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Home Explore Shades of Magneta Workbook Template

Shades of Magneta Workbook Template

Published by kim, 2017-12-12 11:04:13

Description: Shades of Magneta Workbook Template


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COPYRIGHT PAGE | 1All contents Copyright © 2017 by YourNameHere, rights reserved. No part of this document or accompanying files may bereproduced or transmitted in any form, electronic or otherwise, by any meanswithout the prior written permission of the publisher.This product is presented to you for informational purposes only and is not asubstitution for any professional advice. The contents herein are based on theviews and opinions of the author and all associated contributors. While everyeffort has been made by the author and all associated contributors to presentaccurate and up to date information within this document, it is apparenttechnologies rapidly change.Therefore, the author and all associated contributors reserve the rightto update the contents and information provided herein as these changesprogress.Tohreomauistshioornasnidf/sourcahlldaissscorecpiaatnecdiecsoentxrisibtuwtoitrhsintatkheisndoorceusmpoennst.ibility for any errorsThe author and all other contributors accept no responsibility for anyconsequential actions taken, whether monetary, legal, or otherwise, by any and allreaders of the materials provided. It is the reader’s sole responsibility to seekprofessional advice before taking any action on their part.Readers results will vary based on their skill level and individual perception of thecontents herein, and thus no guarantees, monetarily or otherwise, can be madeaccurately. Therefore, no guarantees are made.

TABLE OF CONTENTS01 R E C A L L I N G T H E F A L L02 R E N T03 U N D E R T H E V E I L04 E N O U G H H A P P I N E S S05 T I G E R ’ S M O U T H06 C I T Y D R E A M S07 S P E C T A C L E08 W H I P L A S H09 S H E10 C O M P L E T E11 M A E S T R O12 T H E R E . T H E R E .

INTRODUCTION PAGE | 3Welcome to the [Name of Your Course, Class, Workbook]I'm Yourname, founder of [YourBusinessName].  WHO IS THIS COURSE FOR? I decided to create this course because (tell your students why you decided to create yourcourse) What to Expect from this CourseAdd an explanation here of what to expect from the course Utdoosyeitotauhnrisdsoswechicaotliymooneutddoiaowcirthitfaeonrsn. oeYmlsoeuttochacinnognanalsbeoocatudtwdyitoshuoyrcsoieaullrfma, uweddhiiaeatniccyoeonutshdeaorn,edw. hlinykysou

CREATING YOUR FIRST PAGE  | 4WORKBOOK CHECKLISTCOURSE CHECKLIST Plan out your content first Sketch out your workbook Design your workbook Add content to your workbook Print out your workbook in PDF formatWHAT WE WILL COVER Create a cover page Add a Disclaimer page Introduction Page or Table of Contents Add a checklist Add Content 

add an inspiringquote here  - Author

TITLE GOES HERE PAGE |  5QUESTION + ANSWERQuestion 1: Question 2: Question 3:

THANK YOU FOR YOURPURCHASE! Add a personalized thank you page here and ask your students to share your workbook and course with their peeps! Play around with font combinations, colors until you find somethingthat speaks to you! Have fun...get creative and design your workbook like a CHAMP! Also include links to your social media accounts and etc!

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