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Health Science Flipbook

Published by mistryd8901, 2016-11-10 15:46:37

Description: Health Science Flipbook


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Health Science Flipbook Diya Mistry

Table Of ContentsIntegumentaryMusculoskeletalNervousSpecial SensesCardiovascularDigestiveRespiratoryUrinaryReproductive

Integumentary Table of ContentsWhat is the overall function ?? ● Protection from ultraviolet rays and pathogens ● Sensory perception; pain,temp., and touch ● Regulation of body temp. Through blood vessel dilation or constriction ● Storage of fats,sugar,water,vitamins, and salt ● Absorption of medications ● Production of Vitamin D ● Excretion of salt,excess water and heatDiseases and abnormal conditionsAcne vulgaris - is an inflammation of the sebaceous glandsCancer- a group of abnormal growing cellsDermatitis - inflammation of the skin caused by irritantEczema - non contagious inflammatory skin conditionsHealth Care associatesDermatologist- a doctor who specializes in the treatment of diseases of the skin, they diagnosis and do the treatment,and the disorders of the skin.Oncologist- a doctor who treats cancer, if you have skin cancer, you would go to him/her, and the treatment of cancer,with the diagnosis.

Integumentary Cont.Key Terms Vocab WordsDermo/o , dermat/o - skin Keratin- a fibrous, water-repellent proteinkerat/o- cornea Collagen - glue like fibrous protein found in cartilagexer/o- dry Hidrosis- production and excretion of sweatxanth/o- yellow;yellowish Sebaceous glands- located in dermis layer and associated witherythr/o- red;red blood cell hair folliclespediculus- louse Bulla- a large, circumscribed elevation of skinonych/o- nail(finger or toes) Dermis_ thick layer of living tissue, below the epidermisoyc/o- fungus Heparin- released in response to injurylip/o-fat;lipid Histamine- released in response of allergens, increased mucusrhytid/o-wrinkle secretionalbin/o- white Lipocytes- fat cells, store the quantities of fat Perspiring - also known as sweating, to cool of the body

Musckolusketal Table of ContentsWhat is the overall function?The system is made up of the bones of skeleton,muscles,cartilage,tendons,ligaments,joints, and otherconnective tissues that supports and binds tissues and organs together.Diseases and Abnormal Conditions?Fibromyalgia: a chronic pain condition that is associated with stiffness and tenderness that affectsmuscles,tendons,and joints throughout the body.Osteomyelitis: a serious bone infection that requires aggressive antibiotic treatment.Lordosis: an abnormal interior curvature of the lumbar spineOsteoporsis; is the thinning of the bones, and weakining of the bones.Health Care associatesRheumatologist: internist who has received further training in the diagnosis and treatment ofmusculoskeletal diseases ; that affect joints, muscles, and bones.Orthopedist: an orthopedic surgeon, a physician who corrects congenital or functional abnormalities of thebones with surgery, casting, and bracing.

Musckuloskeltal Cont. Vocab Words Tendon- narrow band of non elastic, dense, fibrousKey Terms connective tissue ● My/o - muscle Skeletal Muscles- attach to bones of the skeleton; ● Myel/o - spinal cord; bone marrow makes movement possible ● Oste/o - bone Supination - rotating body part upward or forward ● cost/o- rib Pronation - rotating the body part downward or ● crani/o- skull backward ● -pexy- fixation Cartilage- smooth, rubbery blue-white connective ● chondr/o- cartilage tissue ● arthr/o- joint Synovial Joints - movable joints of the body ● -plegia- paralysis Ball and socket jonts- synovial joints that allow a wide ● kinesi/o- movement range of movements Hinge joints- synovial joints that allow movement in one direction or plane Bursa- fibrous sac that is lined with synovial fluid and contains it Carpals- bones of the wrists

Nervous System Table of ContentsFunctionThe function of this system is, with the brain is to coordinate and controls all bodily activities. When the brainceases functioning the body stopsDiseases and abnormal conditions Alzheimer's Disease- is a degenerative changes in the brain that can lead to memory loss and personalitychanges.Encephalitis- inflammation of the brain.Parkinson’s Disease- slowly progressive CNS disorder, made by the fine muscle tremors, masklike facialexpression.Tetanus- fatal bacterial infection of the CNS: lockjaw.Health Care associatesEEG tech - records the electrical activity of the brain for diagnosis.Recreational Therapist- uses creative arts and other fine arts activity to improves patient's mentalwell-being.

Nervous cont. Vocab words Lobectomy- to surgically remove a part ofKey terms the brainNuer/o- nerve Neurectomy- the surgical removal of theEncephal/o- brain nerveMyel/o - spinal cord Neuroplasty- surgical repair of the nerveAmbul/o -to walk Neurorrhaphy- surgical suturing of the nerves-esthesia- feeling Neurotomy- surgical incision or dissection ofmening/o- meninges the nervepsych/o- mind Myelography- radioactive study of the spinalconcuss/o- shaken together cord after the injection of the contrast medium analgesic - drug that relieves pain without losing consciousness Tranquilizers- drug that suppresses anxiety and pain Antidepressant- prevents or relieves depression Antipsychotic- is used to treat symptoms of sever mind disorders Phobia- constant fear of something

Special Senses Table of ContentsFunctionThe eyes and the ears are sensory receptor organs, and important to pertain to our senses.Diseases and Abnormal ConditionsBlepharoptosis- is the drooping of the upper eyelidEctropion- is the eversion of the eyelidEntropion- is the inversion of the eyelidChalazion- is the localized swelling of the eyelid resulting from the sebacous glandsHealth Care AssociatesAudiologist- specializes with the hearing instruments, and impairment of hearing.Ophthalmologist- specializes in the diseases/disorders and diagnosis of the eye.

Special Senses Cont. Images may be subject to copyright.SendKey Terms Vocab Wordsirdi/o: iris Auditory- pertains to the sense of hearing-cusis : hearing Acoustic- relating to sound and hearingopia : vision condition Uvea- vascular layer of the eyeot/o : ear Iris- is the pigmented muscle layer of the eye thattympan/o : eardrum permits lightopthalm/o : eye Retina - sensitive inner nerve layer of the eye-metry: process of measuring Corneal abrasion- injury or scratch to the outer layers of the cornea Iritis- inflammation of the iris of the eye Heminaphia- blindness in one half of the visual field Uveitis- inflammation of the uveal tract Amblyopia- dimness of vision or partial vision allowed

Cardiovascular System Table of ContentsFunctionThe structures work together to supply all body tissues with oxygen and nutrients, and to transport cellularwaste to organs who have the function to remove it.Health associatesCardiologist: specializes in diagnosis or treatments, and disorders of the heart.Hematologist: specializes in the treatment of the diagnosis and disorders of the blood and blood formingvessels.Diseases and Abnormal ConditionsEndocarditis: inflammation of the inner lining of the heartAngiitis: inflammation of the blood vesselTachycardia: abnormally fast heartbeatAneurysm: balloon like enlargement of the wall in the artery

Visit page View image ShareCardiovascular Cont.Key terms: Vocab Words Palpitation- pounding and racing of the heart withcaanrgdi/Ci/ooi-r-bchluoeloaadrttovreyssselystem an irregular rhythmhem/poo-wbeloropdoint Fibrillation - rapid and ineffective contractions of the heart(braSdliyd-e)Sh-aareb7n28o×rm54a6lSlyeasrclohwby image Phlebitis- inflammation of the vein(tach...y4-.)C-aardbionvoasrcmulaarllSyysfatesmt ... Thrombosis - abnormal condition of when thethromb/o- blood clot thrombus forms-emia - presence of a substance in a blood Leukopenia- low count of white blood cellsleuk/o - white blood cells Vasodilator- dilates and opens the blood vesselserthyr/o - red blood vessels Arterectomy- surgical removal of part of thearteri/o - artery artery Angiospasm- spasmodic contractions of the blood vessels Myocarditis - inflammation of the myocardium Blood gas- gas that is dissolved in the liquid part of the blood

Table of ContentsDigestive SystemFunctionIs responsible for the intake and digestion of food, absorption of nutrients from the digestion of food,elimination of solid waste productsHealth OccupationsOrthodontist- is a dental specialist in the prevention of correction of abnormalities in the positioning of theteeth.Periodontist- a dental specialist who treats the abnormal tissue surrounding the teeth.PathologyDysphagia- is the difficulty in swallowingBruxism- is the involuntary grinding of the teeth occurs during sleep due to stressHalitosis - basically is bad breath, may be caused by gastric disordersPyrosis- also known as heartburn, is the burning sensation caused by return of acidic stomach contents intothe esophagus

Digestive System Cont.Key Terms Vocab Words Gastritis- inflammation of the stomachcholecyst/o - gall bladder Gastroenteritis- inflammation of the stomach and itsenter/o - painful, intense intestinescolo/o; colon/o - large intestine Gastrorrhexis- rupture of the stomachhepat/o - liver Gastrorreghia - bleeding from the stomachgastr/o - stomach Gastrorrhea - excessive flow of gastric secretionsor/o - indicates location, or time Malnutrition- lack of nutrients and vitamins needed in-pepsia - digestion the bodychol/o - bile; gallbladder Nausea- a feeling that leads to the want to vomitproct/o - anus; rectum Colitis- inflammation of the colon Enteritis- inflammation of the small intestines Ileitis - inflammation of the ileum

Respiratory System Table of ContentsFunctionBrings oxygen rich air into our body, and exits out carbon dioxide, produces airflow through larynx to make speechpossible.Diseases and abnormal conditionsBronchiectasis - abnormal enlargement of the bronchiInfluenza- (flu) contagious viral infection of the respiratory system.Epistaxis- the bleeding from the nose due to injurySinusitis - inflammation of the sinusHealth OccupationsOtolaryngologist- specializes in the treatment and disorders of the larynx, throat and ear.Pulmonologist- Specializes in the treatment and disorders of the diagnosis of the lungs

Respiratory Cont.Key TermsBronch/o - bronchuscyan/o - bluelaryngo - larynx-oxia - condition of oxygenOxy- compound with oxygen in itpluer/o - pluerapneum/o - lung; air gaspulmon/o - lungthorac/ot - chesttrache/o - tracheaVocab WordsPleural effusion- escape of fluid in the pleural cavityEmpyema - accumulation of pus in the pleural cavityHemothorax - accumulation of blood in the pleural cavityCyanosis- bluish discoloration in the skin due to lack of oxygenSinusotomy- surgical incision into the sinusPharyngoplasty- surgical repair of the pharynx

Table of ContentsUrinary SystemFunctionMainly does the job of maintaining homeostasis, maintains the proper balance of water and salt, convertswaste into fluids.Health OccupationsNephrologists - is a doctor that treats the diseases, and the conditions of the kidney.Urologist- is a doctor that treats any condition dealing with the urinary system.PathologyAnuria- the complete suppression of urine formation by the kidneys.Pyelitis- inflammation of the renal pelvisPyelonephritis - inflammation of the renal pelvis in the kidneyRenal Colic-acute pain in the kidney area, caused by the blockage of the kidney stone

Urinary Cont. Vocab Words Urethrorrhagia - discharge of blood fromKey Terms the the ureter-cele - related to hernia; swelling Ureterectasis - dilation of the ureter-lysis - destruction ureteral stenosis - narrowing of the uretercyst/o - bladder cystalgia - pain in the bladdernephr/o - kidney Cystorrhagia - bleeding from the bladderren/o - renal pelvis Enuresis - involuntary discharge of urine-uria - presence of substance in urine Nocturia- excessive urination during the-pexy - fixation nightEctasis - dilation Polyuria- excessive urinationpyel/o - pelvis Urinary retention- problem to empty the bladder urtheralgia - pain in the urethra

Reproductive System Table of ContentsFunctionThe main function of the system is to produce a million of sperm cells, and to unite with the egg to produce anew life.Health OccupationsUrologist - someone who specializes in the urinary system, mostly of females.Gynecologist- a doctor who specializes in the female reproductive system, and their genital tract.PathologyBalanitis- inflammation of the glans penis.Phimosis - narrowing of the foreskin, so it can not be retracted.Impotence- the inability to erect the penis.Anorchism- the absence of one or both of the testicles.

Reproductive Cont.Key Terms Vocab Wordscervic/o - cervix Coloporrhexis - tearing of the vaginasalping/o - a tube Leukorrhea- a profuse amount of white discharge from theov/o - egg vaginaorchid/o - testes; testicle vaginitis - inflammation of the lining of the vaginaoophor/o - ovary Amenorrhea - absence of menstrual periodsmen/o - menustration Menorrhagia - immense amount of blood flow during amamm/o - breast woman's periodgynec/o - female; women Colposcopy- direct examination of the vagina and the cervixcolp/o- vagina Cervicectomy - surgical removal of the cervixprostat/o - prostate gland Hysterectomy - surgical removal of the uterus, and may or may not include the cervix. Colpo Pexy- surgical fixation of the vagina Fertility specialist- is a doctor who specializes in the conception and maintaining pregnancy.

Wow Factor!!!For me this project was honestly very interesting, due to learning more in depthabout the systems rather than just knowing the basics of each one. What I had didbefore hand, was create a set of notes that I made sure to look organized andappealing by using a lot of colors, and handwriting it out before I put it on to mygoogle docs. That’s the little extra effort I had put instead of just, uploading all mydata onto the google docs.

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