December 2020 ΚΕΝΤΡΟ ΞΕΝΩΝ ΓΛΩΣΣΩΝ Issue No 11 NEW SUCCESS …..WE HAVE THE KEY!!! ΔΙΕΥΘΥΝΣΗ ΣΠΟΥΔΩΝ Π.ΛΟΥΚΙΔΟΥ ΜΠΟΥΡΝΤΑ g{x fàâwxÇàá ]ÉâÜÇtÄ My Day 4 My best friend 6 The expressive pumpkin 7 Where is Santa Claus’ 8 family? My Christmas 9 The school of my dreams 10 My favourite superhero 12 Dear Santa... 13 Strange food from around 14 the world My favourite season 16 Bermouda Triangle 17 How Covid-19 has 20 changed the world? Das beste Weinachts- 23 geschenk Die beste App 24 Sankt Nikolaus 24 24 Ungewöhniche Weihnachtsbräuche Supervising Teachers: Andreanidis Vasilis Chasiotis Paschalis Konstantara Fouli Panagou Lilia Rizou Roula Triantafyllou Ioanna
ΚΕΝΤΡΟ ΞΕΝΩΝ ΓΛΩΣΣΩΝ NEW SUCCESS g{x fàâwxÇàá ]ÉâÜÇtÄ Π. ΛΟΥΚΙΔΟΥ—ΜΠΟΥΡΝΤΑ Page 2 Τι είναι ποιότητα; Αυτό που κάνει τους ανθρώπους, τα αγαθά και τις υπηρεσίες να ξεχωρίζουν μεταξύ τους. Στο Κέντρο μας: Γίνεται διαρκής παρακολούθηση των μαθημάτων και αξιολόγηση των διδασκόντων όχι μόνο από τη Διεύθυνση Σπουδών αλλά κι από διεθνούς φήμης teacher trainers. Η Διεύθυνση συμμετέχει σε προγράμματα επιμόρφωσης καθηγητών. Kάνουμε ερευνητικό έργο ώστε διαρκώς να εξελισσόμαστε, να καινοτομούμε και να προ- σφέρουμε την καλύτερη εκπαίδευση στα παιδιά μας. Έχουμε την πιο σύγχρονη μεθοδολογία διδασκαλίας με άρτια αποτελέσματα όχι μόνο στα χαρτιά αλλά και στην ουσία, αφού οι μαθητές μας είναι σκεπτόμενοι χρήστες της γλώσσας. Είμαστε οι πρώτοι που είναι πάντα έτοιμοι κι οργανωμένοι σε κάθε δύσκολη συγκυρία και ανατροπή με νέες τεχνολογίες και ψηφιακά εργαλεία μάθησης για ποιοτική εκπαίδευση & στην ψηφιακή εποχή. Εσείς μπορείτε να συμβιβαστείτε με κάτι λιγότερο; Let's hack the system together!
ΚΕΝΤΡΟ ΞΕΝΩΝ ΓΛΩΣΣΩΝ NEW SUCCESS g{x fàâwxÇàá ]ÉâÜÇtÄ Π. ΛΟΥΚΙΔΟΥ—ΜΠΟΥΡΝΤΑ Page 3 Αγαπητοί γονείς Το αν θα αφήσουμε αυτήν την κατάσταση να μας καταθλίψει ή όχι είναι στο χέρι μας.. Ούτως ή άλλως πιστεύω πως στη ζωή μας τα μόνα πράγματα που πραγματικά ελέγχουμε είναι η συμπεριφορά μας και η προσπάθεια μας.. Είτε θα επαναξιολογήσουμε πολλά και θα κάνουμε μια καινούργια αρχή είτε δεν θα κάνουμε την παραμικρή προσπάθεια και θα δεχθούμε αμαχητί τις εξελίξεις... Ως γονείς οφείλουμε να συμβάλλουμε στη δημιουργία ενός θετικού κλίματος για τους μαθη- τές και ιδιαίτερα για τους υποψηφίους στα πτυχία γλωσσομάθειας. Σαφώς και είναι μείζον θέ- μα η πανδημία, αλλά δεν χρειάζεται να αποτελεί μόνιμο θέμα συζήτησης ή υπερανάλυσης σε καθημερινή βάση με τα παιδιά τα οποία συνεχίζουν, πέραν της πανδημίας, να έχουν τις δικές τους αγωνίες, τους δικούς τους προβληματισμούς κ.λπ. Μπορούμε να συζητήσουμε θέματα στα οποία υπάρχουν λύσεις και επιλογές και όχι να τους βομβαρδίζουμε με αρνητικότητα. Ας προσπαθήσουμε να δημιουργήσουμε και να διατηρήσουμε μια εσωτερική “κανονικότητα” που θα βοηθήσει το πρόγραμμα των μαθητών. Καταλυτική επίδραση σε όλους μας ασκεί η έλλειψη κινήτρου. Γονείς και εκπαιδευτικοί πρέ- πει να δώσουμε κάθε δυνατή βοήθεια στους μαθητές, να προσδιορίσουν τον στόχο τους και να τον κυνηγήσουν». Ότι , μα ότι και να συμβαίνει Θα περάσει κι αυτό όπως και όλα τα άλλα.. Καλές γιορτές Με εκτίμηση, Π.ΛΟΥΚΙΔΟΥ ΜΠΟΥΡΝΤΑ
ΚΕΝΤΡΟ ΞΕΝΩΝ ΓΛΩΣΣΩΝ NEW SUCCESS g{x fàâwxÇàá ]ÉâÜÇtÄ Π. ΛΟΥΚΙΔΟΥ—ΜΠΟΥΡΝΤΑ Page 4 Every Sunday, I get up at eight o’clock in the morning. Every day I get up at eight o’clock. I go to the toilet Ieat sandwich for breakfast and orange juice. and brush my teeth. At ten o’clock I eat my break- After breakfast, I do my homework. At eleven o’ clock, fast. In the afternoon, I go to the park to play with I play with my brother. At one o’ clock my family and I my friends. In the evening, at eleven o’ clock I go to eat lunch. At six o’clock, I play football with my bed. brother. At nine o’clock, I brush my teeth and at clock, I go to Peter Anastasiadis bed. Apostolos Fysikoudis Every day I get up at seven o’clock in the morning. Every Sunday, I wake up at seven o’clock. I eat breakfast ant brush my teeth. After breakfast, I go to I brush my teeth and eat breakfast. After breakfast the park with my mum, dad and my sister. At two o’clock, I watch T.v and play with my doll. I do my home- my dad and I go back home for lunch. n the afternoon, I work and eat lunch. tidy my room and my sister, Georgia, helps me. In the eve- In the evening, I paint, or read books. At ten ning,I play video games with my sister. I go to bed at o’clock ,I go to bed. eleven o’ clock. Athanasia Mpouzoudi Panagiotis Menelaou Every day, I get up at eight o’clock in the morning. Every day I get up at ten o’clock. Then, I I eat my breakfast and I go to school. At two o’clock, go to the bathroom and brush my teeth. I go home and I do my homework. Then, I eat lunch After that I go to my room and play with my and watch T.V. In the evening, I play with my friends doll. Then I eat lunch at two o’clock. and at nine o’clock, I go to bed. In the evening at ten o’ clock, I kiss my mum and go to bed. Konstantinos Kartalis Sophia Anastasiadou Supervising Teacher: Konstantara Fouli Class: B junior 1
ΚΕΝΤΡΟ ΞΕΝΩΝ ΓΛΩΣΣΩΝ NEW SUCCESS g{x fàâwxÇàá ]ÉâÜÇtÄ Π. ΛΟΥΚΙΔΟΥ—ΜΠΟΥΡΝΤΑ Page 5 Every Sunday, I get up at nine o’clock. I brush my My day is very good. I drink milk every morning. I teeth and I eat breakfast. Then, I go to the park with put my clothes on and I go to school by bus. Then I my father and my sister. At two o’clock I eat lunch. go home and eat lunch. I sleep and I read my comic. After lunch, I watch T.V. In the afternoon, I visit my I play with my cars and I go to sleep. friend Chris and we play together .Then I go home and at ten o’clock I go to bed. George Protogyrou Lefteris Mavrelis Every day, I get up at eight o’clock in the morning. I eat my breakfast and i brush my teeth. I do my homework and i wear my clothes. Τhen I watch T.V. In the evening, I eat dinner and I go to bed at eight o’clock. John Papapostolou Every day, I get up at ten o’clock in the morning. I eat breakfast and I do my home- work. At two o’clock, I have lessons on my computer. In the evening, I play with my sis- ter and my two cats. I go to sleep at eleven o’ clock Christos Liakoudis Hi, my name is Adam. Every day, I get up at seven Every Saturday, I wake up at nine o’clock. I eat breakfast o’clock in the morning. I eat a nice breakfast and I and I play with my cats. After that, I watch T.V, or I go brush my teeth Then, I go to school and meet my out with my father. After lunch, I watch a movie or play friends. After school, I go back home and eat lunch. with my favourite game Piggy . I go to bed at eleven At Four o’clock, I go to play football with my friends. o’clock. After football, I do my homework , eat a sandwich, watch TV and go to bed at ten o’clock. Christos Papavasileiou Adam Kyrillidis Every Saturday, I get up at half past seven in the morning. I eat my breakfast and brush my teeth. After break- fast, I play my favourite video game. At two o’clock, my family and I eat lunch. After lunch, my sister and I play board games. At five o’clock I go for a walk and I go to bed at half past ten. Supervising Teacher: Konstantara Fouli Apostolos Tsakis Class: B junior 2
ΚΕΝΤΡΟ ΞΕΝΩΝ ΓΛΩΣΣΩΝ NEW SUCCESS g{x fàâwxÇàá ]ÉâÜÇtÄ Π. ΛΟΥΚΙΔΟΥ—ΜΠΟΥΡΝΤΑ Page 6 My best friend is Nefeli. She’s eight years old My best friend from school is Angela and we and we are in the same class. I love her because are in the same class. We play in school. Also, I she is very kind and she cares about me. love Angela. Eirini Protogyrou Christina Longou My best friend is Jim. Jim is nine years My best friend is Alexia. She is five years old and he is from Greece. He has got old. She has got long blond hair and green short brown hair and black eyes. He has eyes. We play in the garden all day. got a sister. He likes football. Katerina Lytridou Christos Gouramanis My best friend is Aristina. She is nice and happy. We play together at school. She has got long, brown hair and blue eyes. She is smart and kind. I love my friend. Maria Triantafyllidou My best friend is Mario. He is ten years old, his eyes are My best friend is John. We are in the same brown and his hair is brown, too. He likes to swim and to class, we play together and never fight. We play the guitar. Mario is my best friend because we play play basketball and football, we ride our football, basketball, ping-pong and computer games bikes and we always agree. every day. We have a lot of fun. Leo Myrta Loukas Chichioaca Supervising Teacher: Triantafyllou Ioanna Class: B junior 3
ΚΕΝΤΡΟ ΞΕΝΩΝ ΓΛΩΣΣΩΝ NEW SUCCESS g{x fàâwxÇàá ]ÉâÜÇtÄ Π. ΛΟΥΚΙΔΟΥ—ΜΠΟΥΡΝΤΑ Page 7 The purpose of the Halloween-themed activity \"Put a Face on the Pumpkin\" was to introduce the A Junior students to the Halloween celebration and have them practice the indefinite article a/an in conjunction with several expression adjectives ( sad, an- gry, happy worried) . In detail, the pair-work activity took place in the final 20 min- utes of the lesson and served as a speaking activity; involving realia ( a pumpkin ) and several cartoonish cutout mouths and eye expression cardboard pieces. Each pair of students would come to the teacher's desk ( w here the pumpkin was placed ) and pick and match one eyepiece with a mouthpiece. Once the students had formed a full expression, Mr. Billy would prompt them to select an appropriate adjective from the board and then present the pumpkin's mood to the class as in \"a sad pumpkin\" or \"an angry pumpkin.\" Supervising Teacher: Andreanidis Vasilis Class: A junior 1
ΚΕΝΤΡΟ ΞΕΝΩΝ ΓΛΩΣΣΩΝ NEW SUCCESS g{x fàâwxÇàá ]ÉâÜÇtÄ Π. ΛΟΥΚΙΔΟΥ—ΜΠΟΥΡΝΤΑ Page 8 In today's lesson, students were introduced to the verb To Be and were also faced with an unexpected but pleasant surprise during the last 15 minutes. The surprise itself put the students' learning of the above verb to the \"test\". The Students' goal was to locate the hidden family members of Santa Claus ( Santa Claus, Mrs. Claus, Rudolph the Reindeer ) in the different rooms in their house and report their location; combining both the lesson's newly taught vocabulary with the verb To Be. Supervising Teacher: Andreanidis Vasilis Class: A junior 1
ΚΕΝΤΡΟ ΞΕΝΩΝ ΓΛΩΣΣΩΝ NEW SUCCESS g{x fàâwxÇàá ]ÉâÜÇtÄ Π. ΛΟΥΚΙΔΟΥ—ΜΠΟΥΡΝΤΑ Page 9 At Christmas, my parents and I decorate our house. W e listen Christmas songs and make or buy a lot of candies. At night, we usually watch T.V and drink some tea. Sometimes it snows and it’s very cold. I put on my boots, a jacket, gloves and I run outside to play with the snow. Every New year’s Eve we gather at my aunt’s. There, I play with my cousins and celebrate the coming of New Year! Gabriela Papadeli Supervising Teacher: Konstantara Fouli Class: A senior
ΚΕΝΤΡΟ ΞΕΝΩΝ ΓΛΩΣΣΩΝ NEW SUCCESS g{x fàâwxÇàá ]ÉâÜÇtÄ Π. ΛΟΥΚΙΔΟΥ—ΜΠΟΥΡΝΤΑ Page 10 My dream school has only two subjects My dream school is big and modern. It has got 30 class- rooms, 2 libraries, a big gym, a very big playground, 2 and these are Physical Education and football fields and a dog playground. We can play with English because I like learning English. I the dogs during the breaks. We can read a lot of books in also like Physical Education because it is the libraries or do our homework. In the gym we can play fun and I exercise. My dream school is volleyball and basketball. I love my dream school! like a ball and it has one large door, it has twenty-five classes and twelve teachers. Steven Mpitzikos Rafaela Gkadina The school of my dreams has a big pool because I love swimming. I want it to have a big gym. I love exercising. I also want it to have a bigger library. I like to study and do my homework there with my classmates. Finally , I want our desks to have tab- lets without books, pencils, notebooks and rubbers. Katerina Savva My dream school is very big, tall, modern with Hello, my name is Anastasia and I want to many colours on the walls. It has twenty-one tell you about the school of my dreams. It classrooms, two music rooms with many musical would be a building on a mountain, made instruments, two computer rooms and a big library of stone, among the trees, with a big play- with a lot of different and interesting books. ground. There would be a lot of modern classrooms and good teachers. The stu- More than five hundred students go to this dents would be kind and there would be no school. There are thirty-seven teachers for all sub- fighting and no bullying. jects. Anastasia Sarantina In front of the school there is a big playground with one basketball court and one big garden with many beautiful flowers and trees. Beside the school there is one football field and a big gym. I hope you like my dream school. Marios Psemmas Supervising Teacher: Panagou Lilia Class: A senior 1
ΚΕΝΤΡΟ ΞΕΝΩΝ ΓΛΩΣΣΩΝ NEW SUCCESS g{x fàâwxÇàá ]ÉâÜÇtÄ Π. ΛΟΥΚΙΔΟΥ—ΜΠΟΥΡΝΤΑ Page 11 Hello! I am Panagiotis Lemonis and this is my dream school. My dream school has got twenty big classrooms. They have big windows and they are full of sunlight. My dream school has got a very nice gym and a large playground where children play football, basketball and volleyball. It has also got a small pool and a huge library with many books. There are fifteen teachers. My teacher is very kind and friendly. Everyone smiles and is happy because they learn new things every day. Every morn- ing my friends wait for me to play games and start our new day. Panagiotis Lemonis My dream school is large with happy colors, many floors and a bid playground. There are also two football fields, two basketball courts and a swimming pool. I prefer a school with computers, li- braries with modern books, comics and magazines and musical instruments but no classrooms. I would also like Chemistry and Physics labs because I like experiments. My dream school has elevators for disabled pupils, too. The teachers are open- minded and they discuss with pupils because they have to develop their creativity and imagination. This is my dream school which is diffi- cult to exist but it is nice to dream because this gives us strength to continue our life. Christos Stamatis My school is big. It is far from my house. My school hasn ’ t got any classrooms but it has got a gym and a playground. My teacher ’ s name is Lisa. She is very kind. Her lessons are interesting. My favourite subject is PE. I am really good at football. Nick Tzourtzou Supervising Teacher: Panagou Lilia Class: A senior 1
ΚΕΝΤΡΟ ΞΕΝΩΝ ΓΛΩΣΣΩΝ NEW SUCCESS g{x fàâwxÇàá ]ÉâÜÇtÄ Π. ΛΟΥΚΙΔΟΥ—ΜΠΟΥΡΝΤΑ Page 12 My favourite superhero is Wolverine. He appears in American comic books and in the movie ‘X-Men’. His power is at his My favourite superhero is Wonder Woman. Her hands. He has three big iron nails in each hand and he fights superpower is to fly and see everything from with these. I like Wolverine because he is very strong, he runs above. I like her because she is beautiful and very fast and he fights very well. very brave. Nikolas Lanaras Aspa Achelonoudi My favourite superhero is the princess of summer. Her Hi Spiderman, my name is Deppy. I am 10 years name is blue sky. She is tall and she has got long blond old. I’m very tall and you are tall too. You are hair. Her dress is green with pink flowers. I like her be- happy and a beautiful boy Spiderman. cause summer is my favourite season. I love blue sky be- cause she gives ice-cream to children at the beach. Blue Despoina Gouramani sky is a very good dancer and she loves children. Cleopatra Karafili My favourite superhero is Wolverine. He has got big nails Hi Aquaman, my name is Kyriaki. I am 10 years and his uniform is black and yellow with a little bit of old. I’m very tall and you are tall too. You are blue. His uniform has got two big ears that are also black. happy and a beautiful boy Aquaman. Wolverine runs very fast. He is the best superhero. Kyriaki Gouramani Iosif Therapiotis Supervising Teacher: Triantafyllou Ioanna Class: A senior 2
ΚΕΝΤΡΟ ΞΕΝΩΝ ΓΛΩΣΣΩΝ NEW SUCCESS g{x fàâwxÇàá ]ÉâÜÇtÄ Π. ΛΟΥΚΙΔΟΥ—ΜΠΟΥΡΝΤΑ Page 13 In 2021, I hope schools open to see my In 2021 I hope the virus goes away because I want to go to friends again, to go back to school life and school and meet my friends. I want to visit my grandma for another reason to stop this way of teach- and my relatives again. I don’t want to wear a mask out- ing by computer because it’s very tedious side. I hope all the children in the world are happy and for me. I hope everybody is healthy. never hungry. Happy new year everyone! Anna Protogyrou John Lytridis In 2021 I hope all the world has a home and eat and also have work. I hope to go to Limnos and Waterland. I also hope the world wipes out covid-19. I hope all people are well and happy. Billy Tsampazis In 2021 I hope it will be different. I hope In 2021 I want to enjoy it and I hope corona virus stops. If there is no virus, to go to school and not coronavirus stops, I’ll be very happy because I will be able wear masks, to be able to go for walks and to walk with my friends every day after school. Please stay play with friends. To start our sports activi- healthy. ties and not be afraid that something bad happens to the people I love. Marios Thomoudis Kiveli Kondrasi In 2021 I hope schools open because lessons In 2021 I hope firstly corona virus pandemic to stop. I also are very hard at school. I wish the shops open want to get a small dog. I hope all the dogs to find a home and I also want to go out. and all will be perfect in the new year. Giota Chatzigeorgiadou Eirini Meichanetzidou In 2021 I hope that there will be no problem In 2021 I hope the coronavirus is finally over and all peo- with covid-19 and that there will be no apoca- ple are healthy and not sick with diseases also we can all lypse in January when we vote for the new go out without wearing masks and finally be able to go to president. I don’t know, I hope there will be school and wherever we want. This is one of the most im- no more deaths. That’s all. portant things I want for 2021. Thanos Vlachos Maria Ainatsidou Supervising Teacher: Paschalis Chasiotis Class: B senior 2
ΚΕΝΤΡΟ ΞΕΝΩΝ ΓΛΩΣΣΩΝ NEW SUCCESS g{x fàâwxÇàá ]ÉâÜÇtÄ Π. ΛΟΥΚΙΔΟΥ—ΜΠΟΥΡΝΤΑ Page 14 BIRD’S NEST SOUP HOTLIX History of Bird's Nest Soup Hotlix has been making unique candies with insects inside them for more than 25 years. This unusual soup has been a part of Chinese cuisine for gen- There are lollipops with scorpions and ants, erations. Chinese people began eating bird’s nest soup during crickets and worms in chocolate, and waffles the Ming Dynasty and in some tales, it’s believed that Zhen with bugs. Although the lollipops look disgust- He, who was Chinese, was the first person in Chinese history ing, a lot of people buy them. They are really to eat bird’s nest soup. popular! It is served warm. Bird’s Nest Soup , is one of the most luxuri- ous and expensive delicacies in the Chinese cuisine. Georgia Vlachonikoli Despoina Longou STARGAZY PIE Stargazy pie (sometimes called starrey gazey pie, stargazey pie and other variants) is a Cornish dish made of baked pilchards (or sardines), along with eggs and potatoes, covered with a pastry crust. Although there are a few variations with different fish being used, the unique feature of stargazy pie is fish heads (and sometimes tails) protruding through the crust, so that they appear to be gazing skyward. The dish is traditionally held to have originated from the village of Mousehole in Cornwall and is traditionally eaten during the festival of Tom Bawcocks Eve to celebrate his heroic catch during a very stormy winter. The position of the fish allows the oil that is released during cooking to drain into the pie, adding a fuller flavour and ensuring the pie is moist Stellina Theodoridou In our country they are cooked in many ways from the simplest to the most elaborate and are never offered raw. With half of their shell put them on the grill with a little garlic butter and herbs for 2-3 min- utes. Otherwise remove them from their shells by removing their black bag and saute them with a little butter , lemon and herbs. So they are eaten plain or in pasta or rice dishes. We avoid tomato sauce because it covers their taste. Instead, butter and cream or egg-based sauce suits them. They can be baked a little more than the other shells. No matter how we offer them, however, they are a delicacy of rare taste. Helen Konta Supervising Teacher: Panagou Lilia Class: C senior 2
ΚΕΝΤΡΟ ΞΕΝΩΝ ΓΛΩΣΣΩΝ NEW SUCCESS g{x fàâwxÇàá ]ÉâÜÇtÄ Π. ΛΟΥΚΙΔΟΥ—ΜΠΟΥΡΝΤΑ Page 15 ACUTAQ BLODPLATTAR Every spring, Native Americans make their own ice cream. It is called Acutaq. This is made by mixed fat and oil. You Blood pancakes in English, are a dish served in can put water or fresh snow, too. To make it salty you put Finland, Sweden and Norway made of blood, fish, bear or Caribou. Others want it sweet, so they put water, flour and eggs. It is similar to black pud- blueberries or salmon berries. ding but is thinner and crispier. Blodplattar may Ioanna Dervisi be fried in a frying pan. It is served with black- berries and sometimes with pork. Marina Tzelepi Haggis is Scotland’s national dish. It is served on Christ- In Cambodia not only do they run away when mas Eve. It includes sheep’s heart, liver and lungs, on- they see tarantulas, but they also eat them. ions and spices. The mixture is packed in a sheep’s stom- They don’t serve them only in restaurants but ach and boiled for 3 hours. It is often served with pota- we also find them as street food. There are toes and carrots. This food is very healthy because it is a people in the streets of Cambodia with plates great source of iron and fibre. full of big black tarantulas. They fry them We can also find Haggis at the with garlic and salt. They who have tasted supermarket. them, say that they taste as chicken. Giorgos Kanakoudis Dimitris Mpakiras It sounds disgusting but it’s the most popular national food in Japan. You can buy tuna eyeballs at a fish market or a grocery store in Japan. The tuna fish eyes are boiled and then served with rice. Sometimes they are deep fried and served with soy sauce. They taste like octopus or squid. If you don’t feel like tasting one of the strangest dishes in the world, you can just go to the super- market and see the huge tuna eyes laid out on trays of ice. Christos Dagas Supervising Teacher: Panagou Lilia Class: C senior 2
ΚΕΝΤΡΟ ΞΕΝΩΝ ΓΛΩΣΣΩΝ NEW SUCCESS g{x fàâwxÇàá ]ÉâÜÇtÄ Π. ΛΟΥΚΙΔΟΥ—ΜΠΟΥΡΝΤΑ Page 16 Hi! M name is Fotini and I ’ m eleven years old. For me winter is the best season. I like winter because it snows and the place is very beautiful. We can make snow angels and snowmen, and we can have snowball fights. But my favorite thing is Christmas. We decorate our homes, watch movies and drink hot chocolate in front of our fireplace. Also, Santa Claus comes and gives us presents and we go on holiday and sing Christmas carols. Foteini Gogkou I am Konstantinos and I like winter because the schools close. We can go caroling and watch Christmas movies on TV with family. Also, we can decorate the Christmas tree and open all the presents on our own. Finally, I like winter because it snows all the time. Konstantinos Molasiotis I like the winter because we can ski on the snow, we can make snowballs, snowmen and snow angels. We can be with our family and eat delicious food and exchange pre- sents. Charalampos Leontaridis Hello. My name is Vasiliki and I am 11 years old. I love winter, because it sometimes snows. When it snows we can make a snowman, we can have a snowball fight and we can make snow angels. But the best thing about the winter is Christmas, because we decorate our house, schools are closed and Santa Claus comes. We can watch Christmas movies like ‘ K evin ’ and ‘ A Christmas Carol ’ . We go out with our friends to sing Christmas carols. We also make traditional sweets like melomakarona, kourabiedes and diples. I like the winter because I have my name day, too. Vasiliki Karanastasi Hi, my name is Chris Dagas and I ’ m going to tell you what I like doing during the win- ter. When it snows I like to have snowball fights with my brother and to make a snow- man. After that, I like drinking hot chocolate. Chris Dagas Supervising Teacher: Triantafyllou Ioanna Class: C senior 3
ΚΕΝΤΡΟ ΞΕΝΩΝ ΓΛΩΣΣΩΝ NEW SUCCESS g{x fàâwxÇàá ]ÉâÜÇtÄ Π. ΛΟΥΚΙΔΟΥ—ΜΠΟΥΡΝΤΑ Page 17 First of all people noticed some unusual disappearances in the Ber- muda area so they started to write some articles about it. more and more disappearances appeared so scientists conducted a research about it and the solve of this problem was that very big clouds very long like 50 miles long so they made air bombs which can rich 130 mph and up to 190 mph so these are bombs can make huge waves like a wave which is up to 70 meters high so nothing can't this Stergios Syrpas Bermuda Triangle is a creepy place in the Atlantic Ocean. A lot of air- planes and boats disappeared there. Many people claim that it is noth- ing and that everything is a myth, but most people claim that it is some- thing mysterious and scary. A lot of books were written about that but we don't know what is happening and I think that we will never know. Christine Babaolou The Bermuda Triangle os at the cen- Bermuda triangle is also known as the Devil's triangle. The whole story tre of the Atlantic Ocean. Lots of or mystery if you will , takes place in the north Atlantic ocean. The myth years before several ships have dis- of the Bermuda triangle began on the 5th of December 1945 when a appeared mysteriously and no one group of five aircrafts mysteriously vanished (flight 19) . Basically flight has found the ships and all the crew. 19 was a routine training of five avenger torpedo bombers. Flight 19 left The area is famous because a lot of Fort Lauderdale an 9:40, on a clear winters afternoon and after hours scientists have tried to solve the mys- they took off, they disappeared. no one ever heard of them again, until tery but no one did. now, 60 years later (2009). Nefeli Oikonomou Margarita Mavropoulou Supervising Teacher: Chasiotis Paschalis The \"Bermuda Triangle\" is an area in the western part of the Central \"Atlantic Ocean\", where a number of aircraft and ships are said to Class: Pre-lower 1+3 have disappeared under mysterious conditions. The Bermuda Triangle is a great mystery even today. According to the US Coast Guard, this is a myth, as no trace of a supernatural phenomenon was found in the area, following investigations. Lambrinos Chronaios
ΚΕΝΤΡΟ ΞΕΝΩΝ ΓΛΩΣΣΩΝ NEW SUCCESS g{x fàâwxÇàá ]ÉâÜÇtÄ Π. ΛΟΥΚΙΔΟΥ—ΜΠΟΥΡΝΤΑ Page 18 Bermuda Triangle is in the Atlantic Ocean. The first fact that we know was happened on 17 September of 1800, when two ships of USA suddenly disappeared with all the crew (440 people). Ever since, many ships and planes disappeared with similar mysterious way. On 5 December of 1945 five American fighter planes disappeared, too. Alexandra Xatzigeorgiadou The story of what we call the \"Bermuda Triangle\" actually began 56 years ago, in 1964. The name was first used by the American author Vincent Gaddis in Argosy magazine to describe a triangular area in the Atlantic Ocean at the coast of Florida. At the location of \"Bermuda Triangle\" a number of airplanes and ships is said to have disap- peared under mysterious circumstances. Some people gave great explanations, claiming that there was something paranormal or su- pernatural. It was even claimed by aliens or the mythical underwater lost city of Atlantis had something to do with the tragic events. Angeliki Lanara I 've heard a lot of mysterious stories about the Bermuda Triangle. One of this is the story with the USS CYCLOPS.CYCLOPS was one of the biggest fuel ships. It was carrying 10.800 tones of magnese and 309 crew members on board .CYCLOPS became part of the list with Bermuda Triangle or Devil's Triangle more than 100 ships and planes that disappeared. Of course USS CY- lacated in Atlantic Ocean and here a CLOPS disappeared mysteriously above the Bermuda Triangle. It left number of ships and aircraft are lost no trace. with mystery and paranormal ways Teo Chichioaca Stathis Kousidis The Bermuda Triangle is amongst the most heavily traveled shipping lanes in the world with ships frequently crossing through it for ports in the America. Popular culture has attributed various disappearances to the paranormal or activity by extraterrestrial being. The earliest sug- gestion of unusual disappearances in the Bermuda area appeared in a Supervising Teacher: Chasiotis Paschalis September 17, 1950, article published in The Miami Herald Valantis Kranias Class: Pre-lower 1+3
ΚΕΝΤΡΟ ΞΕΝΩΝ ΓΛΩΣΣΩΝ NEW SUCCESS g{x fàâwxÇàá ]ÉâÜÇtÄ Π. ΛΟΥΚΙΔΟΥ—ΜΠΟΥΡΝΤΑ Page 19 Based on an airplane disappearance with four people in it, in the fa- mous Bermuda Triangle, came back in the surface the mystery which is connected with this area. From the beginning of the 19th century dozens of airplanes and ships got missing under mystery, for some people, conditions (most of them were after 1945). Some people, like the coast guard of America says categorically that this phenomenon is completely normal. Lina Kanaki The \" Bermuda Triangle\" is an area in the western part of the Central Atlantic Ocean \", where a number of aircraft and ships are said to have disappeared under mysterious conditions. The Bermuda Triangle is a great mystery even today. In August 1800 two U.S. ships disappeared with their entire crew in the area, leaving no trace. Since then, many other ships have been lost in a similarly mysterious manner Spyros Kouvas Bermuda Triangle is in the Atlantic In 1948, an airplane which called Star Tiger took of from Azores to Ocean. The first fact that we know was Bermudes. The weather was good and the pilot announced that the happened on 17 September of 1800, flight would be arrived at the time which it was arranged. However, the when two ships of USA suddenly disap- airplane has never arrived at Bermudes and anyone couldn't find any peared with all the crew (440 people). track. Ever since, many ships and planes dis- appeared with similar mysterious way. Zoe Longou On 5 December of 1945 five American fighter planes disappeared, too. In 1964, Vincent Gaddis wrote in Argosy magazine the boundaries of Alexandra Xatzigeorgiadou the Bermuda Triangle, giving its peaks to Miami in Florida, San Juan in Puerto Rico and Bermuda, a secluded island in the Atlantic Ocean. Supervising Teacher: Chasiotis Paschalis Subsequent authors did not necessarily follow this definition. Some authors have given different boundaries and vertices to the triangle, Class: Pre-lower 1+3 with a total area ranging from 1,300,000 to 3,900,000 km2. Therefore, the identification of accidents in the triangle depends on which author reported them. The United States Geographical Names Council does not recognize the Bermuda Triangle. Xaritini Kouva
ΚΕΝΤΡΟ ΞΕΝΩΝ ΓΛΩΣΣΩΝ NEW SUCCESS g{x fàâwxÇàá ]ÉâÜÇtÄ Π. ΛΟΥΚΙΔΟΥ—ΜΠΟΥΡΝΤΑ Page 20 Being a school student can sometimes be challenging, but the COVID-19 pandemic has made educa- tion, and life in general, even more difficult for young people. With schools closed, lessons are held re- motely. Friendships and relationships have been replaced by live chats and video calls. We go outside and we are afraid not to get sick. We can not hang out, play sports with our friends and do other things we did before. Everything we can do is limited. On the other hand, there are also many positive things. For example, air pollution levels have dropped significantly and people are more in touch with their family. So, as long as it takes for Covid – 19 to be finished, spend time with your family and do creative things. Let’s hope this situation will end soon. Daniil Stepanian Covid 19 has affected and has massively changed the way of everyone’s life since the measures that have been taken are very strict and restrictive. Initially, the whole country is in quarantine, this has cost to the children because they can not be taught in the traditional way and attend online lessons which may be tiring after a couple of hours. Moreover, the people who do not work or have lost their jobs are in a terrible situation. On the other hand, you have a lot of free time and you can spend it with your family or do something that you like. Luckily, thanks to technology we can keep in touch with our friends. Finally, there is less pollution as only a few people use their cars and even fewer planes fly. Christina Kongolidou The Coronavirus pandemic hasn’t affected me at all, it has actually helped me. As a teenager I use com- puters everyday and now with the Coronavirus I made more friends online, I had a lot of fun with them, I got to play my games a lot and improve my English. My everyday routine hasn’t really changed. The only thing I cannot do now is hang out with my friends which is annoying but it is what it is. As for our relationship with other people, that kind of changed. Now that we can’t do anything together we just focused on our lives but we still talk to each other. Of course our friendship hasn’t ended, it’s just Coro- navirus that separated us. Thankfully, I have my family and we play board games every now and then so that definitely helps. Antonis Tsirolikas Supervising Teacher: Panagou Lilia Class: Lower 1
ΚΕΝΤΡΟ ΞΕΝΩΝ ΓΛΩΣΣΩΝ NEW SUCCESS g{x fàâwxÇàá ]ÉâÜÇtÄ Π. ΛΟΥΚΙΔΟΥ—ΜΠΟΥΡΝΤΑ Page 21 In general, this whole situation has changed our daily lives. Suddenly, our contact with friends, teachers and other people has stopped. Our contact even with the school is not the same. We are at home all day and have online lessons. We miss our friends and all the things we did together. The great time that we had at school, the afternoon walks with our friends and all the things we used to do before coronavirus temporarily no longer exist. The only good thing is that through all this we have realised how important our health is and how dangerous and scary things can become if we ignore the experts. I'm sure that what we all want is to go back to our old routine as soon as possible. Georgia Menelaou In my opinion Covid-19 has mostly changed our lives for the worse because we lost our freedom. We can not go wherever we want and we can not meet our friends and our grandparents. Furthermore, we are afraid that someone we love might get sick. On the other hand, something good has happened due to Covid-19. We have come closer to our families, we see each other more and we found ways to have a good time all together. Ifigeneia Maritsa Being a student can often be challenging and the COVID-19 pandemic has made education ,and life in general, even more difficult. Therefore, with schools closed, lessons are being held on the Internet. However, the excessive use is very harmful for our health. Furthermore, all sports, school activities and events have been canceled. Also, communication with our relatives and especially friends are only possi- ble via social media, messages or video calls. On the other hand, this virus has changed our lives also in a good way. An important advantage is that the use of public transport and cars has been reduced. Along this lines, the atmospheric pollution has also been reduced. Moreover a lot of people made a good use of their time in quarantine,doing gymnastics and working out, which is very beneficial for our wellness and health. Jim Geromanolis Supervising Teacher: Panagou Lilia Class: Lower 1
ΚΕΝΤΡΟ ΞΕΝΩΝ ΓΛΩΣΣΩΝ NEW SUCCESS g{x fàâwxÇàá ]ÉâÜÇtÄ Π. ΛΟΥΚΙΔΟΥ—ΜΠΟΥΡΝΤΑ Page 22 I think Covid- 19 has changed our lives a lot. For example, when we wake up we don’t go to school. In- stead of that, we attend online lessons. Online schooling is good but unfortunately you can’t see your friends and there might be some technical problems too, so it is difficult sometimes. Also, the relation- ships with our friends have changed because we can’t see them face- to- face. Luckily, thanks to tech- nology nowadays, we can communicate with them only through texts or phone calls. Furthermore, our everyday routine is not the same. For example, we stay at home all day and we sit in front of a computer all the time. All those things affect our moods, too. But living in quarantine has some benefits, too. For example, we came closer to our families because we are at home all day. Also, in quarantine we have more free time to do what we want. This is my opinion on how Covid 19 has changed our lives. Nikol Tsaki The COVID-19 pandemic has completely changed our lives. Hundreds or thousands of people have lost their jobs while many more suddenly had to work from home, frequently under circumstances which were a long way from ideal. Virtually everyone was cut off from friends and family for months while al- most every other aspect of normal life that would have been taken for granted at the start of the year has changed. Social activity stopped, shops – save for those deemed essential – are temporarily closed, people were told not to move more than 2km from their front doors. And, of course, thousands of peo- ple got sick with far too many losing their lives. The economic consequences of the crisis, meanwhile, have yet to be fully felt. On the other hand, pollution levels decreased due to the reduced use of cars and planes and there is also less noise pollution in big cities. Luckily, thanks to technological advance- ments we can communicate with our loved ones and not feel so lonely. Vaios Santos-Kyrimis It has been almost a year since COVID-19 spread all over our country. Our lives have changed and I wouldn’t say for the better. First of all, our education has changed. We have to attend lessons on Inter- net platforms and it is not as easy as regular school. We also are not allowed to go out and see our friends and the only way to communicate with them is through texting and video calls. Another conse- quence of COVID-19 is that we had to stop our after school activities and we are exercising less. The only advantage of the quarantine is that we spend more time with our families. I hope everything comes back to normal when this is over. Michalis Kontas Supervising Teacher: Panagou Lilia Class: Lower 1
ΚΕΝΤΡΟ ΞΕΝΩΝ ΓΛΩΣΣΩΝ NEW SUCCESS g{x fàâwxÇàá ]ÉâÜÇtÄ Π. ΛΟΥΚΙΔΟΥ—ΜΠΟΥΡΝΤΑ Page 23 Hallo. Ich bin Wasiliki und ich bin 11 Jahre alt. Ich Mein Name ist Christian und ich bin 11 Jahre alt. liebe Weihnachten und ich warte auf meine Jedes Jahr bekomme ich schöne Geschenke, aber Geschenke. Das beste Weihnachtsgeschenk fur das beste Weihnachtsgeschenk für mich ist ein mich ist der neue Satz Faber Castell Buntstifte, weil neues Pad und Kopfhörer. Ich brauche diese Sachen, ich sehr gut malen kann. Ich male jeden Tag, aber denn ich spiele Videospiele mit meinen Freunden. am Wochenende mache ich mehr komplizierte Zei- Auch ich möchte meine Unterrichte in Ruhe machen. chen, denn ich habe mehr Zeit. Christian Dagas Vasiliki Karanastasi Mein Name ist Charalambos und ich bin 11 Jahre alt. Jedes Jahr bekomme ich schöne Geschenke, aber das beste Weihnachtsgeschenk für mich ist eine elek- trische Gitarre. Ich möchte so gern eine Gitarre von dem Weihnachtsmann, denn ich mochte Musik als ich ein kleines Kind war. Mit der Gitarre lerne ich sofort! Charalambos Leontaridis Mein Name ist Fotini und ich bin 11 Jahre alt. Ich liebe Weihnachten und ich warte auf meine Geschenke. Das beste Geschenk für mich ist ein Puzzle. Ich möchte so gern ein Puzzle von dem Weihnachtsmann. Ich mache jeden Tag Puzzle mit meiner Mutter und ich hänge es in einem Rahmen an der Wand. Ein Puzzle ist ein super Weihnachts- geschenk! Fotini Gogou Supervising Teacher: Rizou Roula Klasse: A1.2
ΚΕΝΤΡΟ ΞΕΝΩΝ ΓΛΩΣΣΩΝ NEW SUCCESS g{x fàâwxÇàá ]ÉâÜÇtÄ Π. ΛΟΥΚΙΔΟΥ—ΜΠΟΥΡΝΤΑ Page 24 Hallo, mein Name ist Georg und ich bin 14 Jahre alt. Ich habe natürlich mein eigenes Handy und benutze viele Apps, aber die beste App für mich ist Instagram, wo man Fotos und Videos laden und mit den Freun- den chatten. Ich verwende Instagram jeden Tag, wenn ich Freizeit habe, allein oder zusammen mit meinen Freunden. Wir machen Videos oder Fotos. Georg Gogos Sankt Nikolaus soll einst Menschen in Not geholfen und vor allem ihre Kinder beschenkt haben. Das feiern viele Christen in jedem Jahr mit dem Nikolaustag am 6. Dezember. Der heilige Nikolaus war Bischof der Stadt Myra. Sie liegt heute in der Türkei, direkt am Mittelmeer. Nikolaus soll von seinen Eltern sehr viel Geld geerbt haben. Die Legende erzählt, dass er das Geld nicht für sich behielt, sondern damit armen Menschen aus ihrer gröbsten Not heraus half. Vermutlich hat er auch viele Kinder beschenkt. Weil Nikolaus mehr an die Armen als an sich selbst dachte, verehren ihn Christen bis heute als Heiligen und erinnern sich in jedem Jahr am Nikolaustag an ihn. Santos Kyrimis Vaios Gebratene Raupen Wenn jemand an Weihnachtsessen denkt, denkt er vielleicht an Truthahn oder Schweinefleisch, aber in Südafrika denkt er an gebratene Raupen. Aber sie braten keine zufällige Raupe, sie braten eine spezielle Art von Raupe, die \"Weihnachtsraupe\" genannt wird und festliche Farben hat. Es wird angenom- men, dass sie Glück bringt, wenn man sie isst. Krampus In Österreich hat der Weihnachtsmann ein böses Gegenstück namens Krampus. Er geht am fünften Dezember, auch bekannt als \"Krampusnacht\", aus, um böse Kinder zu finden. Wenn er es tut, steckt er sie in einen Sack und bringt sie zu seinem Versteck. Es ist üblich, dass Menschen spät in der Nacht in der Nähe von Weihnachten mit gruseligen Masken ausgehen. Konstantinos Dagas
ΚΕΝΤΡΟ ΞΕΝΩΝ ΓΛΩΣΣΩΝ NEW SUCCESS ΔΙΑΝΕΜΕΤΑΙ ΔΩΡΕΑΝ Π. ΛΟΥΚΙΔΟΥ—ΜΠΟΥΡΝΤΑ g{x fàâwxÇàá ]ÉâÜÇtÄ Page 25 Ένα μεγάλο ευχαριστώ στους μαθητές που εργάστηκαν με ενθουσιασμό και μεράκι για την έκδοση αυτού του τεύχους !!! Panagiotis Menelaou Adam Kyrillidis Eirini Protogyrou Apostolos Fysikoudis George Protogyrou Christina Longou Peter Anastasiadis John Papapostolou Christos Gouramanis Athanasia Mpouzoudi Christos Liakoudis Katerina Lytridou Konstantinos Kartalis Christos Papavasileiou Maria Triantafyllidou Sophia Anastasiadou Apostolos Tsakis Leo Myrta Lefteris Mavrelis Loukas Chichioaca Rafaela Gadina Steven Mpitzikos Foteini Gogkou Iosif Therapiotis Katerina Savva Konstantinos Molasiotis Nikolas Lanaras Marios Psemmas Charalampos Leontaridis Aspa Achelonoudi Anastasia Sarantina Vasiliki Karanastasi Cleopatra Karafili Christos Stamatis Despoina Gouramani Nick Tzourtzou Stergios Syrpas Kyriaki Gouramani Panagiotis Lemonis Christine Babaolou Gabriela Papadeli Margarita Mavropoulou Anna Protogyrou Lamprinos Chronaios John Lytridis Stellina Theodoridou Nefeli Oikonomou Billy Tsampazis Despoina Longou Stathis Kousidis Giota Chatzigeorgiadou Georgia Vlachonikoli Angeliki Lanara Eirini Meichanetzidou Helen Konta Teo Chichioaca Thanos Vlachos Christos Dagas Valantis Kranias Maria Ainatsidou Giorgos Kanakoudis Alexandra Xatzigeorgiadou Marios Thomoudis Ioanna Dervisi Spyros Kouvas Marina Tzelepi Zoe Longou Daniil Stepanian Giorgos Kanakoudis Lina Kanaki Christina Kongolidou Dimitris Mpakiras Xaritini Kouva Antonis Tsirolikas Georgia Menelaou Ifigeneia Maritsa Jim Geromanolis Nikol Tsaki Vaios Santos-Kyrimis Michalis Kontas
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