Photo SafariSouth Africa9 Days / 8 Nights
OVERVIEWRoute Details:Kruger National Park: Skukuza Restcamp - Satara RestCamp - Sabi Sand Game ReserveHighlights of South Africa:• Encounter the animal kingdom of South Africa with the Big Five in the Kruger National Park• Fascinating wilderness and unforgettable encounters with wild animalsHotel accommodation:8 overnights with breakfast at the following locations:2 overnights at Skukuza Rest Camp - 2★2 overnights at Satara Rest Camp - 2★4 overnights at Sabi Sand Game Reserve – 4★
DAY 1Destination: Kruger National Park……………………………………………………………………………Welcome to beautiful South Africa!You’ll meet your specialist guide at Kruger /Mpumalanga International Airport near White River, asmall town on the south-western corner of the park,and then head straight in to the Kruger National Parkvia Phabeni Gate and make our way to Skukuza RestCamp on the banks of the Sabie River, game viewingand taking photographs along the way. Skukuza is thepark’s headquarters and though rather large it offersa great base from which to explore the region. Theperennial river attracts a lot of game during the dryseason and provides a focus of predator and preyactivity. We have two nights at Skukuza, and you’llspend time out in the vehicle with your guide,photographing birds, mammals and anything else thatattracts your interest. DAY 2Destination: Kruger National Park……………………………………………………………………………Welcome to beautiful South Africa!The basic structure for each full day in the Kruger isen early cup of coffee before the gates of the campopen for the day, then a morning game drive of 3 – 4hours duration, followed by a rest and some time incamp to photograph birds, and an afternoon gamedrive of 3 – 4 hours duration which returns to campas the gates close for the night.
DAY 3Destination: Kruger National Park……………………………………………………………………………For our next two days we’ll head north to the centralregions of the reserve, leaving Skukuza after amorning drive and breakfast (morning drives on dayswe leave camps are usually of 2 – 2.5 hoursduration). The Satara region is drier and more open,with large areas of grassy plains. These attract largenumbers of Zebra and Wildebeest, and game viewingin the region can be superb. Satara is particularly wellknown for great Lion and Hyena sightings and isreported to have the highest densities in the wholepark of these two apex predators. The open savannahhabitat also makes for great photographicopportunities and our two night stay here shouldproduce many full memory cards! DAY 4Destination: Kruger National Park……………………………………………………………………………Today you’ll spend a lot of time out in the field withyour guide. There’s also a wonderful hide situatedoverlooking pool in a river, where we can spend timephotographing birds and hippos and any otheranimals which come down to drink
DAY 5Destination: Kruger National Park – Sabi Sand Game Reserve……………………………………………………………………………After a last morning activity in the Kruger we’ll exit viaOrpen Gate and enter the adjacent Sabi Sand GameReserve, a 65 000 hectare private conservancy that iscontiguous with the neighbouring national park. We’llcheck-in in time for lunch and have time to relaxbefore our first afternoon safari, lead by anexperienced field guide and tracker. Note that,depending on the number of participants, yourLawson’s guide may either stay on at the privatelodges to continue assisting you on the game drives,or may leave you at the lodge, in which case you’ll belooked after entirely by the lodge guide and staff.The Sabi Sand Game Reserve offers what is widelyconsidered the best cat viewing in Africa, with regularclose-up encounters with both Lion and Leopard to beanticipated. Cheetah and Wild Dog are also found inthe reserve, though they are usually fairly nomadicwithin their large home ranges which takes them outof the reserve and into the neighbouring KrugerNational Park and Manyaleti Game Reserves, so thechances of seeing these two predators depends onthem being in the area at the time of our visit.Over and above the wonderful animals we are likelyto see here, a true highlight will be observing theShangaan tracker practising his craft as we track thebig cats. Superb wine and cuisine will be enjoyed inthe evenings after the afternoon safari, and alltogether this will add up to a truly awesomeexperience. We have four nights in the reserve,divided between two different camps, which will giveample time out in the field photographing oursubjects.
DAY 6Destination: Sabi Sand Game Reserve……………………………………………………………………………The daily routine will consist of early morning and lateafternoon / evening game drives, with an optionalbush walk after the morning drive (this may bedelayed until after breakfast), with a rest period andlunch through the middle of the day. DAY 7Destination: Sabi Sand Game Reserve……………………………………………………………………………After an early morning game drive, with an optionalbush walk after the morning drive you will move toNkorho Bush Lodge. You can have a rest period andlunch there before you start again to have anotherevening game drive. DAY 8Destination: Sabi Sand Game Reserve……………………………………………………………………………Today you will again enjoy a guided tour to discoverthe bird life around you.
DAY 9Destination: Departure……………………………………………………………………………After a last morning game drive you will drive back tothe Nelspruit Airport.Have a safe trip home and come again soon! Terms and ConditionsServices include:• 8 Overnights• Breakfast and Dinner in the Kruger National Park• All meals in the Sabi Sand Game Reserve• Entrance fees• Transport• Water bottles in the bus• Personal check list• 14 % VAT, Service Fee and 1 % Tourism LevyServices exclude:• Flights and Travel Insurance• Lunch in the Kruger National Park, Drinks• Entrance fees for optional excursions not included in itinerary• Expenses of personal naturePlease note:• It is compulsory to sign an indemnity form when entering South African National Parks. More information can be found on the official SANPARKS website:• See your doctor for advice in regards to vaccinations and malaria prophylaxis.
ABOUT USLeading The Way In Southern AfricaATC African Travel Concept, established in 1997, is a leading internationalinbound tour operator specialising in unique travel programs throughoutSouth Africa, Namibia, Botswana, Zambia, Mozambique andZimbabwe.With offices in Cape Town, South Africa and Windhoek, Namibia, weprovide our Guests with the design and delivery of top quality servicethroughout Southern Africa.African Travel Concept’s strength and success is attributed to ourpassionate Team who go the extra mile to ensure the finest attention todetail.We invite our Guests to explore our beautiful destination by choosing self-drive packages, private guided programs, scheduled tours or unique tailor-made vacations and safaris. Our Team of experienced travel specialists andguides ensure our Guests travel with peace of mind. We offer 24/7 supportin various languages.We are proud to be the first ISO 9001:2008 Certified Tour Operator inSouthern Africa. ATC African Travel Concept (Pty) Ltd. 5th Floor Graphic Centre, 199 Loop Street, CAPE TOWN P.O. Box 15974, Vlaeberg, 8018, SOUTH AFRICA Tel: +27-21-426 0032 | Fax: +27-21-426 0034
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