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Home Explore Luke GREENE - Dictators for Dummies Project Template (1)

Luke GREENE - Dictators for Dummies Project Template (1)

Published by 22lukegreene, 2019-02-09 01:36:35

Description: Luke GREENE - Dictators for Dummies Project Template (1)


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Dictators for dummies By luke Greene

You want to be a dictator Define What it means to be a dictator means to rule a country under one person's power Adolf hitler he controlled all of germany and got everybody to believe what he did Kim jong-un controls all of north korea with no one having power over him he is the leader of the country hitler kim jong un

Rise to power ● What does it mean to manipulate laws, the government, & political parties? It means to trick the people thinking that your way of thing is right Who:joseph stalin How:Stalin launched what would be referred as a \"revolution from above\" Who:vladimir putin How:President Vladimir Putin signed a controversial law introducing cripplingly high fines for protest violations

Tips and tricks to getting your power ● Define propaganda: publicize a specific political point of view Who:Benito Mussolini How:one of his best quotes is “We consider peace a catosphere for human civilization” is a quote by him. Who:kim jong un How: he puts pictures of him everywhere even in schools to remind him how great he is.

How to keep your power step 1 ● What does it mean to censor information? Control what your people see Who:adolf hitler How: he burned the books about the nazi and did not let the people know that is what really happened Who:Xi Jinping How: he bans winnie the pooh because against all of his sayings and he doesn't tolerate that

How to keep your power step 2 ● What methods do dictators use to brainwash their citizens? Because he puts his pics all over the school Who:kim jong un How:he puts pictures of him everywhere even in schools to remind him how great he is. Who:adolf hitler How:he puts pictures of him everywhere even in schools to remind him how great he is. Everything is his

How to keep your power step 3 ● What does it mean to ‘repress opposition’? Who: joseph stalin How: he would get rid of any one that would speak out against him in anyway and have the execute Who: crowned prince salman How:a journalist went there and came out dead for speaking out against him

How to keep your power step 4 ● How do dictators justify imprisoning & torturing enemies? What methods do they use? Police and the military are a very big help Who:kim jong un How:Before the United States permitted a terrifying way of interrogating prisoners Who:Muhammad bin Salman How:But he has also been heavily criticised for pursuing a war in neighbouring Yemen that has caused a humanitarian catastrophe,

How to keep your power step 5 ● What were a dictator’s military and police used for? What were their responsibilities? To fear people into listing to what they say Who:adolf hitler How: killed all the jews with the force of the military. Who:vladimir putin How: he is trying to take over the ukraine to be governed.

How to keep your power step 6 ● Define propaganda information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view. They use it to promote what they think is right and what they believe in. Who:joseph stalin How:Stalin famously commissioned photographers through their news outlets to stage patriotic images of the Red Army. Who:kim jong un How:he hap posters up that show his face and all they say is obey

How to keep your power step 7 ● What methods do dictators use to control the internet / social media? They block it from there people to use it Who:kim jong un How:he hap posters up that show his face and all they say is obey Who:Xi Jinping How: he blocked all social media in his country

How to keep your power step 8 ● Define nationalism pride for your country ● Define genocide mass killing of people ● Define ethnic conflict conflict between two or more ethnic groups Who: benito mussolini How:“We deny your internationalism, because it is a luxury which only the upper classes can afford; the working people are hopelessly bound to their native shores.” Who:Saddam Hussein

How to keep your power step 9 ● What methods do dictators use to manipulate laws & policies?uses of scapegoats Who:adolf hitler How:blamed the jews Who:Muhammad bin Salman How:blames americans

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