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Published by newsuccess51, 2018-07-10 09:26:10



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December 2016 Κ Ε Ν Τ Ρ Ο Ξ Ε Ν Ω Ν ΓΛ Ω Σ Σ Ω Ν NEW SUCCESSIssue No 4 Director of Studieso Inside this issue: P. Loukidou –BourdaLetters to Santa 2 The Students JournalChristmas Traditions 5 One of the most popular customs in Greece is the children’s Christmas Carols. On the 25tharound the World December, most young children wander around their neighbourhoods singing Christmas Carols and holding small triangles. The owners of the houses give the children some moneyChristmas Recipes 10 or treats for exchange. In addition, on Christmas day most Greek people go to the church service early in thePopular Winter Desti- 12 morning to receive God’s blessing. Furthermore, many families returning from church onnations January 1st go back home holding a pomegranate. The head of the family throws the pomegranate at the house door for luck and happiness. According to tradition, the moreAnimal Day - October 4 13 berries the pomegranate has, the more the money that will go into the family’s pockets. In many places in Greece and especially in small villages the citizens light fires to drive theAnimals Under Extinc- 14 goblins and bad spirits away.tion On Christmas Eve the housewives bake a Christmas pie called Christopsomo' (Christ'sRare Animals 15 Bread or Christmas bread). It's a round sweet bread which is flavored with cinnamon, or- ange and cloves. The top is decorated with a cross. In addition, the women of the familyPet Palaces 17 make lots of Christmas and New Year foods including “Baklava” , “Kataifi”, “Theeples” , honey cookies called “Melomakarona” and almond cookies called “Kourabiedes”.Halloween 20 The main Christmas meal is often lamb or pork, roasted in an oven. It's often served with a spinach and cheese pie and various salads and vegetables.Scary stories written by 22 People in Greece also celebrate Epiphany on the 6th January. In the Greek Orthodoxour students Church, Epiphany celebrates Jesus's baptism when he was a man. It's also known as 'The Blessing of the Waters'. There are many events throughout the country where young menGame Reviews 26 dive into really cold lakes, rivers and the sea to try to be first to get a cross which has been blessed by a priest and thrown into the water. Whoever gets the cross first is meant to havePersonal Reactions to 28 good luck during the coming year.Articles 41 Stelios Loggos, Ds2German PagesThe Pen Pal Project 49Christmas Fun 51Supervising Teachers: Apostolia Dagloudi Stavroula Rizou Annie Sakellariou Eleonora Tsiouka Editing: Eleonora Tsiouka

ΚΕΝΤΡΟ ΞΕΝΩΝ ΓΛΩΣΣΩΝ NEW SUCCESS The Students JournalΠ. ΛΟΥΚΙΔΟΥ—ΜΠΟΥΡΝΤΑPage 2Dear Santa, Dear Santa,My name is Kyriaki and I am ten My name is Maria and I am eleven years old. I have beenyears old. I have been very good this very good this year. I also did some nice things! I gaveyear! Some of the nice things I did this money to the poor and I helped an animal. This year Iyear was helping my brothers and would like to have the best marks in school and I wishdoing my homework. For Christmas I health for everybody. I would also like to have some giftswould like to have a book or a board at Christmas. A mobile phone (i phone 7 or Samsung Gal-game! I also wish health for everyone! axy) , a Karaoke machine or a microphone, a puppy or a hamster!Merry Christmas! Merry Christmas!Love,Kyriaki Giannakoudi, Bs2 Love, Mary Varela, Bs2 Dear Santa, Dear Santa, My name is Marina and I am ten years old. I have been a very good child this year. Some of the nice My name is Eleftheria and I am ten things I did was helping my mum and dad at home years old. I have been a very good and washing the dishes. For Christmas this year I girl this year. I always helped my would like to have a board game called “Tick Tac mum and dad when they needed Boom” and a mobile phone! me, so for Christmas I would like to Merry Christmas! have some things! Love, Marina Kanakoudi, Bs2 My Christmas Wish list is:  A mobile phoneSupervising Teacher: Eleonora Tsiouka  A make up setClass: B Senior 2  A tablet  Any gift Merry Christmas! Love, Eleftheria Lazaridou, Bs2

ΚΕΝΤΡΟ ΞΕΝΩΝ ΓΛΩΣΣΩΝ NEW SUCCESS The Students JournalΠ. ΛΟΥΚΙΔΟΥ—ΜΠΟΥΡΝΤΑPage 3Dear Santa, Dear Santa,My name is Valentini and I am eleven My name is Vasoula and I am eleven yearsyears old. I have been a very good girl old. I haven’t been a very good girl this yearthis year. I always helped my mum at but I did some nice things. For example, I al-home and I did the chores! ways helped my family and I also helped an animal.My Christmas Wish List is: iphone 6 This Christmas I would like to have a mobile A board game phone and arts and crats supplies. I also wish The best marks the world Peace! World peace Merry Christmas!Merry Christmas!Love, Love,Valentini Giakoumi, Bs2 Vasoula Panagiotopoulou, Bs2 Dear Santa, Dear Santa, My name is Andreas Zaharias and I am twelve years old. I have been a very good boy My name is Kostas and I am nine years this year because I always did my homework old. I have been a very good and obedi- and I washed my dad’s car. This Christmas I ent child this year and I have done some would like to have : really nice things. I always helped my  A Gaming PC mum with the laundry and I also gave  An iphone 6 money to the poor.  Gaming Headphones  PC Games My Christmas Wish List is:  Mad Matter Merry Christmas!  Chrono Bomb Love,  Watch Dogs 2 for PS3 Andreas Zaharias, Bs2  Health for EveryoneSupervising Teacher: Eleonora Tsiouka Merry Christmas!Class: B Senior 2 Love, Kostas Dagas, Bs2

ΚΕΝΤΡΟ ΞΕΝΩΝ ΓΛΩΣΣΩΝ NEW SUCCESS The Students JournalΠ. ΛΟΥΚΙΔΟΥ—ΜΠΟΥΡΝΤΑPage 4Dear Santa, Dear Santa,My name is Elia and I am twelve years old. I have My name is Andrew Danaskos and I ambeen a very good girl this year. Some of the nice eleven years old. I have been a very nicethings I did was helping my mum at home and giving boy this year as I did many nice things. Forclothes away to the poor. This Christmas I would like example, I always did my homework and Ito have a mobile phone, a board game or just any gift! fed the animals. For this Christmas I wouldI also wish health for everyone! like to have a new board game called “Chrono Bomb”. I wish health for everyoneMerry Christmas! too!Love, Merry Christmas!Elia Karatziou, Bs2 Love, Andrew Danaskos, Bs2 Dear Santa, My name is Andrew Drosakis and I am twelve years old. I have been a very nice and obedient boy this year! Some of the nice things I did this year was helping my mum and dad at home and doing my homework. This Christmas I would like to have a drone, a smartwatch and earphones - Power bank. I also wish health for everyone! Merry Christmas! Love, Andrew Drosakis, Bs2Supervising Teacher: Eleonora TsioukaClass: B Senior 2

ΚΕΝΤΡΟ ΞΕΝΩΝ ΓΛΩΣΣΩΝ NEW SUCCESS The Students JournalΠ. ΛΟΥΚΙΔΟΥ—ΜΠΟΥΡΝΤΑPage 5 Christmas in Denmark begins with the Advent wreath. It has four candles, each of which is lit every one of the four Sundays leading up to Christmas Eve the 24th of December. Another Danish December tradition is the calendar candle. This candle is, just like a tape measure, pro- vided with 24 markings, normally decorated with Christmas motives. The candles are lit every day from December 1st to the 24th. Most Danish kids get an Advent calendar or Christmas calendar as they are called in Denmark. The more fortunate children also get a gift calendar consisting of 24 small presents, one for each day before Christmas, individually bought and wrapped by their parents. According to the Catholic Church Lucia is the saint of light. In Denmark she is celebrated on the night between the 12th and the 13th of December, especially in schools, retirement homes, hospitals and oth- er institutions all over Denmark, with young girls and boys singing. Many people attend an early Christ- mas mass in church before Christmas dinner. This is not just because of religious beliefs; many enjoy sharing in the tradition of coming together in church and singing Danish Christmas carols, as people have done for centuries. Having a Christmas tree in the living room for Christmas Eve and the days up to Christmas Eve is some- thing almost every single family has in Denmark. The Christmas tree is decorated with a silver or gold star on the top, festoons of national flags and lots of small Danish decorations. The entire tree is often given the final touch of white fairy hairs or scattered strips of tin foil, reflecting the light from the glow- ing candles. Dinner is served quite early on Christmas eve. Most people eat roast duck on Christmas Eve. The duck is stuffed with apples and prunes and served with boiled and sweet potatoes, red cabbage, beets and cranberry jam. The dessert consists of ‘ris à l’amande’ with hot cherry sauce or ‘risengrød’. A peeled al- mond is hidden in the dessert bowl and the lucky finder of the almond gets a present. After dinner, everyone joins hands and dances around the tree. Traditional Danish Christmas hymns and carols are sung. Then it’s finally time for the unwrapping of gifts. Normally, one of the children is chosen to select the wrapped presents under the tree and hand them over one at the time, so everyone can watch each present being unwrapped. After the last present, it is time for fresh fruit, cookies, candy and coffee. Kate Kehagia, Cs2Supervising Teacher: Eleonora TsioukaClass: C Senior 2

ΚΕΝΤΡΟ ΞΕΝΩΝ ΓΛΩΣΣΩΝ NEW SUCCESS The Students JournalΠ. ΛΟΥΚΙΔΟΥ—ΜΠΟΥΡΝΤΑPage 6 At Christmas the Swedish wish “God Jul” Christmas in Italy is celebrated over sev- while St. Lucia’s Day, December 13th, is eral weeks as Italians celebrate from the beginning of Christmas in Sweden. early December, depending on the re- The eldest daughter of a family wears a gion, until the day of Epiphany, on the white dress with a red wide belt and a 6th of January. Especially the children wreath on her head. She brings coffee look forward to the start of the Christ- and special buns to her parents. Swedish mas season in December when Christmas schools have a St. Lucia procession with trees are put up and houses are deco- one or more girls wearing a wreath with rated. candles, while the other girls wear un- lighted wreathes and the boys wear star At Christmas the Italians wish “Buon Na- -decked paper cones. tale” and the children dress up as se- Christmas trees in Sweden are decorat- pherds, they play their musical instru- ed with Swedish flags, red hearts, and ments and sing songs. They also sing the decorations traditionally made from carols like children in Greece and they straw. Classic shapes are the Julbok, collect money. hearts, angels, and stars. Christmas Eve is a day of celebration, They open their presents after the 6th with a feast called the Julbord which in- January and according to tradition they cludes ham, cabbage dishes, fish, cheese, are brought by a gentle, ugly witch beet salad, sausages, and gingerbread. called Befona.Supervising Teacher: Eleonora Tsiouka Mary Andritsou, Ds2Class: D Senior 2

ΚΕΝΤΡΟ ΞΕΝΩΝ ΓΛΩΣΣΩΝ NEW SUCCESS The Students JournalΠ. ΛΟΥΚΙΔΟΥ—ΜΠΟΥΡΝΤΑPage 7 In the days of the Soviet Union, Christmas was not celebrated very much. New Year was the important time. Now Christmas is normally celebrated on January 7th. The official Christmas and New holidays in Russia last from December 31st to January 10th. On Christmas day the Russian people go to church, sing carols and hymns. The Christmas Eve meal is typically meatless and may be made up of twelve dishes to represent the twelve apostles. Sauer- kraut is main dish in the Christmas Eve meal. It can be served with cranberries, cumin, shredded carrot and onion rings. It might be followed by more pies or porridge dishes such as buckwheat with fried onions and fried mushrooms. 'Vzvar' is often served at the end of the meal. It's a sweet drink made from dried fruit and honey boiled in water. Vzvar is traditionally at the birth of a child, so at Christmas it symbolizes the birth of the baby Jesus. One of the most famous things about Christmas in Russia, to people in western Europe and the USA, is the story of Babushka. Babushka means Grand Mother in Russian. It tells the story of an old woman who met the Wise men on her way to see Jesus. The Russian Santa Claus is named Ded Moroz, or Father Frost. Accompanied by Snegurochka, the Snow Maiden, he brings presents to children to place under the New Year's tree. He carries a staff, wears valenki and is carried across Russia in a troika instead of a sleigh pulled by reindeer. On New Year's eve children hold hands, make a circle around the Christmas tree and call for Snegurochka or Ded Moroz. When they appear the star and other lights on the Christmas tree light up! Ded Moroz carries a big magic staff. The tradition- al greeting for Happy New Year is 'S Novym Godom'. Mary Andritsou, Ds2Supervising Teacher: Eleonora TsioukaClass: D Senior 2

ΚΕΝΤΡΟ ΞΕΝΩΝ ΓΛΩΣΣΩΝ NEW SUCCESS The Students JournalΠ. ΛΟΥΚΙΔΟΥ—ΜΠΟΥΡΝΤΑPage 8 The German Christmas season begins with Advent. Christmas in France is called Noel. Gifts are Advent is the four Sundays before Christmas day. brought to good children by Pere Noel, which Children have an Advent calendar. This calendar means Father Christmas. Instead of stockings, has 24 doors one for each day of December be- French children put their shoes by the fireplace or fore Christmas. Every day the children open one by the front door and Pere Noel fill them with pre- door of the calendar and inside there is a treat sents. and a picture. Before Christmas most German cities have a Christ- The French people enjoy decorating their houses. mas market. People sell food and drinks to visitors. The also string lights along the streets and the Eif- There is music and other entertainment. You can al- fel Tower is covered in lights. so find toys, decorations and gifts. December 6 is St Nicholas Day in Germany. St. Food is an important part of Christmas celebration Nicholas visits each home and leaves candy and in France. Favourite Christmas foods are lobster, small toys for the good children and a bundle of oyster and chestnuts. On Christmas Eve families sticks for the bad one. have a large dinner called reveillon.The food is el- On Christmas Day many families go to church. Dur- egant and the dinner last a long time. A traditional ing all the days of Christmas people eat tradition- desert is a buche de Noel. It is a cake with choco- al food like goose, potato salad and cookies. late icing that looks like a log. In some areas fami- lies have 13 different desserts.Supervising Teacher: Eleonora TsioukaClass: C Senior 2

ΚΕΝΤΡΟ ΞΕΝΩΝ ΓΛΩΣΣΩΝ NEW SUCCESS The Students JournalΠ. ΛΟΥΚΙΔΟΥ—ΜΠΟΥΡΝΤΑPage 9In Slovakia, at the beginning of Christmas dinner, thehead of the family takes a spoon out of a traditionalChristmas dish and throws it up in the air. The more theremaining mixture on the ceiling, the richer the crops willbe the following year.According to Norwegian ancient beliefs, witches and evil For most children in The Netherlands, the most important dayspirits would emerge on Christmas Eve to steal brooms to during December is 5th December, when Sinterklaas (St.ride the skies. Thus, on Christmas Eve all the brooms and Nicholas) brings them their presents!similar cleaning tools are hidden and men will fire theirshotguns outside their house to frighten these witches St. Nicholas' day is on the 6th December, but in The Nether-away. lands, the major celebrations are held on the 5th December. The name Santa Claus comes from the name Sinterklaas. Sinterklass travels with his servants called 'Zwarte Pie- ten' ('Black Peters'). When Sinterklaas and the Black Peters come ashore from the steam boat, all of the local church bells ring in celebration. Sinterklaas, dressed in his red robes, leads a procession through the town, riding a white horse. Every town in The Netherlands has a few Sinterklaas helpers, dressed the same as Sinterklaas who help give the presents out. For many people in Japan, traditional Christmas dinner In the Czech Republic, single women perform a very unusual means Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC). It is so popular and ritual to find out if they are going to get married the follow- well marketed that you would have to make a reserva- ing year. Having their backs on the house door, they throw tion to eat at KFC on Christmas day in Japan. their shoes towards the door. If the front of the shoe points towards the door, it means that she will move out of her par-Supervising Teacher: Eleonora Tsiouka ents’ house and she will soon start making wedding prepara-Class: D Senior 2 tions. Christine Karamanoli, Ds2

ΚΕΝΤΡΟ ΞΕΝΩΝ ΓΛΩΣΣΩΝ NEW SUCCESS The Students JournalΠ. ΛΟΥΚΙΔΟΥ—ΜΠΟΥΡΝΤΑPage 10Nick Maritsas, Ds2 Ingredients:  120gr Cheese (Graviera)  50gr flour  Oil for frying  1/2 lemon Instructions:  Slice a large block of cheese.  Wet the cheese and then dredge into the flour.  Heat the oil and fry for a few minutes on both sides.  Serve while still smoking as a delicious meze with a squeeze of a lemon.Ingredients: Nick Maritsas, Ds2 Instructions: 15ogr dark chocolate 170gr Petitbeurre biscuits  First melt the chocolate and then 1/2 cup chopped walnuts in a bowl crush the biscuits and 1/2 cup of milk poor the melted chocolate. 3 tbsps. cognac 3 tbsps. milk cream  Add the walnuts, the milk, the Chocolate sprinkles cream milk and blend until the in- gredients combine.Supervising Teacher: Eleonora TsioukaClass: D Senior 2  Pour in the cognac. Place in the fridge for 1-2 hours and then shape into balls.  Roll the truffles in chocolate sprin- kles and serve!  You will impress your friends with these little bites of heaven!

ΚΕΝΤΡΟ ΞΕΝΩΝ ΓΛΩΣΣΩΝ NEW SUCCESS The Students JournalΠ. ΛΟΥΚΙΔΟΥ—ΜΠΟΥΡΝΤΑPage 11Ingredients: Instructions: 1,5 kg boneless pork in portions  Parboil the celery with a good pinch of salt for 5 minutes, 2 kg green celery in big pieces 2-3 spring onions (chopped) drain in a colander and set aside. 1/2 cup olive oil  Sauté the meat in hot olive oil on both sides. 3 red onions (chopped)  Add the onions. Salt and pepper  Pour in 2 cups of hot water and let it simmer for about an hour.For the Egg-lemon sauce:  Add the celery and let it simmer for another 10 minutes. Juice of 2 lemons To prepare the egg lemon sauce: 2 eggs  Whisk the eggs and gradually add the lemon juice and the 1tbsp corn starch corn starch.  Pour the mixture into the pot, shaking the pan to blend.  Let it stand for 5 minutes before serving.Supervising Teacher: Eleonora Tsiouka Nick Maritsas, Ds2Class: D Senior 2

ΚΕΝΤΡΟ ΞΕΝΩΝ ΓΛΩΣΣΩΝ NEW SUCCESS The Students JournalΠ. ΛΟΥΚΙΔΟΥ—ΜΠΟΥΡΝΤΑPage 12 This report is about Pelion and what it has to offer visitors. Pelion is a mountain in Magnesia near the city of Volos, with a height of 1624 meters and people have been com- ing here for many years in order to see the amazing scen- ery. There are many beautiful forests and beaches so it is the ideal destination for both the winter and the summer. The beaches of Pelion are famous for their crystal clear waters. In Pelion there is also a large number of trails which are ideal for hiking, equestrian and bicycle tourism. In our opinion, Pelion is the best place to visit both in the summer and winter! Kelly Gogou Cs1 - Christine Kousidou Cs2  Kaimaktsalan In winter the visitors enjoy the view and the hospitality of local people. There are many activities available to do such as ski- ing, horse riding and archery .  Parnassos Ski resorts of Parnassos, in winter months, attract fans of ski- ing. Between stone houses and alleys, you can find small shops with local products.  Zagorochoria The area consists of forty six villages near Ioannina, with re- nowned architecture and natural beauty. The picturesqueness of the villages and the variety of activities charm and attract many visitors.  Prague In the historical town of Prague in winter you can admire the snowy buildings and walk in the alleys. Also, you can stay in a four-star hotel for an unforgettable winter trip. Vasiliki Iosifidou, Cs2 - Nicolina Lazaridou, Cs2Supervising Teacher: Eleonora TsioukaClass: C Senior 1, C Senior 2

ΚΕΝΤΡΟ ΞΕΝΩΝ ΓΛΩΣΣΩΝ NEW SUCCESS The Students JournalΠ. ΛΟΥΚΙΔΟΥ—ΜΠΟΥΡΝΤΑPage 13World Animal Day or unofficially World Animal Lover Day is a cause for celebration for anyone who lovesanimals - irrespective of their national, geographical or religious beliefs. The day was decided during aconvention of Ecologists in Florence as a method of highlighting the plight of the endangered species. Oc-tober 4 was thus chosen as World Animal Day and it is quite appropriate as it is the Fest Day of St. Francisof Assisi, the patron Saint of animals. But this in no way makes it a religious festival, though of course itdoes speak of religion, the religion of love towards animals. Whoever you are. Wherever you are. You can help improve the lives of animals around the world!Whether you want to offer your skills as a volunteer OR need voluntary help with a specific project, theWorld Animal Day Volunteer Platform will help you make a real difference for animals around theglobe, with a particular focus on developing countries. Volunteer Today Why not make the world a better place for all animals? Each one of us can make a difference – together we make change! Be part of something special.Supervising Teacher: Eleonora Tsiouka Kate Kondouli, Cs1Class: C Senior 1

ΚΕΝΤΡΟ ΞΕΝΩΝ ΓΛΩΣΣΩΝ NEW SUCCESS The Students JournalΠ. ΛΟΥΚΙΔΟΥ—ΜΠΟΥΡΝΤΑPage 14 Polar Bear Human development and poaching have long been threatening the polar bear but climate change and the loss of sea ice are now pushing it onto the critical list. Cross River GorillaThe Cross River Gorilla was thought tobe extinct in the 1980s but it is holdingfor now. It is hunted for its bush meatand its habitat is under threat by de-velopers. Javan Rhinoceros Sumatran Tiger The Javan Rhino is perhaps the planet’s This small tiger has lived only in Su- rarest largest animal. It is hunted for its matra for a million years making it horn and its habitat is being destroyed hard to escape human expansion. by developers. Most survivors live in reserves and only a hundred live in the wild.Supervising Teacher: Eleonora TsioukaClass: C Senior 1 Konstantina Sarantidou, Cs1

ΚΕΝΤΡΟ ΞΕΝΩΝ ΓΛΩΣΣΩΝ NEW SUCCESS The Students JournalΠ. ΛΟΥΚΙΔΟΥ—ΜΠΟΥΡΝΤΑPage 15 The Elephant Shrew The elephant shrew’s size is from 10cm to almost 30cm . Its weight rages between 50g and over 500g!!They have large canine teeth and also high-crowned cheek teeth ! Nick Mimikakos Bs1 The Tiger quollThe tiger quoll is a carnivorous marsupial (thebiggest is the Tasmasian).Two sub-species are recognized; the first is in theforests of Australia and the Tasmanian in theNorth of Queensland. It is in extinction.Georgia Karatziou BS1 The Araripe manakin The Araripe manakin is a bird from the family of manikins. It was discovered in 1996 and scientifi- cally described in 1998.Because his head looks like a crown, they called him the “Lottle soldier of Araripe”. George Goggos Bs1 The Iguana The Iguana is a lizard that lives in tropical Mexi- co. It can be 1,5 m to 1,8 long. Ioanna Pitsouli BS1Supervising Teacher: Annie SakellariouClass: B Senior 1

ΚΕΝΤΡΟ ΞΕΝΩΝ ΓΛΩΣΣΩΝ NEW SUCCESS The Students JournalΠ. ΛΟΥΚΙΔΟΥ—ΜΠΟΥΡΝΤΑPage 16 The Hirola The hirola is an animal known as “hunter antelope”. It is found on the border between Kenya and Somalia. The hirola is a medium- sized antelope which has white inner ears and a white tail. The global hirola population is estimated around 300-500 animals. The hirola is in danger. According to the International Union for Conservation of Nature Red List “The lost of the hirola would be the first extinction of the mammalian genus on mainland Africa in modern human history” Antigone Koukaroudi, BS1 The Florida Panther The Florida Panther is an endangered subspecies that lives in forests and swamps of southern Florida in the United States. It is sometimes referred to as cougar, mountain lion, puma, and catamount; but in the southeastern United States and particularly Florida, it is known as the panther. Florida panthers are usually found in pinelands, hardwood hammocks, and mix swamp forests. Christina Tsela BS1 The White Lion The white lion is found in some wildlife reserves in South Africa and in zoos around the world. The white lion first came to public attention in the 1970s in Mc Bride’s book “The White Lions of Timbavati” .It was widely believed that the white lion could not survive in the wild. Their colour is a genetic problem. White lions can’t hide in the wild. It hunts zebras, antelopes and giraffes. Katerina Koutroumpaki BS1 The Sumatran Rhinoceros The Sumatran Rhinoceros is a rare member of the family Rhi- nocerotidae. Its height ranges from 112 to 145 cm, its tail from 35 to70 cm and its weight from 500 to 1000 kg! A coat of reddish-brown hair covers most of its body! Tzanidou Eleni BS1Supervising Teacher: Annie SakellariouClass: B Senior 1

ΚΕΝΤΡΟ ΞΕΝΩΝ ΓΛΩΣΣΩΝ NEW SUCCESS The Students JournalΠ. ΛΟΥΚΙΔΟΥ—ΜΠΟΥΡΝΤΑPage 17 Dog palace Dog palaceMy dog Lucy has got a new house My dog's house is big andand she is very happy. There are five gold. It has a big, soft bed.rooms and one dining room next to Also, it has a diamond platethe living spring, I play with and a big bathtub.Lucy every Sunday. That is great fun!In winter, sadly, I cannot play with Lu- Giannis Tselepis AS2cy because it is very cold! Turtle PalaceTheodore Deligiorgis AS2 My favourite pet is the turtle. It carries the house with it. It walks slowly because it is heavy. It eats grass. It leaves many years. People are the ene- my of the turtle. But my family and I love turtles very much! Magda Lazaridou AS2 Dog palace Dog palace My pet has got and amazing house. My dog's house is very big. There The house has got a Jacuzzi, a blue is one ball in the house. It's yellow bed, food for many days and a big and there is one armchair there. TV! My pet is a cute, small puppy. My dog's house is amazing and it Every day i play football with my very cool!! puppy and i also play hide and seek with it. My pet is amazing! Dimitris Kanidis AS1 Vaios Santos AS1Supervising Teacher: Annie SakellariouClass: A Senior 1, A Senior 2

ΚΕΝΤΡΟ ΞΕΝΩΝ ΓΛΩΣΣΩΝ NEW SUCCESS The Students JournalΠ. ΛΟΥΚΙΔΟΥ—ΜΠΟΥΡΝΤΑPage 18 Dog palace Dog palaceI have a small dog. Its name is Rex. I've got four dogs.Three of them liveHe doesn't have a house of his own. in the garden and one lives in theHe sometimes sleeps on a big red house.They have got green housespillow next to my bed or on the so- with red roofs.They have big bedsfa in the living room. inside and a kitchen.They also have a living room.My dogs sit there,eat theirIfigenia Maritsa AS2 food and watch TV! Panagiotis Pitsoulis AS1 Fish palaceMy fish is the gladiator and its name isBlue. Blue is dark blue and purple. It hasgot a small mouth and small eyes. It has al-so got big wings. It lives in a magical fish-bowl! I love him like a friend.Dimitris Geromanolis AS1 Pet Palace Dog palace Ina and Fiona have got a new house. It hasn’t got an at- My dog has a small doghouse. It has tic. The house has got a small kitchen, a bathroom and only got one room and one bedroom. one bedroom. Inna and Fiona are very happy now. It hasn’t got any curtains but it has a The living room isn’t very new. There is an armchair and a small bed with a small blanket on it. sofa. There is a cupboard next to the armchair. They There is only one window and one have got a big television. door. The kitchen and the bathroom aren’t big. There isn’t a lot of furniture. Michael Kontas As2 The bedroom is nice and big. Ina and Fiona can now play with their friends there. Eyfrosini Loggou AS1Supervising Teacher: Annie SakellariouClass: A Senior 1, A Senior 2

ΚΕΝΤΡΟ ΞΕΝΩΝ ΓΛΩΣΣΩΝ NEW SUCCESS The Students JournalΠ. ΛΟΥΚΙΔΟΥ—ΜΠΟΥΡΝΤΑPage 19 Pet palace My pet palace is very big and it has got a very big garden. In my pet’s palace there are three rooms, a bathroom, a living room and a bedroom. In the bathroom there is a toilet and a big shower. In the living room there is a 98 inches TV, two sofas and three armchairs. In the bedroom there is a very big bed, a poster of Cristiano Ronaldo and 60 inches TV with a PlayStation. Nikitas Pechlivanidis AS1 Pet Palace My hamster lives in his house. His house is small but it is very nice. In his home there is one wheel. Its colour is yellow and pink. In his house there is one bowl for water and one for food. Nikoleta Tsaki AS2Supervising Teacher: Annie SakellariouClass: A Senior 1, A Senior 2

ΚΕΝΤΡΟ ΞΕΝΩΝ ΓΛΩΣΣΩΝ NEW SUCCESS The Students JournalΠ. ΛΟΥΚΙΔΟΥ—ΜΠΟΥΡΝΤΑPage 20 Halloween is a tradition that began in Europe many hundreds of years ago. Today it is celebrated in many English speaking countries such as the USA or the UK and in other European countries like Germany. This festival falls on Oc- tober 31st each year and it is primarily a fun day for both children and adults as these days Halloween is no longer considered a religious holiday. So that day children dress up in spooky costumes as witches, ghosts or pirates, like people did a thousand years ago, but instead of worrying about evil spir- its they just go from house to house and ask for candies. They knock on doors and they say “Trick or Treat”. Then, the owner of the house gives candy or something special to each kid. Many older kids and adults also put on cos- tumes and they go to Halloween parties. The most popular decoration in Halloween is “Jack - o’ lanterns”. A lot of people like to put them in their windows. They are pumpkins with candles inside, and faces cut into them. Most people have a lot of fun on Halloween. Tom Mirkopoulos Cs2 - Giota Dragoutsi Cs2 - Stelios Dragoutsis Cs2Supervising Teacher: Eleonora TsioukaClass: C Senior 2

ΚΕΝΤΡΟ ΞΕΝΩΝ ΓΛΩΣΣΩΝ NEW SUCCESS The Students JournalΠ. ΛΟΥΚΙΔΟΥ—ΜΠΟΥΡΝΤΑPage 21 Some information about Halloween Is Halloween celebrated where you live? In the US and Canada, Halloween is widely known and cele- brated every year on October 31. In some places Halloween is celebrated similarly although named differently. Such celebrations involve contact with the spirit world including the spirits of the dead, fair- ies, witches and demon angels. Personally you may not believe in supernatural spirits. You might simply view taking part in Halloween and similar celebrations as a way to have fun. Many people however regard these celebrations as harmful for the following reasons:  Halloween explains an encyclopedia is integrally related to the prospect of contact with spiritual forces, many of which threaten and frighten. Even today, people around the world use these days to make contact with supposed spirits of the dead.  Although Halloween has been viewed mainly as an American holiday, each year people in more and more countries have been adopting it.  Thousands of Wiccans, who follow ancient Celtic rituals, still call Halloween by the ancient name Samhain and consider it to be the most sacred night of the year. Celebrations like Halloween worldwide  North America : Day of the Dead  South America: Kawsasganchis  Europe: Day of the Dead and variations of Halloween How are these connected to Halloween?  Witches and Zombies: These creatures have long been associated with the evil spirit world  Candy: The ancient Celts tried to appease wicked spirits with sweets  Costumes: The Celts wore frightening masks so that evil spirits would think that they were spirits and would leave them alone  Pumpkins: Carved, candlelit turnips were used to repel and frighten evil spirits Helen Harizani, Cs1Supervising Teacher: Eleonora TsioukaClass: C Senior 1

ΚΕΝΤΡΟ ΞΕΝΩΝ ΓΛΩΣΣΩΝ NEW SUCCESS The Students JournalΠ. ΛΟΥΚΙΔΟΥ—ΜΠΟΥΡΝΤΑPage 22 It was a strange dark night with a full moon. Elsa was walking home, after she had seen a scary movie with her friends. She could have driven home but she preferred to walk. It was Halloween and no one was outside. All the cars had also disappeared. As she was walking, Elsa became aware of a scream. “What is that?” She thought to herself. It was a very scary noise so Elsa stopped in front of a tree and tried to figure out what it was. She heard the scream again and this time it was very clear. She looked carefully behind the tree and she saw two women in blood. She went closer to see if they were still alive and then they opened their eyes. Elsa was very scared because their eyes were yellow and their teeth were like knives. “It could be real”, she thought! “Vampires are real”. She slowly moved back and then she felt like someone was holding her hand. She was ready to scream, but then under the light of the moon she recognized a familiar face under that scary mask. “Jason, Maia, Anna? Is it you, guys?” The three friends started laughing all together except for Elsa who was angry but glad at the same time, so she didn’t know what to do: Laugh or Cry? Helen Harizani, Cs1 It was Saturday night and I was alone at home. I was sitting next to the fireplace and I was read- ing my book as I did almost every night. Suddenly, the window opened. The wind started blowing and it blew out the fire. Darkness was everywhere. I was really scared so I tried to call my mum on her mobile but it was dead. After- wards, I tried to turn on the lights but I couldn't make it. Suddenly, I heard someone whispering my name. Then, I felt someone touching my hand. I was frozen with fear. Then, the door opened. It was my mum at last who had come back home. She turned on the lights and I ran to her. After that scary night, I started seeing humans in the dark whom I don’t see in the light. Kate kehagia, Cs2Supervising Teacher: Eleonora TsioukaClass: C Senior 1, C Senior 2

ΚΕΝΤΡΟ ΞΕΝΩΝ ΓΛΩΣΣΩΝ NEW SUCCESS The Students JournalΠ. ΛΟΥΚΙΔΟΥ—ΜΠΟΥΡΝΤΑPage 23 Last Monday I was home alone because my parents had gone to their jobs. It was my first time home alone so I didn’t have any previous experience. My parents left at 9 pm and at 9.30 I got bored so I decided to watch TV. Suddenly I heard someone crying. I felt a moment of panic and I thought: “How is this happening? Nobody is in my house”. After I had heard the noise, I started walking around the house to find out where the noise was coming from. As I was walking to the kitchen the noise was getting louder. I opened the door and I saw the ghost of a dead bride. I had heard about her on the news. She was looking for her wedding ring. I asked her: “Why are you in my house?” and she said: “Because I want YOU to give me a ring”. So, I took a ring out of my jewelry box and I gave it to her. She left and I was happy and scared at the same time. Konstantina Sarantidou, Cs1 It was Friday the 13th and a girl named Maria came to our school. Every day she did strange things like sit- ting alone during the breaks and she didn’t talk very much in the class. Then one day we saw her speak to the animals. When we followed her to her house we felt that something wrong was happening. We saw some other people there in her house but they didn’t look like humans. Then , we all went back to our houses. The next day, while we were going to school we heard strange noises coming form the girl’s house. We went closer to see what it was and we saw her fighting with two other people. We tried to go closer. In the end, those people were ghosts and as soon as we realized it we ran away. We haven't seen her since then. Kate Kondouli, Cs1Supervising Teacher: Eleonora TsioukaClass: C Senior 1

ΚΕΝΤΡΟ ΞΕΝΩΝ ΓΛΩΣΣΩΝ NEW SUCCESS The Students JournalΠ. ΛΟΥΚΙΔΟΥ—ΜΠΟΥΡΝΤΑPage 24 Something strange happened to me two years ago. It was a cold night and I was walk- ing home from the bowling alley. While I was walking home I heard a strange noise. I looked behind and I saw a shadow. In the beginning, I thought that it was just me. I con- tinued walking but soon I realized that it was something very frightening. It was a ghost! I arrived at home and I went to my bedroom. I closed the window and I slept. At night I woke up to drink some water. I saw that the window was open. I went to tell my mother about it but she didn’t believe me. After a while, I went to the kitchen, feeling fright- ened, and I drank some water. I turned off the lights and I went back to bed. The next morning, while I was walking to school the ghost was following me again. I looked back and I talked to it. It told me that it had been feeling lonely. It needed some company so we talked for a while before it disappeared, feeling happy to have talked to someone. Aggeliki Stambouli, Cs1Supervising Teacher: Eleonora TsioukaClass: C Senior 1

ΚΕΝΤΡΟ ΞΕΝΩΝ ΓΛΩΣΣΩΝ NEW SUCCESS The Students JournalΠ. ΛΟΥΚΙΔΟΥ—ΜΠΟΥΡΝΤΑPage 25 One night while I was walking home I saw a shadow on the nearest wall. Then I heard a laughter, a strange laughter. It was really evil. I was so scared that I hid behind a car that happened to be there. Then there wasn’t anything strange so I stood up and continued going home. After a minute I heard a child’s cry. This time I wasn't scared because I thought that it was just a baby living in one of the houses near me. However, that wasn't the case. Suddenly, I heard another scream and this time I was feeling as scared as I had never felt before. I couldn’t move anymore as I was numb with fear. I couldn’t walk due to my fear so I couldn’t run and hide. I just stood there still looking around the place. Then I saw a white thing going from one place to another really quickly. At that moment I decided to call my dad and ask him to come and get me, so I took my phone out just to realise that it wasn't working. Then I heard a voice telling me: “Come on, we are friends, we won’t harm you”! Well, I was even more scared. Suddenly, I saw five black cats coming towards me. I screamed. I screamed so loudly but no one could hear me and I couldn't understand why as there were so many houses around me. Then I saw a man standing in front of me telling me: “I am the devil” and after these words he just disappeared. Then, the white thing that I had seen before came back moving towards me. I didn’t run because I wanted to see what it was. When it came close I realized that it was a ghost. For some reason I didn’t leave but just waited there. The ghost said: “Welcome”. I didn’t understand what it meant so I asked it and it re- plied: “Welcome to the place where the dead people live”. After that I heard another strange noise. This time, the noise was just my alarm clock reminding me that it was time for me to go to school. Kelly Gogou, Cs1Supervising Teacher: Eleonora TsioukaClass: C Senior 1

ΚΕΝΤΡΟ ΞΕΝΩΝ ΓΛΩΣΣΩΝ NEW SUCCESS The Students JournalΠ. ΛΟΥΚΙΔΟΥ—ΜΠΟΥΡΝΤΑPage 26 GTA 5 is a really good game suitable for ages 18+. In this game you can choose one of the three characters (Trevor, Franklin, Michael) and the aim of the game is to unlock new things like guns, masks, tattoos and clothes. If you like the game you can also play it online with your friends. Tom Mirkopoulos, Cs2Monopoly is a good game for families. Properties can only be developed once a player owns all the prop-Starting with the banker, each partici- erties in that color group and they must be developed equally. Apant plays in turn throwing the dice. The house must be built on each property of that color before a secondplayer with the highest total starts the can be built. Each property within a group must be within one housegame. First you must place your token on level of all of the others within that group.the corner marked “Go”. Then you mustthrow the dice and move your token the If you throw doubles you move your token as usual, the sum of thenumber of spaces indicated by the dice. two dice and are subject to any privileges or penalties pertaining to the space which you land on. Retaining the dice, throw again theAfter you have completed your move, the dice and move your token again as before. If you throw doublesturn passes to the left. The tokens remain three times in succession then move your token immediately to theon the spaces occupied and proceed space marked: “In Jail”.from that point with the player’s nextturn. Two or more tokens may rest on the Monopoly is a very good indoor game for children.same space at the same time. Aggelos Kalogiannis, Cs2Depending on the space your tokenreaches, you may be entitled to buy realestate or other property or be obligedto pay rent, pay taxes, go to jail ordraw a Chance of Community ChestCard.Supervising Teacher: Eleonora TsioukaClass: C Senior 2

ΚΕΝΤΡΟ ΞΕΝΩΝ ΓΛΩΣΣΩΝ NEW SUCCESS The Students JournalΠ. ΛΟΥΚΙΔΟΥ—ΜΠΟΥΡΝΤΑPage 27Lego Star Wars is an adventure game based on the movie “Star Wars”. You cango for a ride in the future by ships and the player’s goal is to defeat Darth Va-der’s son. However, until you reach his spaceship you have to defeat all his troops.During this journey a good friend of yours dies, killed by Darth Vader’s son. How-ever, the player has to keep going until they manage to defeat the enemy.Ratchet and Clank are a team having one goal. They try to stop Dr. Nefarious whohas captured Clank. Ratchet is alone but he is not the last Lombax. Alister Azimuthwas a friend of Ratchet’s dad and together they try to fight through Nefarious’minions in order to get in contact with Clank. They have all the gadgets needed todo that and in the end they will make it. However, it won’t be easy as Dr. Nefari-ous has the right defense for almost everything.Supervising Teacher: Eleonora Tsiouka Alex Oikonomou, Ds2Class: D Senior 2

ΚΕΝΤΡΟ ΞΕΝΩΝ ΓΛΩΣΣΩΝ NEW SUCCESS The Students JournalΠ. ΛΟΥΚΙΔΟΥ—ΜΠΟΥΡΝΤΑPage 28This article talks about loneliness. Loneliness can be caused by mul- The feeling of loneliness is based on factors such as lack of confidence in the peo-tiple factors and it is very bad for someone’s morale. Loneliness can ple around us, the feeling of insecure and the inability to make with life’s difficul-be found at a person who has lost his friends because of moving to ties, the idea that we are loved, and generally there is no real love in this world.a new area and he knows no one. So, that person can’t chat face toface so easily with people he doesn’t know and he does the easiest To begin with, the main reason is that the alienation between generations hasthing he could do. It is chatting online with his old friends staying in caused a space in communication between parents and children. This creates ahis room all day and being in front of his computer’s screen. If we gulf between them, which leave these two generations with a sense of loneliness.don’t want to feel lonely we should not waste our time sitting in ourroom on our own. Also, we should not be afraid to admit that we Secondly, in a modern period in which we can quickly get in touch with othersare lonely as we are not the only ones. So, what we should do in through Internet or telephone because there is so lonely around us, loneliness doesorder not to feel lonely is to join a sport club that we love, checking not only mean that you are alone, but literally means that you feel alone evenout counseling sessions and making face to face contact. when surrounded by many. There are moments in life that can feel lonely, even if we are together with our family. On the other hand, sometimes we ask loneliness sometimes just to rest and relax. To sum up, as far as I am concerned, people who waste their time unnecessarily should search different ways to spend their time in a more creative way than In- ternet, to face their loneliness.Supervising Teacher: Apostolia DagloudiClass: Lower

ΚΕΝΤΡΟ ΞΕΝΩΝ ΓΛΩΣΣΩΝ NEW SUCCESS The Students JournalΠ. ΛΟΥΚΙΔΟΥ—ΜΠΟΥΡΝΤΑPage 29 Being aware of social issues taking place in Europe, I would After having read this article I felt that I should speak my mind. like to express my point of view. According to the article, The article refers to the teenagers mostly, because they are many teenagers and young people have admitted that feel everyday and all day connected to wi-fi spot that they can find. lonely and isolated. Also they prefer to make video calls with each other rather than have a face-to-face conversation. When they feel lonely, the As far as I am concerned, I strongly believe that there are first thing that comes to their mind to do is to surf on the net than many important reasons, which may have caused this serious giving a call to their friend/best friend or even talk to their par- problem. I think that the main reason is social media, and ents! By doing that they end up being lonelier than they were especially, smart phones. Many young people are absorbed before. Even famous people, like vloggers, singers, etc., feel in these gadgets, and they prefer to chat in the internet ra- lonely although they may have millions of followers. Moreover, ther than talk face to face. girls and boys in young age don’t ask for help because they are afraid that they will be judged by the ones they asked. Another important reason is that many teenagers do not have family or even relatives to talk and share their prob- Given food for thought by “Lonely Generation”, I’d like to lems with. For example, in USA, almost everyone has a psy- express my personal aspects regarding teenagers not only chologist. Here in Greece, we have a different mentality in my country, but in the rest of Europe as well. and a lot of relatives to talk to, and share our problems. Nowadays, most of teenagers prefer staying alone to That was my personal reaction after reading this article, meeting or hanging out with friends. As far as I’m con- and I really want this problem to be solved. cerned, the main fault of that issue is technology. Lately, after technology invention, teenagers become more and It’s beyond belief really challenging to express my personal more addictive to those gadgets. That is why they do not thinking on issues regarding teenagers not only in my country have much control over using the internet. but in rest of Europe as well. It’s true that in our time many teenagers feel lonely and isolated. There are many and dif- Another reason for that issue is because children don’t have ferent factors that contribute in the problem. In my opinion the many friends. Being afraid of not looking good or funny main reason is technology. Technology makes people isolated enough, they make Internet friends to discuss with, as they and depressed. For instance many people prefer to go online can’t see how they look like or how they really are. rather than hang out with friends. The delusion that if we spend our day in front of the screen will make us happy and To sum up, children shouldn’t waste their time sitting on their satisfied is wrong. Technology isolates us from the real world. own, but they should make face-to-face contact to be more The other factor is social disorder. Many teenagers are too confident to themselves. unsociable to make new friends and as a consequence of this they are attracted by technology because they think that is easier to socialize and make new friends online. In my opinion this phenomenon is more obvious in our time because of the technology’s evolution.Supervising Teacher: Apostolia DagloudiClass: Lower

ΚΕΝΤΡΟ ΞΕΝΩΝ ΓΛΩΣΣΩΝ NEW SUCCESS The Students JournalΠ. ΛΟΥΚΙΔΟΥ—ΜΠΟΥΡΝΤΑPage 30 Being a teenager, I was challenged to vocalize my thoughts on this crucial issue. So loneliness and isolation are considered to be a huge problem nowadays, especially to the young and the teens. The reasons can be many. For example, some people may be too shy to make friends, but loneliness is mostly caused due to technology and gadgets. The new generation is so dependent on their smartphones and laptops and as a result they become closed off. In fact, social media is even disconnecting you from your own life, since it is the most modern way with keeping up to everyone else. It is like every time you go on the Internet you unplug yourself from life and everything else. But why do people keep going online? Well, using social media such as Facebook, Instagram and Twitter, you seek pleasure through likes and comments instead of earning it from the experiences you have with your friends and family. It's addicting and self-absorbing and that's why young people spend more time on their phones than they do with people. Finally, we could say that those who are lonely don't appreciate the gift of life. The text is about a study, which have been contacted by the university of Chicago and is about a very important problem, which is the lack of communication between teenagers and the problems that this cause. In my opinion and according to the article, many teenagers are addicted to their mobile phones and the social media which they have. As a result, face to face communication has almost disappeared and this signifies that relationships are based on mass media which means a new period of “communication”. Also I think that our gen- eration is the generation which is known as the lonely generation. Of course, this isn’t good for teens because many of them are feeling lonely. Especially, 67% of young people complained about feeling isolated and lone- ly because of the problems they have. Furthermore, 57% of the girls and 43% of the boys prefer not to ask for help because they don’t want to be judged by the other teens. Over more half of young people want to seem ‘perfect’ in their social life and for this reason many times they force themselves to change their lifestyle and their own characteristics. To sum up social media are one of the best invention of humans but if you can’t use them correctly they maybe create you an enormous problem with your real social life.Supervising Teacher: Apostolia DagloudiClass: Lower

ΚΕΝΤΡΟ ΞΕΝΩΝ ΓΛΩΣΣΩΝ NEW SUCCESS The Students JournalΠ. ΛΟΥΚΙΔΟΥ—ΜΠΟΥΡΝΤΑPage 31 Millenials or Generation Y as they being called is a specific age group borned around the Millennium or 2000 . So , as I am being aware of the social issues taking place around the world , I would like to express my opinion . First of all , Millenials is not only the age group someone be into , but also the attitude a person have . They can be characterized as people with gadget addiction and lack of ori- entation . They have not the ability to make decision about themselves . They are self – in- volved and lazy . For that reasons they often forced to live with their parents and depend of them . Millenials addiction to the gadgets is an factor of their current potition . Social Me- dia is for them the first priority . In addition to this , there is always exceptions in the rule . Not all the Generation Y peo- ple are that incapable . They try hard to not depend to their parents . They start with a part time job , then they get a regular job and finally they make their own families . We must always remember not to be absolute . In my personal opinion , Millenials is a generation which face many difficulties , especially the financial crisis . They fight ! Unfortunately not everyone is a winner .Supervising Teacher: Apostolia DagloudiClass: Proficiency

ΚΕΝΤΡΟ ΞΕΝΩΝ ΓΛΩΣΣΩΝ NEW SUCCESS The Students JournalΠ. ΛΟΥΚΙΔΟΥ—ΜΠΟΥΡΝΤΑPage 32 Given food for thought by the article of “The Millennials”, I would like to share some personalaspects regarding this crucial issue that bothers a lot of people today. First of all, in my opinion Millennials worldwide are more similar to one another than to oldergenerations, because of globalization, social media and the speed of cultural change, a fact thatit is not very pleasant. Millennials face the problem of joblessness and not until we do something,things will get worse. Thousands of Mllennials are determined to pursue their career dreams buthouse prices, high rent all have an impact on young people looking for a job. Being a part of thisgeneration, I should face up to an extremely challenging future, due to a disordered global politi-cal climate. On the other hand, Millennials are accused of being lazy, self-involved, pampered, who cannotfunction without a smartphone and are incapable of commitment. Many teens are too lazy to studyor work at the same time. Something that is really disappointing, especially when it comes toyoung adults. This generation is marked by creativity, open-mindedness and a strong sense of so-cial responsibility. Should you have a smartphone, try to use it cleverly, without distracting you.Smart phones may be the tools which make life easier, if you are lost or need to contact someonebut they cannot offer you a better life. In conclusion, I strongly believe that we need to help this new generation improve its future andjob prospects so they are able to take care of themselves for the next years. After having read this article, I felt that I should speak my mind and vocalize my thoughts. This article refers to \"The Millennials\", the generation around 2000. Many people think that the Millen- nials are going to change the world, whereas others saying they will destroy everything. Can the Millennials offer any good to our future? To begin with, every generation possesses different values, attitudes and goals. In my opinion, although this generation will face up to an extremely challenging future, due to a turbulent global, political and economic climate, it will find a way to solve all of its problems, develop the countries and affect the world in a good way. On the other hand, we live in a time where it is hard for someone to find his orientation. When it comes to landing a job, the Millennials have it worse than any generation in fifty years. Also, worldwide economies cannot provide enough jobs. Moreover, the Millennials are accused of hav- ing low incomes, being lazy, self-involved, pampered, who cannot function without a smartphone and are incapable of commitment. In my way of thinking, whereas all these may be true, all the goods they have cannot be compared with all the above. In fact, they are a generation marked by creativity, open-mindedness and a strong sense of social responsibility. All in all, the Millennials are our new generation, whether we want them to be or not, and not until we believe in them, will we be able to see a difference in our world.Supervising Teacher: Apostolia DagloudiClass: Proficiency

ΚΕΝΤΡΟ ΞΕΝΩΝ ΓΛΩΣΣΩΝ NEW SUCCESS The Students JournalΠ. ΛΟΥΚΙΔΟΥ—ΜΠΟΥΡΝΤΑPage 33 Every time I read an article I am challenged to vocalize my thoughts and my personal thinking especially on issues regarding adolescence not only in my country but in the rest of Europe as well. Thus, given food for thought by the article of the “Millennials” I would like to share my personal aspects regarding this crucial issue. If you fall into the category of being a millennial, chances are you've been told you're entitled, lazy, and too “connected” to the Internet. According to recent studies, last year the university applicants reached a high rec- ord – nearly 600.000, but what about life after university? This generation faces a perfect storm of debt, hous- ing and joblessness too. When it comes to landing a job, for instance, the Millennials have it worse than any generation in fifty years. And what is the reason? The reply is easy. Worldwide economies just cannott provide enough jobs for a soaring young population. It is well known, also, that Millennials expect everything to be handed to them on a silver platter. This generation of adolescence have part-time jobs, while the rest depend on the “bank of mum or dad” to help fund their lives. But the number one culture factor that units Millennials is the hi-tech revolution. Being in this group means growing up on the cusp of using Facebook. Some of us might still even read paperback books. But we also have a handle on technology that is just as good as an iPad-obsessed toddler. It is mentioned that up 80 per cent of Millennials cannot leave without their smartphones. While it is a well-known fact that Millennials are found to be lazy and narcissistic, Millennials are also a gener- ation that is deserving and commendable. They accomplish goals and use the resources that were given to them. If they continue to clamber the success ladder and show their hard work, they can easily change their views on how other generations see them. They need to come together as generation and make sure they teach the up- coming generations everything they have learned and ultimately continue to grow and push forward towards a better future. To sum up, if someone were born around the Millennials or 2000 then they are part of a generation that every- one is talking about right now. Millennials are accused of being lazy self- involved, pampered and someone who cannot function without a smartphone but in my personal opinion they are some who can easily accused as a generation marked by creativity and a strong sense of social responsibility. Nowadays, Millennials is a common news headline, but what actually “millenials” stand for? When someone is born around 2000, he can be called “Millennial”. Namely, when someone considers of this generation they may believe that, what this generation does is sitting about 24 hours per day in front of a screen and weather watch videos or communicate with a friend. However, many people think that, being a millennial, means anxiety and pressure regarding issues like getting into university, sitting exams, renting an apartment, leaving the house or not getting a job. To begin with, this group of people faces too many problems. One of which is whether they should go to uni- versity or get a job. If they go to university, they either have to find a job in order to pay rents and find money for their college tuition or force their parents to do so. Furthermore, they have to decide either they will rent an apartment where they may have a roommate or stay home with parents until they get married. If they have convinced already themselves to find a job during unemployment they come across the dilemma weather should they find their dream job that may have no profits or a job that ascribes to low or no benefice. Young adults have to take a decision that changes directly their life closely. As a consequence those four big questions arise, weather should millenials follow their dream job or should they keep up with those who follow a profitable job that are not among their canter stage? Moreover, should they go to university in order to study for a calling that is low beneficial or should they do something beyond their limits and expectations in order to have a life going? At the other end of the spectrum, this generation is constantly viewed addicted to social networking. Among 2016 social networking is developing. Almost everyone has an account on facebook or tweeter and instagram as well as gmail, google plus. They are all ways of communication and socialization. Millennials may be addict- ed to this way of living where anybody can find any information on few seconds. All this knowledge can be found by pressing letters on a screen. Everybody can keep in touch with somebody thousands miles away by pressing a button. Boiling it all down, millenials have a lot of problems to face and a lot of food for thought in order to become wiser. As far as I am concerned, this generation isn't a lazy, self-involved group of people that can't function without smartphone but a generation marked by creativity and strong sense of social responsibility.Supervising Teacher: Apostolia DagloudiClass: Proficiency

ΚΕΝΤΡΟ ΞΕΝΩΝ ΓΛΩΣΣΩΝ NEW SUCCESS The Students JournalΠ. ΛΟΥΚΙΔΟΥ—ΜΠΟΥΡΝΤΑPage 34 Runaway home among teenagers is a common problem around the world. More and more ado-lescents found themselves being runaways. After having read the article on this social issue, Iwould like to express my point of view First of all, what force someone to be a runaway? There are many reasons that make some-body to be a runaway. One reason is the fear that children have because their constant fightswith their parents over what career to follow. Another factor is mental health –related issue. Fi-nal reason is the feelings of personal failure. All these reasons are related each other but theyare completely different aspects of the same coin. The question that arises is how we can prevent someone from runawaying. Talking in order tosolve someone’s problem is a perfect idea that will prevent someone from doing it. Also anothergood idea is to learn acceptance both teens and parents. Finally, if someone is considering runa-waying as a logical solution to their problem, he should ask himself if this will work. We shouldalways stay and fight until we cannot find another solution. In my personal opinion, runawaying is not a good way to solve someone’s problem . Fightinguntil the very end will make you overcome problems . After having read this article regarding “the millennials” I would like to express my point of view. As a millennial, I can see that if you were born in this generation, you are accused for many of your everyday habits. We are charged with talking constantly on our cellphones or communicate through social media and do nothing except these. In fact, we live in a society where technology is rapidly developing. Yes, it is true that we spend our time through talking on the social media or watching television or playing video games, but these are not our only occupation as the X Gen considers. The millennials are constantly trying to follow their dreams by entering into a university in order to expand their knowledge and en- deavor to find a well- paid job in order to make it through without borrowing from their parents. However hard we attempt to become independent, it is so difficult. Summarizing, the older generations should contemplate that the next generations are going to defer from theirs. Every generation has its own pros and cons, as the millennials have.Supervising Teacher: Apostolia DagloudiClass: Proficiency

ΚΕΝΤΡΟ ΞΕΝΩΝ ΓΛΩΣΣΩΝ NEW SUCCESS The Students JournalΠ. ΛΟΥΚΙΔΟΥ—ΜΠΟΥΡΝΤΑPage 35 Some people maintain that If you were born around the Millennium – or 2000, you are lazy self-involved, pamperedand you are someone who cannot function without a smart phone. Is it true or not? To begin with, Millennials have been characterized in a number of different ways. On the negative side, they've beendescribed as lazy, narcissistic and prone to jump from job to job. Positives adjectives to describe them include confident, self-expressive, liberal, upbeat and receptive to new ideas and ways of living. They can juggle many responsibilities at once.Technology has allowed this generation to multitask and find shortcuts in achieving tasks. Texting, instant messaging, socialnetworking, and Web surfing have all made generation workers more qualified, effectual, and productive. They are at-tracted to organizations where technology is the forefront of the company’s ethos. Traditional companies are less of an at-traction for the millennial generation. The key for employers is to accept that there may be multiple ways for workers toaccomplish their tasks. Moreover, Millennials aren’t as willing as former generations to sacrifice their personal life in order to advance their ca-reers. They like to “work hard – play hard” and want to be at a company that appreciates this desire for balance. Theyalso expect a more flexible work environment than previous generations and want to work for a company that supportsvarious causes. They would even work for a company for free or volunteer for a cause provided it fills their logic. Theywould value learning, exposure and experience over job positions and perks. They are not afraid to take chances in lifeand are more family centric than the previous generations. If they don’t love what they are doing, they would walk off. To sum up, there are many reasons why this generation is intelligent and conscious although there are several technologi-cal objects that may distract or isolated them from their daily routine. Also this generation will be more successful becausethey have learnt from the mistakes of the previous generations. As a teenager I cannot resist the temptation not to express my personal opinion on the stereotype “Millenials”. Millenials is a nickname given to those teenagers who are born around the millennium or 2000 by the older generation. Millenials are accused of being lazy, self-involved and pampered because they cannot live without their Smartphone or in general the gadgets technology offers them. However, all those statements about this generation can be proved wrong because it is not their fault but the blame should be put on society. The rapid development of technology and the difference between Millenials and elder are the reasons that made Millenials adopt a new cultural background and critical thinking which is totally different from that one the elder have. By the same token they have been influenced by their education system which is not appropriate for them. As we all know more than the 80% of American students play truancies every year which results in lack of education. Should the government not put an end to this issue which disturbs not only the students but also the social balance of the whole world, then the social repercussions will be even worse. Knowledge is power and in that way students can gain power and broaden their horizons because of the education system in those countries. Taking all the above information into consideration it is not Millenial’s fault for being so sensitive and unproductive but it is government’s fault that does not support and give food for thought to this generation in order to be improved.Supervising Teacher: Apostolia DagloudiClass: Proficiency

ΚΕΝΤΡΟ ΞΕΝΩΝ ΓΛΩΣΣΩΝ NEW SUCCESS The Students JournalΠ. ΛΟΥΚΙΔΟΥ—ΜΠΟΥΡΝΤΑPage 36 It is a consensus that many teenagers in UK choose to sleep into the street roads rather than staying in their home. The reasons why a teenager flees their house could be nu- merous, for instance the violence of their parents, their low self- esteem or maybe be- cause of their mental illness. From my perspective, it all starts from parents’ demeanor. Should they not take care of their children or find out their children’s health issues and not ask for professional help in order to receive some explanations about their situation, it is sequel that teenagers would feel abandoned and miserable. Plus, knowing that people under thirteen and sixteen are fragile and have their upside downs, parents should pay more attention to them and not make unwise decisions which are going to hurt their children’s feelings. Summing up, the fact that many children abandon their houses and end up homeless, is really disappointing. However, there must be taken action either by their parents or by the society in order to protect the teenagers’ health and rights.Supervising Teacher: Apostolia DagloudiClass: Proficiency

ΚΕΝΤΡΟ ΞΕΝΩΝ ΓΛΩΣΣΩΝ NEW SUCCESS The Students JournalΠ. ΛΟΥΚΙΔΟΥ—ΜΠΟΥΡΝΤΑPage 37 It is beyond belief a great challenge to express your personal thinking on issues regarding teenagers, not only regarding my country but also the rest of Europe as well. That's why I want to talk about a problem that has caused considerable amount of concern. This is everyday runaways in UK. To begin with, every five minutes in the UK, a child or a teenager runs away from home or care. Two- thirds of runaways aren't reported as missing to the police, and many are too vulnerable or scared to seek help. In my way of thinking, should we not do something in time to combat the problem, the number of deaths among young people will rise dramatically. In addition, there are quite few reasons why someone would want to run away from home. Furthermore, most of runaways are caused due to their families. Many children are feeling scared and unsafe in their houses, due to continuous fighting with parents or suffer from serious emotional or physical abuse. Moreover, their parents may be extremely demanding and as a result they feel helpless or even have feelings of personal failure. Consequently, families should support their children and encourage them not to give up, as well as they should always make them feel happy and have a good relationship with them. Another solution worth mentioning is that both teens and parents should work hard to learn acceptance and parents should make it clear that it doesn't matter if you make mistakes. Last but not least, we all have to prevent runaways from happening. We have to inform parents about the problems they are causing to their children, or how they can help them overcome their problems. Haven't many families lost their children already? After having read this article I felt that I should speak my mind about the runaway issue that causes a lot of trouble in UK. To begin with, runaways are panicked solutions made by teenagers and children in order to escape from their depression and the everyday pressure they have. As a result, they sometimes do not fully understand the consequences of their actions and they put themselves in danger. However, there are several ways to prevent a kid from running away from his home. Firstly, parents should talk to their kids and see if there is any kind of problem that bothers them. Last but not least, both parents and children have to work hard together in order to learn about acceptance. Young people need to understand that “It is OK to make mistakes” and that there is no judgment for that. To sum up runaway is an issue that must be prevented before it gets worse and there is no possible solu- tion for it.Supervising Teacher: Apostolia DagloudiClass: Proficiency

ΚΕΝΤΡΟ ΞΕΝΩΝ ΓΛΩΣΣΩΝ NEW SUCCESS The Students JournalΠ. ΛΟΥΚΙΔΟΥ—ΜΠΟΥΡΝΤΑPage 38 It is of paramount importance the thorny issue of teenagers’ runaway be solemnly contemplated. Being forced to abide by the rules of his parents and treated with outrageous behavior, running away home has always been a critical issue. It is mentioned that a major reason why teenagers tend to runaway is the improper environment for living. Most teen- agers feel unsafe due to continuous fights with parents who focus on their careers. Parents should accept the existence of an up- coming citizen. They have to contemplate gravely the fact that during adolescence, teens have the opportunity to expand their logic and reasoning abilities. Therefore, too many arguments may come up. Thus, parents have to esteem their child’s opinion and try to guide them (advise them). In addition, teens’ depression or personal failure leads to their runaway. Either they suffer from mental health-related issues (poor behavior management, learning disabilities) or cannot handle their own low self-esteem, there is always a way to deal with it. It is mentioned that up 80 per cent of runaways have been <<endowed>> with these issues. What we need to do is to encourage them seek help and understand and accept their own flaws. Teens need to feel empowered to seek help for any serious problems. Moreover, we need to boost their confidence. Not only do they have to learn through not-making mistakes, but in the opposite way too. They have to face up to them and deal with them. It is a rather fruitful way to <<blossom>> as a human being. Another reason worth mentioning about teenagers’ runaway is the fact that they demand their autonomy. It is widely known that adolescents have a rebellious heart and mind. Thus, in order to lead their lives as they want, they tend to runaway. Educat- ing teenagers about risky behavior is necessary. But it is also important to keep communication mutual. Too often, parents tighten control but fail to educate their children. What can parents possibly do? When they talk to their child, they should not ask him how he is feeling but they should ask him what is going on. All kids want to argue about how they are feeling—or they want to deny that they are feeling anything at all. It is all about having a conversation. After having read this article l felt that I should speak my mind about this important issue that is up to the minute nowadays. The article is about teenage runaway, why do teens run away and how could someone possibly prevent it. Firstly let us take a look at the reasons that teenage have nowadays to runaway. In the first place it is known that going missing is a symptom that something is terribly wrong. While each case is unique most experts agree on the main reason why teens runaway. Runaways often feel unsafe due to continuous fighting with parents or serious emotional or physical abuse. While on the other hand, some of them just have the feeling of personal failure which also makes kids take flight. More specifically, what I mean is that runaways often feel that it is indeed easier to flee rather than to deal with their own low self-esteem. According to recent studies, up to 80 per cent of runaways suffer from health-related issues, such as depression, substance abuse, poor behavior and management or learning disabilities. And last but not least, many teens run away just because they had no control within their fam- ilies. It is said that making a getaway can express a bid for control. For example, if parents become extremely demanding, a young person can feel helpless. Coming to a decision that the ultimate way to demand autonomy is by running away. But the question is “what happens if we can prevent it”. Firstly, it is necessary to distinguish between teens who run away occasion- ally, those who are chronic runners and those who bolt suddenly and for good. For example, when a teen makes a break for wrongdoing, it may be a reaction to gain power, most often an attempt to avoid some consequence or humiliation. But those who continually take off or leave with finality usually suffer from severe, long-standing crises- parental abuse mental health issues or drug addiction. Thus, to prevent this, what teens have to consider is first of all, to feel empowered enough to seek help. They should reach out for example to a trusted friend or teacher or doctor. Also, young people have to understand and accept their own flaws, while parents try to make it clear that “it is OK to make mistakes”. On the whole, to my way of thinking teens should first ask themselves if running away from home will truly solve their problem be- cause the truth is that it is dangerous out on the streets, and they will put themselves at risk. They can rebuilt their life.Supervising Teacher: Apostolia DagloudiClass: Proficiency

ΚΕΝΤΡΟ ΞΕΝΩΝ ΓΛΩΣΣΩΝ NEW SUCCESS The Students JournalΠ. ΛΟΥΚΙΔΟΥ—ΜΠΟΥΡΝΤΑPage 39 Many young people run away from their homes every year because they probably are physically and emotionally abusive. But what are the reasons that this happens and how can we prevent it? To start with, a main reason why teenagers run away from their home is because they are being abused. Parental abuse can leave a person feeling embarrassed, ashamed, angry and terrified. These emotions are why teenagers have the desire to run away and also those feelings that are so intense they overtake logic and reason. Secondly, many kids run away because of drug and alcohol abuse. When teens and pre-teens get involved in substance abuse, they may leave home to hide it so their parents don’t find out. These kids are often using a lot more than their parents know, they want to use more freely and openly, so they run away. In addition to fear or anger, feelings of failure can also cause kids to leave home. Some children run away because it is easi- er to live on their own than to live in a critical home. To sum up, kids run away from problems they can’t handle. Adolescents often see running away as a way to achieve a sense of power and independence. They don’t understand that it’s false power and independence, however, because they can’t take care of themselves in a legitimate way on the streets. Still, those feelings can be very ingrained for some kids. Personally, I think the most important thing for a child to learn is how to solve his problems differently. It's beyond belief and really challenging to express your personal thinking on issues regarding teenagers not only in my country but in the rest of Europe as well. The realization that 100.000 teens a year run away from home is really shocking and I believe that this is a very important issue, and a crucial problem that needs to be solved. Teens need to ask themselves if it will truly solve their problems running away. Being out of the safety of your house can be dangerous and you put your- self at risk. Teens shouldn't be sleeping at parks, shouldn't be feeling depressed, they should be proud of them- selves. It is really shocking when a young person tries to survive on his own because he feels rejected. Apart from that parents should encourage their children and make them never give up. Being a parent you have the responsibility to make your child feel self-confident lovable. Teens run away because they feel scared, they feel like losers or they believe they do not fit in their family. Parents shouldn't be so demanding and they need to make clear to their children that they accept their flaws and that everyone makes mistakes. Both teens and parents must work hard to learn acceptance. Additionally, I think that every member in a family might just ask one other how they feel, talk regularly and realize how important it is to be loved. In conclusion, I strongly believe that family needs to improve its relationship and that is necessary to be op- posed to kids who run away occasionally. Safety in family is better than danger in streets.Supervising Teacher: Apostolia DagloudiClass: Proficiency

ΚΕΝΤΡΟ ΞΕΝΩΝ ΓΛΩΣΣΩΝ NEW SUCCESS The Students JournalΠ. ΛΟΥΚΙΔΟΥ—ΜΠΟΥΡΝΤΑPage 40 Given food for thought from the article “I was a teenager runaway” I would like to share personal aspects regarding this cru- cial issue. Nowadays, teenagers’ runaway is a common phenomenon among England and United States of America. Caused by their parents aggressive and uncompromising attitude, teenagers’ runaway is a social problem we have to face. Furthermore, another reason that runaway happens is that kids don’t feel safe and they find their “home” in streets. They think that they become a mem- ber of a new society where they cannot feel distorted. According to the latest scientific research, runaway teens have depression and low self esteem. Needless to say these adolescents do not have self -control. In accordance with the article “I was a runaway teenager “up to eighty percent of runaway suffer from mental health related issues. These include substance abuse, poor behavior, management or learning disabilities and of course parental restriction. Runaway often feel it is easier to flee than to deal with their low self esteem. In addition, if parents become extremely demanding a young person can feel helpless. He or she decides that the only thing to improve his life is runaway. This is the only way to express autonomy. Runaway is an attempt to avoid some negative consequence or humiliation. On the other side, there is a positive message of preventing this serious problem. Teen should have a talk with their selves before they make this decision. Adolescents need to feel empowered enough to seek help for any serious problem. In any case of physical or emotional harm they should go immediately to look for professional help. Another way preventing this phenomenon worth considering is that both parents and teenagers should work hard to learn acceptance. It is ok to make mistakes but you have to learn from them. Finally, teenagers seriously thinking about running away need to ask if this is the solution to their problem. I strongly believe that no; they have to face whatever it is and without looking back. To summarize, this widespread phenomenon is rapidly increased the last decades. Teenagers’ runaway is lack of educational background and orientation. It goes without saying that teenagers’ runawaying is one of the most important issues many families facing today. More than five thousand U.S. runaways die annually from illnesses, assaults or injuries and every five minutes a child or teen runs away in the U.K. For many of them, bed is not a blanket, a wooden infrastructure but either a park shelter or a derelict building and even telephone boxes. In addition, in order to survive they are forced to beg, sometimes stealing and unfortunately resorting to drugs and alcohol. Parents and friends may solve the problem only if they find out why they run away. First and foremost, there are several reasons why a teen has the ambition of running away. Major grounds such as feeling scared lead children and teens walking all alone with a backpack full of supplies. Runaways feel unsafe due to continuous fighting. Some- times arguing with parents and classmates destroys strong bonds and creates huge gaps between family and child or class and child in a matter of seconds. One more reason behind this is the serious emotional or physical abuse. A lot of children are victims of bullying and as a result, they suffer from emotional abuse. Another point worth noting is teen depression. The majority of teen runa- ways suffer from mental health – related issues such as depression, substance abuse, poor behaviour management or learning disa- bilities. Another factor to consider is the feelings of failure. Personal failure makes kids take fight. Teens feel that it is easier to flee than to deal with their low self-esteem. When a teen makes a break for it after some wrongdoing, it's an attempt to avoid some consequence and in order to evade this situation the common thing to do is conversation. Even parents or friends should solicit “have they talked before they walk”? Teens need to feel empowered in order to seek help and they should reach out to a trusted person. Furthermore, another insightful ques- tion is “can they make a mistake”? Acceptance between parent and child is a profit learnt only with hard work. It needs to be un- derstood and accepted by both teens and parents that there is no problem making mistakes as far as the easiest way to handle them is concerned by facing up and dealing with them. Although it seems odd and peculiar, asking a young “how do they feel” may change their entire life. For example, among a family if there are no strong bonds with the members, by making this question a kind of connection makes its appearance. A crucial request worth mentioning that changes opinion about whether running away or not is, “will it solve it”? By telling this simple phrase questions arise. For example, will these problems be solved by running away and weather will be dangerous and risky? Taking everything into consideration, it is essential for humans talking about their problems and not running away from them. With conversation and a little bit of civilization almost every problem can be solved. Furthermore, one thing worth mentioning is that, eve- ryone makes mistakes and everyone should deal with them because running away was never the easy way.Supervising Teacher: Apostolia DagloudiClass: Proficiency

ΚΕΝΤΡΟ ΞΕΝΩΝ ΓΛΩΣΣΩΝ NEW SUCCESS The Students JournalΠ. ΛΟΥΚΙΔΟΥ—ΜΠΟΥΡΝΤΑPage 41Viele Kinder freuen sich vor allem deshalb auf den Sankt-Nikolaus-Tag am 6. Dezember,weil er mit Süßigkeiten und kleinen Geschenken ein erster Vorbote des Weihnachtsfestesist. Doch das ist nicht der einzige Brauch, der an diesem Tag gepflegt wird.Woher kommt der Nikolaus?Der Nikolaus geht auf den Heiligen Nikolaus von Myra aus dem 4. Jahrhundert zurück. Erstammte aus der kleinasiatischen Region Lykien, die heute zur Türkei gehört. Um den histo-rischen Nikolaus ranken sich verschiedene Legenden, so \"\", darunter dieHeimführung eines verschleppten Kindes und die Erweckung eines Jungen. Er ist daher auchals Schutzpatron der Kinder bekannt.Nikolausstiefel: Kleine Geschenke am 6. DezemberAll diese guten Taten sind der Hintergrund für den vor allem in Europa verbreiteten Brauch,Kindern am Sankt-Nikolaus-Tag etwas zu schenken beziehungsweise am Vorabend einenihrer Stiefel zu befüllen. Doch auch dieser Brauch hat sich mit der Zeit verändert: WährendEltern ihren Sprösslingen früher Äpfel und Nüsse in die geputzten Stiefel steckten, findenheute häufig Spielzeug oder CDs ihren Weg in die Schuhe. In früheren Zeiten war übrigensder Nikolaustag – und nicht Weihnachten – der Tag der Bescherung.Nikolausbräuche in DeutschlandNeben dem Brauch des Nikolausstiefels gibt es in Deutschland regionale Bräuche, zum Bei-spiel das Nikolauslaufen, früher Sunnerklauslaufen, in Bremen. Ähnlich wie an Halloweenziehen Gruppen von Kindern teilweise verkleidet von Haus zu Haus, sagen einen Spruchauf oder singen ein Lied und bitten damit um Süßigkeiten.In einigen Gegenden geht ein als Nikolaus Verkleideter selbst von Tür zu Tür, um kleineGaben zu verteilen. Oftmals wird er dabei vom Knecht Ruprecht begleitet, der sicherstel-len soll, dass die Kinder artig sind. In Bayern wird Knecht Ruprecht auch Krampus genannt.Katerina IosifidouSupervising Teacher: Stavroula RizouClass: German

ΚΕΝΤΡΟ ΞΕΝΩΝ ΓΛΩΣΣΩΝ NEW SUCCESS The Students JournalΠ. ΛΟΥΚΙΔΟΥ—ΜΠΟΥΡΝΤΑPage 42Meine Lieblingsjahreszeit ist Winter. Ichliebe auch Weihnachten, denn wirschmucken den Christbaum. Ich magauch die Süßigkeiten, die ich essen kannund ich bekomme viele Geschenke vonmeiner Familie!!Das beste ist wenn wirbummeln und singen die Weihnachtslied-er, denn wir bekommen viel Geld!!!Konstantinos Triantafillidis Zu Weihnachten mag ich die leckeren Sü- ßigkeiten, die ich esse und die Geschen- ke,die ich bekomme!!!Es ist auch schön, dass wir den Christbaum schmucken...Das beste ist die Weihnachtsferien für zwei Wochen!!Was ich nicht so sehr mag ist, dass es sehr kalt ist und es gibt Eis über- all... Michalis KaloudasSupervising Teacher: Stavroula RizouClass: German

ΚΕΝΤΡΟ ΞΕΝΩΝ ΓΛΩΣΣΩΝ NEW SUCCESS The Students JournalΠ. ΛΟΥΚΙΔΟΥ—ΜΠΟΥΡΝΤΑPage 43 Mein Lieblingsfest ist Weihnachten!!!! Wir schmucken jedes Jahr den Christ- baum. Es schneit auch oft und wir spielen Schneeballschlacht!!!!Es macht viel Spaß!!Aber das beste zu Weih- nachten ist die Geschenke,die ich be- komme!!! Thomas Mirkopoulos Ich mag Weihnachten,denn wir schmucken den Christbaum und ich esse viele Süßigkei- ten, die meine Mutter macht!!Ich bekomme auch als Geschenke was ich möchte!!!Das beste ist wir haben Weihnachtsferien für zwei Wochen...also keine Schule!!!!! Andreas ZachariasSupervising Teacher: Stavroula RizouClass: German

ΚΕΝΤΡΟ ΞΕΝΩΝ ΓΛΩΣΣΩΝ NEW SUCCESS The Students JournalΠ. ΛΟΥΚΙΔΟΥ—ΜΠΟΥΡΝΤΑPage 44 Ich liebe Weihnachten,denn ich Weihnachten ist das beste Fest!!! bekomme viele schöne Geschenke Ich mag sehr die Geschenke von und ich esse viele Süßigkeiten aus meiner Familie und die Süßigkei- Schokolade!!!Wir bummeln auch ten, die aus Schokolade sind!!!Die oft,denn wir haben keine Schule!!! Schmücken von dem Christbaum Das beste ist der Christbaum und sind auch sehr schön und die seine schöne Schmücken!!Ich spiele Weihnachtsferien ist das bes- auch jeden Tag mit meinen Freun- te,denn wir haben keine Schule!!! den!!! Ilias Izdras Konstantinos DagasSupervising Teacher: Stavroula RizouClass: German

ΚΕΝΤΡΟ ΞΕΝΩΝ ΓΛΩΣΣΩΝ NEW SUCCESS The Students JournalΠ. ΛΟΥΚΙΔΟΥ—ΜΠΟΥΡΝΤΑPage 45 Für viele von uns beginnt die schönste Zeit des Jahres im November, dann ist wieder Weihnachts- markt in Deutschland. Es ist die besinnlichste Zeit des Jahres, geprägt von Kerzenlicht und Plätz- chenduft, Eisblumen am Fenster, geheimnisvollen Weihnachtsgeschichten, klirrender Kälte und roman- tischen Nächten am lodernden Kaminfeuer. Lebkuchen, Printen, Stollen, Spekulatius, Zimtsterne, Glüh- wein, und heißer Apfelsaft gehören dazu, und die gibt es auf dem Weihnachtsmarkt in großer Aus- wahl und bester Qualität. Die meisten Besucher gehen mit Familie, Freunden oder Arbeitskollegen auf den Weihnachtsmarkt. Singles finden hier vielleicht den lieben Menschen, mit dem sie die Feiertage verbringen möchten. Und manch einer lässt bei einem guten Glas Glühwein die schönsten Momente des Jahres Revue passieren und freut sich auf die verdiente Weihnachtspause. Weihnachtsmarkt ist wirklich eine schö- ne Einstimmung auf die Festtage Vassiliki IosifidouSupervising Teacher: Stavroula RizouClass: German

ΚΕΝΤΡΟ ΞΕΝΩΝ ΓΛΩΣΣΩΝ NEW SUCCESS The Students JournalΠ. ΛΟΥΚΙΔΟΥ—ΜΠΟΥΡΝΤΑPage 46An Weihnachten und Advent gehört traditionell auch das köstliche Weihnachtsgebäck. Schon Oma hatschließlich wunderbar duftende Kekse in der Weihnachtszeit gebacken. Was wäre die Weihnachtszeit ohneden allseits beliebten Lebkuchen?Am wertvollsten sind Lebkuchen Rezepte natürlich selbstgebacken, liebevoll verziert oder als lieblicheWeihnachtsmotive ausgestochen. Ob mit Schokolade überzogen, mit Marmelade gefüllt oder einfach mitStaubzucker bestäubt - hier finden Sie die besten Lebkuchenrezepte für die Weihnachts- und Adventzeit.Lebkuchen Rezept ZubereitungZutaten: Für die Lebkuchen Zucker und Eier schaumig rühren. Alle 210 g Kristallzucker anderen Zutaten einmengen. 4 Stk. Eier Aus dem fertigen Teig nach Belieben Formen ausstechen, 140 g Honig (flüssig) auf ein mit Backpapier ausgelegtes Blech geben und ba- 3/4 Pkg. Lebkuchengewürz cken, bis der Lebkuchen eine goldbraune Farbe bekom- 250 g Mehl men hat (ca. 8-10 Minuten).Zum Schluss die Lebkuchen 1 Msp. Natron verzieren und in einem verschlossenem Behälter lagern. Zitronenschale Tipp Die Lebkuchen können nach Belieben auch komplett mitFür die Dekoration: Schokoladenglasur überzogen werden. Schokolade (klein geschnitten, geschmolzen) Zitronat (nach Belieben) Christos Karagounis Aranzini (nach Belieben) Nüsse (ganz) Rosinen (optional) Marmelade (nach Geschmack)Supervising Teacher: Stavroula RizouClass: German

ΚΕΝΤΡΟ ΞΕΝΩΝ ΓΛΩΣΣΩΝ NEW SUCCESS The Students JournalΠ. ΛΟΥΚΙΔΟΥ—ΜΠΟΥΡΝΤΑPage 47 Mobbing ist ein Problem mit dem sich alle Leute konfrontieren, Kinder, Jugendliche und Erwachse- ne. Mobbing kann sich in vier Typen teilen: Kollektives Bullying oder Mobbing Physisches Mobbing Wörtliches Mobbing Cybermobbing Das kollektive Mobbing kommt von mehr als einen Bullies gegen einen Ziel vor. Es gibt auch das indivivduelle Mobbing, das von einem Bully gegen einen Ziel vorkommt. Das Physische Mobbing umfasst jede Aktion, die als Zweck hat, jemanden körperlich zu schaden, zum Beispiel Diebstahl, Schlagen, Kampfen und die Zerstörung des Vermögens. Das wörtliche Mobbing betrifft Bullying mit Wörter. Zum Beispiel Hänseln, Gerüchte verbreiten und sich über jemanden lustig machen sind Typen von wörtlichem Mobbing.Das wörtliche Mobbing ist der häufigste Typ. Die Stimme ist was die Bullies benutzen. Cybermobbing ist das Bullying durch das Internet.Hier ist der Bully meistens anonym und er oder sie stört das Ziel mit Kurznachrichten, die sehr beleidigend für sie oder ihn sind. Alissia GeromanoliSupervising Teacher: Stavroula RizouClass: German

ΚΕΝΤΡΟ ΞΕΝΩΝ ΓΛΩΣΣΩΝ NEW SUCCESS The Students JournalΠ. ΛΟΥΚΙΔΟΥ—ΜΠΟΥΡΝΤΑPage 48 Alles schläft, einsam wacht Nur das traute hochheilige Paar. Holder Knabe im lockigen Haar, Schlaf in himmlischer Ruh! Schlaf in himmlischer Ruh! Stille Nacht, heilige Nacht, Hirten erst kund gemacht! Durch der Engel Halleluja tönet es laut von fern und nah: Christ der Retter ist da! Christ der Retter ist da! Stille Nacht, heilige Nacht, Gottes Sohn, o wie lacht Lieb' aus Deinem göttlichen Mund, Da uns schlägt die rettende Stund, Christ, in Deiner Geburt! Christ, in Deiner Geburt! (Text: J. Mohr 1792-1848 Komponist: F. Gruber 1787-1863) Christos KaragounisSupervising Teacher: Stavroula RizouClass: German

ΚΕΝΤΡΟ ΞΕΝΩΝ ΓΛΩΣΣΩΝ NEW SUCCESS The Students JournalΠ. ΛΟΥΚΙΔΟΥ—ΜΠΟΥΡΝΤΑPage 49ΣττηΗμοτΤετπηκπτοεΑλνεερπτυαπίρνάεώαςσχίρταυ.ρίσαατίοζκμΠτσινηνοσοαιητανκοαωσιοττρσριέπύιπηαςοτίμχόνιαςςιυααδκδςκσσμ,ηνεθόο7ιυαοσοτημάιινηηυΔντισσεομσοτέευπτρυςαύιακησογκρθεττκαττυάγμηηαοηασίπβςτόευθίνχρέρςραςτορςζαί.γςάαύοωιαγτξσλντΤυμηγνη,λοτέαρα2ςνάοςυλ0αατυΡκοBκφ1οφγςωαμα6πρSει,ιιέινσeοοκλπςτνnίιντήαρ,αήριτοiάστoαααςθινάτσοrγκηγπαιυτμ2οοκκταηπναύυ.ηεαραρσδτΚγοαδρίτοιώαουααφριαπμάυνσταοοίτετράτίργμιιααηκήτςοάατσςοτεθύαηςαιυοσεηδαγμννςτδκιεαώαοετιμξταπάυηοιταν:ηπςρςςποθ«μαοκδλμσηRιέρειι5ιύτνκuσιάκ1πανέεdμέλροςδςρςoόλαόεώσμτlηττυσpγοχαοτελτηιhουρεςυαήαςλςςοςtςνhτεπουαααίιτφeαιςοςσγητερμRχμαατςτροαοeαποιγασυθλνdαυθηγσυέίηηπμεοNςνίNτςατηυέάoέδiένσδμκzνςsιςεάαhατέαeςκμνηνnνδdιαεαεασyινκςιR,κσςηααNεττeαχςκίιωυiεοoσδnαοπκαλvχναdιιιίάκοgμδeεδμσπέλoςeεεύαυςίοrίrοεμχoγξθ»ισςαοοεκdησυκρυτετχχσνσαωκνεέοοαττυιςρρλτνονητ«ιεαεμτιμμιSχίυήΡκαωέαhaετσάωςνίoθnιναεακεσbηtsιaτίάhςίγbτσχρ»α.ιoώyυαSαα.,wμhννγτo-οsμηwύ,αδsςη,.-Supervising Teacher: Eleonora Tsiouka

ΚΕΝΤΡΟ ΞΕΝΩΝ ΓΛΩΣΣΩΝ NEW SUCCESS The Students JournalΠ. ΛΟΥΚΙΔΟΥ—ΜΠΟΥΡΝΤΑPage 50ΗsτeαδωnαθεηiνλτύoλτλωΠτηrΟαέάετνΤςκα2λρθέκοπγουκζηεςκκαύκώαμί.αδάαιςόσιπιηωιρδιγσύαΑιτιΟτνεαεμνPδωώγενπδκιαrιιςώιαννeόκεώκλμ-κσμντδλότΗLναεηαυεύoηάτςθνμαιΑοεwς)πηηκέρκβγκσοeρΡτααόίώδυχναrέαωιιτοργςνια2γπσετιλωαδια.τορωSίεανηνιαtίαΚτκτμνa,ωςςτγεατnεα.τηΖβμνυΡdητοΕεοαώατωσάυνφύBπτρκηωχσέyοειταήμέμπλξίνπηςγααMαηέλσοομςλγςέσδιυeύτειιοήίιμμναξοδανNάθαάηευαη,ρτηφoτνςστμοακτκwτοοοαοέθμεηυερκνσυιλίσσ(μαατελααςηαχηήιηθηφτνοπακσενσεοιτλιόυαλστνεαύηείτοιορώμδκίρνςήνοωπιοοιμταςογοσύαιτμιήπνιτσ.ρητηαχέονοοΕμηάρςνμαύίτοοςλόαπμέΡητύλνΔρςιεσσωαπο.ηταετσυλ.ασολκτηΠνπέαιαξίέράοοαύπφμαμαννυπςαρβοαγτα,δαγαρράοηθμναρκοιύνλησαιιοοαόύαδλότημυσσηνιτέοςέαασεμςεηλινκώ:ιοιαετμάσμαόιIτα,θtσαταμα’ηκμηοsτςθηκιακαμυηηOμαστεθςθέκτίιύάlρεηαλγέyμνμσατςηινmτατααηέσητοθμκςpτμαωτμηααιiδαηνμcκατνςιισαήάέTγνκζκίθςςιρiέαώεmάαααακτνππωιτeωετόααχοηωινητνν(ραρι)ηαονταοοστττιφανυληΟάαηλισιλσμξάεςλληηίπερααάυσμλόωοωσσξμουπυανίομαπγνοανυδρένάιCυτανονταιντοκυκθηsτφχηλeαοώηςρσίνέnίασιτπνπψiσΈηοιoρρεσΑταυςrκοαλοτμςγσλ1ογυομεώτΟηιμ,ργέαήνναεμCίρλασωετνταυοςναίονθμυαινπάηςπςοτ-ιτι-ιηωκ-ενςSupervising Teacher: Eleonora Tsiouka

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