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Published by agrawaldeepa668, 2021-12-10 04:49:24

Description: DBMS_Project_Report


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Pune Institute of Computer Technology Department of Computer Engineering (2021- 2022) A MINI PROJECT REPORT ON “Social Media User Database Management System” Batch: - K2 Group members (Roll no and Name): - 31201 - Deepa Agrawal 31202 - Aishwarya Alamad 31206 - Ayush Razdan 31214 – Rushikesh Chavan Guided by: - Prof. Anupama Phakatkar 1

Table of Contents Title Page no. 1 Problem Statement 3 2 Objectives 3 3 Introduction 3 4 ER Diagram 4 5 Source code 5 6 Source code Description 28 7 Result 29 8 Conclusion 37 9 Applications 38 10 Future Scope 38 2

Social Media User Database Management System. 1. Problem Statement: Develop a Social media user database management system using python and MySql to add users, post content, follow users and comment to the posts. 2. Overall description: This software application stores all the users' information in a database. It is an application developed in Python and database used is MySql. It contains user information like user id, first name, last name, date of birth, mobile number, gender and e-mail. It is an easy-to-use application and has a user-friendly interface. It is totally built at the administrative end which means that only the admin has access rights to change or modify any records. So, this makes it safe and reliable application to use. The main aim of developing this application was to connect the people digitally. One can watch the posts of the user to whom they follow. All the details are stored in MYSQL database. It is easy to update any user details. All the user records are integrated and so this makes it user-friendly and easy to use application. 3. Introduction: The proposed project “Social Media Users Database Management System” has been developed to overcome the problem of geographical distance and get connected through digital medium. This software can also help creative people to create content and get appreciated by people on the platform. This application is reduced as much as possible to avoid errors while entering data. It also provides error message while entering invalid data. It is user-friendly as no formal knowledge is required to use the system. User can also have pages using their registrations. He / She can also post their content on the pages. Viewers can view the post they can also comment on the post to express their reactions. 3

3.1. Project details: Languages: - Python RDBMS: - MySql Software: - MySql server, Pycharm, Windows 10. Hardware: Processor: Intel core i5, Ram:8GB, Hard disk: 1TB 3.2 Purpose: The purpose of this document is to describe the functionality and specifications of the design of program for managing Social Media User Database. The expected audiences of this document are the users and the admin of the program. Now with the help of this system the users can post a content. Viewers can view the post they can also comment on the post to express their reactions. 4. ER Diagram 4

Relational Schema 5. Source code: from tkinter import * from PIL import ImageTk from tkinter import messagebox import pymysql from datetime import datetime class Login: def _init_(self, root): self.root = root self.root.title(\"Social Media user database\") self.root.geometry(\"1538x790+0+0\") self.root.resizable(False, False) self.loginform() self.user_id = \"\" 5 = 0 def loginform(self): Frame_login = Frame(self.root, bg=\"white\"), y=0, height=790, width=1538) self.img = ImageTk.PhotoImage(file=\"images.jfif\") img = Label(Frame_login, image=self.img).place(x=0, y=0, width=1538, height=790) frame_input = Frame(self.root, bg='white'), y=130, height=450, width=350) label1 = Label(frame_input, text=\"Login Here\", font=('impact', 32, 'bold'),fg=\"black\", bg='white'), y=20) label2 = Label(frame_input, text=\"Email\", font=(\"Goudy old style\", 20, \"bold\"), fg='orangered', bg='white'), y=95) self.email_txt = Entry(frame_input, font=(\"times new roman\", 15, \"bold\"), bg='lightgray'), y=145, width=270, height=35) label3 = Label(frame_input, text=\"Password\", font=(\"Goudy old style\", 20, \"bold\"), fg='orangered', bg='white'), y=195) self.password = Entry(frame_input, font=(\"times new roman\", 15, \"bold\"), bg='lightgray'), y=245, width=270, height=35) btn1 = Button(frame_input, command=self.forgetPasswordScreen, text=\"forgot password?\", cursor='hand2', font=('calibri', 10), bg='white', fg='black', bd=0), y=305) btn2 = Button(frame_input, text=\"Login\", command=self.login, cursor=\"hand2\", font=(\"times new roman\", 15), fg=\"white\", bg=\"orangered\", bd=0, width=15, height=1), y=340) btn3 = Button(frame_input, command=self.Register, text=\"Not Registered?register\", cursor=\"hand2\", 6

font=(\"calibri\", 10), bg='white', fg=\"black\", bd=0), y=390) def login(self): if self.email_txt.get() == \"\" or self.password.get() == \"\": messagebox.showerror(\"Error\", \"All fields are required\", parent=self.root) else: try: con = pymysql.connect(host='localhost', user='root', password='Deepa@93258', database='miniproject') cur = con.cursor() cur.execute('select * from users where email_id=%s and password=%s' , (self.email_txt.get(), self.password.get())) row = cur.fetchone() if row == None: messagebox.showerror('Error', 'Invalid Username And Password' , parent=self.root) self.loginclear() self.email_txt.focus() else: self.appscreen() con.close() except Exception as es: messagebox.showerror('Error', f'Error Due to : {str(es)}' , parent=self.root) def Register(self): Frame_login1 = Frame(self.root, bg=\"white\"), y=0, height=780, width=1586) self.img = ImageTk.PhotoImage(file=\"images.jfif\") img = Label(Frame_login1, image=self.img).place(x=0, y=0, width=1586, height=780) 7

frame_input2 = Frame(self.root, bg='white'), y=100, height=600, width=680) label1 = Label(frame_input2, text=\"Register Here\", font=('impact', 32, 'bold'), fg=\"black\", bg='white'), y=20) label2 = Label(frame_input2, text=\"Username\", font=(\"Goudy old style\", 20, \"bold\"), fg='orangered', bg='white'), y=95) self.entry = Entry(frame_input2, font=(\"times new roman\", 15, \"bold\"), bg='lightgray'), y=145, width=270, height=35) label3 = Label(frame_input2, text=\"Last Name\", font=(\"Goudy old style\", 20, \"bold\"), fg='orangered', bg='white'), y=95) self.entry2 = Entry(frame_input2, font=(\"times new roman\", 15, \"bold\"), bg='lightgray'), y=145, width=270, height=35) label4 = Label(frame_input2, text=\"Email Id\", font=(\"Goudy old style\", 20, \"bold\"), fg='orangered', bg='white'), y=195) self.entry3 = Entry(frame_input2, font=(\"times new roman\", 15, \"bold\"), bg='lightgray'), y=245, width=270, height=35) label5 = Label(frame_input2, text=\"Phone Number\", font=(\"Goudy old style\", 20, \"bold\"), fg='orangered', bg='white'), y=195) self.entry4 = Entry(frame_input2, font=(\"times new roman\", 15, \"bold\"), bg='lightgray'), y=245, width=270, height=35) label6 = Label(frame_input2, text=\"City\", font=(\"Goudy old style\", 20, \"bold\"), fg='orangered', bg='white'), y=295) 8

self.entry5 = Entry(frame_input2, font=(\"times new roman\", 15, \"bold\"), bg='lightgray'), y=345, width=270, height=35) label7 = Label(frame_input2, text=\"Date of birth (YYYY-MM-DD)\", font=(\"Goudy old style\", 20, \"bold\"), fg='orangered', bg='white'), y=295) self.entry6 = Entry(frame_input2, font=(\"times new roman\", 15, \"bold\"), bg='lightgray'), y=345, width=270, height=35) label8 = Label(frame_input2, text=\"Gender (M/F)\", font=(\"Goudy old style\", 20, \"bold\"), fg='orangered', bg='white'), y=395) self.entry7 = Entry(frame_input2, font=(\"times new roman\", 15, \"bold\"), bg='lightgray'), y=445, width=270, height=35) label9 = Label(frame_input2, text=\"Password\", font=(\"Goudy old style\", 20, \"bold\"), fg='orangered', bg='white'), y=395) self.entry8 = Entry(frame_input2, font=(\"times new roman\", 15, \"bold\"), bg='lightgray'), y=445, width=270, height=35) btn2 = Button(frame_input2, command=self.register, text=\"Register\", cursor=\"hand2\", font=(\"times new roman\", 15), fg=\"white\", bg=\"orangered\", bd=0, width=15, height=1), y=520) btn3 = Button(frame_input2, command=self.loginform, text=\"Already Registered?Login\", cursor=\"hand2\", font=(\"calibri\", 10), bg='white', fg=\"black\", bd=0), y=570) def register(self): 9

if self.entry.get() == \"\" or self.entry2.get() == \"\" or self.entry3.get() == \"\" or self.entry4.get() == \"\" \\ or self.entry6.get() == \"\" or self.entry8.get() == \"\": messagebox.showerror(\"Error\", \"All Fields Are Required\", parent=self.root) else: try: con = pymysql.connect(host=\"localhost\", user=\"root\", password=\"Deepa@93258\", database=\"miniproject\") cur = con.cursor() cur.execute(\"select * from users where email_id=%s\", self.entry3.get()) row = cur.fetchone() if row != None: messagebox.showerror(\"Error\", \"User already Exist,Please try with another Email\", parent=self.root) self.regclear() self.entry.focus() else: cur.execute(\"insert into users(email_id, phone_no, password, firstName, lastName, city, dob, gender)\" \" values(%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)\", (self.entry3.get(), self.entry4.get(), self.entry8.get(), self.entry.get(), self.entry2.get(), self.entry5.get(), self.entry6.get(), self.entry7.get())) con.commit() con.close() messagebox.showinfo(\"Success\", \"Register Succesfull\", parent=self.root) self.regclear() except Exception as es: messagebox.showerror(\"Error\", f\"Error due to:{str(es)}\", parent=self.root) 10

def forgetPasswordScreen(self): Frame_login2 = Frame(self.root, bg=\"white\"), y=0, height=780, width=1586) self.img = ImageTk.PhotoImage(file=\"images.jfif\") img = Label(Frame_login2, image=self.img).place(x=0, y=0, width=1586, height=780) frame_input3 = Frame(self.root, bg='white'), y=130, height=450, width=450) label1 = Label(frame_input3, text=\"Forgot Password\", font=('impact', 32, 'bold'), fg=\"black\", bg='white'), y=20) label2 = Label(frame_input3, text=\"Email\", font=(\"Goudy old style\", 20, \"bold\"), fg='orangered', bg='white'), y=95) self.email_txt1 = Entry(frame_input3, font=(\"times new roman\", 15, \"bold\"), bg='lightgray'), y=145, width=270, height=35) label3 = Label(frame_input3, text=\"Enter new Password\", font=(\"Goudy old style\", 20, \"bold\"), fg='orangered', bg='white'), y=195) self.password1 = Entry(frame_input3, font=(\"times new roman\", 15, \"bold\"), bg='lightgray'), y=245, width=270, height=35) btn2 = Button(frame_input3, text=\"Forgot Password\", command=self.forgotPassword, cursor=\"hand2\", font=(\"times new roman\", 15), fg=\"white\", bg=\"orangered\", bd=0, width=15, height=1), y=340) btn3 = Button(frame_input3, command=self.loginform, text=\"Remembered Password?Login\", cursor=\"hand2\", font=(\"calibri\", 10), bg='white', fg=\"black\", bd=0), y=390) def forgotPassword(self): 11

if self.email_txt1.get() == \"\" or self.password1.get() == \"\": messagebox.showerror(\"Error\", \"All fields are required\", parent=self.root) else: try: con = pymysql.connect(host='localhost', user='root', password='Deepa@93258', database='miniproject') cur = con.cursor() cur.execute('select * from users where email_id=%s' , (self.email_txt1.get())) row = cur.fetchone() if row == None: messagebox.showerror('Error', 'Invalid Email id' , parent=self.root) self.forgotclear() self.email_txt1.focus() else: cur.execute('update users set password = %s where email_id = %s', (self.password1.get(), self.email_txt1.get())) con.commit() con.close() messagebox.showinfo(\"Success\", \"Change of Password Succesfull\", parent=self.root) self.forgotclear() except Exception as es: messagebox.showerror('Error', f'Error Due to : {str(es)}' , parent=self.root) def appscreen(self): Frame_login3 = Frame(self.root, bg=\"white\"), y=0, height=780, width=1586) 12

try: con = pymysql.connect(host='localhost', user='root', password='Deepa@93258', database='miniproject') cur = con.cursor() cur.execute('select firstName from users where email_id=%s', (self.email_txt.get())) b = cur.fetchone() c = \"Hi! Welcome \" + b[0].title() + \" to Social Media User Database\" label1 = Label(Frame_login3, text=c, font=('times new roman', 32, 'bold'), fg=\"black\", bg='white'), y=100) label2 = Label(Frame_login3, text=\"Number of followings\", font=('times new roman', 14), fg=\"black\", bg='white'), y=160) cur.execute('select numberOfFollowing(%s)', (self.email_txt.get())) a = cur.fetchone() label3 = Label(Frame_login3, text=a, font=('times new roman', 14), fg=\"black\", bg='white'), y=160) label4 = Label(Frame_login3, text=\"Number of Posts\", font=('times new roman', 14), fg=\"black\", bg='white'), y=190) cur.execute('select numberOfPosts(%s)', (self.email_txt.get())) a = cur.fetchone() label5 = Label(Frame_login3, text=a, font=('times new roman', 14), fg=\"black\", bg='white'), y=190) 13

except Exception as es: messagebox.showerror('Error', f'Error Due to : {str(es)}' , parent=self.root) btn2 = Button(Frame_login3, text=\"Logout\", command=self.loginform, cursor=\"hand2\", font=(\"times new roman\", 15), fg=\"white\", bg=\"orangered\", bd=0, width=15, height=1), y=10) btn3 = Button(Frame_login3, text=\"My data\", command=self.mydataPage, cursor=\"hand2\", font=(\"times new roman\", 15), fg=\"white\", bg=\"orangered\", bd=0, width=15, height=1), y=290) btn4 = Button(Frame_login3, text=\"My Posts\", command=self.myPost,cursor=\"hand2\", font=(\"times new roman\", 15), fg=\"white\", bg=\"orangered\", bd=0, width=15, height=1), y=340) btn5 = Button(Frame_login3, text=\"Create Posts\", command=self.post_content ,cursor=\"hand2\", font=(\"times new roman\", 15), fg=\"white\", bg=\"orangered\", bd=0, width=15, height=1), y=390) btn5 = Button(Frame_login3, text=\"View Users\", command=self.followusers, cursor=\"hand2\", font=(\"times new roman\", 15), fg=\"white\", bg=\"orangered\", bd=0, width=15, height=1), y=440) 14

btn6 = Button(Frame_login3, text=\"View Following\", command=self.viewFollowing, cursor=\"hand2\", font=(\"times new roman\", 15), fg=\"white\", bg=\"orangered\", bd=0, width=15, height=1), y=490) btn7 = Button(Frame_login3, text=\"Post comments\", command=self.ViewPost, cursor=\"hand2\", font=(\"times new roman\", 15), fg=\"white\", bg=\"orangered\", bd=0, width=15, height=1), y=540) def mydataPage(self): Frame_login4 = Frame(self.root, bg=\"white\"), y=0, height=780, width=1586) self.img = ImageTk.PhotoImage(file=\"images.jfif\") img = Label(Frame_login4, image=self.img).place(x=0, y=0, width=1586, height=780) frame_input4 = Frame(self.root, bg='white'), y=30, height=700, width=1000) label1 = Label(frame_input4, text=\"My Data\", font=('impact', 32, 'bold'), fg=\"black\", bg='white'), y=20) label2 = Label(frame_input4, text=\"Name: -\", font=(25), fg=\"black\", bg='white'), y=100) label3 = Label(frame_input4, text=\"Email Id: -\", font=(25), fg=\"black\", bg='white'), y=140) label4 = Label(frame_input4, text=\"Phone number: -\", font=(25), fg=\"black\", bg='white'), y=180) label5 = Label(frame_input4, text=\"City: -\", font=(25), fg=\"black\", bg='white'), y=220) 15

label6 = Label(frame_input4, text=\"Date of birth: -\", font=(25), fg=\"black\", bg='white'), y=260) label7 = Label(frame_input4, text=\"Gender: -\", font=(25), fg=\"black\", bg='white'), y=300) label8 = Label(frame_input4, text=\"Age: -\", font=(25), fg=\"black\", bg='white'), y=340) try: con = pymysql.connect(host='localhost', user='root', password='Deepa@93258', database='miniproject') cur = con.cursor() cur.execute('select firstName from users where email_id=%s', (self.email_txt.get())) b = cur.fetchone() cur.execute('select lastName from users where email_id=%s', (self.email_txt.get())) c = cur.fetchone() = b[0].title() + \" \" + c[0].title() label21 = Label(frame_input4,, font=(25), fg=\"black\", bg='white'), y=100) label31 = Label(frame_input4, text=self.email_txt.get(), font=(25), fg=\"black\", bg='white'), y=140) cur.execute('select phone_no from users where email_id=%s', (self.email_txt.get())) b = cur.fetchone() self.phone_no = b[0] label41 = Label(frame_input4, text=self.phone_no, font=(25), fg=\"black\", bg='white'), y=180) btn3 = Button(frame_input4, command=lambda * args: self.editProfilePage('phone_no'), text=\"Edit Phone no.\", cursor=\"hand2\", 16

font=(\"calibri\", 14), bg='orangered', fg=\"black\", bd=0), y=180) cur.execute('select city from users where email_id=%s', (self.email_txt.get())) b = cur.fetchone() = b[0] label5 = Label(frame_input4,, font=(25), fg=\"black\", bg='white'), y=220) btn4 = Button(frame_input4, command=lambda * args: self.editProfilePage('city'), text=\"Edit City\", cursor=\"hand2\", font=(\"calibri\", 14), bg='orangered', fg=\"black\", bd=0), y=220) cur.execute('select dob from users where email_id=%s', (self.email_txt.get())) b = cur.fetchone() self.dob = b[0] label61 = Label(frame_input4, text=self.dob, font=(25), fg=\"black\", bg='white'), y=260) btn5 = Button(frame_input4, command=lambda * args: self.editProfilePage('dob'), text=\"Edit Date of birth\", cursor=\"hand2\", font=(\"calibri\", 14), bg='orangered', fg=\"black\", bd=0), y=260) cur.execute('select gender from users where email_id=%s', (self.email_txt.get())) b = cur.fetchone() self.gender = b[0] label71 = Label(frame_input4, text=self.gender, font=(25), fg=\"black\", bg='white'), y=300) cur.execute('select age from users where email_id=%s', (self.email_txt.get())) b = cur.fetchone() self.age = b[0] label81 = Label(frame_input4, text=self.age, font=(25), fg=\"black\", bg='white'), y=340) btn1 = Button(frame_input4, command=self.appscreen, text=\"Back\", cursor=\"hand2\", 17

font=(\"calibri\", 14), bg='white', fg=\"black\", bd=0), y=390) except Exception as es: messagebox.showerror('Error', f'Error Due to : {str(es)}' , parent=self.root) def myPost(self): Frame_login5 = Frame(self.root, bg=\"white\"), y=0, height=780, width=1586) frame_input5 = Frame(self.root, bg='white'), y=130, height=750, width=1000) try: con = pymysql.connect(host='localhost', user='root', password='Deepa@93258', database='miniproject') cur = con.cursor() cur.execute('select user_id from users where email_id = %s',self.email_txt.get()) self.user_id = cur.fetchone() cur.execute('select post_date, post_content from posts where posted_user_id = %s', (self.user_id)) b = cur.fetchall() label1 = Label(frame_input5, text=\"My Posts\", font=('impact', 32, 'bold'), fg=\"black\", bg='white'), y=20) i=0 for post in b: for j in range(len(post)): e = Label(frame_input5, font=15, text=post[j]) a = 80+j*150 b = 100+i*50 = a, y = b) 18

i=i+1 btn1 = Button(frame_input5, command=self.appscreen, text=\"Back\", cursor=\"hand2\", font=(\"calibri\", 14), bg='white', fg=\"black\", bd=0), y=390) except Exception as es: messagebox.showerror('Error', f'Error Due to : {str(es)}' , parent=self.root) def post_content(self): post_content = Frame(self.root, bg=\"white\"), y=0, height=780, width=1586) label3 = Label(post_content, text=\"Enter Content\", font=(\"Goudy old style\", 15, \"bold\"), fg='orangered', bg='white'), y=100) self.content = Entry(post_content, font=(\"times new roman\", 15, \"bold\"), bg='lightgray'), y=100, width=500) post1 = Button(post_content, command=self.succpost, text=\"Post\", cursor=\"hand2\", font=(\"times new roman\", 15), fg=\"Black\", bg=\"orangered\", bd=0, width=15, height=1), y=90) btn1 = Button(post_content, command=self.appscreen, text=\"Back\", cursor=\"hand2\", font=(\"calibri\", 14), bg='white', fg=\"black\", bd=0), y=390) def succpost(self): if self.content.get() == \"\": messagebox.showerror(\"Error\", \"Enter some content\", parent=self.root) else: try: 19

con = pymysql.connect(host='localhost', user='root', password='Deepa@93258', database='miniproject') cur = con.cursor() cur.execute('select user_id from users where email_id=%s',(self.email_txt.get())) b = cur.fetchone() self.user_id = b[0] a = str([0] cur.execute('insert into posts(posted_user_id, post_date, post_content) values(%s, %s, %s)', (self.user_id, a, self.content.get())) con.commit() con.close() messagebox.showinfo(\"Successful\", \"Content posted Successfully\", parent=self.root) except Exception as es: messagebox.showerror('Error', f'Error Due to : {str(es)}' , parent=self.root) self.content.delete(0, END) def followusers(self): Frame_login6 = Frame(self.root, bg=\"white\"), y=0, height=780, width=1586) frame_input6 = Frame(self.root, bg='white'), y=130, height=750, width=600) try: con = pymysql.connect(host='localhost', user='root', password='Deepa@93258', database='miniproject') cur = con.cursor() tt = 'select firstName, lastName, users.user_id from users where user_id not in (select friend_id from ' \\ 20

'follow, users where follow.user_id = users.user_id and email_id = \"%s\") and email_id != ' \\ '\"%s\"'%(self.email_txt.get(), self.email_txt.get()) cur.execute(tt) b = cur.fetchall() label1 = Label(frame_input6, text=\"Users\", font=('impact', 32, 'bold'), fg=\"black\", bg='white'), y=20) i=0 f=0 for post in b: e = Label(frame_input6, font=15, text=str(post[2]) + \" \" + post[0].title() + \" \" + post[1].title(), bg='white') f = 100 + i * 50, y=f) i=i+1 e1 = Label(frame_input6, font=15, text='Enter the user id of user you want to follow: -') = 0, y = f+60) self.ui = Entry(frame_input6, font=(\"times new roman\", 15, \"bold\"), bg='lightgray'), y=f+120, width=100) btn2 = Button(frame_input6, command=lambda *args: self.follow(self.ui.get()), text=\"Follow\", cursor=\"hand2\", font=(\"calibri\", 14), bg='orangered', fg=\"black\", bd=0), y=f+120) btn1 = Button(frame_input6, command=self.appscreen, text=\"Back\", cursor=\"hand2\", font=(\"calibri\", 14), bg='white', fg=\"black\", bd=0), y=550) except Exception as es: messagebox.showerror('Error', f'Error Due to : {str(es)}' , parent=self.root) 21

def follow(self, f): self.f = f try: con = pymysql.connect(host='localhost', user='root', password='Deepa@93258', database='miniproject') cur = con.cursor() cur.execute('select user_id from users where email_id=%s', (self.email_txt.get())) b = cur.fetchone() self.user_id = b[0] a = str([0] cur.execute('insert into follow(user_id,friend_id) values(%s, %s)', (self.user_id, self.f)) con.commit() con.close() messagebox.showinfo(\"Successful\", \"Followed Successfully\", parent=self.root) except Exception as es: messagebox.showerror('Error', f'Error Due to : {str(es)}', parent=self.root) self.ui.delete(0, END) def editProfilePage(self, value): post_content = Frame(self.root, bg=\"white\"), y=0, height=780, width=1586) label3 = Label(post_content, text=\"Enter New Value\", font=(\"Goudy old style\", 15, \"bold\"), fg='orangered', bg='white'), y=100) self.new_value = Entry(post_content, font=(\"times new roman\", 15, \"bold\"), bg='lightgray'), y=100, width=500) post1 = Button(post_content,command=lambda * args: self.editProfile(value), text=\"Submit\", cursor=\"hand2\", font=(\"times new roman\", 15), fg=\"Black\", bg=\"orangered\", bd=0, width=15, height=1) 22, y=90) text=\"Back\", btn1 = Button(post_content, command=self.mydataPage, cursor=\"hand2\", font=(\"calibri\", 14), bg='white', fg=\"black\", bd=0), y=390) def editProfile(self, value): try: con = pymysql.connect(host='localhost', user='root', password='Deepa@93258', database='miniproject') cur = con.cursor() txt = 'update users set %s = \"%s\" where users.email_id = \"%s\"'%(value, self.new_value.get(), self.email_txt.get()) cur.execute(txt) con.commit() con.close() messagebox.showinfo(\"Successful\", \"Edited Successfully\", parent=self.root) except Exception as es: messagebox.showerror('Error', f'Error Due to : {str(es)}' , parent=self.root) self.new_value.delete(0, END) def viewFollowing(self): user='root', Frame_login7 = Frame(self.root, bg=\"white\"), y=0, height=780, width=1586) frame_input7 = Frame(self.root, bg='white'), y=130, height=750, width=600) try: con = pymysql.connect(host='localhost', password='Deepa@93258', database='miniproject') cur = con.cursor() 23

tt = 'select firstName, lastName, users.user_id from users where user_id in (select friend_id from ' \\ 'follow, users where follow.user_id = users.user_id and email_id = \"%s\") and email_id != ' \\ '\"%s\"' % (self.email_txt.get(), self.email_txt.get()) cur.execute(tt) b = cur.fetchall() label1 = Label(frame_input7, text=\"You are following to \", font=('impact', 32, 'bold'), fg=\"black\", bg='white'), y=20) i=0 f=0 for post in b: e = Label(frame_input7, font=15, text=str(post[2]) + \" \" + post[0].title() + \" \" + post[1].title(), bg='white') f = 100 + i * 50, y=f) i=i+1 btn1 = Button(frame_input7, command=self.appscreen, text=\"Back\", cursor=\"hand2\", font=(\"calibri\", 14), bg='white', fg=\"black\", bd=0), y=550) except Exception as es: messagebox.showerror('Error', f'Error Due to : {str(es)}' , parent=self.root) def ViewPost(self): Frame_login8 = Frame(self.root, bg=\"white\"), y=0, height=780, width=1586) frame_input8 = Frame(self.root, bg='white'), y=10, height=750, width=1000) try: 24

con = pymysql.connect(host='localhost', user='root', password='Deepa@93258', database='miniproject') cur = con.cursor() cur.execute('select user_id from users where email_id = %s', self.email_txt.get()) userId = cur.fetchone() cur.execute('select post_id, post_date, post_content from posts, follow where posts.posted_user_id = follow.friend_id and follow.user_id = %s',userId) b = cur.fetchall() label1 = Label(frame_input8, text=\"Posts\", font=('impact', 32, 'bold'), fg=\"black\", bg='white'), y=20) i=0 l=0 for post in b: a = 80 for j in range(len(post)): e = Label(frame_input8, font=15, text=post[j]) if j == 1: a += j*100 else: a += j * 100 l = 100 + i * 50, y=l) i=i+1 btn1 = Button(frame_input8, command=self.appscreen, text=\"Back\", cursor=\"hand2\", font=(\"calibri\", 14), bg='orangered', fg=\"black\", bd=0), y=l+180) label2 = Label(frame_input8, text=\"Enter Post id: -\", font=(14), fg=\"black\", bg='white') 25, y=l+120) self.id1 = Entry(frame_input8, font=(\"times new roman\", 15, \"bold\"), bg='lightgray'), y=l+120, width=300) btn2 = Button(frame_input8, command=self.post_comment, text=\"Post Comment\", cursor=\"hand2\", font=(\"calibri\", 14), bg='orangered', fg=\"black\", bd=0), y=l+120) except Exception as es: messagebox.showerror('Error', f'Error Due to : {str(es)}' , parent=self.root) def post_comment(self): if self.id1.get() == \"\": messagebox.showerror(\"Error\", \"Enter some content\", parent=self.root) else: pi = self.id1.get() post_com = Frame(self.root, bg=\"white\"), y=0, height=780, width=1586) label3 = Label(post_com, text=\"Enter Comment\", font=(\"Goudy old style\", 15, \"bold\"), fg='orangered', bg='white'), y=100) self.comment = Entry(post_com, font=(\"times new roman\", 15, \"bold\"), bg='lightgray'), y=100, width=500) post1 = Button(post_com, command=lambda * args: self.succcom(pi), text=\"Post\", cursor=\"hand2\", font=(\"times new roman\", 15), fg=\"Black\", bg=\"orangered\", bd=0, width=15, height=1), y=90) btn1 = Button(post_com, command=self.ViewPost, text=\"Back\", cursor=\"hand2\", font=(\"calibri\", 14), bg='white', fg=\"black\", bd=0), y=390) 26

self.id1.delete(0, END) def succcom(self, pi): if self.comment.get() == \"\": messagebox.showerror(\"Error\", \"Enter some comment\", parent=self.root) else: try: con = pymysql.connect(host='localhost', user='root', password='Deepa@93258', database='miniproject') cur = con.cursor() cur.execute('select user_id from users where email_id=%s', (self.email_txt.get())) b = cur.fetchone() self.user_id = b[0] print(pi) pid = int(pi) print(pid) a = str([0] t1 = 'insert into post_comments(post_id, commented_user_id, commented_date, coment_content) values('+str(pid)+','+str(self.user_id)+\\ ',\"'+a+'\", '+'\"'+self.comment.get()+'\")' cur.execute(t1) con.commit() con.close() messagebox.showinfo(\"Successful\", \"Comment posted Successfully\", parent=self.root) except Exception as es: messagebox.showerror('Error', f'Error Due to : {str(es)}' , parent=self.root) self.comment.delete(0, END) def regclear(self): 27

self.entry.delete(0, END) self.entry2.delete(0, END) self.entry3.delete(0, END) self.entry4.delete(0, END) self.entry5.delete(0, END) self.entry6.delete(0, END) self.entry7.delete(0, END) self.entry8.delete(0, END) def loginclear(self): self.email_txt.delete(0, END) self.password.delete(0, END) def forgotclear(self): self.email_txt1.delete(0, END) self.password1.delete(0, END) root = Tk() ob = Login(root) root.mainloop() 6. Source code description: • login for login code using select statement in mysql • loginform for creating a login page • register for register code using select statement in mysql • Register for creating a register page • forgotPasswordScreen to create a display for forgot password • forgotPassword is to create a code for forgot password using select statement and update • appscreen is the main page • mydataPage displays users details • myPost for displaying user’s own post 28

• post_content is used to post a content • succpost is used for adding the post in the database using insert • followusers displays other users that we follow • follow(f) used to follow the user • editProfile (value) used to edit profile • viewFollowing displays user we follows • ViewPost to view the post of the user we follow • post_comment is used to post a comment • succcom is used for adding the comment in the database using insert • regclear is used to clear the registration form • loginclear is used to clear the login form • forgotclear is used to clear the forgot password form 7. Result: Login Page: - 29

Registration Page: - Forgot Password Page: - 30

Error Checking in Login Page: - Error Checking in Registration: - 31

Successful Registration: - Main Screen: - 32

My Data Page: - Edit: - 33

Successful Edit: - Post Successful: - 34

My Posts: - Users to follow: - 35

Successful following: - Users you follow: - 36

Users posts: - Successful posting of comment: - 8. Conclusion: This project is built for the users to connect digitally and post their views. In this system the user can register and then login. The user can also view other post and give their opinion. This system is helpful foe many peoples to share an idea and to bring their talents in front of the world. 37

9. Application: 1. Can be used by anyone who is willing to connect with people. 2. In schools, colleges where different departments work on different levels. 3. For the people who like to write blogs and willing to get some feedback through number of likes and comments. 10. Future Scope: 1. One can use sentimental analysis of text to recognize the feedback intensity and type through comments 2. We can add share function in order to make user able to share post to their followers. 3. We would like to implement chat functionality. 4. The system can be developed in such a way that its existing features can be modified to better versions. 38

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