey Stallings default.aspx?cid=17717 Integration Denis Wisner Nearpod: NCE /default.aspx?cid=17857 Nearpod II Virtual Reality default.aspx?cid=17712 EasyCode Rep. Playground and x?cid=17731 Keyboarding 20

Apple iPads Arrive! Elementary Librarians, Lozano Cafeteria 21


-John Pearson - Canvas Rockstar Veterans Memorial HS To learn more about Quizzes in Canvas click HERE. 23





SHOUT OUTS!!! Shout out to Ella Barnes ES , 5th grade teacher, Kathy Ritter, who is using Quizzes in Canvas to assess students, collect data, and provide immediate feedback to students. 28

+ You can use the Nearpod Add-on to collaborate and create Nearpod lessons directly in Google Slides and launch the lesson with students. 1. Go to a Google Slides Presentation 2. Choose Add-ons 3. Search Nearpod 4. Click Nearpod for Google Slides and Install Click on the link below to watch the video tutorial Using the New Nearpod Add-on in Google Slides 29

Note-taking… ● Improves focus and attention to detail ● Promotes active learning ● Boosts comprehension and retention ● Teaches prioritization ● Extends attention span Click on the link below to watch ● Improves organization the video tutorial ● Increases creativity Saving Notes in Google Drive 30

SHOUT OUTS!!! Shout out to Adkins MS Art Teachers Ms. Tina Saenz and Ms. Stafanie Morales , for including a Parent Guide Page in their Canvas Art Courses. This will help connect the learning in school with support at home to build student understandings. 31


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