Faith. Respect. Challenge. Innovation. Compassion.DE LA SALLESCHOOL ST
Welcome make that choice. However, this is just a taste of what we have to offer as a school. I would,I am proud and privileged to be the therefore, urge you to come and see theHeadteacher of this successful and popular school for yourself at one of the many openVoluntary Aided Catholic comprehensive events that we hold during the year.11-16 school under the trusteeship of theDe La Salle Brothers and it gives me great I hope you find the information provided to bepleasure to present to you the De La Salle useful and I look forward to meeting you asSchool prospectus. you make that important and exciting decision about the next stage of your child’s education.The years we spend in education are our mostformative: shaping our mind, heart and spirit. Andrew Rannard, Headteacher.To be entrusted with the care and educationof young people is a joy and a privilege whichwe, at De La Salle, passionately embrace.Our Lasallian heritage is at the heart of all wedo and when you join De La Salle you joinsomething much bigger than just one school,you join an international family of schoolswith a long and successful history of providingexcellence in education.We understand that choosing the rightsecondary school for your child is an incrediblyimportant decision and we want to help you tomake the right choice. This prospectus containssome of the key information you will need to
FAITH Having the belief to succeed
Mission and Values Lasallian EthosOur mission is the pursuit of excellence, an Our Lasallian school vision prioritises educationendeavour enriched and enhanced by our in faith and education about faith. We fosteridentity as an avowedly Catholic school. a faith perspective which helps us to build and sustain a supportive, compassionateOur values reflect our Lasallian educational and caring community where everyone hasheritage, a tradition which: a place and there is a place for everyone. Respectful relationships amongst all in our• promotes the school as a community of faith school is a key focus, and the plight of those and a community in faith on the margins of society locally and globally motivates the work and learning that we do.• advocates concern for the marginalised by promoting social justice Additionally we seek to celebrate our school as an inclusive community which supports all• expects and demands respect for all within it without fear or prejudice. Our school persons in all places provides innovative young minds with the place and space to aspire to become the• values the contribution of all to identify as an best that they can be and the confidence to inclusive community develop their skills and talents.• challenges all to become the best they can be through a quality educationOur mission is the basis of the journey thatour students take every day to develop asyoung people of faith and character. Weare motivated to ensure that our studentsachieve the qualifications, skills, valuesand self-confidence to face the significantopportunities and challenges that lie ahead ofthem in life.
Pastoral care structures Safeguardingand systems At De La Salle School we embrace our moralOur school seeks to foster a positive learning and statutory responsibility to safeguardenvironment where teachers can teach and and promote the welfare of all pupils. Welearners can learn. This is achieved through endeavour to provide a safe and welcominga respect for the roles all play within the environment where children are respectedcommunity and the rules of our community. and valued. We are alert to the signs of abuseThese are established to protect and preserve and neglect and follow our procedures tothe high standards of academic and personal ensure that children receive effective support,growth expected of all. protection and justice.Pupils will be part of a pastoral form class which Our core safeguarding principles are:is supported by a Form Tutor, Progress Leader • The school’s responsibility to safeguardand Pastoral Support Manager throughouttheir time at the school. This builds up positive and promote the welfare of children is ofworking relationships with staff and pupils and paramount importancewith school and home, offering stability and • Safer children make more successful learnerssecuring opportunities for pupils to confidently • Representatives of the whole‐schoolprogress. community of pupils, parents, staff and governors will be involved in policyThe school is very proud of all of its pupils but development and reviewunderstands that sometimes a pupil can fall • Policies will be reviewed at least annuallyshort of the high standards the school sets. If unless an incident or new legislation orthis occurs the school will, through the pastoral guidance suggests the need for an interimteams, liaise with pupils and parents in order reviewto check poor behaviour, restore good orderand accelerate progress. Pupils are joininga team of over one hundred staff includingteachers, specialist mentors, learning assistants,administrators, librarians, technicians andpremises staff; all of whom are committed toworking to create opportunities where all withinthe school can become the best they can be.
Striving to be the best you canRESPECT
An inclusive caring societyCARE
Uniform PSHCEThe school is very proud of its Personal, Social, Health andattractive uniform. Each item of Citizenship Education (PSHCE) aidsuniform and all personal property pupils in raising their self respectmust be clearly labelled. and self awareness, encouraging them to become engagedGIRLS members of their communitiesPlain navy blue skirt or navy both in and out of school and toblue pinafore be accountable forA navy school pullover with their stripes Pale blue blouse PSHCE covers all the aspectsBlue blazer with school badge of a holistic education whichBlue socks contribute to the overall wellbeing(black tights allowed in winter) and success of our pupils.Black shoes Learning and teaching in PSHCE at De La Salle contributes to theBOYS achievementDark grey trousers of the curriculumA navy school pullover with aims for all younggold stripes people to become:Pale blue shirtBlue blazer with school badge • Successful learners whoBlack socks enjoy learning, makingBlack shoes progress and achieving • Confident individuals who are able to live safe, healthy and fulfilling lives • Responsible citizens who make a positive contribution to society
Learning and teaching SubjectsWe have a long tradition of high academic The curriculum at both Key Stage 3 andstandards encouraging students of all abilities Key Stage 4 is challenging, engaging andto achieve and be successful. Our talented exciting, and is designed to meet the particularspecialist teachers deliver lessons which are needs of our pupils, as well as to offer a firmfun, engaging and exciting supported by foundation for success beyond GCSE level.state of the art technology and resources. The Lasallian ethos of our school ensuresOur new school allows all types of learning to that the social, moral, spiritual and culturalbe explored with dedicated curriculum spaces, development of our pupils, and the promotionworkshops, labs and art studios. of fundamental British values are implicit and explicit in all subject areas, as well as in PSHCE lessons and via extra- curricular experiences and trips outside of the academic curriculum. At Key Stage 3 all pupils study English, mathematics, science, Spanish, geography, history, religious education, technology, computing, art, music, drama, physical education and PSHCE. Any student who arrives in year 7 below the expected level of literacy and/or numeracy will receive help and support through our intervention programme on either a one-to-one or small group basis. At Key Stage 4 all pupils continue to study English language and English literature, mathematics, science and religious education to GCSE level, alongside physical education and PSHCE lessons. For additional GCSEs, pupils are guided to follow a GCSE pathway which best suits their future education, training and careers plans.
Broadening your horizonsCHALLENGE
Learning to work as a teamSUCCESS
Sport CareersDe La Salle School is proud of its sporting Careers Education helps young people tosuccess. All students from year 7 to year develop the knowledge, confidence and skills11 participate in a varied and challenging they need to make well-informed, thoughtfulcurriculum to develop an interest, skill and choices and plans for their future.enjoyment which will encourage fitness andhealth for life. Through Careers Education Information Advice andMany school teams and individuals from all Guidance (CEIAG)age groups compete at all levels. All interests pupils will:and skills are catered for to satisfy the mostenthusiastic and dedicated sportsperson, or • be able to investigatethose who are interested in more recreational opportunities for learningactivities. and work on their own • make challenging butDuke of Edinburgh’s Award realistic plans for their future learning and workThe Duke of Edinburgh’s Award is the world’s • understand the skills andleading achievement award for young people, qualifications that they needand is recognised by employers and universities to pursue their ambitionsalike. It promotes personal development • understand the full range ofthrough participation in this enjoyable, learning opportunities open tochallenging and rewarding programme. them within the school andThe ethos of the award is to enable every young elsewhere (including localperson to take part in the programme and colleges and training providerssucceed, no matter what background theycome from. There is a comprehensive key stage 3/4 programme of teaching in careers throughIn year 10, pupils can complete their Bronze PSHCE lessons, supplemented by excellentAward and large numbers of pupils sign up to inspirational enrichment and enterprisetake part. All students who have embarked on activities across all year groups. Both gothe scheme have successfully achieved their hand in hand with the vital impartial CEIAGawards. delivered by our Career Connect Advisor, Nicola Scully.
Performing Arts Curriculum & GCSE OptionsDe La Salle has a strong tradition in drama, During year 8, pupils choose their GCSEmusic and dance. The purpose-built facilities in programmes of study via the options process.our performing arts building, including a dance All pupils will study GCSEs in English languagestudio, music technology suite and recording and English literature, mathematics, science andstudio, allow pupils to explore their creative religious education. Pupils are then guidedtalents. Pupils have the opportunity to perform to follow a pathway which will normally includein school productions, shows and concerts, a modern foreign language (French or Spanish),and are regularly involved in whole-school a humanities subject (geography or history)events including awards evenings and religious and a further subject from triple science,celebrations. art, GCSE PE, photography, food, graphics, manufacturing, resistant materials, music,We work in partnership with St Helen’s Music dance, drama, IT and computing.Service to offer group and individual tuitionon a range of instruments including Pupils and parents are fully supported throughguitar, piano, woodwind, brass andstrings. Our the process with information evenings anddedicatedpractice rooms booklets, advice from subject teachers andprovide aspace for pupils valuable input from local colleges and ourto rehearse atlunchtimes or careers advisor.after school. This helps to ensure that pupils choose the right subjects to support them in their future career choices.
Embracing the ArtsINNOVATION
An enquiring mindSTEM
STEMAs part of the STEM (Science, Technology,Engineering and Maths) curriculum, pupils benefitfrom excellent facilites in purpose-built laboratoriesand workshops. All pupils take at least 2 GCSEs inscience, with the option to study the three sciences(biology, chemistry and physics) as 3 separateGCSEs. During Key Stage 3, pupils study resistantmaterials, graphic design and food as part of theirdesign and technology education, with the optionto continue through to GCSE programmes of study.The STEM curriculum is supported by extra-curricularactivities, through our links with the local collegesand through involvement in larger events such asThe Big Bang North West.PTFADe La Salle School has an excellent Parents,Teachers & Friends Association which raises fundsand provides great social events for families atschool. The committee meets monthly and allparents and carers are invited to attend.The PTFA provides regular funding for the schoolminibus, ParentMail and Show My Homework frommoney raised through the 400 Club. Additionalfundraising activities provide financial supportfor school trips, the Duke of Edinburgh’s Awardprogramme, awards evenings andextra-curricular projects.
Chaplaincy De La Salle also has a secondary Autistic Spectrum Conditions (ASC) ResourcedThe spiritual life of the school is at the heart Provision, which provides education forof all we do. We are proud of our Lasallian pupils on the autistic spectrum who are ofheritage and how it permeates all aspects of mainstream ability. Pupils are placed withinschool life. The school chaplain drives these the provision by the Special School Panel, inactivities, whether through formal liturgies in consultation with the school. The pupils withinour beautiful chapel or through more practical, the ASC Resourced Provision are registeredcharitable work which allows students to put within De La Salle School and are part of theirtheir faith into action. year cohort.SEND Charity workA pupil has SEND (Special Educational Needs The charity work that pupils participate in isor Disability) where their learning difficulty or extremely valuable in helping them to developdisability calls for special educational provision a respect for others whilst also supporting thewhich is different from or additional to that development of their role as active citizens innormally available to pupils of the same age. the wider society.De La Salle aims to provide SEND pupils withthe same, if not better, outcomes employing Each year, pupils take part in the Lentthe best practice care principles we can find fundraising challenge. Pupils work in their yearlocally and nationally. groups to raise money for their chosen charity, showing Gospel compassion for those in need.We have on site: They organise their own fundraising events• a specialist ASC teacher which have ranged from cake sales and raffles• a SENCo (Special Educational Needs to sponsored sports events and a 4-hour music Co-ordinator) marathon!• a Senior Learning Assistant• a team of learning assistants Pupils also take part in the annual sponsored• a teaching staff with the duty of providing walk, national charitable events such as Comic Relief and local appeals including food bank excellent education for all pupils donations and the Christmas shoe box appeal.
COMPASSION Everyone learning together
Joining our schoolADMISSION
Admission Arrangements admission. This includes full, half or stepbrothers and sisters, adopted and foster brothers andDe La Salle School is a Catholic School under sisters or a child of the parent/carer’s partner,the trusteeship of the De La Salle Brothers. It is and in every case, who is living at the samemaintained by St Helens Council. As a Voluntary address and is part of the same family unitAided School, the Governing Body is the Admissions 4. Baptised Catholic children living in theAuthority and is responsible for taking decisions designated Catholic Parishes but attendingon applications for admissions. The co-ordination another Catholic primary schoolof admissions arrangements is undertaken by the 5. Baptised Catholic children living in Parishes otherLocal Authority. For the school’s year commencing than the designated Parishes, who attend aSeptember 2018, the Governing Body has set its Catholic primary school of a designated Parishadmissions number at 240. 6. Baptised Catholic children living in Parishes other than the designated Parishes and who attendAdmissions to the school will be determined by the other Catholic schoolsGoverning Body. Parents must complete their home 7. Baptised Catholic children living in theLocal Authority Preference Form or apply online via designated Catholic Parishes but attending athe relevant Local Authority website. If you are a St school other than a Catholic primary schoolHelens resident and wish to have your application 8. Baptised Catholic children living in Parishes otherconsidered against the School’s faith/denomination than the designated parishes but attending acriteria then you should complete the faith questions school other than a Catholic primary schoolon St Helens Preference Form. Other local authority 9. Children, other than Catholic, who have aresidents should forward the documentary evidence brother or a sister at the school at the timethat is requested to the School. of likely admission. This includes full, half or stepbrothers and sisters, adopted and fosterAll preferences listed will be considered on an equal brothers and sisters or a child of the parent/basis and, where there are more applications than carer’s partner, and in every case, who is livingthe number of places available, the following set of at the same address and is part of the sameoversubscription criteria will be applied: family unit 10. Children attending a Catholic primary school of1. Looked After Children and previously Looked a designated Parish After Children 11. Children whose parents express a preference for a place at the school2. Baptised Catholic children living in the designated Parish(es) and attending a Catholic For more information, please visit our website: primary school of a designated Parish Baptised Catholic children who have a brother or sister at the school at the time of likely
Key Stage 4 Results 2016Progress 8 Score -0.17Attainment 8 Score 54.0Basics Level 2 (A*-C in English and Maths) 70%Pupils achieving the EBacc combination of subjects 31%Pupils continuing to education, training or employment 96%
Faith Designed and produced by Creativeworld. Tel: 01282 858200RespectChallengeInnovationCompassionDE LA SALLE SCHOOLMILL BROW • ECCLESTON • ST HELENS • WA10 4QHTEL: 01744 20511 FAX: 01744 20543 • EMAIL: [email protected] LA SALLE IS A VOLUNTARY AIDED SCHOOL, UNDER THE TRUSTEESHIP OF THE DE LA SALLE BROTHERS
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