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FEATURESConA sNcewioDuawsnnoef ss:The Shift to Soul Health by Dr. Katherine T. Kelly “To know your soul is to know true health. Only then can you reach radiant living.”What inspires your soul? branch acts independently, they all converge to When do you feel the create a sense of “whole health”. As we listen from most radiant? And deep within, it is the voice of our soul that informs how can you find the us about what we need—or don’t need—within most optimal health? each branch. So, when we align our human lives The answer lies in the with the needs and desires of our soul, we experi- deepest and most sus- ence health at the deepest and most satisfying lev-tainable level of well-being—soul health. el, which ultimately is our soul health. The term Soul Health is new to many, but it de- Everyone has had times in their lives when theyscribes what all of us want—complete and optimal feel depleted, unbalanced, and spent.Yet, everyonepeace and balance at the deepest possible level.The truth is, regardless of what stressors we might yearns for a sensehave in day-to-day life, we can still feel a sense of of “whole health”harmony as long as we are fully aligned with our where all aspectsinnermost needs, desires, and passions. It is our of well-being feelsoul that informs us of what will meet these needs vibrant, stable,and desires. Our radiance, then, depends entirelyon our willingness to explore what is creating any Wilty Treemisalignment with the desires of our soul and tocommit ourselves to realign our lives to reflect the Whole Treetruest essence of who we really are. The soul is at the hub of all aspects of every-day life—the physical, psychological, social, inter-personal, intellectual/occupational, environmen-tal, financial, sexual, spiritual, and recreational“branches” of our human condition. While each52 | NEW CONSCIOUSNESS REVIEW
FEATURESand strong. So, how do you reach radiant health? 4) Interpersonal Health (create healthier per-By knowing yourself at the deepest level, trusting sonal/family dynamics including communica-in what you feel you need—or don’t need—, and tion, boundaries, respect, sense of equality)?acting upon these wishes and desires. 5) Intellectual/Occupational Health (feel more The Soul Health Model provides the blueprint mentally stimulated, increase my curiosity toto attaining optimal health. The 10 branches of learn, feel fulfilled by work or other tasks)?the model allow you to assess what is working—or allowing you to thrive— and what is not work- 6) Environmental Health (better enjoy my sur-ing—what diminishes or depletes your sense of vi- roundings, belongings, climate, increase safe-tality—so you can better align with your greatest ty, and eliminate clutter)?needs and desires. Your soul is the inner voice youhear as you explore the “health” of each aspect of 7) Financial Health (having “enough”, save foryour life. When we work to balance even one of the the future, follow a budget, spend within lim-branches, all others are enhanced and we reach a its)?higher level of radiance (satisfaction, pride, andcomfort) in our lives. Therefore, the better we bal- 8) Spiritual Health (increase a sense of innerance our human lives through listening to our in- peace, meaning, and purpose, practice center-ner wisdom, the more radiant we feel as souls. ing or sacred rituals, increase a sense of com- munity with self, others, and nature)? Consider how to create your own Soul Health bylistening, trusting, and acting upon how to improve 9) Sexual Health (enjoy sexual interactions, cre-each of the following branches of health. Ask your- ate intimacy and passion, establish physicalself: How can I enhance my— and emotional safety with your partner, heal sexual wounds)? 1) Physical Health (increase physical fitness, improve nutrition, work to prevent or treat 10) Recreational Health (create and enjoy time an illness or disease, get more sleep, attend for fun, leisure, and entertainment)? better to general self-care)? Next, create a plan for how you want to move 2) Psychological Health (have more positive forward in creating your optimal health. You might thoughts, change unhealthy behaviors, bet- want to choose one branch per month to explore, ter manage my emotions/feelings, improve choose the top 2 or 3 branches that need work, my self-esteem/self-image, eliminate “dis- or perhaps you will choose to work a little bit at a ease” with my life)? time on each of the branches throughout the year. Whichever method you choose, make sure it aligns 3) Social Health (eliminate unhealthy rela- with what feels the most “right”, then get to work. tionships, create better relationships with friends, family, colleagues, and others, spend Few know this, but the word “inspire” holds more time with my pets)? its original meaning in the Latin word, “spiritus” which was synonymous with “breath”, “soul”, and “courage”. So as you embark on your journey to balancing all aspects of day-to-day life, you coura- geously and consciously breathe new life into your soul. This is the best investment you can make in your Soul Health—today and in all days to come. Dr. Katherine T. Kelly Ph.D., M.S.P.H. is a licensed holistic health psychologist, consultant, au- thor, and speaker. Named the “pioneer of soul health”, her book Soul Health: Aligning with Spirit for Radiant Living has reached national acclaim through radio shows and magazines throughout the United States. For more infor- mation go to | NEW CONSCIOUSNESS REVIEW
FEATURES“The New Human” John C. Robinson, Ph.D., D.Min. We are entering a new stage of human spiritual evolution, a time when God - the one consciousness that is and fills the cosmos and every- thing in it - is finally understood to be what you and I are. Because unity means one not two, you and God must be the same substance. This simple yet profound theological advance, when lived as a personal and immediate experience, has huge implications. It is the shift behind the creation of a “New Human.” When we make God separate and external from our own self, we inadvertently distance our self from divinity. Rather than experi- ence the unity that God is, this dualistic belief in “self and other” instead encourages fantasy-based beliefs and projections about the nature of the divine “other.” We liken God to a father, mother, king friend judge, punisher, etc. To let God be what you are, on the other hand, is to experience the divine essence in its purest form, as your own essence. Nor is God what you think and believe. To confine God with definitions and theological concepts con- stitutes yet another way we separate and distance from the divine. God is not somebody else, God is what you are and what everything is. Beliefs, pro- jections, fantasies, ego, emotions, etc. are merely illusions of the mind that come between you and direct contact, ideas that trap you in an endless labyrinth of thought. You will not experience God there, though you may know have many thoughts and write vast tombs on theological subjects. We discover our oneness with God only through direct experience. How? First we need to get over the idea that we are not God. Many western reli- gions resist this personal experience of unity, fear- ing that the mystically-inclined individual will defy54 | NEW CONSCIOUSNESS REVIEW
FEATURESMany western manipulating outcomes to serve its own grandiosi-religions resist this ty. In this new consciousness-without-thought, wepersonal experience discover that the world is already infinitely beauti-of unity, fearing that ful, precious, and complete just as it is - we makethe mystically-inclined it ugly with out dissatisfaction and judgment. Theindividual will defy mystics have been showing us this for eons. It’sreligious authority or time to listen.steal its power: who Now here’s a suggestion that will help you makeneeds religion when this shift into a consciousness beyond have God? People generally have incredible difficulty slowing, stopping, or releasing their thoughts. This is whyreligious authority or steal its power: who needs meditation is frustrating for so many. But whenreligion when you have God? you shift into sensory awareness, thinking stops byNext, we need to silence thought, because thinking itself! Imagine, for example, that you are lookingmaintains this separation from God. Thinking cre- for faces in a random display of dots, or carefullyates duality - the split between what is and what painting trim, or standing on one foot on a balancewe think about what is. Thinking invariably creates beam. You can’t think and perform any of thesea lens through which we interpret reality. Instead of tasks. So if you want to experience God directly,seeing a tree, we name and describe it, talk about intensify and focus your perception directly onit, and stop seeing it altogether. “If you’ve seen one the sensory experience of your own being or con-redwood, you’ve seen them all,” a famous presi- sciousness. Just stay there. The only thought thatdent once said. This mindless aphorism is simply might be helpful in this exercise is to rememberuntrue. that you are now experiencing God!So how do we experience our oneness with God?If we are of the same substance as God, then the This experiential shift from cognition to per-most direct way to experience the divine is to ex- ception, from thinking to sensing, will lead toperience our own nature directly and to realize the next stage of human spiritual evolutionthat our being is God’s Being and our conscious- because it allows us to experience God as theness is God’s Consciousness. I am what God is. This very source of our own consciousness, be-does not include experiencing ideas and feelings, ing, and behavior. More than that, we fill withbecause both are constructed from thought forms divine energies that will transform us. Con-creating more duality. Every emotion arises as a scious Being changes our very structure andconsequence of what you think is happening. Ex- function right down to the molecular level.periencing the substance of God means experienc- It will saturate, pervade, suffuse and remakeing consciousness and being directly and without you if your practice this kind of direct percep-thought. tion and if you let the new you happen. It is upThe New Thought movement views our thoughts to you. But remember, the key is to experienceas divine, too, and encourages us to use them in God as what you already are, an experiencecreating a new kind of world. There is much of val- that will both transform and divinize you.ue in this approach as long as ego doesn’t start55 | NEW CONSCIOUSNESS REVIEW
FEATURESNone of us can predict ahead of time what we In sum, experiencingwill become as the New Human. We can’t define God directly as ourit and then expect to be that, for any definition is own consciousnessjust words and concepts. The New Human arises and being transformsfrom who and what is already germinal in you. A the elder into the Newfurther word of advice: don’t’ try to figure this out Human and the worldand don’t try to be something you “should” be, for into a sacred place.all that will take you down the path to another per-sona. Similarly, don’t compare yourself with any-body else, for comparisons often constitute subtleforms of violence and self-diminishment. Just beGod’s being as your own being and let God be Godin you. And it’s not that we have to do some kind of to change the world for the better. Start now! This heroic act to be the New Human; rather we is how God works in the world now, through what have to be exactly what we are, and if each you are, through that part of you that is already of us does that, we will change the world. It’s God. We change the world we live in, not by heroic not the big actions that will transform hu- acts (which often have unforeseen consequences) manity but our way of being. As we become but who and what we are. divine, we will change the world through: In sum, experiencing God directly as our own con- sciousness and being transforms the elder into the • Our interactions with others - fami- New Human and the world into a sacred place. ly, friends, acquaintances, animals, You are the New Human, but you must engage plants this process of conscious transformation. Tune into on your own Conscious Being and activate • Our way of living - simpler, sustain- the New Human in you. Watch it divinize your life. able, gentler This work will initiate a continuing process of rev- elation, bringing us a new world where love will be • Our joy and passion in being alive and the answer not because it should be but because it sharing life with others is. Many challenges are coming our way - personal, national, global. We must meet them in this new • The choices we make in our everyday consciousness. This is the birth of the Divine One in life each of us. Will you join me? • The example we offer to others who I end on a personal note. I have been exploring will then be touched by it this transformation my whole life and sharing this vision has become my work - a gift of myA warning: Don’t get inflated. You become God, yes, Divine Being. I finally understand now that tobut not the one and only God, like some big king or make an impact in the world is not about ma-superman. You are simply your version/expression nipulating the system to gain attention, notori-of divinity, which is itself a source of infinite divine ety, or big splashy changes, but about living anlove and joy. Just feel into what God is as you. authentic life that matters, brings love and joyBy 2030, a third of the U.S. population will be el- to others, and changes the way we live in theders. Consider what a spiritual force this New Hu- world. We are on a path back to Eden. This isman could be in the world! From my point of view Heaven on Earth. We are a mystical elder, this is the true work of aging, awork that will lead to a new kind of human and anew appreciation of the omnipresent divine world.Now we see the true purpose and work of consciousaging. Our new longevity offers each of us a chance56 | NEW CONSCIOUSNESS REVIEW
Never sit out another dance again... GET INSPIRED! GET BRAVE!GET IN RHYTHM WITH YOUR SOUL Learn how to Breakthrough the Barriers to Being CreativeFACE YOUR DAIMONS AND DANCE! FCaolml 2in0g14
LUMINARY VOICESTRANSFORMATIONAL SPEAKERS AND PERFORMERS CATALOGUE Jean ADRIENNE Mark ALLEN Passionate about personal Co-founder and publisher of empowerment and con- New World Library. Author scious creation. Jean’s mes- of numerous books includ- sage is delivered in a fun ing The Magical Path, The and interactive style that Greatest Secret of All, Theboth engages her audience and provides Millionaire Course, Visionary Business, andtools that benefit all. others Lynn ANDREWS Catherine ATHANS A 21st Century Shaman and Teacher of metaphysics and mystic life coach, Lynn is a life coach, dedicated to America’s best known sha- relieving human suffering manic healer and veteran by teaching people who metaphysical instructor. Au- they really are. presentedthor of the internationally acclaimed Medi- and taught at the Global Peace Initiative ofcine Woman Series. Women in Geneva. Anthony J.W. BENSON Laura BERMAN Creative Business Strategist Originally hailing from the and Consultant, Transforma- NYC singer/songwriter tional Teacher, Inspirational scene, Laura’s unique blend Speaker and Writer and Mu- of soulful, from-the-heart sic Producer. vocal delivery and real life, honest lyrical approach, brings each listen-Seemingly destined for an early death, An- er into a deeper connection,thony shares his extraordinary life-savingawakening at age 20.58 | NEW CONSCIOUSNESS REVIEW
LUMINARY VOICES SPEAKERS AND PERFORMERS CATALOGUE Meg BLACKBURN Pollyanna BLANCO Bestselling Author in the US A professional Visual Arts, and abroad, Keynote Speak- English, and Special Education er, Healer and Channel, Meg teacher by day, Pollyanna also offers people opportunities to is an award-winning amateur change their lives by changing ballroom dancer and writer. She inspires you to dust off your dance shoes,their minds! and pursue your creative journey on the dance floor and beyond. Gina CITOLI Lissa COFFEY Gina Citoli is a songstress and Lissa Coffey is a celebrity life- visionary, a dynamic, creative style, relationship, and well- force who enlightens, empow- ness expert and the author of ers, elevates, entertains and seven books. Lissa’s “Ancient enriches her audiences. Her Wisdom, Modern Style” ap-music, performances and workshops support proach to spiritual living and personal growththe evolution of human consciousness and our has been featured in all forms of media world-unlimited possibilities. wide Elizabeth COSMOS Cyndi DALE Beth has a passion for sharing Cyndi Dale is an international- the Ama-Deus method of en- ly renowned author, speaker, ergy healing. By tapping into a healer, and business con- stream of consciousness that sultant. Her books to-date is LOVE. This ancient healing is includes the bestseller, Thedelivered from a soul perspective helping the Subtle Body: An Encyclopedia of Your Energet-participant see the world in a more spiritual/ ic Anatomy, the winner of four internationallyenergetic perspective. recognized Publisher’s Awards. Susan DAVIS Donna DeNOMME Susan is a visionary creator of Coming from a background of an innovation method. Her brutal sexual abuse, rebellious “KINS Innovation Networks” adolescent gang affiliation, have manifested exceptional single motherhood, and state results in social investing, so- welfare, Donna knows first-lar, micro-enterprise, the economic empower- hand how self-defeating life can be. Her sto-ment of women, and sustainability. ries are both powerful and inspirational.59 | NEW CONSCIOUSNESS REVIEW
LUMINARY VOICES SPEAKERS AND PERFORMERS CATALOGUE Phillip DEVITTE Holly DUCKWORTH When Philip Devitte was just Holly is the CEO of Leader- 27 with his whole life ahead ship Solutions International, of him, a car accident left a global leadership firm that him paralyzed from the waist believes in educating, connect- down—for life, according to ing and inspiring people andhis doctor’s prognosis. But Phillip refused to organizations. She is a high energy, dynamic,accept the news. and quality-focused speaker with more than 10 years of experience. Donna EDEN David FEINSTEIN Donna is among the world’s David is a clinical psychologist most sought, most joyous, and who has served on the fac- most authoritative spokesper- ulties of The Johns Hopkins sons for energy medicine. Her University School of Medicine abilities as a healer are legend- and Antioch College. He isary, and she has taught some eighty thousand author of eight books and has been a pioneerlaypeople and professionals world-wide. in the areas of energy psychology and energy medicine. Judah FREED Whitney FREYA Former journalist and educa- Whitney opened her first art tor Judah Freed has inspired center in Nashville in 1996 audiences throughout the without any formal art training world. A prolific writer, he and without ever having paint- won the 2007 Evvy Award for ed. She was divinely inspiredbest personal growth book, and two Nautilus to open a “right brain gym” so anyone couldAwards for best social change book. . use their right brain express their life as art. Sherry GABA Suzanne GIESEMANN Sherry Gaba is a licensed Suzanne Giesemann is the psychotherapist and life coach author of ten books, a spiri- who has helped hundreds of tual teacher, and an eviden- people cope with lifelong ad- tial medium. She captivates dictions. Sherry most recently audiences with hope, healing,appeared on CNN Headline News as a guest and comfort. Suzanne’s gift of communicationexpert, as well as Inside Edition, where she with those on the other side provides stunningspoke about Mackenzie Phillips. evidence of life after death.60 | NEW CONSCIOUSNESS REVIEW
LUMINARY VOICES SPEAKERS AND PERFORMERS CATALOGUE Johnathan GOLDMAN Sonja GRACE Jonathan Goldman is a writer, Since early childhood, Son- musician, teacher, an authority ja has found ways to bridge on sound healing and a pio- the gap between the arts and neer in the field of harmonics. metaphysics. Her workshops Jonathan is the author of four and retreats reach into thehighly-regarded books on sound healing and very foundation of love and take people on achakra frequencies. journey of self-healing. Christine GREEN Carl GREER, PhD, PsyD Christine has been teaching Carl Greer, Ph.D. left a suc- and counseling others for over cessful career in business to 20 years both nationally and become a clinical psychologist, abroad. With a background in Jungian analyst, shamanic business, education and spir- healer and philanthropist. Heitual studies, Christine is the author of several is the author of “Change Your Story, Changebooks on caregiving and women’s issues. Your Life.” Kara JOHNSTAD Katherine T. KELLY Author, voice specialist and Dr. Katherine T. Kelly is a owner of VOICE YOUR ES- licensed integrative health SENCE™, Kara empowers psychologist, consultant, and audiences around the world speaker in her own psycho- via concerts, lectures, work- therapy practice and offersshops and 1-on-1 coaching. Her music speaks classes, workshops, seminars, and retreats onvolumes and touches on universal themes that various health, wellness, and spiritual topics.affect us all. Cynthia LARSON Margaret Ann LEMBO Cynthia is a best-selling au- Margaret Ann has toured thor, life coach, and inspira- nationally bringing a-ha ex- tional speaker who optimizes periences and laughter to her life possibilities with quantum audiences through her years physics principles. Known as of experiences. Her mes-“The Quantum Optimist,” she helps people dis- sage is aligned with creating concrete pathscover their many possible selves. to transforming individual’s lives into ones of happiness, love and prosperity.61 | NEW CONSCIOUSNESS REVIEW
LUMINARY VOICES SPEAKERS AND PERFORMERS CATALOGUE Jami LULA Luminaries In 1987, Detroit native Jami Formed in the heart of Ven- Lula moved to Los Angeles and ice Beach California, and attended Musicians Institute immersed in one of the most (MI) in Southern California. By culturally diverse communities the spring of 1989, Jami joined in LA, arises the heart driven,the staff of MI where he continues teaching and service orientated Hip Hop emissaries ofvoice, songwriting, stage movement, creativity peace, the Luminaries.workshops and performance. Dave MARKOWITZ Jessica MAXWELL Dave has written two peer-ac- Jessica is a nationally ac- claimed books, shared the lec- claimed adventure-travel ture bill with Deepak Chopra, writer and the author of books and writes for major maga- on fly fishing, golf, travel and zines. And he has intuited a natural medicine. Her spiritu-5-step process that helps empaths see their al tune-up “Roll Around Heaven - RAH!” Work-gifts as a blessing and not a curse. shop was created to help restore faith, ignite hope and change lives. J.D. MESSINGER Cate MONTANA JD Messinger is a unique indi- Cate is an author and public vidual who weaves together speaker—a gripping storytell- experiences from over thirty er, eloquently and humanely years and diverse careers as a addressing the topics of fem- submarine officer, Exxon ex- inine power, gender balance,ecutive, Ernst & Young Partner, CEO, television and the global necessity of incorporating fem-and radio show host and best selling author. inine values into the traditionally masculinized environment. Rajiv PARTI Stewart PEARCE Dr. Parti is a world leading Legendary sound healer, mas- specialist in pain management ter of voice and angel medium, and applies an integrative Stewart Pearce has published approach for life balance and “Angels and the Keys to Para- well-being. He now shares his dise”, “The Angels of Atlantis”experience and insights through his writing, Book & Oracle, additional books on angels andcoaching and speaking engagements. many award-winning CDs.62 | NEW CONSCIOUSNESS REVIEW
LUMINARY VOICES SPEAKERS AND PERFORMERS CATALOGUE James PHILLIPS Ronna PRINCE Jim is the creator of the Ronna is a filmmaker, keynote best-selling “Imaginization” speaker, Radical Forgiveness series of pre-recorded creative Life Coach and a licensed visualizations as well as the HeartMath Instructor and Total Relax and Super Study Coach. Her film Sacred JourneyCD Albums which use his exclusive Total Mind of the Heart was awarded “Best Inspirationalmulti-layered audio guidance system to im- Documentary” at the 2013 Wild Rose Film festi-prove relaxation and concentration. val. Ken REED Kevin RENNER Ken Reed draws on a lifetime This author found himself at of rich experience not as a mid-life with more questions scholar but as an adventurer, than answers while parenting a man searching for mean- two pre-teen daughters. So ing and willing to taunt life by he spent a year interviewingliving on the edge to share his conclusions in 50 women from around the world to learn thehis second book, The Art of Falling Back Upon many ways in which their fathers had affectedOneself and The Yoga of Lies. their lives. Faith RIVERA John ROBINSON Faith is an Emmy-winning Are you frightened of aging? Positive Music artist, singer Do you worry over every new & songwriter specializing in physical symptom, memory groovy conscious music to lapse, or mistake? John C. Rob- support personal transforma- inson, Ph.D., D.Min. is a retiredtion & everyday enlightenment. She writes & clinical psychologist the author of seven booksperforms purpose-driven pop ditties to em- on the synthesis of psychology and spiritualitypower and enlighten. and an expert on aging. Ash RUIZ Candia SANDERS With an intensely vivid clarity Candia Sanders, Medical In- spiked by constant spasms of tuitive and Healer is a gifted, rolling laughter, Ash’s work- direct, practical, insightful, shops, talks and music have spiritual advisor. She offers been featured at The United workshops and classes rang-Nations, on ABC’s Good Morning America, and ing in topics from Soul Rays, relationships,in large performance venues throughout the intuitive expansion, health and vitality, natureWorld. spirits and earth chakras.63 | NEW CONSCIOUSNESS REVIEW
LUMINARY VOICES SPEAKERS AND PERFORMERS CATALOGUE Natalia M SCHOTTE Tammé SHINSHURI Dr. Natalia M Schotte has been Dr. Shinshuri is a Business an author, healer, intuitive, Philanthropist devoted to hu- speaker and teacher in the man evolution. Her vision and field of spiritual growth for mission is to ensure that more over 25 years. She is passion- people, through authenticate about awakening humanity to higher con- living and vocational and leadership develop-sciousness and utilizing the power of nature to ment, are able to live empowered lives.accelerate spiritual growth. Richard SHULMAN Sondra SNEED Richard Shulman has become Author Sondra Sneed is a re- one of the leading musicians covering atheist and a God- in music for healing and medi- scribe. She met God in the tation over the past few de- basement of a rental house in cades. He is especially known Secaucus, NJ. A voice from thefor creating music for healing, alignment and eons wrote a message in her journal, “Unem-meditation. ployed? It is my assertion you are employed by me.” Amy STEINBERG Devara THUNDERBEAT Uplifting, enlightening and Devara ThunderBeat is an hilarious with a voice that can International multi – award burn the house down, Amy winning musician / composer, Steinberg is singer, songwriter author, teacher, futuristic vi- and storyteller like none other. sionary speaker, and a pioneerShe marries the sacred and profane, fusing the in sound healing. Her healing activation musicdreamlike nature of spirit with the rooted real- and ancient healing knowledge come from herness of sexuality and humor. world travels. James WANLESS Robert David STEELE James Wanless IS the message Robert Steele, former soldier, by his creative, productive, spy and passionate advocate healthy, spirited, energetic for both governance reform and renewable lifestyle that he and the emergence of a citi- models for others. He is a rare zen’s intelligence network iscombination of talents as an academic and en- the leading proponent for Open Source Every-trepreneur, author and artist, keynote speaker thing and Democratic Collaborative Capitalism.and humorist.64 | NEW CONSCIOUSNESS REVIEW
LUMINARY VOICES SPEAKERS AND PERFORMERS CATALOGUE Lani NASH Global Concious Singer Song- writer & Motivational Speaker Lani Nash speaks from a trans- formational perspective on the subject of UNITY, weaving in emotive lyrics with a powerful vocal delivery. Taking On Others' Grief? Overly Empathic? Too Sensitive? This EBook Has Answers!65 | NEW CONSCIOUSNESS REVIEW