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Home Explore IRS Tax Attorney

IRS Tax Attorney

Published by IRS Tax relief company, 2016-05-21 05:37:53

Description: Tax problems can pop up suddenly and cause your organization and you a lot of trouble. Browse this site for more information on IRS tax Attorney. IRS tax Attorney is an integral part of tax proceedings and tax planning. Whether you want to contest a tax liability, get sound advice or begin using a payment plan, you will be able to feel at ease when you use a tax professional. follow us : https//

Keywords: Los Angeles IRS lawyer,IRS tax Attorney,Offer in compromise IRS,IRS offer in compromise lawyer,IRS Tax relief company


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Ms. Delia’s knowledgeand experience in taxresolution and financialmanagement hashelped many individualsand businesses resolvetheir IRS tax problems. IRS Tax AttorneyBest IRS tax attorney, Delia Law, islicensed to represent taxpayersbefore the IRS in all 50 statesunder IRS Circular 230. Our firmwill help you make an informeddecision regarding your IRS debtby reviewing your financialinformation and evaluating whattax solution is right for you. Yourqualification is based on yourcurrent financial condition andfuture financial prospects.

Los Angeles IRS LawyerOne of the biggest reasons not to hire a CPA is they do not have toabide by the attorney-client privilege to keep confidential allcommunications regarding your case. Thus, an attorney cannotreveal this information or testify against you if the IRS should prosecuteyou in a criminal trial, whereas a CPA may be forced to testify againstyou concerning this information. Secondary, CPA’s are not well-versed in tax law and cannot give you complete legal advice. Onlyhiring an IRS tax attorney can give you sound legal advice as to yourqualifications and options to resolve your tax problems.

Offer In Compromise IRSFor taxpayers that qualify, an Offer in Compromise is the best deal youcan get from the IRS in resolving your tax debt. It is crucial that your OICis submitted properly by an experienced, knowledgeable tax attorneyor the result could mean a rejection of your offer or even worse, youmay be required to pay more than necessary. Delia Law is located inLos Angeles at 10880 Wilshire Blvd #1101. If you are experiencing taxproblems with the IRS, please contact Delia Law for a free consultationfor tax relief. You can do so by either completing our online form or bycalling (310) 494-0100.

IRS Offer In Compromise Lawyer Delia Law can assist with IRS tax relief wherever you live or you can visit us in Orange County, San Diego or Los Angeles.


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