The Business Students’ Union, HKUSTSU (BSU) is a student-run, non- political and non-profit-making student organization. Founded in 1991, it was the first school Union established in the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. As the sole union representing all the students studying in the School of Business and Management (SBM), we are proud to serve over 1600 members today. We provide a variety of activities and services of different natures, including both academic and social,forourmembers.Throughsuchactivities,wehopetoenhancestudents’ knowledge and exposure to the business world as well as to assist them to maintain a close relationship with each other. It is the prime goal of the Union to further equip business students through the activities organized, preparing them to become a true professional and manager for the society. Road to Success 2
About Career Series Many people see their career as their lifetime’s greatest piece of work. It’s something that has developed over decades by overcoming challenges and obstacles. But where should we begin to kick- start our career? Where does the road to success start? Abraham Lincoln once said, “The best way to predict your future is to create it.” Our time is too limited to be intimidated by the obstacles we may fear, and we should focus on taking the first step instead. And in this entrepreneurial mindset we bring you BSU’s Career Series 2020. Career Series 2020 aims to provide participants with the knowledge and first-hand experience that help propel them into their career. It is about exposing oneself to areas of unfamiliarity in order to develop skills. Career Series 2020 offers an array of sub-functions to aid participants to achieve these goals. This includes workshops such as “What is Virtual Bank?” where we have invited WeLab to give us some insights regarding the Virtual Bank environment. Other sub-functions include interview workshops which will be focusing on how to perform well in video interviews. Wherever your goals may be, may Career Series 2020 set the stage for you. Road to Success 3
Words From Chief Function Director Mr. LEUNG, HO FUNG THOMAS Marketing Officer The Business Students’ Union, HKUSTSU, Session 2019-2020 Carrying on the tradition of The Business Students’ Union, HKUSTSU of serving our members with diversified activities, we proudly present you our highlighted event, Career Series 2020. Through this function, we hope our members can be adorned with useful skills and knowledge of the business world. We have invited multiple companies from different industries to deliver a great variety of sub-functions, aiming at preparing our business students for their future career. In view of the current outbreak of coronavirus, sub-functions will be held online this year. Unfortunately, lessons are switched online but this should not stop us from learning new techniques and suiting up ourselves for the future. This year, we also include information and tips to help students adapt to the technology dominating world. This allows our students to be more flexible and confident in seeking for their best career option. Lastly, I must express my deepest gratitude to all supporting companies and honourable guests. I would also like to thank the Executive Committee and Function Directors for their assistance. It is my pleasure to serve our members and may I wish you all a delightful and fruitful experience in Career Series 2020. Road to Success 4
Function Timeline Late Seminar X CV Tips March Workplace Convenience Pack Interview Workshop Early What is Virtual Bank? April Road to Success 5
Seminar X CV Tips Consulting 30th March (Monday) 3:00 pm – 4:00 pm 612 609 997 - Introduction - HKCareers provides help to undergraduates to achieve their dream of entering Big Four, investment banking, banking, consulting and advisory industries. It also provides insider tips so students can plan their job applications strategically, pass various assessments confidently and regain control over their career choices. Road to Success 6
Interview Workshop Consulting 3rd April (Friday) 3:00 pm– 3:30 pm 551 412 793 - Introduction - OnGrad is the first local startup that serves graduates and corporates in the undergraduate career market. It offers graduates a one-stop career coaching services to unleash their potentials and pursue their career dreams. OnGrad is also a creative think tank that specifies in young talent acquisition campaign. It offers tailored solutions to different coperates, ranging from local giants to prestigious MNCs in their recent portfolio. Road to Success 7
What is Virtual Bank? FinTech 7th April (Tuesday) 4:00 pm – 5:00 pm TBA - Introduction - WeLab Bank is a virtual bank licensed by the Hong Kong Monetary Authority. We integrated technology into our lives and redefine what service Hong Kong banks should provide. Road to Success 8
Workplace Convenience Pack Consulting Road to Success 9
Acknowledgement Whole-Year Premium Sponsor Whole-Year Privileged Sponsor Road to Success 10
Acknowledgement Supporting Parties Road to Success 11
Special Thanks All guest speakers and participating companies Road to Success 12
Contact Us Chief Function Director Mr. LEUNG, HO FUNG THOMAS Marketing Officer 6533 1703 Function Director Mr. CHAN, YUN KIT BRIAN Mr. CHAN, PAK HON JONATHAN Public Relations Secretary Current Business Affairs Secretary 5624 6424 9301 1029 Road to Success 13
[email protected] @bsu_hkustsu @BSUHKUSTSU The Business Students’ Union, HKUSTSU Website: Address: Mail Box #15, Student Amenities, LG5,The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
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