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Home Explore DWR_2021 Approved Logo_V_03

DWR_2021 Approved Logo_V_03

Published by AURA, 2021-09-14 08:01:27

Description: DWR_2021 Approved Logo_V_03


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DEBS W RERMMAN Corporate Guidelines

1.0 VISUAL IDENTITY Logo The logo is the core of a brand’s identity. Find out about the logo’s elements, variations and how to apply it in a consistent way

English Logo elements The logo must only appear on a white background. The secondary logo is white and must only appear on a dark background. The black logo should only be used when no other colours are allowed, for example in a newspaper ad.

Exclusion Zone & Minimum Size The exclusion zone around the brandmark at whatever size it appears, is size of the letter This margin should be maintained; all type or any other visual elements should not break this clear space, as indicated on the figure. This is to ensure the clarity of the brandmark wherever it is used. Beyond this, you should aim to maximise the space around the brandmark wherever possible. The minimum brandmark sizes are there to protect the legibility of the brand wherever it appears. Minimum Size Warning! In any case use less than 30 mm width. 30 mm

Brandmark on backgrounds Authentic Lebanese Breakfast The brandmark can only be used on professional designed communication items when the full logo already features on. It is not allowed to use the brandmark without the full logo. Note: these examples aren’t artworks, they serve just as an example how to apply.

How not to use logotypes Use the correct logo for each Do not contain the brandmark Do not contain the brandmark background. Do not alter, compress in any borders in any Off Background or recreate the logo. Do not rotate the brandmark in any way Do not stretch the Do not use any drop shadow Do not use outline the brandmark in any way on the brandmark brandmark

2.0 VISUAL ELEMENTSVisual elements Elements such as the colour palette, typography and iconography help to build a consistent brand environment. These elements help the customers to recognise our brand even if the logo is not present.

Pantone Hexachrome Blalck C Colour palette 50% Opacity Golden Bay brandmark is printed in Pantone 728 C a 4-colour process or Pantone colour Pantone 7621 C Pantone Hexachrome Blalck C

Typography Helvetica - Bold GE SS Two - Medium ABCDEFGHIJKLMN ‫أبتثجحخدذرز‬ The Arabic and Latin DEBS W REMMAN typefaces OPQRSTUVWXYZ have been chosen because of their similar 123456789 ‫سشصضطظعغ‬ clean, contemporary feel and the way they ‫فقكلمنهيى‬ complement the intense and energetic 1234567890 Golden Bay visual language. Helvetica - Regular GE SS Two - Light Used correctly they will aid brand ABCDEFGHIJKLMN ‫أبتثجحخدذرز‬ communications and strengthen OPQRSTUVWXYZ DEBS W REMMAN message. 123456789 ‫سشصضطظعغ‬ Only the Three weights shown here for each ‫فقكلمنهيى‬ typeface should be used. Other weights exist but should not be used. This is to ensure the 1234567890 typography remains consistent, clean and simple at all times. Helvetica - Light GE SS Two - Bold ABCDEFGHIJKLMN ‫أبتثجحخدذرز‬ Don’t do this: OPQRSTUVWXYZ Only use the weights listed here for each 123456789 ‫سشصضطظعغ‬ typeface. Do not substitute alternative typefaces for ‫فقكلمنهيى‬ the ones shown here. 1234567890 Header Fonts BEBAS - NEUE GE Dinar One - Medium ABCDEFGHIJKLMN ‫أبتثجحخدذرز‬ ‫سشصضطظعغ‬ OPQRSTUVWXYZ ‫فقكلمنهيى‬ 123456789 ١٢٣٤٥٦٧٨٩٠

Elements Black Or White Authentic Lebanese Breakfast SaMple

Belts & Stickers Debs_W_Remman DebsWRemman Debs_W_Remman DebsWRemman

Papaer Bag

placemat Plaza Andalucia, Medina Centrale, The Pearl - Qatar DebsWRemman Oasis, Ground Floor, Mall of Qatar, Al Rayyan, Qatar Debs_W_Remman

Delivery Box


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