IPM Group (indigopreciousmetals.com & preciousmetalsmalaysia.com) is a group of companies tradingin the physical precious metals business, primarily focused on the supply and physical delivery ofinvestment grade precious metals directly to customers.IPM Group specialises in the buying and selling of gold and silver bars or coins, as well as investmentgrade bars in Platinum, Palladium and Rhodium to private individuals, institutional investors, financialadvisors and family trusts.We help our customers to invest and take physical delivery in pre-eminent monetary and inflation-safehard monetary assets.We are registered and have a presence in Singapore and Malaysia, we sell predominantly withinMalaysia and Singapore but customers effectively based in any country can purchase from us and storetheir holdings in ‘fully allocated’ storage facilities in one of the world’s foremost safe deposit houses inSingapore.Customers can obtain the latest investment news; live pricing and exclusive offers through our e-commerce site and email newsletters.We are official distributors to the refiners Baird & Co. London, covering their full precious metalsproduct range. Please see their Gold line website distributor’s page here.The investment in bullion coins is a time-honored method of preserving wealth. We also offer a fullrange of investment grade bars, but considering our close business relationship with Baird & Co. refinersof London we can also offer more specialised precious metal products, such as your own design of coins.Please contact us directly for more information.IPM Group facilitates easy, efficient and safe access to classic investment vehicles such as investmentgrade physical bullion, sovereign mint coins of the realm. Our service is aimed at private individuals,asset managers and family trusts who are interested in buying precious metal bullion coin or bars up to1000 grams in individual product size. The minimum trading size is MYR 550 / US$ 150 / SG$ 200 whenplacing orders online.
StorageAn Allocated Metal Account involves the secure storage of specific numbered gold, silver, platinum,palladium or rhodium bars or coins, set aside in our vaults of ‘Freeport’ of Singapore and held as theproperty of and in the name of the account holder. Allocated account customers receive quarterlystatements and invoices.Allocated bars may be withdrawn from storage for collection at Freeport storage facility subject to 48hours prior notice. Allocated gold is fully covered by our insurance policy with Lloyds.Opening an allocated account is subject to the satisfactory completion of the necessary due diligence. Tosatisfy these requirements, we need to have evidence of identity in the form of a certified or scanned copyof your passport, driving licence or birth certificate, (or sight of the originals at our office). We alsorequire two items as proof of address such as a recent bank statement, stockbroker or credit cardstatements, utility bills or IRAS statement or property Tax bill’s.Allocated metal is fully covered by our insurance policy with Lloyds, with a charge for storage andinsurance on such holdings. Charges accrue daily (based on the value of the metal using the last availablefixing price each day) and are charged quarterly in arrears.Indigo Precious MetalsIPM Group and its affiliates in Malaysia and Singapore are dealing solely in the supply of physicalprecious metals, a large product range across 5 metal groups (Gold, Silver, Platinum, Palladium &Rhodium) .We offer a simple asset diversification opportunity, both in the form of direct delivery to ourcustomers and in storage opportunities at fully allocated vaults operated by one of World’s safest storagefacilities in Singapore Freeport.
SimplicityWe pride ourselves on our relationships with our customer base, hence when developing our customerfocused business plan we have concentrated on one single element above all else - simplicity.We believe in customer service and user-friendly navigation of our e-commerce site, which we havedeveloped over a lengthy period of time, with overall client experience and simplicity foremost in ourthoughts. We continue to develop the site making changes where applicable to benefit the customerexperience.ExperienceThe team at IPM Group (indigopreciousmetals.com) has many decades of experience in the bankingindustry working directly in investment and trading, across many asset class markets on behalf of thebanks and bank clients. We deal with precious metals on a daily basis, including buying, selling,transporting, storing and insuring them.We are open to taking calls from our customer base to communicate on how best to purchase theseinvestment products, but more importantly which products best suit their requirements. Indigo Precious Metals Group Singapore 30 Cecil Street #19-08 Prudential Tower Singapore, 049705 Phone: +65 315 827 91 Email: [email protected] Website: http://indigopreciousmetals.com
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