PHILOSOPHY UPCOMING LESSONS OUR INSTRUCTORS MEMBERSHIP LOGIN “Transform your body and your life. Your healthier, flexible body and relaxed mind” LEA LIVE Akro Yoga - 30min JOIN NOW The real essence of Our Planet Yoga Yoga emerged in India over 5,000 years ago. In a free translation, Yoga means “union”. However, Yoga goes far beyond our union with our body and mind, or our fusion with the universe. Yoga represents a path to self-knowledge, to the expansion of our consciousness. This leads us to the achievement of our freedom, where we leave behind the conditioning created throughout our lives and the patterns that are imposed on us by society, discovering our real essence. This is Our Planet Yoga. Upcoming LIVE Next class starts in Lessons 45 min. JENN KATIA UPCOMING LESSON AKRO YOGA AKRO YOGA 1h 15 min. RU LEVEL: EASY CONTRY: UK UPCOMING LESSON Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc facilisis mollis sagittis. Fusce vitae lacus enim. Fusce LEA 2h 00 min. fringilla, tortor non efficitur consequat, lacus quam ullamcorper odio, nonfeugiat quam urna sed risus. Nullam lacinia ultricies AKRO YOGA justo, ac auctor dui sollicitudin in.Pellentesque vestibulum odio nec ligula porttitor, et placerat dui ultrices. LEVEL: EASY CONTRY: UK START IN 30MIN Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc LEA facilisis mollis sagittis. Fusce vitae lacus enim. Fusce fringilla, tortor non efficitur consequat, lacus quam ullamcorper AKRO YOGA odio, nonfeugiat quam urna sed risus. Nullam lacinia ultricies justo, ac auctor dui sollicitudin in.Pellentesque vestibulum odio LEVEL: EASY CONTRY: UK START IN 1H nec ligula porttitor, et placerat dui ultrices. OUR INSTRUCTORS KATIA New York City, USA The modern world requires a lot, we give ourselves to work, family, friends, we are immersed in what is happening around us 24 hours a day, we need a respite. Conscious inhale and deep exhale. Where but in a yoga class? LANGUAGES TYPE OF YOGA GER - ENG YIN YOGA MEMBERSHIP ONE LESSON BEST OFFER MONTHLY 8,00€ 12 MONTHS 59,00€ /PER LESSON /MONTH € price €12,00 price €69,00 45,00/MONTHS (33% off) (15% off) price €59,00 - No login require - 12 Lessons per 30 Days - No extension of Membership (24% off) - Access to last 12 Hours of lessons JOIN NOW - 30 Lessons per 30 months Recorded - Access to last 24 Hours of lessons GET STARTED Recorded GET STARTED Newsletter Email Address Subscribe to the Our Planet Yoga newsletter to get SUBSCRIBE updates, receive exclusive o ers and connect with us. FAQ PRIVACY [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] ©2021 OUR PLANET YOGA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. TERM OF CONTRACT AND USE
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