The Moscow United Methodist Church126 Church Street Office Phone: 570-842-7251Moscow, PA 18444 e-newsletter August 31, 2017 From Michael and Sarah Shoff: It is our indescribable joy, andoverwhelming pleasure, to introduce Asher Tobias Shoff, born via C section at 6:40A.M. on Saturday, August 19, 2017, weighing 8 pounds 1 ounce, and measuring 21\"long. His names mean the following: Asher - blessing Tobias - Yahweh (God) is good We indeed feel fortunate and blessed to have this miracle child in our lives, andwe hope you all know that God is, indeed, good. We had already started to share someof our favorite scriptures with Asher while we were in the hospital, including Proverbs3:5-6 and Jeremiah 29:11-13. It is our prayer that this miracle child grows strong, notonly in body and mind, but most importantly, his love for God.
Help for Victims of Tropical Storm Harvey Our church has been receiving calls from area residents and inquiries from church members seeking ways to help Gulf Coast neighbors in the aftermath of Hurricane Harvey. Below are listed some trusted information about places to donate cash and relief supplies. Anything donated through our United Methodist connection is always passed along 100% to those who need it most thanks to congregations like our that care for the administrative expenses of our UM agencies including our United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR) through our weekly and monthly contributions to church. Please share this information with your family, friends and neighbors. For news about the devastation, the ways Churches are already helping and the ways individuals can give to help, go to (copy and paste into your URL): damage-spreads?Mission Central is a huge warehouse in Mechanicsburg, PA that receives, organizesand sends out relief items to those in need. Supported by our Susquehanna Conference,they are gearing up for a major relief effort to victims of Harvey and have a wealth ofinformation for those who wish to make up flood cleaning kits and hygiene kits. Theyalso are requesting cash donations. There will be critical needs for the next few weeksas resources from food and clothing to clean water, medical supplies and countlessother items are desperately needed. It is in times like this that we need to bandtogether to pray for and help our fellow brothers and sisters any way that we can. Go to(Cut and paste into your URL) #missioncentralpa #hurricaneharvey #hurricane #harvey #disaster#relief #donate
Read Bishop Jeremiah Park’s letter for ways to help:“Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassionand the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfortthose in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive from God… He has deliveredus from such a deadly peril, and he will deliver us. On him we may set our hope that hewill continue to deliver us, as you help us by your prayers. Then many will give thanks onour behalf for the generous favor granted us in answer to the prayers of many.” (2Corinthians 1:3-4, 10-11) August 29, 2017Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,Grace to you in the name of Jesus Christ, Prince of Peace, Healer of our Brokenness, andHope of the World!We have watched and have been greatly stirred by the devastating effect of the deluge ofhistoric proportion in Texas. The Houston area has received more than twenty inches ofrain and it is still falling. Judge Robert Herbert, Fort Bend County, Texas, in his Mondaypress statement summarized the dire situation: “The flood of this magnitude is an eight-hundred-year event.” Bishop Scott Jones of the Texas Conference said, “Tropical StormHarvey has unleashed the worst flooding in Houston’s history, with catastrophicdamage.” Our hearts ache and go out to so many people who are suffering from the vastdestruction of hurricane Harvey.I call upon the people of our United Methodist Churches to pray for the protection andcomfort of so many people directly affected by this overwhelming natural disaster,including safety for the rescue and relief personnel. We have observed the brokenness intheir eyes and faces as they struggle to comprehend what has happened. Thus, we prayfor strength, healing and hope that they might know that others are praying for them andare offering help to rebuild their lives and homes. Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayers.Knowing the generous hearts of the people of our beloved conference and the way theyhave answered the needs of others effected by past natural disasters, I urge ourcongregations to receive a special offering either this coming Sunday, September 3rd orone Sunday in September. I know that our people are compassionate and long to helpthose whose lives have been turned upside down. Checks for the offerings receivedshould be made payable to the Susquehanna Conference with 9205 - Texas 2017Flooding in the memo line and sent either directly to the Conference Office, 303 Mul-lberry Drive, Mechanicsburg, PA 17050-3179 or sent through your local church.Please be assured that our connectional church is already present and at work with thepeople in the flood affected area. Once again, I humbly ask for your prayerful andgenerous support for these our sisters and brothers in need. It is moments like this that wesee a church alive in mission with Christ. I continue to be blessed to serve God with you.With You in Christ’s Ministry,† Jeremiah J. Park
Church Meetings Coming UpMUMC Nominating Committee Starting in September, our church nominating committee will be meeting on Thursday evenings at 6:30 pm to work together to identify, confirm, support and affirm leaders for our congregation. We'll meet Thursdays, Sept. 7, 14, 21 and 28. If we still have work to complete, at that point, we'll go into October. Our deadline is November 3 when we need to submit our paperwork into the District Office two weeks before our Church Conference. How grateful we are for the faith and service of this committee in discerning God’s will for our church. We’re grateful for the volunteer efforts of so many of our congregation – they are what make MUMC a truly blessed church! Monday, Sept 4 – 4 pm – Monthly prayer meeting Tuesday, Sept 5 – 6 pm – Trustees Thursdays in September – 6:30 pm – Nominating Committee Tuesday, Sept 12 – 6 pm – SPRC Tuesday, Sept 12 – 7 pm – Administrative Council
From a church member …. Sovereign Commercial Services is hiring people for evening work, 5 pm to 9 pm, cleaning area office buildings. You can apply through their website or go to their office at 17 Vine Street, Scranton, PA. - John Howell Don’t Forget!! Worship Time Change – Sept 10 Sunday, September 10th, 2017 our worship time returns to 11 a.m. Sunday school also begins this Sunday at 9:30 a.m. Coffee hour fellowship is after worship on the 2nd Sunday of each month for September and October: Sept 10 and Oct 8. Photo taken June 4, 2017 by Brenden Willsch
Sunday School NewsSunday, September 10, 2017, Sunday school starts up after a summerbreak - all ages, preschool through adult meet weekly beginning 9:30a.m. For more information, call or email the church office: 570-842-7251 or [email protected]. All welcome!!!! • Parents and children are invited to the Sanctuary at 9:30 a.m. on Sept 10 for the opening to a new year of Sunday school and a preview of the year. • The adult class meets in the class room in the fellowship hall and will plan their schedule of bible studies for fall and winter – there are many new selections to choose from! Bring a friend… • Jr & Sr High classes will meet in the new cyber lounge located on the 2nd floor of the education wing at the end of the hallway (Pat’s room) for a fun internet-based program from the Fellowship of Christian Athletes. • Preschool through 6th grade classes will begin the Sunday school year with a special rock-painting activity. Our first rotation module (multiple intelligences learning model) is titled, Creation! • Our Sunday school will join with our UM Youth Group on Sunday October 1, 2017 at 1 pm outside in the church courtyard for a special Blessing of the Animals. All pets must be on leashes, harnessed or in a container.
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