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Published by zuzannastanczewska, 2015-10-17 12:55:18

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march 11th 2015MIDMAGAZINESTUDENTERHUSET ■ the place between home and universityThe interview The concertwith a volunteer Alex puddu ■ joe bataanSteffan todorovic the Experiment the experience that proves it all

the living room Mia’s interview QUOTES, QUOTES, QUOTESthe Experiment Alex puddu Joe bataan Raluca’s diary concertCunt, Bieber and discounts 11 REASONS WHY YOU SHOULDfor students? NEVER VISIT STUDENTERHUSETOnly on Gammeltorv 10

Don’t judge by the cover Cunt, Bieber and discounts for students?Oh no, another place created by Only on Gammeltorv 10pseudo-cool adults - that was my first thought after someone mentionedStudenterhuset.How dead wrong was I.Owners may have hard time convincingnewcomers to visit studenthouse for the firsttime since the building reminds of communisticEast European structure with its tin, rusty roofand lumpy shape. And it is a shame since thesewalls hide Harry Potter like common room that maybe a safe haven for both lost souls and those hungryfor socializing.However, we cannot blame them for neglecting the unfortunateexternal appearence as it’s an organisation that focuses on creatingthe hedonistic atmosphere of the place rather than such negligibledetails.And come on, never look a gift-horse in the mouth - yes it is free tospend time in this students’ nirvana.From foosball to finding a jobApart from a huge diversity of events that happen here, such as con-certs, karaoke nights etc., Studenterhuset is well equipped in otherforms of entertainment. Extreme emotions triggered by a passionatefoosball game or nervous restraint when it comes to pool connectpeople. Strangers become friends when the contest is over and theyfinally may sit and order beer or fancy drinks.Amazingly out-going volunteers have the power to make even shypeople feel confident. So does the wide selection of alcohol in the bar.Studenthouse is not a subcultural place thus people of all kind appearthere which in turn means that everyone may find someone suitablefor them.Feeling lonely? Sit on the bar chair, order something and start talkingto one of volunteers. They often are experienced in living in Aalborgso they might also be source of support with finding a job or somerelevant information thay you may need one day. It’s notunusual to get an amazing opportunity by spendingtime around new people. They may just hearyou talking about a problem and approachyou to say they happen to have aperfect solution!

Not only for Extroverts Use arrows to see different art on toi- lets’ doorWhat if someone is not interested in socialising with a bunch ofstrangers? They should just use fluffy sofas and forget the world A real common roomwhile reading one of numerous books from wallwide rack and sip-ping aromatic tea that you previously choose from a huge variety of Whole place is being created by its users. No one is under pressure toflavours. do anything. Paintings that hang on the walls present things that would not probably find place in other public venues since they show e.g.For those who don’t find it enough - there’re 27 switches placed Justin Bieber’s face surrounded by existential thoughts, phallus hang-all over the room that are waiting for dying iPhones and laptops. It ing freely or surrealistic shapes colorfully signed as “you silly cunt”.basically means that one can spend whole day in this friendly en- General freedom might be felt even in toilets where everyone is ablevironment working on a project or just relaxing. Most importantly to leave their mark by drawing or writing on doors whatever comes tothough, Studenthouse offers the inherent feature of young people’s their minds. Unique atmosphere is emphasized by candles, woodenlives - free wifi. furniture, cozy nooks and many other details that are not easily notice-Nevertheless, remember dear introverts, nothing ventured, nothing able but felt for certain.gained. Actually, doesn’t the fact that 200 people work there for free speak for itself ? If you sometimes feel like admiring painted genitalia, meeting people on the same level of craziness as you are or simply separating from everyday issues - try the magic of Studenterhuset on yourself. And don’t forget to bring your student card with you, it allows you to have a discount on tea and coffee.

The Living Room Similarities between a living room and StudenterhusetWooden floorWarmly colored wooden floor – doesn’t have carpets like your living room probably does, and the floor can get very sticky sometimes (hint: enor- mous amounts of spilled beer), but apart from that, it gets pretty close Sofas and wooden chairs Wooden chairs made to keep you focused and sit straight while staring at your laptop and working on your project Sofas, on the other hand, made for you to lay back, maybe not be so productive, but to relax WiFiyou have it in your living room, but here you don’t have to pay for it ! Plugs, plugs everywhere You are never afraid of a dead battery when you’re at home, but believe me, you shouldn’t be afraid of it in Studenterhuset alsoArtwork on the wallsThere’s even an image from a hunt – very oldschool, uInblHeetsusthmiaftitamwll aoinsf uags of people’s had living rooms with some sceneries from a hunt, voicesdead animal itselfBooks Reminds of a Sunday family lunch, everybody’s voices are blending into a unique mixture of frequencies which can get very soothing sometimes, unless there’s an obnoxious cousin visiting, which would be an equivalent of a loud drunk person at the bar You know those huge shelves with books which almost every living room has? Well, you can find it in Studenterhuset ! If youfeel like reading some interesting literature or magazines, this is a place to be.In digital version here is a button that says \"click for change\" and after clicking it the background of thearticle changes for Studenterhuset interior

XPERIMENT It felt so cozy being home that other night. Could be because of the bad weather outside and the fact that it was so warm inside. Anyway, I had a beer in my mind that I wanted to drink and thoughts in my head that I wanted somebody to laugh on. It was a long day, really. Project work and what not. I was bored. It was a well known fact that I had to do something. Then I though why not go out and lie to some people. Yes, lie to them. Why? Because I like lying? No. It’s not that case. Everybody was talking about a place where all the international people go all the time. They meet, they talk, they drink. It sounded like something I wanted to do at that exact moment. Ok, let’s not pretend. I know that place. The truth is I haven’t been there a lot. Probably once, or twice. I wasn’t hyped about it in the past, because I didn’t believe people that it is that nice. My thoughts were: let’s put that to a test.

It was a busy week. My clothes were all over the place. I I was already drinking that beer I had in mind when onegrabbed what was closest to me, put it on and I went out. of the volunteers started talking to me. Without realiz-I also took my leather jacket which is more suitable for the ing I was somebody else. A new guy, who just came tospring or even for the cold summer nights. Oh well, you town, awkwardly confused, seeking for help of any kind.have to look cool, right? Well, yes, it is kinda cool, but it isDenmark. Not my best decision I’ve made, but still I have my I was surprised. Not only by the skill I realized I own,moments. which will get me into prison one day, but because of the friendliness of the person I had a conversation with.Anyway... I felt so confused on the way there and may be He explained everything, even without me asking.that is the thing that kept me from freezing. I was thinkingof what exactly I should lie. Should I act nervous? In a result of a handful of lies I was playingShould I be weird? I though I should be more foosball with some people that I met. I wasconfident about being unconfident. Just so confident of my victory. Sadly it neverthink about it. You are a new student, in came. Those people had some skill!a new town, meeting new people. How Even if back then my exact wordsconfident could you be in the moment the experience were more like: “guys, you have noafter you have recently arrived? Not life!”. Anyway. I kind of felt like thatmuch, huh... Of course it depends that proved it all little girl I saw two weeks ago. Sheon how badass you actually are, but dropped her ice cream on the street.still... Even a professional badass A good day to learn a swear word.would like to meet some people beforehe acts as one, right? Hm, never mind... After the third mind that I had in myI started overthinking again... beer... I saw three girls. I just went to their table and asked them if I could sitOnce I got near that place I saw that there with them, because I don’t know anyone andwere some people outside smoking. The first thing I feel so lonely at the bar. It sounded weird and itthat came to my mind was to ask them if that was the actual was weird, but they smiled and accepted me. I lookedplace where all the international people meet. I sounded so like I have so many questions. I was like a five year oldawkward and frightened. Awesome! They were laughing so who discovered the porn channel. They even felt proudhard when I closed the door after me. I kind of wanted to that they know more than me and they wanted to tell melaugh with them, but that wasn’t my thing tonight. everything. One of the girls was so sweet, because of all the explaining she did. I felt like I have to go and turn inIt was kind of early and it wasn’t full of people yet. When to the police afterwards.I entered I gave that look that you do when you enter achurch. You look all the icons and you wait for a lightning to That night.. Even if I was lying and cheating bastard itstrike you because of the dirty joke you made the other day. completely changed my mind. I have three words about the people there: friendly, communicative, positive. Isn’t that the best environment for the newcomers? Isn’t that the best environment for all of us?

I remember my first day in Aalborg like it was yesterday. It Small lights above, small candles on the tables. The vintageswas the end of August. Everything went wrong that day and tables combined with walls filled with books and art made methe drop that filled the glass was when I found out that I was fell in love with that international room. I felt so comfortable.homeless. OK. When you’re 19 you don’t panic like you used You know those places where you just entered and in theto panic when you were six and lost your mom in the shop. I same second you want to leave? Well, Studenthouse is nottook a deep breath and called my mom. Nahh. Just kid- one of those places. I was 100% sure that my firstding. day there won’t be my last one.You don’t want to worry your mom and es- I was right.pecially to prove her that you can’t handle Apparently, September came witha situation by your own. Sometimes, at Raluca’s some challanges for me. Beingthe age of 19 you want to show her that homeless wasn’t so easy. I lived atyou’re big enough to not ask for her help DanHostel for a month and I real-and she couldn’t help me anyway. At least ized that I need a place where I couldnot from 3000 km away. I end up calling a diary run away and forget my problems. Myfriend. She told me that she might had found safe haven.something for me but first it will be a good idea to Yeah. You guessed. Student house. Everymeet and talk about it. day after school, studenthouse was my home till almost„Get the bus that goes to McDonald’s and I’ll wait there for midnight when I had to go back to DanHostel. I’ve made a lotyou.” of friends at student house. From volunteers to students thatI got out of the bus and looked around, searching for her. came there to have a good time. The free wifi was my friend„Hey. It’s good to see you. I’m with some friends at Student- when it came to school projects. If I think about it, Student-house so let’s go there and talk .” house, was both my work place and my playground. I learnedStudenthouse? Oh right. I’m a student now. I’m gonna go to how to play foosball and pool.The music was also somethinga place that apparently is for me. A place where I belong. It’s that completed the perfect picture I had in my mind abouta nice feeling to know that you have a house when you’re in studenthouse.another country. I discovered some parts of Danish culture and I realized thatI’m not sure exactly what I was expecting when I went on that sometimes it’s ok to talk with strangers. That’s how you makedoor but I’m pretty sure it wasn’t that. friends.The atmosphere, the whole place, it made me think that Ientered someone’s living room.

The interview Interview with an experienced Studenterhuset volunteerLasagnas on Gammel TorvIt’s Monday afternoon, 16.30 and I’m Steffan: He’s been practicaly livingquickly walking through Nytorv after a here for these couple of days. Thelong day of classes. reason for that is that he has no elec- tricity in his apartment, so he’s beenI don’t want to be late, after all, theDanes are known for their policy of being working and cooking here. He just‘’right on time’’ or ‘’sharp’’. I can hear my said to me that he made lasagnas andheels stomping on Gammel Torv’s cubic he’s preparing to eat them.floor. „That’s rather interesting“ – I think toA nice place with big windows and a big myself while trying to picture myselfsign which says „Studenterhuset“ shows in that kind of a position. And I mustup on my right side and I enter inside. admit, it didn’t seem that bad, theTo my left there is a space which re- place looks cozy, people seem happyminds me of a big, colorful living room. and talkative and the whole atmo-There are couple of sofas, a lot of wood- sphere is very vibrant and has some-en tables and chairs spread throughout thing special to it. I wouldn’t mindthe whole place. There’s also a pool table spending my entire days here.and foosball table right next to me, at theentrance. Steffan: But only volunteers can cook here for themselves. There’s actuallyBut somehow, the whole room seems a volunteer dinner once in month Ito be gravitating towards the bar – the think…You can eat for only 15-20 kr,central point of every place. I see my in- pretty cheap. Unfortunately, it is hardterviewee sitting there and typing some- to make a soup kitchen or somethingthing on his laptop. I greet him and we like that because of all the documentsstart engaging in a random conversation. and permissions required for that.His name is Steffan Todorovic, he’s a “...the place looks cozy, people25 year old communication student andhe’s been a Studenterhuset volunteer for seem happy and talkative and thethe past four years. He offers me a cup whole atmosphere is very vibrantof coffee which he can get for free as a and has something special to it.volunteer. A guy passes by and he startsspeaking something in Danish with him. “After finishing a small chitchat with him,he explains what they’ve been talkingabout.*Steffan on Karaoke night event in October 2014

Conversation through a cigaretteWe decide to take our conversation outside. Steffan lights a cigarette and Iask him my first question.How did you find out about Studenter- So, you met your first friends here?huset?I came here the first day, 31th of August Yes, first people that I started to hang outfor an event called Studiestart which is with were from Studenterhuset and afterorganized at Gammeltorv. that it was just expanding to other circlesOn that event people of people, and to whom I hang out evenpresented Studenterhuset and all of the today.possibilities it offers, volunteering etc. What about International Night, can you tell me somethingI was living alone back then, I didn’t about that?know anyone, so I just started going toStudenterhuset every day, for a cup ofcoffee and to meet people. After 10 days Well, my friend Trine started working on these events backof being here, I decided to apply as a vol- in 2011, but it wasn’t that popular until I proposed a Karaokeunteer, and that’s how it all began. night event that would be linked with the International Night. Karaoke was a huge success. First time we held it was Febru- ary or March of 2012. We managed to fill the entire concertWhat were you doing as a volunteer in hall, and the setup was so pathetic! I remember that my friendthe beginning? Trine and I were main organizers and we entertained the audi-I was behind the bar, ence during the event, I was in a dress and called myself Trinebartending for the first few months. Then and she was wearing a suit and named herself Steffan. PeopleI transferred to the music department. loved it! That has created a snowball effect which made Inter- national Night even more known, one of the core elements ofWhat were you doing in the music de- Studenterhuset.partment? Was it hard to transfer your ideas to the head people ofI was at the events, either as a coordina- Studenterhuset?tor, or on the door shift or as the stagehelp (carrying the equipment). After a No, they were always cool with us. It was just important *Steffan with his best friend whomwhile I started to work on the lighting. I for them that we have a clear idea which we can execute bydidn’t know anything about it in the ourselves. But they were helpful, they offered us to sell beer inbeginning, but I learned from a trainer in cheaper prices, and embraced everything we thought first events and then I had to continue he met in Studenterhusetworking by myself. But I really liked it and “ I mean, to be honest, if there wasn’t for Studenterhuset,I started to spend more and more time I wouldn’t be where I am today.working here. In my first year, I dedicatedmost of my time to Studenterhuset – bymy own will of course. You pick howmuch time you want to spend here. “ So, here you met your first friends, how much of an impact overall this place has had on your life here in Aalborg? I met my girlfriend and best friend here. Also, here I met people from the Aalborg Student Radio where I volunteer now and also people from Aalbornifica- tion – as I told you, circle of people whom I hang out now has expanded from beginnings which were at Studenterhuset. . I mean, to be honest, if there wasn’t for Studenterhuset, I wouldn’t be where I am today. I gained a lot of knowledge and experience here. Through Studenterhuset I worked at Roskilde Festi- val and also Danish Eurovision – as technical staff.

What is the difference between socializing here and in the University? In my opinion, at the University you can meet people which share some common points and interests with you, mostly connected to the thing you are studying with them. You go out, grab a beer, but then you end up talking about the project, groups, and all of the other univer- sity related themes. In Studenterhuset you meet all kinds of people with different interests than you, and it’s more interesting, you can listen to some other topics which you wouldn’t usu- ally pay attention to, find some new interests, discuss all kinds of themes and open up your mind. That’s what I told you – the uniqueness of this place lies in its diversity.Living room “People here call it a living room I looked around myself and truly experienced what Steffan was saying. Every wall in a dif-It’s amazing how volunteering can take you far because of that. You can feel com- ferent color, full of artwork and illustrations.– I think to myself while Steffan is talking about pletely comfortable and spend your People all around, some talking, drinking, somehis work at Danish Eurovision. He puts out his afternoon doing everything you working on their laptops. There’s even a groupcigarette and we enter inside again. It’s so warm would have done in your own living of people in the corner that has assembled fewcompared to the outside, which is certainly a room. tables and now they’re playing a board that makes me want to stay even more. I can hear the sound of ball hitting the cornersWe sit down again and he goes to get himself ” of the foosball table. A guy is triumphing overanother free coffee – again, benefit of being a his victory in the round of foosball – whichvolunteer. After two coffees my pressure would What about other Studenterhuset’s across traditionally means he gets a free beer from thebe up in the sky, but not his. You get used to it Denmark, have you visited any of them? opponent.after you start getting it for free for four years. Light rock music playing in the background. I’ve been in the Copenhagen, Odense and Although there’s a lot of stuff going on, there’sCould you tell me something about concerts Aarhus Studenterhuset, and I must say still a special harmony to it.which are held here? that I like Aalborg Studenterhuset best. I I’m just sitting, laid back and observing. I hav-Concerts here can get pretty awesome. There is know that it is subjective, but this place is en’t even ordered anything, but no one will buga separate stage room which can fit around 450 really unique because of its diversity. In me about it. Isn’t that awesome?people. The best thing is that bands really want all of the other Studenterhuset’s I felt the This really is a unique place to be perform here and therefore there is always ‘’underground’’ vibe, they were small anda lot of concerts, even three times a week. were mainly run by some subcultures, butBands love it here because they know that the Aalborg’s has something universal to it. Youhouse is driven by volunteers, people who do it can see a lot of subcultures representedbecause of the passion and love for it. They’ve here, different people, different styles, italways had nice experiences with us, because doesn’t matter who you are, you can justwe respected them and we were always wel- come here, drink some coffee or tea, usecoming to them. And actually, we always have the free wifi, meet up with some friends.these after parties in the café where we hang People here call it a living room because ofout with the artists, drink and talk with them. that. You can feel completely comfortableThat’s how I started collaborating with some of and spend your afternoon doing everythingthem. you would have done in your own living room. You can even bring your own food.

11 reasonsSome people seem to think Studenterhuset is the perfect place to feel the why you shouldflavour of entertainment. Those people are obviously SO wrong. NEVER visit Studenterhuset5.Not even comfortable

“Volunteering is a really nice thing. It shows that enthusiasm Quoteslies there in giving people a genuine good service and time” Quotes Quotes “Lots of alcohol, nice music, even met my old math teacher once. It was pretty weird in an awesome way”“I have a friend who is throwing a party in Studenterhusetin April. You are welcome to come” “You can have fun over there on so many levels” “We don’t have such thing as Studenterhuset in our country so I am really happy that I have seen it here”“That first night I met people with whom I am still going out with” “There I met a person that I can call a good friend now”“I travelled all the way from UC house twice a week justso I can be there”

Latin soul style legend and Alex Puddutogether on the Studenterhuset’s stageIt’s thursday 21.20, main room of Studernterhuset is Her round, gold earrings reflect colorful lights and herfilled with people glancing at their watches. Suddenly eyes glare from person to person. Two black-suitedthey all raise their heads and bottoms to rush towards men take wind instruments and one more sits on thethe stage room. Concert was supposed to start twenty keyboard accompanied by sighs of a bunch of teenageminutes ago and now first beats finally rang out. girls standing just in front of stage. Man in black leatherChamber is divided in half with black curtains to pro- trousers sits next to percussionist’s stand and startsvide an impression of coziness. Can shaped oil contain- pattering on exotic looking drums. Alex and seconders serve as tables and constitute the only furniture in basist are the last to come. The former wears white,the auditorium. Candles on them flicker through glass- tight pants and patterned sleeveless, he is wiggling andes of beers. Everyone stares at the stage and members greeting audience with a smile while the latter looksof Alex Pudu’s band marching in and taking positions down on his black coat and stands motionlessnessly.near their instruments. Audience is just around triple It’s not difficult to guess who came up with the idea forquantity of band itself. Quite a movement might be album “The Golden Age of Danish Pornography”.observed among three young men standing in themiddle when a smiling, curly hair woman approachespercussion.

Joe and his wife who accompanies him on the stage have their “New York and Denmark together - unity!” declares Joe withown dance for 68’ classic - “Young, gifted, brown” thus they hands in the air encouraging people to join him in joy. And socheer people to imitate them and most of audience does so. Yet, they do, moving more sprightly, some even dancing. A middlea boy under the stage starts to massage his girlfriend’s back age woman in glasses, covered in sweater and shawl standswith one hand in the rhythm of the song instead. She stands with her husband in the middle applauding passionately. Mu-unaffected but he keeps on doing that giving her Jim Carrey’s sic is getting more and more intense, orange and yellow flashfaces for the whole song. Latin soul flow seems to influence alternatly.everyone but especially an around 30 years old single man in “I don’t really care about my songs, I just want your songs torectangular glasses and sweater with collar underneath. Lights sound as perfect as possible” confesses Alex looking at Bataanachieve deep reddish tones. People dance freely, now each in after a couple of songs and a short “aww” comes from a fewtheir own style. young throats.After one and a half hour long performance band leaves stage In an interview from 2011 Joe Bataan revealed that he hasfollowed by murmurs of discontent. However, they have to always been inspired by Frankie Lymon but when it came tocome back immediately for bis, called by loud shouts. contemporary artists he said “I favor Bruno Mars, young man“Tusind tak!” shouted out of Alex’s mouth ends today’s event. really, really, really touches me in his style”. He has now provenPeople are starting to spread but three boys stay screaming that performing his own version of “Uptown Funk” that gripped“Extra! Extra! Extra!” for a while. Now, most of audience heads majority of audience. The first song begins.towards the main room in Studenterhuset where they can either Embraced couples are swinging slowly, groups of friends dis-celebrate the event with a beer or conversation with one of the cuss something. Band chose calm numbers for the first part ofartists since they tend to spend there some time after concerts. concert, movements of musicians are followed by pale yellowSupposingly, the most interesting feature about an event in this reflectors. After 40 minutes a noticeable change happens, invenue is that even standing in the furthest place from the stage orange illumination Joe Bataan himself enters the stage dynami-one is closer to artists than on any commercial concert. More- cally. People rouse and clap their hands vigorously. 73 years oldover, there is a great cultural diversity among public. afro-filipian, by having immense energy reserves, proves that “youth” really is the meaning of his name.Have you missed the opportunity to watch the concert live? Check out this short demo

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