NOVEMBER 2021 Page 13 Employees Give Thanks Page 12 Spotlight on Compliance
CONTENTS Cardillo’s Corner 4 October by the Numbers 5 Employee Recognition 6 HR Corner 8 Castle Cares 10 Employees Give Thanks 14 Employee Highlight 16 Spotlight on Compliance 18 Castle & Cooke Mortgage Executive Team Rick Cardillo | President/CEO Jim Modrycki | SVP Production Danny Jasper | SVP Capital Markets Perris Bullard | SVP Credit Risk Colleen Fisher | SVP Operations Samantha Bateman | SVP Compliance Scott Gonzalez | Chief Financial Officer Katie Evans | VP Human Resources Connections Production Staff Ali Carver | Editor & Loan Officer Concierge Manager Rebecca Palmer | Copy Desk & Marketing Content Manager Brittnee Talley | Designer 13751 South Wadsworth Park Drive, Suite 101, Draper, UT 84020 Copyright 2021 | Castle & Cooke Mortgage, LLC | NMLS#1251 | Equal Housing Lender | All Rights Reserved
BIRTHDAYS Anthony Hrncir, Nov. 2 Lisa Ainge, Nov. 17 Alyssa Torres, Nov. 23 Mildred Castro Sanchez, Tennille Rodgers, Nov. 17 Brian Rose, Nov. 24 Nov. 2 Tammy Berg, Nov. 19 Jamelle Kusi, Nov. 24 Tyrome Diagne, Nov. 2 Ma Araceli Cardenas Melisa Lorenzo De Coro, Rusty Tucker, Nov. 4 Garcia, Nov. 20 Nov. 24 Hien Le, Nov. 12 Bryan Boyd, Nov. 21 Jessica McCormick, Nov. 25 Heather Dominguez, Nov. 12 Philip Wheeler, Nov. 22 Thomas Martin, Nov. 13 Carol Howei, Nov. 22 ANNIVERS RIES Colleen Bruening, 13 years Carrie Serbousek, 2 years Jennifer Wahl-Gokool, 13 years Bradley Durrant, 2 years Randy Whitaker, 13 years Jason Bruce, 2 years Brenda Harris, 10 years Douglas Baron,1 year Mildred Castro Sanchez, 6 years Christopher Walker, 1 year Katie Evans, 6 years Ryan Green, 1 year Angelica Vega, 6 year Samuel Owens-Hess, 1 year Charlene Sharp, 6 years Abbigail Clawson, 1 year Ime, Fernandez, 5 years Liam Hasbrook, 1 year Kara Beltran, 5 years WELCOME! Ahsan Haq Dane Marshall Wyatt Bullough Loan Officer Loan Officer Trainee Technical Support Representative Timothy Cutler Loren Lavender Brittner Smartt Media Production Manager Licensing Specialist Loan Officer Luz Encarnacion Tim Lewis Servicing Representative VP Consumer Direct UT
CARDILLO'S CORNER Team, Even with all the additional chaos 2021 has presented us with, there is still so much to be thankful for this Thanksgiving. I’d even argue one of the greatest gifts this challenging year has given us was a new perspective on the things we’ve been taking for granted all this time! A new perspective on just how grateful we are for the simplest of things. And while many are still struggling this Thanksgiving, we hope you are able to take a moment and practice some gratitude for all the lessons 2021 has brought us all. Thank you for supporting CCM throughout this year. I am grateful for your loyalty, work effort, and the teamwork we seem to really exemplify at our company. So take time this Thanksgiving and enjoy time with family and friends. And be grateful that while most industries here in the U.S. have struggled through the last two years, we in the mortgage industry have enjoyed much success. Wishing you a day of feasting, laughing, and loving one another. Happy Thanksgiving! Grateful for each and every one of you! Thanks, and Always Be Closing!
OCTOBER by the NUMBER$ Castle & Cooke Mortgage had a strong October in 2021, and the company is set up to finish the year strong. If we meet current projections, we could exceed our goal of $1.5 billion in loans by around $150 million, President & CEO Rick Cardillo told the team in mid-November. In October, we beat our monthly plan of $130 million by about $5 million, he added. The plan for November has been to fund $100 million in loans, Rick said. A few weeks into the month, $40 million had already funded, and loans in the pipeline could get the company to $120 million by month’s end. “We’re set up for a really big November—we may even be at what we did last year,” he said. “These months at 135-140 are going very smooth and it’s because we are used to handling this kind of volume now.” In December, the goal is $105 million, but Rick projected the company could get to $125 million. Rick called out two things that are making a big difference across the company. Even though we’re dealing with similar loan volumes as we did last year, we’ve refined our processes and are working together better and more quickly. “We’re really good at doing what we do,” he said. “We move forward with efficiency.” Next, he had high praise for progress in the Consumer Direct branches and the Compliance disclosure team that supports them. We’re starting to see a big decrease in cures, and that means we aren’t sending out checks to borrowers who didn’t get the right disclosures the first time, he explained. Overall, the company portfolio grew to $2.643 billion, with a value of more than $28 million. “We had good attribution across the board in October,” said SVP of Production Jim Modrycki. “Thank you to everybody who had something to do with manufacturing each and every one of those units.”
EMPLOYEE R What is it? Our Peak Performer and Rookie of the Month programs are your chance to show fellow employees how much you appreciate their hard work. These programs highlight the best of the best on both the corporate and branch level, and they’re a great way to embrace our company culture. Rookie of the Month If you’ve been with Castle & Cooke Mortgage for less than a year, you can be nominated as a Rookie of the Month! We recognize two employees each month during Coffee with Cardillo, regardless of location. If you’re selected, you’ll get movie ticket vouchers and a sweet hat! VOTE HERE! ROOKIE OF THE MONTH Corporate Vote Branch Vote Kaylee Haro has just been at Castle & Alex Twede is one of our new marketing Cooke Mortgage for a few months, but account executives, and he was has already earned a reputation for nominated as Rookie of the Month for being positive, uplifting, and helping being helpful, attentive, and responsive. others feel supported and valued. She’s Great job, Alex! one of November’s Rookies of the Month, and we’re so proud of her!
RECOGNITION Who should be nominated? • If you have a coworker who’s gone above and beyond on a recent project, nominate them! • If someone from another department helps your team with a project, nominate them! • If your manager or colleague taught you a skill that makes your job easier, nominate them! • If your colleague does great work every single day, nominate them! Peak Performers To be nominated as a Peak Performer, you must have been with Castle & Cooke Mortgage for at least one year. Each month, we recognize two Peak Performers during Coffee with Cardillo: one voted on by branches and one voted on by corporate. If you’re chosen, you’ll also get a $250 bonus and be entered into a drawing to attend the annual Summit Club awards trip! VOTE HERE! PEAK PERFORMER Corporate Vote Branch Vote Jason Bruce is one of our top Mortgage Systems Support Rep Travis underwriters, and one of November’s Baltes helps employees throughout the Peak Performers. He was nominated for company, and he’s built a reputation being hard-working, helpful, and for being patient, having great insightful. Congrats, and thanks for all follow-up, and resolving problems you do! quickly. He’s one of November’s Peak Performers, and we’re so grateful he’s part of the team!
HR CORNER Hello, Team Castle! I didn’t know much about personal development until three or four years ago. But since I got my first taste, I’ve been on a journey that’s brought a lot of happiness and fulfillment to my life. One of the things I learned is that the first few minutes of your day can shape the entire day. Because of that, I try to focus on gratitude right when I wake up instead of checking my phone or catching up on emails. Then, I do a short workout while I listen to personal development content to help shape my daily mindset. I’ve found great stuff on Youtube (particularly from sales coaches such as Tony Robbins), and I highly recommend it! I care about personal development for everyone on Team Castle, too. When I recently reviewed the offerings from our Employee Assistance Program (EAP), I found a few articles I thought were really powerful. In an article about looking at happiness as a choice, I learned we aren’t just born happy. Instead, happiness is a series of choices we all make. “Happy people turn away from fear and find they have an array of choices they can make in almost every situation,” said Dan Baker, Ph.D., director of the Life Enhancement Center at Canyon Ranch in Tucson, AZ. The next article I loved is all about the power of positive thinking. The authors reminded me that our bodies listen to the language we use. Rather than saying to yourself “I’m so tired,” for example, we could tell ourselves “I have so much energy today!” I care deeply about personal development and I’m excited we are launching a new initiative in 2022 focused on helping all our people grow personally and professionally. I also encourage each of you to learn about our EAP (see next page) and take advantage of the wonderful resources available to you at no cost. Good luck on your own self-improvement journeys, and thanks for all you do! Katie Evans, VP of Human Resources Enjoying Connections? Give Feedback
Underwriting: Far apart, but Close at Heart We have our own in-house team of amazing underwriters. The 12 team members are located across the nation and reside in Alabama, Arizona, California, Colorado, Mississippi, Ohio, and Utah. Finding a way to serve all the different communities despite not being located in proximity was a challenge—a challenge that Underwriting took on and conquered. “The Underwriting team has a unique challenge when it comes to the service project planning,” said Perris Bullard, SVP of Credit Risk. “The team is spread out all over the country. We tried to find a common theme about feeding the hungry in our communities, but due to varying community needs, there were some pets involved too (dog kennel and dog beach).” Underwriting Manager Seth D’Amato mentioned, “we all loved the opportunity to give back to our communities.” Underwriting learned that even miles apart, the team can be unified through service. “Encouraging and supporting each other as we give back to our communities in various ways deepens my own commitment to the team here at Castle,” Perris said. Thank you, Underwriting, for the service you do to those at CCM through your knowledge and expertise, but also to the good that you do across the nation.
HR: Helping the Tracy Aviary The HR department took its turn at serving the community by working with the birds at Tracy Aviary & Botanical Gardens in Salt Lake City, Utah. The aviary is the largest and oldest free-standing aviary in the nation (and one of only two free- standing aviaries nationwide). The organization strives to inspire curiosity and caring for birds and nature through education and conservation. Its education programs reach more than 60,000 children each year and hope to ignite an essential spark in the children’s minds to spark a lifelong appreciation for the natural world. Only two paid employees staff the horticulture department, and they needed extra hands to help prepare the grounds for winter. “It was great to be able to work hard, work as a team, and help them out with their projects that would usually take days as they only have two people that do these projects,” said Katie Evans, VP of HR. With the help of Team Castle, instead of days it only took a couple of hours. “It was awesome to be together as a team and work on a common goal, that helped to keep a place wonderful for kids and families,” said Ali Carver, loan officer concierge manager. Melanie and Bobbi, the horticulturists at Tracy Aviary, sent a sweet note when the project was complete: “Thank you VERY VERY VERY much!” they wrote. “We honestly couldn’t do our work without help from people like you all. It was a pleasure to have you as temporary horticulturists. If you’re ever feeling the need to spread some mulch again, please let us know!”
Quality Control: Feeding the Hungry The Castle & Cooke Mortgage Quality Control team is split between Utah and Mississippi, and folks in each state found ways to achieve their joint goal of feeding the hungry this October. In Utah, Quality Control Analyst JeNean McKellar, Quality Control Administrative Support Morgan McKellar, and VP of Quality Control Kori Seely volunteered at the Copperview Food & Resource Center in Midvale. They filled boxes, stocked shelves, and helped with cleanup. Sponsored by Utah Community Action, the Copperview pantry is focused on helping lower- income people in need of support. “Our Food & Resource Centers provide a 3-10 day supply of groceries including meat, vegetables, fruits, canned goods, and grain products, depending on food availability,” according to the organization’s website. “Our team also provides referrals on-site to other Utah Community Action and community resources to help households reach self-reliance.” In Mississippi, Leslie worked on a fundraiser to support Backpack Buddies of Pascagoula. She made sandwiches and even delivered food to raise money for a great cause. “Backpack Buddies collect food to give to children in the Pascagoula-Gautier School District, so they don’t have to worry where their weekend meals will come from,” according to the organization. Although there were several states and nearly 2,000 miles between them, the employees were proud of their community-based assistance. “Everyone loved being able to give back and provide a service that would help an area in need,” Kori said.
You are invited to participate in the Castle & Cooke Mortgage December 2021 Castle Cares Project Nov. 29 - Dec. 3 Bring a gift (or two) to donate in support of Toys for Tots nationwide. The toys are given to children in need this holiday season. Dec. 6 - Dec. 10 Unsheltered people have a consistent need for one thing: SOCKS. Bring in new socks that will be donated to local shelters. Dec. 13 - Dec. 17 Give the gift of appreciation by choosing a beautiful card (provided) and writing a message of thanks to someone in your circle of influence. Sometimes, LOVE is spelled TIME. More information to follow via email!
Bre Cavazos, –ymYooSeuuhl,eaatarrherlaenanyswkDoeyasmoonoufiums,lcpiTakehrHneo.adATbnnhloNydeaoKmonbuDnkusYeaoiyOalredyoenUlousdur!ueepfgoakcmernlatlpyoynhwu.gceIoohlapnoiomndtwTgdoasraesatotwnovhkiciemmoesessepuBoteprcmoaiewhn–tlpsetgohtCuseyormwotseounlod,emusleertwoaeekenrdiinawntemtFih?hmtieCyh.sIerYoCmht.eoweoMYeIureoawa!rsunmir,l’veslt.iesenoTprgohhio!eoayInlunopasskuemeldaysr,saeyorotgeuortgagietmetetefitlutyoldaytodnohneTdueaephcanbaacaodrmcntuwtmkeorraomueyrtlnokyeut,wafMoigtrhrMeae–luaiCstelyhaoaionr.uiTYeasordttoiuisFourthoFataasioutrrphLbeaeoeoecraureiClirfitnswnoCcztna,otMyn,hse Recruiting quick to help ds. You are Team! love Oh so THAanydoughrarovpweabtaieIneeadnnmcykeosiwunodiattlehhlnaaaornluelkmgftLuhoyilsttfqaoohu,raseBnthsrhkateerifnoeowdnrwaesmi,a,talIyhtnh–hsmdaDuoveKceef.caskaAerinnresnoendsiwen,tIslewhaditasginapetbattlsehotaattypheypaaoenrut.kiTtyHeoAutoNfoKleraYrOnTUha!!nkyou for being a Super Star MLO. We the way you handle your business. –Kara and Ray Beltran YYoouuI mwaaarenketbytmofyaytjroaotukbhefeeotarchsobeieoetriline.mTgshetpa,tacnothkisieBlanlelBytu–sltwYtfuhoo,iTtarmurhnaruoklmTjswiyeltealoaoyhaum,susfmobI recbioblnenegtilnosingaounakeoigntrdoecalaeetnradlrIonwha.eonlrpokfeudcl!ewTrhi.tahn.k for yo Gratitude is in the air at Castle & Cook warm our May Click to viewwniowlltogTbrehketaawtnnhhkdeeyrrwoeeeu!wKaaerlelewefspaounrurtbpeettmionJhabgeekesgi,,nrusSegcianhtttechgvewereeto–d,ahrSJrtkeeoataabdnenmeidadsBism,tatBbrmshernaauaenleteskeesasrspnaf.edonTordeDpaaalbemlmelatworhoneear,rtnkeeymavoecaurhkhsemaasvotetnihstdehoe.dndWre,eefbaomumrtamwyee!employeeshearts. We’re stronger the joy of giving thank YdaoanuydrtIsoamphpielNreaereacnyniaaodtuMberrovyigonohituctaregahaunasedp,Iphcyaopampeyitiwnue.dIlcekonAmoLweWtyAooYuwS’or!e!r!kin! vIoslovoedapapnrdeicnitaetrea!cItt brightens my with a lot of people –Katie Evans Adrienne Rizzuto and Nicole Belnap, Thank you so much ladies for being so responsive and exib Your hard work and great e ort has never been taken for gr trickled down to an amazing TEAM whom I am so grateful fo and wishing you abundant blessings. –Pamela Herron
Karen Nizza, Your top 10: Patient, understanding, patient, available, patient, responsive, patient, positive, patient, exible. Thanks for having our backs! –Sandi Morey Brenda Harris, for your patience. Thank you for sharing your wisdom and you! I truly enjoy working with –Karla Gorman With svtearrytihneglpofuutl tahneMdneei–TncwPhchaobaaueurnrlalkanCsBgciaanhrcggciankiiiasnngNuoiuJdraf,fiorrsCt afeswtlemaonndthCs you’ve b n ke, together. ANKFUL thTyheoacunokhuaryavoegueaffool(wraranmbydeesik,npneguovseswunhlceewhddhgameenm)eitottotomibvdJeuaoaoitlmndsinteymgpt–bmyhaJekoMeseiwnntnatgn,nsotiycsfrroeaeutrurysoe,Uatemwerrdd.eaTi.yamhFlfaereronsotmkmoydtyohooueumfrboyeorgjwaoilnnbwn,waainoyngrsdk(bg!2ea0ivne1gm2th)e,ere you! Vickie Harris, ecTxlhopasenicnktgyaottuaio–bfnolJesro. wohAnnosraWbkduihnasigtiyleysaobsahwsaeirsdgfetotor, hoI edulropnbg’rteatanlcowhua.ryWcsuetsratekoaemlltyehraespopaprcpercooirsatstuetnhyiteoyut!n!oisshalyintehaanndkstofotrheexceeding ke Mortgage, and these messages from r together, and every one of us plays a part. nks fill your heart each day. more online! Entire CCM Team, I want to thank all of our CCM employees for the wonderful job they do day in and day out. This team has stepped up to the challenges of 2021 and took control of the game. Well done team. –Rick Cardillo Thank you for–GshuAaanrdidanilguEpyseoquVuriavkleneln,owcilaedge with me. ble to our giant TEXAS needs. ranted. Your leadership has or. THANK YOU for all you do
EMPLOYEE HIGHLIGHT Funding Coordinator Draper, UT One of the longest-tenured “I’ll never retire because I think Michelle’s garden. Not only being employees at Castle & Cooke it’s important for humans to a genuine person, Michelle is a Mortgage, Michelle Murphy have a place to get up and go very dedicated employee who started as a receptionist with a somewhere every day,” she said strives to do her best every day. temp agency in 2009. with a chuckle. Her loyalty and pride in what she does, does not go unnoticed. She was soon hired full time. “Michelle is one of the most I enjoy having Michelle on my Since then, she’s held several generous and kind people I team.” positions, scanned thousands of know,” said VP of Operations documents, answered hundreds Nichole Belnap. “She is always After work, Michelle loves caring of calls, and helped fund more taking care of personal plants for her nine rosebushes and her home loans than she can count. when people are out of the office, 16-year-old Chiweenie, Bailey. and some of us find flowers on The pup has lost its most of its More than a decade later, she our desk in a little vase from sight and its hearing, but still comes in bright and early to enjoys visiting the park behind her home where he’s safe and feels comfortable. settle into her sunny workstation, surrounded by plants and MichMeMliuclerhpeMhllyuerphycharming keepsakes. Fascinating Fact Michelle continued coming into the office throughout the COVID-19 pandemic and noticed that her coworkers’ plants were suffering. She immediately volunteered to care for everyone’s plants, keeping them green and vibrant until their owners could safely return.
EMPLOYEE HIGHLIGHT Shelveen Prakash Loan Officer | SLC, UT In August of 2020, Loan Officer Shelveen Prakash started his career at Castle & Cooke Mortgage on the Utah Consumer Direct team. He said the opportunity to work as a loan officer is a wonderful career and appreciates that “[CCM] took a chance on his career.” The fun atmosphere and strong support system has helped him learn and grow, he said. Growth is really important to Shelveen as he continuously seeks education when he doesn’t know something. He is a problem solver and is always willing to learn something new. In the Fiji Islands, where Shelveen was born and raised, he grew up playing tackle sports such as rugby and still tries to play as often as he can! Other hobbies include gardening, cooking, and watching or playing sports. Consumer Direct Sales Manager Tennille Rodgers enjoys having him on her team. “Shelveen is a very dedicated employee,” she said. “He works early mornings, late at night, weekends, and whenever he can to win as many leads as possible. He is fun to have in the office because his personality is always positive, and he has the best laugh of anyone.” Fascinating Fact Shelveen can speak three languages—English, Fijian, and Hindi.
Compliance Situated in a far corner of the top floor, the Compliance “Red tape does not exist in our Compliance team rarely makes waves or receives big accolades. department,” he explained. “When we have an issue, we usually have a solution quickly … and one that works for But their hard work and dedication keeps us all the forward movement toward production goals.” protected and out of harm’s way, explained SVP of Production Jim Modrycki. Their efforts are vital at every Even with so much on their plates, the team gets along step of the loan process, from marketing to disclosures tremendously and works very well together. and due diligence to trainings and licensing. “Our team is a family,” exclaimed Compliance Manager SVP of Compliance Samantha Bateman explained that Kellie Edmondson. “We truly care about each other on an average day, the department touches more than and do what we can to uplift and support one another, 300 files for various processes, help desk questions, inside and outside of work.” audits, and more. Sometimes, they touch the same file several times a day. They celebrate successes, including completion of big projects such as the recent audits for the state of “The Compliance department provides support to Hawaii. They also help step in to help one another when every department and branch in the entire company,” times get tough. she said. “My entire team is so good at working together to get it Katie Evans, VP of HR, loves how the team finds ways to all done,” Samantha said. “There is not one person on say “yes” and implements processes company-wide the team that hasn’t at one point stepped out of their that keep things running smoothly. role to help out the team that needed help ... no matter what it was. They are also great at adapting to change “They go above and beyond to make things easier for … because it happens every day for them.” loan officers and try to get things figured out so they can follow all the timelines and the very important For National Training Manager Dan Taylor, the value of deadlines they have to meet,” she said. “Without them, our Compliance department can be summed up in just loans wouldn’t happen.” a few words: Jim agreed, adding that it’s refreshing to have an SVP “Without them, we wouldn’t be in business.” of Compliance who has experience as a producer.
Compliance Kellie Edmondson, Compliance Manager Supervises Compliance team, marketing reviews, State/SOS Filings, consumer complaints, policies and procedures, trainings…to name a few. Kellie was born and raised in the Bay Area and will always have a love for the ocean. She loves sports of all kinds but especially loves to cheer on her two boys playing soccer. Starting in the mortgage industry 18 years ago, Kellie began as a loan processor for her brother and hasn’t been able to break away from the industry since. Outside of work and helping her boys with homework, Kellie enjoys anything outdoors, scrapbooking, and spending time with family. Jessica Olsen, Disclosure Desk Manager Supervises all disclosure desk functions, creating processes for the team and proposing system enhancements, NMLS Call Report … and more. Jessica is originally from Logan, UT. She loves all things Harry Potter, Star Wars, and Marvel. Her passions include traveling, particularly abroad, and learning as much as she can about everything. Jessica is fiercely loyal and dedicated; working with her is a pleasure and calling her a friend is an honor. Carly Anderson, Compliance Analyst Internal audit, process testing, Fair Lending reviews, NMLS Call Report, special projects Carly Anderson grew up in The Bay Area. She found her way to Utah several years ago but has not lost her love for the ocean or dolphins. Some other loves of hers include her 30 nieces and nephews, yearly trips to California, the San Francisco Giants, shopping, and make-up. Carly has been in the mortgage industry 18 years and is happy to have joined the CCM family two years ago. Loren Lavender, Licensing Specialist Loren Lavender recently joined CCM as the licensing specialist! She will be handling all company, branch, and individual licensing matters. We are SO excited to have her on our team! Loren is a Utah native. She enjoys spending time with her family and is easily the favorite cousin. She's a Utes, Jazz, and St. Louis Cardinals fan. Loren is goal-driven and often sets goals for herself to keep her in motion, improving and moving forward. Recently, she had a goal to complete 30 puzzles (500+ pieces) before her birthday at the end of the year...only two more to go!
Department Kirstin Christensen, Compliance Specialist Social media reviews, marketing reviews, backup to licensing, vendor management and PCCDs. Kirstin is our go-to person when we need extra help in any area. Kirstin was born and raised in Littleton, CO, but moved to Utah to pursue a degree in finance at Brigham Young University. She enjoys showing and training her Australian Shepherd dogs; she and her dogs have achieved many awards, been ranked in International competitions, and featured in several commercials. She also enjoys traveling, hiking, skiing, shooting, and enjoying the outdoors with her family. Her favorite hike was 23 miles on the Johnson Pass Trail in Alaska; she met some interesting wildlife and a few bears. Kirstin and her husband enjoy restoring and showing old classic cars, their current project is a 1965 Ford Mustang Convertible that was her mother's car when she was younger. Candis Scott, Vendor Management Specialist Oversight of existing vendors and due diligence reviews of new vendors Candis was born and raised in Utah. She loves to spend as much time with her family and friends as possible. She is very ambitious and always looking for ways to move up in her life whether it’s moving up in her job position, continuing to elevate a healthy lifestyle, and finding hobbies to keep herself busy. Candis' twin sister is her best friend. They do many things together and are very, very close—they can even finish each other’s sentences. Candis and her sister plan to own property together in the future as a source of second income. Jessica Anderson, Disclosure Coordinator Post Consummation Closing Disclosures (PCCDs) Jessica Anderson was born in Boise, ID, and moved to Utah at 14. She has been married for 12 years and has an awesome 10-year-old boy. She also has two dogs, a shih tzu named Rambo and a husky named Frog. Jessica A. loves a good puzzle to help center herself and clear her head. Erica Allred, Disclosure Desk Team Lead Assists and trains all the disclosure coordinators as well as performing all the same functions they do Erica was born and raised in Utah. She has always been an avid theater attendee; her faves are sci-fi, horror, mystery, fantasy and anime movies and books. Travel is a passion and she's been to Japan and Italy. She has studied medical aesthetics and loves skincare, waxing, and chemical peels.
Compliance Aleksandra Shull, Disclosure Coordinator NOIAs, denials, withdrawals, initial/locked/revised Loan Estimates, Compliance help desk Aleksandra is originally from Macedonia, a little country north of Greece, and she speaks five languages. She is the mom of two beautiful little girls, a husky pup and a Siamese cat. She reluctantly joined our team \"temporarily\" at the beginning of COVID in 2020, but loved it so much she wanted to stay when the time came for her to finally be trained for the job she was hired for! Alex Johnson, Disclosure Coordinator NOIAs, denials, withdrawals, initial/locked/revised Loan Estimates, Compliance help desk Originally Born in Kentucky on a military base, Alex moved to Utah when he was two years old. He is married, with no kids (yet). He enjoys being outside, going on adventures/traveling, and gaming. He's a pretty quiet person until you get to know him. Samantha Bateman, SVP of Compliance Oversees all of the above. State/Federal/Agency audits and exams. HMDA, Risk assessment, research, etc. Samantha is a Missouri girl in a Utah world. She is married to the coolest guy and together they have four children, three in-law children, three and three-quarters grandchildren (No. 4 makes their debut in January), two dogs, a canary, and about a dozen African Cichlids. In all her vast spare time, she loves watching St. Louis Cardinals baseball, hosting parties/BBQs, playing dominoes, and putting together puzzles. She loves being a mom/stepmom/mom-in-law/grandma/aunt and says they are the best titles ever. Odd Fact ... last year she put up 28 decorated Christmas trees in her house. Rumor is, this year it might be more.
Department Harmony Shaw, Disclosure Coordinator NOIAs, denials, withdrawals, initial/locked/revised Loan Estimates, Compliance help desk Harmony is one of our lefties and enjoys making DIYs with her Cricut. She has a passion for makeup, traveling, and coffee. Nattalie Powell, Disclosure Coordinator NOIAs, denials, withdrawals, initial/locked/revised Loan Estimates, Compliance help desk Nattalie is a newbie to Castle & Cooke Mortgage. She has a background in marketing and graduated from Westminster College with a degree in com- munication. She started her career in the mortgage industry last year. She enjoys cross stitch, reading, and geeky stuff about space.
Watch the first-ever Castle & Cooke Mortgage Halloween Parade!
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