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Published by Creativeworld, 2018-07-05 06:30:29

Description: Fulcrum_Portfolio


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fulcrum portfolio high yielding Mixed use Portfolio investment opportunity

fulcrum portfolio high yielding Mixed use Portfolio investment opportunity A unique opportunity to purchase a high yielding mixed use portfolio with a low capital value per square foot Executive Summary The Fulcrum Portfolio is a unique opportunity to purchase a high yielding, mixed use investment portfolio with considerable asset management potential. The purchaser will benefit from a balanced property company portfolio which has been built up over the past 15 years to deliver an exceptional running return.Summary North midlands southEAST SouthWEST < Back NEXT > Print

fulcrum portfolio high yielding Mixed use Portfolio investment opportunityPortfolio SummaryAddress Postcode Tenure Sector1 Warwick House, Wade Lane, Leeds LS2 8NL LH Office2 Gelderd Point, Gelderd Road, Leeds LS27 7JP FH Office3 Royal Exchange Shopping Centre, Exchange Street, Manchester M2 7DB LH Retail4 Meadow Court Phase I, Amos Street, Sheffield S9 1BX FH Office5 Meadow Court Phase Iii, Hayland Street, Sheffield S9 1BY FH Office6 Allen House, Ashton Road, Bredbury, Stockport SK6 2QN FH Industrial 15 27 Victoria Road Industrial Estate, Fenton, Stoke-On-Trent ST4 3NE FH Industrial 6 34 78 Hudson House, Toft Street, York YO1 6HP FH Office 89 Priory House, 28/34 Gooch Street North, Birmingham B37 7YN LH Office10 Staybrite & Courtauld House, Courtaulds Way, Foleshill CV6 5NH FH/LH Industrial, Office Enterprise Park, Coventry & Parking11 Imperial Court/Imperial House, Leamington Spa CV32 4YB FH Office12 Plot 24, Blackwater Way, Aldershot GU12 4HD LH Industrial13 The Copperfields Centre, Spital Street, Dartford DA1 2DE FH Retail & Office 9 10 1114 Sandringham House, Harlow Business Park, Harlow CM19 5QA FH Office 18 1915 2-5 Devonshire Row Mews, London W1W 5AX LH Parking 16 14 1716 Units 2, 3 & 4 Pitfield, Kiln Farm, Milton Keynes MK11 3LW FH Office 1517 Hall Road, Maldon, Essex CM9 4LA FH Industrial & Offices 20 13 1218 124-126 Above Bar Street, Southampton SO14 7FN LH Retail 23 21 22 24 2519 127 Above Bar Street & 2-8 Civic Centre Road, Southampton SO14 7FN LH Retail20 Argent Court & Argent House, Tolworth KT6 7NA FH Industrial & Offices21 Point Four Industrial Estate, Avonmouth, Bristol BS11 8DF LH Industrial22 Stratton House, 39 Cater Road, Bristol BS13 7UH LH Industrial23 Bonded Warehouse, Atlantic Wharf, Cardiff CF10 4HD FH Office24 BPC Building, Marsh Barton Trading Estate, Exeter EX2 8RP FH/LH Industrial & Offices25 The Forum, Barnfield Road, Exeter EX1 1QR FH Office & RetailSummary North midlands southEAST SouthWEST < Back NEXT > Print

fulcrum portfolio high yielding Mixed use Portfolio investment opportunityPortfolio Summary Portfolio Analysis• A mixed use portfolio of 25 properties comprising office, industrial, INCOME BY GEOGRAPHY INCOME BY EARLIEST TERMINATION retail and car park assets throughout the UK Northeast less than Northwest 5 years• Positive weighting to the south east with 45% of income from assets within this region Southeast Midlands 10 yrs+ 5-10 yrs• Combined floor area of 1,171,997 sq ft Wales INCOME BY TENURE• Let for a average weighted unexpired term of 4.2 years to break London Southwest Freehold and 6.7 years to expiry INCOME BY SECTOR• Let to 84 tenants on 95 leases providing excellent diversification of tenant risk Other Retail• 74% freehold• Exceptional asset management potential including: • Completing re-gears and lease extensions • Letting the currently vacant accommodation • Refurbishment of part or whole estates to drive rental value • Exploring redevelopment and change of use options to alternative uses, subject to planning • Producing a current income of £6,675,166 per annum, net of headrents Industrial Office LeaseholdSummary North midlands southEAST SouthWEST < Back NEXT > Print

fulcrum portfolio high yielding Mixed use Portfolio investment opportunityVAT ConTacts We understand the properties have been opted to tax and it is therefore envisaged the transaction will be Phil Marsden Hattie Tucker conducted as a Transfer of a Going Concern, subject to applicable VAT rules. Tel +44 (0)207 087 5390 Tel +44 (0)207 087 5589 Proposal Mob + 44 (0) 7703 234252 Mob + 44 (0) 7730 091568 We are instructed to seek offers for the entire portfolio in excess of £46,700,000 (Forty Six Million Seven [email protected] [email protected] Hundred Thousand Pounds) subject to contract and exclusive of VAT. Peter Kirk Ben GambleA purchase at this price reflects an attractive net initial yield of 13.5%, based on the net income assumingusual purchaser’s costs of 5.8%. Tel +44 (0)207 852 4853 Tel +44 (0)207 087 5378 Mob +44 (0) 7786 638228 Mob + 44 (0) 7977 268222 EPCs [email protected] [email protected] Please refer to the link below for copies of all EPC documents. Jones Lang LaSalle 30 Warwick Streetfurther information London W1B 5NHFor further information, including Building Surveys and Environmental Surveys, please contact one of the 020 7493 4933Jones Lang LaSalle team to arrange access to the dataroom on our website.MISREPS MISREPRESENTATION ACT 1967Jones Lang LaSalle Limited for themselves and for the vendors of this property whose agents they are give notice that:-a) The particulars are set out as general outline only for the guidance of intending purchasers and do not constitute, nor constitute part of, an offer or contract.b) All descriptions, dimensions, references to condition and necessary permissions for use and occupation, and other details are given in good faith and are believed to be correct, but any intending purchasers should not rely on them as statements or representations of fact but satisfy themselves by inspection or otherwise as to the correctness of each of them.c) No person in the employment of Jones Lang LaSalle Limited has any authority to make or give any representation or warranty whatever in relation to these properties.SEPTEMBER 2012 Designed and produced by Creativeworld Tel: 01282 858200Summary North midlands southEAST SouthWEST < Back NEXT > Print

Tenancy schedule fulcrum portfolio high yielding Mixed use Portfolio investment opportunityProperty Sector Tenure Unit Tenant Area Term Lease Start Lease Next Break WAULT WAULT Current rent Rent psf Comment Interserve Working Futures Limited (sq ft)1 (Expiry) 15,103 Expiry Review (Break) Vacant 7.01. Warwick House, Wade Lane, Warwick House 15,103 8 31-Aug-11 30-Aug-19 31-Aug-16 31-Aug-17 £196,250 £12.99 Tenant formerly known as BusinessLeeds, LS2 8NL Vacant 20,386 Employment Services. Tenant only break Vacant -£23,028 on 31/08/2017.Northeast Office Leasehold Payaway TGI Friday’s UK Limited 20,386 28-Sep-05 5.0 £173,222 Leasehold TGI Friday’s UK Limited 7,962 0 Geared to 12.12% of rental value.2. Gelderd Point, Gelderd Road, 3,766Leeds, LS27 7JP Whole Vacant 1,520 Forsyth Business Centres Plc. Operate Body Shop International Plc 18,369 the building pursuant to a management Royal Bank Of Scotland Plc agreement which expired on Thorntons Plc 8,422 30/06/2011. It has been agreed Vacant 957 that they can continue to operate Vacant 780 on a temporary basis. The current Vacant 794 management fee is £33,000 per Vacant 784 annum, exc VAT, plus a revenue share 726 of 22.5% per annum of the aggregate 625 of rent less operating expenses. 570Northeast Office Freehold3. Royal Exchange Shopping Centre, Basement - Flexible SpaceExchange Street, Manchester, M2 7DB Basement retail units Floor 1-6 Turret Rooms GF & Exchange Level 29-Mar-12 26-Jun-27 29-Mar-17 £20,000 £13.16 Currently rent free - vendor to top up. 29-Mar-12 26-Jun-27 29-Mar-17 £240,000 £13.07 Currently in 9 month rent free followed by 30 month half rent then increasing to £240,000 on 29/06/2015. Vendor to top up. GF Retail & 1F Restaurant 3-Nov-06 02-Nov-16 25-Mar-14 £120,000 £125.39 RR 3rd Nov 2011 documented at GF Unit 13 Nil increase. (including sub-basement) 26-Mar-12 25-Mar-15 £85,000 GF Unit 15, 16 & 17 25-Dec-08 24-Dec-13 £106,000 £108.97 GF Unit 1 GF Unit 7 £133.50 GF Unit 8 GF Unit 9 GF Unit 14Summary North midlands southEAST SouthWEST < Back NEXT > Print

Tenancy schedule fulcrum portfolio high yielding Mixed use Portfolio investment opportunityProperty Sector Tenure Unit Tenant Area Term Lease Start Lease Next Break WAULT WAULT Current rent Rent psf Comment PRUPIM (Expiry) -£675,000 (sq ft)1 Expiry Review (Break)3. Royal Exchange Shopping Centre, Leasehold 1 - sub-basm, basm, 25-Dec-79 24-Dec-78Exchange Street, Manchester, M2 7DB ground and first floor Leasehold 2 - Turret rooms PRUPIM 29-Mar-12 28-Jun-27 -£10,000 Rent to £10,000 p.a. on 28/06/2012 (1-6th floors) and £20,000 p.a. on 29/12/2015.Northwest Office Leasehold 45,275 8.2 8.2 -£114,000 866 1.44. Meadowcourt I, Amos Street, GF, Unit 1 Rolled Alloys Limited 866 5 3-Feb-11 2-Feb-16 2.6 £11,041 £12.75Sheffield, S9 1BX GF, Unit 2 Rhenus Logistics Limited 1,870 3 19-May-10 18-May-13 Vacant 916 £12,557 £14.50 Drivers Direct Recruitment Agency 5 5-Jul-12 4-Jul-17 1F Units 1&2 Limited Sherwood Recruitment Limited GF Unit 8 Vacant 5-Jul-15 £4,697 £5.13 Rent free until 05/01/2013. Sevacare (UK) Limited £11,680 Vendor to top up. 1F Unit 8 918 5 26-Jan-11 25-Jan-16 25-Jan-14 Unit 3 Atos IT Services UK Limited 1,759 £12.73 Unit 7 Atos IT Services UK Limited 1,757 SME Invoice Finance Limited 5 15-May-12 14-May-17 15-May- £10,000 £5.69 1 month rent free . Vacant 8,952 13 15/5/2013-14/06/2013. Vacant 5,301Northeast Office Freehold First Secretary of State Health 5,243 2.6 £49,975 Protection Ag 3,0225. Meadowcourt III, Hayland Street, Unit A, 1F 3,035 20 24-Mar-98 23-Mar-18 5-Jul-15 £72,820 £13.74Sheffield, S9 1BY Unit A, GF Mountrose Limited 2,610 15 3-Oct-02 3-Oct-17 3-Oct-12 3-Oct-12 Unit B, 1F 2,497 20 13-Jun-96 12-Jun-16 12-Jun-11 £70,740 £13.49 Unit B, GF Unit C, 1F £43,250 £14.31 Unit C, GF 15 1-Jul-97 30-Jun-12 £34,350 £13.76 Tenant renewing for 2 years at passing rent - assumed complete.Northeast Office Freehold 21,708 4.2 £221,160 Allen House 67,9996. Allen House, Ashton Road, 9yrs 1-Sep-09 30-Jun-19 1-Jul-14 30-Jun-14 £268,877 £3.95 Stepped rent on 1/07/2013 toBredbury, Stockport, SK6 2QN 10 £268,877 pa. The vendor will top months up to this amount. Mutual break. Schedule of condition. Tenant to pay £154,730.25 if break excercised.Northwest Office Freehold 67,999 1.8 6.8 £268,877 Freehold 42,484 3.07. Victoria Road, Fenton, Victoria Road Portmeirion Group UK Limited 35 29-Sep-80 28-Sep-15 £117,000 £2.75 Sublet to Bond retail services.Stoke-on-Trent, ST4 3NE 42,484Midlands Industrial 3.0 £117,000Summary North midlands southEAST SouthWEST < Back NEXT > Print

Tenancy schedule fulcrum portfolio high yielding Mixed use Portfolio investment opportunityProperty Sector Tenure Unit Tenant Area Term Lease Start Lease Next Break WAULT WAULT Current rent Rent psf Comment (sq ft)1 Expiry Review (Break) (Expiry) £68,460 Miller Construction (UK) Limited £14.00 Schedule of condition. Lease has been8. Hudson House, Toft Street, 1F Block C 4,890 0 9-May-12 08-Sep-12 extended - awaiting confirmation.York, YO1 6HP Anglo Management UK Limited 48 Car Parking Spaces Vacant 4F C Block Instant Offices Managed LLP 0 989 01-Oct-10 31-Dec-99 £273,283 £9.08 GF to 3F Blocks A, C & D Thales Properties Limited 4,959 £72,000 £13.44 Part 4F Block D BRB (Residuary) Limited 30,101 2 18-Oct-10 23-Oct-12 £28,330 £8.08 Part GF & 5F Instant Offices Managed LLP 5,358 4 16-Nov-07 26-Sep-12 £38,777 £16.86 Part GF Unit B (B004) Vacant 3,508 8 02-Oct-06 30-Jun-15 02-Oct-11 Part 1F, 2F, 3F Block B Vacant 2,300 1 31-May-11 23-Oct-12 Part GF, 1F, 2F, 3F & 5F York Investors LLP 22,547 Recharge Elec-Queen St 33,257 1100 01-Jan-00 31-Dec-99 Sub-Stn, West Off, Toft Rooms C11 & D09 0 Shop Unit In Off Bldg Vacant 940 Rolling £1,100 £9.02 Mutual rolling break on 1 month’s Olivers Of York 122 1 30-Nov-11 29-Nov-12 notice. Storage Bunker BRB (Residuary) Limited 0 999 02-Oct-06 01-Oct-05 Network Rail Infrastructure Limited 0 100 02-Oct-06 01-Oct-06 Sub-Station 107,982 Forensic Science Service Limited 59,161 46 18-Dec-81 18-Dec-27 18-Dec-11Northeast Office Freehold 0.2 0.2 £481,9509. Priory House 28/34 Gooch Street North, Priory House £260,000 £4.39 Building unoccupied.Birmingham, B37 7YN Leasehold Payaway 24-Dec-27 -£100Midlands Office Leasehold 59,161 15.3 15.3 £259,90010. Courtauld House, Courtauld House Bowater Building Products Limited 76,582 25 02-Aug-99 01-Aug-24 02-Aug-14 02-Aug-14 £397,500 £5.19 Tenant sublet building to Lear whoFoleshill Enterprise Park, (Sublet) have vacated. Tenant taken overCoventry, CV6 5NH by Veka who have alternative accomodation in Warwick.Midlands Industrial Freehold Warehouse Freehold, 76,582 1.9 11.9 £397,500 Leasehold Office & Car Park leasehold10. Staybrite House, Bowater Building Products Limited 0 25 02-Aug-99 01-Aug-24 02-Aug-14Foleshill Enterprise Park Car Park, Staybrite House Bowater Building Products Limited 18,716Coventry, CV6 5NH Offices, Staybrite House 25 02-Aug-99 01-Aug-24 02-Aug-09 02-Aug-14 £207,318 £11.08 Leasehold Payaway Peppercorn rent.Midlands Office 18,716 1.9 Car Park Leasehold 11.9 £207,318 £11.08Summary North midlands southEAST SouthWEST < Back NEXT > Print

Tenancy schedule fulcrum portfolio high yielding Mixed use Portfolio investment opportunityProperty Sector Tenure Unit Tenant Area Term Lease Start Lease Next Break WAULT WAULT Current rent Rent psf Comment (sq ft)1 (Expiry) Bravissimo Limited 19,592 Expiry Review (Break) £284,000 £14.50 9 Months rent free if break not excercised. GFK NOP Limited 2,239 7.6 £33,025 £14.7511. Imperial Court & Imperial House, Imperial Court, Holly Walk Freestyle Games Limited 10,071 10 15-Mar-12 14-Mar-22 15-Mar-17 14-Mar-17 £151,065 £15.00Leamington Spa, CV32 4YB Suite 5, Imperial House Altair Engineering Limited 5,909 116.0 £91,635 £15.51 Suites 1,2 & 6, Imperial House 37,811 10 25-Oct-05 24-Oct-15 £559,725 Suites 3 & 4, Imperial House Yorkbury Management Pension 2,359 £7,830 £3.32 Rights of access issues. Part of covenant Scheme (Assignee) 10 02-Sep-09 02-Sep-14 02-Sep-14 01-Sep-14 in admin. Expiry 2128. Ancilliary Land Mill Lane Engineering (Aldershot) -£47,000 Tenant in administration. Limited (tenant in administration) 10 01-Dec-06 30-Nov-16 01-Dec-11 -£39,170 Rent previously £205,170. Main BuildingSoutheast Office Freehold DX Network Services Limited 3.7 £500 £16.71 Includes ITZA 1,530 sq ft. The London Electricity Board £0.05 £17.44 ITZA 1,770 sq ft.12. Plot 24, Blackwater Way, Royal Bank Of Scotland Plc 124 29-Sep-03 26-Sep-28 29-Sep-13 £67,000 £10.02 ITZA 1,021 sq ft.Aldershot, GU12 4HD Vi - Hung Michael Tang £40,000 £8.19 Landlords break option on 6 weeks Vi - Hung Michael Tang £25,000 Wain’s World Limited 25,952 15 19-Apr-05 18-Apr-20 19-Apr-15 £7,500 notice. £36.63 In discussions to renew for 5 years at Leasehold Payaway Maria Vasilou 28-Sep-28 £28,500 passing. ITZA 634.Southeast Industrial Leasehold Curzon Place Recruitment Ltd 28,311 994 25-Dec-05 31-Dec-99 116.0 £21,000 Tenant in admin - assume zero rent, (in administration) 0 99 12-Dec-88 13-Dec-87 previously £15,000 - ITZA 335.13. The Copperfields Centre, Spital St, Common Area Stairwell Osman Dogan allici 0 10 25-Mar-10 24-Mar-20 25-Mar-15 25-Mar-15 £18,000 £25.21 ITZA 477 sq ft.Dartford, DA1 2DE Pt of Roof Area Vacant 16 04-Jul-01 03-Jul-17 04-Jul-13 Tenant vacated. 4,010 5 01-Aug-11 03-Jul-17 01-Aug-12 £41,000 Passing rent was £20,750. Units 1 & 2 Manh Nguyen 2,294 10 10-Nov-06 09-Nov-16 10-Nov-11 Rolling £29.70 ITZA 426 sq ft. 2,495 Tenant break personal. Units 3 & 4 Barnes Roffe LLP 1,040 £7.51 Tenant has 2 monthly rolling breaks. Units 5 & 6 Unit 7 Unit 8 778 16 25-Mar-96 24-Mar-12 Unit 9 439 10 23-Nov-07 22-Nov-17 23-Nov-12 Unit 10 833 15 19-Feb-03 18-Feb-18 19-Feb-13 Units 11 & 12 1,624 2 Unit 13 606 10 23-Jan-11 22-Jan-21 23-Jan-16 22-Jan-16 Units 16 & 17 5,460 1 01-Jul-11 30-Jun-13Summary North midlands southEAST SouthWEST < Back NEXT > Print

Tenancy schedule fulcrum portfolio high yielding Mixed use Portfolio investment opportunityProperty Sector Tenure Unit Tenant Area Term Lease Start Lease Next Break WAULT WAULT Current rent Rent psf Comment Vacant (sq ft)1 (Expiry) Excel Currencies Limited 2,661 Expiry Review (Break) £13,125 Santokh Singh Lart 869 6.313. The Copperfields Centre, Spital St, Units 18 & 19 Vacant 315 5 25-Mar-10 24-Mar-15 25-Mar-13 £16,750 £15.10 First floor office - 3 months penaltyDartford, DA1 2DE Unit 20 Vacant 269 125 25-Mar-89 24-Mar-14 5.7 £278,375 for tenant only break. Office Angels Limited 1,858 10.8 £166,783 Unit 21 1,333 £131,412 Peppercorn rent. Expiry 2114. Unit 22 Merial Animal Health Ltd 26,884 4.1 £40,392 Units 23-25 Vacant 10,795 5 25-Aug-11 24-Aug-16 25-Aug-14 First floor office. Units 26 & 27 Banctec Limited 3,454 £42,408 £12.57 First floor office. Tenant only break. Merial Animal Health Ltd 10,668 £380,995Southeast Retail Freehold 1F 3,269 4.6 £80,000 Pt GF Banctec Limited14. Sandringham House, 2F Offices 3,564 20 20-Mar-98 19-Mar-18 20-Mar-13 20-Mar-13 -£500 £15.45Harlow Business Park, Harlow, CM19 5QA Union Car Parks Limited 31,750 £79,500 Citystable Limited (Superior LL) 8,660 £167,500 Suite 1, Pt GF 10 17-Jul-08 16-Jul-18 17-Jul-13 16-Jul-13 £12.32 Rent free from 17/07/13 - Northgate Information Solutions 8,660 8 10-May-09 19-Mar-18 20-Mar-13 20-Mar-13 £150,633 17/09/13. UK Ltd 14,409 Suite 2, GF 10 17-Jul-08 16-Jul-18 17-Jul-13 16-Jul-13 £248,283 £12.36 Tenant has operated break - potential Rockwell Automation Limited 14,561 re-let to Derek Wade Waters @ 30 31-Dec-92 02-Jul-23 31-Dec-12 £566,416 £9.18 psf. Rockwell Automation Limited 23,673 04-Jul-23 £11.90 Rent free from 17/07/13 - 52,643 9 29-Mar-12 28-Mar-21 29-Mar-16 17/09/13.Southeast Office Freehold 0.7 10.815. 2-5 Devonshire Row Mews, GF & Garage £9.24 Schedule of condition.London, W1W 5AX Leasehold Payaway Schedule of condition.London Other Leasehold16. 2,3 & 4 Pitfield Fairways, Kiln Farm, Unit 2 £11.62 Half rent until 29/03/2013.Milton Keynes, MK11 3LW Vendor to top up. Tenant receives 4 months rent free for non-activation of break. Unit 3 5 25-Dec-09 24-Dec-14 24-Aug-13 £10.34 Tenant negotiating renewal, break extended from 2012 to 2013. Tenant receives 6 months rent free for non- activation of break. Unit 4 5 25-Dec-09 24-Dec-14 24-Aug-13 £10.49 Tenant negotiating renewal, break extended from 2012 to 2013. Tenant receives 6 months rent free for non- activation of break.Southeast Office Freehold 3.0Summary North midlands southEAST SouthWEST < Back NEXT > Print

Tenancy schedule fulcrum portfolio high yielding Mixed use Portfolio investment opportunityProperty Sector Tenure Unit Tenant Area Term Lease Start Lease Next Break WAULT WAULT Current rent Rent psf Comment Rockwell Automation Limited (sq ft)1 (Expiry) Expiry Review (Break) £375,000 73,087 4.817. ICS Buildings, Hall Road, ICS Buildings 8 26-Jun-12 25-Jun-17 2.0 £375,000 £5.13 Reversionary lease to 25/06/2016.Maldon, CM9 4LA 0.3 £18,750 Current rent of £187,500 increasing 7.1 £18,750 to £375,000 on 26/06/2013. £50,000 Vendor will top up rent until this date. 10.7 £18,500Southeast Industrial Freehold 73,087 4.8 £68,500 4,169 2.0 £25,00017. North East Land, Hall Road, Maldon North East Land Partco Autopart Limited 4,169 25 04-Sep-89 03-Sep-14 £5,000 £4.50 30,507 0.3Southeast Industrial Freehold Riverside Building Supplies Limited 9,618 6 14-Aug-06 01-Jan-13 £27,500 Riverside Building Supplies Limited 40,125 4 01-Apr-08 01-Jan-13 -£1,90017. Land, 4 Hall Road, 4 Hall Road 1,712 £55,600 £1.64Maldon, CM9 4LA GF and 1F Building 4 Mr John Pang 1,621 10 06-Feb-09 05-Feb-19 06-Feb-14 06-Feb-14 £60,000 £1.92 Mr John Pang 10 06-Feb-09 05-Feb-19 06-Feb-14Southeast Industrial Freehold £36,000 £19,50018.124-126 Above Bar Street, 124 Above Bar Street £14.60 Includes ITZA of 756 sq ft.Southampton, SO14 7FN £18,500 £3.08 Residential Flat, rear £32,000 124 Above Bar St £100,000 £5.49 Rent free to Review date. Fixed ground rent (x2). 126 Above Bar Street Above Bar College Limited 5,012 10 13-Jul-10 12-Jul-20 13-Jul-15 £21,500 31-Mar-52 £62,500 Leasehold Payaway 15 07-Jan-02 06-Jan-17 07-Jan-12 £10,250Southwest Retail Leasehold 8,345 4.9 2,788 £33,00019. 127 Above Bar St & 127A Above Bar Street Kentucky Fried Chicken 25 01-Mar-05 28-Feb-30 01-Mar-14 -£6,500 £21.52 Includes ITZA of 665 sq ft.2/8 Civic Centre Rd, 127 B/C, Above Bar Street (Great Britain) Limited 1,175 15 25-Dec-02 24-Dec-17 25-Mar-13 25-Mar-13 £386,750Southampton, SO14 7FN 659 £30.64 Includes ITZA of 361 sq ft. Yuk sing Tang £29.59 Includes ITZA of 307 sq ft. 127 D, Above Bar Street Yan Kuk Chu 5 yearly breaks at review. £16.43 Includes ITZA of 682 sq ft. 127 E, Above Bar Street Miss Temitope Lawrence 1,126 10 01-Aug-05 31-Jul-15 31-Jul-15 £20.18 Includes ITZA of 982 sq ft. Subwey Southampton Limited 1,586 20 16-May-08 15-May-28 15-May-18 £7.85 Public House. Privity provided from 127 F, Above Bar Street REL Southampton Bars Limited 12,736 35 08-Dec-95 07-Dec-30 8-Dec-15 17-Dec-20 Scottish & Newcastle. Includes 2 flats not The Square, accounted for in area. Tenant only break. 127 Above Bar Street £11.29 5 yearly breaks at review. £29.11 ITZA area 1,592.5 sq ft. 1F, 4 Civic Centre Road Texila Foods Limited 1,905 20 26-Apr-04 25-Apr-24 26-Apr-14 26-Apr-14 Tenant only break. 6/8 Civic Centre Road STA Travel Limited 2,147 15 10-Nov-04 09-Nov-19 09-Nov-14 10-Nov-14 £31.25 GF and Civic Centre, The former Richard Ford 328 10 24-Feb-04 23-Feb-14 £13.20 2,500 Fixed ground rent. Petrovski bar (t/a Crew Barber Shop Limited) 26,950 15 22-Jan-01 21-Jan-16 23-Jun-35 West Marlands Road Green Cellars Limited Leasehold PayawaySouthwest Retail Leasehold 6.6Summary North midlands southEAST SouthWEST < Back NEXT > Print

Tenancy schedule fulcrum portfolio high yielding Mixed use Portfolio investment opportunityProperty Sector Tenure Unit Tenant Area Term Lease Start Lease Next Break WAULT WAULT Current rent Rent psf Comment (sq ft)1 (Expiry) Vacant 4,408 Expiry Review (Break) £51,500 £12.25 Vacant 5,919 1.8 £28,60020. Argent Court & Argent House First Floor, Argent House Vacant 2,000 £27,300 £12.43Tolworth, KT6 7NA G/F Argent House Pageantry Electronic Systems 4,205 6.8 £13.19 Part First Floor, Argent House Limited 4.7 £107,400 Unit B Argent Court Green Compliance PLC 2,300 5 04-Jul-08 04-Jul-13 £75,847 Peppercorn rent. Expiry 2135. ACL Packaging Solutions Limited 2,070 £35,363 Expiry 3010. Unit E Argent Court Satnav Systems (UK) Limited Sold off 5 18-Aug-11 17-Aug-16 18-Aug-13 £34,624 Unit F Argent Court Mukesh Gupta Sold off £34,629 £5.25 Schedule of condition. Unit G Argent Court 20,902 10 16-Dec-03 15-Dec-13 15-Dec-13 £35,294 Tenant only break. Units C and D Argent Court Eurocarb Products Limited 14,440 £45,330 125 26-Feb-10 25-Feb-35 £48,912 £4.93 Schedule of condition. Units 1 & 2 Unipart Automotive Limited 7,170 £43,247 Tenant only break. 999 28-Dec-11 27-Dec-10 Unit 3 Walkers Snack Services Limited 7,157 £353,246 £4.84 Rent free from 22/12/2011 toLondon Industrial Freehold 1.0 £190,000 21/09/2012 to be topped up. Sanoh UK Manufacturing Limited 7,100 £162,50021. Point Four Industrial Estate, 10 18-Mar-10 17-Mar-20 18-Mar-15 18-Mar-15 -£39,480 £4.88 Schedule of condition.Avonmouth, Bristol, BS11 8DF Sanoh UK Manufacturing Limited 7,277 £313,020 Tenant only break. Pilkington Automotive Limited 10,068 10 28-Apr-10 27-Apr-20 28-Apr-15 28-Apr-15 £4.85 Schedule of condition. Vacant 8,959 Tenant only break. Unit 4 Arco Limited 10,148 5 22-Dec-11 21-Dec-16 Amaryllis Limited 8,906 £4.50 Tenant has missed 2012 break. Unit 5 10 31-May-11 30-May-21 31-May-16 South Western Electricity Board 81,225 £4.82 Break any time after 24/06/2016. Unit 6 52,595 10 04-Mar-11 03-Mar-21 04-Mar-16 04-Mar-16 £4.86 Schedule of condition. Service Computershare Limited 26,505 Unit 7A William Cowlin (Holdings) Limited 10 07-Aug-07 06-Aug-17 07-Aug-12 charge cap at £4,000 per annum, Unit 7B 79,100 increasing in line with RPI annually. Unit 8A 10 17-Feb-11 23-Jun-21 24-Jun-16 24-Jun-16 Expires 2108. Unit 8B 5 16-Jun-11 15-Jun-16 Fixed ground rent of a peppercorn per annum. Substation 125 30-Sep-51 26-Apr-08 26-Jun-08 Leasehold Payaway 20-Jun-08 £3.61 £6.13 Tenant only break.Southwest Industrial Leasehold 15 01-Mar-01 29-Feb-16 27-Apr-13 4.0 15 19-Jun-02 18-Jun-17 27-Apr-13 19-Jun-12 2.3 14% of rental value.22. Stratton House, 39 Cater Road, WarehouseBristol, BS13 7UH Offices 26-Apr-08 Leasehold PayawaySouthwest Industrial LeaseholdSummary North midlands southEAST SouthWEST < Back NEXT > Print

Tenancy schedule fulcrum portfolio high yielding Mixed use Portfolio investment opportunityProperty Sector Tenure Unit Tenant Area Term Lease Start Lease Next Break WAULT WAULT Current rent Rent psf Comment Holder Mathias Architects Limited (sq ft)1 Expiry Review (Break) (Expiry) £230,000 £12.68 Subtenant of part has moved out,23. Bonded Warehouse, Atlantic Wharf, Bonded Warehouse 18,144 25 01-Jul-88 30-Jun-13 01-Jul-11 0.8 £230,000 assumed 50% of area. Tenant wantsCardiff, CF10 4HD 8.3 £547,484 50% of space @ £10 psf. £547,484Wales Office Freehold 18,144 0.8 7.0 £4.83 Annual RPI increase or 3% whichever 113,419 8.3 6.7 £4,500 is higher.24. BPC Building, Marsh Barton Trading Estate, BPC Building Polestar UK Print Limited 25 28-Dec-95 27-Dec-20 25-Dec-12 £2,325Exeter, EX2 8RP 113,419 £3,750 Savills (L&P) Limited 0 £1,500Southeast Industrial Freehold King Sturge LLP 0 £1,500 Parsons Brinckerhoff Limited 025. The Forum, Barnfield Road, 3 Car Parking Spaces Savills (L&P) Limited 0 10 16-Jul-07 15-Jul-17 16-Jul-17 £1Exeter, EX1 1QR Basement Savills (L&P) Limited 0 £116,201 The Exeter City Council 0 3 09-Feb-07 08-Feb-10 Renewal awaiting completion. Balfour Beatty Group Limited £25,000 Car Park Spaces 5, 6, 7 8,429 0 01-Sep-11 31-Mar-12 Rolling £41,474 One month break notice. £71,725 Car Parking Space 11 1 01-Apr-11 31-Mar-12 Rolling £71,184 One month break notice. Car Parking Space 12 1 01-Apr-11 31-Mar-12 Rolling £330,673 One month break notice. £6,675,166 Car Parking Space 33 11-Jul-79 10-Jul-12 Rolling One month break notice. Part 1F 8 16-Jan-12 20-Oct-20 21-Oct-15 21-Oct-17 £13.79 Rent reduces to peppercorn on 15/01/2013 until 31/03/2013. Tenant only break. GF A Torsiello, R Torsiello & L Torsiello 1,791 20 04-Jul-05 03-Jul-25 04-Jul-13 04-Jul-15 £14.20 Index linked review. Tenant only break. Part GF Offices 1 27-Mar-08 26-Mar-13 Part GF Kitsons Limited Liability Partnership 2,713 10 16-Jul-07 15-Jul-17 16-Jul-17 £15.29 Savills (L&P) Limited 5,738 Part 2F (East) 10 20-Apr-12 19-Apr-22 19-Apr-15 19-Apr-17 £22.95 20 months rent free from 16th July 2012 to be topped up. Limited 8,898 £12.07 Rent free until 19/04/2013. Vendor to top up. An additional rent free of 4.5 months is available if the landlord is satisfied with tenant’s works under licence to alter. Part 2F (West) Vacant 1,571 3F Vacant 6,984 36,124Southwest Office Freehold 1,171,997 4.1Totals 4.2*Areas provided by vendor - further information available on request.*Further information on covenants available in the dataroom.Summary North midlands southEAST SouthWEST < Back NEXT > Print

1. WARWICK House WADE LANE, LEEDS, LS2 8NLInvestment Considerations• Secondary location on periphery of CBD• The Leeds Arena has potential to drive some improvement in the micro location• Let to Interserve Working Futures Ltd who has a pre-tax profit of £7.8m and shareholder’s funds in excess of £3.4mAsset Management Opportunities • Current dialogue with the tenant to remove break / extend lease• Extend headleaseDescription• Purpose built office property constructed in circa 1970• Accommodation provided over ground and 3 upper floors• Brick construction beneath a flat roof with aluminium windows• Extends to 1,403 sq m (15,103 sq ft)• Parking for 6 cars to the rear of the property• The site extends to 0.07 hectares (0.17 acres)Summary North midlands southEAST SouthWEST < Back NEXT > Print1. LEEDS 2. LEEDS 3. MANCHESTER 4. SHEFFIELD 5. SHEFFIELD 6. STOCKPORT 7. STOKE ON TRENT 8. YORK

1. WARWICK House WADE LANE, LEEDS, LS2 8NL Easingwold A64 Malton 682 A1(M) Aldwark A614 (A166) Bridlington A61 Settle Knaresborough A165 Tenancy A65 A58 Harrogate A166 Driffield • Let entirely to Interserve Working Futures Ltd for a term of 7 years to expiry and 5 years to break A59 A59 LOVELL PARK RD 1S2RO13Bo1l9A1dcuN4 hh2re0nSdallsmkaeoil2ype1ntAKo60ne682i2gAHh5MB8Ala6e4R6l6y2iAfaDAxH6A2Fu62O23d8OIldR2Bk4teilDlneergyysSP2flS5heei2eni6yApils6Adl2t6e9o5BynAae62t71BLlD6eERMeyE1A6wDSD423M4S083471Fs911Ob&34W73HRuD3are6y3mkB0Ae5sa9Mfwri6en3G2o1lsdaWrlCtrehef3aPyAo2ts1hortetnAlrhe6bt33e3fyT8DoSfarro3add83n7cAc3t6cYa6S4a3so4eAtsr6letb3k3reAyr6GV4ER5RENAOT4NGSEOT5MR6G11ET8S3hA6TM6o31rA8nA3G1507e86o3CLPo2AMoYlMEecPRIkTR6lLIOi2nNEgMWE3tA1MDoY83En1S8RREEMWIALLONM(6NSAae1W1S4riBcO6TgkEO3ueLh)DAGttn4R1RoHAB0DtnV7uahHAuE9mMrSp5eotBT8oobs1rr(snne8iMMpglr0--eEg)eRRBIOA5 Ne6AA31Rv10D08e345rAle1C8yaisAt1o6Ar0G4R6IAmFNTTOOEmRMNTTPHRSiLATnAAF1ARg0LS3GhT3AMGaREmLSrBTiOmUCRlNseEbeWSTytAihtC6hoOB4eNY(rrMRCSpnGOOK)eONsRINDWesSNaSTEETRR • Current passing rent of £196,250 per annum A614 LN A164 NORTH ST LN • Net passing rent of £173,222 ST A61 A19 A165 Tenure A650 A19 A15 A15 Leasehold - 125 years from 29th September 1980 geared to the higher of 12.12%LEEDS HULLThe Property65 8 10 of rental value or £8,000. The current passing headrent is £23,028 per annum 7 reviewed annually. A164arwen WOODHOUSE LN WAD ST BRIDGE ST 1 A670 ALBION ST A53ltoBnury 2 A58 3 A621 A61 3 17 A161 VICAR LN 15 A38 A159 14 NEW BRIGGATESMTOAKNEC-HOENS-TTRERENT SHEFFIELD NOTTINGHAMNnh2AMcnS95edw3Shca16w3Se8AhilW2acr5e7caK1-h1l1AaSLm6i7Mf6nl5osmACHy37u57S5trhom660tsldal05semlp9eofitcLLL-oheseeewCools1reKee5ldhmoicdded1fCcm2aasssaoaBdgsunhittltirseedengoaiMdSd1sliovtsAechtuet6ataoealnago3cpMAtcpncrih5ApA6ksolo35p5e7&7tpr04AnwrsLir5oonfos2ei3irSnecenxtwlkiAgigiGdp5Bmti2ltaufuoehiaxlnscattsdcaeooootilnnnBprAyim6ceao2ok3i1cSmmeaAtw9tn5lio7elWee5iscrlnAsleikcrMksmksciihsasbntawiborllttieooAtolrdcho5,rsug2tecethrwehk(nnB3Ueetiert1hAKelMpA64C61eofa9kA1CorrvmonSllr,Afears36dte15)yMYrasItlvoSonkh23ne64CReuo3raA54lskRtoh2ersstt3sytite3ohopnhhhrasfnnl2ae2iieet89enoreicrty3eln3id0fhEdr31eo2fSS2aaLani7n1AesAomtn2a6tlln61AK1dwydl9idsAroabmhH5ktMo7ohfnbeuniodeAaeycdet1lnkAoadnif(nn6siMirn1nnafv6w)i3dtlae4oelalSntrd4enyOc4BdsaillaAa.eAtw6m‘ri1l3AtBot1o6arir1nRnyl7ineaetadstlAfi6o(bn2bT70rH’aduEs1HnsEkBiNoAknDmenseRGeO-sw)TWbsatrsnAaiaWCen1roncssakirbest-athytodhpiAnr1fioAg7ioet5nbua7aroglrtsBhohotuueSfogLslhetificnhAaniM6fceAtoe3y4oV1r6sa,dNlsinnea.o’wcnrh(dtOhethMRhsMoaetaaesArfAAeI6skPrH113nES,e75E1ortt8AnhoerRSAnTgenp1ecG5LAal3jAesTaostDEehrtYUAnylNtaeL1CiyNIdir1Oonr2dN.n1cAogSi5hTnIln2tag)g.shrGbogaTyooehsLdosBeootgournclslAoeteiet1ht6gaoyMnoadflAa6A1p15>8BRIDGE STA1031 Warwick House A16 Wade Lane Leeds A515 BRIGGATE A157 Mablethorpe CMaurltiPstarorkey 1 to 7 Area : 681.173 m² (7332.09 ft²) A624 A156 A52 Brunswick A527 A614 Point A50 Memorial A453 A60 Merrion Market St Alban's Place A46 Ingoldmells SkegnessA534 Commerce House A6097 A46 A15 Hotel 57 WADE LANE A16A607 51 to 53 59 PH Warwick A52 House Belgrave House A53 sector outside coitfyLoonuUdtstotiodnxe,eteLeomrnpdlooDyninEaAgnR51d6oBvoYevre8r ,th0Se0taA0n6pelepxfoetrod215p0lLeAo5y.2neOgBaeErvesaestrLtoeontnheA6ed06 slaisste2xA0p52eyceteadrsGtormanogtrehenamejorbasteh2a5ve%Ab5o2efetnhecreemapteldoyimn eLenet dgsrothwathn in 47 to 49 Register Drayton any othSetor nUeK for Officeket the Zicon House A444 2 A50 A1101 A519 A17 SwiTYnthoahertfehkfonpserhr1Mdc4aoir6orpe1e3meaarRpAtn5uywa1dgriieetsAHhld5e1suy8oiwtmucicabthuteeprtdshieiedorsenfairntvehcogeluuionrdeonBidAn.rutsglrhashtT-oeobSZruryneoan-tnuhdnutcsetphaia-donnneddMoewIrDfE,LAeLAWSesNTCteDoidoSlalfsM2il4avt21ch3imliletLeyoHcuciigtleylh,n.btYrooerorwkusgihMthhMiroieAnew6l0tBa7boranamnykixaedndAu6sL07eeeadrseaC.itTyhCeroeuanAcr15ei1l.aItniBusomuarbSnseepearcldooifnndgoathreyAr1o5o1fffHfiicocelebeaabcruheialdingsA17A15 41 43 A518 A515 King's BELGRAVE STREET Car Park A38 Lynn Symons Housert A42 LB A47 10m 20m A6121 0m 30m Fairfax 50.6m House CeJntorbe Subway Ordnance Survey © Crown Copyright 2012. All rights reserved. Licence number 100020449. Plotted Scale - 1:1000 Summary North midlands southEAST SouthWEST This plan is published for the convenience of NEXT > Print 1. LEEDS 2. LEEDS 3. MANCHESTER 4. SHEFFIELD 5. SHEFFIELD 6. STOCKPORT 7. STOKE ON TRENT 8. YORK < Backidentification only and although believed to be correct is not guaranteed and it does not form any part of any contract. © Crown Copyright. All rights reserved. Licence Number LIG0074.

2. GELDERD POINT Gelderd Road, LEEDS, LS27 7JPInvestment Considerations• Modern, north east office building• Offered with vacant possession• Well located at the head of the north east motorway networkAsset Management Opportunities • Let vacant space• Sell to owner occupierDescription• Gelderd Point is a 1,894 sq m (20,386 sq ft) attractive modern three storey office building, predominantly constructed in brick under a pitched slate roof with excellent full height glazing• Comfort cooling• Full access raised floor (150 mm clear void)• Suspended ceiling• Category II lighting• Full disabled access and facilities• High quality male and female toilet facilities with showers• 10 person high speed lift• Column free floorplate• Excellent natural light• Quality carpeting throughout• 69 car spaces providing a parking ratio of 1:295 sq ft• The site extends to 0.45 hectares (1.10 acres)Summary North midlands southEAST SouthWEST < Back NEXT > Print1. LEEDS 2. LEEDS 3. MANCHESTER 4. SHEFFIELD 5. SHEFFIELD 6. STOCKPORT 7. STOKE ON TRENT 8. YORK

2. GELDERD POINT Gelderd Road, LEEDS, LS27 7JP Easingwold A64 MaltonLEEDSNnkh2Arl6aMcnS9e5ettdw53Shrtoca7163w3Swe8B1DAhinlW42acrA5e7craeuK15-ha1l13AaSLm6iAn7M1fAr6nyl55o558smAHCyy3t71u857oS5tr8ho1m660t1snldal075s1eml23S0p9eoftisc5WaaYLLGL-Sohese1eetewCooonnS2Rlse1OareKe1ee5cmldahtmrdyS3Bofo1tillcktddfe9lAdd11kdfoMCciueocNm42saToantssAsaehhero2rharhBd6eg10sMtunOdufSda5r4nihhAetitlilotirSstdleresd6menekagoaeeeieu1otKMNidSdCl1slilo2vt3yosprsAeed1cPhtntuets6EanatteaAoUCR-oeadlnaKAogio3Bc6epMndnA5-tuci0npnrceK1rihr56nHApAd6tOkiesgolo832ia5rp5ve7&t2g7tpr04eeAAncwrEseLdAirHoHhN5i5loon5fieos2seMB8Af1iSt2l3fiAaru6Stnyeocey8enx-o4R6t5wplL7lkm6iATgy9Tri2igiGdpoA5ofBrmdtib2aRoEbltaBnufuuDoAehUxHiaomRe6xdluntRsEAc2Fsttauttsord6scaohte2oiioONs2o3dondiaoti8OlnnInninBprAyxldtR2edBekdim6hT,ce4aotee2eonilDlek3i1.ecnteesSemLrmeaAtesgtyysowlS9tTmn5rSPryln2iof7leSelh5hneWeeePi5is2acpenrHlngAi6syedslaeAikpcHiltrlisM6kAsimdioksorclt2iEtioaMo6e9husasbkonDt5ynaBwirynboBFnnarlltrtiAA6aaieeooAto.lnEaruotdaFc6h2ot5,erslsAu72r1LBgrglg2tDlaencRe56hIeeEthdtrTRwM1e-1ahkE(mnenodyEb16ZBA3roBt6UwDeae/tiSynfeLoDee42o3rMtvr14So-08lh43nYAKM7e1Fuslodl91MDuetp1A64Ovb&3Kotc4WC6e1n7wpre3oHfehR6ua9nkrA-1CorrtoD3var8erwiaimonS2l6lyrn,Aftn3mekarrshB3,60dtAtaee1g5A)he0yMYra5sIMiista9sMl1nyfnvSoSeonkhw023Ibri(tDnet64tC6REeeMunho3r3GaAaoeA0n552oL4Al1nsklRt6oph2ese)ArrdrsasSWrtet3eslolytCitse3NtohoerTpepnCmhhtAhxheArueffa3sDawfnnPyoAlo522eateo2iietgetSc8s1i9h9enoorr6Araeniocordtyth23eet1lntM32nid5l0fAhElildr321re4uhdporevo26btf023S1S2aawkL3an3te3fii7nly1TA8LnDelesoAoSmeAGfaltn2aaoL6t5yearlrlsro.n361KA21dwya(dddok8n3eel9njn7idscAOdAcugurBola3abmdhH5t6ckYdatM6ogrS4n7oehEfranbv3seuiohenio4eedscAvLeAaaetseycdeNbr6lrseetettt1lnbk3krLAidoa3dntoioref(eonAne6ysoiMiOrronntr1n6ndafnnhoeAvR6w4)i3df6tla5e4suoTed0elo62aGlSgntrsad4c4TelM7nhyOcaiedM4BidItsai5lsoMsylaAlaN.6MeAdAettw6wa1m‘r61ie1lB3lTAAtcB0eo628Gt1tp6o637bx61arh2oeiA63Arr1nRnyM0l5prBp672odin5nenHRa3aet21rAreads)tyAt8nDyolAr2P3AGfc1Fi076ei7eoe(O6bxno2sbto73R0.reMai’DaiPduom2sw1ndRTronlsDMstecGhkBaiioN.kAktAtn6meormehn6lts6ei2Gae5e0n-siw0)7TnrognblMsagtye3rttsnAai1raWeoCehn1t81er3ona4n1ncsas8aki/rbestm-iat0ejAWMAlhyto4od1(6hrpSAi0Aae16anrba1146friiocAg6g7kmioenMtst53ynbuuaeh7e)adAr6ottaing4hl12oHlrtsB0B21ehtorhano7lutahHMude9u,u5meMSrvfpogLeoit6Bsslpeoo%bssh12etifrricsnhnneu18AiafAnrpgliMrr0--b6feo5cerAAtgoee3oo2Hy4e1oVe1vr65sDBa,fmdN1AAl5iesiUrnf6de6AnAetai1a.Fn3Lfh1o4v1I’fNiiw0cnE0Licn8teeKer3M4hcs(LEdi5lrtg(ELOdAlB6rhAleDteLiie112NehoCMRtn86hsSmiyiM6uoaaaemet)taareisAerfsApStnsAAeAI6skemPrtH1re1163npoES,el756s5ad1oortt8Ar00aenehoer4RPtWyAlTn6AdBIcgdienp1AeRcmmBhn5rtKKiial3jesinWiEaaiostmodeeFreLhArgtAItnsEyYllennteae1iCiLitPynAndirD1etaoTnr12drgRgwHa.0n1cdgAlDoIg3hStloi5chA3nIsiolrGnT2at1aStgcoL)5gnhmEpt.r1shhreGhwWiboegmaTtosAHCyahooYrteshospNhlnsLetdeoElsBebPwbpooeWytSgfoeiAHyutoirnncaliAislnhAoetttWecri6et1hhhoght6gaoLeyNi5trMnrohnadpSnPO0efeslUaaeTsAHpar1k5>8A61A165COLLEGE RD Tenancy A58 B6126 682 VICARAGE AVE with vacant possession. The property is offered A164 Tenure 157.6m Freehold Tank A61 A19 A164 STREET LN A650 A62 GELDERD ROAD M621 A165 A614 A670 A15 STONE PITS LN A61 A15 GILDERSOME SPUR A19 A156 BRUNTCLIFFE WAY A161 A159 A62 A64M3 ablethorpe A1031 A16 A515 156.4m A624 A157 A527 A50 A53 A614 A52 Warehouse A621 1 NEXT > A38 A60 IngoGldildmerseomllesCross A46 Skegness TkA534 3 2 A15 A52 A607 A6097 Works A16 159.4m A444 A1101 A50 A17 A519 A515 A15 Treefield Industrial Estate A38 A42 A17 King's Print Lynn A453 A46 A6121 A47 0m 10m 20m 30m 14 Summary North midlands southEAST SouthWEST Ordnance Survey © Crown Copyright 2012. All rights reserved. Licence number 100020449. Plotted Scale - 1:1250 1. LEEDS 2. LEEDS 3. MANCHESTER 4. SHEFFIELD 5. SHEFFIELD 6. STOCKPORT 7. STOKE ON TRENT 8. YORK This plan is published for the convenience of < Backidentification only and although believed to be correct is not guaranteed and it does not form any part of any contract. © Crown Copyright. All rights reserved. Licence Number LIG0074.

3. ROYAL EXCHANGE shopping centre Exchange street, manchester, M2 7DBInvestment Considerations• The net income is negative £114,000 pa, therefore target investors seeking losses to offset against gains• Share of a prime retail unit in the centre of Manchester• 40% of the income is secured to TGI Fridays• Over 8 years AWULTAsset Management Opportunities • Approach freeholder to buy, therefore extinguishing the long leasehold interest• Let vacant spaceDescription• The Royal Exchange building is a former cotton exchange dating back to 1865• Comprises a mixture of retail units, a theatre and office accommodation on the upper floors• Grade 2* Listed• The subject property forms a long leasehold interest in part of the Royal Exchange building, comprising a shopping arcade with four entrances• Arranged over basement, ground and first floors• Basement comprises flexible open plan space and small shell retail units• Ground floor comprises 1 large restaurant and 7 smaller retail units• First floor comprises 2 large unitsSummary North midlands southEAST SouthWEST < Back NEXT > Print1. LEEDS 2. LEEDS 3. MANCHESTER 4. SHEFFIELD 5. SHEFFIELD 6. STOCKPORT 7. STOKE ON TRENT 8. YORK

35 Easingwold 3. ROYAL EXCHANGE shopping centreA64 Malton A1(M) Aldwark Bolton le Sands Bridlington Morecambe 34 A683 A614 (A166) Exchange street, manchester, M2 7DB Heysham Settle A61 Lancaster A165 KnaresboroughM6 A65 A166 Driffield Harrogate33 A59 A59LIVERPOOL MANCHESTER The Property H•£•gTTT•wUe6ee ao7nnLrS6TTT5uaeLleohec,,dn1trne0aoaa0st0belblcena 6y0pahytnsaswospdesiqlneadsmaircyfnnteilaungdonundtntfernTeierrathueenTamomsftGotrts.iaInrsfmiTi–troFn£hsurs9nte5ildsa9vf7lraaoPe1tyycolonc,esa0rtaanUi0rstsp,0KreaferpLrvlotcoedimeenr,nwgaB2taenow5dgndtiuehtyuhmpoDS4wfherocraeeeprntdmatIanibollteenuvrrlnayn1ilatues9tevi7ao.et9nrWygaarl5oetPuaylucnenc,daduRrrefoslroreystonoatartlanraBednarnedtnthnkoaat fot ftheWlFaaFoclllerkamepstboewyoyolod OrmskiLrkePySrlaetnsHdteolnensWBliagCcakhnborulernyBDolaStroaSwBnlCaeeullinfrtoyhredroeRBocuhrnSdlkaeiOlypeltdKohneaigmhHlaelyifax OIlBktillneeSgyyStolheciykpslebByraidtglDLeeeyEwEsDbWSHuareymkBesafwriRenGolosdarlCttrehhfaPyoesorrttnhlhetaefTDomfarroaddncctcYaSasoetsrletbkreyr ThornGeoole Scunthorpe Beverley ImminghGamrimClsebeythorpes1 682 formula equates to 51.8181%. The second leasehold is for the turret rooms, expiringWarrington Stockport2 Widnes Altrincham Cheadle Gainsborough Louth3 oc2Whn0ea12nb58ce.ethli eoJvfuentheteh2eg0rgo2ruo7nu.dnTdhreelnectaucsrehreainsntgcrioennngstiidinse£trha1eb0lsy,h0oo0rv0teorirnrcemrneetaeddsiuinmagntdteortmh£e.2r0ef,o0r0e0thoenre2i9sthlittJluenent ChReustnecrorn NorthwicKhnutsford Macclesfield CSlatyaveClheyesterfield Retford Lincoln RoMyaalnEchxcehsatenrgeld Location & Situation STOKE-ON-TRENT View the Property on Google Map >Wrexham NantwicChreSwanedbuNancedhwerc-aLsytmlee- Kidsgrove Leek AMshabtoloucrknBeelpCerrossSuARtstihopfnlieeiylnEdastAKwisrohHkMofbuidaeyclnkdinnsafilel ld None-wTraernkt-RuabonMCpTHTMwsehheaahaaceedirtonnhcveptnccheresarhhddtyoradeeripoacNassitecttfnileeioorticSrrthsnmyhteepiraosdmeirlsPloetsopheR,stvderniiOaDtidavumlnMeeiaatrdeebsrotIsegenpSKadennminicsthnecoeteagaehnncnsmrtoStltort.yihsmemtfr,Tes5enmahMe0oageteet%vtar.ridcoeocriukrinot2aaysnaf.’lldsla6lt.chnm7mfeDeldonuaemtotloSsprtiirestpaplaloimerloloetfnmurnastcethresietskseainqrde,itaRletfNsltosrotoepooyenftarafxageLctlrioleeMaEpnpt.xnardaioTcditorclhvhknhaiSeaescenitfacooclgSfninocrtetydiumrdi’esbssigmeesupretsoei,taslhtdda.CareiartinriolDcatogiupuodsEnlsrnwmaodRSrhviilnnBtMyiirsciesYaihsaotenrrrntafko,oateniSirstvtmgtterSaaAsatmacrnanetnonindevdnteSiigsena,tslrccancetolodneutnhmddttoehaepsmesnbiatideeHcncsteNoSathawuttiuOnnsAltbyhdeTtnehfeopnoTexcf’rrIstoecNeFtdrhSornnaGeoqudesnmuenrHetadrioronAyrrfe(AatKhMaSnrtenonttwnlddyANdeaniasselntelwsr’rs)aCe,ngekinoetnrde.swestry Newport StaffordStonReugeley Uttoxeter BAuslrahtT-obZryneo-nudutceph-on IlkestoCnoalviLllLoeonugBgeEheabsttooornnougMhMoewltbornay Grantham Spalding Boston KLinygn'nsn A5 A165 LUGDOGUALTDESSHCTISHLHLOAORLPSSTT ANGEL ST A STATION APPROACH MIRA B E A61 E A650 A6 SA Garstang Wetherby PocklingtonA59 A(6A11463) A164 A64Manchester Evening News Arena BLEREADDSFO&RD MWaerigkehttonA65 A1 A1035A585 M55 M65 S M621 M62 S M62 BaHurpetoossnnl--e WithernseaA59 A59 A646 A1 A63 A645 A63 A163 079 A63 A10334 TRINITY WAY NEW BRIDGEA S5T8 A19 DANTZIC ST MARSAHG6AO6L4ULLRSDOBTEECNNHDSDTIAXLSETRD ADDINGTON ST COLLIER ST GREENGAT L ST Victoria Station A665 MILLER ST VICTORI 3 1 32 13 14 GRAVEL LA MILLGATE A614 A164 12 QUEEN ST 31 KING ST 1 NO4R7TO4N3ST Chetham’s HANOVER ST 38 CALBE ST 8 10 School of 30 29 9 67 Music LONG DANTZIC ST ST 28 4 VIA2D7UCT T 8 3 S 37 14 26 30 CATHEDRAL GDNS SWAN ST CROSS KEYS 25 CHAAL4FP0O4ERL1DSATPP Cinema SHUDEHILL 7 31 32 33 FEN3N4EL ST 19 36 VICTORIA BR ST Triangle 18 NEW CATHED RAL ST The Printworks ST HIGH 24 S A19 23 A61 A6042 CORPORATION ST MS6 MS61 M62 S M18 HumberA570 A58 A62 A638 M181 A16027 BROWNCROSS ST WITHY WELL ST SALMON ST A665 GT S M1 M180 M180 A A16 GROVE 1 22 BOOTH ST 39 A15 5 21 CLOWES EDGETSHTOMAS ST A565 CHAPEL ST 38BLACKFRIA The Selfridges 6 HIGH ST OAK ST ANCOATS A59 Shambles 5 1Manchester Arndale TIB ST 2 ST 2 TURNER ST ST A58 3 RS ST 4 19 20 M3&8S 17 MARKET ST 15 GATE 3 Tesco BriggA58 A629 1084 83 4 5 ST River PIrAweRllSO3N7AGE MARYS 3 5 4 37 TIB ST 11 SOUTHGATE CHURCH ST A159 21 DEANSGATE COLLEGE LA OLDHAM ST 20 BARTON ST ST ANN’S SQ M58 PenistoneA6 A461 25 NEW BAILEY STA670 STBRIDGEWATER FARADAY DEAN ST IRWELL ST Debenhams 167 24 Parsonage 36 B3o6ots ST HIGH A161 PL DALE ST LINTETLWETLOENVSETR ST ST Caistor6 23 Gardens 5 ST MARY S PALL MALL BROWN M62 A1(M)4 GARDENS M62 S M60 M67 Bawtry Market57 A631 A6313 2 13 BRIDGE ST W 35 ST ANN ST CROSS ST BACK PICCADILLY PORT ST TARIFF ST S RasenA A6 A57 620 A6314 5 EFT BANK 22 KING ST WEST CHEAPSIDE BROWN ST SPRING MARBLE ST Primark A15 A1031 9 GARTS MALL A16 L BRIDGE ST SOUTH3K4IKN3IGN4GS3TS3T 1 7 12 ID E ST Civic JMuasnticcheesCteerntre 32 KING ST 34 Piccadilly Gardens MANGLE ST LA A57 LEFT BANK WOOD ST JOHN DALTON ST ST CHINA 5 BAC Magistrates’ and ST 6 THCEorAoVneErNs CUoEurt BADCAKLPEICCADILLYPICCADILLY M56 M1 MablethorpeA57 A 464 FOUNTAIN LIVERPOOL A624HARDRoMoyfAaSKNlcBoQBatLnUlVaknAdY ST ST HARDMAN ST 31TIB LA PALL B ST YORK ST A157 A41 County A41 11 10 NEW QUAY ST QUEENBRSATZENNOSE ST BO OOWKTEHLNASNTEDY ST SSTLEY HOPE S T OpeAraTKINSON ST Court PRINCESS ST MINSHULL ST House M53 M56 S SA A623 A1 A5 8 9 12 ALBERT SQ ST MO A56 BAGCalCKliteGyrEyAOrtRGGEESOTRGCEOOMPWEOESRSTLSETYNICHOLASCHARLOTTE A16 1 A49 QUAY ST ST DEANSGATEA621 JALCLOKYSDONSTRAO6W1 Register 30 ST ST A156 BYROM Office A52 A556 537 A537 A619 A57 A15810 14 JOHN’S PL Town Hall A614 ST AYTOUN ST 16 WATER ST SOUTHMILL ST LLOYD ST PORTLAND ST SILVER ST AUBHUoGRteMNl PSTTES TATION MOUNT ST Offices Ellesmere Wem Whitchurch MarkMet6DraSytoSn M6 Wirksworth AlfretSontaplefordMS1 Ollerton WashingborouSglheaford BournHeorncastleConingsbHyolbeach SIkneggonldemssellsA55A483 A525 A495A5A3541 A525 A533AA5153A518 A51AA5504AA552138 A52 A5A2516 AA6619 MIDEALA6ASNTDS A61A6606 A6A076A1752 A607 A1 A17 A5A2151 A17 A153 A1121A5A215112A530BOOTLE STPolice CHORLTON Station LOWER BYROM ST St John’s ARTILLERY S PETER ST 29 Central MOSLEY ST Portland BLOOM ST LONDON RD 5 Area : 1983.99 m² (21355.5 ft²) BYROM ST Gardens Library GEORGE ST Tower ST MARY'S GATE T Great Northern A60 A158 Posts ST JOHN ST Square REYFANEULRKSNTER CentraSltCaotioacnh ST 36.3m Posts A515 Manchester Shopping Centre A527 Metropolitan Arndale Centre494 17 CAMP ST ST JAMES ST W HITWORTH ST 16 A500 University Manchester OXFORD ST ST 82 A49 15 International BALE BLOOM CAWNABHLRISATTZWILOSTRTHSaSPcTakrvkille Posts 7 A534 LIVERPOOL RD Convention Centre 12 to 14 Air and Space 28 ST A52 Museum TONMAN ST Manchester 39 Central BIS 41 43 A15 WATSON ST FAIRFIELD ST 16 E ST Cinema A38 HOPGATE27 Posts MARKET STREET BYROM ST STO N DEANSGATERoman LOWER MOSLEY ST A6097 University of Fort CHEPSTOW ST Manchester BRIDGEWATER ST A46 GRANBY ROWA607 45 4 13 4 BRIDGEWATER ST ALTRINCHAM ST 47 ESxtrceheatnge 5 2 Beetham Bridgewater PRINCESS ST University of 10 Tower Concert GT 26 GREAT Hall Palace 12 to 16 18 BRIDGEWATER WHITWTOheRaTtPHHraeolSatTceel ST SACKVILLE ST El Ramp 7 Sub 9 13 A16 Sta Deansgate 25Rochdale Canal A52 YORK ST CHARLES ST Manchester Station OXFORD RD Manchester A528 A519 CASTLE ST HEWITT ST ALBION ST WHITWORTH ST WEST Oxford Road 4 to 10 A5 Station Conference 8 A41 BRIDGEWAT CHESTER RDER VIADUCT LITTLE PETER ST TCBs A5 A442 Centre A41 14 CHESTER RD 3CHARLES STPRITCHARD ST ExSctrheaentge 13 SILVERCROFT ST COMMERCAIA5L 0S U C E STER ST 5BBC Royal Exchange MANCUNIAN WAY GLO RAoy1al7Exchange Arcade A453 University of MANCUNIAN WAYA15 2 A17 A47 A46 Manchester T 24 Barton Arcade 1 River Medlock 3 A49 GREAT HEDLOCK ST BRANNaCtAioSnTaEl R RD BROOK ST 13 A53 Computing 7 6 5 JACKSON ST A515 A444 CAMBRIDGE ST Centre 1 4 War 1 to 9 CROWN A38 STREET GSRtOASnVnE'NsOARrcSaTde 2 Memorial A42 WILMOT ST HU2L3ME ST A57(M) RDINE RD Posts T NEWCASTLE ST CHESTER LB A1101 CHESTER ST Fn CITY RD EAS Manchester BartoAn6S1qu2ar1e 7 Metropolitan ST RIVER ST University MANCUNIAN WAY 8 to 12 20 18 Sports UPKPIENRCABROOK ST 11 16 Posts Centre 14 MANCUNIAN WAY 14 3 12 GROSVENOR ST 5 79 St Ann's Old Bank Street 13 15 17 22 20 18 Square 15 17 to 21 Square, Cross Street and Market Street. The property benefits from frontage on to Exchange Street (west), Market Street (north), Cross 4PsNEWMARKET Street (east) and Royal Exchange Arcade (south). 8 El HALF MOON STREET 26 11 PALL MALL NORFOLK ST Sub Sta 2 22 15 0m 10m 20m 30m 28 26 24 13 to 15 17 21 Cobden's Ordnance Survey © Crown Copyright 2012. All rights reserved. Licence number 100020449. Plotted Scale - 1:1250 Summary North midlands southEAST SouthWEST This plan is published for the convenience of NEXT > Print 1. LEEDS 2. LEEDS 3. MANCHESTER 4. SHEFFIELD 5. SHEFFIELD 6. STOCKPORT 7. STOKE ON TRENT 8. YORK < Backidentification only and although believed to be correct is not guaranteed and it does not form any part of any contract. © Crown Copyright. All rights reserved. Licence Number LIG0074.

4. MEADOW COURT PHASE I AMOS STREET, SHEFFIELD, s9 1BxInvestment Considerations• Modern multi-let courtyard office complex• Close proximity to the Meadowhall Centre – Sheffield’s main retailing locationAsset Management Opportunities • Let vacant space• Re-gear current leases• Possible freehold sales to owner occupiers• Re-base rents and increase occupationDescription• Comprises six office units within a courtyard development of five semi detached blocks• Constructed in circa 2000 of brick and pitched roof pavilion style• Accommodation provided on ground and first floor with on-site car parking• Generally open plan floors, suspended ceilings with CAT II lighting and perimeter trunking• Total area of 832 sq m (8,952 sq ft)• Site extends to 0.39 hectares (0.97 acres)Summary North midlands southEAST SouthWEST < Back NEXT > Print1. LEEDS 2. LEEDS 3. MANCHESTER 4. SHEFFIELD 5. SHEFFIELD 6. STOCKPORT 7. STOKE ON TRENT 8. YORK

Easingwold A64 Malton A61 A1(M) Aldwark A614 (A166) Bridlington A58Settle Knaresborough A166 A164Driffield 4. MEADOW COURT PHASE I A65 A165 AMOS STREET, SHEFFIELD, s9 1Bx Harrogate A59 A Skipton A59 682 York Pocklington A(6A11463) Ilkley Market A59 Wetherby A64 Weighton A61Otley A1079 A444A6068LBEREADDSFO&RD Tadcaster A19 A1035 A65 A614 A50Keighley Beverley A515Bingleye A624 A165 13 14 Tenancy A527 • The buildings are part let on 5 leases with 41% vacancyHULL12 • Current rent of £49,975 per annum Shipley LEEDS Garforth Selby A164 • AWULT to break of 1.4 years and 2.6 years to expiry BRADFORD M621 A1 A63 A63 M62 38 BARROW RD 34 Tenure 1 47 43 MEADOWHALL RD Freehold Hessle A63 Withernsea HAa64l6ifax 26 27 M62 Castleford 37 32 33 S S BatlDeeyw4s1bury30 31 34 A645 36 Barton- A1033 NEWMAN RHD uumpobner- 25 M181 Scunthorpe 5 24 40 Wakefield Pontefract M18 3 S4 HEMBF1rF8igI0EgLDA1084 A18 BA 23chdale 22A5M8 62 S39 Hemsworth 6 A15 A160 ImminghamRROW RD M16 Huddersfield 51 A15 38 A638S 19 20 21 A62 A61 A19 BaAw63t1ry Grimsby A629 M1 38 2 MEADOWHALLCleethorpes 37 Barnsley JENKIN RD Do3n7 caster 4Oldham PenistonAe616 A46 36 36 3 S A161 A628 Stocksbridge A159 The PrCaoistpoer rty 35 A1(M) 13 Glossop Rotherham MEADOWHALL WAY 34 A15 A157MEADOWHALL RD M67 A10310 A57 34 1 A631 Market 34 33 32 Rasen A16 SHEFFIELD12 GainsObXToEDrRoD ugTINhIPRTODN ST Louth A631Cheadle A6 JENKIN AVE TYLER ST MEADOWHALL 31 CENTRE Mablethorpe A57 JENK M1 A46 A16w S AMOS RDord A537 BuxtonA623 A1 DEARNE ST MEADOWHALL WA Y A53 SA6t1aveClheyeste30rfieA6l1d9 A158 A621 LIMAPS1F5IE6LD Horncastle A158 SHEFFIELDAR5D2 A614 A57 A38 RD WEEDON ST Lincolnes A54 Bakewell A619 29 A616 VULCAN RD Ingoldmells Meadowcourtel Ollerton WashingboroughA6109 Skegness Sheffield Clay A453 A60 CrossSutton in A46 B6082 Matlock Ashfield Mansfield COLLIERY RD A6178 A46KSidTsgOroKveE-OALN52e3e-kTRENT Alfreton 28 Kirkby in Newark- A17 A15 Coningsby A52 Wirksworth Ashfield on-Trent A52 A6 Ripley 27 VieAw153 the Property on Google Map > 10 El Sub Sta AMOS ROAD AshbournBeelper EastwoHoudcknall A6097 5 Works 6 A607 Sleaford A17 A1121 Boston LoAc50ation & SituatAio52 n Ilkeston 26 NOTTINGHAM15 S A1 A52 MP 161.5 A16taffor1Md4S6toCpTSnAhhoei5te1epyfupfCAiler5a1oel8tdnipoterinserUt.oyEttfnoisg6xel4latoe0ncr,da0’tse0d0fDoB.ouEuTnrArRh5ttT1hMo6erBnelaceYnuiarttpgydoeoinsswtMlcSohIDtiEcaaAtLAy6paAlSllNetTaeRfDondSordd2M2a541d1t5LhAoL5(0e2AonucgmB1goeE6ihmelae0bstmstoo9orn(e)noA26ru0w6c4giiMh0atMhklo,iemnwlatb)1odArnn5.am25oyirnmthisiltoerGafAsr6tLa0ioo7vnfetnhJduaaomnnncdtiaornentda3i3l43cAoe5Am2nf15t1itrlheeesoM(Bf5oS13uorkSnMumeptaoh)ltdsoYionoruwgrtkhasyhoAifar15eL1nedwHeoid2ltbhsem.aacihnlesurobfaSnAh1ae7 rffeieaKlLidnygn'ns MEADOWCOURT 9 8 10 7 JENKIN ROAD 3 114 A1101 12 Rugeley A515 23 A17 1 3 13 A38 5 The property A42 commCoearclviiallle area 1 Ashby-de- A47 2 includinAg607office, A6121 Shopping is within a mlai-xZeoducuhse industrial and The Meadowhall Centre. River Don BoroMCoEnAstD&OWWarHdABLdyL ROAD HAYLAND STREET 1 2 Summary North midlands southEAST SouthWEST 0m 10m 20m 30m NEXT > Print 1. LEEDS 2. LEEDS 3. MANCHESTER 4. SHEFFIELD 5. SHEFFIELD 6. STOCKPORT 7. STOKE ON TRENT 8. YORK < BackOrdnance Survey © Crown Copyright 2012. All rights reserved. Licence number 100020449. Plotted Scale - 1:1250 This plan is published for the convenience of identification only and although believed to be correct is not guaranteed and it does not form any part of any contract. © Crown Copyright. All rights reserved. Licence Number LIG0074.

5. MEADOW COURT PHASE III HAYLAND StREET, SHEFFIELD, s9 1byInvestment Considerations• Modern multi-let courtyard office complex• Close proximity to the Meadowhall Centre – Sheffield’s main retailing locationAsset Management Opportunities • Letting of vacant suite• Re-gear existing leasesDescription• Comprises 3 detached office buildings (units A,B & C) with on‑site car parking• Pavilion style units of brick construction beneath pitched roofs• Constructed circa 2000• Accommodation provided over ground and first floors• Total area of 2,017 sq m (21,708 sq ft)• Site extends to 0.48 hectares (1.19 acres)Summary North midlands southEAST SouthWEST < Back NEXT > Print1. LEEDS 2. LEEDS 3. MANCHESTER 4. SHEFFIELD 5. SHEFFIELD 6. STOCKPORT 7. STOKE ON TRENT 8. YORK

Easingwold A64 Malton A61 A1(M) Aldwark A614 (A166) Bridlington A58Settle 5. MEADOW COURT PHASE III HAYLAND StREET, SHEFFIELD, s9 1by A65 Knaresborough A166 DriffieldA164 A59 A165 A Skipton Harrogate A59 682 York Pocklington A(6A11463) Market Ilkley A59 Wetherby A64 Weighton A1079e A61A6068OtleyLBEREADDSFO&RD Tadcaster A19 A1035 13 14 A444 A61412 Keighley A65 Beverley A50 A515Bingley A165 A624 Shipley LEEDS Garforth Selby A164 Tenancy A527 • Part let with 5 leases to 4 tenants BRADFORD M621 A1 A63 A63 M62 38 HULL BARROW RD 34 • One vacant ground floor suite within Unit B (14% of floor space) 1 47 43 MEADOWHALL RD • Contracted income of £221,160 per annum M181 Hessle A63 • AWULT to break of 2.6 years and 4.2 years to expiry HAa64l6ifax 26 27 M62 Castleford 37 23 Withernsea 32 33 S Tenure S BatlDeeyw4s1bury30 31 34 A645 36 JENKIN RD Barton- A1033 Freehold NEWMANHRuDumpobner- 25 Mablethorpe Scunthorpe 5 24 40 Wakefield Pontefract M18 4 SHMBE1rF8ig0FgIELAD1084 A18 BA 23 22A5M8 62 6 A160chdale Huddersfield S39 Hemsworth 51 RROW RD M16 38 BaAw63t1ry A15S 19 20 A61 A638 A19 Immingham Grimsby 21 A62 A629 M1 38 MEADOWHACLLleethorpes 37 Barnsley Do3n7 caster 4Oldham PenistonAe616 A46 36 36 3 S A161 Caistor A628 Stocksbridge A159 35 A1(M) 13 Glossop Rotherham MEADOWHALL WAY 34 A15 A157MEADOWHALL RD M67 A10310 A57 34 1 A631 Market A16 34 33 32 Rasen Louth SHEFFIELD12 GainsbOoXTrEoD RuDghTINIPRTODN ST A46 A631 MEADOWHALLCheadle A6 31 JENKIN AVE A57 TYLER ST CENTRE HAYLAND M1 A57 LincolnJENK ST Sw A1 Washingborough A6109DEARNE ST AMOS RD A16 Yord A537 BuxtonA623 SA6t1aveClheyeste30rfieA6l1d9 A156 LIMPSFIELD A53 A614 B6082 A158 The Property SHEFFIELDAR5D2 A621 COLLIERY RDRD Horncastle MEADOWHALL WA A38 Meadowcourtes A54 Bakewell A619 29 A616 VULCAN RD Ingoldmells Sheffieldel Ollerton Skegness Clay A453 A60 WEEDON ST A158 CrossSutton in A46 Matlock Ashfield Mansfield A52 A6178 A46KSidTsgOroKveE-OALN52e3e-kTRENT Alfreton 28 Kirkby in Newark- A17 A15 Coningsby 10 El Sub Sta Wirksworth Ashfield on-Trent A607 AMOS ROAD A52 A6 Ripley 27 VieAw153 the Property on Google Map > 5 6 Works AshbournBeelper EastwoHoudcknall A6097 Sleaford A17 A1121 Boston LoAc50ation & SituatAio52 n Ilkeston 26 NOTTINGHAM MP 161.515 S A1 A52 A16 MEADOWCOURTtaffor1Md4S6toCpTSnAhhoei5te1epyfupfCAiler5a1oel8tdnipoterinserUt.oyEttfnoisg6xel4latoe0ncr,da0’tse0d0fDoB.ouEuTnrArRh5ttT1hMo6erBnelaceYnuiarttpgydoeoinsswtMlcSohIDtiEcaaAtLAy6paAlSllNetTaeRfDondSordd2M2a541d1t5LhAoL5(0e2AonucgmB1goeE6ihmelae0bstmstoo9orn(e)noA26ru0w6c4giiMh0atMhklo,iemnwlatb)1odArnn5.am25oyirnmthisiltoerGafAsr6tLa0ioo7vnfetnhJduaaomnnncdtiaornentda3i3l43cAoe5Am2nf15t1itrlheeesoM(Bf5oS13uorkSnMumeptaoh)ltdsoYionoruwgrtkhasyhoAifar15eL1nedwHeoid2ltbhsem.aacihnlesurobfaSnAh1ae7 rffeieaKlLidnygn'ns 8 9 7 10 A15 ENKIN ROAD 113 12 4 A1101 A17 5 13 Rugeley A515 23 3 A38 The property A42 commCoearclviiallle area 1 Ashby-de- A47 2 River Don includinAg607office, The A6121 Shopping is within a mlai-xZeoducuhse industrial and Meadowhall Centre. BoroMCoEnAstD&OWWarHdABLdyL ROAD 1 HAYLAND STREET 1 2 Summary North midlands southEAST SouthWEST 0m 10m 20m 30m NEXT > Print 1. LEEDS 2. LEEDS 3. MANCHESTER 4. SHEFFIELD 5. SHEFFIELD 6. STOCKPORT 7. STOKE ON TRENT 8. YORK Ordnance Survey © Crown Copyright 2012. All rights reserved. Licence number 100020449. Plotted Scale - 1:1250 < BackThis plan is published for the convenience of identification only and although believed to be correct is not guaranteed and it does not form any part of any contract. © Crown Copyright. All rights reserved. Licence Number LIG0074.

6. ALLEN HOUSE ASHTON ROAD, bredbury, STOCKPORT, SK6 2QNInvestment Considerations• Good industrial location with excellent access to M60• Tenant has agreed a monthly rent plan with the landlord• Significant break penalty for tenant if exercisedAsset Management Opportunities • Open a dialogue with the tenant to create favourable lease terms and ensure income is maintained• Due to the lack of competing sites in South Manchester, consider demand for the cleared site for redevelopment or owner occupationDescription• Industrial warehouse arranged in 6 bays, with ancillary single storey offices situated under a flat roof to the front of the building• Totalling 6,317 sq m (67,999 sq ft)• Access to the site from Cromwell Road and Ashton Road• Site area of 1.16 hectares (2.87 acres) representing a site coverage of 54%Summary North midlands southEAST SouthWEST < Back NEXT > Print1. LEEDS 2. LEEDS 3. MANCHESTER 4. SHEFFIELD 5. SHEFFIELD 6. STOCKPORT 7. STOKE ON TRENT 8. YORK

35 Easingwold A64 Malton 6. ALLEN HOUSE A1(M) Aldwark Bolton le Sands Bridlington Morecambe 34 A683 Settle A61 A614 (A166) ASHTON ROAD, bredbury, STOCKPORT, SK6 2QN Heysham A58 Lancaster A164 A165STOCKPORTaadFtoRclllerukameapsAbtboew5o2yoyn1o3loE4dMl2LB1lALAe55os5r5.83IW55me5A4V4c5deOo8r71A3rm6eE5baefr78xm10MuiRt6h4tGlhC95res1a5aiA0P83ey5kh5osrm41W2s3R2iL5eOLrt3IIM(VkauMnnsi2e2EdnPtnOyd15RS64g.eAn4rl5AcP45uaet&rMM04e9OLo359nssk3HsO5A65Sr7tdtm5mL6nrAeoS31i54lWa)MnMA1oN1ie23S2572t2ln6Wn6t7a28ao5u22E2osnr9hW431Br21r0Sst3ir3awt19witlt8cinaahg9ht2MaCigc12SuctCaAA0iewk6hytrh55oncro1,8b2o6heSei5nruspnwas2l2er011Nnrt1l5neyAooMAdAooMB55lcv4baur9t7fMDo6tNairra6nkdh2A1iSl6aMcnS9te5etdw5ei3Shrttoca7163n3Swowe8dB1DAhinlC4gacrA5ce7rcaeuK15-hla1lk13iAaiSmLn7M1fAr6nynte55op58sAyyh3tu85x7oS5rt1omeS660t1ndlcM075s1rer23o0oeeft6-ou1el0CMS2TRl1OrKte15odhh3Bo1ilne9wAd1dAcu4aMtAshh2rnd6Ng0rnSda5eal2rSlemk5aCoeCgntMil12vyopAee1icHeo6natnhKo3ceMnAtEenecr5AaA6lse3i25S5e7g270lt4AA.esLhH55Taf2eM8ATril3Aa,6eneeEh465llk6yA9da2ideR5f2apneAUxp6as2trtt2toa3ioOIoxtAxl2Bek64ntei2illm3ntaeeSiAesgyyStla5Pr2o7lSe5hWcewt2cneAi6yoAikpiHrelsM6Asksmyl2tHa6le9hMsMobEDl5aRBIwryDbnm7Er6DtrsFAaeiOooLAEl2od2eE6R2out5rS61ADum71LBgglE2tDrcR5L6nReXEhrR1DveakReniyE16EiBADBletcwDeeSEDee43Md4aS08Y34sA7FslD912p1At6Ob&3K4W5iC61b(7e3STHoRu91nACrryAhD3MarenaoS5l61lyAf63mka6rrs0eB360ttAee0k15lCheya5sIistRa9slMmnfvSoOSPe2kw3briO5Mnet4C6eRekrun3K3G)AaoA2o4lm1I6slsLRt6ophesorLd0sasWtrt3.ElolyCite3othoYeoorepAhhepuWff3sanfnPtyoAluo522t2Aiegoete8s19h9eYorMrteirdyth23ehrlrnt3n50AhEl1dr31rhwe26tbtf3SS2aa3eLe3fi7y1TyC8LIDesoAaSmNARfa2aoG6t5rOlro36AKy2A1dwaSMdds8n3R9Tn7iVWscAtDAcUgrBon3hHE5t6AckYLaM6oiSL47oNReeEfaLeb3suToi4eefdRAAaatetsRwycDNrw6lsDett1lMnbk3kA3dtiore(nAn6ysooMOtnr16aafhnA6r4)i36l5ke4neT0lW6,lScHd4TPIThOlEyBrFI5elIMloaAENi6eLAsnw6S1rDp113tTATtgR8Gt1eoO3e6DrhA6A1RnyCMrr67o5aKH3et21PCrydAtO8nA3AGf10R7i6jeo62otTao30yrMRnPdco2DoCelBMEecGGANonkRe6SCrnloetETi2OGann-RwDoTtngtRMaorI3rtBtEgAai1WeoehnW18Ur3lJnHn1asaA8keOuaRYRsbtm-AMWSAnhYFnMo1I(6BEiSAAaLec16Rnrd1E146riogcAatD6g7ki5B3buueh7oUp)AoRttng41YnoHrB0hot>n7uahHuu9mMSrpgLeotBloobhs1eirrsnnne8AiaApglr0--6fe5cAgoe32H4o1r6DBdAl5••FTT•Urne6AAi3rf1v1ee f0e0Li8ee34nne5lrLdtfTTT£Alhuaher1CMRhhh8oo2yeaarneeealmis6AidrsAAAre6ketH1lpp118c3noe7e5 6b1o1t8Ar0ar,yar4or8Asn6sHIes1Zctomps75eueaan3siSieetsm7hnktAeirlgse1iCtpnApa1yo12sgrte0n1Aeuei3hri5rs3nemGb2naganmljtrsbeeibntimteCcysnpirtlsLun£eeBbto2eWmon1oyiut0atishA9ttsat1hih0ol6on1teeyr9nrsp,nnJc2,esoutheis5slfAraey1ue1£5dbt82y1upj0el5teeo1c4rMt3oA,MAata7f.osSblBnlh3ocelTternaotonueh0toSuhcIdnnenknHo5kmebigdtrpsgRropvuoiooynuelerrtodderiyesisTantomssuaeeasndidkneesnrlLolgstmrdt,uiostfuotaoarplsatpbetirpeneprgamektd.hoeIrffer1tnhe0tenotAytrefGeuaeG:npa1.a1r61snhta682 A6 A670 CROMWELL RD A19 A614 A165 A41 A528 A5 A61 ARDEN RD A41 A650 A164 exercises A5 A6017 ASHTON RD A15 (2.868 acres) A565 A61 A19 D WAY A59 BREDBURY PARK WAY RD A560 A161 BRINNINGTON AVE A1031 A159 A16 MAYORLOWE A15 ESSEX RD A15 A607 A515 A614 A156 A6017 A157 A624 A560 ASHT ON RD A56 A621 A16 A49 A52 A530 A52 A556 A49 A527 A38 A60 A6097 A534 A519 A46westry A41 A51 A518 A515 A607 A15 A1101 A442 A38 A17 A42 which is A41 A453 A46 A6121 Wem CBruormtTorwneneutlpl oRnoMaIdDELAAaSNTnDdS The property occupies a prominent main road 1f4rontage on the corner of A444 2A4 shton Road (A6017), the A151 W orks principal arterial route from the motoAr5w18 aSytatoffoBrMrde6dbury Industrial Estate, A50 Holbeach A49 where approximatelyM91 0Lohuegchtbaorreosug(2MhM2oe2wltbaorncaryes) of industrial A151 Spalding A17 King's A53 Lynn Bourne accommodation exists. Newport 13 Rugeley Ashby-de- 23 A607 A47 la-Zouch Coalville LB Summary North midlands southEAST SouthWEST 0m 10m 20m 30m NEXT > Print 1. LEEDS 2. LEEDS 3. MANCHESTER 4. SHEFFIELD 5. SHEFFIELD 6. STOCKPORT 7. STOKE ON TRENT 8. YORK Depot Ordnance Survey © Crown Copyright 2012. All rights reserved. Licence number 100020449. Plotted Scale - 1:1250 This plan is published for the convenience of < Backidentification only and although believed to be correct is not guaranteed and it does not form any part of any contract. © Crown Copyright. All rights reserved. Licence Number LIG0074.

7. VICTORIA ROAD INDUSTRIAL EStATE Fenton, STOKE ON TRENT, ST4 3neInvestment Considerations• AWULT to expiry is 3.1 years• Income secured against a good covenant, with an ICC score of 71Asset Management Opportunities • Negotiate surrender with Portmeirion Group UK Ltd and renew with sub-tenant• Potential to split unit to provide two warehouse units• Redevelopment of the site to provide modern industrial or trade counter unitsDescription• Industrial warehouse arranged in 2 bays with ancillary office accommodation• Constructed in the 1960s• Total area of 3,947 sq m (42,484 sq ft)• The site extends to 1.03 hectares (2.54 acres) representing a site cover of 38%Summary North midlands southEAST SouthWEST < Back NEXT > Print1. LEEDS 2. LEEDS 3. MANCHESTER 4. SHEFFIELD 5. SHEFFIELD 6. STOCKPORT 7. STOKE ON TRENT 8. YORK

STOMKAEN-COHNES-TTERRENT NOTTINGHAM 7 .HUVLLICTORIA ROADF eInNt oDn ,USTSOTK EROINATLR E NETS, StTA4 T3 nEeWWr45rieOr8r7e1Ata3nk6e5rrhs78xtm10Mfaoe6h4mn95rKs1a5Ar083S5ky5im41r232ki5kLr3ekMb2elPmyy154A4rl55aeeM95nrsA5s7dt56dAo315R4aWMnMA1N123Sl2u5722e6W67a28anS5222nr9hW43c1tB2r10St3ia3ot19wil8cinnarg9h2MCidngc12SucCaAA0ik6htrh55snrco18b2o6hheS5nruwa2l2er011NnL15neyeAdAoMBi554bgur97MDo6htNa6nh2A1l6aMcS95etdw53Shroa71633SwweP8B1Ainl4acr5e7aceuK1-h1ld1AaSLn7M1fAr6n55oi58sAHCyy3hu857S5rth1om66a0tR1dlMal075s1emm320opef6-oee1c0CS2ls1OrhK5dhB1dile9ddCuNaasho2rldeg0enanllrlesmgoeoMS1l2vyAe1net6atoo3cMAcnc5AA6kl3255e727p04AAsLH55of2eMB8Ai3ar6ee4R6tllk6A2iGdA5fB2aluDoAxH6xsA2AFuts62oOs2o3d8hnpAdR2b642eDo3rAusS5P2rf7Se5hni2eni6eApils6dl2te9MoByn6AaeA262t5171l2DL6eey1EBwSEe43M40834A7slD91p1A6b34WC617e3SHu9ACrr3areoSl6lyAf3mkarsB360te15eyasIsStaOlMTfvoSkSNAw3riTT-Ane4C6eRTeOun33GASRK2o4l1sElHRtoEhesNdsaF-trt3TOlyCite3othorGepRhhf3sDLanfnPyAlo22C2ieetS8s19AeoMrTeiAUryt3lnt3nVL0AhEl1dr31hEDe26tf3SOS2aaR3e3fi7N1D8DesoASmfR26trlrDo36AK1dwad839n7iscAro3hH5tckM6S7ofab3ui4edAAaesyc6lt1lnbk3A3die(nAn6ysMr16af64)i3l5e4l lSd4OB5lMlaA6eAw61r113TAt8t1o36rhA61RnyM67o3e1rt8nA3GfL07O6TeoR2Doh0rSdHo2BIeEPlRMeRLNoNYP6Hne2GIrL-LwToMaR3DrAai1Wen18pr3n1sa8kesbt-hroiSAntr1ogcAy75buu7ong4HrBhotuahHuumMSrpgLeotBloobhs1SeirrsPnGnne8AiapEglOr0--6fDecAVgoe3DA4o1rI6NNdAlG5RnD6AR3D1084A50A61465 A164 A515 0 Withernsea A624 A1033A59 A61 A19 A15 A160 A56 Immingham Grimsby A18 Cleethorpes A670 A161 A46 A53 A159 Caistor Tenancy COLLEGE RD A15 Market A1031 A156 Rasen A16 • Fully let on 1 lease to Portmeirion Group UK Ltd A50 VICTORIA ST A631 • Sublet toLoBuothnd Retail SMearbvleitcheosrpe A157 • 35 year lease expiring 28th September 2015, providing an AWULT of 3.0 years A5006 STOKE RD to expiry A16 A158 • Rent of £117,000 per annum Horncastle A534 A556 A621 BAO5U2GLHEEEYKRRDD A614 A16 A52 A49 A527 A52 Ingoldmells A49 A50 A530 ION RD A60 A46 A158 Skegness MANOR ST Tenure DEWSBURY RD COPELAAN5D00SQTUEENSWAY EBE ST A15 Coningsby A1F53reehold A38 A52 LEEK RD A6097 A607 A17 A1121 Boston A50 VICTORIA ST A52 A495 A53 Stone Uttoxeter A5006 LONSDALE ST Stapleford A52 Beeston A52ere Long EatonA606 A519 A51 A518 A516 25 FENTONGranWtILhLIAaMmST BEVILLAE 5ST2 Victoria Road 14 Fenton A41 A6 A5007 CITY RD A607 WARRINGTON ST A1101 A442 Stafford A17 Stoke-on-Trent A41 A518 M6 EAST A453 AV1IV5IAN RD A53 MIDLANDS 24 A46 A151 A528 HolbeachA5 A49 A515 M1 LoughborougMhMoewltMboArSnaTEyRSON ST A151 Spalding A17 King's A38 Lynn A444 Bourne Area : 1.027 ha (2.539 acres) 13 Ashby-de- A42 23 A47 la-Zouch Coalville A6121 VA6i0e7w the Property on Google Map >Location & Situation TunnelStoke-on-Trent lies approximately 35 miles (56km) north of Birmingham and approximately 40 miles (64km) south of Manchester, Warehouseadjacent to Junctions 15 and 16 of the M6 motorway. 126.1m 127.8mThe town benefits from excellent road communications via the A500 dual carriageway, which runs through the centre of the Boro Const Bdyconurbation. The A500 provides access to the M6 Motorway and links with the A50 dual carriageway, which provides an M6/M1 128.1m ROADlink road connecting with Junction 24 of the M1 motorway. CR DEWSBURY 46Fenton is located on the eastern side of Stoke-on-Trent and is an established industrial location within the city. CRThe property is situated in a highly prominent position fronting Victoria Road and lies in an established mixed commercial area.There is a mixture of industrial and trade counter occupiers in the surrounding area. 23 129.4mSummary North midlands southEAST SouthWEST 0m 10m 20m 30m HAYFIELD CRESCENT Print Ordnance Survey © Crown Copyright 2012. All rights reserved. Licence number 100020449. Plotted Scale - 1:1250 NEXT >1. LEEDS 2. LEEDS 3. MANCHESTER 4. SHEFFIELD 5. SHEFFIELD 6. STOCKPORT 8. YORK This plan is published for the convenience of < Backidentification only and although believed to be correct is not guaranteed and it does not form any part of any contract. © Crown Copyright. All rights reserved. Licence Number LIG0074. 7. STOKE ON TRENT

8. Hudson HOuse toft street, york, yo1 6hpInvestment Considerations• Short term income• Significant upside if refurbished given the limited stock available in York City centre• Flexible accommodation allowing mixed use scheme• Capital expenditure on internal space and cladding• Leasing offer received from hotel operator for 50% of accommodationAsset Management Opportunities • Let vacant space• Re-gear short term leases• Pursue alternative uses on the site including student, hotel or residential - subject to planningDescription• Multi-let office property extending to 10,031 sq m (107,982 sq ft)• Arranged in four interconnecting blocks over 5 levels• Constructed in circa 1960s• There are 104 car spaces on the site providing a parking ratio of 1:1038 sq ftSummary North midlands southEAST SouthWEST < Back NEXT > Print1. LEEDS 2. LEEDS 3. MANCHESTER 4. SHEFFIELD 5. SHEFFIELD 6. STOCKPORT 7. STOKE ON TRENT 8. YORK

8. Hudson HOuse toft street, york, yo1 6hp Easingwold A64 Malton A61 A614 (A166) Bridlington Tenancy A58 Driffield A1(M) A165 MINSTER • Multi-let office property with 60% vacancy. Tenants include Miller Construction MUSEU (UK) Ltd, Anglo Management UK Ltd, Instant Offices Managed LLP, Thales Knaresborough A166 M ST Properties Ltd, BRB (Residuary) Ltd, York Investors LLP, Olivers Of York and Pocklington A(6A11463) Network Rail Infrastructure Limited Harrogate A59 A163 LEEMAN ROAD YORK • AWULT to break and expiry of 0.2 years YORK A164 NATIONAL • Passing rent of £481,950 per annum on tenanted space RAILWAY A59 Wetherby A64 MUSEUM Tenure A61 A1035 STATION RD FreeholdA650 A65 LBEREADDSFO&RD Tadcaster A19 Beverley A614ADFORD LEEDS Garforth Selby A164 HULL A165 STATION RD TANNER ROW N ORTH STREET A15 PMRIICOKRYLESGTNAITTYEL N M621 A1 A63 A63 M62 38 Hessle TA6h3 e Property YORK 1 47 43 A1041 QUEENST CLIFFO R D ST TOFT GREENfax 26 27 M62 Castleford 37 Withernsea TRI 30 32 33 SKnottin34gleyA645 S 31 36 Goole A1033 B SKELDERGATErighouse 25 Dew4s1bury ISHOPHILL 24 40 Wakefield Pontefract M18 A160 23 S39 Hemsworth Immingham NUNNREY Grimsby 38 A638 6 Thorne M181 A103 BLOSSOM STREETA62 A61 A19 CROMWELL RD A161 5 TERR TREET A159 A629 M1 38 51 M180 A1H08O4LGA1A8TE Cleethorpes LANE NEWTON Brigg 37 Barnsley M180 2 Scun3 thorpe ROAD A63D5 o3n7 caster 44TERA628 A616 36 36 3 A46 BISHO PGATE S CaistorGlossop 35 Rotherham A1(M) THE MOUNT A59 SCLARoCuRtOhFT RD A57 34 1 BaAw63t1ry A15 A631 Market A1031 34 33 32 A156 Rasen A16 SHEFFIELD 34 S Gainsborough A631 A59 A515Td5B2RuxEtoNnBA6Ta2k3ewAnaLTT(shhooeWce6lAeeclrit4rctMeskhdhphsasaawoibrsostotnooAwltfot5oripudo2tconLhrrekoniABtrcfhnentrea5yeodAlplA69mo&iC61MeCs9ACnrrtoSlris1llAfStoDaurast6tyer1yasiIcnrmnteltovoSkoakdenneCueouftAtlfserRthetiasYaototeldyieeohoopplartdsnfnvl2wr2pwidet8i9eeMkeioyr3slna3il0E1dor1)t,ifhySS2asnxi7apesAiintt26tnlmrho6AK1dwod9eitsAarhvothH5khMtt7iocefehbudeWidoaeycleNicylmnnkoeAdiinnc6strgaO2my1kafi6sits8ldeyTecltolieropdTmwrcOnefiIilataclNlLreeAtleelr1lAtssGaeoa6a1Rnd(ctn74hHnecsdet5d,eAfmoskat5hrsMmdsde0etm)or0lNoevninmntbeeoh-wisTyres.frtAatWrhepr1rAoanakremst-1othiavviAn(Yse1igAMd7to5b7cioor)nekrfoganuLtSptrgeLarlahpeieecnairdnfccAfoo4osoer6xs.dlrstnisaTmNhttiaoeootrnetCth.lhyeiTtAAYy1H1h1n7o5oe85barrAnketb1cim5snoa3uhseinitlAillefare1dCie1stol2isnn1An(aif52gner2ngo4tdshwmbkaymolisegrB)kgsoot.VooosaAt1iodp6eothdwnpreorpotawArhx1od5eei8mmscPtiao.rnotmTeeMphnlmayeecburel2eAtntyS1htiI1konco0eogragpo(nTnMetmlodieoGmsfi)tslneoepGlslsosrrvog(ei3vlaeei3dntM8hekesamp)>A157 0m 10m 20m 30m 14.9m4 A621 A52 14.9m A614 George Stephenson House Shelters A453 A60 A15 A16 Ordnance Survey © Crown Copyright 2012. All rights reserved. 5 Pond A46 A607 A52 Licence number 100020449. Plotted Scale - 1:1250 A38 A6097 Hudson House A46 This plan is published for the convenience of identification only and although believed to be 99 18.9m City Wall correct is not guaranteed and it does not formUttoxeteoTrhnesiCtDeoEudAnR5e1c6mBiloYinssrtrea-ftuiSnrtbaAg6pilstehhfoeirnd25gstrLtAeho5n2enggBatehEdeajsotatofocnnAe6t0hn6 et A52 occupAa52tion and a Hilton Hampton Hotel has recently been constructed any part of any contract. © Crown Copyright. 16CTooufrtt Green Memorial All rights reserved. Licence Number LIG0074. 18 complex forGtrhaenitrhaomwn A151 Spalding A151 TOFT GREEN El Area : 9227.27 m² (2.280 acres) location. A607 Holbeach Sub Sta Bourne A1101 A444Burtonupon EAST A15 A17 A50 MIDLANDS 24 19.2m Trent King's 126124 122 8 A515 LoughboroughMelton A17 Lynn 118 10 A38 M1 Mowbray A42 Ashby-de- 23 A47 116 la-Zouch A6121 Coalville A607 110 Old Station 112 114 19.8m 101806 Summary North midlands southEAST SouthWEST TCB 97 < Back NEXT > Print PO 1 1. LEEDS 2. LEEDS 3. MANCHESTER 4. SHEFFIELD 5. SHEFFIELD 6. STOCKPORT 7. STOKE ON TRENT 8. YORK

9. priory house 28/34 Gooch Street North, Birmingham, B37 7ynInvestment Considerations• Entirely let to 1 tenant• AWULT of 15.3 years to earliest termination• Income secured against a strong covenant, with an ICC score of 75 and pre-tax profit in excess of £86.9m• Building unoccupied Asset Management Opportunities • Negotiate extension of head lease with the freeholder• Sell interest to freeholder• Negotiate surrender and re-let office spaceDescription• The property comprises a 7 storey office building of masonry construction• Currently used as forensic science laboratories, offices and examination rooms• Constructed in 1935• 3 passenger and goods lifts serving all floors• Total area of 5,217 sq m (56,161 sq ft)Summary North midlands southEAST SouthWEST < Back NEXT > Print9. BIRMINGHAM 10. COVENTRY 11. LEAMINGTON SPA

CreweA49 KSidTsBgOirdoKdvueElp-hOALN52e3e-kTRENT Alfreton 28 Kirkby in 17 Coningsbyantwich A A153 A38 Newark- A525 A46 on-TrentWhitchurch A52 16 A500 Wirksworth A6 Ashfield A15A17 Ripley 27 A607 Newcastle- Belper Hucknall under-Lyme A6097 A52 Ashbourne A52 Eastwood Sleaford A17 A1121 Boston 9. priory house S A50 A52 A51 15 Ilkeston 26 NOTTINGHAM A1 A52 28/34 Gooch Street North, Birmingham, B37 7yn S A453 A16 A53 Uttoxeter DERBY Stapleford A52 Beeston A52 Market Drayton A516 Long EatonA606 A519 Stone 25 Grantham A41 A6 A17 A442 A15 A41 A51 A518 A50 EAST A607 MIDLANDS 14 Burton upon 24 A151 HolbeachA53 Stafford Trent Spalding A515 A518 A38 M1 LoughboroughMelton A151 Bourne A17 A447 MowbrayBIRMINGHAMALAo4n4A49y5w54s10d81tAen74rAe4Ry44A3o4A817s43s566-o34sBLB6MnKeoii-5AWWairrcMGd4mml5c0oyvmdWr5oeeeiin0aAe4nnGlira4odrlvnL12ggttemO0rSTe3ciGUhhscAMetoireC41aainow4l5(3hEts3o7ysSummnt3ka1uT.ter25AEeemcbr4RBsiikr5eBSr&ssb8imHisprrMduIattoSmRthD)gre5SEmtnoye4re7irusino1snoSdte61Cr1g1ugM0ul8eMcuAarde29h545otogn15y4h1aa3v22nni1eomtwoR1o1MnAiucSm41eo4Saik5Ag121s3s4i09el3c9tnA6lac4eo6W1p8pey2fConpSaE7NiwtlrrovrseoMeeloaeni3xs6hltcr6lohtiuheuiAmCaAnfSsl4opSmll6otgacttAouehurel45htnad4r0ssteet1taetf6eAlfioyorMW5meMWvwnrlB984oC4dd61.aI0e2inaRtr2rMsMhwtCte0NoIA1hriNtMr0ctNhAuAi1seloGpm5ka44thonenp55SoHoiC1-Mr2Abd4ieZinhntAn4llo4yO-ia-oe0lgaM1pSAi2na-3n1tuss41tdrVo-otn2cSLgMHeo2u(nhdEenp-1eairS3naW-rsaNAs9sm4c,Bth4iTk01tati2fnnhliRkn2enegebmyYyatuol)nra1nycnrigoa21er2l2tD/2shA3MAta4pK5620vAwOr15r9iG4eMedoR2MxeE1n2g2l4A0f1Hif249T5stenO0oSi1r0CMLto9gsLAOByrIO1R4L1osd8tnWl0V1MaAoT7HIiANOfabYL1oSBoGnR4aHyEwLWlrEnSEraSATobTcDc8acAiIenkgoeM4N7Clsl3sdrentAAsooaeyt(4AEA4oteor5rru34r14A4kB0t61nn2reS0g6A487heuv04A,)hBS7ct1aTiiEAkync7LmT4iGlAEn2eeh05R2gtpBsAsRah1HEhV5bStIOmmeaERSsoWPATuOEWmEM6KeMXRenh0EriSaUE6INSelDyTcNTkTeInDeSTNhtKTHLdsoaEAGoBPWmMrRa(vLHOABr1SeMoYenTAurSo1iGudgzMRTO5KtzhpVVCsr1BPNEaie4tkieisSDaoneiortdTemerdtgrgurnwfSeekwbitnn)rtrhApyeyais5mLsano1AlttmoB3lomgha6rRl0ynetbfue6uOsodHdltAtseuerh4fPeeohdn5os1Hdmrdd2notrSoMlaeedepfmpn1abMs1MAeA1MtnelR6ieASKrl0Csd1CEaa5OtT0tDh89LSLyNdOnAHNUYaeNuL17BMcA6TioEedlteLtARBrhO1Dooctn1EAe0rS4NcehSn1ata4TASaThs7imGssntlwdtbpeAAoStty1aoPh1r1oa2on32r(eDwneB9AMetaIgAs3GtLh5t2i1BC8me)4grnlE61UE9T76Wye0HSGGrHgdTpbKEoSHulaCeMRMeoBldC’nrltaoOSHAisswmaHdrtSTEet6taWwAElyyo0ifedLvPeMayAn2EiSpIihuoLnnYaer5IeYnDngA0iStccSEgldt5n7TTfddk>hgt0AAoehlS5aeoe14rA4sgts7ndt4eHeeI2Ryvr8WooeSdBsyadtsCir•L•••T£T1oste11e4he23horMAs1eea t1a5ond1Mtf00tannop5osWe1rH14FR5r10'eronuas0cdriAuk7Wsea6hhCs1Myrnalp1rnorl9i2leyPS1sy3eotelk1c8bdaewrAo Al1e1eyr1a41fa4c–7l2.ty9r2h£nmo1lnr2one0u6nv0m1g0ie.,yllw0eeea0asas0srteoes phteoooexprlDpFdeepaoionrtenrinexnmgnpuasimr2ircikn4eSgtGthco1iDoeP8BcnerithircohcmreSeyDimntrSHgeebehoecreautevmsrNmieco2ber0tehL2ri7m20iwte2idt7hA46A1101 A34 A46 A6121 A5 A6 A1 PERSHORE ST A442 A6003 A45 A47 A43 A38 BRISTOL STA6 HURST B ARFORD ST ST A444 GOOCH ST NORTH LOWER A141 A3400 HENSTEAD ST ESSEXAS6T 116 BARFORD ST CHARLES HENRY ST A435 A1 A441 A448 RICKMAN DR A508 MOWBRAY ST a fixed headrent of A50 A442 A46 A43 SHERLOCK ST A10 A449 BISHOP ST BISSELL ST A442 A38 BRISTOL ST A6 GOOCH ST A429 A423 A361 A43 A509 A603 A428 A10 A1198 E A46 A508 Unity House A6 Depot A421 A1 Area : 1301.22 m² (14006.2 ft²) 120 to 129 18 A429 Essex House A361 A4260 A413 LOWER ESSEX STREETKENT STREET A34 A43 A10 A44 55 A417 A41 GOOCH ST11R4E.3EmT NORTH 11 12 A413 A48 16 A4010 84 to 88 80 to 8215LONDON9 117S21B136 2RM11I93S2ABaTSToa(4TAhhtvinn1rr4OB3eeeSddMemar8e4ppLitwDt1n)hrreagooe3S1uAs8npphu04ttdaeef.2s,f0c0rrmoSWtth0TyyluC’kees0rotriirbrSssAeNBsou4pth3narssNr3uaeyeetiuamnnhtwoieurSlkdasrptaw.o,im1Snlt7Mouee(tgrACrntdSeeCMhahdl3otLaekiarnoYlepM8scenltNmdnhpdecE4e)SeaeHuthttsCBAmbnhaApbvroMDhr4yiuetciiiamireesakoymovlctraeonisoftdzhfl.eeirtiecoSnnsHe1tec6bro4slreuul2lteodsoo,tyf0ewatSh0(aGPnA1we05eydMo3itnneacCo8Srodrolc)bimsorrmhotBcnhaBropurS,oluilsatsFbgrorathneieSroAkrAsoi3sie4nl3He2i8Saogtd0uSsdekpnN.et1og4rlNpnnMleQeoierrtnefirowoauagttrWhx.ejAbdloi4Saeuamanrrentcynaaerscdgvw1tmoe3eSicKamlpyeAWyelDmos.b0nai,yidloTt.nlieIc5hndgSorLgedatstafmrooteMnpriinidnoeAld4rRe3not2t,e9shapoatw1e(poneA2d14-har0iTcHtSk7ntAih4ryhicme4gttea1ymnh3im)10sl1seeiine6noysenCsoc-uataaslr5tusthpMmhiadlMpAAyaabn1e4w04r3endlo0a2WoJre9dxalcw(seyMicEgH4tmymc,Be)uuMioWgrecasramaaohsodAticrieenbd3nmSikcddluLeennyl3aaesmonee7orfBnru1hlrsclr2oeedghsp6taamiiahmanzcdRmiogerolkKnedSv1.(se31tB1e(f7Wi4na11i2Mnr148e1i,tknlda21d1SUM5Amet924uH402ftsx0Esor)G7bAte1rr3sTrd)eiioHadMSHtHR,u5glaOAtooeBurhW4rltnro2Mlo4oSooiAwrR14t1uSmw0fuKss6it2,cpitsabnhE1oogKgyompnnrsrAstBo2aotHTh4o4o1anvAhfmen4tredeMa0n6aam2ed5steCt,srE2oAAn522y3f0d2i5eolCdnMI2T641Y01mW5 ACo20o1h0MlAimwg142AA3w51i2c2eh2l0lm2 28A46 Priory House 68 to 71 WHhio(tPerHs)e A429 A338 A3 Factory A417 A34 A24 112.5m Depot Print 18 to 27 A23 30m A4361 A346 Far East Building A419 A10 Ordnance Survey © Crown Copyright 2012. All rights reserved. Licence number 100020449. Plotted Scale - 1:1000 Graphic House Works 75 A36 A350 This plan is published for the convenience of 70 71 A46A368 A37 A361 44 to 46 Summary TrowbriNdgoe rth A342 A343 A33 Woking 10 9 Shep9to.nBFArI3o6R1mAM36e2INGHAMWWaesrmtb1uinr0ys.teCr OVENTRY A34 sKoingusctlehre EAST SouthWSEST 4 Leatherhead 9 < Backidentification only and although believed to be A338midlands A340 A21 NEXT > A345 A339 correct is not guaranteed and it does not form A22 any part of any contract. © Crown Copyright. A22 All rights reserved. Licence Number LIG0074. A24 A361 A331 7 Caterham M25 5 6S A25 Basingstoke 6 M3 5 Aldershot 8 11. LEAMINGTON SPA A323 Dorking A360 Andover Whitchurch 7 Reigate RedhillOxted Guildford A25A39 A339 Farnham A31 M23 8 Godalming A

10. staybrite house &Courtauld House courtaulds way, foleshill enterprise park, coventry, CV6 5NHInvestment Considerations• Large site in central location• Strong industrial location• Good access to M6 motorway via A444 (Phoenix Way)Asset Management Opportunities • Remove break option on 2nd August 2014• Negotiate surrender premium• Opportunity to re-let unit if tenant vacates• Increase site density• Buy freehold interestDescription• Industrial warehouse with extensive yard area and adjoining 2 storey office building• Constructed in the early 1990s• Eaves height of approximately 8 metres (26 ft)• 4 roller panel doors• Total area of 8,853 sq m (95,298 sq ft)• The site extends to 2.76 hectares (6.83 acres) representing a site cover of 32%• Circa 46 car park spacesSummary North midlands southEAST SouthWEST < Back NEXT > Print9. BIRMINGHAM 10. COVENTRY 11. LEAMINGTON SPA

A5 Sleaford A17 A1121 A50 Ashbourne A52 A15 Boston Ilkeston 26 NOTTINGHAM 07 S A1 A52 Uttoxeter DERBY Stapleford A52 Beeston A52 A16 A516 Long EatonA606Stone 25 Grantham A52 10. staybrite house & Courtauld House A6 A17 A51 A518 A444A515 EAST A607 courtaulds way, foleshill enterprise park, coventry, CV6 5NH 14 A50A38 MIDLANDS A42Burtonupon24 A151 A17rd A34 A447 Holbeach A47M6 Trent LoughboroughMelton A151 Spalding A453 Mowbray Wisbech 13 Rugeley A46M1 BourneCannock A4623 A1101 12 Ashby-de- A607 A606 A6121 A16 la-Zouch Coalville 11 22 A50 A5 A1 A16 A6 Stamford Oakham M42 A45 Tenancy 11 S A423 LEICESTER A6003 A606 A1139 A47 A1122 • Fully let on 3 co-terminus leases to Bowater Building Products Limited 10 A43 21 21 Wigston BRUNABY RD A47 Peterborough March A47N 10 Walsall CSouldttfioenld M69 A6 A444 MA414S5A12349CLM39A6o4o6168v2CcSeiE7isarnoveMletltnori3s6hycic6houeuAaAaAiSsl4ps4mltl6tn4cteAoerle45odna4r0st1tc&6eAfaaorM5MWvptrB984oeC4Sd6paI02naRdrirrMMwtotCeiNoIunxhriNrctNAuAi1ieoGp5kma44ttonnhp55oSHo1r2A4ienathentAn4o-ia-0gMit1pSAine3Wnots4to-lot2SLMHyo2unneenpairS23snaW-raAtsm4cBh4imMk1Btai2nnleni2eielgddebyyRtwusloaur1no(yng3rdbtk2h1yMsm1 D6aA)a4nKi2vAO1m5di4Med2Mx1mn2l4i0if2s495tn0oS1er0M9gA2Byr1d41d8tl010aAoT7iHba1SBon4aymwtrreabc8ciAleylkoM4N7esl3retstAooaey(oAA4rrru(3414kB30t612gtA487hehu4A)2hSct1aeAkykmT4ilAnm2neh52gpsoa1)h5btmraoeutWmhenareysantdnoodvLfBeeBiursigziTrKzahCmr1BNPae4ticDaoneorteicdtngrgurnweekbngnrOhAspeyis5hWsano1ltEBea3lmgaNrRdFetmbOuOsdHRlAtseuvD4feeahn5Rio1BHdmaDdd2LnrSAMleedCedpJKmn1AWusW14A9A1tne0ITD6e5CSDl05cH3I1Na50tG89tTLLdTiHONmUohuNL7MTientetAieBO1olocHCt1se0rA4NAchn1taSPCSAsR2HhsOimN’USnPrtElRWw(LRTLbMpAAN1AIaAoSYDULTtaNoLLMO1Doa2Cn5WSKn2Or(wRnpBDMRdt3s3VEh5et2i8)4Rgr1k9376WyDir0CHGGgemAUt,oSHulaCewSeBV)dEyntrltaIAWisChwmaHdtenTt6tWAwlyOte0YifedveayoAhnR2iShonnaeIr5eTnAgArfe0itccldtPo5nS7tfddkhAt0hTAoelSUH5arPeoe1ALCmrA4s’gtswSRrndt4eONoRHSeeI2eREyTDver8LVAWporLoTesILESOdeNBsytoaNNEdtsrSCiorAf1oTste11teTS4hREf32hoywrAATsERaSt15onDLdT1Mtf0YhtoooLp5oeN1iH1r1nn'rncs0diA7sadh1MG1ro92liS13oons18w.oaTglshloeSHeWEAAtMThNHBCEeRRLaDLOGpREEN>RDdley A444 B4118 LOCKHURST LN B4119 FOLESHILL RD • Bowater Building Products Ltd has been taken over by Veka • Courtauld House has been sublet to The Lear GroupBIRMINGHCAOMVENTRYsgrove A6116 A1 A141 • 25 year lease expiring on 1st August 2024 A43 • AWULT of 1.9 years to break and 11.9 years to expiry 5 RD • Open market 5 yearly reviews - next review 2nd August 2014 MIDDLEMARCH RD • The rent for the office block is of £207,318 per annum, with a peppercorn rent on M5 A46 A508 CHEVERAL AVE KINGFIELD RD A444 A50 BLAKE AVE A10 the car park, the warehouse/factory element is let at £397,500 per annum 6 A442 A3400 B4098 RADFORD RD A6 A603STONEY STANTON RDrshore A435S B4107 ENGLETON RD A42R8D F T RD Tenure A441 A44818 A361 A509 FOLESHILL RD 9 A43 A42142 M5 A46 A1198 A444 • Offices - Leasehold expiring 31st January 2124 (blue) at a peppercorn rent A429 10 A508 B4119 LEICESTER A10 • Car park - Leasehold expiring 30SthtayNboritveeHmobueser 2123 (green) at a peppercorn rent 11 • Factory/Warehouse - Freehold (rCedou) rtaulds Way A1oud Coventry L SWAN LN A6 ST NICHOLAS ST A4260 188 98.6m 7 Area : 1.605 ha (3.966 acres) 60 54 A34 202196 1 Area : 5768.77 m² (1.425 acres) A43 Boro Const and Ward Bdy 177 96.6m 4 Area : 364.452 m² (3922.93 ft²) CR 181 6 Area : 146.357 m² (1575.37 ft²) 12 94.0m 91 Area : 5805.90 m² (1.435 acres) 2 LB Guildford Court Depot PRIDMORE ROAD 32 24 15 42 A429 A10 52 23 Stag and Pheasant 95.5m A361 (PH) A413 Works 29 A44 33A417 99.1m 35 Tk LOCKHURST LANE Tk PRIDMORE ROAD A41 45 A413 95.1m A4010 Courtauld houseSlsw17ortMh aMlm4mSTiCensChtobtaareeiuvcjtrriokepyoslraenrndocttrreatpuyionne16rndrketymor2ofiasamtihSdnsie1wilss5teu,Miasanth(dt6s3eeto9rdkonAmnmo4)gnFo5afrtrAiFoion4ano2rdmgn0lwdeudosasJnhutAyrnii.l4alcTWlE6thiaaon,entnnttehadMr3gepee1rlonaisAfWigtDestbteaihin1idlPrnleiec1angooegMrdftfkmrooiw,6rnnidlAwghe3M2ish9cloooih(cnA1ct4ho-pa08TH7rArt4hikiwe4osoa1mn3vmaan0li)edype6ywt.espo-Disr5ttohMhiarxMeAeRcai4cm4croel0tWeolaalasswsytsceH4tRccltMiaooyogemnyahs1AJdcisubd3mSenmteealo,eocn7cirJBtluhCsiaec2oeegh6egoaan(ahs2ucdvmso1aekenmn5rd,st1r)f7WEov1iy8en1.ifalOaocd1tUAt92h4ir40tfNtxth0eyohber3McradoieMdnSHf4n5gdat6ht0err.reeMo2Ms4TAowcioe141sS0im6gt2yvthge1iaecit1eAB2stb4n3h4o1aAete4rruLM0mine6ntBh2eOig5a4lt,en1NmCsE2d1n5otaoDf9CvjieoetOolhCFrdnvMIoe2eTt6eNr4l1Yme1ysnosWtp5ihrusylCoiotlhb’olhsyolARiewwgI1Auno3rw1ienstac2e.esdhdrtlC.cel.id2ot8yvbeRynattirwlyo Chy MCeChlLakiYlpsnNhpeE½iTbaeHshAmnoAMaDeh4rmdalespmiveolreirzosaep(s1theskiergmtyns)iiitfseeicastaousntMr.rtthaoOdreulbitsnohstrdoreoieurubgdtuthheSAt,bin3o3HK8ayuninnnm1glt4NogseeercsofdwfoainiretuAbdil4oFmudornyIlsnewi1zsd3SiheuthidslltorEiincandclteuuEprsspMtitreari4iRartseseleaiui1nPs2dncailiSnoltrusgkcdaa1ii1nnntecdgCdluaaTdiemmlsesoAcbm10N3oeb2er,9edyl(eEwMiyoaxB)eeftWrfeylai,clicyn&eBkdswnr3sE,iedoeylelrgsr.tegea,s.tnEoTdodSn13wmt1et4a1hM1euiaen2rnn5eHSdCdsEtsooA1oMTunnHreaRtEyOsaAltWe4SencrtdSactRruauKniEitccpitrtnnoahEeootgnmp.lennssarotMToponnhmrndedaisdmeTioeCcHsoaroAAoll22ySu3c0d25setaoennt.itroTenh.iesA2Ca0 poMpv42Ae5r2onxtri2ymcaatenlyal A3 97.2m War Meml A29 The Surgery A338 Tanks A34 A24 A417 A23 KINGFIELD ROAD A346 A10 COURTAULDS WAY Enterprise House A419A429 26 WB El Sub Sta A4361 El Sub Sta El Sub Sta Kingfield Technical Foleshill House Shelter Centre staybrite houseTowerCourtA350 94.2m car parkDepot 92.7m A361 50 38 Coventry FOLESHILL ROAD 256 Ps 26 5 Canal A343 MS 8 A34 Shelter A342 Kingsclere A33 4 Woking 10 9 28 41 29 Towing Pathowbridge A3057 A340 S Leatherhead 9 A22 7 Caterham M25 5 0m 25m 50m 75m A338 A339 A22 A331 6S A25 233 A345 A24Westbury A360 Basingstoke 6 M3 5 Aldershot A32G3 uGiSlododfoaulrmdtinhDAgo2W5rkiEnSgTReigate8 RedhillOxted A21 Ordnance Survey © Crown Copyright 2012. All rights reserved. Licence number 100020449. Plotted Scale - 1:2500WarminsterSummary ANnodorvetrh Wmhitcihdurlcha8 7nds A339 FsaronhuamthEAAS31T M23 This plan is published for the convenience of NEXT > Print A36 9. AB30I3RMINGHAAmMesbury 10. COVENTRY A30311. LEAMINGATltOonN SPA A287 GATWICK 9 AG26r4iEnasstet aAd264 < Backidentification only and although believed to be 10 Crawley correct is not guaranteed and it does not form any part of any contract. © Crown Copyright. A264 11 All rights reserved. Licence Number LIG0074. A345 A30 A338 A343 A33 32 A34 M3 AlrNeeswford A31 Haslemere Wilton 3

11. Imperial Court/Imperial House Leamington Spa, CV32 4YBInvestment Considerations• Town centre location• Multi-let to 4 tenants – all in occupation• Good parking ratioAsset Management Opportunities • Remove break option on Suites 1, 2 and 6• Long term redevelopment potential subject to necessary consentDescription• Imperial House and Imperial Court comprise 2 attached office blocks• Constructed in the 1970s• Arranged over ground and three upper floors around a central service core• The buildings are of concrete frame construction, clad with panelling• Extends to a total of 3,513 sq m (37,811 sq ft)• Combined surface car park for 114 vehicles, providing a parking ratio of 1:332 sq ft• Site extends to 0.52 hectares (1.30 acres)Summary North midlands southEAST SouthWEST < Back NEXT > Print9. BIRMINGHAM 10. COVENTRY 11. LEAMINGTON SPA

A Sleaford A17 A1121 A50 Ashbourne A52 A15 Boston Ilkeston 26 NOTTINGHAM 07 S A1 A52 Uttoxeter DERBY Stapleford A52 Beeston A52 A16 A516 Long EatonA606 Stone 25 Grantham A52 11. Imperial Court/Imperial House Leamington Spa, CV32 4YB A51 A518 A6 A1101 A17 A17 14 A444A515 EAST A607 A47 A50A38 MIDLANDSrd A42Burtonupon24 A151 WisbechM6 A34 A447 Holbeach Trent LoughboroughMelton A151 Spalding 13 Rugeley A453 Mowbray A46M1 Bourne A4623 Ashby-de- A607 A606 A6121 A16 la-Zouch Coalville A16 11 22 A50Cannock A5 A1 12 A6 Stamford Oakham M42 A45 11 S A423 LEICESTER A606 A1139 LEICAE1S12T2ER ST Tenancy21 A6003 LEICESTERAS4T7 • Fully let on 4 leases to 4 separate tenants A43 • Tenants are Bravissimo Limited, GFK NOP Limited, Freestyle Games Ltd and Altair CLARENDON ST Engineering Ltd LANSDOWNE ST • AWULT of 3.7 years to break and 7.6 years to expiryNdley MA414S5A1213409LL39A6eo46W1a82CcmSaE7ialroviseMnelatni3gs6hlci6lhtoueuAoCAaASsl4pS4mlln6otn4ctAoeurel45nad4r0sStt1ttf&p6eAfioorM5eMWvanrlB984oC4dSd6aI02niaRsrirMMwttCeNaoIu1hriNr0ctNnAuAi1eoGp5ka44tonnp55SoHo1ar2A4ienthntAn4of-ia-0gMi1pSfAin3nolts4tuo-ot2MHo2eunnnairSn3nW-rAst4cBh4ik1tBta2onlen2ewedbyyRwunur1oygirnbt2h1yMc1 D6eAMna4K62vAO1t59ir4Med2Max1n22l401if2l495tn0oS1r0M9WgAByr141d8tl01aAoT7Hab1SBon4ayrwWrrawbc8cAiekgoM4N7isl3csretAooaeytk(AA4orrru34s14kB0t61n2ghA487heu4A)hiSct1arAkyemT4ilAn2eh.52gpsa1hT5btmahouWmenereyntdoowvLBeenurigzTiKzhsCBr1BPNae44tRiD0aoneElorte9oGdtg9rgurnwEekWcbNnnrhTIApLaeyis5LSanoE1lTttBC3lSmgaeLrRRAetbdDRuOsdHElAtseNu4feeiDhn5on1OHdmdd2NrSMleedeAtpmhVn1sE1eA1teN6eSEl0W1ca50tB89LLdeOHNULuL7DnMTietTetAtBEO1oocRrt1HCA0BrR4NcROehn1t4aA4BOAS0LhsC7im9RLSEnY9tAlwoSWbWpNWASRLSDfIAItOATaLoLPN1OoaLL2STLSEnI2HtErNK(eDAwnSBFhOMOtMsIP3RWEtMVhA5Dt2iLNe8eAS)4grDRE19ST76WyiCA0HSGGrRSgeDTTcbEoSHulaCeweLooBdAnrltaAiNswmaHKdurtSet6tWwDIlyoNt0ifeOdvneayAhn2GiWhuonnaer5enNtSgAe0iEtccUrgldTt5n7fddPkhty0AoPehlS5aPeoeE1,rA4Rsgtsrndt4HaeoHeeI2ORyvNr8pLWpoLEoeYWpSdeBsyWaBdtrsOArCiTr1osLoLte11te4hKDh32hoyrMAsxaTt15ondE1Mtefi0Rtaoopm5LoRe1rH1Ar1n'ErPns0cCdiAa7sAaEhr1MGEt1rMAoe92lSS13oolTIUH18yNpwPOoPLeGELg2YRrTSHlTeOPOtmRLILyNNYMCiEWl’ eSAaLPsKpAA47CAMPION TRS ST• Total rent £559,725 per annumBIRMINGHCAOMVENTRYsgrove A6 Tenure LEAMINGTON5 A444 GUY ST CHANDOS STA6116 OXFORD ST A141 SPAM5 Freehold A46 KENILWORTH ST A1 CIRCUS 6 A442 A43 A508 PARK ST CLARENDON ST A10 rshore A50 S A3400 A6 WOOD ST 18 A509 9 A435 A361 B4087 PARADE NEWBOLD ST A603 A441 A43 HRAEMGIELNTTOGNRTOEVRERACE A10 M5 A448 A428 1042 11 A46 A508 B4099 WILLES RD A429oud A1198 A6 Imperial Court & Imperial House EUSTON PL Holly Walk A421 A1 Leamington Spa A4260 St Paul's 60.0m A34 Court A43 10 1 Will1iamtoT9homas House Area : 5243.01 m² (1.296 acres) 3 25 12 18 1a LANSDOWNE CIRCUS > 57 A429 A413 A10 7d A361 7a A44 58.8m A417 19 19 21 23 17 a A41 A413 7 16 Masonic CROSS STREET 14 Rooms A4010Slsw17ortMh aMlm4j(cTTeu3sChhebnrkneeiuccmrtkyrtptlioea)ordweoneaapnn11se6dht7rtaopyosfrfioWgsStvho1wsi5adeiotiruendwMadsriot1caoenk,nda,idesFo1asncraA1ti4onap2tg0mmhbpdeloirminlosechuxsoeniWrm(din1caaea8nattrtkeanigoomldyenf)as1HAWsDt2wotboariidulalinllmitctyncghhogitdtiWlfdoeoovrenisfdraAe3C(bl21k9couot9ansAva4ki-en0TnHm7cAnd4hece4ta)1sner3Wms0ytlseose6lyaios-lttlhncoi5eedaMjstMAueai24oR4nra0l0Wnocostwatmiyt.H4ohdcirMniolgoe(smBahuAsi14bdg3mS(e3e03hleon,792rBuhas219keegh6amam4ah)c,dm)oiawxnsntsohu1df7Wuir1ic8e1et1lhhad1UAot924540fiexf0osaborp3lrdsfoietdSHctr5ghoiaaoeerftrdeBo2M4MdAwi14a1Sr064mcn2 0ld1ion.smAgBTe244h1ahoAt4raLeM0odn6m2eeOML5tr.enN4Ea2n55pmDfu,iienrOwlCpdgMI2hTo6tN41Yoi1scenW5hbSCocouhpolAiiawgnl1At3wn1itco2oeehflwcflitc2sn8ewith 3 Factory 1 2 El Sub Sta 10 A417 A338 A3A429 A34 A29 59.1m A4361 A346 A419 A24 Imperial House A23 ChLiYpNpEaeHAncMhcaommmodation. LeamingSton Spa train station iHsMoa4Rlpleypa1W2rdoiSnxagilmk11aCtleinlyicA1103a2mn9(diMleB)AWr(aT2icnAkkdnmrseco)lhlrtiotetchtSes13.t14asoinueHtsEhA1.THROAW4 Richmond A205 A20 A2 2 HOLLY WALK Calne 14 13S A10A350 Kingston 4 59 63 MelkshSamuA4rrounding Marlborough HungerforAd4 26upon Thames occupiers includeNtehwebJuoryb Centre, M25 A361 Sutton CroA2y3d2 on A338 11 Devizes A343 Camberley 3 M25 Epsom A34owbridge A342 A3057 Kingsclere A340 A33 4 Woking 10 9 A21 0m 10m 20m 30m 60 A338 A339 62 A22 56.7m A345 A22 Ordnance Survey © Crown Copyright 2012. All rights reserved. Licence number 100020449. Plotted Scale - 1:1000 A24 S Leatherhead 9 7 Caterham M25 5 A331 6S A25 Basingstoke 6 M3 5 Aldershot 8Westbury A360 ANnodorvetrh A323 Dorking RedhillOxted This plan is published for the convenience of Whitchurch 7 FsaronhuamthEAAS31T ReigateWarminsterSummary A339 Guildford A25 < Backidentification only and although believed to be midla8 nds GSoodaulmtinhgWEST M23 correct is not guaranteed and it does not form NEXT > Print A287 any part of any contract. © Crown Copyright. A36 9. AB30I3RMINGHAAmMesbury 10. COVENTRY A303 Alton GATWICK 9 AG26r4iEnasstet aAd264 All rights reserved. Licence Number LIG0074. 10 11. LEAMINGTON SPA Crawley A345 A30 A338 A264 11 A343 A33 32 A34 M3 AlrNeeswford A31 Haslemere Wilton A3

12. plot 24 blackwater way, aldershot, GU12 4HDInvestment Considerations• Modern industrial unit• South East location• Good access to the M3 and A3• Very limited similar size stock availableAsset Management Opportunities • Re-let the main building as the tenant is in administrationDescription• Industrial warehouse, with ancillary ground and first floor offices• Constructed in the early 2000s• 3 level access loading doors• Eaves height of circa 6m (20 ft)• Smaller warehouse/workshop, with 3 level access loading doors constructed in the 1970s• Additional area of hard standing let on long lease• Total area of 2,630 sq m (28,311 sq ft)• Site area 0.62 hectares (1.54 acres) representing a site cover of 42%Summary North midlands southEAST SouthWEST < Back NEXT > Print 14. HARLOW 15. LONDON 16. MILTON KEYNES 20. TOLWORTH12. ALDERSHOT 13. DARTFORD 17. MALDON 18. SOUTHAMPTON 19. SOUTHAMPTON

A422 A43 Milton 14 A4 Royston Saffron A134 A12 A14 Brackley A422 Keynes Walden 10 A505 13 A133A131 A1(A016074) Letchworth Baldock A1 Manningtree Felixstowe LONDON b l a ckwat e r way, a1l d2e r.s hpo tl, oG Ut1 2 24 H4DAKDOibdiMxid1ln0ifc49nogSo0gAdrt4dt0ooBnniAcR32ee98soa7t1nA2de4-r0AiTHS7n4A4hB1e4gA8au1n4A3cm110l1kyeTie6lnyehsg-sahb5maMuWmeMrAAaAey14404nr32l02dWo19ow(vLyMBH4eecBur)MiioWggzrTmazhahrBicaitnibDd3nekorddeerngunsknen7ohABhls5lr2aeet6maaabcdsHolteeneS11Hdms231t1SfM7eW4a1ip8em11islna1d1t1eUAet924eHl40f1sxa0Eo089LLbdA1rHU3uTrd7MTiiHtdtSO1oRc5g0NhOn1ASAeiW4ntl2bM4AAaR1141S0Kun6(iM2cps3i5n2h81o)49g76WmGnsASHaCe2otT44orl1tanAiAhwHdten46tdMay00feve6yA2imn2er5en0t5ln7efdosaEr2Agnd52Hef0i5WoeSdlBdadtir2ose6e4hrstodWf5opoAHCro'2ns0d7NoahEMlWAriwgSlP1AS1OAo3wwR118i2Twc2ReahADlSn1lD02Tl62eA3M30a810y2NCrA92BtS15hf2rToAe0eAE3Nrl22EnDAdmAW311AtTPA2AA24swO19i1S1RG3fl240HToBbo7RrrRruDoadaDrdviy1nBe2tWsarReesitenoiAAhldcd1aL4hoG1mDeRniEslCalRMAtyiaHen1SlH2naaerOg7HAlvlLi1shdDg2OAetEeoah1RyT1aSnmR2dDI4osluaStnhChdeeoBenulcrdrnnh-heeoassnmMWst--eeeSorsrAnset1e-a2Ca0rouBclhaAc3AA2kH3P1lwd2BAel0eoLaarCDrtntEyseRl2eESahrH4coORWTtatroRoehDoanuHMsed-aoarnwrg-AiSac2•T•••eht8eae niItPACanesrdunditnohrdaurreicsnetttitnryohoiitAaoAnsarirellaendiadanwlc:i:m6no1la2aa0g2mi0rd8nn4e..5eicdm66sh6otmooimrimn²sa²fu(i(11tpssl£.ie05teoa83r7t19ann4l,ta1e.0to80ycitrtofeh3t²sYot)ne)o0of trMMopktbeiaillurlllrLaLryaaennnnMnteeuawmEEnannasgggii£enn2meee1eerr3niinn,t0ggP0eL(0nAimslpidioteeenrrdsSahcnohnt)eumLmime iutendti;l A34 A413 A10 A131 A43 A41 A130 A413 A4010 A10 A331 UNDERWOODAV however the LOWER 2128, who 50 NORTH LN A13 CroA2y3d2 on Chatham SittingbourWnehitstable A299 Ramsgate 11 A28 Camberley 3 11 Sutton STONE4 ST M20 A227 M2BLACK3WATER4WAY 5 BLACKWATER WAY Faversham A331 A253 Tenure The Beck Industrial Estate M25 Epsom HERRETT ST M25 FARNHAM RD 2 A249 A2 CanterburyA257 Sandwich 7A33 re 4 Woking 10 9 A24 M25 5 A227M26 3 4 56 6 7 A32 A23 A2 hitchurch A21B32A082L5OWER El Sub Sta A33 A32 8 A339 S Leatherhead 9 A227 A228 03 A339 ALDERSHOTM3 5 A331 A323 Dorking A22 Sevenoaks Maidstone8 Leasehold - 125 year lease expiring on 28 September 2128. Annual rent of £47,000 A3 86 A20 A2 per annum,DealBLACKWATER WAY with M3 A24 A26 6 Farnham A31 Guildford A25 Redhill TheBEPECrHoCL perMt2y0 A28 A256 rent reviewThe Beck1 every 10 years. 9 7 BLACKTWAoTnERbWrAiYdge Industrial2 M23 Estate A272 Alton A287 GATWICK 9 Units 2 to 5 WILLOW WAY 9 CHANNEL A2 TUNNEL A31 Tunbridge Wells A274 Ashford 10 TERMINAL Dover A229 Crawley 10 A264 A262 Unit 1 A28 A20 43 Plot 24 A2070 6 Blackwater Road A29 A264 TONGHAM RD A21 OATCK eWranAnYtebrrdoeonk M20 11 12 13 Folkestone A24 A29 HytheAccident Repair Centre Aldershot Haslemere A264 11 A26 Depot A267 A3 Horsham Crowborough Blackwater Trading CHESTNUT AVE A259 A264 A281 A22WAH2Y7T5E AVE A265 Estate A28 Warehouse A283 Tank A268 New Romney 50 TORNGyHeAM RD A272 A272 A265 Sublet Longleashold Area : 6228.56 m² (1.539 acres) View the Property onLydGd/oAoshgfolerd Map >stleigh Pulborough A23 Uckfield Area : 1004.66 m² (10814.0 ft²) A286 Heathfield Paragon 2 10 Court 11 A21 El Sub Sta Hurstpierpoint A275 A26 Battle A28 A259 The Beck Industrial Estate A22 A334 1 A283 A27Lewes Hastings SHOREHAM Brighton HailAs2h71amA259 1 A3(M) 27 9 10 WorthinHgove A259 A27 Bexhill- El Sub Sta 1L1 o12c12at35ioHnav&anAtS27iCthuicahetsitoernLittleAhraumndApe2l7ton 13 reham Newhaven on-Sea 23 27 BLACKWATER WAY A29 9TOENmGaHAisMletR0bOsmAoD(u11r04nmekm20m) 30m 21 23a 23b 1 1 The Beck020 El 2 Industrial Gosport (64km) A22 west town direct31 RAayclddcPeeeorsrssthsvmoitaoiustthhleocAa3te3d1inStoelSsteuhyreBrReoMyegg3naiosnardt is 40 miles which is south westSoeaffLoordndon aA2n59d of GuildfordSub.Sta The has Estate junction 4, 6 miles (10km) to the nor th. Ordnance Survey © Crown Copyright 2012. All rights reserved. Licence number 100020449. Plotted Scale - 1:1250Cowes Units 2 to 5 This plan is published for the convenience of identification only and although believed to be Unit 1 43 6 Newport The property is situated on Blackwater Trading Estate, which is on the eastern side of the town. The estate directlycaonryraepcdatritsjoonfoiatnngysucaortanhntrtaeecetd.A©an3Cdr3oitwd1noeC.sonpoytrifgohrtm. Accident Repair Centre Depot Sandown All rights reserved. Licence Number LIG0074. ShTahneklpinroperty in within a predominantly industrial area with residential properties to the south. Surrounding occupiers include Booker Blackwater Trading Ventanonrd Camberley Auto Factors. Estate Tank Paragon 2 El Sub Sta Court 1 0m 10m 20m 30m 21 23a 23b 1 13 23 27 31 TONGHAM ROAD El NEXT > Print Sub Sta Ordnance Survey © Crown Copyright 2012. All rights reserved. Licence number 100020449. Plotted Scale - 1:1250 Summary North midlands southEAST SouthWEST This plan is published for the convenience of 14. HARLOW 15. LONDON 16. MILTON KEYNES 12. ALDERSHOT 13. DARTFORD 17. MALDON 18. SOUTHAMPTON 19. SOUTHAMPTON < Backidentification only and although believed to be correct is not guaranteed and it does not form any part of any contract. © Crown Copyright. All rights reserved. Licence Number LIG0074. 20. TOLWORTH

13. the copperfields centre spital street, dartford, DA1 2DEInvestment Considerations• Freehold retail, restaurant and office investment• Greater London location• Development potential• Change of use to A3 (subject to necessary consents)• Forms part of former co-operative development siteAsset Management Opportunities • Let vacant bar/restaurant unit and move pitch towards A3 (pub/restaurant) uses to drive rents• Benefit from redevelopment of immediate area• Possible island site redevelopmentDescription• Multi-let centre which includes retail, restaurant and office accommodation• 27 units in total over ground and first floors• Arranged around a central pedestrianised footpath• Property extends to 2,497 sq m (26,884 sq ft)Summary North midlands southEAST SouthWEST < Back NEXT > Print12. ALDERSHOT 13. DARTFORD 14. HARLOW 15. LONDON 16. MILTON KEYNES 20. TOLWORTH 17. MALDON 18. SOUTHAMPTON 19. SOUTHAMPTON

etchworth Baldock Manningtree Felixstowe A507 Harwichchin 9 Halstead A1124 A120 8 STANSTED Braintree A120 Colchesteron A1(M) Stevenage 13. the copperfields centre 7 A602 spital street, dartford, DA1 2DE Bishop's 8 A120 A133 Welwyn Stortford TenancyON A10 S A131 6GaCridtyen A130 A12 Ware Witham Clacton-on-Sea M11 A1060 Maldon West 5 Hertford Mersea St Albans 4 Hatfield Harlow Hoddesdon710 3 Chelmsford A141 12 22 A12 PRIORY RD PROSPECT ANNE OF CLEEVES RD PLACE 24 M25 25 26 • Currently 88% let to 12 tenants on 13 leases. Tenants include DX Network5 A130 PRIORY HILL A2026 HYTHE ST Enfield M11 5 Chigwell Burnham-on-Crouch MILL POND RD RVSeei cr-vrHuiciutemnsgeLniMmt iLicttedhda(,ienTl haTeadnmLgoi,nndW.)o,CanOionEs’plmsepcaWetnrDiorcDfariiletodrytlgfdLBoaisomnradCiatredleld,inc,RitM,oreMyaaralianBhaVNnaksgilOuoyufe,SnCc,ouBtrlazaronnndesPPllRacoc,fefe LLP, DARTFORD 4 A12 Southend-on-SWEeSTaGATE RD STATIONA Excel Currencies Ltd, Santokh Singh Lart and Office Angels Ltd LONDON4 S Barnet A10 A13 HOME GARDENS • AWULT of 4.6 years to break and 6.3 years to expiry M1 2 A406 28 BrenA1t2w9 ood A127 PPROACHHarrow 1 29 A127 Basildon • Total passing rent of £278,375 per annumdge A406 A41 M25 PRIORY HILL JUNCTION RD WETSGATE RD A13 HIGHFIELD RD NORTHS 21 Woolwich 30 ESSEX RD KENT RD S UFFOLK R OVERY ST 45 41 39 31 ORCHARD ST A4 DARTFORD Gravesend SheernessROW A2 2 HYTHE ST Margate A226 HOME GARDENS Tenure Posts A2 Rochester A226 SUFFOLK RD ORCHARDS Freehold PH 1 A28SHOPPING 2 SPITAL ST D CENTRE A226 HIGHFIELD RD COPPERFIELDS ORCHARD STREET HerneSHOPPING BayCENTRE6uia4ngdgh9CA2G9r81HAaATwo2paLDTW6hornr4AolosIeed2Cvchv7eyKm82iLaad1ro1.amtinnRrid7kgoaMeoR1i0g9tlnne2HcoCt3odBaoo&HrwhryndoAiACeindnw26Gyl2S3aaaleg6d2Ooarti4ctceteiofhEcrtnxriudesDonhatstssanaeaasStsmsedttrtittoaaifoooAnMdrrS2esdn26,t4ae5wAixnsM2Uic5s5tl4t2ehoce5lcAkalCaea2fdSn7irtfee2oateaMldwwsdvnMt2edoeibH6t2shnnTeott0AThoaut2jtr2hheoo6taoAnh5eeu2nknuf6britsbMong3eoCrrlrehwiMd2tihdyhd5nagagtvA,i4tbmei2ieaihd6em5eWaistnmhtom5geoeefAdln3saM62lei6spear21pv7t1eerTAClo4d2yerax4an9ntibntom8deybratrhdMtotrA5eeeao21nl6kiys8n.MRos4TyMu2he0ft0r2hAAeoS2Ams0moAi2thifn2tfLtiu/hoonteMnregddsDb2F.o9oaanT6liruvh’nDtsfer1kAeo7W0nCrsRrsAePdThDhL2hrFaANyiaTOao2tMrdu8ersRmidnntpw2Dtf/ognea0ARerrbVCdslto/lhi1yerme1tTfQCooToEwHnURCsrAuMNtseHdNhaeNt,IyNNheEy1enEACAL2eLAtnL2tKah218eP3eE9nerr9nlnboiFztopuaocMnerobAlryRSkAAaAetKy22t2eEstr5h0T5teso3,7SeTBtnACtor2,GaindWDnoSgetooaeaeOngrv,tVbedEleDeRruwRlYrroeMaiLycoIaBmhaEalRpnsTYdg>ateA227SPRING VALEMARKET PL HYTHE STREET H IGH STA24 A29 A21 SUMMERHILL RD A226 LOWFIELD ST 35 33 31 29 TCBs A23 A227 HIGHFIELD RD A2 A22 A273A24 A256 Head A28 Post A2070 19 A21 20 18 Office A21 7 12 8 A26 A259 Copperfields 5 6 21 22 6 A267 (ab8ove) 4 2 A22 A28 (1a6b tovoe)19 A275 A23 34 2(a3botove2)5 3 9 5SAH28O3 REHAspTuhMrpoevepirdmroinaHpBgreukrrrpieAstgyto2t7hLpstoeiiettenceowrctpinhuaeopalisnisteotbsienaecnplurididmAee2e7nTthpifeoiesCditoiobpnypotehrpHefpieaSoliodslAsiu2tChet7h1eathnEmetaAres2et5ni9LntoracaannBBclyeeaExwtntthotiledeilrtHelhp-rearirssePetrdiAieoPn2var5gye9rstlnoCepermnshterienp.t 7 A22A26 A28 Immediately to the rear a former Co-op 9 A275 as a preferred project for redevelopment of the whole island site. 19 to 33 funding, 12 PH 17a 13 1 SPITAL STREET 1a WorthinHgove A259 on-Sea Posts 15 13 11 Newhaven Posts 7 2 5.5m A22 5a 5 3 3a 4 Seaford A259 Eastbourne 6 1 16 18 Post 5.3m 20 Bank TCB ROMAN ROAD 10 to 14 41 8 Summary North midlands southEAST SouthWEST 38 36 34 < Back NEXT > 12 Print 39 12. ALDERSHOT 13. DARTFORD 14. HARLOW 15. LONDON 16. MILTON KEYNES 17. MALDON 18. SOUTHAMPTON 19. SOUTHAMPTON 20. TOLWORTH 33 to 37 ory Centre lalHVoitcetloria 3

14. sandringham house harlow business park, harlow, cm19 5qaInvestment Considerations• Modern South East office investment• Established commercial market• Multi-let to 2 tenants• Prominent frontage to main estate access roadAsset Management Opportunities • Negotiate removal of break options• Complete surrender and renewal of part ground floorDescription• Modern multi-let office building• Comprises steel and concrete frame construction• Arranged over ground and 2 upper floors• Specification includes suspended ceilings, raised floors and comfort cooling• Total area of 2,950 sq m (31,750 sq ft)• Site extends to a total of 0.77 hectares (1.90 acres)• Extensive on-site parkingSummary North midlands southEAST SouthWEST < Back NEXT > Print12. ALDERSHOT 13. DARTFORD 14. HARLOW 15. LONDON 16. MILTON KEYNES 20. TOLWORTH 17. MALDON 18. SOUTHAMPTON 19. SOUTHAMPTON

A1198A603 11 A11 A134 A14 A10 A1141 M11 Biggleswade A1307 A1071 Woodbridge 14. sandringham house 10 harlow business park, harlow, cm19 5qa A505 Haverhill Sudbury Ipswich Tenancy 9 • Let by way of 4 leases to 2 tenants • First floor and part ground floor let to Merial Animal Health Ltd at a rent of A1 Royston Saffron A1(A016074) A134 A12 A14 Walden £207,175 per annum, expiring March 2018 10 A505 A131 • Second floor offices and a ground floor suite are let to BancTec Limited at a rent Letchworth Baldock Felixstowe HARLOWHitchin 9 A507 Manningtree of £173,820 per annum, expiring July 2018 Halstead A1H2A0RLOW Harwich A1124 A120 8 STANSTED Braintree ROYDON RD HARLOW Luton A1(M) Stevenage GREYHOUND TOWN10LUTON 7 A602 Bishop's 8 Colchester STADIUM AS1TA3D3IUM WAY FC A1169 Stortford 9 Welwyn A10 S A120 The Property Clacton-on-Sea A131A1060 6GaCridtyen A130 A12 ROYDON RD Hertford 5 M11 PARKEND Westad 4 Hatfield Maldon PARKWAY Mersea SANDRINGHAM AV 8 M10 3 7 A414 Chelmsford GREENWAY 2 71 22 A12 GREE NWAY 24 M25 25 26 HORSEC Tenure ord 5 Enfield 5 BARROWS RD A1169 ELIZABETH WAYFOURTH WAY M11 ROFT RD COLDHARBOUR RD 4 S Barnet Chigwell Burnham-on-Crouch Freehold A12 A10 A13 M1 2 28 BrenA1t2w9 ood RaAy1l2e7ighSouthHeAnRdLO-oWn-Sea HORSECROFT RD 1 A406 4 29 A127 HAROLDS RD A41 M25 Basildon0 A406 A13 Canvey IslandLONDONxbridge Woolwich 30 COLDHARBOUR RD 3S 21 31 Tilbury A4 Richmond Dartford Sheerness Margate A205 MERRINGWAY PARKWAY A1169A28s1 Kingston A20 SAw2 an2leyGravesend1 FLEX MEADOW Herne El Sub Sta Langlands House upon Thames Bay 2 36nD0eAgor25hrkeiandg9sdLHHaCtRoenaaaSG9rvdetrrAacuiellAioooTwgaat2lnoWww6taEt4.opdlIteipCminiweorsyKse8ea1lnoc1onstmctdt7a&orMeaR1tfe0s9ie2StnidhCg3dieltnirhinnoauAHACi2k6GtylE2ae3aal6ds2Otrtd4rotseiloEeonxiraLonhaxwtsoaesS‘tnnanmedtGdpeaowpaAMdnrt2eo26towL4x5iAwivaMm2e5n5y4r2a’p5StieoncloShy1leeM29SmvM724tere6e72nmTpe0Touaitr2l,ooaenAnw2nvksd6bisbid(3Cthr4hriiani3hddasgkaggmbf4taeaeeh)sMnnWanteeeom5awsfeirtAtittl3hdj6e2hlo6sdsoou2tt7frefonrTACLlo4,e2eonr4maynfn9elntad8tecbitomrsordnonea5e.osnnkoTiddMhfeMe22lre0a82tAAioSs2bAsu0wmi2lthreneitnfiionnuhwrvtageidetsbshFs.9odtamn6iuvereeer1w7Wn0ncrttsAehho2haoAivcaV2tuMe8csmisree2tinwsa0rsegbctflhdre1e1oTCeenTEHmURCvtAPMNHeNyarNItNlNeohEyo1nEAAL2apeLAtpL2thre218emsM39rer9etiby1nFnuc1tooslrunlyaakAAdAtG22d2ei5n0j5jous37agnotAcocgt2ehtlnniDeeoStenMoatonv7adteDphwRree>aicamhl sgate A227 A256 Pageant House 40 A29 A21A23A227 A228 0m 10m 20m 30m HORSECROFT ROAD A24 A273 SANDRINGHAM AVENUE A22 A274 Ordnance Survey © Crown Copyright 2012. All rights reserved. Sandringham House A22 A229 Licence number 100020449. Plotted Scale - 1:1250 A24 A21 This plan is published for the convenience of identification only and although believed to be A28 correct is not guaranteed and it does not form A2070 any part of any contract. © Crown Copyright. All rights reserved. Licence Number LIG0074. A26 A267 A2 A264 TGAh248e1HSsouarrAnrs2odh7u2atnhmdeinMgoHalearHceyueawlaaiatsrhrPodrfsoficdeucatsndGUirnocduAkuCp2fs7irtper2oillacwd.l bwoAit2rh6o5suugrrhouAn2d6i5ng such as Abbey A259 A22 occupiers National, GlaxoSmithKline, Pitney Bowes, Area : 7676.28 m² (1.897 acres) A275 A28 A268 Rye New Romneylborough A23 Heathfield El Sub Sta Works Lydd/Ashford Works Unit 7 & 8 Works A24 Hurstpierpoint A22 A21 A275 Depot A26 BattleA28 A259 Workson SAH2W8O31SR2uoE.rmHtAAhmLMDinaEHgRroSyvHBeOrTiAg2A7hL2et51ow93nNe.sDoArRtThFONRAeD27whav1me4n.idHlAaHRnaLiOdlAsW2sh71amA2159s5.oLBoOuneNtx-hSDheOiElaHlAN-aSsTtin1g6s.SMoILuTOthNWKEEYSNT ES Unit 3 < Back NEXT > Print 20. TOLWORTH A22 17. MALDON 18. SOUTHAMPTON 19. SOUTHAMPTON A259 Eastbourne Seaford

15. 2-5 Devonshire Row Mews London, W1w 5axInvestment Considerations• Rare central London car park investment• Let on a lease co-terminus with headleaseAsset Management Opportunities • Explore marriage value with freeholder.Description• Two storey garage arranged over ground and basement levels• Providing a total of 53 car parking spaces• Includes ground floor office and toilet facilities in basement• Access via 4 sets of manually controlled double doors• Electro-hydraulic lift provides vehicular access to basement• The property extends to 804 sq m (8,660 sq ft)Summary North midlands southEAST SouthWEST < Back NEXT > Print12. ALDERSHOT 13. DARTFORD 14. HARLOW 15. LONDON 16. MILTON KEYNES 20. TOLWORTH 17. MALDON 18. SOUTHAMPTON 19. SOUTHAMPTON

10 4) DEVONSHIRE CL Felixstowe Letchworth Baldock A10 Hitchin 9 A507 A131 Manningtreen A5 12S 8 A1 Halstead A120 Harwichd M1 STANSTED Braintree A1124 A1(M) Stevenage Colchester A120 15. 2-5 Devonshire Row Mewsunstable 11 Luton 8 A12 London, W1w 5ax 7 A602 West Bishop's S A120 Maldon Mersea A133 Clacton-on-Sea 10LUTON Welwyn Stortford 6GaCridtyen A130 Tenancy 9 Ware Witham M11 A1060g Hemel 5 Hertford Harlow Hempstead St Hatfield Albans 4 8 A41 A283 3 A141 71 7 2 A414 PARK SQ E ersham 22 PARK SQUARE WEST A12e 20 24 M25 25 26 A129 A130 EUSTON RD • The property is currently let to Union Car Parks on a 30 year lease expiring 2 A127 4th July 2023. The lease is subject to a rent review on 31st December 2012. Wa1t9ford 5 4 S Barnet Enfield 5 Chigwell MARYLEAB5O0N1E RD Burnham-on-Crouchelonuhegahd A10 M11 The lease is subject to a2s-c5hDedeuvleoonfschoirnediRtioonw Mews 18 A13 Rayleigh GREAT PORTLAND • Current rent of £80,000 per annumLoenqudaotning to a net rent of £79,500 per annum 17 STREET Tenure M1 2 A406 A12 28 BasildonREGENT’S PARK AT1h27e PrSoopuetrhteynd-on-Sea 4 29 B506 GREAT PORTLAND ST LONDON1 UA4x0 bridHgaerroAw406 1 A41 M25 Canvey IslandA420P1ARPKACRRKESCCERNETSCENT THE PORTLAND A13 HOSPITAL BOLSOVER ST GREENWELL ST International Students House FOR WOMEN AND 76 Woolwich 30 CHILDREN 31 sor 4 3S 21 Tilbury PORTLAND PLACE Sheerness Leasehold – held from Citystable Ltd, expiring the 5th July 2023. The passing head A4 Richmond GLOrNaDvOeNsendnell 14 A205 Dartford rent is fixed at £500 per annum and is subject to a schedule of condition 1 to 6 A20 SAw2 an2ley Margate 13 HEATHROW Kingston RochesterA2 DEVONSHIRE ST HBearnyeCARBURTON ST PCs Cycle upon Thames Hire Staines 1 1 Gillingham A28 2 HALLAM ST GREAT TITCHFIELD ST BRIDFORD MEWS 246248 244 ChathamDEVONSHIRE ST SAi2ttingbFoauverWnrsehhiatsmtable A299 7 229 A28 Argosy House 11 Sutton CroA2y3d2 on 4 A227 3 B506 GREAT PORTLAND ST A253 Ramsgate 3 4 56 215 to 227 3 M25 Epsom M25 M20 4 PORTLAND PLACE5 BOLSOVER ST Sandwich 53 10 A249Woking A29 9 A23 M26 HARLEY ST DEVONSHIRE CL 7 M2 6 7 CanterburyA257 Deal 8 A24 A273 A2 A323 Leatherhead 9 A22Caterham M25 5 PH240 A22 LB 7 A228 8 6 S Sevenoaks Maidstone8 A20WEYMOUTH ST A3 A227 A2 A29 A26 M20 Dorking Redhill Oxted A21 A28 CLIPSTONE ST A256 10 209 224 12 to A25 M23 A274 15 228 A229 12HA2a7s2 leBmiGleliaaLN2onroecn-gd5ecdsaacehDrlMasumbesrtPyeesviiutdtonortlhnogbvesnpoihraAoreio2lr&6Diueat4agerRSnehvooiCALetwn2iGxur8ns1HcAaehMAaeTwsio2rWlt)6eler.4eAiwlsIoe2nCRhs7tyKo2na1tiwr1sma.lHnousc1pr0a9HsotterapHtdiyelAeiwwrGn2ap6kiaro4ttsihhErinnidfanrstsostFmetitazRAdr2eo6gv4eianUti’cnsAkCPC2f7airee2ornlkwdtr(abHBTlaeoALauk2ro6teonh5nrufdbliogeorolhindd.LigTnAhe2e6e)5WapnreodAlp2lGB6se2arrtteyTtCaleeritansPntleoobrrrcdotaAleao2Atn6ekn82Rdd59yteSoAVtrtiesheehewtfno(tHohrdraetmhP9 mroofe1p0DresermLtvNyyiotMdhenodw2sn&/h0ARGiCrsoeho1im1TtfCoSyToEHnUgR,trAMNreHdlNCeeNIyNNEye1iEALM2rLttLch1al3eePpAFR>KoClRkA2ES28eSt.a00CtsumeEtANo2TPCnBDLeBoverA24 232 230 234 A21 A28 PARK CRESC3EtoNT6 MEWS EAST 10 114 TheafoPnHrodoWrstClpaohinmtialddelrnen A2070 GREAT PORTLAND STREET A26 A259 207 TIhnestRituotyeafloNr athtieonBallind A267 205 A22 A28 106 to 110 A275 88 222 Court 92 220 9 201 A23 98 7 195 197 199 218 105 A24 A275 A21 2 to 5 216 DEVONMSEHWIRSE A22 A22 A26 A28 A283 A27Lewes HailAs2h71amA259 Hastings ROW Bexhill- 1er Arundel SHOREHAM Brighton on-Sea Statue 2 A27 WorthinHgove A259 3 A27 6 Littlehampton Newhaven PH A259 EastbourneBognor Seaford Regis 82 58 86y Goodwood 187 Court to 193 1 to 12 14 to 45 179 to 185 28.1m We8y4mtoo9u4th House Summary North midlands southEAST SouthWEST < Back NEXT > Print 12. ALDERSHOT 13. DARTFORD 14. HARLOW 15. LONDON 16. MILTON KEYNES 17. MALDON 18. SOUTHAMPTON 19. SOUTHAMPTON 20. TOLWORTH 177 69 23 Hallam C to 64 77

16. Units 2, 3 & 4 Pitfield kiln farm, milton keynes, mk11 3lwInvestment Considerations• South East office investment• Well located within an established commercial location, adjacent to the A5 trunk road• Let to strong covenants of Northgate Solutions and Rockwell AutomationAsset Management Opportunities • Explore medium term change of use potential, subject to planning• Complete ongoing lease regear with RockwellDescription• Comprises a 3 single storey detached office/B1 units of steel frame construction• Constructed in the late 1980s• Fully air conditioned with raised floors and suspended ceilings• Full height double glazed curtain walling• Unit 4 constructed around a central atrium• Total area of 4,890 sq m (52,643 sq ft)• Total site area of 2.0 hectares (4.9 acres) representing a low site coverage of 24%• 145 car spaces equating to a parking ratio of 1:363 sq ftSummary North midlands southEAST SouthWEST < Back NEXT > Print12. ALDERSHOT 13. DARTFORD 14. HARLOW 15. LONDON 16. MILTON KEYNES 20. TOLWORTH 17. MALDON 18. SOUTHAMPTON 19. SOUTHAMPTON

22 A50 Stamford A16 Wisbech A4 Oakham A6003 A43 A606 LEICESTER A1139 A1122 A47 Oadby March 16. Units 2, 3 & 4 Pitfield 21 A47Uppingham A47 Peterborough kiln farm, milton keynes, mk11 3lw Wigston A6 M69 Blaby Whittlesey 2 1 Market A427 Corby Oundle A605 A141 M1Harboroughworth Chatteris 20 A(A4340247) Rothwell A6116 SawtryRY M6 1 19 Kettering Tenancy ugby A14 n A508A43 A45 A14 Huntingdon A1123 A10 HODGE LEA LN GREAT BRIAR HILL • Fully let to 2 tenants on 3 leases 18 A50 A43 HOD HEATHFIE • Unexpired term of 3.0 years to break, 4.1 years to expiry Rushden SLA A5 MILLERS WAY • Total rental income of £566,416 per annum M45 17 Wellingborough A509 GE LEA LN LD S A421 St Ives MONKS ST Tenure A5 A5 A45 Northampton MOORFOOT Godmanchester A14A423 Daventry A45 DE LN MILLERS WAY A428 POTTERS1L14N3 BROOKSIDE A428 12 16 S A6 A422 A4260 15 A428 AB6R0U3NERS LN S 11 A5 Freehold A34 A361 NKS ST M1 Bedford A1198 PropeMrt11y MILTON KEYNES A43 BCiAgRTgERSlLeN swadeThe Towcester A5 Newport 10 MONKS WAY A508 Pagnell BRUNLEYS G R EAT MO ry PITFIELD HE APPROACH 14 A10 11 MILTON 13 A1 WATLING ST A505 9 T KAE422YNES A6 10 A422 A43 A505 Royston Brackley TILERS RD CLAY HILL Baldock BRICK CL KOLiodMx1l0icf49noS0agAr4tdt0oBionicne8s7t&erAS4B1iA8tu4Acu1kyTailnehtgsahibmoauWmenrAey4n2d1ovLBeeurigzTzhrBatiDneordrgunknhAs5atmabsHlteee1Hdm2SMepm1s11teel1a089LLdUu7MTtO1o0Nn1SAtlbAa12n2(Ms3528)4967WGSHaCerltaAiwHdte6ty0feveyA2iner5en0tln7fdoargdHeWoSdBadtiroseehrstodfopoHr'nsdW7aAMTVrLlINS1ioGe18SwwTYS Pitfield Kiln Farm Milton Keynes CALAV1ER0TON LN FAIRWA A413 THE HIGH ST Outfall Property on Google Area : 2.005 ha (4.955 acres) Pond Drain Pond the Map > A41 90.3m Outfall A413 Settling Tanks 1 A4010 9 LONDONantage AWDPsDMTbohiaietidiulefnllvititceonehgpolglnddrootfooopKfiprsnmedBeAlyi3eorr2ntnm9cyeotaisbnnACte4elg-0oiTdHne7hAr4hsepea4wa1fnomti3oimt0tlrsh.eate6ifyhtnris-eooKmn5wMilienanMAas4F4tprthal0Woroeorfwmmy1JH4u,ci9nnMioa7gcenma0thnAioitesbd3mSnsfaeertlseoaonn7r1nbBduhst22leeaghi61saagahha9cdemen8oddo0nncss11.of7W4t1iom8e1 olamPd1UAft9i24et40ftfx0horiebcerl3irddaMid,lSH5g1ataherreemrao2Mp4oAwrt14t1Soi0o6nr2cwth1ipaeayAwB2,l441aee4A4rssM50ntt6a2eomt5etfilMreEo2sn5ialft(odi7en2lwCdkKMIh2Tme64i1Yc1y)hnnW5eolisConr,tokhhdslAiwgeo1At3ovwf1iec2Ltelhoholnelpd2eA8od5nbavyinatdhMe4o5MnmikltsoileWnsKa(e7y.y2nkems) 2A338 A3 3 A34 A24 2 A23 3 El Sub Sta A10 El Sub Sta 4 Subway PITFIELD 4 M4Reading Windsor 14 A4 Richmond A205 Shelter A329(M) 13S 12 S 11 10 Bracknell 13 HEATHROW Kingston A20 A2 2 upon Thames4 Staines 1ury 87.8m BRICK CLOSE Camberley 3 11 Sutton CroA2y3d2 on 4 ETL A34 M25 Epsom M25 0m 25m 50m 75m MONKS WAY 5Kingsclere A33 4 Woking 10 9 10 A340 A21 A339 A22 A22 A24 S Leatherhead 9 7 Caterham M25 5 Ordnance Survey © Crown Copyright 2012. All rights reserved. Licence number 100020449. Plotted Scale - 1:2500 Basingstoke M3 5 NAoldretrhshot A331 8 6S A25 This plan is published for the convenience of Summary 6 Whit1c2hu. rAchL8DE7 RSHOT 13F.aDrnAhRaTFmORD miAd323lands DAo25srkoinug tRheiEgAatSeT ReSdohiulltOhxWtedEST < Backidentification only and although believed to be NEXT > Print Guildford A339 A31 14. HARGLOodWalming15. LONDON 16M.2M3 ILTON KEYNES 17. MALDON 18. SOUTHAMPTON 19. SOUTHAMPTON correct is not guaranteed and it does not form any part of any contract. © Crown Copyright. All rights reserved. Licence Number LIG0074. 20. TOLWORTH A303 Alton A287 GATWICK 9 East

17. Hall Road Maldon, Essex, CM9 4LAInvestment Considerations• Fully let• Established industrial estate within a predominantly residential location• Comprises and office, industrial buildings and landAsset Management Opportunities • Explore potential for a residential development on land, subject to planning consentDescription• Comprises 5 buildings on 3 separate sites• The Partco Unit, serves as a trade counter with storage space and office accommodation on the first floor• Parking and loading space available to the front and back of the unit• Number 4 Hall Road comprises a warehouse, currently used to store timber, with a disused 2 storey office block• The property benefits from a large yard with an outbuilding used for offices and storage• The ICS Buildings comprises a Grade II mill building built in 1886 and converted to offices in 1984• It is a 4 storey steel framed construction with brickwork façade and is served by two 10 man lifts• There are two warehouses, with a steel frame construction, used for storage, office space and as a testing facility• The site extends to 1.39 hectares (3.44 acres)Summary North midlands southEAST SouthWEST < Back NEXT > Print12. ALDERSHOT 13. DARTFORD 14. HARLOW 15. LONDON 16. MILTON KEYNES 20. TOLWORTH 17. MALDON 18. SOUTHAMPTON 19. SOUTHAMPTON

A603 11 A11 A14 A133A134 A10 A1141 M11 A1307 A1071 Woodbridge 17. Hall Road 9 A1(A016074) Sudbury A12 Maldon, Essex, CM9 4LA 10 Haverhill Ipswich A505 A134 Saffron A14 Royston Walden A131 Manningtree Felixstowe Halstead A120 Harwich A1124 A120 STANSTED Braintree Tenancy ge Colchester STAPLERS HEATH10 ertford 8 A120 A131 Clacton-on-SeaWALDENHOUSE RD STAPLERS HEATH • Fully let on 4 leases to 3 separate tenants A12 • Tenants include Rockwell Automation Ltd, Partco Autopart Ltd and Riverside A10 5 26 BiSshop's A130 Stortford Building Supplies Ltd CATCHPOLE LN WAY • AWULT of approximately 4 years to expiry M11 A1060 MALDON B1022 MALDON RD SEAGERS • Total rent of £462,250 per annum Harlow HEROIT SEAGERS MALDON Tenure 7 A414 Chelmsford HALL RD Freehold - held under 3 separate titles A12 Y RD HARVE nfield 5 Chigwell FOSTER RD The Property 4 A12 28 BrenA1t2w9 ood Rayleigh SCHOOL RD S SAo12u7 thend-on-Sea 29 A127 T PETERS WALK HALL RD M25 Basildon A13 A13 Canvey Island B1022 MALDON RD Woolwich 30 Tilbury PRINCE OF WALES RD All Buildings on Hall Road 31 Maldon Dartford Sheerness HerneA205 Bay A20 SAw2 an2leyGravesend1 Margate Ward Bdy 9 El Sub Sta House Heybridge Centre A28 Def Wave 5.2m Ward Bdy Bridge 2 A299 THE STREEThoACi26yl3ald2OteoxrnhtaeSmdMLoMacl2da5oAtMn255i42ois5naSn&eMavMf2feS6l2uni0teToun2oaAta2nkt6osbt3Cwiroihndangin4tehEMasms5aeix3d6.sItt7oiAs42n4lo9ec8 ate5d SittingbourWnehitstable A28 PH Depot A2 Faversham CR A227 A253 ViewRthaemPsrogpaetrety on Google Map > 44 PO 4.9m 4240 Sandwich GP 3.2m 36 CanterburyA257 WCaovuertBridge 1 to 10 Playing Field M2 6 7 1 and 2 48 10 A2 1 A228 3 4 6 5 Warehouse Navigation Place A227 A20 Deal A2 Warehouse Mon20the Blackwater esAt2u8 ary approximately 43 miles (70km) east of London. A21 A256 3.1m5a El Sub Sta 2 Outfall 7 9 Factory PH Riverside House A274 Chapel A229 A21 AG26r4iEnasstetaHTMah aAdpae2tolf6dipr4eotrlodnapniPesdercvtiioesenrstehnaleeracesTntteadsudirtntNuitnboaogtrertihtdpdheogoFAieann1tmHW2obafrreltioAlhdl2aRleg6sdo2eC,awThCdweer,ihantlh1mintciebnehmrrrdo7lieialonennmkk(dsi1lew.B6sAliakt(hs1cmhk0t)hwfkofermaroMtd)emro19ftN1hteha1a0evcnietdgonawMtMtrieno22,no05p.frmMo11ToCvTEaHiUtRAdolMNHdNriNINNnowEy1EALg2nLtLah1tay3resan.diFnTos5hletkAomr2ee0iLlsoeatAnsro2ed(n8DotheknormeLv)ieveferrraorpmilowotahlyeStsArtea1et2ito. tnMrsuna–kldWrooniathhdaa.msT,here Eastwood Warehouse Cemetery 1 Myrtle 2 Villas A28 Chelmer A2070 Council Depot Towing Path and Blackwater 2.7m A26 10to 14 Navigation A267 A259 are severaCl orothwerbionrdouustgrihal estates nearby, including Heybridge Industrial Estate and Quayside Industrial Park. Surrounding occupiers SPRING A22 A28 CR LANE HALL ROAD A275 BATES ROADywards oithnfecHlucadolerlUnRPecoSrAkaLo2fd7iFfe2rhHeladiagsllhbAtR,e2o6eBa5nrdidd/geevTehCAleo2o6p5Smetmrdeueinnt tiiocnatloutixoaunprsyaarhtnAmo2d6me8REneystsses,.eaxnBdeaprlainngnsi.ngAlptheNoreumwgishRsipoormnendheoayms ibneaenntlygraanntienddutostrciaolnaverertap, athret olaf nadwtoawreahrodussteheonend Quayside Industrial Bridge House 1 1 The Limes Depot eath Park Works Lime 4 2 Terrace 7 Heathfield 3.1m COATES CLOSE Lydd/Ashford Hall Cottages erpoint A22 A21 2 A275 1 Battle 2 A26 A259 0m 25m 50m 75m 1 A28 FRESHWATER CRESCENTewes HailAs2h71amA259 Hastings Ordnance Survey © Crown Copyright 2012. All rights reserved. Licence number 100020449. Plotted Scale - 1:2000 3ton North oBnex-Sheimlal-idlands 1 SumAm27 ary southEAST SouthWEST This plan is published for the convenience of Print59 NEXT > < Backidentification only and although believed to be Sea1f2o.rNdAeLwDEhRaSvHAeO2n5T9 1E3a.sDtAbRoTuFOrnReDA22 14. HARLOW 15. LONDON 16. MILTON KEYNES 17. MALDON 18. SOUTHAMPTON 19. SOUTHAMPTON correct is not guaranteed and it does not form any part of any contract. © Crown Copyright. All rig2ht0s r.eseTrOvedL.WLicenOceRNTumHber LIG0074.

18. 124-126 Above Bar Street southampton, SO14 7FNInvestment Considerations• Block of well-configured retail units• Short leasehold interest expiring 2052Asset Management Opportunities • Potential to refurbish and convert the upper parts into a substantial number of residential flats.• Long term potential to let the whole of the retail element to a convenience led retailer, as there is currently demand in the market.Description• Comprises a 3 storey building split into two units.• Traditional brick construction• Two retail units with frontage onto Above Bar Street• The property is serviced via a rear entrance to the property which can be accessed via Park Walk• The upper floors are used as ancillary space for the ground floor retail provision• A residential flat incorporated within the demise of 124 Above Bar Street, can be accessed via Park Walk• Total area of 775 sq m (8,345 sq ft)Summary North midlands southEAST SouthWEST < Back NEXT > Print12. ALDERSHOT 13. DARTFORD 14. HARLOW 15. LONDON 16. MILTON KEYNES 20. TOLWORTH 17. MALDON 18. SOUTHAMPTON 19. SOUTHAMPTON

MAa36rlboNroeAuw1ngdhMARoA323HoLv3i8l0umeytHWonrmysgnN3iteFeinSnheAryacfge3wwoh04(trAeAb3odl1e)4sKun1y4ti1r4ne31y2gr5sEFcB17WSA1Mal1a8Cea03sh92r0rosetG3i7etilwcMnehoh9Aiega3sug3smsrp3Ahc4tohl8or1Nre0ktes7ewf1R1oAry2d7d2P1P12eA62oe132trS(etAMMA3sr135sm)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£••T•52AkaeC1ee 2fvaaS7ir,nnAeens2o9eANFMe2ualnlw0ud5veWhMe29rnl0eoylbH6ty2enUlTcRepod0A HLTloauee2eyrT2–o6taaonAtrAnEh52o2nitktuuaf6bloAaifossbng3en2Crsh4f27tlrnhiid1tihl£ad.udb9tMm5ameggAon45tAye2.aeuha6e2,1r5M56naWrca92n0thrms5as0eeR2Aitl3dBoo6o20plB6snsec5e2batx-7hr2GrtSo1TetAChae4l22seaenierins44lulanakHl9eln-tbnit-18euneaabj2emrrgnr6sdcodA5the&to(2SAinG6atkn7821ooMR5mr.2gu9y1oMa7t2shes0A2ayAAsfSim2bAexsr0oi2aeepthvsrntdteofsitoonngBtorogradfuorbFe£uS9oxat5n6tpuvrhd7eier1re7,W0nary5rtesAe0nhmL2h0AtNyia2tMdt8eposmpdw2ttet/aa0AroRlblsaionlh1nemn1gTfCnToEHHnURCurA,MNBeHdNemaNIyNNaSEyr1nE)AAL2nyLAtL2tOhe218e39er19bF4uorly7kAAA222eF505s37NtAoA2 2nD8SeoanvdeDwRreA227SOUTHAMPTON 18. 124-126 Above Bar StreetgwoodA343 A34 A31 A24 A33 A23 A3057 A340 A22 A228 A338 A339 A331 A227 A245 A339 A21 A22 A256 A287 A22 A274 A24 A229A345 A343 A34 A33 DEVONSHIRE RD LONDON RD A29 A21 A28 A338 90 BEDFORD PL A2070 A33 CH A32 A33 ST MARY’S RD A26 A33 LACE A267 A22 A28 A259 A286 A283 A33 ST ANDREWS R A275 ST MARY’S RD CUMBERLAND A29 ABOVE BAR ST EAST PARK TERRACE A23 A273A338 WEST MARLANDS RD PARK WALK A24 A275 A21 A32 HAVELOCK RD A26 A28 A35 A337 A29 HAVELOCK RD PALMSERSTON RD A22emouth WESTERN ESPLANDE PORTLAND TR SUSSEX RD A33 KINGSWAY ABOVE BAR ST Newport OGLE RD S FRONT Freshwater POUND TREE LN PARK WALK Sandown HOGLANDS PARK A3020 A3055 Shanklin L Col L Col Ventnor View the Property on Google Map > 1 Location & Situation GIBBS ROAD 15.8m 136 130 to 132 15.8m Southampton is a one of the primary commercial centres in the South of the England. The city is located approximately 76 miles 127 127d 127f 5 (122km) south-west of Central London, 30 miles (48km) east of Bournemouth and 20 miles (32km) west of Portsmouth. 15.5m PH 127a 127b c 114 to 122 Prime retailing is located on Above Bar Street with retailers including TK Maxx, Urban Outfitters and Boots. This is supported by West Quay Shopping Centre, which is an 800,000 sq ft centre anchored by John Lewis and M&S. Nearby multiple retailers include Forum Building Toni & Guy, Millets and William Hill. LB The property is situated on the west side of Above Bar Street, the principal retail thoroughfare in the city, 180m north of the entrance to The Mall Shopping Centre which provides a discount retail offering, anchored by Poundland, Savers and Disney. 8 6 24 Shelter Tunnel 15.5m 1 to 3 125 11 119 to 123 7 TouristCInefnotrrme ation WINDSOR TERRACE MaHrlaonudse 0m 10m 20m 30m 113 to 117 Palmerston's Monument 36 NEXT > El Sub Sta Ordnance Survey © Crown Copyright 2012. All rights reserved. Licence number 100020449. Plotted Scale - 1:1250 Summary North midlands southEAST SouthWEST This plan is published for the convenience of Print 12. ALDERSHOT 13. DARTFORD 14. HARLOW 15. LONDON 16. MILTON KEYNES 17. MALDON 18. SOUTHAMPTON < Backidentification only and although believed to be correct is not guaranteed and it does not form any part of any contract. © Crown Copyright. 19. SOUTHAMPTON All rig2hts0re.seTrvOed.LLWicenOce RNuTmHber LIG0074.

19. 127 Above Bar Street & 2-8 Civic Centre Road southampton, SO14 7FnInvestment Considerations• Southampton is one of the UK’s key retailing centres• Block of well configured retail units• Short leasehold interest expiring 2035Asset Management Opportunities • Long term potential to re-configure block to provide a large store for a food operator as there is currently demand in the area• Remove the three imminent break options to provide an immediate uplift in valueDescription• Two storey former cinema block building• Solid masonry walls incorporating structural steelwork• Constructed in the 1930s• Mixture of uses including A2, A3, A4 and A5• The ground floor demise comprises two bars fitted out in the tenants corporate style with first floor ancillary accommodation• The majority of the units are accessed from Civic Centre Road and Above Bar Street• Comprises 9 units of varying sizes (328 – 12,736 sq ft) totalling 2,504 sq m (26,950 sq ft)Summary North midlands southEAST SouthWEST < Back NEXT > Print12. ALDERSHOT 13. DARTFORD 14. HARLOW 15. LONDON 16. MILTON KEYNES 20. TOLWORTH 17. MALDON 18. SOUTHAMPTON 19. SOUTHAMPTON

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