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Home Explore Health - Enhanced by information and insights from The Merck Manuals

Health - Enhanced by information and insights from The Merck Manuals

Published by webnko, 2014-07-03 03:02:31

Description: Health - Enhanced by information and insights from The Merck Manuals


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Enhanced by information and insights from The Merck Manuals SPECIAL CANCER ISSUE Cancer Truths You Should Know Simple Tests That Can Save Your Life INSPIRING COMEBACKS AMAZING ADVANCES PLUS: Your Cancer Resource Guide Saved by an exam: for information on a Melanoma survivor See inside Hallie Hollingsworth, 32. FREE VOL 2 I ISSUE 4 I 2006 SUBSCRIPTION 6/29/06 12:46:00 PM 249091_cover_final.indd 1 6/29/06 12:46:00 PM 249091_cover_final.indd 1

WHEREDOESCANCERCOMEFROM ? Is it the air we breathe, the food we eat, the work we do? Or do we just blame bad genes? Here’s a look at the risk factors for cancer— and what you can do to help reduce them. Sometimes it seems as if everything can After all, the vast majority of us do not pages cut through the noise of anxiety give you cancer—the air you breathe, the have cancer. Understanding why some and hype to provide you and those food you eat, the water you drink, and the people get cancer and, just as important, you love with medically sound infor- chemicals in your home, car, and work- why others don’t can help steer us to mation on cancer and how to deal place. No wonder: A list of substances healthful habits that reduce our risks and with it. You’ll also fi nd the tools you that the American Cancer Society says are lessen our fears. need to make sensible judgments about known or thought to cause cancer runs Researchers are slowly making sense information you get from other sources. more than seven pages, single-spaced. of why our own cells sometimes turn Such knowledge isn’t just power—it can But it’s important to keep perspective. against us. T e articles on the following also be peace of mind. ■ 7 6/22/06 1:35:11 PM 249091_whereitcome_pp7-11.indd 7 249091_whereitcome_pp7-11.indd 7 6/22/06 1:35:11 PM

All in the Family Will a family history of disease precisely predict your future? Here’s a look at what genetics can (and can’t) tell you about your cancer risk. itting in your doctor’s waiting If you’re like most of us, fi lling out gene therapy is pretty much still a thing Sroom, you nibble on the end of that form is like peeking into the family of the future. So what should you do? a pencil as you think of the health closet to take inventory. You’d rather shut You might start making a family tree history of every member of your fam- the door. But if there’s a chance that your so you can see if there’s really as much ily, then note it on the form your doc- cousin Jeff ’s problem can become your cancer in the family as you fear. Go to tor’s receptionist gave you when you problem—or a problem for one of your and search for walked in the door. kids—wouldn’t you want to know? “Family Medical History Tree” for a form Your great-aunt Hermione had you can print out and use as a record. ovarian cancer. Your aunt had breast The Role Genes Play T en consult with your primary cancer. Your cousin Shirley had it, too. About 90 percent of cancer cases result care physician about your risk fac- But should you include your uncle primarily from environmental triggers— tors. Remember, an abnormal gene Armand’s prostate cancer? After all, smoking, sun exposure, and viruses doesn’t actually cause cancer; it simply you’re a woman. T at’s one disease you such as hepatitis B. So even though it increases your risk—or your children’s shouldn’t be able to get, right? may seem as though cancer “runs in risk—of getting it. More than likely the family,” it may simply be that what’s going to help keep you out of you all got blistered at the beach trouble now is early detection, with together every summer or you routine tests such as mammograms grew up together in a house full and colonoscopies followed by early of cigarette smoke—and those treatment. For example, a colonoscopy factors can contribute to the higher that discovers and removes the intesti- incidence of certain cancers in a nal polyps that precede colon cancer family history. can help reduce your risk of getting Researchers estimate that only that cancer. With your doctor, you around 10 percent of cancer is can work out an appropriate screen- caused by a genetic glitch passed ing list and schedule that meets your from one family member to another. individual needs. (For general screening In colon cancer, for example, inheri- recommendations, see “Testing 1-2-3” tance plays a primary role in about on Pages 16 and 17.) ■ 3 to 5 percent of those who get the disease. In prostate cancer, 10 percent is a result of inheritance. Ask the Geneticist And an estimated 5 to 10 percent Got a question about your genes? of all breast cancers are due to Log onto . Medical hereditary factors. geneticists at the University of Alabama at Birmingham and Steps to Take Emory University in Atlanta just THINKSTOCK/JUPITERIMAGES Even if there’s enough cancer in may have an answer. Most cancers don’t “run in the family.” your family to make you nervous, 8 ■ 6/22/06 1:35:24 PM 249091_whereitcome_pp7-11.indd 8 6/22/06 1:35:24 PM 249091_whereitcome_pp7-11.indd 8

Your age, diet, geography and exposure to pollution affect your risk of cancer. TOP LEFT, FOODPIX/JUPITERIMAGES; TOP RIGHT, DEX IMAGE/JUPITERIMAGES; BOTTOM LEFT, BRAND X PICTURES/JUPITERIMAGES; BOTTOM RIGHT, THINKSTOCK/JUPITERIMAGES Understanding the Triggers A look at the cancer risk factors in our environment—and what you can do about them. hy haven’t researchers found a cancer growth. Others look at popula- Why these cancers occur in the young W cure for cancer? T e answer is tions of people to fi nd patterns that may is not well understood, but genetics ironically simple: complexity. By itself, suggest a cause. Putting it all together, is one factor. However, most cancers the genetic picture is complicated, here is an overview of some factors that are more common in older people. involving the codes for virtually every may leave you at risk for cancer. In the United States, more than 60 part of the human body. But looking at percent of cancers occur in people genetics is only a start. While our genes older than 65; the risk of developing may make us more prone to certain cancer doubles every fi ve years after forms of cancer, they need to be triggered To learn more about factors that can age 25. T e increased cancer rate is by something else before a malignancy increase the risk of developing cancer, read probably due to a combination of actually takes hold. this excerpt from T e Merck Manual of increased and prolonged exposure to So what, exactly, triggers cancer? Medical Information, Home Edition. carcinogens and weakening of the Researchers have uncovered an intricate body’s immune system. variety of possibilities by studying Age cancer using a number of diff erent tech- Some cancers, such as Wilms’ tumor, Environmental Factors niques. Some scientists do tests in the retinoblastoma and neuroblastoma, Numerous environmental factors in- lab to see which substances promote occur almost exclusively in children. crease the risk of developing cancer. ■ 9 6/22/06 1:35:40 PM 249091_whereitcome_pp7-11.indd 9 249091_whereitcome_pp7-11.indd 9 6/22/06 1:35:40 PM

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