and ColActive® PLUS Ag Optimized Healing through an All-in-One Collagen Matrix Dressing
Hard-to-Heal A hard-to-heal wound is one that fails to heal with Wounds standard therapy in an orderly and timely manner.1 Including both acute and chronic wounds, hard-to-heal 2 wounds are a common challenge that increase clinical workloads and healthcare costs.2 Treatment options for hard-to-heal wounds are diverse and include a variety of dressing options. Dressings that provide a moist wound environment promote cell migration and facilitate wound edge contraction, while collagen-based dressings can assist in the management of overactive proteases.3 Often a variety of solutions are required to bring a wound to closure. ColActive® Plus and ColActive® Plus Ag incorporate alginate, CMC, EDTA and collagen, into a single solution to offer the benefits of each, in a single dressing.
Optimized Healing through an All-in-One Solution ColActive® Plus is a collagen matrix dressing that is applicable to a wide range of wound types. It incorporates a multitude of wound healing elements to provide an all encompassing solution, which include: Denatured collagen: Provides structural support to the wound bed and exposes active sites to improve activity as sacrificial substrate CMC: Enables conformability to the wound site and supports a moist wound environment Alginate: Absorbs protease containing exudate, promoting granulation in the wound bed while also maintaining a moist wound environment EDTA: binds zinc ions to selectively deactivate overactive MMPs without damaging important growth factors ColActive® Plus Ag also contains ionic silver to prevent colonization of bacteria within the dressing. 3
Collagen: Laying the Foundation for Effective Healing Collagen is a key protein of the extracellular matrix, both functionally and structurally, and acts primarily as a scaffold in connecting tissue. In ColActive® Plus, partially denatured collagen provides a structural scaffold to support native collagen and connective tissue growth within the wound bed. Collagen within the dressing also stimulates cellular processes and recruits cells essential for wound healing. By providing a structural scaffold and stimulating essential wound healing processes, ColActive® Plus lays the foundation for effective healing. 4
Optimal Moisture 5 Balance In addition to collagen, ColActive® Plus contains two commonly used gelling agents to help support a moist wound environment in wounds with varying levels of exudate. Alginate can absorb 20x its weight in fluid, forming a gel that can provide a dry wound with a physiologically moist environment, while also promoting rapid re-epithelialization and granulation tissue formation.2 Carboxymethylcellulose (CMC) also forms a gel through the absorption of wound exudate and serum. Together, alginate and CMC manage wound exudate and moisture to optimize the wound healing environment.
Endogenous Helical Collagen Interactive MMP Partially Denatured Helical Collagen Management in Wounds 6 ColActive® Plus uniquely offers three mechanisms to control overactive MMPs and protect newly formed tissue within the wound bed Partially denatured collagen acts as a sacrificial substrate, with exposed active sites facilitating greater interaction with MMPs Gelling agents absorb excess MMP containing wound exudate, effectively removing them from the wound bed EDTA selectively binds zinc, permanently deactivating MMPs without harming important growth factors.
EDTA: Selective and When activated by zinc, MMPs break down wound bed Permanent MMP components, like collagen, which are critical to healing. Management EDTA, a component of ColActive Plus®, has a high affinity for zinc, and when in high enough concentrations, can bind MMP-activating zinc ions. Once bound, MMPs be- comes inactive, creating an environment suitable for wound healing. Without EDTA With EDTA 7
The Addition of Silver: Microbial Reduction (%) at 24 hours ColActive® Plus Ag Microorganism Microbial Reduction (%) ColActive® Plus Ag also has the added benefit C. albicans 99.9996% of silver, preventing bacterial colonization 99.9996% within the dressing and in turn, protecting P. aeruginosa 99.9981% the wound bed from further risk of infection. VRE Twenty-four hour antimicrobial activity of ColActive Plus Ag against various microorganisms (AATCC 100 test method)* *Covalon Technologies Ltd. Data on file. 8
Complete Wound ColActive Plus is a collagen matrix dressing that Healing with ColActive® incorporates a multitude of wound healing elements to provide an all-in-one solution, applicable to a wide Plus Matrix Dressings range of wound types. The dressing combines advanced components to provide: Structural support and cell proliferation Optimized moisture management Selective deactivation of harmful proteases Reduced bacterial colonization 9
Covalon Technologies is committed to improving ColActive® Plus outcomes and patient experiences. Our team of Collagen Matrix Dressing clinical specialists are available to support evaluations with product education, in-servicing Reference Size Dressings per Carton / and ongoing clinical support. Number (cm) Cartons per Case 5cm x 5cm 10/10 For more information about ColActive® Plus, or to TWBC1016 request a product evaluation at your facility, visit us 5550220 10cm x 10cm 10/10 at TWBC1018 18cm x 18cm 10/10 5550440 TWBC1035 5550770 10
Covalon's Portfolio for Wound Healing Dressing Selection Guide In addition to ColActive® Plus and ColActive® Plus Ag, CofoavlllaeoCtxonuoodmvfafateearlsolneavnaep’glsosretwfowolioouounf ProdDuctrsessing Selection GuiLdighet Exudate L eCv eolvHaealvoyn’s wounSedlfc-AadrheerepntroGdeullicngts cunadCnearncbobmee upusreessdseiodn Antimic Moderate to manage wounds of all exudate levels. Collagen Exudate Level Self-Adherent Gelling Can be used Antimicrobial under compression ProCdoulcAtsctive® Plus and Light Moderate Heavy ColActive® Plus Ag ColClaogleAnctive® Transfer ColActive® Plus and Alginate ColActive® Plus Ag CovCaoWlAocutinvde®™TAralngsifnearte and CovaWound™ Alginate Ag Alginate HydrocolloCidovaWound™ Alginate and CovaWound™ Alginate Ag CovaWound™ Hydrocolloid and HydCroocvoaWllooidund™ Hydrocolloid with border CovCaoWvoaWunodu™ndH™yHdryodcrocllolildoi(dTahnind/Lite) CovaWound™ Hydrocolloid with border Silicone FoCaomvaWound™ Hydrocolloid (Thin/Lite) CovaWound™ Silicone and SilicCoonveaFWooamund™ Silicone with Border CovaWound™ Silicone and CovCaoWvaoWunodun™dS™iSliciliocnonee(wLiitteh)Baonrdder CovaWound™ Silicone (Lite) with Border CovaWound™ Silicone (Lite) and Foam CovaWound™ Silicone (Lite) with Border FoamCovaWound™ SuperAbsorbent CovaWound™ SuperAbsorbent CovaWound™ Foam CovaWound™ Foam CovaWound™ Foam with Border CovaWound™ Foam with Border ColActive® is a registered trademarks of Covalon Technologies Ltd. CovaWound™ is a trademarks of Covalon Technologies Ltd. © 2019 Covalon Technologies Ltd. Mississauga, ON, Canada L4W 5S7 WC-DSG-0 11 ColActive® is a registered trademarks of Covalon Technologies Ltd. CovaWound™ is a trademarks of Covalon Technologies Ltd. © 2019 Covalon Technologies Ltd. Mississauga, ON, Canada L4W 5S7 WC-DSG-0
Distributed by: References 1. Vowden, P. Hard-to-heal Wounds Made Easy. Wounds International 2011; 2(4): Available from 2. Dowsett, C. Breaking the Cycle of Hard-to-Heal Wounds: Balancing Cost and Care. Wounds Inter- national 2015; 6(2): Available from 3. Halim, A.S. et al. Wound bed preparation from a clinical perspective. Indian J Past Surg. (2012) 45:2, 193-202. 4. P,Aramwit. (2016) Introduction to biomaterials for wound healing. Wound Healing Biomaterials. Vol 2, 3-38. 1.877.711.6055 [email protected] ColActive® vmay not be cleared in all markets and product indication claim(s) may vary between markets. ColActive® is a registered trademark of Covalon Technologies Ltd. © 2019 Covalon Technologies Ltd. CP-PB-0 (02/2020)
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