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Home Explore SSE Medical Kit - Growling Stomach

SSE Medical Kit - Growling Stomach

Published by SSE Medical Kit, 2017-05-19 17:33:38

Description: SSE Medical Kit Growling Stomach

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SSIO International Medical Conference SSE Kit Anirudh R (Group 2) and Sharavan D. (Group 3)

Growling Stomach “Consider food as Parartha (God) and not mere Padartha (matter). Take care that the food that you eat helps you maintain good health. Do not consume stale food. It is like poison.” - 23 November, 1994

Growling Stomach The stomach is also known as the “ second brain” because our brain and gut are connected by an extensive network of neurons that send feedback about hunger, stress and sickness. Best Foods for your Stomach Worst foods for your Stomach Dietary fibers/ Prunes Red Meat Probiotics/ Yogurt Processed Meat Lentils Hydrogenated Oils Gluten Free Grains Gluten Fermented Foods Lactose The Most Essential Food of All: WATER

Growling Stomach - How does food get digested Digestion is about breaking apart the food we eat, so that the body can use the food's nutrients. Food is broken up in two ways MECHANICAL Digestion and CHEMICAL digestion. Mechanical Digestion is the physical breaking apart of the food. Chemical Digestion is when chemicals called enzymes break food into molecules that your body can absorb.

Digestive System - Advantages of Eating Healthy Food Rectum and Anus are I am located in the the final stages. Rectum abdomen and stores the waste convert the food products from food in you eat into fuel for the form of stool and the body’s cells. Anus is through which the waste comes out of your body. Pancreas Healthy food results in Happy Gut Small Intestine My main job is to I am your liver and I do three big jobs. I am the Colon and absorb all the nutrients from what you eat and Clean your body, my function is to produce digestive reabsorb fluids and drink. Eating fruits and liquid and store process waste vegetables will help me sugar energy called Liver products from the absorb nutrients that are healthy for both glycerin. body. you and me.

Digestive System Junk Food Effects of Junk food on the Liver Avoid Fatty foods that lead to unhealthy Liver !!!

Digestive System - Foods that are good for the gut The gastrointestinal (GI) tract is also home to our most precious disease-fighting resource: the immune system. Two-thirds of the immune system is in the digestive tract, and there are more neurotransmitters in the GI than in the brain and more nerve endings than in the spine. See more at: eck_10_best_and_worst_foods_for_your_tummy.aspx#sthash.j0 a1iqk2.dpuf

Tips for Keeping your Stomach and Body Happy ★ Wash your hands thoroughly before eating. ★ Turn TV, laptop, video game off ★ Say the Brahmarpanam Prayer before eating ★ Avoid talking and chew one bite at least 20 times!! ★ Also, avoid drinking water while eating. ★ Exercise ★ Lastly, say ‘thank you’ to the person who cooks and gives you food.

Digestive System - Foods that resemble body parts God’s Amazing Creation: Foods that resemble our human body parts are good for that organ Need to balance that blood sugar? Maybe you need some more low glycemic sweet potato love. Sweet potatoes help the pancreas do its job of regulating blood sugar and . lowering insulin levels by gradually releasing sugars into the bloodstream, reducing extreme spikes in insulin. The alkalinity of sweet potatoes nourishes the pancreas which produces naturally alkaline pancreatic juice essential for proper digestion. Have a stomachache? Soothe it with ginger. A remedy to help improve digestion, alleviate upset stomach or nausea and motion sickness, the warming properties of ginger help fire up digestive juices and the anti-inflammatory properties help calm stomach upsets, making this warm root the ultimate tummy tamer.

Digestive System Turn your T-Shirt into a colorful Digestive System Requirements : A plain white t-shirt, A pencil and a few fabric markers Trace the picture of Esophagus , Stomach, Large Intestines and Small Intestines. Color it in with some markers. You can add Heart, Lungs so that it will look like human body and rest is left to your creativity. FUN FACT : Can you guess which animal doesn’t have a stomach? A platypus!

Digestive System Why does my stomach growl more so when I Tips for Growling Stomach : am hungry? Did I swallow a BEAR!!! ★ Fiber Helps : (20 - 25gms) a day Haha!!! ★ Exercise .. whatever ... It’s the gas mixed with digestive to be fit juices that is making the sound, telling you that stomach needs food. The air goes in ( ★ Burp Tip : Shrink your plate eat :) swallowing) when we eat, talk, That's right! Small meals is good. drink & exercise because the mouth is open. That’ s why Mom’s are always right when they say “ ★ Sip Often .. Stay Hydrated don’t talk while you eat”. Empty stomach makes more sound. If you eat, the growling subsides. . ★ Good Bacteria - Probiotics good for digestive system. Where do you get this? Yogurt ★ Don’t talk when you eat or drink. FUN FACT : The length of the small intestine is 18-20 feet and the approximate surface area of the small intestine is over 2,700 feet; That’s ★ Nature is best doctor - Have you ever over half the size of a basketball court! tried ginger tea ! We eat about 500kg of food per year! 1.7 liters of saliva is produced each day!!!

Digestive System - Activity 1 Go Fish for Fiber Human Body Series Digestive System Instructions: Glue each sheet to a piece of construction paper (so that you won’t be able to see through the cards). Then cut out the cards. Shuffle the cards, and then deal five cards to a friend and five to yourself. Place the rest of the cards in a stack in between the two of you. Look at your cards. If you have any matches, put them down in front of you. If it’s your turn, ask your friend if he or she has a card that would match one of the cards in your hand. (“Do you have an oatmeal?”) If your friend has the card, he or she gives it to you and you put the matched pair in front of you. Then you can keep asking your friend for another card until he or she doesn’t have the card you want. If that happens, your partner will say, “Go Fish for Fiber!” That means you have to draw a card from the stack. Then it’s your friend’s turn. Keep playing until there are no cards left in the deck. ( Make two sets so that you have two of each pieces)

Digestive System - Activity 2 Roll Through the Digestive System! Objectives: ★ Explore the path food takes through the digestive system ★ Learn about the parts of the digestive system Materials: Playing pieces Dice Activity: Did you ever wonder what happens to that bite of apple after you swallow it? Now’s your chance to find out! You can play a game with a friend to follow the trip that your food makes through your body. Take a look at the \"Roll Through the Digestive System!\" handout. The game board shows the parts of the digestive system that break down food to give you nutrients and energy. Before you start playing, you and a classmate need to choose playing pieces and place them on the start line. Take turns rolling the dice. After rolling, move that number of spaces. Follow the directions on the space where you land. The first player to travel all the way to the finish line is the winner!

Digestive System - Activity Start You That big bite is swallowed hard to chew. your food. mouth Go back one Move space ahead 1 esophagus space. Food is going to the stomach! Roll again You ate Your body gets lots of nutrients too much, move from your food. Roll again back 2 Small spaces intestines stomach Your high fiber Your body is ready to Finish!! meals help your get rid of the waste. food move easily. Move Move ahead 2 spaces Large intestine ahead 2 spaces

Fun Activities

The Grrr..owling Stomach Quiz Time 1.What is the function of the large intestine? 3. The digestion process starts … 5. Your food can spend this long in the small intestine : A) Mouth A) It helps chew the food intake B) Stomach A) 4 minutes B) It eliminates waste B) 4 months C) It stores the liquid waste C) Esophagus C) 4 seconds D) It stores our poop D) Bathroom D) 4 hours 2. To avoid getting a stomachache what of 4.The large intestines measured about 6.The liver's role is to …. the following option is better? A) 1 foot long A) Mash food A) Eat plenty of vegetables, fruits and B) 10 feet long B) Turn water into food Help the stomach C) whole grains C) 5 feet long D) Remove harmful substance B) Drink lots of soda D) 100 feet long from the blood C) Eat only the foods you like D) Don't drink a lot of water Answers: 1:C 2: A 3: A 4: D 5: C 6: D

Digestive System - Color & Label

Digestive System - Label the parts

Growling Stomach Brahmaarpanam Brahma Havir Brahmaagnau Brahmanaa Hutam Brahmaiva Tena Gantavyam Brahma Karma Samaadhinaha Aham Vaishvaanaro Bhutva Praaninaam Dehamaashritha Praanaapaana Samaa YuktahaPachaamyannam Chatur Vidam Om Shanti Shanti Shanti “ As is the food, so is the mind ”

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