FLFaarrbommtoTracing the Journeysof the 2013 and 2014AWARD Fellows
FLFaarrbommtoTracing the Journeysof the 2013 and 2014AWARD Fellows
Correct citation: From Lab to Farm: Tracing the Journeys of the2013 and 2014 AWARD Fellows© 2016 African Women in Agricultural Researchand Development (AWARD)African Women in Agricultural Research and Development(AWARD)Hosted by the World Agroforestry CentreUnited Nations Avenue, GigiriP.O. Box 30677-00100Nairobi, Kenya+254 (0) 20 722 4242Email: awardqueries@cgiar.orgwww.awardfellowships.orgEditors:Anne WangalachiDesign & layout:Conrad Mudibo, Ecomedia
Table of Contents FROM LAB TO FARM | TRACING THE JOURNEYS OF THE 2013 AND 2014 AWARD FELLOWSWord from the AWARD Director................................................................... vAcronyms.......................................................................................................viPreface.........................................................................................................viiEast Africa at a Glance.................................................................................. 1East Africa Fellows’ Journeys........................................................................ 2West Africa at a Glance............................................................................... 35West Africa Fellows’ Journeys..................................................................... 36Southern Africa at a glance ........................................................................ 65Southern Africa Fellows’ Journeys.............................................................. 66 iii
Word from the AWARDDirectorA robust agricultural innovation system is critical if Africa is to riseto the food security challenges facing the continent. To innovateits way out of its current challenges, Africa cannot afford to leaveany resources, especially the talents of its scientists, underutilized.For the past eight years, AWARD has invested in high-potentialAfrican women agricultural scientists to ensure that they havethe scientific and leadership skills to contribute to the Africanagricultural innovation agenda. Specifically, our two-year careerdevelopment fellowships are aimed at fixing the leaky pipeline ofwomen’s leadership in agricultural sciences in Africa.This publication celebrates the contributions that African Wanjiru Kamau-Rutenberg FROM LAB TO FARM | TRACING THE JOURNEYS OF THE 2013 AND 2014 AWARD FELLOWSwomen scientists are making towards Africa’s renewal. The Directorpublication showcases African women scientists drivingtechnological innovations – from biotechnology to information AWARDand communications technology. The scientists featured hereare focused on finding solutions to the range of challenges facingAfrica’s farmers: from productivity to profitability.This publication also showcases the ways that AWARD Fellowsare empowering African women farmers. From policy dialogues,to market places, and in villages, these inspiring African womenscientists are transforming communities across Africa for thebetter. They are setting up social enterprises and communityorganizations; they are leveraging new funding sources; they arefinding new sources of power, confidence and influence withinthemselves. Through this publication we welcome you to follow the inspiringjourneys of these daughters of Africa. We invite you to joinus as we celebrate the progress and achievements of Africa’sleading women agricultural scientists and to cheer them on asthey pioneer new agricultural technologies at Africa’s innovationfrontiers.Dr. Wanjiru Kamau-RutenbergDirector, AWARD v
AcronymsFROM LAB TO FARM | TRACING THE JOURNEYS OF THE 2013 AND 2014 AWARD FELLOWS AST Advanced Science Training BMGF Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation CIAT International Center for Tropical Agriculture CIRAD Centre de Coopération Internationale en Recherche Agronomique pour le Développement (Agricultural CSIR Research for Development) DANIDA Council for Scientific Industrial Research ICRISAT Danish International Development Agency International Crops Research Institute for Semi- and Arid- IITA Tropics ILRI International Institute of Tropical Agriculture IUFOR International Livestock Research Institute MSc International Union of Forest Research Organizations pB Master of Science pD Post-Bachelor’s Level PhD Post-Doctoral level pM Doctor of Philosophy RUFORUM Post-Master’s Level U.K. Regional Universities Forum for Capacity Building in AFRICA U.S.A. United Kingdom USAID United States of America United States Agency for International Developmentvi
Preface FROM LAB TO FARM | TRACING THE JOURNEYS OF THE 2013 AND 2014 AWARD FELLOWSIn this publication, AWARD Fellows from the 2013 and 2014 cohorts share progressthey have made in their research and careers based on goals set at the beginningof their fellowship. The short progress summaries in the fellows’ own voice alsodetail outputs these African women agricultural scientists have achieved over thecourse of their capacity development journey.AWARD Fellows cover the laboratory-to-farm range: with laboratory-basedscientists on one end to those who are field-based and work more directly withfarmers on the other. Most fellows are, however, working in both the laboratory andthe farm, as well as in process or people management roles at different institutions.As the fellows’ narratives take shape, a pattern emerges—their outputs looselyfall into one of four categories—transformation in the laboratory, in their career,on the farm, and ultimately, influence on the greater agriculture landscape. Thesecategories are not mutually exclusive; fellows have a foot in more than one field,for instance, a fellow with growing influence is likely to have strong laboratory andsignificant farm activity.This publication profiles 100 AWARD Fellows from 15 countries in the followingsub-regions:East Africa: Ethiopia, Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania, and Uganda;Southern Africa: Malawi, Mozambique, and Zambia;West Africa: Nigeria, Ghana, Liberia, Cote D’Ivoire (Ivory Coast), Burkina Faso, Maliand Cameroon.AWARD offerings—the career development workshops, science writing andleadership courses, international conference attendance and professionalassociation membership, role-modeling, advanced science training, andmentoring—are often cited as directly or partially contributing to fellows’ realizedoutputs.With each fellow’s growing impact, AWARD hopes to position competent womenagricultural scientists to lead more effective, gender-responsive innovations in theAfrican agriculture landscape. vii
East Africa at a GlanceNumber of AWARD Fellowsby countryCountry pB pM pD Total 21 8Ethiopia 13 42 1 25Kenya 53 74 2Rwanda 1 1 9Tanzania 1 13 22 11Uganda 22 77 11Total 41 12 7 55Grand Total 12 10 14 19 22 2013 2014 FROM LAB TO FARM | TRACING THE JOURNEYS OF THE 2013 AND 2014 AWARD FELLOWS Ethiopia 8 pB 4 pM 3 pD 1 Uganda Kenya 11 25 pB 5 pB 8 pM 4 pM 6 pD 2 pD 11 Rwanda Tanzania 2 9 pB 1 pB 4 pD 1 pM 1 pD 4 1
East Africa Fellows’ JourneysFROM LAB TO FARM | TRACING THE JOURNEYS OF THE 2013 AND 2014 AWARD FELLOWS Jane Ambuko, 2013 Post- to pursue this line of research since Doctoral Fellow, Kenya thousands of smallholder farmers lose at least 40 percent of their harvest, and “What I love about the AWARD in the case of horticulture this is even Fellowship is that it shows you that higher. “This is like a farmer losing 50 anything is possible in your career; percent and more of what they invested you just have to imagine it! I can in producing the crop simply because say that my career got a real boost they do not have access to information when I joined the AWARD Fellowship or technologies on how to better store program in 2013, after four attempts. their harvest,” explains Ambuko. The effort to get in has been worth it! Participating in the fellowship has Thanks to the AWARD Fellowship, helped me to sharpen my career Jane Ambuko has received national, focus, improve my networking and Africa-wide and global visibility. This visibility, and hone my leadership newfound visibility has allowed her to skills,” Jane Ambuko, 2013 post- network and collaborate with leading Doctoral AWARD Fellow, Kenya. professionals whom she has admired over the years. Jane Ambuko is a Senior Lecturer currently working at the University “In 2014, at the International of Nairobi. She is the Head of the Horticultural Congress in Australia, I Horticulture Unit of the Plant Science was connected with Dr. Jim Simons, a and Crop Protection Department. professor in the Department of Plant Biology and Pathology at the Rutgers Ambuko’s research is focused on School of Environment and Biological working with local manufacturers in Sciences in New Brunswick, New Jersey, Kenya to build brick coolers from United States of America (U.S.A.). I am locally available materials that local now collaborating with him on a project farmers can use to store their harvest. to promote better nutritional health The farmers she has trained on how in vulnerable groups,” she shares. to use the technology confirm that it “Through the fellowship, I have been works and that they are happy with the given the tools with which to inspire results. others, particularly my students, to have a better appreciation for their chosen “The technologies I am researching field—agriculture—and to learn of the on include the CoolBot system— endless career possibilities available which uses a standard domestic air in the field. I have seen that this helps conditioner to create a ‘cold room’ them to approach their studies with effect—and the Zero Energy Brick interest and enthusiasm, and get good Cooler, which is based on the principle grades.” of evaporative cooling. I was inspired2
“Jane has benefited immensely from AWARD. She has been able to FROM LAB TO FARM | TRACING THE JOURNEYS OF THE 2013 AND 2014 AWARD FELLOWSparticipate in many international scientific conferences with supportfrom AWARD. She has also taken up fellowships that have enhancedher capacity to conduct molecular studies on postharvest physiologyand technology.She is an excellent networker who is empowering postgraduatestudents by sponsoring their participation in workshops andconferences. If you are her student, you may not graduate if youhave not made a presentation at a scientific forum. She is nowmore confident in celebrating her achievements and in acceptingrecognition for her efforts from colleagues.” Prof. Chemining’wa, Head of Department, Department of Plant Science and Crop Protection, University of Nairobi 3
FROM LAB TO FARM | TRACING THE JOURNEYS OF THE 2013 AND 2014 AWARD FELLOWS Mercy Nasimiyu Wamalwa, a former AWARD Fellow, Ruth 2014 Post-Master’s Fellow, Wanyera. In addition, I received a Kenya six-month training opportunity in an international laboratory in Denmark I am currently working as an Assistant under the guidance of Professor Lecturer in the Department of Mogens Stovring Hovmoller to Biological Sciences at Egerton improve my skills in identifying rust University, Kenya. I am also conducting resistance in wheat. Additionally, I doctorate research on rust diseases won the coveted Advanced Science in wheat. My enduring interest is to Training (AST) placement at DuPont find sustainable solutions to these Pioneer in Iowa, U.S.A. I am happy problems by developing rust-resistant for the opportunity to enhance my wheat varieties. research skills and get closer to my career goal of developing rust- After joining the AWARD Fellowship resistant wheat varieties that will program, and specifically attending benefit smallholder farmers in Kenya the AWARD Science Skills Course, and the greater Eastern Africa region. I experienced a number of career milestones such as employment as an My professional profile has also Assistant Lecturer, successful defense gained visibility having featured in a of my Doctorate of Philosophy (PhD) number of websites such as AWARD’s proposal, and made my maiden as a fellow, Yellow Rust’s as a PhD submissions of scientific articles from student, and the Egerton University my Master of Science (MSc) thesis to websites as an Assistant Lecturer a peer-reviewed journal; one of which in the Department of Biological was accepted for publication. I am Sciences. grateful for the guidance, professional connections and support I have I am sharing what I have gained from gained from my mentor, Professor the AWARD Fellowship with other Lenah Nakhone Wati. female scientists to enable them identify their career goals and pursue Thanks to the networking them. I mentor a Master’s degree opportunities of the AWARD student carrying out research in plant Fellowship, I have established protection, and other bachelor’s and professional links with researchers master’s students. Additionally, I from both Denmark and the United influenced a female scientist who had Kingdom (U.K.), which has led to given up on pursuing an MSc degree international collaboration in a project to prepare and submit an application titled ‘Maximizing the Potential for to the Egerton University. Sustainable and Durable Resistance to the Wheat Yellow Rust Pathogen’ These life-changing achievements as a PhD student. The research is are all thanks to the AWARD led by a group at the John Innes Fellowship program, which awakened Centre, U.K. and also involves the potential within me as well as empowered me.4
Eden Getachew Tolossa, promoted to Senior Associate and FROM LAB TO FARM | TRACING THE JOURNEYS OF THE 2013 AND 2014 AWARD FELLOWS2014 Post-Bachelor’s assigned to set up the LivestockFellow, Ethiopia Program at the Ethiopian Agricultural Transformation Agency (ATA). AfterAt the start of my AWARD Fellowship, completing my term at ATA, I joinedI set a number of targets for myself the Africa Governance Initiativeso as to advance my career. The as a Governance Advisor, andmain goal was to support the since September 2014 I have beentransformation agenda of my country working as a Delivery Advisor tothrough innovative developmental the government of Ethiopia. I alsoinitiatives. Over the past year, I have expanded my networks, and havemade tangible progress on this target since joined the African Association ofand others by moving to a more Agricultural Economists.influential job and setting up a socialenterprise to work with smallholder During this journey, I receivedfarmers on fruits and vegetables invaluable advice and personal insightthrough an out-growers scheme. from my mentor, Aster Zaoude, whose guidance and friendship I am gratefulI have participated in a number of for.courses to develop my science andinterpersonal skills, with the most Nina Wambiji, 2013 Post-impactful being the AWARD Science Doctoral Fellow, KenyaSkills Course as well as the Agriculturein Transition Course at Wageningen At the start of my AWARD Fellowship,University in The Netherlands. I aspired to be an internationally recognized scientist who appliesI successfully began a social enterprise modern marine research skills, energycalled ‘Green Path Food’ with various and leadership to empower fishingpartners including the Massachusetts communities and all stakeholders toInstitute of Technology. Green Path sustainably utilize marine and fisheries’Food aims to work with smallholder resources along the Eastern Africafarmers across East Africa to produce coastline. I also wanted to conductorganic fruits and vegetables through research and set up a molecularpermaculture farming techniques. I lab, be promoted to a senioram currently a pro-bono advisor to research officer by the end of thethe company, which has begun a pilot AWARD Fellowship, and improve mymodel in Ethiopia with 20 avocado leadership and conflict managementfarmers around Butajira area, 130 km skills.from the capital, Addis Ababa. During my fellowship I worked veryWith the skills and knowledge I closely with my mentor, Dr. Santieobtained through the AWARD De Villiers, and benefited fromFellowship, I applied for and obtaineda number of promotions. I was 5
FROM LAB TO FARM | TRACING THE JOURNEYS OF THE 2013 AND 2014 AWARD FELLOWS opportunities to conduct collaborative the AWARD Fellows sharing their research projects. Some of these have skills and knowledge. I have since involved regional researchers from participated in the writing of five Mauritius, Tanzania and South Africa. regional proposals; two of them in collaboration with my mentor Dr. This has been an exciting time for De Villiers, and other colleagues. I me as I have learned much about have received funding as a Principal myself, and how to work effectively Investigator in one regional fisheries with others—whether as a leader or project, and as a co-investigator in as a team member. After the AWARD another. Leadership Skills Course, I became I like the mentoring concept of the a team leader for Fisheries Research AWARD Fellowship. I am sharing the in a World Bank-funded project skills and knowledge I gained with my tackling stock assessment research students and AWARD Fellow Mentee. and improving fishing gear to ensure This helps me to practice what I learn environmentally sustainable fishing. in the fellowship. I have also learnt how to delegate, work as a team, and give and receive Thanks to AWARD for the chance feedback in all my endeavors. These to shape my career. I am now more things have made me a more effective prominent as a member of several person. committees at my place of work, and national taskforces on fisheries I have begun the process of setting research in Kenya. up a molecular fisheries research laboratory, of which some equipment Miriam Siriri, 2013 Post- for the molecular work has already Bachelor’s Fellow, Uganda been bought. I have been accepted as a Research Fellow at the ‘Biosciences When I joined the AWARD Fellowship eastern and central Africa’ facility—an program, I was the coordinator for internationally acclaimed laboratory an initiative that sought to bring hosted at the International Livestock together civil society organizations Research Institute (ILRI)—where I am and public universities to collaborate conducting research on the diversity on agricultural issues. The initiative of rabbitfish. This fish is an important brought together agricultural marine fish and a staple food among knowledge that can bridge the gap the coastal community in Kenya. between farmers and researchers to effectively improve agricultural The most useful course of the productivity for rural households. program, I found, was the AWARD Science Skills Course where I learned But this did not feel like a position how to write scientific articles and that would fulfill my career goals grant proposals. I also liked the as I had outlined at the start of the fact that this course provided me with a richer experience through6
fellowship. I sourced for and found Judith Oyoo, 2013 Post- FROM LAB TO FARM | TRACING THE JOURNEYS OF THE 2013 AND 2014 AWARD FELLOWSanother position as a Monitoring Bachelor’s Fellow, Kenyaand Evaluation (M&E) specialistwithin a United States Agency for When I won the AWARD Fellowship,International Development (USAID)- I was excited to set about outliningfunded agriculture policy project: my career development plan, andFeed the Future. This project assists defining how I would achieve mypolicymakers to improve the policy, vision in line with my professionallegal, and regulatory frameworks that path. I envision contributing to theaffect agricultural production and eradication of hunger in sub-Saharantrade as well as enable farmers and Africa by empowering smallholderagribusinesses conduct business. I am farmers through training on goodpleased with the role as it will help agronomic practices, leadership,to build my expertise in agricultural group dynamics and market links andpolicy. access.After the AWARD Science Skills Before taking part in the AWARDCourse, I finalized my MSc studies in Fellowship program, I was timid,agriculture economics, which then lacked self-confidence, was unfocusedprovided opportunities to embark on and thought I only lived to earnother complementary study programs a salary. The AWARD Leadershipin M&E and management. Skills Course helped to shape my personality, improve my relationshipI have also increased my professional with others by developing my listeningnetworks as a result of the AWARD skills, and boosting my confidence.Fellowship. For example, I am These newfound qualities contributedinvolved in an initiative to determine to my professional image and resultedthe success factors for improving in me getting more responsibilities.household income and nutrition For example, my colleagues now trustamong women and youth within me so much more that they appointedhouseholds in the districts of Iganga, me to be part of the committee ofKamuli, Namutumba and Kaliro in Tigoni Welfare Association, whichEastern Uganda. From the findings manages our money, to ensure thatof this collaboration, the initiative their money is handled well. It is alsowill come up with a memorandum of evident that my line managers haveunderstanding on how to execute the more confidence in me since I joinedrecommendations that will benefit the AWARD Fellowship program—Iwomen and youth improve their was recently appointed as the head ofhousehold income and nutrition. flower section in my center. The AWARD Science Skills Course was very useful in improving my science skills such as data analysis, which came in handy when I was analyzing the data from my MSc research project. 7
FROM LAB TO FARM | TRACING THE JOURNEYS OF THE 2013 AND 2014 AWARD FELLOWS I have been able to publish a paper Claire Mugasa, 2013 Post- in a peer-reviewed journal as a main Doctoral AWARD Fellow, author and co-authored three others. Uganda I have also presented four scientific papers on my work in conferences, Since I joined the AWARD Fellowship and they have further been submitted program, I have made achievements for publishing. in various aspects of my career such as the transition from lecturer With support from my mentor, Dr. when I began the fellowship to Miriam Otipa, I have worked on senior lecturer. I am responsible for developing 12 Green & Yellow Lists— overseeing the graduate students’ which will act as a diagnostic tool for office in the College of Veterinary determining crop pests and diseases. Medicine, Animal Resources and Furthermore, I joined five professional Biosecurity at Makerere University, associations where I receive technical and in charge of graduate research reports from two associations (both master’s and PhD). Through the quarterly, and have been selected to AWARD Science Skills Course and peer review articles for a reputable the AWARD Women’s Leadership journal that has now improved my and Management Course, I gained science skills. I felt empowered when valuable skills that I now apply in I was able to successfully carry out my day-to-day duties, as well as in my first consultancy assignment with asserting myself as an upcoming a non-governmental organization in senior lecturer. By understanding my Kilifi County where, together with my personality, applying the principles mentor, we demonstrated effective of teamwork and leadership skills climate smart technologies. acquired from the program, I am able to manage my new responsibilities Through the AWARD Fellowship, I well. got the opportunity to travel outside my country for the first time in 2014, I have written several research thus broadening my experience from proposals involving qualitative data national to international. I successfully collection, and so far one of these applied for a three-week training proposals has passed the first stage of facilitated by the International Centre screening, thanks to the short course for Development-Oriented Research on research methods sponsored in Agriculture on linking research to by AWARD. I was also confident local rural innovations in Wageningen enough to volunteer to be the team University, The Netherlands. This was leader in writing this collaborative fully supported by the Netherlands proposal. Through this proposal, Fellowship Program, which I I have expanded my professional participated in. Thank you AWARD network to include three international for shaping, tuning, directing and entomology researchers from Benin, releasing me to influence the lives of Nigeria and Tanzania. I am also other women and young girls. You actively involved in social science have increased my worth.8
research, specifically gender issues The AWARD Science Skills Course FROM LAB TO FARM | TRACING THE JOURNEYS OF THE 2013 AND 2014 AWARD FELLOWSaffecting agricultural production in taught me how to write winningareas with natural disasters in Uganda. proposals, such as one to design aMy involvement has been encouraged deep water farming device to combatby my mentor, Professor Christopher the problem of seaweed breakage,Rubaire-Akiiki of Makerere University, which was submitted to the Westernwho introduced me to some Indian Ocean Marine Scienceresearchers in his network at the Association and accepted. I have alsobeginning of the fellowship. Now I am submitted two other proposals, one tomore knowledgeable in writing and disseminate the deep water farmingapplying for holistic research project technology to coastal communitiesgrants with both quantitative and in Zanzibar, and the other on valuequalitative components. addition. I have written two scientific publications together with colleagues inI have since supported my AWARD Tanzania and abroad. I am also honoredFellow Mentee to complete writing to contribute to my mentor’s book onand submission of two manuscripts the seaweed Sargassum as a co-author.for publication—prerequisites forattaining her PhD. My professional network has also increased, as I was invited to give aFlower E. Msuya, 2014 public lecture at Bremen University,Post-Doctoral Fellow, Germany, where I talked about myTanzania work on the deep water seaweed farming technique and value addition.When I joined the AWARD Fellowship I was also invited to a conferenceprogram, I articulated five main in Egypt to talk about how climatecareer goals comprising: developing change impacts seaweed farming.devices for deep water farming of the In both cases, my talks were wellhigher valued but environmentally received and triggered a lot of interestsensitive seaweed; adding value from participants.through production of plant growthstimulators; producing resistant I have enjoyed supervisingvarieties of seaweed; writing research postgraduate students: a master’sproposals and journal articles; and student who completed her studiesproducing a book on seaweed. I in 2014 as well as a PhD student whoam glad to say that I am well on my has just begun her studies. Theseway to achieving these goals, thanks achievements were possible afterto the support and guidance from becoming an AWARD Fellow andmy AWARD Mentor, Professor Keto learning how to be more assertive, asMshigeni. well as working with diverse people. The great support from my mentor has also made a world of difference. 9
FROM LAB TO FARM | TRACING THE JOURNEYS OF THE 2013 AND 2014 AWARD FELLOWS Yenealem Bezawit, 2014 farmers. Post-Bachelor’s Fellow, Ethiopia My mentor, Amrote Abdella, has been crucial in the advancement of my When I started the AWARD Fellowship career. One of the greatest lessons I in March 2014, I had the opportunity took from her was the challenge to to set out clear career goals, which try all opportunities and not to be included ultimately beginning my own afraid of failure. This includes not agribusiness enterprise. At this time I getting discouraged by the minimum was working as a program analyst at the requirements set for any job or study, Ethiopian Agricultural Transformation even if they are higher than mine. Agency (ATA). Shortly afterwards I was Through this coaching, I got the promoted to a program associate in confidence to apply for a job that the wheat and barley value chain team. required more years of experience Wishing to diversify my experience than what I had and I was able to and increase the scope of my work, I clinch it. requested the management to assign me to another team, but was given the In the past year, I participated in an opportunity to work with the livestock international course titled Adapting value chain team which was not my to Climate Change for Agricultural preferred option. Growth, organized by the Danish International Development Agency The management’s decision was (DANIDA) in Copenhagen, Denmark. communicated to me while I was I also got admitted into a graduate undertaking the AWARD Leadership study program at the University of Skills Course, and right after I had Applied Science in Berlin, Germany, participated in the AWARD Enhancing but have deferred this to 2016 so as to Negotiation Skills for Women Course. gain some experience in my new role. I decided to put the lessons learnt into practice and worked with the course Mary W. Gateri, 2013 trainer on crafting my response, which Post-Bachelor’s Fellow, involved politely declining the offer Kenya and communicating my interest to work in yet another team. I then used At the start of my fellowship, I was the negotiation skills I learnt to get to required to come up with a career work in the area of my interest within development plan. Thereafter I the office of the chief executive officer. became quite focused and more serious in my work. In spite of my Currently, I work as the agribusiness advanced age, I enrolled for MSc manager at Diageo, which provides studies in Horticulture at the University me with knowledge and networks that of Nairobi in September 2013. I take me a step closer to my career have since completed the course goal of starting my own agribusiness and improving the lives of smallholder10
work and embarked on the research partner with foreign investors connected FROM LAB TO FARM | TRACING THE JOURNEYS OF THE 2013 AND 2014 AWARD FELLOWSproject, and anticipate graduating in by Agri-Profocus Kenya to develop theDecember 2015. mushroom industry in Kenya. I was also appointed to the National SteeringTo improve my professional Committee of Agri-Profocus Kenya, andassociations, I presented and in this position I will conduct trainingpublished two research papers; sessions for East African farmers onone in the ACTA Horticulturae and mushroom production technologies,the other in the proceedings of and coordinate the set-up of a largethe 8th International Conference on spawn production facility that servesMushroom Biology and Mushroom the region. To share knowledgeProducts (ICMBMP), both of which on mushroom production, I amwere peer-reviewed. I also enrolled publishing a book titled A Manual forfor membership in the World Society Mushroom Production and Marketingfor Mushroom Biology and Mushroom in Kenya. I am grateful to AWARD forProducts to enhance networking, the fellowship opportunity that hascollaboration and partnership. Within transformed my career.the AWARD Fellowship, I undertookseveral courses such as the AWARD Victoria Bulegeya, 2013Leadership Skills Course and the Post-Bachelor’s Fellow,AWARD Science Skills Course, to grow Tanzaniamy research and leadership potential. Spending two years as an AWARDI have also learned how to mentor Fellow has been the best thing in myyoung and upcoming scientists, and career and life in general. I began theI am proud to share that my mentee, fellowship as a junior professional,Susan Kabachia, successfully joined the employed as an agriculture scientist. IAWARD Fellowship program in 2015. was working in cotton breeding at theI also carried out a successful role- Agricultural Research Institute (ARI) inmodeling event at Ngandu Girls High Morogoro. The AWARD FellowshipSchool and also became, on request, provided me with a mentor, Dr. Everinea mentor to three girls who joined the Lukonge, who is a successful cottonJomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture breeder. Dr. Lukonge provided meand Technology to pursue agriculture with guidance and advice on how tostudies. further my career as an agricultural researcher. Despite not being in theNow I strive to demonstrate excellence same geographical area, my mentorin leadership, for example by was able to communicate with mefacilitating the National Mushroom through e-mails and phone calls toSteering Committee meeting during exchange ideas and information. I wasa stakeholders’ workshop in 2013. fortunate to spend two weeks at herThrough this committee, an associationhas been formed to help solve thechallenges faced by mushroom farmersin Kenya. The association also hopes to 11
research institute, ARI in Mwanza, where Edidah Lubega Ampaire, I learnt about experimental design for 2013 Post-Master’s Fellow, breeding tests and cross pollination in Uganda cotton trials.FROM LAB TO FARM | TRACING THE JOURNEYS OF THE 2013 AND 2014 AWARD FELLOWS The AWARD Fellowship was a game At the beginning of my AWARD changer in my life. It connected me Fellowship, I set three goals: to to other scientists in Africa working develop a research niche, to position in different disciplines in agriculture. myself to help women and girls This opportunity was crucial for my realize their potential, and to grow my career advancement as I am now able writing and communication skills to to engage with other scientists easily. I communicate science. also joined an international professional association, the American Crop Science My AWARD journey began when I was Society, through which I can access recruited as a post-master’s fellow in current information on crop research 2012, while still undertaking my PhD and production. studies at the University of Pretoria. I completed my PhD program and The AWARD Leadership Skills Course graduated in September 2013. One was my first opportunity to attend a of my long-held dreams has been to course that builds my non-technical work at the United Nations. When I skills as a scientist. Through the course, shared this with my AWARD Mentor, I was educated on how to be a good she advised that to make this a leader and shown which skills I should reality, I should focus on gender and improve on to enhance my confidence policy. I therefore integrated this and personality. The course also gave into my career development plan. me practical knowledge on how to Through the AWARD Fellowship, I handle different situations at my work have improved skills in science and place. gender research by conducting field research, writing scientific publications In general, the fellowship opened and networking with others. It is doors in my budding career. Now I walk noteworthy that when I joined the confidently, believing in myself and in AWARD Fellowship program, I did not what I am doing as I know it impacts have any publications to my name. smallholder farmers’ lives in my country, In the space of two years, besides and in Africa. During my fellowship technical reports, I have published five I was able to obtain a scholarship to papers as lead author in two of them. pursue graduate studies in crop science Additionally, I have developed three and horticulture at the Ohio State manuscripts for submission as lead University, U.S.A. Thank you AWARD. author, as well as two policy briefs. Before the AWARD Fellowship, I would not have dared to apply for any job for which I did not feel fully qualified. However, I applied for a12
scientist position at the International is at the final review stage. I have FROM LAB TO FARM | TRACING THE JOURNEYS OF THE 2013 AND 2014 AWARD FELLOWSInstitute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA) also improved my scientific writingin 2014 and applying the knowledge skills and prepared a paper on calfand skills obtained from the AWARD health, management and growth intraining, I was able to emerge as smallholder dairy farms. My visibility andthe best candidate at the interview, collaboration have also greatly improveddespite having only received my and I am a co-investigator in twoPhD the previous year. I have since projects in my institution, in which wemoved a step higher in the career are focusing on enhancing smallholdergoals I set for myself. In my role as farmer food security through improvingproject coordinator, my network has animal productivity.expanded widely and I have becomesignificantly visible at important Through my field work, I havefora. I coordinate a multi-agency developed both national andcollaborative project with initiatives international professional networks thatin both Uganda and Tanzania. To be have yielded additional collaborativesuccessful in this role, where I manage opportunities, and a joint scientificpublic-private partnerships, I have put paper that will be published soon.into use the soft skills that I learned AWARD also facilitated my membershipduring the AWARD courses such as in two professional associations: theconflict resolution, assertiveness, good World Association for the Advancementcommunication, and team leadership. of Veterinary Parasitology and the Tanzania Association of Women LeadersJelly Changa, 2014 Post- in Agriculture and Environment. I amDoctoral Fellow, Tanzania grateful to AWARD for the opportunity to learn a lot from other professionals,At the start of my AWARD Fellowship, and to grow my networks in veterinaryI set out to increase the productivity parasitology.of dairy cattle owned by smallholderfarmers in order to improve these Hewan Demissie Degu,farmers’ livelihoods. I intended to 2013 Post-Doctoral Fellow,accomplish this by training farmers Ethiopiaand increasing their access toaffordable technologies. My AWARD Fellowship gave me much- needed confidence; confidence thatThanks to the AWARD Science Skills has enabled me to pursue my dreamsCourse that included grant writing, I to the fullest. I found the training,have since developed and submitted in both technical and soft skills, totwo proposals in collaboration with be well-structured and beneficial.my mentor to raise funds for my dairy By outlining my goals in the careerproductivity projects, one of which development plan, I was able to map out how to achieve them. 13
FROM LAB TO FARM | TRACING THE JOURNEYS OF THE 2013 AND 2014 AWARD FELLOWS I won an AST opportunity that took of a new plant biotechnology me to DuPont Pioneer and Iowa laboratory, which I will lead at Hawassa State University in the U.S.A., where University. I got to improve my scientific skills. Additionally, while there, I was able to Linda Kairuthi Ethangatta, get along well with people, thanks to Post-Doctoral Fellow the leadership and interpersonal skills 2014, Kenya I gained. At the start of my AWARD Fellowship, Because of my AWARD training, I I aimed to improve the livelihoods have been able to grow a strong and nutritional care of young children and high-level international network among smallholder farmers. To this that I did not have before. From the end, I have followed a public-private Science Skills Course, I gained in- partnership approach, bringing depth understanding of proposal and together my institution the African research paper writing. These skills Nazarene University, the Ministry were strengthened when I enrolled of Agriculture, vocational training in both national and international institutions, and the community, professional associations such as the through a women’s group. Biological Society of Ethiopia, Society for Experimental Biology, Society I sensitized the smallholder farmers of Biology, and National Society of on how to use appropriate technology Plant Breeding. Membership to these and effective storage to reduce post- associations gave me easy access to harvest losses, as well as how to current research. Because of this, I process and market farm produce for managed to write three papers, one of income generation. I felt really proud which has been published in a leading of these women when they managed international journal. I will publish to produce various tomato products the other two in 2016 as part of my like paste, puree, and jam. I also plan application process for promotion at my to train them in the production of current institute, Hawassa University. dairy products. My networking with professionals As a direct result of the fellowship, in my area of expertise increased I have continued to enhance my through LinkedIn. In addition, I created leadership skills and influence. I a Facebook group for molecular was elected secretary of the Private breeders. Currently, I have 20 members. Universities Research Consortium I was also successful in advising two when it was formed. I also led a students who got excellent results in team at my institution to run the their thesis evaluation. First International Conference on Information, Technology and The AWARD Fellowship helped me to do the unthinkable. Currently, I am relishing the challenge of setting up protocols related to the establishment14
Communication for Sustainable My network has grown to include FROM LAB TO FARM | TRACING THE JOURNEYS OF THE 2013 AND 2014 AWARD FELLOWSDevelopment in May 2014. I led a AWARD Fellows, Mentors and staff,team of senior faculty members at increasing my communication withmy institution who developed and regional professionals. I am currentlypublished research guidelines for working on my PhD research activitiesmaster’s and doctoral degrees. Using successfully, thanks to this network.the gender-responsiveness knowledge Through sharing of experiencesgained from AWARD, I introduced with different professionals in theand taught a gender course in the AWARD family, I have developedmonitoring and evaluation program at confidence and high self-esteem. Thisthe university. has resulted in improved ability to convince and positively influence theTo increase availability of the people with whom I am collaboratingknowledge generated from my in my research.work, I am developing a Nutrition inDevelopment textbook intended for My leadership and managementuniversity, tertiary institutions, and skills have grown from participatingnon-governmental organizations. in various AWARD courses and conferences. Because of this, I canRehrahie Mesfin confidently guide and direct researchGebrehiwot, 2013 Post- teams working with me. The coursesMaster’s Fellow, Ethiopia have also sensitized me to consider gender aspects in my researchAt the start of my AWARD Fellowship, activities, especially in my field work.I aimed to improve the productivity I have been formally mentoringof livestock by generating improved one junior researcher, in addition totechnologies and training both female introducing AWARD to many otherand male smallholder farmers to attain junior researchers so that they canself-sufficiency. apply and participate in the fellowship.I am currently undertaking my Alganesh Tola Gemechu,PhD research on dairy feeds. This 2013 Post-Master’s Fellow,study is a step forward in my career Ethiopiadevelopment plan. The knowledgeI gained from AWARD has helped March 2013 marked the beginningto strengthen my research skills, of my AWARD Fellowship journey.especially in the production of At that time, I was not highlyscientific articles. Consequently, I have motivated in the job I was holding.developed three scientific papers for The AWARD Mentoring Orientationpublication. Workshop opened my eyes to potential opportunities and energized me to regain my assertiveness, visibility, 15
FROM LAB TO FARM | TRACING THE JOURNEYS OF THE 2013 AND 2014 AWARD FELLOWS networking, and leadership qualities. As part of my career advancement In October 2013, I was put in charge of plans, I have applied for a promotion to the dairy microbiology and chemistry the position of senior researcher, and laboratories at my institution, the I have also applied for admission into Holeta Agricultural Research Center a PhD program. I have truly benefited which is part of the Ethiopian Institute from the AWARD Fellowship and the of Agricultural Research. I became opportunities it opened up for me! aware of international certification standards for laboratories at the time. Wangari Karuri, 2014 Post- Although I was the lone researcher Doctoral Fellow, Kenya in the laboratory, I kept standards very high and recruited five junior My research interests include finding researchers in April 2014. By June 2014, effective means of increasing the I had validated the methods used in productivity of sweet potato through our laboratories on seven parameters effective pest control, with nematodes and applied to get the International being a major pest. At the beginning of Standard Organization (ISO)/ IEC my AWARD Fellowship, I developed a 17025 international accreditation. The career development plan to enable me ISO/IEC 17025 outlines the general to achieve my goals. My development requirements for the competence of purpose is to use my biotechnology testing and calibration laboratories. skills to improve the livelihoods of Following rigorous external audits, we smallholder farmers. received the certificate for accreditation. This makes my laboratory the first at my Using the grant proposal writing skills I institution to get such an international gained through AWARD, I have written recognition. a proposal that resulted in a research grant from UK-AID to carry out research In enhancing my scientific writing, on nematodes attacking sweet potato. I published a journal article and a Additionally, I was awarded a one-year book in 2013. Currently, I have three post-doctoral fellowship to research on publications in the pipeline, one of the effect of climate change on sweet which is on gender responsiveness in potato production. Under this fellowship, value chains. I also have four ongoing I have established networks with other and five new research activities. At scientists from Africa and the United the same time, I am a trainer for milk Kingdom, having become a member producers and processors on clean milk of the Society of Nematologists. I am and milk products’ handling. Wishing also supervising and mentoring young to impart what I have gained through scientists. In addition, I have improved the AWARD Fellowship to others, I my interpersonal skills as well as research supervise master’s students, guide and skills. mentor junior researchers, and continue to lead a growing team of nine technical and support staff.16
Gaudiose Mujawamariya, I also acknowledge that the leadership FROM LAB TO FARM | TRACING THE JOURNEYS OF THE 2013 AND 2014 AWARD FELLOWS2013 Post-Doctoral skills obtained from AWARD are veryFellow, Rwanda helpful in working well not only with my colleagues, but also with partnersWhen I joined the AWARD Fellowship, from different countries. Because I wasI worked as a research coordinator able to successfully conduct the role-at an institution in my country. modeling event at my old secondaryAlthough my work was exciting, as school and win the Young Ricean agricultural and development Scientist award at the Internationaleconomist I found it unfulfilling. Rice Congress, I can confirm that I am now in the right place and moving inThe Mentoring Orientation Workshop the right direction. I am grateful towas an eye-opener. I was able to AWARD for setting me in motion.visualize where and what I wanted tobe in the future and take concrete Catherine Kadogodecisions towards reaching my Kitonde, 2013 Post-purpose. As a result, I applied and Master’s Fellow, Kenyasuccessfully interviewed for a positionat African Rice Center in Tanzania The highlight of my AWARD journeyin October 2013, after successfully was winning the coveted AWARD ASTorganizing the first-ever international placement, where I got an opportunityscientific conference at my old to conduct advanced research atinstitution. I succeeded thanks to the Dow AgroSciences laboratoriestechniques that I learnt from AWARD, in the U.S.A. I now feel a lot moreand the advice and encouragement confident about my scientific researchfrom my mentor. skills because of this experience. During my research attachment,I can say that I am flourishing, and I managed to identify and isolateworking on promoting scientific three novel pesticidal and herbicidalresearch especially in the field of compounds from medicinal plants. Iapplied economics and value chain also formulated and tested them indevelopment in the rice industry. the laboratory and greenhouse. I haveMy aim is to improve returns and visited international laboratories thatlivelihoods for all value chain actors in have state-of-the-art equipment andagricultural production and marketing. facilities, tapped research novelty andHaving done the science courses explored possible collaborations atoffered by AWARD is an advantage Dow AgroSciences that will help meto my work, as my skills have greatly continue with agricultural researchimproved. Additionally, I am now more on management of crop pests andaware of the gender issues and as diseases.such I integrate them in my researchapproach for maximum impact. 17
I have published two papers and grown as I am now a member of four submitted a third one to a reputable professional associations. All these journal. I also presented my research resources have enabled me to acquire at an international conference in and apply more scientific knowledge June 2015, in South Africa. I have and information to my research work. managed to fundraise US$11,667 for my research project.FROM LAB TO FARM | TRACING THE JOURNEYS OF THE 2013 AND 2014 AWARD FELLOWS During my AWARD Fellowship, Nessie Dietrich Luambano, I joined a PhD program in crop 2013 Post-Doctoral protection, and I am currently writing Fellow, Tanzania my thesis with the intention of graduating at the end of 2015. The When I began the AWARD Fellowship, competency I have gained in science, my goal was to increase the leadership, and negotiation skills productivity of smallholder farmers has enabled me to be promoted to through sustainable management of the position of Tutorial Fellow at my plant parasitic nematodes. university. I was previously a graduate assistant. I now have increased I have since won three fundraising confidence to interact and lead a proposals totaling US$500,000; one large number of undergraduates and of which was funded by the Bill & to train postgraduate students in Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF). pesticide discovery skills. The Gates Foundation-funded project aims to establish effective and I feel I am demonstrating leadership sustainable management of the major and service to the community as parasitic nematodes affecting the now I am a board member of the banana plant. The other two projects children’s home where I was raised. involve research on healthy banana As a community advocate, I have seedling systems, and on safe pest and influenced young women to invest crop management strategies in the in education. I have mentored a vegetable value chain, respectively. young woman scientist and used my life experiences during the AWARD Since becoming an AWARD Fellow, I role modeling event to motivate and have published three papers in high- inspire young women and men to impact journals; and collaborated succeed in their lives. with my mentor in one. My visibility has grown, as evidenced by my My visibility and confidence got a participation at three international real boost when I gave two seminars conferences in 2014 alone. I have at Dow AgroSciences, represented been invited to other science and AWARD at Hunger Solutions Network, leadership fora by not only AWARD but and gave a speech about my career also by the Gates Foundation and the and life experiences in Africa to women Bellagio Center where I increased my at the Innovation Network in the U.S.A. My professional network has also18
international network. Membership in My publication record includes two FROM LAB TO FARM | TRACING THE JOURNEYS OF THE 2013 AND 2014 AWARD FELLOWSfour associations—three international papers published in internationaland one national have not only journals: Public Health Nutrition andincreased my network, but also Critical Reviews in Food Science andprovided me with a sounding board for Nutrition. On scientific collaboration, Iideas, and collaboration opportunities. have been involved in the design and proposal development of a nationwideIn giving back to my community, I nutrition project. At the same time,organized a role-modeling event at I have partnered with other nutritiona primary school that also served as professionals to develop a monitoringa fundraiser for building classrooms. and evaluation protocol for a nationalThis is in addition to mentoring seven micronutrient program. Additionally,junior scientists and training two junior I am a collaborator in a study fundedwomen scientists in field research. by the International Atomic Energy Agency where I also supervise a PhDCatherine Macharia- student. My professional reputationMutie, 2013 Post-Doctoral and visibility have increased, leadingFellow, Kenya to an invitation to review a manuscript for the British Nutrition Society’sAt the start of my AWARD Fellowship international journal.journey, I set out my purpose asimproving child and maternal nutrition In giving back, I have served as aby bettering women’s livelihoods. role model to graduating students,My career goal was to get a senior motivating them to pursue their careerposition with influence on local and dreams in nutrition.international policy in nutrition. At thattime, I worked for the government Stella Nabwile Makokha,and was at a crossroads having just 2013 Post-Doctoralrecently completed my doctoral Fellow, Kenyastudies. Fast forward to two yearslater, and I now serve in a senior Since becoming an AWARD Fellow,capacity in monitoring and evaluation my scientific productivity hasat the Global Alliance for Improved increased. I have produced fiveNutrition with influence on nutrition brochures for smallholder dairy actors,policy at the national, regional, and a training manual for trainers in theinternational level. dairy value chain, conference papers that I have presented at national andI attended an international conference international conferences, as well ason nutrition, the biennial CGIAR papers for publication in scientificScience Forum in Bonn, Germany, peer-reviewed journals. To bringas an early career scientist in 2013. information closer to users, I have developed a video documentary, as 19
FROM LAB TO FARM | TRACING THE JOURNEYS OF THE 2013 AND 2014 AWARD FELLOWS well as published articles in Mifugo Delphina Peter Mamiro, News, a regional magazine for dairy 2013 Post-Doctoral smallholders in East Africa. Fellow, Tanzania As my professional reputation has My participation in the AWARD grown, I have been invited to review Fellowship has resulted in increased scientific papers for regional journals collaborative research with local and as well as provide technical support to international partners. Out of these local governments. collaborations, I have published six papers in high-impact journals, My career has grown since winning including the Journal of Plant Studies, the AWARD Fellowship to include Journal of Environmental and Earth a promotion to a senior principal Science, Journal of Plant Sciences, and researcher position at my institution, Plant Disease. I had a chance to go for where I supervise two Master’s a research attachment (not AWARD- students. The AWARD training courses funded) at Ohio State University, have helped me to become more where my professional networks grew assertive, and in turn, I have gained immensely. Other scientific publishing more recognition and responsibility. outputs include three chapters in My increased professional activities books. have resulted in more consultancy opportunities, and I have registered In other research collaboration a consultancy company as a step activities, together with partners, I have forward toward my ultimate goal of won three research project funds from forming a farmer resource center to USAID through Innovative Agriculture educate smallholders on appropriate Research Initiative. I am a research practices and technologies. All this has team member on three projects that been possible thanks to the AWARD aim to improve the nutrient content of Fellowship. foods, tomato productivity and quality, and soil health. My visibility has increased as a result of attending two international conferences in Nepal and South Africa. For my AWARD role-modeling event, I trained a women’s group on how to cultivate oyster mushrooms. I am also mentoring several junior researchers, including two PhD and four MSc students who have since graduated.20
FROM LAB TO FARM | TRACING THE JOURNEYS OF THE 2013 AND 2014 AWARD FELLOWS Martina Mariki, 2013 the ICT4Ag conference in Rwanda Post-Bachelor’s Fellow, as the main speaker, and my work Tanzania was published in the conference proceedings. I will also publish a In the career development plan that paper in an international journal, I developed during the AWARD following my presentation at the Mentoring Orientation Workshop, I set International Journal of Art and out to complete my master’s studies, Science conference in Boston, U.S.A., enroll for doctoral studies, and in May 2015. I was featured on a establish my own start-up. I have since national television segment during the graduated with my master’s degree 2014 World Women’s Day celebrations and have currently enrolled as a PhD where I shared my experiences as a candidate with a full scholarship at the woman, scientist and a researcher. I same university. I expect to graduate was also featured in InfoDev’s Women in 2016, marking the accomplishment in Tech Entrepreneurs annual articles. of the short-term plan I made at the start of my AWARD Fellowship. In giving back, I mentor many young women, alongside my official AWARD I have developed a mobile phone- Fellow Mentee. Together with other based application system that can AWARD Fellows at my institution, be used by smallholder farmers I have participated in forums to in keeping farm records for better promote AWARD and encouraged farm evaluation. After attending the other women scientists to apply AWARD leadership skills course, I for the career-building fellowship gained enough confidence to launch opportunity. As a result, other women my mobile application development from our institution won the AWARD startup, achieving all three goals set in Fellowship in subsequent years; my career development plan. building a critical mass of AWARD Fellows, Mentors, and Fellow Mentees My professional network has also at my institution. grown. I am a member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Maureen Nanziri Mayanja, Computer Society, Nutrition Society of 2014 Post-Master’s Fellow, Tanzania and my university’s Women Uganda Association in Science Technology, Engineering and Math. These When I joined the AWARD Fellowship networks have helped me get an program, my field research on food Assistant Lecturer position at a local insecurity in pastoral and agro- university. pastoral communities in the Ugandan rangelands had already begun. My visibility and professional profile The AWARD Science Skills Course has greatly improved; resulting in numerous invitations and media interviews. I was invited to attend22
revealed the gaps in my knowledge. My ultimate goal is to be an influential FROM LAB TO FARM | TRACING THE JOURNEYS OF THE 2013 AND 2014 AWARD FELLOWSThe skills I gained have been quite person who positively impacts othersuseful in writing and data analysis for through empowerment and capacitymy PhD thesis. My research is also more building so that they can stand ongender-responsive, having highlighted their own and influence their destiny.vulnerable groups for policy targets in This professional journey involvesmy revised drafts. completing my master’s degree,I have since completed my PhD securing employment as a researchresearch and have started the process assistant, mentoring others, andof generating knowledge from the pursuing a doctoral degree in the nearPhD thesis. I am exploring avenues for term. I can comfortably say, I am ondissemination—through submission my way to success and I have startedto international peer-reviewed journals living in the future I desired.and conferences. Thanks to the AWARDFellowship, I am on track to achieve my I am now a research assistant at atargets of completing my PhD thesis, prestigious organisation, IITA. Thepublishing two scientific articles and AWARD Fellowship was one of thepresenting my PhD research at two achievements that helped me standinternational conferences. out and outshine the other applicants for this position. I successfullyEsther Gloria Mbabazi, submitted my MSc thesis and willPost-Bachelor’s 2013, graduate this year. I plan to begin myUganda PhD studies in two years’ time.When I won the AWARD Fellowship, My job involves working closely withI was not as confident, determined, rural farming communities. I haveor as focused as I am today. I was changed farmers’ lives by equippinga young, unemployed bachelor’s them with knowledge on recorddegree-holder trying to trace my path keeping, conducted cost-benefitin life. I had just began a master’s analyses of their farm produce,degree program, but was unclear on and introduced them to looking atwhat the future held for me. farming as a form of business. On scientific productivity, I showcased aAll that changed after the AWARD poster of my work at a conference,Mentoring Orientation Workshop. thereby increasing my visibility. II received a flashlight that lit my am also developing manuscripts forseemingly dark world. It brightened publication in a peer-reviewed journal.my path and enabled me glimpseinto my future. This light is a lifetime In giving back, I am mentoring a juniorcompanion. I am a much better mentee who is currently working onperson now. I am now in charge of my her MSc research in Ethiopia as wellown destiny. as an intern at my institution. I am a role model to various students in my former school. As I go along my AWARD journey, I look forward to 23
becoming more influential, and to use access to various grant proposal calls this influence to transform the lives of to which I have responded. smallholder farmers. I hope to benefit many people from what I have gained from the fellowship.FROM LAB TO FARM | TRACING THE JOURNEYS OF THE 2013 AND 2014 AWARD FELLOWS Prisila Andrea Mkenda, Beatrice Wangui Mugo, 2014 Post-Bachelor’s 2014 Post-Bachelor’s Fellow, Tanzania Fellow, Kenya In my career development plan that Had it not been for my mentor, I would I created at the AWARD Mentoring never have known of the AWARD Orientation Workshop, I set out to Fellowship, let alone applied for it. At use my skills to educate smallholder the start of the fellowship, my mentor farmers in rural areas on the and I agreed that I needed to build effectiveness of biological materials my confidence in order to achieve my in controlling insect crop pests—both career goals. The AWARD Leadership field and storage. Through AWARD, I Skills Course equipped me with have undergone training to improve useful knowledge that I have built on my science writing, analysis, and to increase my professional network leadership skills. As a result, my at my place of work and within the scientific productivity has increased, AWARD Fellowship program. I have leading to the publishing of two also shared with others the skills I papers in peer-reviewed journals. I gained through this training. also graduated with a master’s degree. For my role-modeling event, I Sharing my experience, knowledge, and gave a motivational talk to 58 networks with other AWARD Fellows girls, encouraging them to take and mentors has helped me to grow in up agricultural science as a career my career. I have since been promoted choice. This event served to increase from a tutorial assistant to assistant my confidence further by raising my lecturer at my institution. My visibility visibility within the community. within the institution has grown, with appointments to two committees, I intend to continue developing my namely, the faculty’s research and work with farmers on increasing arrow publication committee, and the project root production despite resource and proposal writing committee. challenges. In collaboration with my mentor, I have written and submitted By helping me enroll for membership one funding proposal and will engage at the International Association for the in further fundraising efforts to realize Plant Protection Sciences, AWARD my dreams of working with farmers. has moved my networking to the next level. Through these networks, I have24
Dancilla Mukakamari, a staff club committee and supervise FROM LAB TO FARM | TRACING THE JOURNEYS OF THE 2013 AND 2014 AWARD FELLOWS2014 Post-Bachelor’s one research technician. I have alsoFellow, Rwanda improved my conflict resolution skills and seen a rise in my confidence.At the start of my AWARD Fellowship,I committed to achieving a number I have joined six professional networksof milestones in both my career and where I share my work. In addition,research. Despite remaining in the I have attended conferences,same position at my organization, I workshops, and large meetings tohave enrolled for a Master’s degree widen my network and increase myin Biodiversity. Joining the Society for visibility. Becoming a member of theConservation Biology, an international International Association for Feministprofessional association, has created Economics has opened up internationalopportunities for me to learn from professional networks for me. I alsoand share with other researchers and keep track of my publications onprofessionals. Google Scholar using the software ‘Publish or Perish’ and have createdI published and presented a paper electronic science libraries using Zotero.on my research at the InternationalConference on Indigenous Knowledge On my scientific productivity, I haveSystems and Environmental Ethics published two manuscripts in peer-in April 2015. At the conference, I reviewed journals, with one moreenjoyed the opportunity to widen under review. I have also written sixmy network to include potential blog posts, three briefs and a gendercollaborators and donors for my strategy for our project. My publicationsresearch on improving the livelihoods are shared on ResearchGate, withinof rural women through indigenous my institution, and other platforms. Ivegetables production. contributed to three research proposals which will be funded internally.Annet Abenakyo Mulema,2014 Post-Doctoral Drawing from the AWARD ScienceFellow, Uganda Skills Course, I have trained staff at my institution and three collaborationSince winning the AWARD Fellowship, partners on how to integrate gender inI have made significant progress their work. We have identified buttertowards the career and research goals processing as one of the enterprisesI set in my career development plan. that women control. Using innovationMy interpersonal skills have improved, platforms, we intend to implementresulting in me becoming more different interventions to increaseassertive, more communicative, and a women’s access to and control ofbetter team manager. I now serve on resources. 25
Faith Milkah Muniale, recommendation letters whenever I 2013 Post-Bachelor’s need them, and I have worked with the Fellow, Kenya scientists I met in AWARD on various assignments in their countries.FROM LAB TO FARM | TRACING THE JOURNEYS OF THE 2013 AND 2014 AWARD FELLOWS At the AWARD Mentoring Orientation I attended two specialized trainings Workshop in February 2013, I felt in The Netherlands and in the U.S.A. like a new world of possibilities had that were independently funded opened up to me. As I drew my career but AWARD played a major role in development plan, I was determined opening up my world of possibilities. to acquire new scientific and leadership skills, increase my visibility, My role-modeling event has spawned mentor young girls in agricultural into a mentorship program for high research and development, and school girls that I participate in widen my networks. I am grateful for alongside other women. the positive encouragement from my AWARD Mentor. I must confess Kananu Murungi, 2013 that before the AWARD Fellowship, Post-Doctoral Fellow, I was in a career wilderness of some Kenya sort and had given up on career opportunities. Today, as I look back, I In the time that I have been an am proud of how much I have grown AWARD Fellow, I have accomplished and achieved professionally. The so much. During this time, I got a post- fellowship changed my life for good! doctoral fellowship at an international I am self-aware, more confident, research center to investigate and above all, I have learned how to nematode ecological interactions. I balance my work and family life. established and equipped a functional laboratory for research and training The AWARD Fellowship was a in below-ground plant-nematode springboard for me. I learned how to interactions from scratch. I managed to write scientific articles, and as a result, identify attractants and repellents and have published two scientific papers my research results are currently being in peer-reviewed journals. I have also patented. presented papers at two international conferences that were published in peer-reviewed proceedings. I managed to complete my MSc thesis I have also published three papers in and graduate. I am now in the process peer-reviewed journals, while two more of looking for a PhD placement and I papers on my research are undergoing am very clear on the research I want review. I have presented my research to conduct following my experience in findings at four international the fellowship. The network I built at conferences; acting as a chair in one AWARD has had a positive impact on scientific session. I collaborated with my work and organization since I get international partners including the US26
Department of Agriculture on a coffee Edna Nduku Mutua, 2013 FROM LAB TO FARM | TRACING THE JOURNEYS OF THE 2013 AND 2014 AWARD FELLOWSberry borer project. In joining two Post-Master’s Fellow,additional professional associations, I Kenyaexpanded my international networks.I have won funds for four research When I began the fellowship, myprojects from international and goal was to enroll for a higher-levelregional donors, including the Regional degree, publish more, and secure aUniversities Forum for Capacity promotion at my place of work. DuringBuilding in AFRICA (RUFORUM). To the fellowship, I accomplished all threecap it all, I was one of the winners of goals. I enrolled for a PhD in Genderthe coveted AST placement. and African Studies in January 2014 and moved to the position of graduateWithin my institution, my visibility fellow from that of research technician.has increased, resulting in leadership My research has become more gender-opportunities such as serving as the responsive, as evidenced in my currentcoordinator of postgraduate studies study on how ways of life can increaseand efficacy trials in the Department or decrease a community’s vulnerabilityof Horticulture. I have also served to malaria and Rift Valley Fever. Thisin two departmental committees, in progress has enabled me to go ontoaddition to acting as secretary of the the next step of my career, which wasdepartment’s board. On the national to become a Graduate Fellow.stage, I am the deputy secretary of theNational Horticultural Association in I published a review on gender andmy country. During my post-doctoral value chain analysis and contributed tofellowship, I was appointed leader the development of four policy briefs.of the Nematode Chemical Ecology I won the competitive AST placement,Research Laboratory. and got a chance to attend world-class training on public sector monitoringIn terms of capacity building, I and evaluation at Stellenboschsupervise four doctoral and six master’s University.students, and act as the lead universitysupervisor in 70 percent of the cases. I In giving back, I conducted two role-have also trained three undergraduate modeling events for undergraduateinterns and currently mentor two junior and post-graduate students at mywomen researchers. For my role- institution on the role that socialmodeling event, I conducted a seminar scientists play in advancing agriculture.for post-graduate scholars: 26 men Through the AWARD Fellowship, I haveand 14 women. made significant strides in my career in a very short time. 27
FROM LAB TO FARM | TRACING THE JOURNEYS OF THE 2013 AND 2014 AWARD FELLOWS Phyllis Wambui Muturi, I am now a co-principal investigator 2013 Post-Master’s Fellow, and collaborator in a proposal that Kenya won US$25,000 from the National Council of Science. Additionally, I At the beginning of my AWARD developed a manual for farmers on Fellowship, I was a PhD student banana production in collaboration in Uganda. My goal was to work with a national university and a with a CGIAR centre as a research research institute. I have also reviewed intern, graduate with a PhD, secure a manuscript for the International employment with an upcoming Maize and Wheat Improvement Center university, and become a reputable through my mentor. Currently, I am plant breeding and biotechnology developing a proposal on research to professor. Soon after the AWARD improve the productivity of bambara Mentoring Orientation Workshop, groundnuts which are cultivated by I got a research internship at the women in drought-prone areas. International Crops Research Institute for Semi- and Arid-Tropics (ICRISAT) The AWARD Leadership Skills Course in my country. In 2014, I graduated has honed my leadership potential to with a PhD in plant breeding and the extent that I have been appointed biotechnology and got a position as a to several roles within my institution, lecturer at Embu University College. including examination coordinator While at ICRISAT, I attended a in my department, undergraduate molecular biology course offered by agriculture program advisor, member of Cornell University through the ILRI. several key committees, and secretary Together with the AWARD Science to the academic and post-graduate Skills Course, this training helped me university boards. I have occasionally to focus my research on breeding served as acting department chair and for sorghum resistance to exotic and I mentor junior scientists so as to focus indigenous stem borers. I went on their careers in agricultural science. to win a doctoral finalization grant worth US$10,000 from the Carnegie Through the AWARD Fellowship, Corporation. The research identified I started growing my professional sorghum that can be used to develop network during my internship to include new high-yielding cultivars, the findings national and international students and of which are novel. I have disseminated scientists at the World Agroforestry these findings to farmers during field Centre campus in Nairobi. Additionally, visits. I have also published a scientific membership in several professional article in an international peer-reviewed bodies such as Crop Science Society journal. of America and African Crop Science Society has raised my professional networking to another level.28
Deborah Sandra Mercy Maiwa Mwambi, FROM LAB TO FARM | TRACING THE JOURNEYS OF THE 2013 AND 2014 AWARD FELLOWSNabuuma, 2014 Post- 2013 Post-Bachelor’sMaster’s Fellow, Uganda Fellow, KenyaSince the start of my AWARD I set some goals at the start of myFellowship, I have made significant fellowship, and have accomplishedprogress in my research, skills, and three of them in two years. Icareer. My PhD concept note was graduated with a master’s degree inapproved by Stellenbosch University Agricultural and Applied Economicsand I am currently working on the and published an article as a firstfull protocol with an aim to develop author in one peer-reviewed journala food-based strategy that improves article. Two other articles are underthe dietary diversity and nutritional review. Career-wise, I grew from anstatus of young children from rural intern at the World Agroforestrysmallholder farming households. Centre to a junior scientist in my first year of the Fellowship.The AWARD Science Skills Course,together with Bioversity International’s My research portfolio has grownscience communications training and to include four research gender-the pre-doctoral course at Stellenbosch responsive surveys on dairyUniversity, have been beneficial to my production in Kenya and Uganda withcurrent work and in the development the East African Dairy Developmentof my PhD protocol. I have also had the consortium project that Worldopportunity to present a poster at the Agroforestry Centre is a part of.International Horticultural Congress inAustralia. This opportunity enabled me Because of the leadership and scienceto showcase my work, network, and skills training, I am more visible,also keep abreast of current research in networked, and confident; confidentnutrition and agriculture. enough to have presented papers at three international conferences inAt Bioversity International, where I Belgium, Tunisia, and Australia.am a research officer, I am involvedin capacity building and community In giving back, I have conductedoutreach activities. I am one of the a role-modeling event in two highauthors of a training manual on schools in my home area, motivatingimproving food and nutrition security students to perform well academicallythrough banana-based farming systems and have a clear vision of their careers.and foods. We used this manual in thetraining of community change agentsin three Eastern African countries. TheAWARD mentoring and training havecontributed greatly to guiding mycareer and propelled me forward in mycareer. 29
Hellen Namawejje, 2014 Devotha Godfrey post-Master’s Fellow, Nyambo, 2014 Post- Uganda Bachelor’s Fellow, TanzaniaFROM LAB TO FARM | TRACING THE JOURNEYS OF THE 2013 AND 2014 AWARD FELLOWS When I drew up my career In my career development plan that development plan at the beginning of I created at the start of my AWARD my AWARD Fellowship, my number Fellowship, I set out to achieve three one goal was to complete my PhD. In short-term goals: to graduate with my order to graduate from my institution, master’s degree, become an assistant one must have two published papers, lecturer, and enroll for a PhD degree. two manuscripts, a thesis, and lastly, One year later, I have graduated with must successfully defend their thesis. a Master of Science in Information To date, I have published two papers and Communication Science and in high-impact journals and two Engineering degree and I am enrolled more papers have been accepted in at the University of Cape Town for my peer-reviewed journals. I have made PhD studies; having won a scholarship significant progress with my PhD from the Organization of Women in thesis, and look forward to graduating Science for the Developing World on time, thanks to the vision set in my career development plan. From my MSc research work, I have published five papers in peer- I am also a member of the Association reviewed international journals and for Advancement of Science, conference proceedings. As part of facilitated by AWARD. This has a project team, I have developed a been useful in exposing me to the security framework that will be used latest scientific discoveries as well by developers of converged web and as achieving a level of excellence in mobile applications. scientific writing. I have learnt that one problem can be solved through On visibility, I attended international various methods in order to achieve conferences in Rwanda, Uganda, comparable results. I applied this in Germany and Tanzania. I was also my own research. featured in a local news television channel and on radio as an example While in the U.S.A. last year, I met of women making progress in science leading researchers during an Ecology during the International Women’s and Evolution of Infectious Disease Day celebrations. As a member of the workshop. After sharing my research Institute of Electrical and Electronics with them, I was able to get two Engineering, I have expanded my collaborators, with whom we wrote a professional networks further. scientific paper and submitted it for publication. With this collaboration Together with other fellows at our and networking, I am greatly institution, I organized a sensitization encouraged to work on achieving my workshop that focused on getting more female students to apply for the goals. =30
AWARD Fellowship. My presentation Consequently, my stature within mymotivated ten students to apply for institution has grown, as evidenced bythe fellowship. Three of them secured my appointment as a vice chairpersonthe 2015 AWARD Fellowship offer. of the board of Green Farming VisionsMoreover, I pioneered the foundation Organization in mid-2014. Winning aof a Women Association in STEM US$64,988 grant has further increased(science, technology, engineering, my visibility within the organization.and mathematics) at my institution, in I have since submitted one otherwhich I hold the vice chairperson post. proposal.As a result of these successes, My work with farmers has included themy leadership stature has grown dissemination of results of my researchimmensely, and I am currently a on the RUFORUM groundnut project.mentor to two female junior scientistsat my institution.Abigael Nekesa Otinga, Phoebe Anyango Sikuku, FROM LAB TO FARM | TRACING THE JOURNEYS OF THE 2013 AND 2014 AWARD FELLOWS2014 Post-Doctoral 2014 Post-Doctoral Fellow,Fellow, Kenya KenyaSince becoming an AWARD My stature as a leader has gone upFellow, I have become more visible since becoming an AWARD Fellow. Iprofessionally. I was among the three have been appointed examination andselected RUFORUM alumni out of time-table coordinator and chairperson1,020 to contribute to the ‘Building the for the course restructuring committeeAfrica We Want’ documentary. in charge of revising courses.My profile has further increased On science productivity, I published awith membership to the American paper in an international journal as aSociety of Agronomy, Crop Science first author, and another as a co-author.Society of America and Soil Science On research, I am collaborating with aSociety of America. As a result, I have national research organization on hybridmore opportunities to promote my rice adaptability trials. The Africanwork. I was selected to represent Agricultural Technology Foundationa collaborative project I work on in adopted results from this research inSouth Africa during a coordinators’ their work with rice farmers.meeting in late 2014. At my institution,I have organized and implemented In June 2014, I was invited by thethe project’s kick-off workshop for Regional Rice Centre of Excellence tointernational participants from eight present my research findings at theircountries. conference in Tanzania sponsored by the Eastern Africa Agricultural Productivity Project. Further recognition 31
FROM LAB TO FARM | TRACING THE JOURNEYS OF THE 2013 AND 2014 AWARD FELLOWS has come from an invitation by the lecturer to lecturer. national research institute to facilitate training for rice extension officers For my role modeling, I gave a training. I also facilitated training for presentation to secondary school girls rice farmers, majority of whom were who visited our department in early women. 2015, inspiring them to take up science subjects. Mentoring students at my institution has been my way of giving back. In Virginia Wangechi 2014, I mentored five undergraduate Wangondu, 2013 Post- students who were interested in Doctoral Fellow, Kenya agricultural sciences. In the time that I have been an Gladness Elibariki Temu, AWARD Fellow, my scientific 2014 Post-Master’s Fellow, productivity and collaboration Tanzania have increased. I have published two papers in high impact factor I have realized increased growth in journals as the lead author, given oral my research and fundraising since presentations at two international becoming an AWARD Fellow. I am a conferences, and submitted two principal investigator supervising two abstracts for another international research assistants for two projects conference to be held later this year. on aflatoxin assessment of soil in my My visibility has been further increased country. One of the projects that I by dissemination of my research developed together with international output on my institution’s website, and regional partners won US$867,000. Google Scholar, and ResearchGate. The second project aims to increase the productivity of yams and is funded by A highlight of my fellowship was the National Funds for Advancement when I won a coveted AWARD of Science and Technology. From 569 AST placement to undergo an concept notes, mine was selected for Environmental Leadership Program full proposal development and will be (ELP) at the University of California, funded to the amount of US$51,000. Berkeley. Being an ELP alumnus has Under this project, I will supervise certainly expanded my professional one MSc student. I also have another network. concept note under review and I have been published in a peer-reviewed I was a collaborator on a funded journal. proposal (US$78,000) to organize the 1st International Training Course on I graduated with a PhD in Mangrove Ecosystems in the Western Biotechnology in late 2014 and was Indian Ocean Region, in Kenya, at promoted soon after from assistant32
which I was a co-host and trainer. secure a US$100 million grant over a FROM LAB TO FARM | TRACING THE JOURNEYS OF THE 2013 AND 2014 AWARD FELLOWSThe course was supported by the 10-year period for our organization.Western Indian Ocean Marine ScienceAssociation, of which I am a member. I have put the skills I gained fromI am also a member of a national the leadership course to goodprofessional association and two use. I am a founder member of ainternational professional associations. steering committee that coordinates conservation agriculture donorI have taken up mentoring in earnest projects here in Kenya. Recognitionsince becoming an AWARD Fellow by has followed, and as a result, Iincreasing the number of supervised represent my organization in variousstudents at undergraduate and agriculture stakeholder meetings.post-graduate level. My menteehas also progressed well and I am My visibility has increased, more soimpressed by her energy, passion when a United Nations Developmentand achievements in science and Programme conservation projectresearch in the short period we have under my docket was selected for ainteracted. My role-modeling will be field visit during the 9th Internationalat a secondary school, but I will not Conference on Community-Basedstop there. I intend to continue with Adaptation to Climate Change thatmy role-modeling at other schools. was held in my country in April 2015.Patricia Wangui, 2014 Belinda Akinyi Weya, 2013Post-Bachelor’s Fellow, Post-Bachelor’s Fellow,Kenya KenyaOne of the goals that I set in my Since winning the AWARD Fellowship,career development plan at the start I have made many strides in myof the AWARD Fellowship was getting career. In my career developmenta Master’s degree. I enrolled for one, plan, I purposed to be more assertive.and obtained a scholarship to study in When my employment contractthe United Kingdom from April 2015. expired, I confidently asked for anMy career progression also included a extension based on a presentationpromotion to manager for the biggest of my achievements, and got it.project in my organization. My performance evaluation has significantly improved because of theIn fundraising, I have developed guidance I receive from AWARD.three successful funding proposals asthe lead person in two, and a major My visibility as a scientist has growncontributor in a third. The pitching following my oral presentation at thetechniques that I learned through regional 13th African Crop Sciencethe AWARD courses have helped me 33
Conference in Uganda. Membership misconception of gender was to professional bodies has provided corrected, and I now segregate my me with up-to-date reading material data to include young female and which has broadened my horizons. male groups, instead of clustering Additionally, my network has increased them as one group. to include AWARD Fellows, Mentors, Fellow Mentees, together with their In return, I have been mentoring extensive professional networks. another female scientist who drew her own career development plan. During My mentor and university supervisor my role-modeling event, I outlined the have helped me in my science writing. benefits of careers in agriculture to Coupled with the science skills 1,100 secondary school students and training, my scientific productivity hope to influence many more. is set to increase with two journal papers under development. MyFROM LAB TO FARM | TRACING THE JOURNEYS OF THE 2013 AND 2014 AWARD FELLOWS34
VI |West Africa at a GlanceWest Africa at a GlanceNumber of AWARD Fellows by countryCountry pB pM pD Total 1 1Burkina Faso 1 2 1Cameroon 5 1 13 8 1Ghana 115 3 16 4 2 1Ivory Coast 1 14 19 7 42Liberia 2 1Mali 1 8 64Nigeria 2 3 11Senegal 1Total 5 4 20Grand Total 9 39 2013 2014 FROM LAB TO FARM | TRACING THE JOURNEYS OF THE 2013 AND 2014 AWARD FELLOWS Mali Francophone pilot 5 pB 0 pM 4 pD 1 Senegal Burkina Faso Liberia Ivory Ghana Nigeria Cameroon Coast 4 13 42 35 pB 2 pB 2 pB 5 pM 2 pM 8 pM 25 pD 0 pD 3 pD 12
West Africa Fellows’ JourneysFROM LAB TO FARM | TRACING THE JOURNEYS OF THE 2013 AND 2014 AWARD FELLOWS Yemisi Jeff-Agboola, 2013 However, thanks to her mentor, the post-Doctoral Fellow, late Dr. Mojisola Edema, she was Nigeria introduced to the AWARD Fellowship program which has made a world of Over the course of her career in difference in her career. Dr. Edema, agriculture, Yemisi Jeff-Agboola has herself an AWARD Fellow in 2009, gained a deep appreciation of the conducted her role-modeling event various dynamics that impact on the at their institute, and after listening to productivity of farmers. She is now her she was inspired to apply to join more convinced than ever before that the fellowship. She envisioned herself she chose the right career path, as she achieving her goal of becoming a sees the encouraging initial results much more visible scientist. of her collaborative research projects and women farmer empowerment During the AWARD Fellowship, she initiatives in Nigeria. Currently, she found some courses particularly useful is a lecturer at the Department of in providing her with the insights and Biological Sciences, Ondo State practical tips that she needed to be University of Science and Technology, more effective and move her career Okitipupa, Nigeria. forward. She especially benefited from the AWARD Science Skills Course, She leads a multi-partner project and the Women’s Leadership and involving researchers, artisans and Management Course. She discovered farmers to develop viable aflatoxin that she had the power within her to control methods and low-cost feeds change the world for the better. These from alternative materials like cassava skills have been invaluable to her as peels. Aflatoxin infestation in grain she has used them to get promotion leads to grain losses of more than 70 at work from research scientist to percent in Africa after harvest, and lecturer. Additionally, through her it also presents a big challenge in professional networks, she has livestock feed safety. She is excited initiated international collaborative by this research because of its research projects, which have potential to make livestock production increased her supervisor’s visibility and profitable for Nigerian farmers and enhanced research opportunities for to contribute to curbing post-harvest colleagues and students alike. All this grain losses. has helped her to negotiate effectively for an accelerated promotion which is One of her greatest challenges was under review, and to be co-opted into how to be effective, visible and the Initiative Group at her university. successful as a female scientist in Additionally, she recently submitted a male-dominated field, but she a proposal for the establishment struggled to get ahead in her career. of a Centre for Gender Responsive Research and Development Programs36
at her university. The program notable of these high profile events FROM LAB TO FARM | TRACING THE JOURNEYS OF THE 2013 AND 2014 AWARD FELLOWSoutlines a strategy for integrating were: a panel discussion at the 2014gender into research; and will involve Grand Challenges Meeting at thecollaboration with other institutions Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation inin cross-program research, capacity Seattle; the 2014 World Food Prizedevelopment, and knowledge sharing. Event in Des Moines, Iowa; the Global Good Collaboration Workshop onThrough the fellowship’s Advanced Alleviating the Harmful Effects ofScience Training placement, she Aflatoxins on People, Livestock andwas attached at the University of Crops in Bellevue, Washington DC;Missouri, Columbia, U.S.A. sponsored and the Food and Agricultural Policyby Novus International. Here, Jeff- Meeting, also in Washington DC,Agboola worked closely with Prof. through the Farm Journal Forum.David Ledoux, a leading animal She also took part in communityscience researcher, researching development programs organizedon the efficacy of Toxiban MAX (a by the University of Missouri whichbiological control agent) on reducing earned her a letter of appreciationthe toxicity of aflatoxin in broilers. She and an International Memorandum ofalso learnt how to produce poultry Understanding from the University asfeeds. This has been most useful to an ambassador.her as she works with various Africanand US partners to develop feeds With a desire to share the benefits offrom cassava peels in Nigeria. She her AWARD Fellowship experienceis excited by the prospects of this more broadly with women agriculturalresearch. researchers and smallholder farmers in Nigeria, she set up a non-During the AST attachment, she also governmental organization—Voice ofreceived a number of invitations to Women from Lab to Farm (VOWLAF)share about her fellowship experience —which is collaborating with local andas well as her research. The most international organizations including“Jeff-Agboola is a very determined and self-confident young woman,and this has contributed and will continue to contribute to herprofessional success. She was also quick to take advantage of everyopportunity that came her way.In my view, as a result of this fellowship, Yemisi has enhanced herability to develop practical solutions to improve incomes andlivelihoods of African smallholder farmers. In many of our discussionsduring her fellowship she was always looking for ways to make adifference in the lives of her countrymen.” Professor David Ledoux, Animal Science Research Centre, University of Missouri, U.S.A. 37
the Farm Journal Forum, Women their capability to thrive in anti-salinity Thrive Worldwide and the Global dams, and to mitigate impacts of Alliance for Improved Nutrition. climate change. “Thanks to AWARD, I now look I am also researching on potatoes in forward to my future with confidence the Dori area of Burkina Faso, and as I strive to influence agricultural designing drip irrigation systems for policy in Nigeria and Africa!” says an the production of potato seed—which enthusiastic Jeff-Agboola. is currently imported at high cost.FROM LAB TO FARM | TRACING THE JOURNEYS OF THE 2013 AND 2014 AWARD FELLOWS Delphine Aissata Bama I am happy when I see farmers Nati,2013 Post-Masters interested in some of the technologies Fellow, Burkina Faso I offer. I love sharing my experience, not only through publishing, but My family comes from a small also by teaching farmers, upcoming village, and I am trained as a scientists and extension agents. I am rural development engineer. I am thankful for the opportunities offered passionate about improving the through the AWARD Fellowship. livelihoods of people in rural and peri-urban areas, and especially on Folasade Olabimpe making farming more environmentally Adeboyejo, 2013 Post- sustainable in the fragile areas in my Master’s Fellow, Nigeria country. When I started my AWARD Fellowship, I am one of the few female agricultural I was at the first step of the research engineers in West Africa. I am officer grade at my organization. particularly concerned about the Thanks to the goals I set in my career negative effects of farmers’ migration development plan, I have leveraged during the dry season, which lasts up my newly-acquired skills from the to nine months. Both men and women AWARD Leadership Skills and Science farmers do not really work during this Skills Courses to move up not one, but time, which has negative implications two rungs to the position of principal on food security. research officer in the institution. I have also concluded bench work on my Some of my current research involves PhD research and I am now at the final testing 11 improved rice varieties, stage of writing my thesis. selected under a ‘Stress-tolerant Rice for Africa and South Asia’ project On science productivity, I have managed by the International Rice developed seven value-added Research Institute and Africa Rice. products from an underutilized The rice varieties are being tested for indigenous fruit that are at the initial38
stage of patenting. In addition, Ayodeji Oluwatosin FROM LAB TO FARM | TRACING THE JOURNEYS OF THE 2013 AND 2014 AWARD FELLOWSI have co-authored three journal Adedire, 2013 Post-publications and been the first author Master’s Fellow, Nigeriaof conference proceedings. I amcurrently collaborating on a research I have achieved most of the careerproject with my AWARD Fellow and research goals that I mapped outMentee and Mentor and we are at at the start of the AWARD Fellowship.the final stage of writing a paper for Because of these achievements, Ipublication. was promoted twice at my institution. Some of my other achievementsMy visibility has also increased include the attainment of mysince joining the fellowship, as I doctorate degree, co-authoring twopresented a paper at an international articles in international peer-reviewedconference in Canada, and have journals, and presentation of paperssince become a member of three at four international conferences.international associations that have My network has also expanded afterpresented opportunities to network— joining three international professionalat international level—with other associations.professionals in my field. The skills I learned through AWARDSince joining the AWARD Fellowship have enabled me to mentor studentsprogram, I have earned four in my faculty in addition to my AWARDinternational and regional accolades, Fellow Mentee. I have become anamely: the Netherlands Fellowship role model in my community partlyProgram (2015), Developing Country because of the role-modeling eventSponsorship award (2014), Nestlé I conducted at a secondary school inNutrition Institute Africa award (2013), my town.and African Nutrition LeadershipProgram (2013). All these achievements have enhanced my visibility and openedIn advocacy, I have joined forces with up opportunities for me to serve inother AWARD Fellows to sensitize various committees in my institution,students in my state on studying for a including a stint as acting head ofscience-based career and being aware department for three months.of the need for gender balance in allspheres of life. In addition, I conducteda motivational role-modeling event formore than 120 secondary school pupilsand university students, researchers,and farmers. I have also volunteeredto teach a course on food technologyat the state university, in addition tomentoring a junior researcher whohas since won the 2015 AWARDFellowship. 39
FROM LAB TO FARM | TRACING THE JOURNEYS OF THE 2013 AND 2014 AWARD FELLOWS Lyabo Bosede Adeoye, giving me greater access to requisite 2013 Post-Master’s Fellow, research equipment and materials. Nigeria This opportunity has opened doors to wider and valuable professional My training as an AWARD Fellow has networks comprising scientists from reoriented my work and research to international organizations such as the become more gender-responsive. University of California, and reputable Since winning the fellowship, I regional organizations. The possibility have effectively developed and of future collaborative research with a implemented capacity building good number of professionals in this activities for female farmers in network is now feasible. vegetable production and processing to reduce post-harvest losses. In On scientific productivity, I have addition, I have provided smallholder developed two manuscripts, one of farmers with information to help which is being reviewed for potential improve market access. I used the publication in an international peer- skills taught in the AWARD Science reviewed journal. This research is a Skills Course to write five papers that product of collaborative research have been published in international with another scientist on water peer-reviewed journals. These same quality assessment in one of Nigeria’s skills have helped me with my PhD metropolitan cities. studies following the completion of crucial stages such as data collection, The AWARD Fellowship has post data seminar, submission, encouraged me to mentor junior ratification of abstract, and thesis title scientists in my field. One of my registration. A PhD degree is all that mentees has shown progress in her is now required for a promotion to the education by enrolling for a master’s next professional level, that of chief degree. She is preparing to present research officer. part of her degree research at a conference, whose proceedings will be Jemima Omonigho peer-reviewed and published. I have Adepehin, 2014 Post- also shared the science and proposal- Master’s Fellow, Nigeria writing skills gained from AWARD courses with other junior scientists hoping to secure research grants. The AWARD Fellowship journey has changed my career and research tremendously. Through support from AWARD networks, I was named a 2014 fellow of the Borlaug LEAP fellowship. This fellowship revived my then-static doctoral research by40