STANDARDSDefinition: Questions to ask:• The emphasis employees feel • Does the performance bar rise management puts on improving every year? performance and doing one’s • Can employees get away with best• The degree to which people feel doing less than their best? that challenging but attainable • Is mediocrity tolerated? goals are set for individuals and the organisation• The extent to which mediocrity is not tolerated 106
REWARDSDefinition: Questions to ask:• Rewards and recognition linked • Do rewards outweigh directly to performance punishment?• Rewards and recognition • Are rewards tied directly to the differentiate levels of quality of performance? performance • Is there a broad reward• People know where they stand in terms of their performance portfolio? • Does good performance lead to increased opportunities for personal growth? 107
CLARITYDefinition: Questions to ask:• Employees know what is • Do employees have a clear idea expected of them of what is expected of them?• Employees know how those • Do employees know how they expectations relate to the larger personally contribute to the goals and objectives of the mission? organisation • Are goals, policies, procedures and lines of authority clearly articulated and understood? 108
TEAM COMMITMENTDefinition: Questions to ask:• People are proud to belong to • Do individuals and teams the organisation cooperate effectively to get the• Everyone provides extra effort job done? • Do conflicts get resolved when needed effectively?• There is trust that others in the • Do feelings of trust, pride, and organisational loyalty exist in organisation are working toward the workplace? a common objective 109
Styles and Climate Case Study 110
BLAZER, BOOKER, BALANCE: CASE STUDY• 1965 study – 10-day simulation• Focus of the study: leadership styles, organisational climate, organisational results• Identical organisations except for leadership style of presidents• While watching the video identify: • Dominant and backup leadership styles, especially of company assigned to you. • Organisational climate (high/medium/low) for each dimension • Predict performance (1st, 2nd, 3rd) 111
THE BLAZER RADAR COMPANYDimension Rating EvidenceFlexibilityResponsibility HMLStandards HMLRewards HMLClarity HMLTeam commitment HML HMLWhat helped or hindered the climate?Helped Hindered 112
THE BOOKER RADAR COMPANYDimension Rating EvidenceFlexibilityResponsibility HMLStandards HMLRewards HMLClarity HMLTeam commitment HML HMLWhat helped or hindered the climate?Helped Hindered 113
THE BALANCE RADAR COMPANYDimension Rating EvidenceFlexibilityResponsibility HMLStandards HMLRewards HMLClarity HMLTeam commitment HML HMLWhat helped or hindered the climate?Helped Hindered 114
PERFORMANCE OUTCOMESPerformance measures Blazer Booker Balance1. Productivity (# of contracts completed)2. Quality (# of units rejected)3. Cost savings ($ saved through improved methods)4. New products (# of product innovations)5. Job satisfaction6. Net profits ($ earned) 115
Co-coaching 116
CO-COACHING• Get back into your co-coaching groups• Review your results, now that you have received your climate feedback• Use the following pages in your folder to structure your thinking• Discuss any changes you are thinking of making• Support and challenge where appropriate 117
Goal setting 118
DEVELOPMENT PLANFuture leaders develop on the job. Learning is not random: there is astrong link between challenging, specific experiences and lessons learned.The “right” experiences do not guarantee learning; unsuccessful leadersmissed the meaning, relied too heavily on successful habits, or blockedtheir new learning.Development planning includes;ACT on your plan. REVIEW REVIEW all the materials you have and all theImplement and execute PLAN discussions that have taken place thus far.the plan! Understand the requirement of the target ACT positions and how you measure up to the PLAN your development. Remember, it’s about target position profRilEeFLECT about how you might taking action REFLECT construct a development plan based on all the input – identify gaps. Consider; What will I concentrate on? What will I do? What are your goals? Check back with manager once you have a general direction mapped out 121
WRITING PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT GOALSWhen development planning, reflect on;• What change in behaviours do you want to see in yourself – not a business goal• Be specific, measurable (observable changes you or others might see)• Limit to no more than 2 – 3 goals• Be challenging yet realistic• Choose action steps that allow success• Select no more than 1-3 actions per goal• Be committedIt is important to emphasize on- the- job activities when developmentplanning.Leaders tend to focus on; Leaders should focus on;70% Books • Books (70%) 10% Books20% Seminars 20% Seminars 10% OJT 70% On-The-Job 122
DEVELOPMENT GOALSAfter reviewing your feedback from your reports on 360, styles and climate, we would like you to think on how youwould like to develop yourself during your Leadership Journey. What goals would you like to set and how are yougoing to achieve this? Please follow these steps:1. Fill Overview sheet of Development Activities (set goals) and Learning Activities (how to achieve these goals)2. Fill details on Development Activities and Learning Activities on the second page3. Input details of Development Plan in iGrow4. Fulfill activities during your leadership journey and track status in iGrowEmployee Name: Date: Development Activity (What) Learning Activity (how)1 1.1 1.22 1.33 2.1 2.2 2.3 3.1 3.2 3.3 123
DEVELOPMENT GOALSDevelopment Plan – What Development Goals do you have and how are you going to achieve this? After reviewing your feedback from your reports on 360, styles and climate, we would like you to think on how you would like to develop yourself during your Leadership Journey. What goals would you like to set and how are you going to achieve this? Please follow these steps: 1. Fill Overview sheet of Development Activities (set goals) and Learning Activities (how to achieve these goals) 2. Fill details on Development Activities and Learning Activities on the second page 3. Input details of Development Plan in iGrow 4. Fulfill activities during your leadership journey and track status in iGrowEmployee Name: Date: Development Activity (What) Learning Activity (how)1 1.1 1.2 1.32 2.1 2.2 2.33 3.1 3.2 3.3 124
DEVELOPMENT GOALSDevelopment Activity 1 – What Development Goals do you have? Competency: Role Based Target Date: Objective Name: Category: Financial Market Business Excellence People Skills to be developed:Success Measures:Learning Activity 1.1 – What Learning Activities (3 – 4) would you like to use to reach your Development Goal?Activity Name: Activity Type: Classroom Mentoring E-learning Self Study OtherDescription:Organisational/ Manager Support – Distinct commitments from your line manager that will support you in the development process. Description: 125
DEVELOPMENT GOALSLearning Activity 1.2 – What Learning Activities would you like to use to reach your Development Goal?Activity Name: Activity Type: Classroom Mentoring E-learning Self Study OtherDescription:Learning Activity 1.3 – What Learning Activities would you like to use to reach your Development Goal?Activity Name: Activity Type: Classroom Mentoring E-learning Self Study OtherDescription: 126
Putting People at the Heart of Corporate Purpose 128
Bring Out the Best in OthersOutcomes: Understand the critical role a leader plays in attracting, engaging, developing and retaining talent by reviewing best practice Through the use of a business case study, analyze strategies and ways of approaching and implementing a talent agenda that drives business results Consider your role as an Al-Futtaim leader and how you can take action to drive a talent plan that attracts, engages, develops and retains talent 129
BRING OUT THE BEST IN OTHERS | WHY, WHAT & HOW WHY DOES THIS MATTER? Effective People Practices improve Business OutcomesCorporate Leadership Council research over the past 5 years confirm that companies with competitive peoplepractices show considerable returns in their ability to attract, retain and drive performance of their best talent. Labour is a Firm’s largest expenses RETURN ON INVESTMENT People assets have infinite potential to Attract & Retain Develop Engage grow Creating and Effective By refocusing Great Talent cannot be easily replicated by delivering a execution to performance our competition competitive management employment talent efforts on the High performance of our people is the development strategies with only source for sustainable growth long- value highest impact, term proposition directly organisations allows an contributes to can improve organisation to increase its increased employee organisational performance access to effectiveness by up to 50% candidates on and the labour profitability, market by leading up to more 50% and as much as improve the commitment 15.4% of current advantage in employees by up to 29% total shareholder return 130
BRING OUT THE BEST IN OTHERS | WHY, WHAT & HOW WHAT DOES SUCCESS LOOK LIKE? Best Practices from High Performance Companies Driven By Business Priorities Leaders are Active Sponsors Foster High Performance Through Integrated System/Processes/Tools Source Best Talent Anywhere Leverage Diversity through Inclusion 131
BRING OUT THE BEST IN OTHERS | WHY, WHAT & HOWATTRACT ENGAGE1) What were the 3 most important actions 1) What were the 3 most important actions taken and what was the result to the taken and what was the result to the business? business?2) Anything the leaders could have done in 2) Anything the leaders could have done in addition? addition?RETAIN DEVELOP1) What were the 3 most important actions 1) What were the 3 most important actions taken and what was the result to the taken and what was the result to the business? business?2) Anything the leaders could have done in 2) Anything the leaders could have done in addition? addition? 133
RETAIN TALENT FOR GROWTH | AT THE HEART OF OUR AGENDA Reward & ATTRACTRecognise results Quality talentDEVELOP ENGAGE Capability For Performance 136
2017ATTRACT ENGAGESupplying Quality Talent Improving Performance1. Selection Assessments 1. Increase quality of impact planning2. Integrated Graduate sourcing 2. Al-Futtaim Values3. Global Recruitment & Onboarding 3. Family Friendly Policies (paused) Talent BrandRETAIN DEVELOPRewarding & Recognising Results Developing Capability1. Review long & short term incentive 1. Career Pathways across all plans 12 Job Functions (paused)2. Enhancement of Medical Insurance 2. Future Leaders Programme3. Next Phase Nationalisation 3. Lean Academy (Phase two)4. Review of all Total Rewards Structures 4. Global Talent Mobility5. Career Map 5. Prime Talent Development 6. Leadership Development 7. HRBP Development ProgrammeHR Systems | HR Metrics | Communications Strategy | HR Academy
TALENT FOR GROWTH ACHIEVEMENTS ATTRACT50% LinkedIn Talent Brand AED 2.4MIndex average, higher than saved by hiring via LinkedIn any Al-Futtaim peers instead of other agencies YTD 2016 200,000 LinkedIn followersMost Attractive Employer in 96% of new hires happy 137 UAE award winners in retail with Day 1 Souq Emiratis joined YTD(2015, Think Tank Universum) (172 in full year 2015) 138
TALENT FOR GROWTH ACHIEVEMENTS ENGAGE Core ValuesEmployee AssistanceProgramme24/7 hotline availableto all employees 205 1,109Employees counselled YTD employees received health screenings YTD 139
TALENT FOR GROWTH ACHIEVEMENTS DEVELOP19 employees planned to take 1,000+ leaders taking part + AED 1.1mpart in the Business Excellence ROI to date *** Lean Academy *** so far this year 4 Leaders for Growth + AED 8.5m improvement plans to be savings generated *** implemented into the business (admin and content) Culture of efficiency, costmanagement and customer as 15 Nationals *** shortlisted for 71% a priority Future Leaders current login rate *** Programme *** Predicted +AED 11.8 million Integrated learning in savings in first 12 months South East Asia now live 140
TALENT FOR GROWTH ACHIEVEMENTS RETAIN Streamlined visa process for WL4 & 526% internal hires YTD(excluding Bands A-C)Total Rewards Statement HiPo identification via for MENA Talent Reviews for retention 141
TALENT FOR GROWTH | REFLECTION & GROUP DISCUSSIONReflect on the Talent for Growth agenda and consider:1. What do you currently do to attract, engage, develop and retain your employees?2. What will you do personally to drive the Talent for Growth agenda?3. What support will you need and from whom? 142
TALENT FOR GROWTH | CLOSINGAre you leaving Lollipop Moments? 143
MonthsAssessment 3-7 LEADERSHIP JOURNEY 360° Feedback 8 - 9 10 Styles 12 Feedback Leading Workplace Workplace Re- Reflection Business Journey continues … with Challenge Challenge Measure Workshop Impact Influence + Course Action + Goal Learning Setting 70/20/10 20 10 70 20 20 70 145
OBJECTIVES & STRUCTUREObjectives Structure Principles To allow the chance to reflect on your The problem, opportunity or issue Committing regular time to be discussedjourney so far Learning to listen Work on a real business challenge Leaders - the members of the Learning to ask helpful action learning set questions Gain support from your colleagues and Facilitator - groups may self Not giving advice work towards solutions facilitate Following the Action Learning Cycle Maintain activity from programme Co-ordinator - person nominated Giving individual airtime Increase trust and build relations to co-ordinate from within the set Chair person - the person chairing the action learning set on that occasionAn action learning set will work with almost any group if there is goodwill, acommitment to learn and experiment and a willingness to be open 146
ACTIVITYCall to Action – Split into your respective Action Set Groups and consider; Frequency Venue Roles and responsibilities Guidelines and ground rules Approach 147
SUGGESTIVE BEST PRACTICES• Use kick off meeting to formulate future plans, meeting rhythms and review mechanism.• Decide on roles and responsibility within the action learning group.• Consider appointing a group lead to steer the team to results & hold accountability.• Consider various communication mechanisms like – email group, chat group, Lync calls, Lync video chat, etc.• Create a milestone charter with clear deliverables and timelines attached to them.• Ensure everyone in the group contributes significantly & regularly. Call out any work related travel or long planned leaves upfront.• Each member ensures and drives 100% attendance on all meetings .• Plan stage-gate reviews after each milestone.• Establish a process of filtering ideas and narrowing down to one commonly agreed idea for execution.• Constant communication and progress update to ensure seamless execution. 148
ACTION LEARNING IN PRACTICECALL TO ACTIONLet us discuss your business challenge …..Split into groups and conduct your first action set meeting 149 Handout business challenge assignment sheet
NEXT STEPSAs you leave this room, here are your next steps…..- JOIN our JAM group through iGrow- SCHEDULE your ACTION LEARNING GROUP and involve yourSPONSOR- UPLOAD development goals in iGrow- DISCUSS your development goals with your line manager- DISCUSS your 360° feedback with your team- CONTINUE with recording critical incidents to share in your actionlearning groups- REACH OUT for further Coaching support 150
EXPECTATIONS REVIEW What were ourexpectations on day one? 151
REFLECTIONS ON THE PROGRAMME• After all is said and done, what did I learn?• So once more: What does it mean to me?• Now what: What are the implications and what do I plan to do as a result of these new insights?• How do I think I’ll do with all the changes? 152
In closing 153
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